Hyrule Warriors

So just did the penultimate Legend level before I have to go to work.

Cia has a Stalker Shrine dedicated to link. Complete with images of different versions of him, including as a child.

It is the size of a castle.

Adventure mode is really fun, if a little bit repetitive from all the levels you have to redo in order to get candles, bombs, compasses and what have you.

Padding! You strike again!

Ah well. Just an opportunity to level people up.

Are there any "Rupee dumps" in the game aside from the training dojo? I have 250,000 Rupees and nothing to spend it on. At least I can funnel unnecessary crafting materials into Mixtures.
So... to those who are playing the game, how much do you rate it in comparison to both other Zelda games and other Warriors games?
So... to those who are playing the game, how much do you rate it in comparison to both other Zelda games and other Warriors games?
I've never played a Warriors game, and this isn't really a proper Zelda game, but the Zelda aspects of it are superb and obviously very well done. I love the music, the characters, the adventure mode map, the feel of gameplay. The only thing that seems to be lacking is the quality of the story, but that isn't even a big deal.
By the way, Adventure Mode rewards those that have friends. When you spot anotehr character on the map, teh fight will be harder, but winning give a reward for both players.

At least that's what the loading screen info said.
I have not met others in Adventure mode like that... Yet.

As for how this game stacks: It is a PERFECT FUSION of the things that make Warriors games and Zelda games fun. Both series benefit from this; Zelda combat has never been this fast and frenetic and Warriors has never given this many options to the player. You have two seperate super meters and five different items on you at all times for crissakes. Warriors-style duels become insane with all the zoning and trickery you can get up to.

My only real gripe is that it's not seized on enough; there's no PvP and so far the enemies are a hair's breadth away from being truly worthy foes. I have all these tools and systems to master and I want to be truly challenged beyond just something with a lot of HP and damage. That and the lack of voice acting.

I know WHY they don't have voice acting. And I think it's a mistake. Sticking to tradition to the point that it significantly impacts your enjoyment of a game just ain't cool. WAY too much is happening onscreen at once for your average player to be expected to keep up with flying text boxes. And this is coming from someone that likes reading. Even if it was in a different language the voice cues would help with my tactical awareness.

But seriously... The gameplay is just so damn slick and the content is actually pretty beefy. This game is amazing. A very solid effort from start to finish.
There's no friend thread for console on SV yet, is there? At least, none that I can see.

Also, got precisions. When you spot another character, they'll offer a challenge on the map to complete for weapon/material. Good stuff too from what I heard.
Unlocked Ganondorf.

He is a freakin' BEAST.

There's no friend thread for console on SV yet, is there? At least, none that I can see.

Also, got precisions. When you spot another character, they'll offer a challenge on the map to complete for weapon/material. Good stuff too from what I heard.

I'm ShirowShirow there too. I am currently alone and unfriended. I know one guy with a WiiU and he forgot his own network ID. So anyone feel free to make me feel less abandoned.
I'm ShirowShirow there too. I am currently alone and unfriended. I know one guy with a WiiU and he forgot his own network ID. So anyone feel free to make me feel less abandoned.

Megaolix as ID. Not sure when this take effect, but I know I should sleep now.

And how does one forget his ID? I mean, you log into the console by selecting an account.
Well, there's the fact that he rarely plays said console.

Although he won't message me back much because he's too busy playing Hyrule Warriors now himself.

Think this game might be at least a bit of a Killer App for the WiiU?
Umm...Isn't Hyrule Warriors Couch/Local Co-op only?

You can get bonuses/help your friends get bonuses when playing the adventure mode. This isn't actual online multiplayer though.
My own network id is Oloeopia and I've been having a blast playing this so far, can't wait for the update that'll give us three more characters hits.
So... to those who are playing the game, how much do you rate it in comparison to both other Zelda games and other Warriors games?

You can't jump, but it's been replaced with a an evasive that can be used to cancel. It's otherwise a lot closer to the normal Musou style than something like Hokuto Musou, but just that one change really improves the combat gameplay. It's really fresh as a result.

It's honestly one of my favourite Zelda games in ages because it sort of returns to the fight and survive focus of the original. It's obviously not really the same in practice because, you know, Musou, but I think it shows that you can have a Zelda game that doesn't use the Link to the Past style.
Can I just say that I am loving the sound track to this game? The rock versions of the classic songs are great.

Thankfully I managed to avoid most of the spoilers so stuff like Volga turning into a motherfucking dragon was enough to make me grin with sheer delight. Though I'm only past the first four stages and so far I can't take anything Cia does seriously. Her design is just so eye-roll worthy.

I like how each of the characters has a different style as well. In a lot of Musou games the characters tend to blend together a lot. Here each one has a different way you want to approach an enemy group. Link wants to rush into the middle and begin goonsweeping, Impa wants to hit and run whiel trying to keep everyone in front of her, Lana is all about crowd control and luring enemies into traps. It's great.
My ID is Badwolfwho009, but I don't think it's just people on your Friends List since I've helped out a ton of people in Adventure Mode and none of them have been on my Friends List.

I've almost finished Legend Mode, coolest moment of the game so far to me was
Cia reacting to Ganondorf trying to hijack her.
I just wish it wasn't so easy. Adventure Mode can get pretty tough but bar
Ganondorf's last mission I haven't died once. You have to defeat Link and Zelda at the same time, Link wasn't too bad but Zelda hit like a truck and killed me. I'd kinda prefer it if you played Ganondorf's missions from the other side's perspective.
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Favorite character so far? Surprisingly, Lana. She's just a blast to play as. Sheik is probably a close second.

Least favorite? Fi. She's the same level as everyone else and she just feels so weak.
Ruto is easily my favorite character, followed by Fi.

Midna surprisingly sucks. She attacks way too slow and leaves herself open to literally any counter attack that come her way.
I love how when you first meet Fi she's like "meh, you'll do."

Then she gets right up in your face and is goes "You will need me. Got it?" And Link just frantically nods a little. :p
On badges to get... Unlocking more combos on your weapons is always a good choice. But get the stamina fruits badges when you can. Seriously. You want to drop weak point gauges as fast you can.
Found the gauntlets for Link (Lightning element). Had one hell of a power trip fight with them to test them out. Combos have Link grab a pillar from the ground and slam foes with it or throw lightning around.
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Eo and Megaolix? You both have the exact same Mii! XD

Ruto is easily my favorite character, followed by Fi.

Midna surprisingly sucks. She attacks way too slow and leaves herself open to literally any counter attack that come her way.

Midna definitely has some attack lag and recovery, but her MASSIVE sweeps catch people even when they try and dodge. Which would be better if the AI took advantage of the dodges more often.

I love how when you first meet Fi she's like "meh, you'll do."

Then she gets right up in your face and is goes "You will need me. Got it?" And Link just frantically nods a little. :p

"You're not THE master but you're A Master."

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OK, after playing with the Deku Spear for a bit, I take back what I said about Lana being my favorite character. Feels kinda weak compared to her spellbook.
Damn you all. Because of you I've just ordered a Wii U and this game! :mad:
I feel part of your pain. I already have a Wii U, but i am trying to not buy this game because i have barely enough money to buy some of the future relases. I also need to buy some game already relased, which means that i have even less money.

I want to buy both Sup3r Sm4sh Bros and the Captain Toad's game! Please stop making me want to buy this one too....