Actually, maybe we should pick up Astral Body Forging Method. That one looks like it gives us resurrection immortality, as well as clones.
How much farther can we take this One [Body Part], A Thousand [Actions] trope?
One Mouth, A Thousand Cries?
One Heart, A Thousand Beats?
One Eye, A Thousand Glances? (requires that you be blind in one eye, ofc)
One Lung, A Thousand Breaths? (as w/ Eye)
One Stomach, A Thousand Swallows? (alcoholism ftw)
[X][method] Training: martial arts gain 1% of the XP gained by cultivation arts.

Take this! Action economy. Never have to devote an action to training martial arts again.

[X][activity 1] Hunting spirit beasts. Get whatever help you feel necessary but go after challenging prey.
[X][activity 2] Try to learn how to create formations.

Hunting spirit beasts may pay off if we luck into some good spirit cores, but more importantly it's a good way to get used to actually fighting. Combat apparently offers some xp, but it will probably be subpar in comparison to training.

The trait which works with higher levels of Immortal Sage Awakening (Immortal Sage Wisdom) suggests it lets you do all kinds of stuff with formations.

'Grants access to the energy of formations, allowing the cultivator to meditate inside a formation to gather it. This form energy can be expended to render illusions increasingly real. (see Reality Illusion Techniques)'

Sadly, the trait costs 15,000 points so it will have to wait for now.

[X][shop] XP Explosion Extravaganza Plan
-[X] Immortal Sage Awakening Cultivation Art (800)
-[X] +3d20 training dice (4000)
-[X] +1d100 training die (5000)
-[X] Fool's Clasp (5)
-[X] Beast Lure (20)
-[X] Get cultivation pills with whatever is left.

Keep in mind, training dice sound boring but they are the base of most of our non-pill Xp affected by Prodigy and other modifiers and this would therefore send said xp into overdrive easily letting us break through to the next stage, progress through ISA, and generally be bullshit. Will probably help with just about everything from cultivation to training martial arts to learning to create pills. Immortal Sage is good for raising comprehension, which raises our bonus dice. It also sets us up with illusions down the road which are very versatile and it increases our Insight, which is our social stat

Fool's Clasp and Beast Lure are a very cheap way to make hunting more successful.
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[X][method] Training: martial arts gain 1% of the XP gained by cultivation arts.
[X][activity 1] Hunting spirit beasts. Get whatever help you feel necessary but go after challenging prey.
[X][activity 2] Try to learn how to create formations.
[X][shop] XP Explosion Extravaganza Plan
Incidentally, like a lot of things in Kung Fu Hustle, its portrayal of the Buddha's Palm is drawn from a simplified form of classic wuxia stuff. The "original" Buddha's Palm has 9 different techniques, only a few of which are used in the movie. They are:

1. The First Rays of Buddha's Light - A defensive aura that surrounds the users with glowing sutras that destroy incoming weapons and deflect attacks directed at them.
2. The Radiance of Buddha's Incense - A powerful directed Qi attack that can pierce most defenses. This was the one Sing used that cut a big swath out of Pig Sty Alley in the movie.
3. Buddha's Challenge to Nature's Force - Summons a maelstrom of wind, thunder, lightning and rain, all at the user's command. The maelstrom can "shatter rocks and clear avalanches."
4. The Peal of Buddha's Thunder - A focused sonic attack that can deafen, stun and knock over crowds of enemies.
5. From the Arms of Buddha in the Western Heavens - The user, seated in the lotus position, rises up in the air and rains down lightning made of pure Qi.
6. Buddha's Illumination of the Earth - This is the technique in the movie you think of when you think "Buddha's Palm."
7. Buddha's Reincarnation - The user levitates up on a cloud and causes the ground far below to shatter and explode, rising into the air.
8. The Wrath of a Million Buddhas - The user creates dozens or even hundreds of copies of himself and the copies all fire off The Radiance of Buddha's Incense simultaneously.
9. Buddha Puts His Foot Down - The user strikes directly at the enemy's Qi with a well-placed strike, usually to the target's foot (because there are a lot of pressure points in the foot that connect to the rest of the body). Physical resilience is useless; only internal mastery can be used to try to defend yourself from this technique. The scene where Sing smashes a bunch of dude's feet like a cartoon character is a comedic nod to this technique.
Hm. Perhaps it should just be replaced in the order form with all of those in a sequence :p

