In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

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  • Come say hi to everyone on my discord server: Planet Earth!
  • Omakes over 750 words will net you bonuses.
  • The better written it is, the better bonus you get.
  • Bonuses will usually be applied to a category that the omake deals with.
    • NOTE: The bonus lasts 1 turn unless otherwise stated.
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[] Plan What We Usually Do Anyways
[] Direct Democracy
[] Curious
[] Weird (1)
[] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
[ ] Write In (?)
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[] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
-[ ] Stratified Democracy
-[ ] Curious
-[ ] Cultured
-[ ] Xenophilic
-[ ] Vindictive
-[ ] Psionically Fertile
Psionically Fertile costs 3 points and Vindictive has not been approved of yet.
[] Plan: Peace through Power
-[] Military Republic
-[] Curious
-[] Paranoid
-[] Traders
-[] Slippery
-[] Manifest Destiny
-[] Psionically Barren
-[] Logical

we will be supported by the military, our goal is dominion be it economic or through the military, we will try to discover all secrets of the universe and use all our discoveries both in war and in peace, we will trade but for our benefit, we will be slippery and use stealth and misinformation both in war and trade to crush our enemies. we will remain paranoid and Logical, we will never rest on our laurels. Psionically Barren allow us to remain outside Asari mind meld which is a great thing.
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[] Plan Democratic
[] Stratified Democracy
[] Manifest Destiny (1)
[] Cultured (1) Mutually exclusive with Blunt
[] Psionically Fertile
(3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren

Seems people are just voting, so yea
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Is the following a valid trait?

Vindictive (-1)
Humans, whether organic or synth, just cannot let go. When they feel slighted, they would pursue whoever they deem guilty to the literal edge of the universe if they could so they can deliver their righteous punishment.
Approved. I'll add it to the update.

[] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
- [] Military Republic
- [] Curious (1)
- [] Paranoid (1)
- [] Cultured (1)
- [] Militant (1)
- [] Spiritual (1)

I'll have you know that some of the single greatest civilizations humanity has ever had were militaristic at the base of it all.
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Whelp, I'm down for voting for a weird, theocratic-republic humanity. I have some plans in mind.

However it is looking like most of us want to vote for full democracy or republic, so at this point I'll take anything that has maybe weird and psionic fertility attached to it.
You'll need to give me some flavor text for logical. Manifest Destiny already exists.

Yes it has!
It meant that they often studied situations from many different viewpoints. As such, they considered all alternatives to a situation and even considered scenarios of what would have happened if they had made different decisions. In combat situations, humans acted both calmly and intelligently as well as formed well-planned strategies. Humans did not give themselves over to passion and instead viewed problems as curiosities that needed to be solved through rigorous application of brainpower. As such, they did not allow hot emotions to interfere with their methodical analysis of a problem through logic. More commonly it can be called deductive reasoning syndrome.
Citizen Republic
Do you wanna vote? Do you want to be a citizen? Then enlist today! We need doctors, miners, scientists and soldiers. Come forth and risk your life alongside your brothers and sisters for citizenship is only for those of bold spirit and a selfless body. Serve the star, serve your people and win your citizenship today. For if you don't decide our future who will then?

And remember, service guarantees citizenship

Similar to Military republic but instead of focusing on Military service and martial might they focus on service to the state and upholding the law. Think something like the Turian Hierarchy.
[] Plan Psionic Avenging Explorers
-[] Stratified Democracy
-[] Militant (1)
-[] Psionically Fertile (3)
-[] Vindictive (-1)
-[] Attractive (1)
-[] Curious (1)

Led experts lead when it comes to their specialties.

Have the strength to hold your ground.

Have available a resource in the pops that otherwise would be very rare to see, that helps in all paths of life.

Being Vindictive just means that we retaliate if slighted - as far as I see, it doesn't mean that we will do something stupid like "break the arm of the kid that dropped ice cream onto your boots".

Attractive for the diplomacy-buff without causing cultural issues like xenophilic (alien cultures likely influencing us easier). Should also counterbalance Vindictive a bit.

Curious should help us in reaching to find things others wouldn't. Maybe would help with exploration as well, helping our border-growth?
I personally, am 50/50 on Military Republic... That's 50% for Military Republic, 50% all other options...

But only provided we can increase who actually gets the vote like happened in the ME Quest that inspired this quests system.

I will also only be a plan that includes Curious and Paranoid. With Vindictive as a possibility.

After all, this humanity had to literally throw enough things at the wall for something to finally stick sufficiently for them to break through the walls between realities so they could enter a new one. And they've got a grudge with the fundamental aspects of reality that says the universe has to end. They'll be changing that thank you very much, because there is no way they're going to let that thing stick around long enough to force them into yet another reality/universe...

The other major government options I'm feeling are Direct Democracy or Stratified Democracy, though that has to be carefully adjusted so it's not too stratified.

