Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
To be fair to Sunset, Twilight did not turn out too well in canon. She has no friends at the start of the show and crushes Moondancer's desire for friendship in the first episode. It takes a last minute Hail Mary for that to change.
On my own end, I was having trouble not letting my ears flatten alongside backing away. I hadn't really noticed anything different when I was teleporting, but apparently my new proto-alicorn senses provided uncomfortable feedback when multiple ponies were focusing on me simultaneously. Their greed felt greasy.

I didn't know exactly where Twilight's house was, but I had ways around that. I directed magic to my horn, momentarily reveling in how much more I had now, and cast a quick tracking spell on Cadance's saddlebags.

"Meet you there," I said shortly, and began preparing a teleportation spell.

Cadance's head jerked toward me.

"Wha–this concerns you as well, you can't just–"

I teleported to a nearby rooftop and shuddered. After glancing around to make sure that nopony was looking at me, I manifested a quartet of brushes, plus illusory soap and water, and tried to get the unpleasant sensation of phantom grease off. If that sensation was something I would need to get used to, I was even more baffled and horrified by Celestia's decision to tolerate ponies acting like that. It felt disgusting!

Then again, maybe it was a sense related to my future as the Alicorn of Magic rather than something Celestia needed to deal with. Cadance certainly didn't seem like the sort to be able to tolerate such sensations.
I rather doubt Sunset is going to wind up Alicorn of Magic, which leads to the question "so what will she be the Alicorn of?".

I'd been predicting something along the lines of "Alicorn of Talent/Potential" for a while, with the amount of emphasis we've placed on Sunset being interested in and adept at helping ponies reach their full potential.

But I'm also inclined to think that this "ew gross greasy greed" sense she has now is related to her Alicorn Thing, and I'm not sure how well that connects to the "Alicorn of Talent" theory.
I rather doubt Sunset is going to wind up Alicorn of Magic, which leads to the question "so what will she be the Alicorn of?".

I'd been predicting something along the lines of "Alicorn of Talent/Potential" for a while, with the amount of emphasis we've placed on Sunset being interested in and adept at helping ponies reach their full potential.

But I'm also inclined to think that this "ew gross greasy greed" sense she has now is related to her Alicorn Thing, and I'm not sure how well that connects to the "Alicorn of Talent" theory.
Alicorn of [Blank] is just titles and words. Which I expect is also the case with special talents many ponies use a word to define their talent and then limit themself to that word. Like Sunset Shimmer could have convinced herself that her talent was fire.
I rather doubt Sunset is going to wind up Alicorn of Magic, which leads to the question "so what will she be the Alicorn of?".

But I'm also inclined to think that this "ew gross greasy greed" sense she has now is related to her Alicorn Thing, and I'm not sure how well that connects to the "Alicorn of Talent" theory.
According to the comics Sunsets Element is Empathy and that does fit with the description of the paparazzi scene, while before summoning Voice it would seem that its expression was subconscious and as such Sunset could not actualize it. Empathy is also something that helps with Friendship and so could be a similar capstone Element.
Prodigies are disruptive, demand work from their teachers and draw attention away from their peers.
It is easier to suppress than support them.
It is also a terrible long term strategy on societal level, and potentially incredibly cruel to anyone who does not fit he mold, but for an individual educator who either does not care, or cares but is already overworked, demanding everyone behave the same is often the way to go.
And that was how Sunset inspired Twilight to take the first steps down the path that would eventually lead to her becoming the Alicorn Princess of Arson.
Arson is a crime. If Twilight learns her lessons well, she technically won't be committing those.

To Sunset there are two types of danger. The first is 'dangerous if you make mistakes'. This kind of danger only exists for idiots. The second is 'dangerous even if you don't make mistakes', also known as real danger. Pyromancy and blood magic are both in the first category, and so are perfectly acceptable subjects for her diligent new student to learn.
Don't be ridiculous. Twilight is still too young for blood magic! She doesn't yet have enough blood to do anything worthwhile.
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That's something stories gloss over with Empathy powers.
First, they assume the feelings they get correspond to convenient categories that we have words for.
Then they assume the person can correctly calibrate their senses and assign the correct labels.
Then they assume the "good" emotions feel good.

"What's that person feeling?"


"What's that other person feeling?"

"Love. They love each other."

"Really? Because I'm getting completely different reads on it."

"Love takes many forms."

"Great. Which one is the one that feels like vomit?"

"That's Romantic Love."

Imo as a irl empath other people's emotions feel almost exactly like mine, to the point it's often hard to sort out witch are actually mine without like… walking away to be alone
Blooper from the pick of the month thread:

"In which the full powers of the Autism Spectrum and Magical Friendship collide, fuse, and ignite a new rainbow of hilarity and adorableness. And also many ponies' manes."
Blooper from the pick of the month thread:

"In which the full powers of the Autism Spectrum and Magical Friendship collide, fuse, and ignite a new rainbow of hilarity and adorableness. And also many ponies' manes."
You call that a "blooper," but all you did was switch out "autism spectrum" for "Social Maladaptation." :p

(Either way, thanks for the nomination!)
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"You are now my third favorite foalsitter," Twilight announced.