I just had an idea for reworking the original Buddha's Palm techniques (while keeping the singular Buddha's Palm technique you've already made). A mudra ("seal/mark/gesture") is a symbolic/ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism, most of which are performed with the hands and fingers. Basically every representation of the Buddha or other Buddhist figures show them performing a mudra, and there happen to be 9 common mudras whose meaning is easy to find online that we can use.

Maybe rename the series "Wisdom From the Buddha's Palms?"

Abhaya Mudrā: The "seal of fearlessness" that represents protection, benevolence and the dispelling of fear. This is the one where you have your right palm facing outward in front of you while the left one is held horizontally in front of your waist.
This would correspond to "Buddha's Illumination of the Earth," i.e. the Buddha's Palm as it was most obviously used in Kung Fu Hustle.

Bhūmisparśa Mudrā: The "seal of Earth's witness" that represents the Buddha's request that the Earth witness his enlightenment even in the face of being tempted and then threatened by the demon Mara; the Earth responded by banishing Mara. This is the one where you sit in a meditative pose with your right hand touching the earth while your left hand sits in your lap, palm upraised.
This could be analogous to "Buddha's Challenge to Nature's Force" combined with "Buddha's Reincarnation," recalling the Buddha's plea to the Earth and turning all the forces and elements of the Earth against those who seek to harm the user, so long as the attack was unjust or unprovoked.

Dharmachakra Mudrā: The "Wheel of Dharma seal" that represents the Buddha's first sermon after he attained enlightenment and thus the moment he set into motion the teaching of the Dharma. Typically, only the Gautama Buddha himself (and sometimes Maitreya) are portrayed making this mudra in Buddhist iconography. There are a lot of variations on this one, but the most common is where both hands make that "OK" gesture where you make a circle with your thumb and forefinger; they're held against the chest, with one facing inward and the other covering it.
In the original Buddha's Palm, the 9th technique ("Buddha Puts His Foot Down") was actually a lost secret technique; most people thought there were only 8 techniques. Since we've collapsed two of those into one here and that leaves one over, I think there's room to leave this one as the "hidden 9th technique" that can only be unlocked by mastering the others, or just write it in later.

Dhyāna Mudrā: The "seal of meditation" that, obviously, represents meditation and all the implications thereof. It's the one where one sits in a meditative pose and rests both hands in their lap, palms upward and the thumbs touching.
This would probably correspond to "From the Arms of Buddha in the Western Heavens," mostly for lack of somewhere better to place it and the specifying of a meditative pose.

Varada Mudrā: The "seal of generosity" that represents offering, welcome, charity, compassion and sincerity. The left hand is held up and bent down at the wrist to present the palm outward.
Another pun, I'd correspond this one to "The Wrath of a Million Buddhas," since you're very generously giving your opponent dozens if not hundreds of attacks all at once.

Vajra Mudrā: The "Vajra seal" that represents knowledge. It's the one where one hand is held in front of the heart with the wrist turned and the index finger extended so that it points up while the others make a fist, and the other hand is wrapped around the finger, also in a fist. And yes, this is one of the hand seals from Naruto. Hand seals are an actual thing used by ninjas and other people in ancient Japan and Kishimoto didn't just make them up.
Since the vajra as a symbol is both a diamond and a thunderbolt, representing irresistible force and invulnerability as well as firmness of spirit, I'd make it analogous to "Buddha Puts His Foot Down" as an attack that targets an opponent's soul directly, bypassing the body completely so that only internal strength can be any defense.

