Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
You know. I just realized that Cadence is absolutely doomed to the worst fate imaginable in this setting. She's going to be subject to an eternity of dealing with Alicorn drama and talking the various immortal powers that be from either embracing Dark Gods or banishing each other to the moon/sun/detroit whenever they get fed up with each other due to her unfortunate status as the only emotionally and socially well-balanced Alicorn not subject to bouts of selective insanity.
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This is going much better than expected
And possibly that she is flaunting it (does Celestia teleport in or walk? I'm kinda assuming she walks).
We know she is not, and most ponies that actually know her, or get to know her, will know better.
But it might not help with her public image (though not that she cares about stuff like that).

I appeared at the bottom of the dais before Celestia's throne in a flash of red light, having completely bypassed the wards by virtue of never touching the layers they operated upon. It was too bad that sheer smugness wasn't a viable power source for any spells I cared to cast, as even Celestia looked startled at my appearance.

She is definitely flaunting it, though 'it' is the unnatural abilities she gained from her knowledge of the occult and how little the castle wards mean to one such as herself.
However, I'll acknowledge that the legitimacy of your beliefs is not the subject of this–"

"Legitimacy?" Corona demanded, feigning outrage.

My patience was on the verge of snapping. The longer that this went on, the more time I had to spend feeling like grease had spattered all over my fur with ponies subsequently rubbing it around.

"Corona Graph, you will be silent," Celestia boomed.

All conversation in the throne room vanished altogether, and the mare in question took a step back, wide-eyed. I suspected my own eyes might look much like her own.

"It was not for show that my herald said that Sunset Shimmer was also presiding over this case," Celestia informed her. "However, if you must insist on only heeding my own words: thus far, my student has said nothing that I would disagree with, albeit delivered quite bluntly. In this case, however, bluntness is far from unjustified. You have abused the trust of those who looked to you for guidance, and forged chains of poverty to keep them beneath your hoof. This is utterly unacceptable. The Throne rules in Night Flurry's favor."
To me the transition to Celestia taking over for sentencing seemed a little abrupt*, but I suspect that she could tell Sunset was getting angry and wanted to end things before she exploded.

*Although that's thinking in terms of courtroom where the authority of the Judge is entirely based on law and president and therefore tends to lean on that whenever possible. Well Celestia's authority comes from herself. Also this is the final court of appeals so logically all matters of fact and investigation should have already been established. Celestia could have just stated sentencing without even allowing further arguments.

Edit: Sunset likely thinks that this should have been resolved with a letter without even bothering with a court session.
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I'm looking forward to Sunset vs The Education System.

It feels like a good way for her to make her first big splash into the history books.

Also, is there a Latin-equivalent language (one where 'luna' means 'moon', likely where Luna's name came from in-universe if it exists)? If it does, would this be enough for Sunset to make the connection between the name 'Luna' and the dark-blue alicorn in the old stained-glass windows?
If not that, the fact that ''Moon's respite'' and ''Luna's respite'' being mistaken is where she heard the name in the first place is a hint.
I'm really interested in what the cause of Sunset's magic changing colors is. (Though it might already be an answered question to people familiar with the setting.)

Most interesting is that it isn't changing on any kind of gradient- it went from red to cyan and back again, with no steps in between.

It definitely seems linked to significant personal events- looking through the mirror was huge for Sunset, and basically sent her hurtling down a path that probably should have killed her. Finding someone like her in Twilight, and resolving to be the teacher that she wishes she had, could be a similar degree of life altering.
I always found Celestia to be incredibly shortsighted about Nightmare Moon's return. I can understand that her history prior to the fight can be panful but come on. She is an existential threat to all life. For an immortal ruler placing all her hopes on one single filly is criminal. Not to mention countless problems that will plague Luna should that gambit succeeds.
Shortsighted, or possibly suicidal.
Also, if only thing that can stop Nightmare Moon are the elements of harmony, they she either finds the element bearers in time, or nothing is going to help anyway.
As for existential threat, eh, maybe, maybe not, exisitential threat to Celestia might be more accurate, and at that point Celestia's opinion might be "either i get my sister back, or i never have to worry about it again, zero downsides".
The pseudo-throne wasn't just comfortable. It felt like her. Like the Sun shining on me

