Hyrule: Total War Apocalypse

watch us fail with the dice and I will laugh when link is facing civil war while the moblins are attacking.
lol even a NAt 1 wouldn't do that. It would just cause a -1 to each factions support of you (except the Ordonian commoners) causing a drop in Imperial authority.
Adhoc vote count started by san on Apr 4, 2018 at 8:59 PM, finished with 478 posts and 3 votes.
just checking, but everyone is fine with the name? no complaints or alt. Names?
well that probably settles that. I will keep the vote open until tomorrow, and I will update then as well.
ehh its fine, but guys I don't think were going to find a marriable leader anytime soon, remember each turn is 1 year, so we could be looking at generational times...we should just keep to our territory for now and then plan to marry the kids to other princes and princesses for alliances and such. but also be careful we don't turn in Europe of the middle ages...we DONT want to become that kind of clusterfuck that leads up to WW1 or end up with a leader that's infertile because of inbreeding and hosts of other bullshit health problems!

so next turn we get to marry, and I'm voting for either the grasshopper girl or our childhood friend.
ehh its fine, but guys I don't think were going to find a marriable leader anytime soon, remember each turn is 1 year, so we could be looking at generational times...we should just keep to our territory for now and then plan to marry the kids to other princes and princesses for alliances and such. but also be careful we don't turn in Europe of the middle ages...we DONT want to become that kind of clusterfuck that leads up to WW1 or end up with a leader that's infertile because of inbreeding and hosts of other bullshit health problems!

so next turn we get to marry, and I'm voting for either the grasshopper girl or our childhood friend.

This has been on my mind i figured since ling reincarnates through bloodline first link should setup the ground work to allow the next link to have an easier time to continue link only essentially dies through not having a descendant. So maybe we should marry to make sure one of his descendants reincarnates once twilight link dies plus sans seems to suck at rolling marriage dice for us but benefits us with other stuff
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ehh its fine, but guys I don't think were going to find a marriable leader anytime soon, remember each turn is 1 year, so we could be looking at generational times...we should just keep to our territory for now and then plan to marry the kids to other princes and princesses for alliances and such. but also be careful we don't turn in Europe of the middle ages...we DONT want to become that kind of clusterfuck that leads up to WW1 or end up with a leader that's infertile because of inbreeding and hosts of other bullshit health problems!

so next turn we get to marry, and I'm voting for either the grasshopper girl or our childhood friend.

No, next turn we will not marry.

Like I said leader marriage are not things that you decided lightly. Yes one turn is one year but even with this we rest a young man, we have time to find a good party for us. Better that what we can find in our land. We have no interest to marry for the moment, i think that i can understand your fear to die without child but we are a hero, bless by godess and maybe the stronger man in the world. We will not die so easily.

And for the argument to not turn inEurope of Middle age... WE ARE in europe of middle age, a fantasy but we are. The fact to marry at another family for power and lands is common. Nothing bad at all.
No, next turn we will not marry.

Like I said leader marriage are not things that you decided lightly. Yes one turn is one year but even with this we rest a young man, we have time to find a good party for us. Better that what we can find in our land. We have no interest to marry for the moment, i think that i can understand your fear to die without child but we are a hero, bless by godess and maybe the stronger man in the world. We will not die so easily.

And for the argument to not turn inEurope of Middle age... WE ARE in europe of middle age, a fantasy but we are. The fact to marry at another family for power and lands is common. Nothing bad at all.
I still say we need to not be to picky at least lets agree. On a turn limit for searching for a good bride when links like 45 will make getting one harder and harder because our selection will grow and shrink the more turns pass and as much as were the ever chosen as seen by the zelda roll the other leaders are also finding partners every turn so either we marry soon or actively try to search for a bride after the moblins attacks because dice gods rule here
I still say we need to not be to picky at least lets agree. On a turn limit for searching for a good bride when links like 45 will make getting one harder and harder because our selection will grow and shrink the more turns pass and as much as were the ever chosen as seen by the zelda roll the other leaders are also finding partners every turn so either we marry soon or actively try to search for a bride after the moblins attacks because dice gods rule here

At wanted to go to fast, we risk to close interesting options. I don't understand well why you want find a wife so quick. For the options we will have opportunities with lanayru, Eldin and ven twili if we find them. And we will have, what ? 22 years old ? We have time to wait.
No, next turn we will not marry.

