Gonna gush about this game a bit more.
Can I just say all the characters are incredibly well-detailed? Every single one has a significantly elaborate battle intro and victory animation. They all drive home the personalities of the characters very well, look cool and everything.
Speaking of design, the really bright'n colorful visuals are a superb treat. Everything is distinctive and cool. Loud and Proud. Really glad they found the right medium for conveying the Zelda world again.
Impa's sword sheath has a notch going down the end, solving any questions on how someone, even someone of supernatural skill and strength, could draw the thing.
The movesets are all really distinct. Fi can move and CC at the same time, Midna is tricky yet powerful, Impa darts around to strike for heavy damage... They all have their own quirks and approaches.
So much content! I'm not used to having this much to DO in a warriors game. Haven't even tried Challenge mode yet!
Oh, and can we just talk about how Zelda is little miss perfectionist? The usual adventurer triangle is "Fighter, Ranger, Wizard". One smacks stuff with a sword, one shoots stuff with a bow and one blows things up with Magic. Zelda does all three!