Vitarka Mudrā: The "seal of discussion" that represents the discussion and transmission of the Buddha's teachings. You do this one by putting your hands in the same position as you would for the Abhaya, but with the fingers making a circle like in the Dharmachakra.
I would have this one correspond to "The Peal of Buddha's Thunder" as a pun on the idea that most people are deaf to the Buddha's teachings and hear without listening; this would be a sonic attack with a big AoE where those in range can be targeted to be deafened, stunned, sent flying and/or straight-up knocked out or even killed (Buddhists are pacifists, but most usually an allowance for killing when it would cause greater harm not to), depending on how profound and/or true the words the user speaks are.

Gyāna Mudrā: The "seal of wisdom" that represents, well, wisdom. This is the one where you make that same wheel with the index finger and thumb, then bring it inward toward your heart.
This would correspond to "The Radiance of Buddha's Incense," since in Buddhism wisdom often goes hand in hand with piercing through lies and deceptions, and the attack is about piercing through... well, almost anything, really.

Karana Mudrā: The "evil-dispelling seal" that expels demons (literal, symbolic, or both, depending on who you ask) and removes obstacles like sickness and negative thoughts. Hilariously, it looks almost identical to the well-known "throwing the horns" gesture in the West, except that the thumb isn't folded over the other fingers.
This would probably be the defensive technique of the bunch, corresponding to "The First Rays of Buddha's Light," perhaps with the light coming out of the outstretched fingers so that you basically throw the horns to protect yourself and others with glowing Buddhist iconography and then shoot it back at your enemy, which is just about the most metal thing I've ever imagined involving Buddhism.

[X][method] Training: martial arts gain 1% of the XP gained by cultivation arts.
[X][activity 1] Hunting spirit beasts. Get whatever help you feel necessary but go after challenging prey.
[X][activity 2] Try to learn how to create formations.
[X][shop] XP Explosion Extravaganza Plan
I just had an idea for reworking the original Buddha's Palm techniques (while keeping the singular Buddha's Palm technique you've already made). A mudra ("seal/mark/gesture") is a symbolic/ritual gesture in Hinduism and Buddhism, most of which are performed with the hands and fingers. Basically every representation of the Buddha or other Buddhist figures show them performing a mudra, and there happen to be 9 common mudras whose meaning is easy to find online that we can use.

Maybe rename the series "Wisdom From the Buddha's Palms?"

Abhaya Mudrā: The "seal of fearlessness" that represents protection, benevolence and the dispelling of fear. This is the one where you have your right palm facing outward in front of you while the left one is held horizontally in front of your waist.
This would correspond to "Buddha's Illumination of the Earth," i.e. the Buddha's Palm as it was most obviously used in Kung Fu Hustle.

Bhūmisparśa Mudrā: The "seal of Earth's witness" that represents the Buddha's request that the Earth witness his enlightenment even in the face of being tempted and then threatened by the demon Mara; the Earth responded by banishing Mara. This is the one where you sit in a meditative pose with your right hand touching the earth while your left hand sits in your lap, palm upraised.
This could be analogous to "Buddha's Challenge to Nature's Force" combined with "Buddha's Reincarnation," recalling the Buddha's plea to the Earth and turning all the forces and elements of the Earth against those who seek to harm the user, so long as the attack was unjust or unprovoked.

Dharmachakra Mudrā: The "Wheel of Dharma seal" that represents the Buddha's first sermon after he attained enlightenment and thus the moment he set into motion the teaching of the Dharma. Typically, only the Gautama Buddha himself (and sometimes Maitreya) are portrayed making this mudra in Buddhist iconography. There are a lot of variations on this one, but the most common is where both hands make that "OK" gesture where you make a circle with your thumb and forefinger; they're held against the chest, with one facing inward and the other covering it.
In the original Buddha's Palm, the 9th technique ("Buddha Puts His Foot Down") was actually a lost secret technique; most people thought there were only 8 techniques. Since we've collapsed two of those into one here and that leaves one over, I think there's room to leave this one as the "hidden 9th technique" that can only be unlocked by mastering the others, or just write it in later.

Dhyāna Mudrā: The "seal of meditation" that, obviously, represents meditation and all the implications thereof. It's the one where one sits in a meditative pose and rests both hands in their lap, palms upward and the thumbs touching.
This would probably correspond to "From the Arms of Buddha in the Western Heavens," mostly for lack of somewhere better to place it and the specifying of a meditative pose.