Last Minute Entry: The Citizen Republic's a good idea, though I'm pretty sure that if it gives a 'free' Aspect like Military Republic does, it'll have to be a new one because none of the current fit.

Maybe something like the following:
Duty's Burden: Humanity does not believe duty, whether it's public or military service, or casting their vote, is trivial. Indeed, before anyone takes on the burden that is a duty, they will ensure that the burden they are willingly choosing is something that they can carry, though this does slow down the process some. On the other hand, those who treat duties trivially will find that they are shunned, and their actions viewed with a negative bias. Whether it's a trade partner or ally not holding up the terms of the treaty, a person going for election without ensuring that they will be an effective leader or the people who 'waste' the votes. Humanity shall not fail to meet the burdens their duties create.

It's too long, but it get's the idea across.

The culture's slower to take action, but once a course is chosen, it's kept until a new course is plotted. Just... be careful plotting the course, and don't try plot a course that it's been agreed is against the chosen path... Those who are knowledgeable also have a 'louder' voice when setting a course... for better or ill.
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I don't like how you guys are gravitating towards right-wing, unegalitarian forms of government. Let me remedy that by providing my own plan:

[ ] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [ ] Direct Democracy
- [ ] Xenophilic (1)
- [ ] Curious (1)
- [ ] Cultured (1)
- [ ] Adaptive (1)
- [ ] Problem-Solvers (1)
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It meant that they often studied situations from many different viewpoints. As such, they considered all alternatives to a situation and even considered scenarios of what would have happened if they had made different decisions. In combat situations, humans acted both calmly and intelligently as well as formed well-planned strategies. Humans did not give themselves over to passion and instead viewed problems as curiosities that needed to be solved through rigorous application of brainpower. As such, they did not allow hot emotions to interfere with their methodical analysis of a problem through logic. More commonly it can be called deductive reasoning syndrome.
Needs more flavor flavor text rather than explanation, but the idea is alright. If you can distill it down to something that's similar to what's in the update, I'll approve and add.

Citizen Republic
Do you wanna vote? Do you want to be a citizen? Then enlist today! We need doctors, miners, scientists and soldiers. Come forth and risk your life alongside your brothers and sisters for citizenship is only for those of bold spirit and a selfless body. Serve the star, serve your people and win your citizenship today. For if you don't decide our future who will then?

And remember, service guarantees citizenship
Denied. Too close to Military Republic. Instead, if you want something like this, pick Duty's Burden with Military Republic.

Duty's Burden: Humanity does not believe duty, whether it's public or military service, or casting their vote, is trivial. Indeed, before anyone takes on the burden that is a duty, they will ensure that the burden they are willingly choosing is something that they can carry, though this does slow down the process some. On the other hand, those who treat duties trivially will find that they are shunned, and their actions viewed with a negative bias. Whether it's a trade partner or ally not holding up the terms of the treaty, a person going for election without ensuring that they will be an effective leader or the people who 'waste' the votes. Humanity shall not fail to meet the burdens their duties create.
Approved, but I'm going to edit it before adding.
Needs more flavor flavor text rather than explanation, but the idea is alright. If you can distill it down to something that's similar to what's in the update, I'll approve and add.

Denied. Too close to Military Republic. Instead, if you want something like this, pick Duty's Burden with Military Republic.

Approved, but I'm going to edit it before adding.
can you write kindly more flavor flavor text? i already gave you the explanation, i mean you are a far better writer than
can you write kindly more flavor flavor text? i already gave you the explanation, i mean you are a far better writer than
I can, but at least give me something to start with, like what Pyro Hawk gave me for Duty's Burden. Speaking of which:

Duty's Burden (1)
Humanity does not believe that an individual's duty, be it public work, military service, or casting their vote, is trivial. Mankind always ensures that the duty they take on is debated, vetted, and reasoned through, because once you take on duty, it defines you, and thus, those who treat duties trivially will find that themselves shunned, their every action scrutinized, and their words discarded.

I can, but at least give me something to start with, like what Pyro Hawk gave me for Duty's Burden. Speaking of which:

Duty's Burden (1)
Humanity does not believe that an individual's duty, be it public work, military service, or casting their vote, is trivial. Mankind always ensures that the duty they take on is debated, vetted, and reasoned through, because once you take on duty, it defines you, and thus, those who treat duties trivially will find that themselves shunned, their every action scrutinized, and their words discarded.

Logical Thinking?
I don't like how you guys are gravitating towards right-wing, unegalitarian forms of government. Let me remedy that by providing my own plan:

[X] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [X] Direct Democracy
- [X] Xenophilic (1)
- [X] Curious (1)
- [X] Cultured (1)
- [X] Attractive (1)
- [X] Spiritual (1)

Thank you Cultured friend. Last thing I want is anything close to the other quest.