Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Its not the rebuke that got her, really, its that Sunset clearly noticed that Voice was upset and regretful and only used it to wring out concessions instead of actually caring.
Even if Voice was a unicorn VIP from some other nation and Flighty Flame hadn't taken it so badly then Voice still wouldn't be getting much sympathy. Voice is the one that went behind Sunset's back and traumatized a pony for the lolz. Who knows what other "pranks" may have occured?
Voice didn't realize initially the strict requirements in this world for ascension to Alicorn and it took her being prompted to realize the issue.
Spies and infiltrators operate best when targets are distracted. An ant is targeted only if it is seen.
I don't know what habits Voice has, but I can tell that they are hurting due to their mistakes... of presuming that this species held together by trust more than self-interest wouldn't be offended and lightly rebuke them when they violate that trust.
Voice also really wants to be treated like another pony while praising Sunset for treating them like an eldritch abomination and constantly crossing lines that ponies just wouldn't.
Voice also really wants to be treated like another pony while praising Sunset for treating them like an eldritch abomination and constantly crossing lines that ponies just wouldn't.
I've really liked Voice so far for feeling like an interesting angle on and deconstruction of overpowered isekai characters, and this feels to me like it also adds to that in a neat kind of way.
At this rate, it's going to turn out "poisonous", "prey", and "grazer" are just all things Voice's last fifteenth dimensional ex called her in the argument before the breakup and she's still hurt by it. :p
It's really the only way the FiM world makes sense. Why else would ponies need to run to shake the leaves off of trees and wrap up winter manually.
It's worth noting that other parts of Equis are not populated by ponies with the ability to manipulate weather and seasons, yet they seem to get on just fine aside from relying on Celestia and Luna to deal with the sun and moon.

My take on things is that three tribes of ponies have been controlling nature in Equestria for so long that the idea of not having direct control over those things is just a completely foreign concept to the inhabitants of modern Equestria.
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So, other authors or stories like Alivaril's? I've read all the QA stuff and then this one.

I had a wonderful time, and I want more. Recommendations?

Well not exactly like Alivaril's work and probably not what you are asking for and not MLP stuff: but here's some stuff very vaguely similar in a very loose way. These all have something to do with first contact/differing views of the world.

Wearing Power Armor to a Magic School | Royal Road

In the year 3027 humanity makes a breakthrough, the first interdimensional portal to another world is opened, and a candidate is sent through. He died immediately upon arrival. It is now the year 3047, and humanity prepares to send a second candidate, this time equipped with the tools and...

Sci-fi humans discover a magic world, magic is toxic to humans, standard HFY story.

Fellow Tetrapod: speculative evolution, office politics, and cooking | Royal Road

The Convention of Sophonts brings together species from countless alternate earths. Worlds-spanning deals are brokered, inter-species wars are averted, and their best. At the United Nations Embassy, the only person who knows how to deal with non-humans is the cook, Koen. When some of...

the large hadron collider is actually a portal to various alternate dimensions, some fairly alien aliens in this one.

Of Men and Spiders | Royal Road

Scott and his little sister Alice are trapped alone on a forest planet, struggling to survive in primitive conditions as they put what training he gained studying to be an explorer to use building a home for themselves using only their wits and what they can find in the wild to survive. What's...

Another HFY story, told from an alternating perspective between a Spider alien and two human children.

Super Minion | Royal Road

Fortress City has Super Villains, who have evil lairs, and in them they make super weapons. But when a bioweapon is granted super powers of its own, will Fortress City be able to handle the Super Minion? Cover by Vitaly S Alexius

The most similar to worm here, superhero setting, MC is a shapeshifter with a fairly alien mindset; has MC slowly become more human.
The Chanur Saga: Cherryh, C. J.: 9780886779306: Books
A novel about first contact, a lone human is found hiding on an alien ship while they are docked at a space station, story is told thought the aliens pov though they are fairly human-like just matriarchal.

The Unsettling Stars (Star Trek): Foster, Alan Dean: 9781982140601: Books
A Star Trek novel that is pretty much just a written down TOS episode, much of the plot is centered around a newly contacted alien race that seems to be hyper-competent.

I'll be honest I'm blanking on fanfiction though, there are a few but I cant remember what they were called or where I found them.
...I genuinely can't tell if this is an error or not. On one hand, it's one of the most common errors on the internet. On the other, it would fit perfectly well in MLP's worldbuilding for a character to end up with this exact name.
Obviously being a member of the Guard is her day job but her true passion is fanfiction.
Obviously being a member of the Guard is her day job but her true passion is fanfiction.
The concept of "fanfiction" doesn't exist in Equestria at this time, but she does indeed have strong opinions about derivative works!

...In other words, basically yes. :p
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Just caught up in a day and I am so disheartened that I don't have more to binge. (Poor Voice)
Fr though this is prolly my favourite MLP fanfiction like... ever.
Like, the magic system is well executed, the worldbuilding is fun, but the characters are legit masterpieces.
Thank you so much for this story. Its been an utter blast to read so far.
It's worth noting that other parts of Equis are not populated by ponies with the ability to manipulate weather and seasons, yet they seem to get on just fine aside from relying on Celestia and Luna to deal with the sun and moon.