Varada Mudrā: The "seal of generosity" that represents offering, welcome, charity, compassion and sincerity. The left hand is held up and bent down at the wrist to present the palm outward.
Another pun, I'd correspond this one to "The Wrath of a Million Buddhas," since you're very generously giving your opponent dozens if not hundreds of attacks all at once.

Vajra Mudrā: The "Vajra seal" that represents knowledge. It's the one where one hand is held in front of the heart with the wrist turned and the index finger extended so that it points up while the others make a fist, and the other hand is wrapped around the finger, also in a fist. And yes, this is one of the hand seals from Naruto. Hand seals are an actual thing used by ninjas and other people in ancient Japan and Kishimoto didn't just make them up.
Since the vajra as a symbol is both a diamond and a thunderbolt, representing irresistible force and invulnerability as well as firmness of spirit, I'd make it analogous to "Buddha Puts His Foot Down" as an attack that targets an opponent's soul directly, bypassing the body completely so that only internal strength can be any defense.

Vitarka Mudrā: The "seal of discussion" that represents the discussion and transmission of the Buddha's teachings. You do this one by putting your hands in the same position as you would for the Abhaya, but with the fingers making a circle like in the Dharmachakra.
I would have this one correspond to "The Peal of Buddha's Thunder" as a pun on the idea that most people are deaf to the Buddha's teachings and hear without listening; this would be a sonic attack with a big AoE where those in range can be targeted to be deafened, stunned, sent flying and/or straight-up knocked out or even killed (Buddhists are pacifists, but most usually an allowance for killing when it would cause greater harm not to), depending on how profound and/or true the words the user speaks are.

Gyāna Mudrā: The "seal of wisdom" that represents, well, wisdom. This is the one where you make that same wheel with the index finger and thumb, then bring it inward toward your heart.
This would correspond to "The Radiance of Buddha's Incense," since in Buddhism wisdom often goes hand in hand with piercing through lies and deceptions, and the attack is about piercing through... well, almost anything, really.

Karana Mudrā: The "evil-dispelling seal" that expels demons (literal, symbolic, or both, depending on who you ask) and removes obstacles like sickness and negative thoughts. Hilariously, it looks almost identical to the well-known "throwing the horns" gesture in the West, except that the thumb isn't folded over the other fingers.
This would probably be the defensive technique of the bunch, corresponding to "The First Rays of Buddha's Light," perhaps with the light coming out of the outstretched fingers so that you basically throw the horns to protect yourself and others with glowing Buddhist iconography and then shoot it back at your enemy, which is just about the most metal thing I've ever imagined involving Buddhism.

It mostly went over my head.
It mostly went over my head.

Too much wall of text? Basically, have the techniques correspond to the mudras, symbolic gestures in Buddhism that involve the hands and fingers, so that the names actually make sense with what they're supposed to represent and have some greater unifying theme than vague references to the Buddha. And also unify two that are otherwise redundant with each other and make some minor tweaks to a few so that they fit a xianxia universe better.
Let's get confirmation from QM; would the Meditation and Reading methods clash with cultivating Standing Above All Beasts?

No, you just don't get the bonus effect from using the suitable method. Doesn't make much of a difference or cost you xp.

@Kolarthecool Do we need to buy the formation required to train Immortal Sage Awakening or is that included i n the coat of the manual?

You need to buy it seperately. The art just requires that you train in an illusion type formation, it doesn't call for a specific one. Of course, it has to be one strong enough to actually affect you.

I'd like to second the question of whether we can even use an Earth rank cultivation art (Like, how the hell does 'mortal', 'earth', etc match up to the body refinement/core formation/core ignition/ascendant mortal thing?) right now, or if we're still stuck with the Mortal ones.
In the latter case, I'd suggest either Golden Goose or Astral Body Forging for our next one, probably.
I'd tend to shy away from a rage art like Black Heaven and Earth.

It depends on the requirements of the art.

