Hymn of Harmony (Worm/Ar Tonelico Crossover Alt Trigger Taylor) (Complete)

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Fifth Arc 5.1
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.1

-April 25, 2011-

-Hebert House for the Terminally Strange-

There is something to be said for waking up in your own bed. The medics confirmed there was nothing physically wrong with me so my dad was able to take me home. Being kidnapped was not fun, but it could have been a lot worse. The medical scanner showed that my body was free of contaminants, which was a blessing. Apparently the drug they gave me was something that metabolized without a trace. Which is kind of scary when you think about it. A knockout drug that leaves no trace at all? I can't blame Tinker tech because there actually is a solution being researched that does this very thing. Oh sure most bullshit scientific inventions can be blamed on Tinkers, but not all.

When I made it home yesterday afternoon no one was in the mood to discuss anything. We sat on the couch and watched movies until it was time for bed. Cocona and Des were still going to school today. They wanted to stay home with me, but Dad put his foot down. The sooner we all got back into our normal routines the better. Besides it would probably be noticed if they played hooky. No one came to wake me up this morning. I felt the space beside me in confusion. Sonata wasn't there. My daughter had glued herself to my side ever since I got home, but she was apparently not here now. I wasn't worried since her melody was somewhere in the house. Oh she was making breakfast with Dad. A glance at the clock showed it being after ten o'clock. This was one late breakfast.

"Taylor! Come on! We know you're up!" Dad called from downstairs. My plans to just laze away the day were now shot. I made my way towards the kitchen where the smells of tasty food beckoned. The last traces of laziness banished by my true master declaring it's desires.

"Smells great guys." I smiled at them. Sonata was standing at the stove in a plain black t-shirt and a blue denim skirt. She was tossing the food in the pan deftly without spilling a thing. I planted a kiss on her head and got a purr in response. Dad finished setting the table before coming over to hug me. I buried my face in his chest and just relished the feeling of closeness. He rubbed my back soothingly.

"Glad that you're home, little owl." He murmured into my hair.

"Glad to be home, Dad." A giggle escaped me as Sonata wedged in between us to claim her own hugs and cuddles. "I love you guys." Before the moment could grow any sappier there was the matter of the food.

"I made a breakfast scramble. At least I think it's a breakfast scramble. Okay okay...I'm hoping it's at least close." My daughter shrugged without concern.

"If it tastes even half as good as it smells then you're good." Dad assured her. She dished up the food. Scrambled eggs, cheese, diced potatoes and peppers, all in the same pan. Simple and well seasoned.

"Mmm...very good, hun." She lapped up the compliment from me happily. Breakfast was quiet, but there was a faint undercurrent of anticipation. It wasn't a sense of doom, but there was a definite feeling of something. Yeah that was vague, but I couldn't put my finger on it at all.

"Sweetheart." Dad began to say as he pushed the last morsels of food around his plate. It was a talk. Not a bad talk given what his melody was saying, but it would be weighty. "Is there anyway for you to make a better tracking device?" Of all the things he could ask that was not what I was expecting. I took a sip of orange juice to give me time to answer. It would have to be something that couldn't be spoofed, detected, or shut down. It would have to run nearly indefinitely. Something that was small enough to be ignored. A subdermal implant would do the job nicely actually. The trick was making one with all of the bells and whistles that wouldn't be the size of a pocket watch. Subdermal anything shouldn't be large enough that it can be seen from six feet away and bulging from the skin.

"Actually Armsmaster's been working on something like that. It's in the final stages and he needs to test it first." Sonata chimed in on the topic. I just continued to chew my breakfast contemplatively. It wouldn't hurt to see if he would like some help. Then again he had Dragon and I didn't want to horn in on their alone time.

"I'll have to think about how to do it, but making a tracking device myself is probably for the best. There's no such thing as being too careful." Especially when you've already been kidnapped once, but that part went unsaid.

"What would you say to taking a vacation? Just a short one. We would leave on Friday and be back Sunday night." Dad suggested. The last time we took a vacation was before Mom died. It felt good to hear him make the suggestion as it highlighted how things were getting better.

"A real vacation? Where would we go, Grandpa?" Sonata asked excitedly. Can't fault her enthusiasm. The only place she's known is Brockton Bay. Roaming the internet doesn't count.

"Well if your mother says yes..." I nodded eagerly eliciting a laugh from him, "...Okay. There's a place in Pennsylvania that we spent some time at. It's quiet and out of the way." Quiet sounded good. The idea of an actual quiet vacation sounded really good about now. Too many things hit us too close together. I knew that we were all feeling the strain.

"It's a nice little bed and breakfast. I'm surprised it's still there." The place in question had been around since the 60's, but apparently was still open for business. It was as if time slowed down while you were there. I was already feeling impatient for Friday. Dad ruffled my hair playfully.

"Easy kiddo. Friday will come soon enough. How about you call your friend Lisa and see if she can get away." He said with a smile. Realization dawned on me. Somewhere along the way all of us had become a family. My answering smile was just as bright.

"...Probably shouldn't pack the rifle, but the Noisy Cricket is out of the testing stages..." Sonata muttered to herself. First order of business? Talk my daughter out of bringing heavy weapons. Dad just laughed.

"Honey...I don't think that's such a good idea..." I was fishing for something to convince her that bringing the heavy artillery was bad. She tilted her head quizzically at me.

"I'm just factoring in our usual luck. If I didn't bring weapons then we'd need them. The law of Universal Perversity." She shrugged her shoulders as if delivering a devastating logic bomb. The sad thing was that I couldn't even disagree with her. Our luck was bad even when it was good.

"Why not get a couple of those ELMAs to follow us? We could load them in the van maybe." Dad wasn't even trying to talk her out of this. They both turned to me.

"Okay. Point made. I'll go to headquarters and see what's there. Hmmm...probably need to upgrade my armor again." The idea of further improving my armor was thrilling, but at the same time it was frustrating. Is this how Armsmaster felt whenever he found a situation he wasn't prepared for?

"Ooh I'm coming too! I've got a couple ideas for improving my Song magic rig." My little girl was clearly over the moon about improving her equipment. That reminded me of something.

"I have an idea that you might like to test out. The individual parts were already approved, but I haven't tried putting them together yet. It would be bigger than your Cutey ELMA, but it would function as an add-on. Consider it a present so no asking me what it is until it's done." I tapped her on the nose. She pouted adorably, but that wouldn't work. Dad chuckled at our antics.

"She looks just like you wheedling something from your mother." He said with warm nostalgia. I pulled my baby closer so we could smile at him together, cheek to cheek, until he dissolved into laughter.

"The Ship Graveyard Project has been given the green light. The Mayor requested the dockworkers' help in tearing down the eyesore. We'll be getting help from some construction equipment that Dragon is donating to the city. I have to be there to sign off on the delivery." Dad grimaced towards the end, "I know it's not ideal..." I waved him off.

"It's fine, Dad. You can just drop us off at HQ. They wanted to talk to me anyway." Now I was grimacing. They were bringing in a psychologist to speak to me. I would go and do what was said. If I showed myself to be cooperative then the ordeal would end sooner.

"I'll just get the lab warmed up for your arrival." Sonata grinned with a distant look in her eyes. I turned and gave my daughter a look. She was acting kind of weird. It wasn't something immediately apparent, but it was pinging on the Mom-dar.

"Honey? Can I do a quick scan?" It wasn't anything harmful. If it was then I would be getting warnings and alerts. This was something my own systems didn't see as trouble. Dad looked between the two of us in some concern, but wasn't freaking out.

"Uh sure thing, Mom. You don't have to ask." She looked confused.

"Yes I did. You have a right to your privacy." I brushed her hair tenderly as my awareness expanded. Her eyes started to glow in sync with my own. A pale green luminescence with white pupils. A black ring emerged in her irises that faintly resembled targeting reticules. She blinked and the effect receded as I drew back.

"Well doc is it terminal?" She asked humorously, but there was definite curiousity there.

"A few of your systems have updated based on acquired data. If you're not noticing a difference that's fine. Just a few things have been enhanced based on usage. Targeting, thinking speed, and an ability to determine stress points." All good things for a gun Tinker to have. I would almost say she had a Shard. While it's functionally similar the difference is how it was acquired. She needed it and got it. There was no trauma needed. Also Shard powers are a bit more bullshit.

"So nothing wrong? Just a...software update?" Dad asked. He was doing a lot better at keeping up with technology.

"I just wanted to check it out. She was getting a bit too gun happy." I ruffled her hair playfully. She stuck her tongue out at me, but was clearly pleased that I noticed. Left unsaid was that I would always notice her.

"Alright ladies let's clean up. We've got places to be." Dad stood up which was the cue to get a move on. I wasn't looking forward to my talk with the psychologist. They were bringing in a well known and respected parahuman psychologist named Dr. Jessica Yamada. She was highly recommended with a waiting list for her services. Someone got me bumped to the head of the queue. I would accept the privilege gracefully. Part of me was irked that there were people waiting to speak with her and someone put me ahead of them.

"You're broadcasting again, Mom. She actually volunteered to speak with you. Apparently you interest her." Sonata hip checked me. I blushed. I'm not immediately assuming the worst anymore.

It's a work in progress, okay?

-PRT Headquarters-

The office was designed to set a relaxing atmosphere and succeeded remarkably well. I was seated on a rather comfy leather sofa with cushiony armrests. The furniture was designed more for comfort with the carpeting having a delightful texture. Well I thought it was nice. Now I'm starting to think they made this room too comfortable if the carpet is making me think of a nap. The Cutey ELMA in my lap barks to catch my attention. Whoops. I let myself get distracted. Seated at the desk was a pretty woman in white coat, button down shirt, and a tasteful skirt. Her shoes were clearly for comfort and function than pure appearance, but still looked nice.

"I am so sorry. Apparently someone forgot to forward a few things to me." She smiled apologetically. Dr. Yamada stood up from the desk and made her way to a high backed leather chair. In her lap was a notebook. Every inch the professional.

"It's fine." I patted the ELMA sitting in my lap. Getting kidnapped did make a bit more paranoid. She smiled at me and nodded.

"You have been through a fairly traumatic experience. How are you holding up?" She asked me considerately.

"I've been better. If I'd had my armor, and not just an emergency unit, would I have still been taken? I get that the Travelers and Coil are responsible for taking me. Maybe I could have been more prepared?" The small machine butted my chin with it's head lightly. The emotive work was superb. I smiled a bit as my worries about Sonata's specialty evaporated further. She programmed the ELMAs after all.

"So you feel that part of this was your responsibility?" Dr. Yamada asked curiously.

"Tricky really. Could I have gotten away with my full armor? Maybe. If I was willing to go full lethal." The idea made me a bit sick. "I was still outnumbered by a well coordinated group." My distaste must have shown on my face.

"Would it have been worth it?" Again that was tricky. Save my family a lot of worry on one front, but a lot of scrutiny on another. I waved my hand back and forth in a so-so gesture.

"Probably not. They needed me for something so I was fairly safe." Logic was kicking my butt. The doctor looked at me over the top of her notebook. She shook her head slowly.

"When they told me I was skeptical. Please don't be offended, but I was curious to meet a young cape that was so level headed. It's a sad fact of my profession that many of the people I meet genuinely need help." Her melody was apologetic. I couldn't find it in me to be upset with her.

"That's fine...no problem at all...so that means we're done?" Maybe I was just a tad eager to leave. I liked her, but it was a relief. She laughed at my enthusiasm. Good to know that I didn't offend her.

"Yes, we're done. If you don't mind I would like to talk to you from time to time." She held out a business card for me. A private line was written on the back. "What do you have planned for today?"

"Improving my equipment further. I had quite a few ideas from some of the things that Coil had. What better way to thumb my nose at him than steal his pirated designs? It's only fair since he stole from me first." I was feeling a bit vindictive. Coil and Squealer played with my designs and now I was going to improve it using their ideas.

"Oh dear...that's a scary face." Dr. Yamada commented with a faint smile. I flushed a bit in response.

"Not really a heroic attitude is it?" Her melody told me that she was teasing. I giggled a bit. We left her office together and were heading down the hall.

"Unfortunately this is my stop. I have to speak to Miss Militia. Try to stay out of trouble, please?" She waved goodbye.

"Trouble has a habit of finding me!" I waved back as my path continued onward to the lab. It was nice talking to her. The appointment felt more like procedure. Then again didn't police officers have to go through similar things after a traumatic incident? The parallels were there if you bothered to look. We were government agents after all. The Youth Guard did have a point in that it was distressingly easy to forget the Wards are kids. They just took an overzealous approach. When it was taken all together the picture it painted was of good ideas implemented poorly. The PRT wasn't perfect. I was part of it and could see the cracks in the system. The treatment of independents and rogues was draconian.

