Hyrule Warriors

You ever suddenly seen so much cute fanart of a ship that you shipping it just sneaks up on you?




I have been manipulated by the internet. This is going to affect my entire playthrough when I get this Friday.

This is what happens when you introduce a character in another character's room when they wake up like it's just normal for them to be in the bedroom.
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Cia was completely mistaken when she was looking at the person Zelda's destiny was tied to. It wasn't Link at all.

I mean seriously, Impa's concern for Zelda in this game crosses over from bodyguard level concern to 'oh yeah, they're hiding something'.
decided to stop going through the story mode for a bit and did some Adventure mode, only did a few missions....but man I can tell you now I'm gonna be occupied with this for a while. There's a LOT to do in this game.

Also, when Cia dies, does anyone else have the headcanon that her half of hers and Lana's shared soul reunite? cause I don't want to think about Cia being deader than dead, I liked her more than Lana, hell, in a few ways I liked her more than Ganondorf (although big G is pretty cool in this game)
decided to stop going through the story mode for a bit and did some Adventure mode, only did a few missions....but man I can tell you now I'm gonna be occupied with this for a while. There's a LOT to do in this game.

I have to wait until Friday to get my copy :(.

Also, apparently quotes don't keep your spoilers hidden.
decided to stop going through the story mode for a bit and did some Adventure mode, only did a few missions....but man I can tell you now I'm gonna be occupied with this for a while. There's a LOT to do in this game.

You have no idea how much I want to click that spoiler button, but I'm glad to hear that the game has plenty of content to keep me occupied after I pick it up in two days.
You have no idea how much I want to click that spoiler button, but I'm glad to hear that the game has plenty of content to keep me occupied after I pick it up in two days.

Oh it should keep all but the fastest game clearers occupied, there are a few achievements (called 'medals' in game) that'll take a good long while to get. As an example, one of them is to heal an allied unit 500 times in total. This is done by running into the green circle that surrounds a unit that is in need of help, bear in mind that depending on how good you are, this might be a rare event.
  • Hyrule Warriors Characters (Free, September 30) - Three new playable characters (Cia, Volga, Wizzro)
  • Master Quest Pack (October 16) - New weapon, scenario, adventure map, and two costumes
  • Twilight Princess Pack (November) - New character, weapon, adventure map, and two costumes
  • Majora's Mask Pack (January) - Two new characters, adventure map, and three costumes
  • Boss Pack (February) - Two new games modes
I found this. No word on who though that I've seen.

Hm...True Form Midna and Skull Kid would seem to be the players' choice for the TP and MM new characters, respectively, but that still leaves one more character for MM. Fierce Deity could be a possibility, but he could also be incorporated as another costume for Link. I've also seen some online speculation that the new TP character could be the Hero's Shade.
-chanting in the corner-

Naboooru, Nabooooru, Naboooooooru, Naboooooooooru...

TWO MORE DAYS Crud I can't actually remember the last time I was counting down to a released like this.
So my mate bought a Wii U yesterday and picked up Hyrule Warriors with it, so he brought it round to my television and we played a few hours. It's actually pretty rad! It's interesting to compare and contrast with other Musou games. I played a couple of levels, but both times it was as Impa because a) she had elemental superiority and b) Impa is just the fucking coolest ever. I don't know who came up with surfboard sized sword + lightning fast iaido but they need a pay rise. The other characters are pretty cool as well, but omg Impa.

The story is pretty ordinary Zelda stuff but it's okay (also there's a talking narrator which through me for a loop). When the thing about Cia going bad comes up it actually comes off sounding like 'she became a Link otaku and just wasn't paying much attention', though the implication of it is as discussed earlier in the thread was still there. I actually found myself really liking Cia - while her absolute cleavage outfit is eyeroll worthy she had a good presence in the level where she's the lead general, her mask is cool, she's clearly having a great time, I'm a sucker for the dark skin + white hair thing etc - so the possessed by an evil force (can you guess who it is????) stuff is weak. One of the standouts though is the facial animation. When Lana is introduced and she's like 'lol I'll give you all the necessary exposition after you use your army to save my ass ~kira~' Impa's confused expression is just utterly perfect.