Right now, the MC needs to spend some time concentrating to create Qi, and he can only have it flow through his body while making changes, or use it quickly in a technique. If it's an art that requires him to actually store the Qi, or use it in a complicated manner, he will fail.

Prodigy and other traits can help to bridge this gap but not by much. Basically, if it's an art that needs him to store Qi in a core, he will 100% fail. But if it's something like controlling two, or more, different types of Qi, or something equally complex, there is still a chance of success.

Also: Mortal covers the 1st realm. Earth covers the 2nd and lower parts of the 3rd. Heaven covers the rest of the 3rd and the 4th. Immortal is the 5th, 6th and 7th. Divine is the last 2 realms.

Hey, if we chose not to partake in an activity other than cultivation, then will we get a bonus to training, or is that just not allowed?

You get the bonus of more training time. Lol.

Whatever activity you pick will definitely cut into your training time. You can maybe get a few training rolls and bonus rolls for those days, but not as many as you would if you just focus on training. You will also lose out on the bonus from being in the chamber.

It also depends on the activity.

Socializing and stiff will certainly cut into your training. But you could also aim to get some adive or insights from whoever you socialize with. There's also the combat xp and combat 'experience' from hunting. Both of these things will result in less numbers added towards your abilities, but there would still be meta benefits from them.
It depends on the requirements of the art.

Right now, the MC needs to spend some time concentrating to create Qi, and he can only have it flow through his body while making changes, or use it quickly in a technique. If it's an art that requires him to actually store the Qi, or use it in a complicated manner, he will fail.

Prodigy and other traits can help to bridge this gap but not by much. Basically, if it's an art that needs him to store Qi in a core, he will 100% fail. But if it's something like controlling two, or more, different types of Qi, or something equally complex, there is still a chance of success.

Also: Mortal covers the 1st realm. Earth covers the 2nd and lower parts of the 3rd. Heaven covers the rest of the 3rd and the 4th. Immortal is the 5th, 6th and 7th. Divine is the last 2 realms.
I was more concerned with what kinds of cultivation method we could use for our next one.
I don't really see much about cores in any of them.
Alright, going to try to put up a different plan.
[X] Plan: Make a man out of you act 2
-[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
-[X][shop] Spirit Guardian Creation Method (3,000 points)
-[X][shop] Unyielding (300 points)
-[X][shop] Determined (1,000 points)
-[X][shop] Purified Spirit Furnace (2,000 points)

This plan choose to stay in the cultivation room to get the absolute most out of it. I'm not sure when we'll get the chance to use one again (although given our bullshit growth rate, it might not take much for the clan to let us use another in the near future). Now that I think about it, I kind of want our family to see our growth after all three months are up, just to make the shock of our growth as big as possible.
I think this might be the best time to work on SGCM, considering how fast we can grand XP at this stage. Also, we don't any specific things to cultivate this. Since our Spirit Guardian get's all the cultivation manual abilities that we do, it's kind of like the Magikarp of Cultivation methods. Also, I really want a Stand.
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Might we not want to hold off on the Genius Body and Genius Soul until we've ratcheted them up as far as we can with dedicated training? Once they are higher, they will be harder to train.

It's kind of like if you get Gamer powers you don't dump points into attributes right away, you train the shit out of your attributes first and only drop points once diminishing returns kicks in. For Genius Body I would drop Millenium Ginseng root first as well.
Might we not want to hold off on the Genius Body and Genius Soul until we've ratcheted them up as far as we can with dedicated training? Once they are higher, they will be harder to train.

It's kind of like if you get Gamer powers you don't dump points into attributes right away, you train the shit out of your attributes first and only drop points once diminishing returns kicks in. For Genius Body I would drop Millenium Ginseng root first as well.