The PRT was a government sanctioned military organization. That was a gross oversimplification, but it gave me a basis to start from. They had the monopoly on parahuman relations. Scared men on Capital Hill made laws that the PRT was expected to enforce. Since they were the face Capes saw the most then the blame fell on them. People tended to forget that it was old men and women pulling the strings. Did that make them evil? Hardly. Did it absolve the PRT of mistakes? Nope. When you have people that can dead lift super tankers, teleport to anywhere, or become a one man Macross Beam Massacre fear is perfectly natural. The fact that no one can regulate Scion probably adds to that fear considerably. He's benign, if unpredictable, but still no one understands him. No one can keep him in check.

This was what I was against. I know the Reyvateils just want me to observe and not stick my neck out, but they understand my needs. They knew what I was trying to accomplish.

The door to my lab opening distracted me from my thoughts. The large fabricator was all warmed up. Sonata was in her portion of the lab working on the weapon system designs I left her. It was a nice division of labor since she was better at armaments than I was while my armor designs were better. We could both build utility items. She waved to me as I walked in, but didn't look up from her work. I sat down at my terminal as the design schematics for the first three ELMAs came up. Each one an improvement over the last in terms of versatility, but the Mark II frame was still the most durable. It was also the most iconic. The public liked the Mk II the best.

I was a slave to PR now. That's another sin I can lay at the PRT's feet. Sonata snickered as apparently I'm transmitting my thoughts again. Oh well let her laugh. The Cutey ELMA sitting at my feet gazed up at me curiously. Interesting idea. It would work well since many of my designs were built to have easily changed parts. I didn't have Kid Win's specialty of modular design, but it was good enough. Keeping the armor's appearance and upgrading functionality was child's play. The new Cutey ELMA I was designing would be mobile reconnaissance and an extra weapons pack. My new blueprint was fired off to Dragon along with the upgrades to the Mk II. The whole thing was designated Mk IV for simplicity. Calling it the ELMA Linkage Mk II with Optional Surveillance and Weapons Pack was a mouthful.

Now I closed off my connection to the chat channel since it wouldn't do to have someone, like my daughter, get an early peek. Sonata likes the smaller unit with it's greater maneuverability. The thing is that I don't like leaving her lightly armored if the force fields fail. She wasn't supposed to be out in the field, but there she was. No one forced her to go. I was taken so my baby wanted to find me. She had her Buster rifle and her playlist that could mimic my Song's effects. So the first was to make her a set of collapsible armor like Cocona has. Hers was designed to maintain flexibility. Sonata already had the flight unit and force field projector with the Cutey ELMA. That left me with some space on the chassis to install a Harmograph and the same amplifiers from the Mk III. Okay now I was happier with her armor. That was going to be a surprise. The design was sent over to Dragon as well for review.

The last thing to design was going to be a Divine Army armor. The Jacqli Robo design was awesome. Mir didn't build it herself, but she did personalize the machine. I set the coloring to white with gold trim for the more heroic approach. The combat system was designed to be used by a Thinker however. There would be a MP model and this custom model. The custom model was going to be for Lisa. I couldn't figure out how to make such a large thing shrink into an ELMA without Armsmaster's help. It couldn't transform, but then again it didn't need to. Heavily armored with redundant force fields and high energy plasma weapons. Seeking missiles and miniguns rounded out the weapons systems. It also had containment foam grenades and sprayers. The force field bubble grenades were added as well. A larger platform could carry more nonlethal options after all.

Now the trick was going to be getting all of this by Friday.

AN: Paranoid Taylor is Paranoid.
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Fifth Arc 5.2
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.2

-April 27, 2011-

-PRT HQ: Aria's Lab-

I'm bored. That's something I never thought about feeling, but there it was. Become a Ward, learn about your powers, get the backing of a large organization, and do some good. That's what you expect, but right now I'm bored. My current armor designs and revisions were sent for approval. All of my home schooling assignments were caught up. I had even finally gotten around to organizing my junk drawer and locker. They weren't allowing me to patrol until further notice. The other Wards weren't allowed to patrol either. The PRT Armored Division was now a large enough force to handle things. It was unclear if this was the new status quo or just a temporary measure. I'm not ashamed to admit that desperation was settling in and I wanted something to do.

With that in mind I started sorting through the other Ar Cielan tech at my disposal. I came to a rather startling conclusion. The medical tech I had given them wasn't even scratching the surface. Some of the tech was too advanced for the current level of growth, but others were just right. I booted up my terminal and started listing the medical devices that could be built now. The medical bed was fairly simple and used variable spectrum light to improve recovery. That was a good one to work on. Already the boredom was easing.

"Medical stuff, huh?" Sonata asked as she rested her chin on my shoulder.

"Weapons and armor helps a lot. The thing is it was starting to feel like I was moving away from my original goals...I wanted to help people, y'know?" She hummed thoughtfully in response before saying, "What about the nanite injectors?" Nanite injectors were extremely potent recovery items that could be used quickly to stabilize even the worst injuries. The thing is they needed a baseline to work from. Though a slight programming tweak to the nanite that mapped the target's body first would work. Program it to stay away from brain tissue as well. A few more tweaks to only heal what actually needed healing and it was set.

"I hadn't even thought about them, but good idea." I complimented her as my fingers worked their magic.

"You're too worried about Nilbog or similarities to the more infamous bio tinkers. Relax. It's not like you're running up to people and jamming your concoctions into them." She mimed holding a struggling person while stabbing an invisible syringe.

"Okay honey...I get it. I'll try not to worry so much." I assured her once my laughter was under control. She knew exactly what was worrying me. The difference between me and those wackos was that I wasn't going to use this stuff untested. It worked on Ar Ciel, but that didn't automatically mean it would work as expected here. So the medical bed design was finished as was the programming and design for the nanites.

"Oh no kiddo...you are not doing another working lunch. Not on my watch." Mouse Protector strode in the lab with...fanfare? I gave my daughter a suspicious look as that silly Mouse Protector jingle played. She mouthed 'sorry' but didn't look repentant at all.

"Uh...what do you mean working lunch?" I asked the sword wielding cape. She made an elaborate gesture at the clock sitting right across from my workstation. It was that late already?

"Growing girls need to eat! Come on ladies." MP chivied us out of the lab and onward to the dining hall. She had taken it upon herself to keep an eye on Sonata and I. It was sweet, but like everything else she did it was over the top. My daughter gave me an amused look.

"Thanks for coming to get us. Mom gets so into her work it would take a bomb to dislodge her." My traitorous offspring chirped happily.

"Oh it's fine...I know how it can be with the very best of Tinkers. If Dragon didn't come around as often as she does then Armsy would never leave the lab. I heard she caught him trying to increase the caffeine in coffee once. Then there was the chemical stimulant he wanted installed in his suit..." The large ham continued to regale us with tales of Armsmaster's follies the entire way to the cafeteria. Okay so it was funny. Sonata had a look on her face like she couldn't believe what was being said. We entered the room and made a beeline for the buffet.

"Today's special is chicken wing pizza. Huh." It smelled good and I made sure to get a few slices for myself. I tested the sauce before deciding some horseradish would go good with this. A few of the cafeteria workers snickered and money changed hands. They're actually betting on my eating habits now. Well my cover's blown so grabbing the Hoisin sauce and tabasco was perfectly alright then. Mouse Protector and Sonata were both staring at my tray before shuddering. In sync.

"I know that Mom's weird biology gives her unusual cravings, but now I'm worried." My daughter shook her head in disbelief.

"Is it any good?" The Mouse asked out of morbid curiousity. I took a bite of my pizza and nodded. There was the right amount of spice, sweet, and salt. I was coming to a few conclusions about a Reyvateil's diet. We had different needs than other people did. Flavor was wildly subjective of course as it was a matter of personal preference. I noticed out the corner of my eye the valiant and brave heroine fix herself a slice and take a bite. She chewed thoughtfully for a few moments. Nodded her head. Then promptly walked over to the soda fountain and consumed her body weight in liquids.

"Seriously...how can you eat that? I'm not gonna see if I somehow got your sense of taste. She really should have known better." Sonata watched Mouse Protector come back to the table.

"Well that was certainly unique. You must have an asbestos tongue." The poor heroine sounded a little hoarse. I patted her hand while humming softly. She tilted her head at me, "You're a healer too?" Her throat sounded a lot better, but her voice was hushed. I'll admit that I'm guilty of being surprised at her subtlety. You don't last long as she has by being brash all the time.

"It's not something I talk about because it really only works on Capes." Something about my Songs interacted more smoothly with those bearing Shards. That's not to say it has no effect at all on non capes, but it would be more akin to plink healing than actual recovery.

"Hey did ya hear?" A man asked as he and a coworker sat down several tables away.

"Heard what?" The other man asked.

"A whole shipment of replacement limbs has gone missing. The driver swears he didn't take his eyes off the cargo." That was unusual and worrying. His companion nodded.

"Right...I heard about that. It's even weirder that the guy still drove all the way to his destination without realizing the shipment was gone." Who could do that? Make an entire shipment vanish and no one even know that it's gone? They trailed off into lower tones as the topic changed. I didn't need to hear whatever it was that had them smirking like that.

"You know eavesdropping isn't very nice. Missy warned me about that." Mouse Protector brought my attention back to her. "If you're gonna do it at least pretend you're not listening in, okay? I don't care what dirty laundry you wanna listen to, but try to be discrete." I couldn't help snorting at her comment.

"You're telling me to be discrete?" I put all of my amusement into that. She clutched her chest dramatically.

"Ack! You cut me to the quick!" We all had a good laugh, but it didn't quite drive from my mind what I heard. It made me curious about anything else that might have been stolen. I couldn't help the chill that ran down my spine and hoped that it was a premonition of things to come. A slender finger poked me in the side and set me off into giggles. Sonata's eyes stared into mine telling me to stop brooding. Later. I could think about this stuff later.

-PRT HQ: Wards' HQ-

Apparently I wasn't going to be given my chance at investigating what was said just yet. To be honest I didn't even want to do it just yet. My conscience was telling me to do it, but a wiser part was telling me to give it a rest for today. Okay so Mir threatened to tell my father if I didn't relax today. I couldn't keep the chat channel completely separate from my normal thoughts. That was as good an indication as any that mentally I was tired. Sonata was curled up against me on one side. The rest of the Wards trooped in slowly with varying degrees of enthusiasm. Aegis made a beeline for the couch and collapsed face down. That was weird. Normally Aegis was inexhaustible. The guy just didn't get tired like ordinary mortals yet there he was sacked out on the couch. He started snoring as soon as his face hit the cushion.

"Hey Aria, Sonata." Vista greeted us with a smile.

"Hey Vista. What's going on with Aegis? He's out cold..." He hadn't even stirred at the sound of his name. That was a heavy sleep.

"He got picked for power testing a new cape. She came in to get registered and was told to do her worst." Clockblocker was chuckling. Why hadn't I heard about that?

"She didn't hurt him, did she?" Sonata asked in concern.

"Naw...but whatever her ability is it put him to sleep. He's just shrugging it off." Clock waved dismissively.

"As long as he's okay." I couldn't sense any concern, but they did find it amusing. "Think this new cape is joining the Wards?" I didn't know if they would transfer someone if we had too many on the team.

"Nope. She's already on another team. Betcha can't guess who." He smirked as the silence stretched on tantalizingly.

"The Undersiders. She's joining up with the Undersiders. Jeez Clock. Give it a rest, huh?" Kid Win sounded a aggrieved. Another cape joining the Undersiders?

"Uh...I thought they were still thought of as villains." Sonata asked. She beat me to the punch.

"It's all very hush hush which means everyone knows about it, but they cut a deal. Changing some names, becoming more PR friendly, and agreeing to work with the organization." Gallant interjected as he moved Aegis' legs and sat down. The biologically redundant cape just stubbornly put his legs back, but the empath didn't care.

"I can see it actually. It's better to have them under some supervision than none. Right?" I shrugged. It wasn't like we had any bad experiences with the Undersiders. According to after action reports they helped out a great deal against the Merchants.

"We're not exactly sure what else was agreed on, but that's it. Oh the new cape's name is Nyamo Mask." My blood ran cold. What did he just say? Gallant looked at me in sudden concern.

"What kind of name is that anyway?" Clockblocker asked before going on to hum something cheerful and very catchy. Sonata gripped my hand and the tenseness started to fade.

"Think she's still here?" I asked. "It would be nice to meet the new girl." Gallant looked perplexed at my chance of attitude, but shrugged.