Like I said leader marriage are not things that you decided lightly. Yes one turn is one year but even with this we rest a young man, we have time to find a good party for us. Better that what we can find in our land. We have no interest to marry for the moment, i think that i can understand your fear to die without child but we are a hero, bless by godess and maybe the stronger man in the world. We will not die so easily.

And for the argument to not turn in Europe of Middle age... WE ARE in europe of middle age, a fantasy but we are. The fact to marry at another family for power and lands is common. Nothing bad at all.

I'm starting to regret that we chose our character to be lustful...

Yes, we WILL marry next turn, unless we really want to gamble that we won't botch the lustful roll, as that only causes us trouble and our luck isn't going to last forever. The last thing we need is to lose authority, as it would slow us down by limiting how many actions we can take.

Also, considering our character is lustful, we need a bride that is more willing to overlook that, and our childhood friend might not be so quick to anger if our lust starts acting up again (which will most likely will, at some point). What we need is a marriage that is bound to hold, despite our lust.
I'm starting to regret that we chose our character to be lustful...

Yes, we WILL marry next turn, unless we really want to gamble that we won't botch the lustful roll, as that only causes us trouble and our luck isn't going to last forever. The last thing we need is to lose authority, as it would slow us down by limiting how many actions we can take.

Also, considering our character is lustful, we need a bride that is more willing to overlook that, and our childhood friend might not be so quick to anger if our lust starts acting up again (which will most likely will, at some point). What we need is a marriage that is bound to hold, despite our lust.

From my point of view it's a huge mess to marry now, it close powerful and interesting options later just for a little safety now. San said that we could have a mistress if we make not a bad roll and forme it's a good thing. A mistress help us to overlook our trait useful and give us time to find a good party.
At wanted to go to fast, we risk to close interesting options. I don't understand well why you want find a wife so quick. For the options we will have opportunities with lanayru, Eldin and ven twili if we find them. And we will have, what ? 22 years old ? We have time to wait.
Simple wives wont wait for us sure 'interesting' ones are good but the longer we wait less choices are available as shown by the zelda incident. Understand it's not like normal rpg like fire emblem were we mix and match the ai is also finding partners for itself not just waiting for us to choose one
Also, considering our character is lustful, we need a bride that is more willing to overlook that, and our childhood friend might not be so quick to anger if our lust starts acting up again (which will most likely will, at some point). What we need is a marriage that is bound to hold, despite our lust.
heh no, actually Ordonians tend to be very 1 person relationship people. It is Hylian Nobles and Zora that will often overlook mistresses and lovers as long as they are first in your heart. Also the Zora may take other lovers too but if they are female they will rarely have a child with them.
Simple wives wont wait for us sure 'interesting' ones are good but the longer we wait less choices are available as shown by the zelda incident. Understand it's not like normal rpg like fire emblem were we mix and match the ai is also finding partners for itself not just waiting for us to choose one
also your fertility degrades over time... which may be a bad or good thing for you I'm not telling (it would be good if your way high in it as you can kill your wife with too many kids at once.)

people will also begin to worry about you having heirs by age 30 so I recommend only waiting 6-7 turns before marrying if you do wait.

But ya if you are looking for someone who will overlook your lustful trait, Agitha would be the best if you marry right away. Though she won't actively marry you until she is 20.

EDIT: Ah my bad, I should clarify, the people worrying will be the Ordonians with their human lifespans. Hylians like Link live for a bit more than twice the lifespan of a human.

so 150 years is about what you are looking at for Link as the earliest he will die of old age at. The longest he can live for is 200 years, but that is the equivalent of our 100+ year old people.

