Hyrule Warriors

Even then Zelda/Tetra was more Tetra than Zelda.

Until you brought her to the palace and then I wanted to punch the game devs face in for forcing the 'proper lady' persona on a fricking pirate. Thank crap that lasted all of one scene and was never used again.

This game looks pretty solid, always liked the simplicity of Dynasty Warriors style games, suppose I'm a little disappointed there won't be a proper adventuring Zelda game for another while, but oh well.
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Until you brought her to the palace and then I wanted to punch the game devs face in for forcing the 'proper lady' persona on a fricking pirate. Thank crap that lasted all of one scene and was never used again.

When that cutscene happened, I expected Tetra to freak out and start strangling the king going "My Tan! What did you do to my tan!? Give it back!", cause you know from how pale she became that getting a tan instead of burning has to be hell for her.

I was incredibly disappointed when that didn't happen.
When that cutscene happened, I expected Tetra to freak out and start strangling the king going "My Tan! What did you do to my tan!? Give it back!", cause you know from how pale she became that getting a tan instead of burning has to be hell for her.

I was incredibly disappointed when that didn't happen.

Yes, the transformation from Tetra to Zelda does have some unfortunate implications.
When that cutscene happened, I expected Tetra to freak out and start strangling the king going "My Tan! What did you do to my tan!? Give it back!", cause you know from how pale she became that getting a tan instead of burning has to be hell for her.

I was incredibly disappointed when that didn't happen.

Tetra blinked spots from her vision as the light from the golden power faded.

Link and ghost king were looking at her. The twerp had the most peculiar expression. He was staring at her, mouth agape.


"You are the the incarnation of Princess Zelda of Hyrule." Ghost king said with a grand sweep of his arms.

Tetra breathed in, trying to come to grasp with this.

"I see." She said simply.

She looked down at her...pink frilly dress. Her eye twitched. It was comfortable at least, but really unsuited for combat. Also the other pirates would laugh at her.

Damn it she had a reputation to maintain!

Her hair was long and loose now, flowing down her back.

Impractical. She kept her hair below a certain length for a reason. The weight of the jeweled crown on her head was a nice touch though.

Her gaze traveled down her arm from her silk gloved hands, her eyes widening at the pale, unburnt skin. Flawless, unburnt from sun, unroughened from life on the sea. Like a baby's bottom.

She began to tremble.

"My skin, its...its...-" She sputtered, a crimson splotch of anger blooming in her cheeks.

Link slowly started to back away.

"This...THIS-BY DIN I SWEAR!--" Tetra snarled.

"You can change between forms as you wish." The King said.

"...Oh." Tetra slumped.

The king smiled reassuringly.

"It is your true form. However I would not deprive that of which you are more comfortable. What matters is that Ganondorf is aware of your presence." He frowned as he continued. "This castle will hide you from him. Its wards and protections are among the most powerful ever devised."

"You will be safe here."

Tetra crossed her arms and frowned. "How long would I be cooped up here while you guys play hero?"

The king confidently spoke. "Link has enough supplies for you in his inventory. He only needs to awaken the Master Sword. We will retrieve you and then Ganondorf will be defeated."

She did not like this. There was no telling how long this would take.

It would be boring as hell.

With only a frozen...no a dead kingdom leagues below the water to keep her company.

It would be lonely. The most miserable and horrible sort while she could only pray for their success.


They stared.

"But Princess-" The King said.

"I. SAID. NO!" Ganondorf is a monster and you know these magic walls will be nothing to him. I will not sit here and hope these walls are enough to stop him!"

The king loomed over her.

Tetra stared up at him, and looked at him in the eye. She checked off her fingers as she spoke.

"Static defenses all have a fatal flaw you see." Years of pirating and lots of explosives had taught her this. "They can only remain in one place. They can't maneuver and avoid attacks, or escape or any of that."

"How powerful is ganondorf?" Tetra demanded. "If hes as powerful as he seems, how long will it take for him to break down these barriers? What...15 seconds?"

"Months for a sorcerer. For him..." The king trailed off unhappily.

"I will not hide while he terrorizes the great sea." Tetra snapped.

"If he captures you-" The king growled.

"I would rather take my chances above then sitting in this tomb!" She shouted. The king flinched. Tetra paled and turned away, taking a deep shuddering breath. Her fingers clenched.

She could not imagine what he had been through, seeing Hyrule drowned.

"I'm sorry." She said.

The king sighed."...if you wish this, then...all I can say is to be careful. The world depends on it."

"I understand." Tetra quietly mumbled.

A hand laid itself on Tetras shoulder. She turned in surprise to see Link. He smiled reassuringly.

What was that warm feeling she felt? It was like everything was going to be okay.

Tetra poked him in the forehead.


"You...you are too easy!" Tetra grinned as a scowling Link rubbed his forehead.

"I have some favors to call in above," She turned to the king. "Ganondorf has his share of tricks, well so do I." Tetra grinned viciously.

He could look from hell to the heavens for her. She was going to make him work for it.

Whatever happened...they would face that bastard down.

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Even then Zelda/Tetra was more Tetra than Zelda.

Until you brought her to the palace and then I wanted to punch the game devs face in for forcing the 'proper lady' persona on a fricking pirate. Thank crap that lasted all of one scene and was never used again.

This game looks pretty solid, always liked the simplicity of Dynasty Warriors style games, suppose I'm a little disappointed there won't be a proper adventuring Zelda game for another while, but oh well.
Well, we do get the new "real" Zelda game in just a few weeks at E3.
Dark skinned, ethnic looking Tetra turns into pale skinned, Caucasian looking Zelda.
Much as I could go into the "White skin and Japanese aesthetics" stance here, rather than ethnic, Tetra looks exactly like you'd expect a Caucasian Pirate to look like; tanned. Hell, my tan is darker than hers, and I'm not exactly an outdoorsy person.
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Much as I could go into the "White skin and Japanese aesthetics" stance here, rather than ethnic, Tetra looks exactly like you'd expect a Caucasian Pirate to look like; tanned. Hell, my tan is darker than hers, and I'm not exactly an outdoorsy person.

Well if we go with Japanese aesthetics then you get a dark skin, uncultured Okinawan who isn't really properly japaness. They are lazy and a bit shifty to. Then she turns into a proper japanese woman with light skin and letting men take charge.
Well if we go with Japanese aesthetics then you get a dark skin, uncultured Okinawan who isn't really properly japaness. They are lazy and a bit shifty to. Then she turns into a proper japanese woman with light skin and letting men take charge.
I'm not sure about the Okinawan bit specifically, but this is probably a more accurate "unfortunate implication".
I just watched Midna take out a dragon by dropping the Moon on it. Yes, that Moon. The one from Majora's Mask.

I need this game
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Nintendo is systematically attempting to both enhance my amazon fetish and GIVE me a giantess fetish.

There is clearly some author appeal going on in that company with ladies who are a whole LOT of lady.
I'll happily buy a WiiU when I get the money, and it dips under $200