My take on things is that three tribes of ponies have been controlling nature in Equestria for so long that the idea of not having direct control over those things is just a completely foreign concept to the inhabitants of modern Equestria.
While I love this headcanon, do consider the fact that Discords antics seem to have been centered on Equestria. The notion of seasons working at a lower level at the edges of Equestria, and ponies finding it wierd, blaming it on nature spirits or whatever, is really funny to me.
Like, imagine Pegasi are told not to fly beyond the borders because of The Wild Winds which dominate the skies beyond. Most don't, because there's always a couple people in every generation who've tried and will describe in horrific detail the chaos that rules beyond.
I was dragged from my struggle to remember by the mare before me smiling, green eyes almost seeming to glow.
Uh oh.
I'd been looking forward to Celestia's announcement all day, but now that I was stepping out into the courtyard holding Celestia and Harmony only knew how many onlookers, all I felt was exhausted emptiness.
AAAAAAA oshit I can't read this it's stressing meeeee--
"No, that type of teleporting is harder. I went to the balcony, then just used a Come to Life spell to have the curtains unlock the balcony doors and walked right in."
Damn does that castle need a security audit...
"I'm not sure that an 'Honesty' pendant was the best choice for Canterlot, City of Insincerity," I noted. "I think the respect concealing resentment from passing ponies might have drained it; it's inert now."

Celestia's quill paused for a moment, the room seeming to grow unpleasantly hot for a moment.
I wonder if she's pissed at whoever managed to undo her proof of affection (or perhaps knowing that someone's strong enough to do that) or if she's about to go nuclear on a city apparently so insincere it strangled a fragment of Harmony (and set back her enchantment effort)?
"Additionally, I am quite confident that Cadance is also not going to let me settle for half-measures. You know, just earlier today she threatened to throw me out a window."
Good ol' defenestration. Always useful.
Instead, for the barest instant, the doll and my body briefly existed in two places simultaneously, but more one than the other. The subsequent path of least resistance was to "correct" by placing my body where the doll had been, and the doll in my place.
Sunset is amazingly bullshit. I can't wait to see what she does next... or for her to document all the ways she's broken sanity, logic, and magic in the course of her research.
Still got it. Not that there had ever been any question, but it was always nice to solve a new problem via magic.
Yeah, and now she only has to demonstrate the clone technique to graduate. :p
Cadance was quite confident that a great many ponies would wonder if they'd forgotten the date again; caffeine might be necessary to fix that.
She is secretly an evil genius, isn't she...
subsequent apparent appearances seem to have been misidentification of one White Rose, a new hire.
Gee, I wonder if that's the culprit? /s
One letter stood out from the rest simply due to its sender: Bright Days Massage Parlor & Spa. It did not belong. Still, somepony had gone and marked the envelope URGENT
Could it be?
...Since when do we have a clouds-darned monster hunting agency?
About damned time!
Voice could imitate them, wear their skin, even use their magic. But she would never be one of them.
I suddenly get the feeling that VOID is also going to be adopted, or so help Cadance...
"What do you do with your magic?"

"Traumatize children."
...Is there any other application?
I'm ecstatic to report that Illuminating Invitation won the User's Choice awards for Best New Work and Best Ongoing Fic! Thank you very much, everyone! Alongside simple validation, getting people past the "eww ponies" reaction is difficult, and I'm hoping that recognition will help.

...This is the part where I would like to push out some kind of a bonus update, but I'm actually sick at the moment so it might be "delayed" instead (although probably still faster than the 1k words/day minimum I've been maintaining). 😅

Happy New Year!
Congrats and Happy New Year.

Also, with Esquestrias win in best ongoing quest, that means ponies won one of the awards each in
  • Quest Awards
  • User Fiction Awards
  • Original Awards
Leaving only
  • Alternate History Awards

Plus: both "Esquestrias: House of the sun" and "Illuminating Invitation" are eldritch MLP <edit>quest fiction</edit>.
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...Is there any other application?
*Sunset takes a deep breath before either bursting into flames or song depending on her mood*

Plus: both "Esquestrias: House of the sun" and "Illuminating Invitation" are eldritch MLP quest.
Ah, this isn't a quest. A quest is a specific type of interactive story where a number of users vote on outcomes (or much more rarely, just argue for).

Update: I'm not stuck on the next part or anything. I'm just still sick, and unfortunately have dipped below the 1k/day goal as a result but I know feeling guilty about that under the circumstances is the exact opposite of healthy. ^^;
Having an entire new pair of body parts, feathers and all, proved to be immensely distracting — and worse, the very act of being distracted from my collaboration with Flighty made their stability waver. At this rate, I might have to bury my back under semi-permanent illusions so that nopony, myself included, would ever know when wings decided to show themselves.
I hereby predict that she'll get so used to wearing the illusion that no one will notice, herself included, when she finally ascends.