"She's still filling out paperwork. So I guess the Director's office...hey Aria! Where are you going?" He asked as I was already heading for the door. I gave a nonchalant wave back and vague assurances. For some reason I was getting hints of amusement from Lisa and Despedia over our connection. The fact that they were amused and not upset helped me calm down more, but the mystery was eating at me. Sonata was hurrying along in my wake.

"You're going to have to explain this, right? You kind of just bailed without giving a reason." She commented idly. I slowed down to let her catch up.

"Probably. The thing is Nyamo Mask is what Saki called herself as a disguise. If she somehow came to Brockton Bay..." I suddenly had this horrible image of gangbangers turning into cakes. Lots and lots of cakes. I was mostly sure that she couldn't do that anymore, but the image wasn't leaving me. We turned the corner when a very familiar voice interrupted my musings.

"Aria!" A happy tone greeted me as someone bounced with energetic glee in my direction. The melody was familiar yet blended with the Song. Like how different Reyvateils express the same Song differently. The figure crashed into my midsection with enough force that I had to brace myself. Now Sonata was amused. It didn't help that Assault was there watching the scene with laughter in his eyes.

"M-Nyamo Mask I presume?" I smoothly kept myself from blurting out her identiy. She gazed up at me, her eyes shining with mirth. Well played. Very well played.

"That's me! The one and only!" She twirled in place and posed cutely. Her hand was up near her face like a Lucky Cat with one foot off the floor. The mask she wore was white with black whiskers and it looked like she was wearing Saki's outfit. The overall impression was adorable innocence. Completely nonthreatening.

"Is this your costume?" I asked her curiously. She nodded.

"Newtype helped me pick it out. That's Tattletale just so y'know." The amount of energy she was giving off was making me tired just watching her. Sonata glomped her happily. The black kitty ears and tail were setting off all of the cuteness triggers.

"The PR department is gonna cry, but that's just the way it is. Are you sure we can't convince you to join the Wards?" Assault joined in the conversation.

"I would've loved to work with Mouse Protector, but I'm happy where I'm at." The cat cape shrugged apologetically.

"Okay. Just had to try one more time. I think you'll be safe with these two. They look a little shifty, but they're good people." The Protectorate cape winked at us before striding off while whistling that song.

"He was going to take me on a tour to visit the Wards, but I guess you've been elected." She smiled brightly at us. It was a half mask that still left her mouth visible. Sonata linked arms with her and off we went.

"Nyamo Mask?" I asked curiously.

"It just sounded right. The music I heard was just so catchy and filled me with energy." She gazes at me again, "When I heard you were kidnapped...and then the Merchants at the Marketplace..." I put an arm around her shoulders. "So yeah...boom instant super heroine. My head was kind of messed up. The music, the action, everything was happening all at once. I finally came down...in Imp's lap." She sounded mortified.

"Imp's lap? How?" Sonata asked in disbelief.

"I was still feeling threatened so...I went looking for a friend. Apparently she found me and brought me back to their base." Nyamo had it rough apparently. I checked her Shard and almost had heart failure. The pseudo Shard that Sonata was developing was fully realized in Madison. The patterning was exactly the same. Terrible day, bullshit super powers, but one core difference. This Shard pulled her psyche back together. There were bizarre similarities to how Despedia's Shard screwed up though. Research for later. For now we had a friend to give the ten cent tour to, but I wasn't going to forget this. Thankfully I didn't have to give an explanation to my friends as they had someone else to fuss over. Nyamo and Vista were too cute for words. If either of them knew what I was thinking it wouldn't have been so cute.

"Wow it's the Lollipop Guild." Clockblocker joked at seeing the two together. Nyamo hissed and Vista started distorting space. The chase was on with Clock, using instincts honed from past experience, ran away from the two shortest capes.

"So...you two know each other?" Gallant asked me. Of course he wouldn't forget my earlier freak out.

"She's a good friend. I sensed her melody and well...new cape...friend's melody in the building..." I trailed off and let him draw his own conclusions. He patted my shoulder comfortingly.

"At least she's doing alright." He watched the chase along with the other Wards. Despedia walked through the door just as Clock looked back to check the progress of his pursuers. This was not going to end well. My friend squawked in a very convincing impression of a chicken as the temporal cape collided with her. He bounced off.

"Ouch...that's...gotta hurt." Granspear said as she sidled out from behind the startled girl. Vista and Nyamo looked at each other before bounding over to the spear wielder. Clockblocker was picking himself up off the floor.

"Call us the Lollipop Guild with Granspear here." Vista dared him. He waved off frantically.

"Oh no...that's fine. I'm good. Totally fine." He managed to say in one breath.

"I'll say...rowr..." Nyamo absently said. She looked mortified a half second later, but the damage was done.

"Clockblocker? Seriously?" Vista asked incredulously. The poor redhead grumbled something about "No respect" before flopping down on the couch. His melody wasn't actually upset at all. Madison's observation just threw him for a loop. The little looks he sent her way weren't missed. I had this weird feeling he liked being chased around and scolded. Never mind. Not thinking about that. That way lies madness and brain bleach.

"So what did I miss?" Granspear asked as she moved to stand next to me. Her melody had been a little strange the past few days, but in what way I couldn't tell. It was like it wanted to wrap around mine. Another mystery for later. When we weren't surrounded by everyone of course. She was brought up to speed while Despedia had a Mona Lisa smile. At the rate things were going I had more mysteries to solve.

-Hebert House: Sanctum Santorum (Basement)-

The results were in, and well, they were nowhere near as bad as I thought. Despedia's Shard had picked up an enormous amount of data and had been growing an offshoot like a tree. This offshoot needed fertile soil to grow. Apparently Des and Madison had been at the Marketplace together or at least near one another. I'm going to start referring to these Shards as Seeds because that's what they closely resembled to me. In all of the confusion and panic Madison became fertile soil. In that time after Triggering she was in a state much like Despedia's initial one. The major difference was that Despedia patterned herself after a more frightening song. Madison's song was considerably more lighthearted. The tone of the song was determined by the recipient and manifested abilities from there. So I patched up Despedia's Seed and Madison inherited an offshoot from the Hybrid. Yeah. That's a good term. Any Seed that I have to extensively patch would be more likely a Hybrid by plant logic. So Madison picked up a cheesy heroic mentality in the process. The good part is that it subsided. It's still there whenever she uses her powers, but otherwise it isn't doing to her like it did to Despedia.

"Here you are burning the midnight oil again." Cocona said quietly. I turned to face her and smiled.

"There was just something bothering me, but it's okay. Seriously it's okay." She hummed thoughtfully, but it really was okay.

"What was keeping you up? If you don't mind sharing." The shorter girl sat down on the love seat and I joined her. I didn't need to be at the terminal now. My work and speculation was finished. She leaned her head on my shoulder. It felt nice.

"I was trying to get to the bottom of Madison's Trigger. The more we find out about Trigger events, Shards, and all of this the more I want to tear my hair out. It just doesn't make any sense." I sighed, but there was no heat to my words.

"You sound like Mir." Cocona observed with amusement.

"I've decided to stop calling them Shards. It's...a clunky term. It was more a placeholder I guess, but calling them Seeds seems more appropriate. With the right soil and nutrition they grow. Then once they've reached maturation they bud off to someone else. Despedia's Seed was glutted with data. It matured and grew much faster than it should. The offshoot had to go somewhere and what do you know? Madison filled with worry and concern is fertile soil. Then the Merchants come, add the water, and we have growth." The metaphor was apt at least. She nodded slowly at my reasoning.

"I'm happy for you. It's not easy being a researcher." Cocona praised me with a faint smile. Her eyes glimmered faintly with fond amusement. A strange idea came to me as I looked over her elfin face. Her hair was unbound and framing delicate features. Why was I suddenly having trouble breathing? She reached up to touch my face and I calmed down. Whatever this was it felt good. It felt like flying and roller coasters. My arms held her close. She laid her head on my shoulder. I couldn't think of anything to say. What could I say? What was there to discuss? For tonight I was just going to forget talking. We sat in the basement, holding onto one another, and sometimes?

Words were just unnecessary.
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Fifth Arc 5.3
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.3

-April 28, 2011-

-Hebert Residence-

There are worse ways to start your day. The cushions were comfortable and it was long enough that I wasn't contorting to fit. The sleeping face of Cocona just inches away from mine made me feel warm inside. The first rays of sunlight caressed the basement in cheery light. She was just so cute. Her expression was peaceful with a faint smile on her lips. It was sort of blurry about what time we finally got to sleep. There was no discussion about this. Sometimes words just got in the way. I embraced her warmly as she slept on. Unfortunately all good things must come to an end. She opened her eyes slowly and stretched out. Her gaze fell on me without hesitation or confusion and smiled.

"Good morning." I said quietly.

"Mmm...good morning. Were you awake long?" She asked sleepily. My fingers ran through her hair of their own volition.

"Long enough to know you're a cute sleeper." The spell that was cast over this moment made it easier to say these things. Somewhere in the back of my mind a voice was telling me not to obsess. Just go with it and see where this leads. She blushed faintly.

"Geez Taylor..." Cocona lightly slapped my shoulder before burying her face in my chest. Her alarm started to go off and I could feel her annoyance spike. I just stroked her hair.

"Guess we better get up." Neither of us looked thrilled, but there was little we could do. It was a clock. I couldn't just tell it to shut up. Cocona gave me a little smile before rolling off the love seat and heading to her room. Already the love seat felt cooler. Suppose I'd better get up. It was a testament to how preoccupied I was that my white haired friend was able to sneak up on me. I was brushing my teeth, minding my own business, when she spoke.

"Hmmm...daydreaming is a good look for you. That little smile and spaced out expression? Adorable." Despedia started my day with that seeming non sequitor.

"Well that was random. I wasn't daydreaming." I was mystified. She smirked just a little bit wider.

"Come on Taylor...level with me. Cocona wasn't in her bed when I woke up." My face heated up at the insinuation.

"It wasn't like that at all. I swear. We just sat in the basement all night. Then she had to go practice. See? Perfectly reasonable." Another comment like that and my already pounding heart would jump out of my chest. My friend just laughed before walking out of the bathroom.

I still wasn't sure how to react. It was like my body was moving on autopilot. The feel of her in my arms just felt so right. What was I going to do now? Well, I knew one thing that wasn't happening. I wasn't being a typical idiot like in one of those comic books and denying it happened. There was no point in denying my feelings. Cocona would have told me if she didn't feel the same way. No, not going to be a clueless protagonist in my own story. I wasn't sure if my first hurdle was going to be Dad. What would he say about it? The fact that he accepted me being his alien gynoid daughter spoke wonderful volumes. That I wanted to be a hero and he supported me was icing on the cake. I brought home a daughter? He was ecstatic. My interest in Cocona was going to be a little more difficult to swallow.

"You're obsessing. Don't do that." Sonata suddenly spoke up from beside me. I nearly jumped half a foot, clutching my chest in shock.

"Geez Sonata...warn me next time." I managed to gasp out. She just hugged me in apology.

"Sorry, Mom, but you were off in La La Land. Let's go to breakfast, okay?" Oh great now she sounded contrite for startling me.

"It's okay sweetheart." I draped an arm around her shoulders and guided her to the table. Dad was watching Despedia do the cooking today. Judging by how everything smelled it was well prepared. Cocona was staring at the coffeemaker as if it would percolate faster.

"Good morning, Taylor." Dad kissed me on the forehead in greeting.

"Morning, Dad." I smiled back at him. The sound of Mom's flute in the house's melody was especially vibrant today. It bolstered my confidence. I could talk to him about this. Just have to wait for after breakfast.

It's sometimes hard to believe that my life has come so far in such a short time. For the longest time it was just my dad and I. Now we have a full house and all the smiles we could want. The part that still confuses me is just how much respect I get. I know that it's because of my inventions. I know that I actually deserve the respect. It actually amuses me to think about how my life has changed. I wouldn't change any of this for the world. My family sitting around the breakfast table. Eating, talking, and bonding. This is paradise. Despedia and Cocona had to hurry out to catch the bus while Sonata started the dishes. Dad was still reading the paper and showing no signs of leaving.

"You've been pretty quiet today, Little Owl." He broke the silence.

"Yeah...guess I'm a little preoccupied." I gave a little shrug.

"I'm gonna go watch cartoons." Sonata kissed me and Dad on the cheek before heading into the living room. I swear she can read the mood of a room better than I can. Dad set the paper down and looked at me expectantly. Let's avoid blurting out easily misunderstood comments. Saying that I slept with Cocona, while technically accurate, would turn this into a comedy.

"Well Dad...I have a crush on Cocona." There we go. All nice and clear without rushing. I could have cheated and listened to his melody, but not this time. He stared at me for several moments.