He will maintain the health of at least a 40 year old up until 100 years of age and 50 until 120 years. 60 until 140 years and then he starts aging about 10 years for every 15.
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heh no, actually Ordonians tend to be very 1 person relationship people. It is Hylian Nobles and Zora that will often overlook mistresses and lovers as long as they are first in your heart. Also the Zora may take other lovers too but if they are female they will rarely have a child with them.

also your fertility degrades over time... which may be a bad or good thing for you I'm not telling (it would be good if your way high in it as you can kill your wife with too many kids at once.)

people will also begin to worry about you having heirs by age 30 so I recommend only waiting 6-7 turns before marrying if you do wait.
I rest my case...on to important matters should we sacrifice to the dice gods again to annoy san?
Simple wives wont wait for us sure 'interesting' ones are good but the longer we wait less choices are available as shown by the zelda incident. Understand it's not like normal rpg like fire emblem were we mix and match the ai is also finding partners for itself not just waiting for us to choose one

And it's why it's another argument to send a lot of scout explore and find other country where we will can find intersting wifes as soon as possible and not marry with the first ordonnian paysant that we will find.
Ah my bad, I should clarify, the people worrying will be the Ordonians with their human lifespans. Hylians like Link live for a bit more than twice the lifespan of a human.

so 150 years is about what you are looking at for Link as the earliest he will die of old age at. The longest he can live for is 200 years, but that is the equivalent of our 100+ year old people.

He will maintain the health of at least a 40 year old up until 100 years of age and 50 until 120 years. 60 until 140 years and then he starts aging about 10 years for every 15.
Changes a few things about fertility but still it means we will lose wives do to shorter life span equivalents
On a turn limit for searching for a good bride

And it's why it's another argument to send a lot of scout explore and find other country where we will can find intersting wifes as soon as possible and not marry with the first ordonnian paysant that we will find.

I can understand it and I'm fine with it but if it takes so many turns that the list shortens well actually @san is there a way to see how many available "interesting" choices are out their just a number to reference if were taking too long to look for a wife and how the list shortens each turn?
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I can understand it and I'm fine with it but if it takes so many turns that the list shortens well actually sans is there a way to see how many available "interesting" choices are out their just a number to reference if were taking too long to look for a wife and how the list shortens each turn?

I understand your worries but I think it's worth it. it rest Zoras who have a longer life than human so who are less quick to get married, the best for me should be to find the twilis and try to marry with Midna if she is always unmaried. And even if "interesting choices" in term of characters are not available i think that marrry with the ife of another country rest more interstinf than marry with a wife of our country.
I can understand it and I'm fine with it but if it takes so many turns that the list shortens well actually sans is there a way to see how many available "interesting" choices are out their just a number to reference if were taking too long to look for a wife and how the list shortens each turn?
oh well, 1 fellow leader option will be open for a long while barring a NAT 100... that would be lanayru province. other than that there are at least a couple dozen options of varying degrees of quality atm though it depends on your roll.

But if you meant specifically leader/heir picks? at least 3 options remain atm though a couple more may be revealed over time, and some may close up.

The main reason why Zelda married so swiftly is that she was about 35 years old at the start in this (being the twilight princess version.) And with the turmoil in her new nation she needed the internal reputation boost fast.

Remember she is the Zelda who lost Hyrule... TWICE! once after Link got it back for a short time.
I understand your worries but I think it's worth it. it rest Zoras who have a longer life than human so who are less quick to get married, the best for me should be to find the twilis and try to marry with Midna if she is always unmaried. And even if "interesting choices" in term of characters are not available i think that marrry with the ife of another country rest more interstinf than marry with a wife of our country.
Its not that i disagree what im trying to reach is a compromise between does who want to wait and does who want to make it fast. So we don't keep discussing this every turn
oh well, 1 fellow leader option will be open for a long while barring a NAT 100... that would be lanayru province. other than that there are at least a couple dozen options of varying degrees of quality atm though it depends on your roll.

But if you meant specifically leader/heir picks? at least 3 options remain atm though a couple more may be revealed over time, and some may close up.

The main reason why Zelda married so swiftly is that she was about 35 years old at the start in this (being the twilight princess version.) And with the turmoil in her new nation she needed the internal reputation boost fast.

Remember she is the Zelda who lost Hyrule... TWICE! once after Link got it back for a short time.

Apparently Zelda wasn't a so good option after all :p

Its not that i disagree what im trying to reach is a compromise between does who want to wait and does who want to make it fast. So we don't keep discussing this every turn

I uderstand. Well I propose to wait 5 turn maximum after the attack of moblins, it should give us the time to send scouts in a lot of directions and with luck to find the twilis. After this time, that we find the twilis or not, i will be agree to search a spouse in the countries that we discover.
ARC 1: Turn 5: Still no Blin! Major attack very likely, get more troops!
'Well rupees will certainly not be a problem this year.' Link thought with a smile. 'Though I really need to increase the size of the training grounds as soon as possible. More troops need to be trained faster so we can be prepared in the case of a full out Blin invasion.'

