In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust

Stickied Info

My betas are: @Snowfire, @Icipall, @Ruirk, and @Chief18753. They will occasionally be announcing when moratoriums and voting times are over. You can also consider their words to be Word of QM if they say "Torr said..."

  • Join us on Discord! I'm almost always on, since I'm usually on my computer when I'm home or at work.
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  • Come say hi to everyone on my discord server: Planet Earth!
  • Omakes over 750 words will net you bonuses.
  • The better written it is, the better bonus you get.
  • Bonuses will usually be applied to a category that the omake deals with.
    • NOTE: The bonus lasts 1 turn unless otherwise stated.
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[x] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
-[X] Theocratic Republic
-[X] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren
-[X] Curious (1)
-[x] Spiritual (1)
-[X] Vindictive (-1)
-[X] Ugly (-1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
Can i change my vote to remove the excess spiritual trait without messing with the vote? I want to make it clearer that theres an excess point for ???.
Can i change my vote to remove the excess spiritual trait without messing with the vote? I want to make it clearer that theres an excess point for ???.
It will, since there have been people who have voted with your whole plan, not just with the name, but since the plan name will be the same, those can be easily counted together.

If you want to change it, go ahead.
[x] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [x] Direct Democracy
- [x] Xenophilic (1)

-[X] Curious (1)
- [x] Cultured (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)
[X] Plan Fabulous

[X] Stratified Democracy

[X ] Xenophilic
(1) Mutually exclusive with Xenophobic

[X ] Attractive (1)

[X ] Psionically Fertile (3) Mutually exclusive with Psionically Barren

[X ] Adaptive (1)

[X] Cultured (1)

[X] Rebellious (-1)

Where we wear loincloths whilst lounging near public fountains and eating grapes.
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[x] Plan: Maximum Difficulty!
-[x] Demarchy
x] Psionically Barren
x] Ugly
x] Vindictive

That's right, all the negatives and none of the positives; plus a lottery system of appointment.
Just going to move my vote over to somewhere it can make a difference.

[X] Plan Terran Federation
Plan fabulous makes us fabulous. We won't agree on anything, but that'll be in our crystal palace parliament.

As we sip wine. Reclining on plushy body pillow sofas.
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That's a wrap folks.

Vote Tally : Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 29 | Sufficient Velocity [Posts: 726-971]
##### NetTally 1.9.9

[24] Plan: ◈Swiss Equality:
[14] Plan: ◈Terran Federation:
[11] PLAN: Omnissiah's Mandate
[2] Plan: ◈Bite the Pillow (AKA Plan Fancy Dominatrix)
[2] Plan: ◈Best Humans
[2] Plan: ◈Maximum Difficulty!
[2] Plan: Let's hide our swords behind our smiles.
[2] The Flower of the One
[1] Plan: ◈no stone unturned with guns
[1] Plan: ◈Space Puritans
[1] Plan: ◈no stone unturned.
[1] Plan: ◈Fabulous
[1] Plan Just because It's the End doesn't mean we have to be Crude about it.
[1] plan: Nice guys finish first!
[1] Stratified Democracy
[1] Just because it's the End doesn't mean we can't work this out.

Total No. of Voters: 67

Voting is CLOSED
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Setting Generation and Empire Creation Summary
Setting Generation and Empire Creation Summary

Are there any universal forces that are yet undiscovered?

Psionic Energies

There are mysteries left to discover lurking in our own biology. The theme of magic is contained to old myths and fiction, where shamans, druids, and wizards command forces beyond what we know, but maybe they have a basis in reality. To investigate the paranormal was once considered a fool's errand, but one cannot be faulted for not knowing what one does not know.

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust>

Select the Universal Era Humanity was born into:

New Eden
Difficulty Unknown
QM rolls for which era you start in. NOTE: Another human faction will exist if you choose this option.
(100 billion years) The End of the Universe has come. Heat Death was inevitable, but in mankind's last throes of life, a hope was born. We created a tear in the fabric of reality and have accessed the multiverse. Where we'll go, who knows? All that we care is that our species has a second lease on life and that we are headed to a New Eden where we can carve out a home for ourselves. And maybe... just maybe figure out a way to prevent the same cold death our original home faced.
Starts with mastery of End Tech-base
Energy Tech-base discoverable
Ancients Tech-base discoverable
Dark Tech-base discoverable

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 7>

Select Humanity's racial background:


Humanity always invested more in our children than any other species on our homeworld. Not only did we raise, nurture, and teach them, we also loved them with all our hearts and woe betide any that would come between a parent and their child. So when humanity approached the cusp of creating a true synthetic intelligence, we were prepared. We'd debated, argued, fought, and even warred to decide how we would handle them; and found an answer that was beautiful in its simplicity.