The pseudo-throne would therefore be temporary, and she could dispel it to send me sprawling if I misbehaved badly enough.
Sunny noooo. It's probably just temporary cause of the short notice. No doubt she's getting a real one made just for you in a grand gesture which she will choose the worst possible moment to reveal and produce more misunderstandings. Although granted in other circumstances I'm sure most parents of teens whish they could just vanish their kid's chair out from under them to send them sprawling from time to time.
"Night Flurry," I called rather than let them start presenting their arguments. "Would you like a Moon's Respite charm? I can't imagine the light is comfortable for your eyes, and it should help."
Sunset really living up to her name right here. Caring for thestrals is a small thing but the wider thestral community will know of it.
I always found Celestia to be incredibly shortsighted about Nightmare Moon's return. I can understand that her history prior to the fight can be panful but come on. She is an existential threat to all life. For an immortal ruler placing all her hopes on one single filly is criminal. Not to mention countless problems that will plague Luna should that gambit succeeds.
I will note that in this universe, it seems Celestia's canon plan would be "surrender", based on the Non-Canon chapter:
"Try as I might," Celestia continued, "I have not been able to restore them in a thousand years of attempts by more ponies than I wish to count. After my abuse of the Elements, the Tree of Harmony was offended by my mere presence. Centuries have passed since I could not solve any large-scale martial problem via manifestation of the Sun's reflection, and as a result, I am out of practice in peer-to-peer combat. Put quite simply, I am fully aware that this is a fight I cannot win, and do not intend to hurt us both by trying."
"I have already informed certain members of my staff to prepare for a peaceful transfer of power, contingent on a signal from myself.
"And I do not expect it," Celestia acknowledged. "I have prepared a ritual, to be performed by the two of us — or myself alone, if absolutely necessary — to seal myself in the Sun until such a time as you feel like releasing me."
"More importantly, the ritual would prevent the world from freezing during your 'Eternal Night.' A second set of spells and techniques, available for mass distribution the moment you give the word, would allow agriculture to persist even without direct sunlight. Yields will dramatically drop, but the years have been kind. Though ponies may no longer be able to choose whatever food they might crave at any time, they will at least not starve."
This would re-contextualize Celestia's actions: She didn't send Twilight to Ponyville to find the elements of Harmony, she sent Twilight because Celestia expected to be sealed in the sun and wanted to protect Twilight or something. Twilight and friends reactivating the Elements of Harmony wasn't Celestia's plan.
No doubt she's getting a real one made just for you in a grand gesture which she will choose the worst possible moment to reveal and produce more misunderstandings.

I don't think there's a good enough moment for any of Celestia's grand gestures to avoid being misinterpreted.

Sunset has a fundamental misunderstanding of who Celestia is as a person and an even worse misunderstanding of how Celestia thinks of her. Until that's at least partially corrected there's legitimately nothing she could do for Sunset that won't be seen as some kind of test or machiavellian scheme.

And due to that same mindset, Celestia herself can't be the one to provide that correction, because Sunset just won't believe her. All she can really do is follow through on her promises, keep in mind Sunset's damage, and let Sunset come to her own realization when even she can no longer twist things to suit her worldview.

Luckily there are outside actors here that can speed up that process, because given Sunset's powers of denial that'd probably take about a century if these two were just left to their own devices. :V
I always found Celestia to be incredibly shortsighted about Nightmare Moon's return. I can understand that her history prior to the fight can be panful but come on. She is an existential threat to all life. For an immortal ruler placing all her hopes on one single filly is criminal. Not to mention countless problems that will plague Luna should that gambit succeeds.
Not quite an existential threat if we are following show canon on that. We know for a fact that Nightmare Moon win doesn't automatically lead to mass extinction by tidal lock.
This would re-contextualize Celestia's actions: She didn't send Twilight to Ponyville to find the elements of Harmony, she sent Twilight because Celestia expected to be sealed in the sun and wanted to protect Twilight or something. Twilight and friends reactivating the Elements of Harmony wasn't Celestia's plan.
...I mean. It would be a pretty bad idea to tell your estranged sister that you're still plotting against her even if you're not outstandingly optimistic that your last Hail Marey will work.
Look, just because certain historian hacks claim that her name was supposed to be spelled "Hale Marey" doesn't mean that sensible ponies don't know better. Hail was a pegasus, not an earth pony; it's much more likely that she was named after an aspect of the weather rather than good health.
While I remember, a quick reminder: On the off chance that anyone ever writes a followup to the noncanon "QA in Equestria" fanfic that Alivaril posted, please tell the rest of us.