Considering that my competition was probably Cadance and Twilight's own sibling, I'd take that.

Aww so proud of Sunset here. I don't think she's getting enough credit for not taking that as an insult or competition.

On a side note as far as prodigies, based on what Twilight is saying I'm not sure how much this is "squashing the prodigy" and how much is the teacher not understanding why the student isn't understanding a very basic lesson. With something that seems like it should be so simple and might not be able to communicate their issue at that age it could be hard to tell if this is an issue with someone being too smart or frankly too slow.
to fast at learning but to slow or not understanding social.

maybe canterlot is the problem not society at large.
canterlot is the "elite" "i am better than you" city.
other places probably are not as bad when it comes to classroom settings and social interaction.
true social interaction and genuine emotions is actually possible. in other city/towns/villages
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According to the comics Sunsets Element is Empathy and that does fit with the description of the paparazzi scene, while before summoning Voice it would seem that its expression was subconscious and as such Sunset could not actualize it. Empathy is also something that helps with Friendship and so could be a similar capstone Element.
If we look at Empathy, Friendship, and Love as how they compare to Harmony - which, let's face it, they're the Elements of HARMONY, each of those three things lean more towards 'induces harmony when combined with Honesty, Loyalty, etc. and brings about a way for them to compromise with each other and work together' than being a stand-alone virtue by itself as the others are.

You could argue that Loyalty or Kindness or Honesty can be twisted to something wrong, but most people aren't going to argue against them being virtues unto themselves. Empathy, Friendship, and Love on the other hand? In that respect it's possible 'whatever brings about Harmony' is Magic. Which leads to some bizarre takes on other options to create harmony like an Alicorn of Family.

The Pillars of Equestria, ironically, seem to represent other virtues for the most part - Bravery, Healing, Hope, Strength, Beauty, and Sorcery.
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It's important to note that for all the parallels between them, unlike when Sunset was a child, Twilight does have a primitive support network in her family, Cadence, and (soon to be) Sunset as well. Even if Sunset's influence causes Twilight to avoid making friends (more than in canon at least :V) she's not going to develop the same social/identity issues that Sunset developed. Primarily because she won't be abused/neglected at a key developmental period of her life, but also because she'll have a variety of trustworthy role models to learn her behavior from.

[Minor effortpost analysis assuming that Twilight doesn't deviate much from canon]
Despite Twilight and Sunset both having Special Talents in "All Magic", the reasons why they pursue magic are completely different, and essential to keep in mind when viewing their actions. Sunset has a fundamental need to prove herself worthy of her mother's love, and she believes that the only way to achieve that is to become an Alicorn; something powerful enough to eventually stand beside Celestia as a peer, with a lifespan that means she won't disappear in the relative blink of an eye. Although she enjoys magic, it seems that what she enjoys the most about it is the expression of her power/brilliance over the challenge(s) she overcomes and the other people who couldn't do the same. Because that proves that she's different from everyone else, better than everyone else, something that Celestia has to take notice of.
Any lingering feelings of smugness vanished at the realization that other ponies had done this before.
Did she think the telethaumic manipulation was worthy of note after all, and truly had been too busy to pay attention rather than not caring?

Now in contrast, Twilight has a fundamental need to know/understand, and magic acts as the primary pathway for interacting with the world around her. It's the undercurrent of reality and driving force of life on the planet, so while greater amounts of knowledge in magic leads to greater amounts of power, that's merely incidental to the greater understanding of how the world works in her view. She enjoys magic just as much as Sunset, but the process of learning/discovery is what is rewarding for her, not any sense of comparison/competition with others. That's why she can become just as enraptured in fiction or non-magical studies as she does with magic, there's no "end goal" she's chasing beyond personal improvement/enrichment.
How much blood would it really take to make little 'Property of Twilight Sparkle' stickers that she can always locate because they each contain a little bit of her? She would never misplace a book ever again!

Careful that's like a label maker, except significantly more useful, she might start putting one on everything.

Also if the requirement is it has to be a part of her, wouldn't just a bit of fur be safer than blood.
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Hey uh, your quote box is mistargeted at the wrong post, and says I said that. :p

I've seen" ponyequin" used before in place of "mannequin" in other MLP fics. Which fits with the other changes to language we see; is "man" even used in MLP canon?
I figured "manne" was close enough to "mane" to keep it, but ponyequin does almost turn into pony-equine, so hmm. I'll need to think on this.
Mannequin is a word that came to English from Dutch via French, so if one wanted to be particularly extra, one could try to feed the word pony'tje through that same process.