Link got up and started pacing in worry. 'Perhaps I should also look into building some counter-siege weapons in Ordontown. We do have those new towers built into the walls that could hold a decent sized siege weapon each. Building an Onager on top of each tower should massively improve the defences there.'

'I should also probably make use of that missile range and start training mass ranged troops. That will let them make proper use of the walls against the Blin when they come.' Link thought sitting back down with a sigh. 'Of course I also really need to look into finding other survivors of the goddesses wrath. If I can find someone willing to ally against the Blin that would solve most of the problem right there. Well wishes and all that... what to do this year?'

this is a line

Current Advisors:

Martial: Rusl +14 to any martial action he is applied to.

Administration: Malo +16 to any Administration action he is applied to.

Diplomacy: Mayor Bo +19 to any diplomacy action he is applied to.

Intrigue: Telma +18 to intrigue actions she is applied to.

Research: Shad +14 to any research action he is applied to. Also grants a +7 bonus to all magical actions, if it is magical research and he is directly applied to it, +21 to the action.

Current Imperial Authority: 12

Current Treasury/Resources at the start of this year/turn:
Rupees: 3180

Food: natural food level 5.

Stone: 1200

Wood: 1600

Metal: 900

[ ] Establish Training Grounds lvl 2 - In order to train more skilled troops and keep up with the demand for more troops, the establishment of a more advanced training grounds is necessary.
Cost: 700 Rupees, 400 wood, 200 stone.
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Can recruit and train more skilled troops, can recruit more troops at once, can build more advanced facilities, Chance of additional bonuses.

[ ] Build Military Barracks - Build a barracks at the Training Ground to house the troops you will soon have. It will be considerably cheaper to house an army here than to grant them a stipend to pursue their own lodgings.
Requires: Training Grounds
Cost: 800 Rupees, 600 wood/stone.
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: -10% military upkeep for a varying number of troops

[] Train Hoplites - Medium defensive infantry armed with a shield and a spear. Knows several defensive formations.
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupee upkeep, 20-200 wood, 20-200 metal.
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Hoplites.

[] Train Light Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Light Infantry

[] Train Medium Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 10-100 metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Medium Infantry

[] Train Heavy Infantry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Infantry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 50-500 rupees, 30-300 Metal, +10-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-1000 Heavy Infantry

[] Train Light Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Light Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Light Cavalry

[] Train Medium Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Medium Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 20-100 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Medium Cavalry

[] Train Heavy Cavalry (Write in weapons/shield) {Write in style of fighting} - Train some Heavy Cavalry. REMEMBER to pick what weapon they use plus whether or not they use a shield! (Level of skill/ability as well as numbers depends on roll.)
Cost: 100-500 rupees, 40-200 metal, +20-100 rupees upkeep {based on how many are trained} (Other resource costs too depending on weapon/shield choices, example: sword= metal, shield= wood, spear= wood +metal.)
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 100-500 Heavy Cavalry

[] Capital Walls - Build walls around your capital to improve defenses. --[] Make it with marble (requires upgraded marble quarry)
Cost: 700 rupees, 400 stone, 300 more rupees if made with marble
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Improved capital defences, if made with marble +1 pop moral.

[] Raining rocks - Build Large Onagers on top of Ordontown's new towers. This will let you bombarded Blin with rocks to kill them with better effectiveness than with bows.
Cost: 600-800 rupees, 300 wood, 100 stone, 100 metal, +100 rupees upkeep.
Time: 1-3 turns
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Greatly improved defences for OrdonTown, slight chance of new siege technology gained.

[] Stimulate Internal Trade - Spend some money funding merchants to try and increase trade in your new nation. It should increase your wealth in the long run.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn. takes 2 turns to take effect.
DC: small success 25-40, Medium success 41-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases trade income by 25-100% based on roll, Chance of increasing influence with either or both merchent/Lord factions.