There's a lot of content and a lot of things happen in a given level, but in general I felt it was pretty strongly communicated. Comparatively I watch my housemate go through some Sangoku Musou and I'm often left bewildered by all the inexplicable stuff that just sort of happens.
So my mate bought a Wii U yesterday and picked up Hyrule Warriors with it, so he brought it round to my television and we played a few hours. It's actually pretty rad! It's interesting to compare and contrast with other Musou games. I played a couple of levels, but both times it was as Impa because a) she had elemental superiority and b) Impa is just the fucking coolest ever. I don't know who came up with surfboard sized sword + lightning fast iaido but they need a pay rise. The other characters are pretty cool as well, but omg Impa.

Impa's got an alternate weapon you can unlock in adventure mode pretty much the second you unlock her for use. Takes like, 30 minutes to get if you're fast. It's a huge naginata and she wields it in a reverse grip (Cause Impa's gotta style on everybody else), it's also got the fire element.

The story is pretty ordinary Zelda stuff but it's okay (also there's a talking narrator which through me for a loop). When the thing about Cia going bad comes up it actually comes off sounding like 'she became a Link otaku and just wasn't paying much attention', though the implication of it is as discussed earlier in the thread was still there. I actually found myself really liking Cia - while her absolute cleavage outfit is eyeroll worthy she had a good presence in the level where she's the lead general, her mask is cool, she's clearly having a great time, I'm a sucker for the dark skin + white hair thing etc - so the possessed by an evil force (can you guess who it is????) stuff is weak. One of the standouts though is the facial animation. When Lana is introduced and she's like 'lol I'll give you all the necessary exposition after you use your army to save my ass ~kira~' Impa's confused expression is just utterly perfect.

You have good taste sir, Cia's easily taken my number one spot in my favourite Zelda villains, hell, she's one of my favourite Zelda characters. Really looking forward to going over Free Mode with Cia for lulz once she's released.

I think Cia's a good villain because, as you mentioned, she's clearly having fun hamming it up hard when she's in full evil sorceress mode yet she's actually shown to be a human being with some complexities, not a cutout prop. Hell, even her overly sexy outfit kinda makes sense when you consider her main drive is her crazy stalker level lust for Link.

Oh and small unrelated tidbit, but this game is the second in the LoZ series to outright say that Hylians are just a human race/ethnicity. Ghirahim says "Kill all the humans" in his introductory level. Considering Hylians are very likely the majority ethnicity in Hyrule, this means the elf jokes will finally die out :p
Impa's got an alternate weapon you can unlock in adventure mode pretty much the second you unlock her for use. Takes like, 30 minutes to get if you're fast. It's a huge naginata and she wields it in a reverse grip (Cause Impa's gotta style on everybody else), it's also got the fire element.


Stop being the most totally awesome thing ever since anything.


There are special cutscenes for when you meet a character in the field as an enemy, wait till you see the one they made for Impa for when you first meet her, I won't spoil it but holy hell is she the most awesome character in this game.

Hell, I killed the last boss with her because if anyone earned the right to do it, it was her.
Less than sixteen hours until I'll be able to pick up my own copy, and I have no idea how I'm going to pass the time til then.
8 more hours. :(

Only 8 more hours. :)

I hope the Cia stuff is not as problematic as it seems it may be. If it is my enjoyment will be lessened.
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No SV no, i wanted to wait and buy other things before getting this game.

Why are you making me want to use my limited amount of money on it, Why?????
I hope the Cia stuff is not as problematic as it seems it may be. If it is my enjoyment will be lessened.

FWIW I got a different impression of what it would be like from the early information compared to what appears to be in the game. Like from the preview material I got the impression that Cia personally knew and had fallen for the game's Link, but in the game it appears she actually spent a lot of time being fascinated by all the different Links from across time and space. I was only four hours in so maybe something is revealed later, and while it wasn't without issues the presentation was somewhat softened compared to my expectations.