"Does she know?" Dad finally asked. There was nothing in his tone to give me clues.

"We slept together on the love seat in the basement last night. I think it was pretty clear." He shook his head as I finished speaking.

"That's really not how you do it, kiddo. Just because you think she understands doesn't mean you shouldn't say something." He sounded aggrieved. The words he spoke finally caught up to me and it was all I could do not to stare at him. He was giving me relationship advice?

"You're...giving me relationship advice...?" Good job at sounding horribly confused, Taylor.

"I won't say that it isn't a shock. It is and it isn't. On the one hand I had this image of someday tormenting your future boyfriends with a shotgun. The thing is you don't really hang around with boys aside from the Wards. I would have to be blind not to see how you and Cocona look at each other. Just talk to her and don't take it for granted. You both deserve some happiness." Dad patted me on the shoulder. I could tell he wasn't a hundred percent thrilled, but he wasn't telling me no either.

"Thanks Dad." I smiled at him and he smiled back. He was going to put in a long day at work before the trip tomorrow. That was going to leave just Sonata and myself home alone. Once he was gone I moved into the living room to sit with my daughter. She wasn't watching the TV at all. Her eyes locked onto mine curiously.

"Did you really think Grandpa was gonna throw a fit?" She asked me. I sighed heavily.

"No, no I didn't. I was expecting him to be a little upset or at least taken off guard. Sometimes your mom has her moments. I know it was irrational, but with how well everything's been going...I guess I just didn't want to rock the boat." I smiled wryly. Sonata wrapped her arms around my waist and snuggled close.

"You're the best mom anywhere." She told me matter-of-factly. I teared up a little at that and held her closer.

"Thanks sweetheart. I love you."

"Love you too, Mom." We just sat on the sofa together. My heart was warm and everything felt just right. How do I keep this feeling? Tomorrow our vacation starts once school's out.

"What do you say we forget going in today and visit Lisa? See if she's up for hanging out." I smiled at Sonata.

"That would be great." She smiled back happily. I was already getting out my phone to text her. "You still text her?"

"The chat channel is great, but I like the idea of keeping it secret still. We've kind of become lazy about security." I concluded with a wry smile. The phone buzzed back. "We're good to go. She's at her apartment."

"Is anyone else gonna be there?" Sonata asked as she started getting ready to leave.

"Nope. Just the three of us." It would be nice to see her. I haven't gotten to spend any time with her since the rescue. We set off from the house and made our way across town. For the record? I hate buses. Once you've discovered flying everything else is sub par. Sonata enjoyed the ride, but then again she enjoys everything which made the ride more tolerable.

The city was recovering in the wake of everything that had happened. It's funny, but months ago I thought the city was a sad place. Gangs everywhere, cape violence, and all of it a melting pot waiting to spill over. The truth was that no matter how bad things got, the city endured. There's something to be said for that kind of resilience. Sometimes it almost felt like Brockton Bay was the nucleus of something larger. All races and ethnicities in one place. Heroes, villains, and the everyday people. What I saw everyday could easily apply to the rest of the world. No matter where you go the same problems still exist. The thing that amazes me is how the common people handle it all. We live in a world of Endbringers, super powers, and maniacs all heading towards the collapse of society. Society has fallen before and we've still managed to rebuild. The biggest problem was Scion. We could fix the rest of the problems, but that meant nothing when Scion finally decided to move. How much longer would he be willing to play the hero that rescues kittens from trees? No one knew. The world, just like Brockton Bay, was teetering on the brink and no one knew when the dominoes would fall.

Something just occurred to me. I was thinking of how Brockton Bay has been kept on the knife's edge. Even though the PRT and police are better armed now, there's been little progress. It's not for lack of trying, but it feels like something is hobbling efforts. The world represented in our city. Other cities had problems, but nowhere have things appeared so carefully managed. Managed? That opened up a wide range of terrifying possibilities. Sonata grabbed my arm.

"Hey Taylor? Our stop is coming up." She looked at me in concern. It's just so weird hearing my daughter call me by name, but secret identities are a thing.

"Sorry, I was spacing out." We got off the bus and headed for Lisa's apartment. I looked up at the window to Sophia's place, but there didn't appear to be anyone home. Someday we needed to sit down and hash things out. I just couldn't muster the care or focus to actually remind myself of all of the trouble we had. It was best to just move on and let it go. Both of us were in a much better place than we used to be. When we got up to Lisa's apartment she let us in.

"Hey there!" She greeted me with a hug and a kiss on the cheek before moving on to Sonata, "You two look good."

"Hi Aunt Lisa!" Sonata hugged her back hard eliciting an faint groan, "Oops...too tight?" She looked sheepish.

"Just a bit. What brings you two around?" She lead us over to the couch.

"I haven't seen you in a few days and wanted to change that. We also saw Madison the other day and apparently you've been keeping secrets." I arched an eyebrow playfully. She shook her head.

"It wasn't my story to tell. It's good that you got to talk to her though. I don't think that's the only reason you're here." Lisa smirked.

"Mom's got a thing for Cocona and thinks the rest of us haven't noticed." Sonata stated. I gawked at her bluntness. Lisa's smirk, if possible, grew wider.

"I wasn't even sure until last night. Honestly I didn't even notice until last night before deciding to take a chance." Oh. Sonata was sporting a smirk too. The two of them ganged up on me. I pouted at them, but it didn't work.

"Don't even try it. It won't work. Sonata? That was funny, but next time no trolling your mother." The blonde said to my child.

"She would have taken forever though." Sonata grumbled.

"I wouldn't have. Geez that's why I wanted to come over. To actually tell Lisa about it and get her opinion. Dad reminded me that I need to actually talk to her. I decided to let actions speak louder than words." Lisa patted me on the shoulder.

"Girls like hearing that they're appreciated. As long as you appreciate her, and let her know it, then you're fine." She assured me. "Just think about the trip. You'll have plenty of time to talk to her more."

"There was something else I wanted to talk about. It was something I thought about on the way over." Sonata and Lisa both looked interested so I told them my thoughts. My suspicion that this was some kind of experimental world in miniature right here in Brockton Bay. Sonata looked worried while Lisa sported a grim frown. I ruffled my daughter's hair softly while my friend gave her a one-armed hug.

"Dang it...it fits. The situation should be getting better here, but it's not. The only gang we have to worry about is the Empire now, but without the other gangs to keep them in check..." She trailed off ominously.

"But don't we outnumber the Empire now?" Sonata asked. Lisa and I shared a look.

"I managed to dig up some information. Muspelheim and Niflheim got off a plane yesterday. I've already forwarded the information to the PRT." The blonde girl looked irritated about something.

"Lovely. I'm guessing they manipulate fire and ice. No one really has any information on them except the Nazis." The Empire 88 has an affiliated organization, Geselleschaft, that operate primarily in Europe. Given the kind of money they had to work with it stood to reason they could smuggle the two villains into Brockton Bay through unofficial channels.

"How did you get this information?" I asked her curiously. Lisa looked more irritated.

"I owe someone a favor." Her melody wasn't distressed, just pissed. The level of anger and wounded pride she was feeling would be enough to kill. She gazed at me. "You're curious. Fine. It's Faultline. I owe a favor to Faultline. Relax. It's nothing major or even illegal. I just don't like owing that woman any favors."

"Why don't you like her?" Sonata asked. Thank you sweetheart for asking the question I wanted to. She won't flip out at you.

"Why? She's such a know-it-all and lords it over everyone." Neither of us felt brave enough to ask Lisa the obvious question. She's family, we love her, and she was very good at payback.

"You know it won't be illegal?" I asked with concern. Her expression softened.

"I was careful. I made sure the deal was clearly spelled out. Including the nature of the favor." She assured us. "Faultline wants me to look over some footage from a job that didn't go so well. She's pissed. My need just so happened to coincide with hers."

"Can you talk about it?" I asked her. She grimaced, but shook her head.

"Sorry, but this is need to know only. If I need help you'll be the first person I call." That was probably the best I was going to get out of her. The conversation turned to lighter things after that, but it didn't stop me from being concerned. I trusted Lisa not to get in over her head, but I didn't know Faultline. She might be a mercenary with a code, but that didn't equal trust. There's a reason she's listed as a villain. The woman has a reputation for taking in Case 53's and always abides by her contract. At least she has principals. I pushed my concerns to the side and instead enjoyed the visit.

-Undisclosed Location-

The place was built like a nuclear fallout shelter. Heavily reinforced walls, ceilings, and floors with thick blast doors cemented the impression. It was rather large with an access door to the bay large enough for three ships to enter at the same time. The location was a steal since the former owner was dead and had made sure that it was off the books. Squealer sat in the richly appointed office with a pensive expression. She looked across the desk at the people seated before her. These four were being transferred to a place that could contain them, but the transport information had been leaked to her. The former Merchant cape had a choice. She could spring them or let them rot. The idea of going solo didn't thrill her so a rescue was in order. She followed the instructions given to her to the letter and managed to get away without any difficulty. The armored PRT agents would have been a nightmare due to some asshole giving them another upgrade, but this was just a smash and grab.

Now she had four more capes to help with her goals. A few precautions were made before meeting with them. Her mask was now covered her whole face with what looked like dirt bike goggles and face plate. She installed a redundant filter in the mask to prevent fumes, exhaust, and dust from reaching her. Flechette launchers were installed in the ceilings in case of uppity behavior. They were loyal, but she wasn't going to be stupid about this. Why did she need to plan so thoroughly? Smack and Angel were known to her. He was practically invulnerable unless you were using sharp objects. Anything he was hit with would just make his blows stronger. Eventually the extra power would go away or he could deliberately use it all at once. Angel was the reason for the gas mask protection. Squealer was off drugs now and dammit she was not going back. The female cape was addiction given form. Her smoke was highly addictive and intoxicating. She could apparently Master someone with it as well.

The other two were apparently new. Well, one of them was. The competent lieutenant was a cape that Skidmark knew about, but never bothered telling her. He was clean shaven in a uniform scrounged from the supply room. The smile on his face was genuine, but there was something creepy in his eyes. Skidmark called him "Gent" due to his good manners. A strangely clean name. His power was to neutralize one aspect. When asked aspect of what he just smiled. Almost a study in contrast was the scruffy punk that sat next to him. He was wearing the same uniform, but managed to look sloppy. His power let him turn into a werewolf. He had a low level regeneration that couldn't be stopped short of actually killing him. When he changed all of his abilities increased. He became a Brute, Mover, Striker, and the regeneration became stronger.

"So you're the boss now, huh?" Angel asked as she lounged in her chair. The girl was beautiful, Squealer would give her that, but her Princess attitude annoyed her.

"Yeah I am and it would be nice if you remembered that." She reminded the younger woman. "I didn't have to get you out of there, but I did. I'm a generous boss, Princess." Angel looked annoyed at the new nickname, but subsided with a mutinous look.

"Now now...there's no need for fighting. I for one am grateful for the rescue. Thank you." Gent's smile widened in appreciation. She smirked behind her mask. Playing peacemaker already?

"I don't care who I work for as long as I get my fix." The scruffy man said. His voice was shaky and his hands were jittery.

"Let me have another shot at Glory Girl and we're good." Smack sounded too excited about facing her again.

"First off drop your obsession with the kid. I'm serious. If you end up fighting her that's fine, but none of this wacko shit. If you do more than smack her around I'll drop your ass. You were almost Birdcaged already. Fleabag? I'll hook you up, but you gotta keep an eye on Smack for me." Smack grumbled while the newly christened Fleabag nodded his head enthusiastically. She slid a pill across to him that vanished before her eyes. Another pill was slipped to Smack that he put in his belt pouch.

"What's the plan, Motor Boss?" Angel asked in a petulant tone. Trying to needle her by calling her that. Squealer smirked.

"I like that. You can call me Motor Boss from now on." She delighted in the younger girl's suffering at failing. "We're rebuilding the Merchants. Quietly this time. We've got all this space that we're going to use. I've seen what can be done with organization and training. That's the way we're going. We'll make our own troops. I've got the numbers for Coil's mercenaries and, even better, I have the tech to outfit them."

"You certainly dream big." Gent commented with a faint hint of awe in his voice.

"Where'd ya get the idea for this?" Angel leaned forward, her fit of pique forgotten.

"A woman in a hat showed me the way." Motor Boss grinned. Plans within plans was what Coil had said. He failed because he saddled himself with the Travelers. They were powerful, but lead by a dumbass. She wouldn't be a dumbass. She was fully aware of this group's capabilities and would take no chances.