[] Build Stone Road network throughout Ordona - Build Stone roads throughout your kingdom, this will stimulate trade and let you move armies around much faster.
Cost: 100 rupees, 400 Stone, +100 rupee upkeep, + 400 rupees temporary upkeep.
Time: 2-8 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-100.
Reward: Road network built throughout Ordona, +100 trade income, increase population growth by 10%, population becomes slightly more spread out, trade income gains a +10% modifier, armies move 25% faster throughout your kingdom.

[ ] Increase Livestock Production - Just about every race loves meat and dairy except perhaps the Zora and would be happy with more affordable meat. Invest money to increase production.
Cost: 200 Rupees, -2 food levels for 5 turns,
Time: 1 Turn, will take 3 turns to kick in.
DC: small success 5-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Increases population morale by 1, +1 food level.

[ ] Build MORE lumber camps - The Kokiri forest and the towns nearby it used to provide most of the lumber for Hyrule. While your people have always harvested some wood from the nearby Faron woods, with your people cut off from Hyrule it is time you established proper lumber camps.
Cost: 500 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300-700 wood Income (risk of deforestation)

[ ] Build Basic Primary School System - The people of Ordona generally lack knowledge on how to read and write, beyond its merchants, lords and a handful of other people.
Requires: Library, printing press.
Cost: 2000 Rupees, 800 stone/wood, 200 wood, +100 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns, takes effect after 2 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: All rupee income +20% modifier, +5 learning rolls.

[] Increase size of the capital
Cost: 800 rupees, 600 stone/wood, +200 temp rupee upkeep
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 2-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: +100-400 tax income, +100 trade income, Refugee malus removed, Guaranteed loss of -1 racial influence with Ordonian Lords, possibility of -1 racial influence with the Hylian Lords.

[] Attempt to improve population morale - hold a feast, Throw a party, Create a holiday. Do whatever it takes to improve how happy people are and how much they like you.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of population morale in place, of improving population morale by +1. If you fail by too much you might lose 1 population morale instead.

[] Hylian dispersal - Spread the remaining Hylians throughout the Kingdoms many villages and few smaller towns. This will annoy the Hylian and Ordonian commoners a bit.
Cost: 300 rupees
TIme: 1 turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +300 rupee tax income, chance of -1 influence with Hylian commoners, Ordonian commoners will feel less loyalty to Link, Refugee maluses removed.

[] Attempt to improve how much a race/faction likes you - Hold a feast, Throw a party, Give them money. Do whatever it takes to improve how much a faction likes you and respects your authority.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 45-60, Medium success 61-75, large success 75-90, great success 90-100.
Reward: success grants 1-4d50's to roll towards a 0/100 score +0/100 per every point of influence you already have, of improving racial/faction influence with a single faction by +1. If you fail by a lot you might lose 1 racial influence with the faction, or with a different faction.

[] Train scouts - Train scouts to look into the various surrounding areas and try to find SOMEBODY!
Cost: 200 Rupees +50 rupees upkeep
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.

[] Send scouts Northwest - Send scouts towards the old Hyrule fields and lake to see if anything or anyone survived out there and to map out the land. Who knows, maybe someone somehow DID survive... if not your sure you will find some resources out there.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.

[] Send scouts southwest - Perhaps you should send some scouts in the direction of the Moblin lands. This will give you an idea of what they might be doing and if they are preparing to invade you at the moment. Though it won't give you much of a warning, you will need to send a party INTO their lands for that.
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: 1 scouting party to send where you wish.

[] Send scouts southeast - You know what Hyrule has never done? Send scouts into the desert and mountains nearby. You should try it, who knows? Maybe you will find something/someone. Perhaps you will even find some resources!
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the nearby desert and mountains and what is in them.

[] Send scouts northeast - Send scouts into Faron Woods to map out the land and maybe find some resources. After all it's not like you will find any people over there... right?
Cost: 100 Rupees, 1 scouting party
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: Information on the Faron woods and what is in them.

[] Build a research lab - Build a research lab to do experiments in.
Cost: 400 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 10-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: New research options, chance of +1-3 to future research actions.

[] Build a Library - Build a Library to store all the books you can possibly find.
Cost: 300 Rupees, 200 stone, 100 wood.
Time: 2 turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Reward: +3 to any future research actions, +5 to finding a research advisor, +5 to training research stat.

