Social Justice Ninja
So just did the penultimate Legend level before I have to go to work.
Cia has a Stalker Shrine dedicated to link. Complete with images of different versions of him, including as a child.
It is the size of a castle.
Padding! You strike again!
Ah well. Just an opportunity to level people up.
Are there any "Rupee dumps" in the game aside from the training dojo? I have 250,000 Rupees and nothing to spend it on. At least I can funnel unnecessary crafting materials into Mixtures.
Cia has a Stalker Shrine dedicated to link. Complete with images of different versions of him, including as a child.
It is the size of a castle.
Adventure mode is really fun, if a little bit repetitive from all the levels you have to redo in order to get candles, bombs, compasses and what have you.
Padding! You strike again!
Ah well. Just an opportunity to level people up.
Are there any "Rupee dumps" in the game aside from the training dojo? I have 250,000 Rupees and nothing to spend it on. At least I can funnel unnecessary crafting materials into Mixtures.