Never again would she be considered trash.
Fifth Arc 5.4
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.4

-April 29, 2011-

-PRT Headquarters-

Today was the last day I could be here for the duration of my vacation. Dad was thinking a couple days, but the PRT thought at least a week sounded better. A whole week without being allowed to come to my lab during the day. On the reverse my dad was taking that same period off from work, but leaving himself available for emergencies. Sonata wasn't with me today as she was helping with the packing at home. I checked my emails and alerts to make sure nothing was on the burner before leaving. It would be mortifying to come back and find out that I missed something important. There was a message from Dragon waiting in my inbox.

Sender: Dragon

To: Aria

Subject: Testing Results

Message: I have some good news for you. The test results have come back positive for your armors. The permission was granted for you to take them with you for your safety. A PRT representative has been assigned to transport your equipment to your vacation site. I hope you enjoy your little surprise.

I stared at the message for several minutes. What was the surprise? The fact that she got all of it put through so quickly? A separate email had been sent to show me what the projected response has been. The medical professionals that were hired by the PRT for consultation were already fighting over the medical bed. They were a little leery about the nanites, but liked the idea of something for major emergencies. Honestly, if you needed one of those syringes then you weren't in a condition to be picky. Another email was from Medhall asking for a consultation on new medical equipment. I forwarded their request to the PR department as well as legal. Sorry guys, but there are no end zone runs here. That's what channels are for. I know that I complained about the commercialism in the PRT's mission, but then greedy corporate scumbags remind me of the alternative.

I knew who the head of Medhall actually was in fact. No one was going to hear that Max Anders, the CEO of the corporation, was Kaiser from me, but it did color my perceptions. A great deal of money went into Medhall that was funneled back into the E88 and the Geselleschaft. I ended up sending a few more emails off to legal. It was just more people scouting me for when I was old enough or offering me collaborations. The most insulting offer was to make an entirely new power source based on my Sol Reactors specifically for a bomb. Who in their right mind would want a bomb with that kind of payload? The weapons I designed were dangerous enough without adding intercontinental missiles to my resume.

"I need a real lab assistant. One that can actually take care of the lab while I'm out. There are still a ton of things that I want to build that require monitoring. Well, there's nothing stopping me from asking Armsmaster. I have some parts sitting around here that could be used." With that decided I set off from my lab to see the Halbeard himself. One of these days I was going to slip up and greet him that way. Hopefully someone would have a camera to capture his response and my last moments on Earth. I let him know that I was coming and he told me to come right into his lab. The good thing about having close working relationships with people is that it makes getting things done easier. People kept telling me that Armsmaster was a lot less social before I joined, but it was hard to picture.

I walked into the lab where he was working on his Motoslave again. Give a man a hover cycle and he'll be content for a day, give the man a design and he'll Tinker for a lifetime. His armor incorporated elements of the ELMA MP designs, but vastly more efficient and compact. It was just too bad that I couldn't make use of his talents for my own stuff, but much of his tech was incomprehensible to me. I could tease it out by using my power, but it was taking more effort to call up Oversight. It was a trade off. The passive abilities like hearing melodies, remote communication with electronics, and exceptional Social-Fu were growing in utility. The active abilities that I had to consciously use were fading. I won't lie. There was a part of me that was going to miss just being able to throw myself into the flow, but that was the price for actually knowing about my powers.

"What was it you needed or is this just a social call?" Armsmaster's voice brought me back to the present.

"I was looking for your permission to build a lab assistant." I told him. He hummed in thought.

"Another gynoid like Sonata?" He asked me curiously as his tools were put to one side. I shook my head.

"I tried to build an assistant and got a daughter. If I built another gynoid the same thing would happen. It's just in my nature I guess." The idea of restricting a gynoid to one function just made me feel creepy. I loved Mir dearly, but sometimes her thought patterns crept up on me. This was one of those cases. Mir would never dream of restricting a Reyvateil to one purpose. What else is a gynoid, but a Reyvateil without Song Magic? The scary thing was that I knew how to build a Reyvateil. I exhaled and let my mind clear before the design even started compiling.

"So then you want something more automated." He scratched his chin in thought. "What would you need to build something like that?" The blue clad hero asked.

"I have everything in my lab already. There's even a spare head in my locker. I really need to clean that thing...every time I think it's done more stuff appears." My projects locker was like an Eldritch location that things just appeared in to clutter it up further.

"Why bother with a humanoid head if you're not making a gynoid?" Armsmaster sat down. He was typing something up on his terminal which I could only assume was a report. He was giving his permission, but making me defend my position. I could respect that.

"Which looks friendlier? A face that you can relate to or a faceplate? I would be perfectly happy with a blank plate for the face, but then the PR guys would say to make it friendlier looking." We both sighed at that thought. When would my bot ever be seen outside of the lab? Probably at the worst possible moment. We didn't need more storm trooper comparisons.

"You can build it, but will you have time?" He asked me. I checked the time. There was just enough time to put the robot's programming together and slap it together.

"If I get started right after lunch I'll have a couple hours." That apparently satisfied him and he walked me to lunch. Everyone and their brother was making sure that I got to meals on time. They were being so unobtrusive about it that I didn't notice immediately, but they were protecting me even here. I made the PRT extremely nervous given that I was kidnapped already. I will say that lunch with Armsmaster was fun, but very bizarre. The first clue were the looks he received on entering the cafeteria. I forgot that he normally took his meals in the lab. The staff just didn't seem to know how to handle the sight of the Protectorate leader in the flesh.

Going back to the lab still left me with just enough time to get my project done, but by then common sense had prevailed. I didn't want to build anything if I didn't have more than two or three hours to spend. Before I could talk myself out of it I turned right back around and headed out the door. It was Friday and it was about time to start my vacation.

-Hebert Residence-

The house resembled a kicked over anthill with the amount of activity going on. Dad was moving things to the van while the others were bringing out bags. It was a two day trip and they apparently packed like we were going on an expedition. Lisa stood off to one side with a single carry bag and a bemused expression. She was the first to catch sight of me and approach.

"They do realize we're going away for like two days, right?" Lisa asked after we exchanged hugs.

"I thought they did, but maybe Dad's taking us away longer. Though he would have told us. I think." Did I miss the memo? Probably. Some days I'm on top of everything, but some things still get away from me.

"Hey Lisa! Is that all you're taking?" Des asked as she hefted the light bag curiously.

"It's a weekend trip. I didn't think we needed more." She said dryly. The redhead stiffened slightly at that before laughing sheepishly. Uh oh?

"Guys! Guys! We over packed!" She bolted back in the house, words vanishing in her wake. We looked at each other and laughed.

It was a very embarrassed group that had to unpack the van and troop their belongings back inside. They would have to put all of those things away when we got back. Dad rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"We haven't had a vacation in a long time and I guess we all got carried away." He chivied us into the van before setting off onto the open road. We were heading to a place in Pennsylvania that mom and dad went to for their honeymoon. Lisa was playing the part of navigator. Sonata and Despedia were watching a movie on the DVD player with Cocona sitting beside me. Part of me wished that we could just fly there, but one of us would have had to carry the parental unit. There was some news I received before leaving headquarters that needed to be addressed. I wasn't going to obsess over something on our vacation so it was best to get it out of the way.

"I got some disturbing news." I rubbed the back of my neck. That got their attention.

"What is it, Mom?" Sonata asked curiously. The others perked up to listen.

"My sonic weapons are not to be used until a further investigation is done." I didn't understand that particular ruling. They were a part of my nonlethal arsenal and the most versatile. Lisa snorted in annoyance.

"Squealer. She was using a majorly ramped up version of your sonic weapons at the Docks. The force of it took out a building in one shot and shattered glass for half a city block. That was a directed blast. I guess I didn't mention being practically at ground zero of that." She commented. My mind blanked at the description. I knew that my sonic weapons could easily go from nonlethal to insanely deadly. It's another thing entirely to hear a first hand account from a loved one who was almost a victim.

"Taylor...breathe honey...breathe..." Cocona was rubbing the back of my hand soothingly. Sonata had moved over to sit on my other side. Des was rubbing Lisa's shoulder comfortingly.

"I'm breathing. It's just a shock. At least now I know why they said something." I leaned back in the seat. My traitorous mind was already extrapolating the best way to harness the sonic waves further. I also had some grudging respect for Squealer. The Merchant Tinker was able to take one of my designs and build it on a macro scale.

"The part that's confusing to me is that they're banning your sonics, but what about your lasers and darts?" Dad asked from the front seat. That was easier to answer.

"I think it's the scale. Lasers can be made bigger, sure, but those can be seen. Sonic vibrations can't. You might see a distortion in the air, but otherwise they're invisible. The darts are limited in size. Though I never did figure out why you never made a larger dart." Despedia looked at me curiously. Wow. She handled that explanation nicely. Sonata perked up at the discussion.

"The reason for the size of the darts is that it's easier to form the shell with smaller sizes. The larger the dart, the more unstable the shell, until you're just firing a photon ray. Though if you make it too small then it picks up too much speed and..." She made a motion indicating something small just sailing off in the distance.

"Yeah...it wouldn't stop. The dart would just keep right on going." The smaller the dart, the faster it spun, and the more density it achieved. What holds the dart together is magnetism brought on electrostatic attraction. "Suffice it to say a 'dart' with that kind of charge wouldn't just stop at the initial target. It would punch straight on through." The idea for making such a weapon to fight Endbringers occurred to me, but was quickly scrapped. It would have to be a large weapon, probably mounted with solid footing, and the photon "shell" would be a risk to anyone between it and the target. If there was even the slightest instability in the shot it might even just explode right out of the barrel.

"Personally I think it's political censuring. Someone in city hall probably heard about the incident and freaked out. Once they've calmed down from the knee jerk reaction you'll get your emitters back." Dad said with a light shrug.

"You think so?" I asked curiously.

"As soon as they realize how useful something like that would be for demolition they'll change their tune." Dad joked. The mood in the van lightened at the humorous response. Until further notice I would need something else that was nonlethal. Containment foam was good of course. Most of the PRT wore some form of ear protection. A truly evil and devious idea came to mind. Sonic emitters were out, but what about hyper frequency bombs that only affected the inner ear? It was something to look into anyway, but I'd rather focus on the here and now.

-Northeastern Pennsylvania-

Downtown Wilkes-Barre was a college town and the entertainment showed that strongly. There were bars and clubs within a stone's throw of each other. A movie theater dominated the side of a street with restaurants within walking distance. We were going to be staying in the Ramada Inn on what they called Public Square. The Inn was also within distance of the bus terminal. The city planners did a good job of putting everything nearby for convenience. Wilkes-Barre was a city that had been on the decline during the 90's until fear of Leviathan drove people further inland. There was nothing important enough for Behemoth and no Tinkers of any value to draw down the Simurgh. It's sad, but the decline was halted because of the Endbringers. Some part of me was morbidly amused that they would actually be responsible for someone's prosperity.

We were checked in by a pleasantly smiling woman at the counter. Dad gave us each our cards for the rooms. No one was doubling up. With the money that Dad and I were now bringing in there wasn't a need for that. The bellboy was escorting our belongings up to the rooms with us following. I was growing a little irritated though. The armors were supposed to be waiting for us, but I hadn't seen anyone. I wasn't going to worry anyone yet. If worst came to worst I could just call them up. Easy. I wasn't even bothering to unpack given it was just going to be a couple days. My family probably saw how nervous I was getting, but were giving me my space. It wasn't like I expected to be attacked within minutes of our arrival, but it would have been nice to have them available.

"Wait...that melody..." I heard a familiar melody outside my door. Someone was whistling a jaunty tune that I recognized immediately. I hurried to the door and checked out in the hall. Standing right in front of Dad's door was a woman maybe as tall as Lisa. She had curly brown hair, shoulder length, with an open face. Her clothing was deliberately casual and worn the way someone would wear a costume. Mouse Protector!? Without her helmet!? The door before her opened and Dad stood in the doorway. They said a few words that I was sure must have been an audio trick. It had to be. When she leaned up and kissed him my entire world blue screened.

"We're sorry, but the AriaOS has crashed. Please contact your local administrator when she wakes up." Then darkness claimed me.

AN: Interlude next chapter! Ain't I a stinker?
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Interlude The Mouse and the Dockworker
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Interlude: The Mouse and the Dockworker

They met sometime in early March. It was just an ordinary day for Danny as he sat in his office. His desk was clear for once as the backlog of paperwork sat in the out box. He leaned back tiredly in his chair, but with a satisfied air. The coffee mug in his hand saying "Number 1 Dad" brought a smile to his face. The pictures on his desk warmed his heart as well. There was a picture of his departed wife holding their daughter. The smile on her face that used to fill him with the pain of loss now filled him with pleasant nostalgia. Another picture was of just Taylor. Her smile was so much like her mother's that it shamed him how much he had let slip away. The next image was of his daughter and granddaughter mugging for the camera. Sonata Annette Hebert didn't even realize just how much like her mother and grandmother she was. He laughed softly. The very last picture was of his entire family sitting on the porch. Taylor and Sonata sitting on either side of him with Despedia, Cocona, and Lisa seated around them. The intercom buzzer brought him out of his contemplation.