[] Figure out how to build a printing press - One of the people who aided you on your quest, Shad, had mentioned to you the idea of using pre-made blocks covered with ink to copy books. He mentioned that this was a recent creation in the capital of Hyrule and that it could revolutionize education. Sadly the capital is lost and the machine with it, however you can try to build your own.
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal, 100 wood.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Prototype printing press, can start to create your own printing press machines.

[] Research infantry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your infantry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about infantry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research Cavalry technologies - Try to figure out a way to improve your Cavalry somehow... someway?
Cost: 300 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn something about Cavalry be it formations, tactics, how to use certain weapons properly, anything!

[] Research armor technologies - Try to make some kind of improved armor for your troops to wear. Certain to improve survivability! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 200 metal.
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn an easier way to make armor, or how to make a new type of armor!

[] Research weapon technologies - Try to make some kind of improved weapons for your troops to use. Certain to improve killing potential! (maybe... Satisfaction NOT guaranteed.)
Cost: 400 rupees, 100 metal
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Some kind of new weapons or a way to make them more easily.

[] Research bombs - Try to figure out a way to reproduce the bombs Barnes always used to sell you. (WARNING! dangerous experiments abound.)
Cost: 800 rupees
Time: 1 turn
DC: small success 30-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99.
Reward: Learn how to make bombs

[] Search for an Advisor - look for someone who knows about the three Goddesses and appeasing them as well as the religion in general. Start by looking through the Ordona province as you never really bothered to learn about who is religious back before your adventure.
Cost: 200 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: small success 25-45, Medium success 46-65, large success 66-90, great success 91-99. (+10 to roll once you have a Temple, +20 if you have all three temples.)
Reward: An advisor

[] Build a Grand Temple to Farore - Build a massive Temple to Farore in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Followers of Farore', Can train Priests of Farore, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Din - Build a massive Temple to Din in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Disciples of Din', Can train priests of Din, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a Grand Temple to Nayru - Build a massive Temple to Nayru in your capital. Will make the Goddess very happy and provide a place for her worshippers to pray to her. Must build the other two temples soon or you run the risk of angering the other goddesses.
Requires: Capital, Marble
Cost: 1500 Rupees, 600 stone, 100 wood, +200 rupee upkeep
Time: 3 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Cement the favor of the Goddess with your family line, creation of the faction 'Acolytes of Nayru', Can train Priests of Nayru, +5 to Faith actions and +1 population Morale once the other two grand temples are constructed.

[] Build a few dozen small churches - Build several smaller temples spread throughout the city dedicated to the combined religion of the three goddesses. This will lower the risk of angering the other goddesses once you start building the Grand temples.
Requires: Capital
Cost: 1000 Rupees, 300 stone/wood, +100 rupee upkeep
Time: 2 Turns
DC: small success 15-30, Medium success 31-60, large success 61-85, great success 86-99.
Rewards: Creation of the faction 'Devotees of the Golden Goddesses', Can train Priests of the Golden Trio, +3 to Faith actions.

[] Training - Pick a stat to train, it gets more difficult to train the higher it is, and it gets easier to train if you have supporting buildings or other things to train the stat. (Like training grounds for combat or martial.)
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: Roll 1d100 -the points in the chosen stat +any aids to training the stat. 0/200 progress
Reward: +1d2 to the stat of choice.

[] Searching for a Spouse - Try to find someone to marry and have kids with. *Lustful trait starting to act up! if you do not find a wife this year may result in some racial influence loss from an incident!*
Cost: 0 Rupees
Time: 1 Turn
DC: hidden roll +/- spousal approval modifiers
Reward: spouse choice mini-turn.
(marrying someone within your nation boosts loyalty. Marrying someone important from another kingdom boosts diplomacy. Marrying a ruler from another kingdom or their heir gives you the chance to combine both of your kingdoms into one combined kingdom.)

Turn ends here.

There you go everyone. A few more options this turn and your massive number of rupees. I also added +100 rupees in trade income to the roads option so it won't increase income by much but it will increase it.

6 Hour Moratorium!

Also Vote closed on the Heavy cavalry name since it is unanimous.
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