*Double checks Genius traits*
...oh. For some reason I thought those were XP boosters. Yeah, we might want to take those much later.
Adhoc vote count started by Card Captor on May 4, 2018 at 11:12 PM, finished with 50 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Training Montage Motherfucker
    -[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    -[X][ACTIVITY 1] Training One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (High Mortal). Mastery Level: Basic (41 / 600).
    -[X][ACTIVITY 2] Training Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal]
    -[X][SHOP]Floating Body Pellet [High Mortal] A pellet that helps in making the joints and tendons loose and flexible, allowing for quicker gains when training for increased agility and flexibility. -200 (Use while training Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal])
    -[X][SHOP]Unyielding [High Mortal] Less man and more a machine, you only tread in one direction. Forward. Reduces the time needed to heal from wounds by half allowing for a cultivator to operate in a fight longer and recover quicker compared to their peers. -300
    -[X][SHOP]Genius Body [High Mortal] A person of unparalleled natural ability grants a bonus to non-Ki based attributes. (Such as bumping all non ki attributes up by one tier) -500
    -[X][SHOP]Genius Soul [High Mortal] A person who possess soul roots of unnatural quality granting a bonus to all ki based attributes. (Such as bumping all ki attributes up by one tier) -500
    -[X][SHOP]Determined [Mid Earth] For you have a will of steel and mind of metal. Stamina consumption and wound recovery time is cut in half again allowing a cultivator to do battle for four times longer compared to their peers. (Requires the purchase of Tireless and Unyielding before becoming avaliable.) -1,000
    -[X][SHOP]Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal] Similar to the One Palm Advances, One Thousand Strike technique in methodology, this movement technique functions by taking a runing step, and pushing against the ground again the momemt the foot leave the ground until the leg is fully extended, producing as much motive force as one thousand steps in seemingly a single extension of the leg. -500
    -[X][SHOP]Immortality of the Flowing Water [High Mortal] By emulating water and allowing one to flow with and around attacks rather than standing against them directly one can ignore or at least reduce the damage of incoming attacks. -200
    -[X][SHOP]Ten Sun Birds [Low Earth to High Heaven] Many techniques and cultivation manuals boast of unsurpassed speed: this one imparting the swiftness of wind, that one the agility and grace of a leopard or crane, the other of the tirelessness of a horse. They are all deluded, for the sun traverses all the Heavens in a single day without tiring, its superiority so effortless that it gives the illusion of slowness. Those who cultivate Ten Sun Birds embody this effortless speed and illusory paradox; they can move fast even while appearing slow, causing their enemies to see impossible contradictions in the user's movements that make them nigh-impossible to track, their every strike becoming a sweeping multitude that engulfs the Heavens. -3,500
    [X][method] Training: martial arts gain 1% of the XP gained by cultivation arts.
    [X][activity 1] Hunting spirit beasts. Get whatever help you feel necessary but go after challenging prey.
    [X][activity 2] Try to learn how to create formations.
    [X][shop] XP Explosion Extravaganza Plan
    [x][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    [X]Plan Preparing
    -[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    -[X][activity 1] Hunt Beasts
    -[X][activity 2] Socialize
    -[X][shop] Greater Universal Body
    -[X][shop] Astral Body Forging Method
    -[X][shop] Whatever Doesn't Kill You
    -[X][shop] 1k for Cultivation Materials
    [x] Plan Universal Speed
    -[x][method] Reading: knowledge can be gained from books at an increased speed.
    -[X][activity 1] Hunt Beasts
    -[X][activity 2] Socialize
    -[x] Buy Greater Universal Body for 5000
    -[x] Buy Ten Sun Birds for 3500
    [X] Plan Training Montage Motherfucker