Well. If my new senses were going to bribe me with reminders to remain polite, I certainly wouldn't complain.
Wait until she meets the Changelings. She's going to get into a whole conversation about which emotions are most delicious.
Most believed that the dark blue alicorn should be viewed symbolically
Princess Luna is angrily typing...
Others believed that this alicorn died in the Crystal War against Sombra, a power-hungry unicorn sorcerer responsible for the destruction of the Crystal Empire some eleven centuries ago. Celestia had obviously defeated him
Well, that's going to be several surprises then...

Also, there's a great fan video about that battle, sadly the people who made it quit because YouTube is a $*(% to smaller channels.

Equestria remained a 'diarchy' despite having only one ruler and one throne.
Let me guess, the other throne was misplaced along with her war armor.
So perhaps I should take the dark blue alicorn's appearances literally after all. Either way, it was ancient history at this point and not really relevant to the modern era.
Nightmare Moon and one other are typing...
Supposed to be warded was the operative term, here.
I have a bad feeling about this...

Well, no. Not "bad," per se, but that something exasperating for a great many ponies is about to happen.
I appeared at the bottom of the dais before Celestia's throne in a flash of red light, having completely bypassed the wards by virtue of never touching the layers they operated upon. It was too bad that sheer smugness wasn't a viable power source for any spells I cared to cast, as even Celestia looked startled at my appearance.
Celestia: "I see I really have to read that treatise on throne room security vulnerabilities you wrote me."
Sunset: "Actually, no. This one's new."
Celestia: "Is that supposed to reassure me? That just means it's in addition to all the previous ones!"
This was a capital-S Statement, and one that I hadn't expected in the slightest. It didn't go quite as far as saying I was a princess already, but it was in that same realm of confidence. When Celestia said that my absence today would be problematic, she had really been understating things.
Celestia took out all the stops to indicate how much she cares, which is nice. Could have been conveyed better ahead of time, but still nice.
The pseudo-throne would therefore be temporary, and she could dispel it to send me sprawling if I misbehaved badly enough. She probably wouldn't since that might send me toppling off the dais altogether, but she could.
You're misunderstanding again, Sunset! :rofl:
"Another 'security flaw'?" Celstia murmured
Oh, it actually happened in chapter!
I idly wondered if the positioning wasn't just to emphasize that Celestia was above them, but also to ensure that anypony taking too long would start to develop a sore neck. It would be a petty sort of revenge, but harmless enough that I could see Celestia subconsciously indulging in it.
I could see this being intentional, but it's hard to say given how oblivious she's been to people's feelings before...
I started to wonder if Cadance hadn't suggested my inclusion not because it might be helpful for me, but because Celestia clearly didn't want to touch this case with a hundred-foot pole.
Cadance: "I'm uneducated, not stupid." :rofl:
"Moon's Respite," I corrected.

""No, it's Luna's,"" Celestia and Night Flurry said in sync, before the latter froze.
Well, well, well! The horseshoe drops.
I wouldn't ask when there were still ponies around who might overhear, but I really really wanted to.

"I will tell you and Cadance tomorrow," Celestia finally caved. "It is not a tale I wish to tell more than once."
She's actually going to share that story?! This feels somewhat out of character, maybe Sunset and Cadance did have an affect. Or maybe they should check for changelings.
I fought my prior disgruntlement with the knowledge that the subject was probably an unhappy one if she wasn't just explaining already.
Buckle up, buttercup. It's so much worse than you're expecting.
I now knew a name, and I could do a lot with one of those.
Dreams being a great example. Probably best not to remind ponies what you in particular can do with a name for now.
Oh boy, I guess Sunset may need to read up on nightmare repelling effects.
T̸he ̡naḿe̶ ͟ac̵t͞s ̨upon ̕t͞h͢ey҉̨w̵ho̷ ͡know̷ t͏he҉ ̛ńame͏. Śpeąk n҉ot̀ the n̷aḿe͟, ͡ór̡ the n̛a̴mé shal̨l͘ a̢pp̶eár. ͘S҉PE̡AK ͠N̵O͠T ̛T̸H̶E N͠A̧ME!͠