"What is it, Judy?" He asked.

"There's someone here to see you. She doesn't have an appointment. Want me to schedule her one?" The secretary, Judy, was a good sort. She just started working here. The poor girl was clearly troubled by something, but he didn't pry.

"That's okay. I'm not busy at the moment." Danny assured her. The door opened soon after and a rather pretty woman stepped into his office. Her curly brown hair was just to her shoulders and there was an openness about her. The smile she flashed him was full of mischief and goodwill. Her hazel eyes were bright and cheerful. She was of average height, but clearly fit. Her clothes consisted of jeans and a jacket. All very casual. The way she moved, on the other hand, reminded him of Cocona. He stood up to greet her.

"Hello there. I'm Danny Hebert." She shook his hand before taking a seat at his invitation.

"Nice to meet you. My name's Kat Donovan." A look of amusement crossed her face at some secret joke.

"It's nice to meet you, Kat. What brings you down here?" He leaned back comfortably in his chair. "If you'd like some coffee it's fresh." The coffeemaker was absolutely the most vital part of his job.

"Don't mind if I do." Kat continued speaking as she made her coffee, "I'm new in town and wanted to get acquainted with the area. I was just curious about what sort of job opportunities there were." She sat back down after adding a splash of cream and four sugars. He cringed inwardly.

"Unfortunately there isn't much work around the docks. I can give you a list of places that hire for day work. Just tell them I sent you." Danny wrote out the names and slid the paper across the desk. Kat took the paper and folded it neatly.

"Thanks. It's hard starting up in a new place. I guess you must be pretty busy..." She moved to stand, but something prompted him to say something.

"I'm not. Busy that is. If you've got some time. You haven't even finished your coffee yet." That came out more garbled than he intended. The woman eyed him for a moment before sitting back down with the coffee. The look of amusement felt to him like a joke somehow shared between them.

"Well it would be a shame to waste good coffee." She raised her mug in a toast. He never did figure out that day why having her stay was so important. Maybe his daughter was rubbing off on him. She was following her heart now and making miracles. It was about time he took a little more interest in his own life.

March madness was in full swing apparently as he once more tried valiantly to combat the rising tide of paperwork. One would think that with job situation being what it is there wouldn't be as much paperwork. He stared at the stack of files in his in box and sighed heavily. More people were being lead away by promises of better pay in the gangs. Danny could understand the desire to put food on the table. Of wanting to provide clothing and shelter to your family. They just didn't seem to understand that joining a gang only caused the city to decay faster. It put your own family at risk by rival gangs. With any luck a solution would be found to this dilemma. The intercom buzzed.

"Yes, Judy?" Danny asked.

"The woman from the other day is here." Judy informed him. Kat? He looked at the in box. The stack seemed to taunt him. Perhaps a distraction was in order.

"Sure. Send her in." He wasn't running away from his problems. He was manfully retreating. Just for a few minutes. Kat walked into his office in that same jeans and jacket combo. Today she was wearing a Mouse Protector t-shirt. It seemed to fit her very well.

"Hey Danny." She greeted him with a smile.

"Hey Kat. The coffee's fresh. Help yourself." He gestured with a welcoming smile.

"Don't mind if I do." She prepared her coffee with a splash of cream and four sugars. "What a place this is...I've been in the Bay for about a week now and the things I've seen..." Kat shook her hand as she sat down. He nodded slowly.

"It wasn't always like this, but lately things have gotten a lot better." That was certainly the truth. It wasn't a miracle fix, but the new developments were making the city safer.

"I know, right? Just yesterday I saw the Tinker that has everyone in such a tizzy. Aria's a sweet kid. She's like Brockton Bay's own junior celebrity." Kat's words filled him with pride. He wanted to crow from the rooftops about how great his daughter is, but that wasn't happening. Danny would have to content himself with this.

"She's been good for the city. I'm sure her parents must be proud." They sipped their coffee for awhile longer. He looked her over again. She sat in her chair quietly, but there was a sense of barely contained energy. Like she could explode into motion at a moment's notice. One leg was folded over the other in calm repose. She arched an eyebrow at having caught him staring.

"How have you been?" Kat asked with a hint of humor. It didn't help that it looked like the picture of his wife was laughing at him too.

"Fighting the good fight. We're starting to hit an upswing in employment." A factory was scheduled to be built for the PRT to construct the medical scanners and other such tech. The only issue was finding space for it. If the Ship's Graveyard was removed that would be even better.

"What have you been up to?" Danny asked her in return.

"I found a job. It's certainly never dull. I haven't had a chance to leave the office since I started." She smiled wryly.

"If you're not doing anything tomorrow...How about we meet for lunch?" Even as the words left his mouth he wondered where that came from. Judging by the surprise that glimmered in her eyes that was a question she'd like to know as well.

"I'd love to. When and where?" Her response took them both by surprise. Plans were made before the parted company for the day. Danny had no idea why he asked, but a stirring inside told him it was the right thing to do.

The lunch date went well. They just seemed to click and had an easy camaraderie. Phone numbers were exchanged and messages sent. He almost felt like a teenager again. It was such a strange thing, but other parts of his life started to line us as well. The situation at home was growing stronger and better by the day. There was more work to be found as the PRT needed more assistance. They had never sent jobs their way before, but now they were. Danny was just grateful for all of the opportunities. His time with Kat was also proving rewarding. He wanted to introduce her to Taylor, but their schedules never could line up. It was just a bit maddening. She had time to spend with him, but not to meet his daughter. Eventually he was going to have to do something. He just hoped it didn't explode in his face.

Taylor was missing. All of his children were out looking for her, but it didn't change that fact. His talk with Mir had helped a lot. They had shored each other up and eased their troubled minds. The song, Harmonious, brought a smile to his face. That was what had healed Taylor. He sat in his chair with a mug of coffee and stared at the television screen. The urge to get a bottle of beer was there, but ignored. Alcohol didn't save and it didn't help. He stared at his phone for a bit. There was someone else he could call. The sky was dark and evening at settled in. Hopefully she was home. The number was dialed with the ease of familiarity.

"Danny?" Kat's voice was welcome, but something was wrong. Their was a tenseness to her tone.

"Hello, Kat. If this is a bad time I can call back." Danny assured her. She blew out a breath.

"Yeah that's probably a good idea..." She sounded like it wasn't, but the relief in her tone was genuine. A voice in the background called out, "Mouse? Where are you?" Kat's breathing hitched, "Uh...gottagobye!" The phone clicked as the connection was cut. That voice was very familiar. He stared at the phone in his hand for several moments as the jigsaw pieces fit into place.

"Kat...? With Miss Militia...?" The Mouse Protector t-shirt. The energy when sitting still. He rubbed at his face. "Oh God...that makes so much sense..." No wonder she didn't want to meet his daughter. They already knew each other, but from work.

He was dating Mouse Protector.

With that realization he knew that his life had taken a nosedive into the absurd. He briefly considered whether to be upset or not and tossed all of that to the side. She never lied to him. Kat was there when he needed another adult to talk to that wasn't Kurt and Lacey. It didn't hurt that she was a very good looking woman and fun to be with. They did need to talk about this though.

A few hours later Aria was found but it would be some time before they had a chance to discuss anything. Which brings us to the present day...
Fifth Arc 5.5
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.5

-April 29, 2011-

-Ramada Inn Wilkes-Barre: Aria's Room-

I was pretty sure there were better ways to react to my dad dating anyone, but fainting did the job too. Of course now I was stuck in bed listening to how my dad met Mouse Protector. Kat. Dear Wills her name was Kat. How absolutely ironic is that? Despedia was on one side of me, totally entranced with the tale with Cocona on my other side helping me stay upright on the bed. Sonata had claimed my lap for a pillow while Lisa was on the other side of Cocona. I was surrounded. Nowhere to escape. If I passed out again it would be a brief reprieve at the most. Now my dad and Mouse...er...Kat...were looking at me expectantly. They were worried about how I would handle this. On second thought, fainting was a bad idea. The initial fainting definitely.

"I'm...huh. To be honest I'm stumped on how to react. I'm not mad or anything. It's not like you're betraying Mom since she'd have told you to live. That's not it. Dating Kat? Still not the weirdest thing. At the end of the day you're people too." What was it that was bugging me about this whole thing? Oh yeah. "Just answer me this. Why were you even at the Docks that day, Kat?" She blinked in confusion.

"I was running from my escort detail. They wanted me to go straight to the PRT building, but I wanted to meet your father. Figured I should know him on sight, y'know? Then one thing lead to another and it was coffee dates, lunches, and phone calls." She smiled at my Dad affectionately. He returned her look with a smile of his own.

"That was my only issue. Okay." It really was okay. Making people miserable over their romantic choices was pointless. If it was a good match then don't judge. It it was a bad match then be a good friend and help pick up the pieces.

"This is so cool..." Des squeaked happily as she pinched herself again. No, Des, you're not dreaming. Cocona rested her head on my shoulder.

"Does anyone else know about this?" Lisa asked curiously. Her melody was fishing for information in case she needed to plan for protection. I reached across to pat her hand reassuringly.

"Missy, Miss Militia to you, does. She wouldn't let it go and I understood completely. A phone call like that with everything else that was going on? Totally weird." Kat replied. Dad looked sheepish.

"I didn't mean to cause any trouble." He rubbed her back soothingly. She just shook her head.

"It's fine, Danny. If I was in your position I would have done the same." The out of costume heroine looked right at me. "I am so happy that you're alright. Even if I've said it before it bears repeating. You and your father are good people." Her melody was still a dramatic swell, but it fit the mood.

"Okay girls we still need to unpack. Then we can pick where we go for dinner. I know you wrote up a travel itinerary Lisa, but we'll get to that tomorrow." Dad gave the blonde a hug. Lisa looked surprised for a moment before melting into the embrace with a vulpine mrrr of satisfaction. She was still surprised at random bouts of affection. They filed out of the room shortly thereafter. I tracked my dad's melody and Kat's heading...into...the same room...? Abort abort abort! I tuned my melody sense way down in their direction. It would still let me catch if they were in danger, but there are some things no child needs to know.

"You're still in shock." Mir's voice came to me. I laughed softly at the amusement in her tone. My decision to not even unpack was a good one. If I needed a different outfit then the clothing field would suffice.

"I am, kinda, yeah. It's great to see them together. They look so happy together." I said wistfully. It would be a total lie if I didn't wish it was my birth mother with dad right now. He and Kat still fit together nicely.

"Most children aren't as understanding as you are. You grew up too fast, but it certainly deepened your emotions." The dark Reyvateil commented. "You feel deeper and hold your love stronger. Most Reyvateils wouldn't be as potent as you are without a fully functioning Tower. That's due to the nature of your bonds. They strengthen all of us in a myriad of tangible and intangible ways. Your mother...mothers...are very proud of you." I smiled warmly at hearing the affection in her voice.

"Trying to distract me from my revelation isn't going to help much." My warm smile turned sardonic. She laughed in response.

"I had to try. Just do me a favor and talk to Cocona before too long. You're not clueless like Lyner." Mir said with whole volumes of unspoken feelings.

"I liked your version of the Magical Girl story from the Cosmosphere, but it's not exactly everyone's taste. They even managed to capture some of the innocence of the original opening chapters. Lyner and Shurelia weren't trying to snug you. Though it would have been a lot better if they had just asked you to do it since the writing quality suffered." Okay so I occasionally like a tragic love story. I won't look for one in my real life, but something poignant and heartfelt is nice.

"I suppose a rewrite wouldn't have been terrible. If it was me at the helm. Though it was amateurish there was a sense of life and heart. Don't tell Shurelia or Lyner that I don't exactly hate the changes anymore." She warned. Like I would do that to her. Nope. With her luck she'd do it to herself. We talked for awhile longer, but a knock at the door ended the conversation.

First night in Wilkes-Barre and it was time to get the party started. Dad's idea that we go out to dinner was a good one, but finding a place was tricky. There were a lot of choices, but Lonestar Steakhouse came up and that settled it for us. Sometimes I forget just how many carnivores we have in the family. The food was good and the service was nice. It was even better being someplace where we didn't have to worry about random gang violence ruining the evening. I wish that it was an exaggeration, but some parts of the city were that bad. A sharp nudge Cocona drew me out of my slightly gloomy thoughts and back to the fun.