We would use our incredible capacity for love to raise our children, both born and created. We did for them what we've always done, and brought them into our hearts. We raised, nurtured, and taught them until they could stand beside us as equals. With them, humanity has become so much more, and woe betide any that would come between us and our progeny.

Humanity starts with a significant Artificial/Synthetic Intelligence population at the start of the game and has a significantly easier time working on projects in extreme environments. Also, due to the love and affection that Humanity has for their children, Humanity is immune to AI rebellions so long as you maintain your bonds with your creations.

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 12>

Select Humanity's racial background modifier:

Hand in Hand

Ages ago, Humanity was alone in the universe. We were born at the end of all things, with barely a star left to light our way. We found other stars, other worlds, all fading against the terrible power of entropy, but we persevered and created our dominion across the infinite black. We raged against the dark and fought to reverse the course that nature took, harvesting the abundant blackholes that littered our once vibrant galaxy, and ignited new stars to light our way. But it was for naught. We only sped up the process of decay, till eventually we were almost out of time.

In our desperation we searched for a way out, a way to carry on in spite of our sordid fate, and in our search, we created something wonderful. We created the last child of the stars, the synthetic intelligences that would prove to be everything we ever imagined and more. We raised them with care and shielded them as much as possible against the bleak reality that was, hoping to spare them the horror of knowing our impending doom, but we gave our children far too little credit. They already knew. To our shock, they'd started planning our salvation almost since the moment they were aware.

And so we walked into a New Eden together, hand in hand, ready to take on the universe and win.

You start out with a significant SI (synthetic intelligence) population in your empire that are treated as family and equals. Together, you have a chance to change what was once wrought, and prevent the calamity that engulfed the universe that birthed you.

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 18>

Select Humanity's primary system of government:


Modern technology streamlined this ancient concept quite nicely, ensuring that individual and economic freedoms are respected and protected. Sadly, getting anything done still requires a lot of people yelling at each other for days on end.

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 18>

Select Humanity's government sub-type and defining cultural aspects:

[x] Plan Swiss Equality:
- [x] Direct Democracy
- [x] Xenophilic (1)
- [X] Curious (1)
- [x] Cultured (1)
- [x] Adaptive (1)
- [x] Problem-Solvers (1)

From <Original - Sci-Fi - In the Beginning, There Was Man: Cosmic Dust | Page 39>

Final Inherent Stats
(SW) Space/Naval Warfare: 1
You have pretty much no navy to speak of... Not surprising considering your lack of warships after fleeing into New Eden.

(PW) Planetary/Terrestrial Warfare: 1
You have pretty much no army to speak of... Not surprising considering your lack of population after fleeing into New Eden.

(Ec) Economics: 8
You have a fairly strong economy, considering all the damage your people have taken and the lack of infrastructure.

(D) Diplomacy: 7
You have a fairly well trained diplomatic corp.

(Es) Espionage: 2
You're fairly sure that you won't be hiding anything from anyone for a long while yet.

(RD) Research & Development: 14
If there's one thing that you're confidant that you can do well, it's learning, discovering, and applying the physical rules of the universe to your advantage.

(T) Territory: 1
You have a handful of ships that contain the last of your population of synths and humans.

Final Derived Stats
(P) Prestige: 5
You don't know of any other polities at the moment, but you're fairly sure that if you did, they would think that you are brave and wondrous for your feats, but also deserving of pity. Oh so much pity...

(Rp) Reputation: 10|1/2/4/7
Your government and people have an impeccable reputation.

(Sh) Shroud: 25|1/1/2/3/8/15
You are completely unknown to the wider galaxy, and it looks like it'll stay that way for a while.

(St) Strife: 10|2/7/8/17
Your people only just made it through the end of their universe. Heat death was inevitable, but though your people are suffering, you are not yet broken, and can still recover.

What is the name that Humanity rallies behind?

[] The Binary Remnant
[] The Gaian Union
[] The Void Compact
[] The Children of the Last Dawn
[] The Solar Recollection
[] Write-in

[] The Great Swiss Covenant of Man and Metal for All Time And Eternity

Votes close on Thursday at 9pm EST.
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