    -[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    -[X][ACTIVITY 1] Training One Palm Advances, A Thousand Strike (High Mortal). Mastery Level: Basic (41 / 600).
    -[X][ACTIVITY 2] Training Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal]
    -[X][SHOP]Floating Body Pellet [High Mortal] A pellet that helps in making the joints and tendons loose and flexible, allowing for quicker gains when training for increased agility and flexibility. -200 (Use while training Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal])
    -[X][SHOP]Unyielding [High Mortal] Less man and more a machine, you only tread in one direction. Forward. Reduces the time needed to heal from wounds by half allowing for a cultivator to operate in a fight longer and recover quicker compared to their peers. -300
    -[X][SHOP]Genius Body [High Mortal] A person of unparalleled natural ability grants a bonus to non-Ki based attributes. (Such as bumping all non ki attributes up by one tier) -500
    -[X][SHOP]Genius Soul [High Mortal] A person who possess soul roots of unnatural quality granting a bonus to all ki based attributes. (Such as bumping all ki attributes up by one tier) -500
    -[X][SHOP]Determined [Mid Earth] For you have a will of steel and mind of metal. Stamina consumption and wound recovery time is cut in half again allowing a cultivator to do battle for four times longer compared to their peers. (Requires the purchase of Tireless and Unyielding before becoming avaliable.) -1,000
    -[X][SHOP]Single Foot, One Thousand Steps [High Mortal] Similar to the One Palm Advances, One Thousand Strike technique in methodology, this movement technique functions by taking a runing step, and pushing against the ground again the momemt the foot leave the ground until the leg is fully extended, producing as much motive force as one thousand steps in seemingly a single extension of the leg. -500
    -[X][SHOP]Immortality of the Flowing Water [High Mortal] By emulating water and allowing one to flow with and around attacks rather than standing against them directly one can ignore or at least reduce the damage of incoming attacks. -200
    -[X][SHOP]Ten Sun Birds [Low Earth to High Heaven] Many techniques and cultivation manuals boast of unsurpassed speed: this one imparting the swiftness of wind, that one the agility and grace of a leopard or crane, the other of the tirelessness of a horse. They are all deluded, for the sun traverses all the Heavens in a single day without tiring, its superiority so effortless that it gives the illusion of slowness. Those who cultivate Ten Sun Birds embody this effortless speed and illusory paradox; they can move fast even while appearing slow, causing their enemies to see impossible contradictions in the user's movements that make them nigh-impossible to track, their every strike becoming a sweeping multitude that engulfs the Heavens. -3,500
    [X][method] Training: martial arts gain 1% of the XP gained by cultivation arts.
    [X][activity 1] Hunting spirit beasts. Get whatever help you feel necessary but go after challenging prey.
    [X][activity 2] Try to learn how to create formations.
    [X][shop] XP Explosion Extravaganza Plan
    -[X] Immortal Sage Awakening Cultivation Art (800)
    -[X] +3d20 training dice (4000)
    -[X] +1d100 training die (5000)
    -[X] Fool's Clasp (5)
    -[X] Beast Lure (20)
    -[X] Get cultivation pills with whatever is left.
    [X] Plan: Make a man out of you act 2
    -[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    -[X][shop] Spirit Guardian Creation Method (3,000 points)
    -[X][shop] Unyielding (300 points)
    -[X][shop] Determined (1,000 points)
    -[X][shop] Purified Spirit Furnace (2,000 points)
    [X] Plan: Make a man out of you act 2
    -[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
    -[X][shop] Spirit Guardian Creation Method (3,000 points)
    -[X][shop] Unyielding (300 points)
    -[X][shop] Determined (1,000 points)
    -[X][shop] Purified Spirit Furnace (2,000 points)
@Card Captor Please read QM's explanation on what cultivation arts the character can use right now. We won't actually be able to use Spirit Guardian creation until we break through to the next stage and get a core. It just plain won't work.