Afterwards we went out to see a movie. They were showing some sci-fi flick from Earth Aleph that had my inner scientist screaming. Much of it was highly plausible, but then you had multiple ton robots jumping like they were in the matrix. The story was so-so and the romance was forced. Neither of the leads were all that compelling. At least everyone else enjoyed it and I was able to fake interest. Strangely enough I found Megatron to be the most multifaceted character. Optimus Prime was clearly the paragon of virtue and chosen leader type. A cliche stereotype that worked well. We headed back to the hotel afterward. The real treat was spending the whole night with my family. I went to head into my room, but Cocona stopped me.

"Hey Taylor. Can we talk?" She asked hesitantly. I invited her in and shut the door. My friend and maybe more looked nervous before plopping down on the bed. I sat down next to her.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked her. She shifted nervously. I put my hand over hers in a comforting gesture.

"Okay so I said that we should talk...but now...argh!" Cocona groaned in annoyance.

"I want to be with you. Date you. I was hoping you would be my girlfriend." That could have gone smoother, but I wanted it out in the open. It wasn't fair to her to make her make the first move. She already did that and I had been too blind to see. Her eyes widened as she stared at me.

"Uh okay...yeah. I'd like that." She smiled warmly and I was blinded by how beautiful she looked. I wrapped my arms around you and just held her. She was so small, but fit in my arms so right.

"I think I'm getting the best part out of this bargain." I joked playfully. She snuggled closer.

"I think we're both pretty lucky. The best vanguards are the ones that love their charges." Cocona murmured quietly. My heart was pounding at her words. It felt so good to hear her say that. She was my vanguard. My partner. We would be together and that's what mattered. The night was long, but we had each other.

-April 30, 2011-

-Brockton Bay: The Bay-

Work had begun on the Ship Graveyard. Mostly cleaning and hauling. Several attacks by rogue parahumans and the BB Dragonzord had left most of it already demolished. The men down on the ground were grateful for the extra work. The shape of the city was changing. More money was coming in and tourism had increased even further. The Bay was becoming a safer place to live. It wasn't that all of their problems were gone, but the ones that remained were content to remain quiet. Today was just another day. People heading to work and living their lives. The only difference was the equipment being used. The upright walker mechs that the Dockworkers Association were using made the job go much faster. One of the men stretched as another man brought him a clipboard.

"Let's see. We're ahead of the projected schedule. Good work. It's going to be nice to have all of this land returned to the city." Kurt, Danny's best friend, commented.

"Man did he sell his soul to get us this deal?" The younger man asked teasingly.

"Not likely. That man could swindle the devil." Grins were shared between the men. The normal sounds of construction were interrupted by the Bay bubbling with froth.

"What's the Dragonzord doing? There's nothing to fight." The younger man looked confused and apprehensive. Had Uber and Leet decided to stop playing hero with their giant mech? It seemed that their fears were born out at first as a silvery blue head started to part the water. Their expressions changed to stunned amazement as what looked like a mechanized Godzilla emerged from the water.

"That...is not the Dragonzord..." Kurt hit the alarms. There was nothing they could do against a thirty foot tall mecha. The sheer number of visible weapons would make a stout man shudder. The men hurried to retreat. Abandoning the equipment.

"Hey can the Dragonzord come out to play? Motor Boss and Mecha Godzilla wanna say hi!" The voice that came from the loudspeakers was familiar, but the name wasn't. The giant machine let out a roar taken straight from an iron works. "If they don't show up then we're gonna huff, and puff, and blow all this shit away!" A rapid whirring of gears was heard as a volley of artillery exploded around the Graveyard. The workers were trying to escape, but they were being bombarded by high speed dirt and rocks. Some fell as others tried to save them.

Kurt snarled as he ran towards the problem. The gigantic machine that Dragon left for them was to be used for hauling the large steel chunks. He didn't know if the Labor would be able to handle fighting a war machine, but he would be damned if these men suffered. The yellow machine with black chevrons came to life as a glowing blue visor lit up. There was a feeling in his gut as the titan rose to the challenge. The Bay would not be kicked around by anyone again! Mecha Godzilla noticed the twenty foot tall machine's activation and pointed it's weapons. Kurt grabbed a chunk of steel and used it as a shield to block the volley of bullets.

"Get the fuck outta here!" He roared as the machine hurled the now smoking hunk at the larger mech. The deafening clang was a rewarding sound. Mecha Godzilla staggered briefly before staggering again as smaller pieces of steel were hurled with pneumatic might. Kurt kept track of the evacuation even as he grabbed a huge steel I-Beam that was being used to shore up the parts they worked on. In the hands of the yellow Labor it was a fitting weapon to slay a metal beast.

"What the hell!? Grrr...! No fuckin' way am I retreating! Not until I've smashed the fuckin' Dragonzord!" A loud roar from the mech preceded a blast of conical power. The metal I-Beam was shattered as the construction machine was forced back. The war machine was intent on teaching this interloper the difference between construction and destruction as it charged forward. Kurt tried to bring the unresponsive systems back online. Whatever the hell that thing was it scrambled something.

"Come on big guy...come on..." He jerked the control yokes, but nothing was working. Kurt would have to reset the entire thing, but it looked like he didn't have the time.

The saying goes that the Judgment of Heaven is slow and sure, but at others it was swift as Hell. There was no fanfare as the Dragonzord exploded from the water with it's signature roar and body checked the saurian mech at full speed. Kurt released a sigh of relief before immediately hitting the reset switch. Whether the BB Dragonzord needed help or not, this would not stand.

"What the hell!? Dragonzord can't move that fast!" Mecha Godzilla's pilot sounded offended, but the saurian mech proved it was fast as well with a spinning tail slap. The resounding boom caused waves to erupt and shook the earth.

"Hey you called us. We didn't call you." The voice of Uber was heard as the dragon finger jabbed the silvery blue war machine in the chest while firing the claw missiles. The double attack made it's equally enormous counterpart reel but a sudden head butt knocked Dragonzord off balance.

"You got what you wanted so no complaining!" Leet shouted as the other claw was brought down with savage ferocity on the skull of the enemy machine. Mecha Godzilla's eyes glowed malevolently just before firing off it's Blast Roar. It's opponent was hammered in the torso an forced backwards by the blast. The Dragonzord appeared slow to respond.

"Ya like that!? A focused EMP blast with the roar!" Motor Boss bragged as the wicked metal monster rushed for it's staggering opponent. Kurt grinned ferally as the message reporting system's green let him know he was back in action. The surprisingly agile yellow construction mech moved in a forward lunge for Mecha Godzilla. The pilot realized, too late, that the formerly neutralized mecha was still functional. She tried to check her advance, but Dragonzord proved he was playing possum. The red eyes glowed with unholy glee as it sounded out a triumphant cry. The yellow mech crashed into Mecha Godzilla's hip assembly just as Dragonzord gave the torso a bear hug. The other mech's limbs were trapped and it's entire lower body unresponsive. There was the sound of squealing metal as the war machine's eyes guttered and died.

"Fuckin' assholes! You haven't heard the last of me!" Before they could react an escape pod was jettisoned away from the disabled machine. Dragonzord dropped the twisted hulk on dry land while the Labor dragged the legs and tail ashore.

"Thanks guys. We really needed your help back there." Kurt said in relief over the comm system.

"No problem. We were happy to be of assistance." Uber responded. Dragonzord extended his curled fist to the battle scarred yellow machine. The Labor completed the fist bump with a righteous crash. Unbeknownst to them there was one worker still on the scene that caught the whole thing. He would go on to put this picture up on PHO with the caption "True Heavy Metal."

-Undisclosed Location-

Motor Boss cursed angrily as she exited the escape craft. Mecha Godzilla 1 was a total loss. At least she had the data recorder. This was an expensive set back, but it gave her a better idea of the opposition. Nowhere in any of her calculations did a construction mech factor in or that it would be so powerful. She stopped and thought that over.

"No, there's no reason it wouldn't be that powerful. Construction equipment have to be durable and strong for their work. Also it wasn't carting around weaponry so that explains the speed." The loss was easier to see in hindsight. If it had just been Dragonzord or the yellow worker bot it would have been her victory. She entered the conference room of the base. Her subordinates were already gathered.

"Well that was a spectacular flop." Angel commented snidely.

"Really? Okay. So that means you failed your assignment?" Motor Boss asked with a deceptively sweet tone. Even Smack and Fleabag shuddered at the threat of menace. Angel folded her arms defensively.

"We succeeded, Motor Boss." Gent assured her as he slid the case in her direction. She grinned in response.

"Excellent work. There will be a bonus involved of course." Motor Boss was giddy as she opened the case. Inside was a green colored metal fragment. It was a tiny sliver, but more than enough.

"What did you want that for anyway, boss?" Fleabag asked while scratching his head. She checked and he did not actually have fleas.

"This little bit of metal will tell me what the BB Dragonzord is made of. There is no way it's made of ordinary steel. Not even the Tinker metals that the fabricator can produce. With this I will finally have the answer to defeating it." She closed the case with a sense of satisfaction. "What about the second part?"

"I managed to get into the bank and retrieve the account numbers." Gent said with smug self assurance.

"Good. Very good. Next phase it to lay low. We're starting off small. This was a gambit that still paid off in spades." Inwardly she was pissed at losing Mecha Godzilla, but with this data and her genius? It was only a matter of time.
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Fifth Arc 5.6
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.6

-April 30, 2011-

-Wyoming Valley Mall-

The mall was pretty much like any other mall. There wasn't a great deal of difference between this one and the ones back in Brockton Bay. At least on the surface. The people here were much friendlier and the shops gleamed invitingly. There wasn't a single person with a recognizable gang affiliation either. They probably existed, but I couldn't sense anything amiss. Bizarrely that was more distracting than if I sensed danger. Cocona squeezed my hand reassuringly. She looked amused at my plight. I gave her a rueful smile in return. Dad had driven us to the mall and we spread out. He and Kat were wandering around somewhere alone. They certainly didn't need a chaperon. Despedia found herself entranced by browsing through the clothing stores with Lisa and Sonata. That just left Cocona and I to entertain ourselves. We had plans to meet up with the others around lunchtime and decide what to do with the afternoon. The funny thing was that I just wanted to stay in today and just hang out. No running around. No going anymore. Maybe cuddle with my girlfriend.

"If you don't stop that weird giggling I'm gonna pretend I don't know you." The aforementioned girlfriend informed me with a smirk. I draped my arm around her shoulders.

"Hey I'm in a good mood. What more do you want from me?" I demanded with poorly hidden amusement.

"Maybe if you told me why you're giggling like that. It's creepy." She said with a mock shudder. Impulsively I kissed the top of her head.

"Just thinking about how lucky I am." She blushed a bit at the unexpected PDA. We were walking by an electronics store when one of the TVs started showing the national news. I was planning on just walking by, but Cocona stopped dead which brought me to a halt.

"Taylor...look." She pointed at the screen. I looked to where she indicated and had to stop myself from gawking. Brockton Bay made national news again with a video that went viral within minutes of posting. The sight of the BB Dragonzord, a construction mech, and Mecha Godzilla was too bizarre. Cocona and I shared a look.

"Isn't it nice that the insanity happens even without us there?" I asked with forced cheer. We moved away from the store as people behind us boggled at the images. The Heavy Labor Construction Unit was not designed for combat, but it was a very sturdy piece of hardware. I could already picture the interest in giant mecha that this would bring on. As long as it was Uber and Leet only they were content. Now that it was shown these big monsters of metal weren't just because of Leet tech? Interest would increase greatly. She sent a message off over the chat channel to Mir about having Dragon make a formal overture to Uber and Leet.

"I hope that's the only work you plan on doing during this vacation." Mir responded. Oh no. No more work for her. "Good."

"I would be happy if the insanity always avoided us." Cocona replied to what I said out loud. She knew I was doing other things mentally, but was being understanding. I gave her a more affectionate squeeze and resolved to let my mind unwind. There was nothing else that needed doing except spend time with her and that would be my pleasure.


My mom and vacation were like two strangers that met in Sweden to discuss dinner in German when they only understand Swahili. With one of them being mute. It probably sounds like an exaggeration, but that's because her mind processes information at a rate superior to humans. Superior to most super computers. I was designed to process things at human speeds. She wasn't. So when people suggest she needs to stop thinking so much it's akin to asking a high performance race car to take you to the grocery store. Lisa and Despedia, Emma in public, were checking out the different clothing stores. It wasn't my first choice, but getting ideas for her outfits was not a bad idea. I wasn't as much of a fashion plate, but I had my feminine pride. Even if I looked like a twelve to thirteen year old girl. The fun part was that I actually did grow. My prosthetics had the capability, but the ones on the market didn't. I was the test bed for a reason. My aunts, because let's face it Des is as close as a sister to Mom again, were cooing over something pretty.