I mean, Luna's been taken over by either her darker emotional side or a possessing spirit (though apparently not an Outsider; congrats, Sunset, you did something even more horrifying) so haunting people in their sleep if they know of her may well be something NMM does to prevent people from possibly getting along with Luna and causing her to let to of her Nightmare.
She's going to be subject to an eternity of dealing with Alicorn drama
This is typically why people talk about the downsides of immortality, yes...
banishing each other to the moon/sun/detroit
I see nothing wrong with this list.
To me the transition to Celestia taking over for sentencing seemed a little abrupt*, but I suspect that she could tell Sunset was getting angry and wanted to end things before she exploded.
I noticed that too, actually. I'm kinda surprised Sunset didn't get annoyed about having her case taken over by Celestia's attention-hogging ways, even if they did at least both agree about who was in the wrong on this case.
Edit: Sunset likely thinks that this should have been resolved with a letter without even bothering with a court session.
Sunset likely thinks the likely wasn't necessary. :p
"You don't have to tell us, I can just figure it out myself" LMFAO SUNSET
She's done some impressive stuff, but this one does seem a bit unlikely. Also, perhaps presumptuous.
...For that matter, it might make Celly happier to actually get it off her chest than have someone figure it out and then accuse her when she learns.

Also, Sunset might take the thousand years banished to the moon as a traditional royal punishment for bad alicorns, which might exacerbate her many issues.

Maybe she shouldn't do that...
Also, is there a Latin-equivalent language (one where 'luna' means 'moon', likely where Luna's name came from in-universe if it exists)? If it does, would this be enough for Sunset to make the connection between the name 'Luna' and the dark-blue alicorn in the old stained-glass windows?
A good question, really. While there are a lot of region-analogues in Equestria, we don't actually know if Latin is one. Even if an equivalent of the "Romane Empire" was a thing, there's no guarantee that anyone knows that particular translation. Given the whole story and the stigmatization of the moon/thestrals, I wouldn't be surprised if that knowledge was a lot less common than the translation here.

And even then, a lot of our names have literal meaning - "Michael" is literally a Hebrew phrase indicating a relationship to God, or note how Potter and Carpenter are last names from family vocations - but most people probably don't know that or didn't care.
If not that, the fact that ''Moon's respite'' and ''Luna's respite'' being mistaken is where she heard the name in the first place is a hint.
I suspect that this is going to be a much more fruitful point of investigation, personally. Not only was it the cause of the whole event but it's a clear tie to the spell whose history she may be able to look up and of course the moon.
This would re-contextualize Celestia's actions: She didn't send Twilight to Ponyville to find the elements of Harmony, she sent Twilight because Celestia expected to be sealed in the sun and wanted to protect Twilight or something. Twilight and friends reactivating the Elements of Harmony wasn't Celestia's plan.
Actually, a pretty popular fan theory about the series in general. There are signs, in fact, of it possibly being both, or perhaps that she was sent there to stay away after her first attempt at making friends failed*. The quality of Ponyville as a safe haven from Nightmare Moon, however, is questionable given that she appeared there and her castle is nearby. There's a lot of stuff about that whole series of events which doesn't quite make sense, in a similar way to Dumbledore's custodianship of Harry.

*which specific case I don't quite agree with, as I think she got along well enough with her first friends and only when sent TO Ponyville did she abandon them. On the other hand, they clearly weren't "good enough" friends that she'd have been able to use the Orbital Friendship Beam and she did abandon them, indicating that she wasn't very good at the friend thing to begin with.
A fairly simple case, but Celestia's discomfort with it is reason enough for Sunset's help to be useful. The fact that the cult leader preaching "Celestia's word" was so disrespectful towards one so obviously in Celestia's favor really didn't help her case.

Huh, considering how powerful that empathy ability is maybe Sunset's enjoyment of hugs is actually partially being powered by that? I mean, it's probably mostly just that she's touch-starved, but a little bleedover from Celestia's emotions would be interesting.

As for Luna, something tells me both Sunset and Cadence aren't going to be happy with Celestia's "peacefully abdicate" plan. Still, with over a decade to prepare, they've got time.

I'm really interested in what the cause of Sunset's magic changing colors is. (Though it might already be an answered question to people familiar with the setting.)
Changes seem to happen when a pony's personality significantly shifts, whether from being possessed by an evil spirit/influenced by an evil artifact, or just over time as the seasons pass. However, characters never seem to react to those changes which I think indicates that they're either common enough to not be a cause for concern or that the magic auras are actually invisible and just used to help the viewers - but the latter is clearly not the case for this story.

She is definitely flaunting it, though 'it' is the unnatural abilities she gained from her knowledge of the occult and how little the castle wards mean to one such as herself.
Yes, but anyone who isn't almost as skilled as Sunset herself won't know that. To everyone else, the idea of the castle wards being broken is almost unthinkable. Thus the obvious explanation is that Sunset was added to the wards, which fits with the other special treatment she's been getting- hospital visits, likely the source of the interruption to a national holiday, a throne by Celestia's side.