Also, please consider editing your earlier plan if you agree genius body and genius soul can wait to be bought until they are trained up.

Gotta learn to walk before we start to run or we'll fall on our face.
Last edited:
Okay, let's try this one more time;
[X] Plan: Third Time's the Charm
-[X][method] Meditating: 5% bonus when attempting to breakthrough a bottleneck.
-[X][shop] Sky-Shaping Winds(1,500 points)
-[X][shop] Unyielding (300 points)
-[X][shop] Determined (1,000 points)
-[X][shop] Purified Spirit Furnace (2,000 points)
-[X][shop] Buy enough Cultivation Pills of the highest quality possible for the second month

Sky-Shaping Winds makes it easier to analyze and counter simple fighting styles. It also doesn't require any special resources to train. I also want to save up points for Nullifying Cauldron Stomach and Dao Soul (pills). This would allow us to make our own pills and get much more out of them
Last edited:
You know, these three items could go really well together:
  1. Technique: Shadow Clone Technique (2,000)
  2. Technique: Kairyū no kokyū (海竜の呼吸) (1,000)
  3. Manual: Enlightenment of the Blind Sage (2,500)
Enlightenment of the Blind Sage gives us the ability to operate in low-/no-light conditions; Kairyū no kokyū allows us to create that sort of environment; and
and Shadow Clone Technique allows us to use multi-pronged attacks (say using our Thousand Palms) by ourselves. (Total cost: 5,500 pts.)
I was looking over the shop list for the things I think we'd be best picking up in the short term, so here's my shopping list:


  • Unyielding: Good in general but really as a prerequisite for
  • Determined: give us even more stamina, but also increase our will which hopefully helps cultivation
  • Endure: useful and matches perfectly with the art I think is best for us to learn
  • Purified Spirit Furnace: training dice are nice, and the suppression effect is great. Shouldn't buy this until we've grabbed at least one normal training die though, that would be cheaper and there's no other benefit to getting it immediately.
Cultivation Manuals:
  • Sky-Shaping Winds: analyze and counter fighting styles on the fly
  • Astral Body Forging Method: everything about this is great, but the " further refine a body even one past the Body Refinement realm" bit means we probably want to wait on using it until we've hit peak body refinement
  • Immortal Sage Awakening: better illusions are nice, but what is really great about this is boosting comprehension and insight, mental stats are generally harder to boost and ours are already at the high end making it even harder
  • The Mind Unclouded: better reaction times, ignore feints, and resistance against emotions clouding thought
  • Iron Body: improve the body even more. This is not something we can do short-term though, we need good healing for it even if our dense body prevents some damage from cultivating it
  • Enlightenment of the Blind Sage: sensing the area around is is already great, the damage shield just makes this amazing
  • Ten Sun Birds: we need speed and this is the best speed art within reach

The only technique that looks interesting right now is Eagle Claw, and that's mostly because I want to see what taking a technique that relies on hardening the body, and combining it with Universal Body, Astral Body, and Iron Body would do. Arts are where I think we can do something really fun though, with Chi Blocking. It relies on endurance, redirects, and counters. Universal Body makes us hard to damage, Tireless + Unyielding + Determined should allow us to outlast anyone, and Endure would let us redirect damage that we block into the next attack. Should be really effective.

For the moment, I think one more cultivation art (Sky-Shaping wind is probably best, to make it easier to counter anyone we fight, followed by Mind Unclouded and Ten Sun Birds) is enough. We're probably better off getting One Palm Advances, Rumbling Elephant Step, and an art (I'd prefer Chi Blocking, but our clan art would also be fine) to as high a level as we can. Once we've beaten everyone at the tournament we can focus on other cultivation arts and pick up a few more techniques. There's some good utility techniques that would be great to have, but we don't need them before the tournament. Getting them before we go out adventuring, however, is probably a good idea. Standing Above All Beasts is also really nice, but again better saved until we're out adventuring since right now abusing the cultivation room is going to be our best bet.
I'm thinking Ten Sun birds to get our speed up a bit. It shouldn't conflict since it's based on a heavenly body moving through the sky.

You know, I sometimes want to participate in the discussions over what to get next, but then I hesitate because I feel like I'd be biased toward the stuff I added (I almost hesitate to say "wrote" with how shamelessly I stole most of them). So thanks for bringing that one up.

@Anfauglir Same with 4 of the items you recommended above, incidentally (counting a repeat of Ten Sun Birds).
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I'm really happy that people seem to like Enlightenment of the Blind Sage. However, we need a way to disable our five natural senses if we want cultivate it. I've put up a formation plate in the shop suggestions, so we'll have to wait for that to be moved to the shop itself.

Also, if anyone is interested; I also wrote up a technique that has EotBS as a prereq; Eye of the Chaotic Storm. It's a damaging aura that grows in power and size the longer it's active. We can shield anyone we want from it's effects, and doing so grants them a damage shield of their own while inside the aura. Also, the strength of EotBS shield, as well as shield granted through this technique, grow in power as the aura does.

Unfortunately, it's a High Heaven rank, so it'll be some time before we can use it.