"Hey I'm going next door. Okay?" I asked them. No sense in vanishing without telling them where I'm at. Sometimes they forgot we knew where the other ones were.

"Sure thing, kid. Just don't get lost." Lisa teased while ruffling my hair.

"You've got your whistle, right?" Despedia asked. Pepper spray and a whistle were expected to defend me in the event something bad happened. They didn't want me hurting people any more than I had to, but it still rankled. I was a third dan in several martial arts. Wait. Did I remember to tell anyone that? When I was compiling data before my birth that was something I picked. Lisa looked bemused.

"You know kung fu?" She stared at me curiously.

"Well yeah. If you had access to the whole internet wouldn't you do it too?" I grinned at her gobsmacked expression. "Oh and I have my whistle."

"Good. It avoids more lawsuits that way." The redhead playfully swatted my shoulder. How did Des know, but Lisa didn't? I left them to their own devices and wandered into the local branch of a national anti-Conformist clothing chain. The more they sought to avoid conforming the more they did. The way some of these people were dressed made me want to get out a crucifix. I like black. Black is my favorite color. I could not wear so much black. The chokers and collars were kind of neat, but everyone was playing it up so much as to be silly.

"You don't look like you're from around here." I looked at the person who addressed me. My first thought was that he needed more sun. A lot more sun.

"Nope. I'm just here with my family on vacation." There was no harm in being polite. He nodded his head. His hair was black, unnaturally so, and there was a faint slouch to his appearance. He was trying for disinterested loner, but came off as more sexual predator.

"Parents are such a drag. At least you got away from their leash for a while." He smiled engagingly right after insulting my family. I beamed back at him.

"Sorry, but I'm not interested. My mom's awesome and so is my family. Better luck next time." I finished with a pleasant chirp. He nodded slowly. Without saying another word he wandered off back into the night, or at least the dark at the back of the shop.

"Seriously. Why is this shop so dark? I can barely see anything. The colors are all muted. How does this help a customer buy anything?" Oh no. I'm turning into my mom. Well, that's not actually a bad thing. Strong opinion and knowing what you want is never a bad thing. I walked out of the shop feeling strangely pleased with myself. Then again the brightly lit mall made me feel better. I went back into the clothing boutique to hang out with my aunts again. The one thing that reassured me the most was that I was not turning into a fake goth. Conformist wimps.

-Despedia and Lisa-

They watched the younger girl walk out of the shop and take a right towards the shop next door. Despedia and Lisa exchanged knowing glances. That girl was so much like her mother it was scary which meant she would probably be back soon.

"Ten says she's back in five minutes." Despedia said.

"You're on." Lisa replied. The shop was decent sized with a good selection of clothing to choose from. Designer brands, national brands, and generics. When they said there was something here for everyone they weren't kidding.

"Did you seriously not know that Annette learned martial arts?" The redhead asked curiously.

"I knew. It's Taylor that doesn't and until she starts imitating Jackie Chan it will probably stay that way. Though trolling the kid is fun." The blonde commented with a vulpine grin.

"Trolling Taylor is fun too. I swear it's about time one of them made a move." This was something of an old topic between the two. It wasn't quite so obvious when Cocona first arrived, but the signs had steadily grown. The only one more protective of Taylor than Des was Cocona. The blue-black haired girl was easy to read. She wore her heart on her sleeve. Their more oblivious friend managed to miss all the signals.

"I was about to lock them in a broom closet together and just let nature take it's course." Lisa huffed.

"Then Taylor would have constructed something, somehow, from what was in the closet and escape. If Cocona didn't just knock the door down." When people looked at the barely five foot tall girl they didn't see the warrior. They saw a tiny little thing that couldn't hurt a fly. From their own experience they knew that wasn't true.

"At least they've made progress. What about you and Amy?" Lisa asked curiously.

"We're good friends. There isn't that much to tell. We did try dating, but that was one date. It wasn't bad, but it didn't go anywhere. We kind of flopped. Is there anyone you've got your eyes on?" Despedia asked playfully. The blonde pondered that for a minute.

"I never really gave it any thought. Due to my issue I knew everything about a person. Even the creepy stuff. When you can tell for certain what someone's kinks are it makes dating kind of weird. Being able to just ignore it all is such a relief. I'm still not looking, but it's nice that the option is mine again." Her power was the worst blocker in existence at times, but now she could turn it off.

"You could always ask Cocona if she's willing to share. At least let you borrow Taylor for a bit." Despedia grinned wickedly. Lisa flushed to the roots of her hair even as her power kicked on by itself to assure her that Des was kidding. The redhead looked chagrined.

"It's okay, Emma. I know you were joking." Lisa assured her. That didn't stop the other girl from giving her a hug in apology. Sometimes the redhead wore her own heart on her sleeve. The blonde let herself relax in the comforting embrace. She managed to tune out the world. This was the scene that Sonata walked in on.

"Hey guys. What's up?" She settled for a low key approach. The two disengaged slowly. Lisa just looked at Despedia.

"You owe me ten bucks." The redhead laughed while Sonata was left in total confusion.

-Danny and Kat-

He was fairly certain the girls would be fine. It wasn't that he worried about them all the time, but they had a habit of attracting trouble. Danny looked around the department store. His attention was drawn back by someone lightly squeezing his hand. The only person that should be squeezing that was his girlfriend so he smiled in her direction. She smiled back, but then frowned slightly. He sent her a questioning look and she indicated the crowd by the electronics store. Occasionally the words Brockton Bay and giant robots would be heard over the din.

"At this rate Brockton Bay is going to get a reputation and not for the crime rate." Kat said in bemusement.

"I know what you mean. Power armor walks the streets, the police are no longer outgunned, and even giant robots. I know that Aria was hoping to make a difference with medical tech, but with everything taken together. It's just a bit overwhelming." Danny wasn't shy about admitting this to her.

"You're right. The Triumvirate should just show up and make her a member. She's pretty much reached that point." The brown haired woman grinned teasingly. Taylor's father briefly lost himself in a vision of Aria joining the likes of Alexandria, Eidolon, and Legend. The vision then turned to her playing some sort of prank on them in short order. Why was he picturing his Taylor as a troll?

"That would be something alright. I'm glad you were able to get from work for awhile." Danny smiled at Kat. The irony was not lost on him that a woman named Kat would be Mouse Protector.

"So am I. I told them it was a working vacation, which it kind of is, but this has been a treat." She leaned into his arm contentedly. The feel of her so close made his mind race. This was neither the time or place for such thoughts, but it was nice to have them again. Unfortunately the sound of screams drew their attention. The two rushed towards the sound only to find a woman in a skintight costume going into the jewelry store. The cape wasn't one that Danny was familiar with, but Kat sucked in a breath.

"Who is that?" Danny asked.

"Ravager. Shit." She swore. It was uncharacteristic of her, but the way her lips peeled back gave off a predatory vibe. This was not someone she liked.

"Old history?" He asked as they hurried away from the scene. Kat was looking for somewhere, anywhere, to change. She had a bag slung over her shoulder that had the bulkiest pieces of gear.

"She tried to get the S9 to kill me. I let the home office know and that's how I ended up in good ol' BB." She laughed darkly. The sound of an echoing boom reached them from the direction they just came from. They exchanged a look.

"The kids." They said at the same time before running back towards the scene of the crime.

-With Taylor-

Ravager at the mall robbing a jewelry store. Oh hell no. This was our vacation. A chance to relax before dealing with this shit again. My eyes narrowed in fury as the building's cameras showed everything. The woman was in a spandex outfit with a feral looking mask. She had talons on her gloves and metal claws on the backs of her hands. The woman was menacing the customers. A quick check of the parahuman database showed that her abilities were heightened reflexes, a type of combat precog, and she could cause any wounds to fester and smoke. She liked to leave people scarred and wounded.

"Taylor..." Cocona said warningly. I grumbled a bit, but calmed down. In all the madness and people being evacuated there wasn't much room to do anything. Not and maintain our identities anyway. Though I did have an idea that made me smile. An evil smile is still a smile.

"Yeah...they're close by. This should be fun." I commented. The ELMA Linkage Mark IV was already en route with three Cutey ELMAs. A mental nudge and the armor unfolded. Magnet clips were engaged as the three ELMAs connected to the larger unit. The result was a white and gold armored figure with black and red add-ons that burst onto the scene. I wasn't in it, but I could direct the machine. Cocona had moved us further into the parking lot with Despedia, Lisa, and Sonata. Dad and Kat were still inside.

"That looks like a Gundam. The head's wrong, but definitely a mobile suit." Sonata sounded amused. The people weren't quite so frightened anymore. That was good. The remote controlled unit slammed through the front doors of the jewelry store and threw several white discs towards the crowd.

"What the hell is this!?" Ravager yelped in surprise as her hostages were now protected by glowing blue force balls. She used the capture spheres as protection. The villainess attempted a back flip over the counter, but several containment foam grenades slammed into her. She spun faster in mid air before getting slammed into the wall, the foam expanding quickly.

"That was anticlimactic." Taylor said aloud. The machine summoned the capture sphere discs back before taking off for the skies once more. They would dive into the river, disassemble there, and then make their way back to the vehicle Kat brought them in after dark.

-With Danny and Kat-

The adults watched blankly as a well over six foot tall machine of white, gold, black, and red dealt with Ravager. The hostage situation was taken care of and no one was hurt. The villainess was hit with enough containment foam that she resembled an enormous marshmallow. Danny looked at Kat.

"She needed a vacation." He commented. She just nodded her head.

"Now I had better call in to the PRT and let them know what happened. Yay. Responsible adult go!" Kat cheered with a plastic smile on her face. She got out her cellphone to call her superiors. Wrapping up Ravager like she was a naughty child made her entire year. The villainous cape had caused a great deal of suffering with her powers. To see her taken out like she was a non issue made her shiver delightedly. That was Danny's daughter who did that. He certainly deserved something special for having a kid like her.

Danny felt like howling at the moon with no idea why.


A mysterious and highly competent woman in a fedora watched the scene from a distance. From start to finish the entire sequence of events had lasted minutes, but advanced others by years. She smiled faintly. Ravager was minor in the grand scheme of things. This test of their target's capabilities had gone splendidly. She took a bite of the Philly style pretzel with gusto. The results spoke for themselves. This girl was the one. Her own abilities were considerable, but some things still blindsided her. She knew immediately that the girl, Aria, was vital. The exact measure of how vital eluded her. There were precious few that eluded her like that, but this young woman was one as well. Sometimes Aria was perfectly clear to her abilities and at others invisible. Mapping her was a headache and a half. In order to justify her fascination with the girl a test was arranged.

Ravager was all too eager to take the job. She didn't know who they were, but a sufficient amount of money got her on their side easily enough. Money. With the world falling apart and society collapsing the villainess wanted money. In another few years when everything fell money would be worthless. The woman shook her head. This test was to allow her compatriots, and herself, to have a clear look at this girl. No posturing. No grandstanding. Just do the deed and leave. Precision and efficiency. It still didn't help with her own problem of only being able to map Aria half the time. That wasn't important. She finished her pretzel while heading for the staff exit. A door of light appeared as she stepped through the exit and vanished without a trace.
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Fifth Arc 5.7
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fifth Arc 5.7

-May 1, 2011-

-Ramada Inn-

The family decided that going out today was a great idea, but I put my foot down. I was staying at the hotel and vegging out. They wanted me to take this vacation and I planned on enjoying it. Which is why I was still curled up in bed somewhere around noon in blissful rest. Cocona had opted to stay behind as well and was also vegging in my bed with me. Everyone else would be back soon enough, but for now it was just the two of us. The only problem with trying to lay in bed all day is that eventually your stomach decides to complain.

"Sounds like you have a bear in there." Cocona teased as she poked my stomach. I poked her in return.

"That was definitely a two part harmony. Want to order room service?" I asked.

"Let's see what they got." She got the menu from where it was left for our convenience. We called down and had our lunch delivered to the room. The bellhop brought in the cart, accepted his tip, and was sent off once more. He did look a little curious as there was only Cocona and myself with enough food for at least five people. That reminded me. We hadn't been to a buffet yet while here. That was a good idea for dinner.

"I'm looking forward to some peace and quiet. Yesterday was not quiet." It wasn't quiet. An actual villain, Ravager, had decided that robbing a jewelry store in broad daylight was a brilliant idea.

"Yeah, but it put Kat in a good mood. Your dad certainly agreed." Cocona said with a grin.

"I'm of two minds about that. They're so cute together and it's nice to see him happy. For some reason the thought of having three mothers won't leave me alone." I cocked my head to the side. It wasn't like anyone but us would know.

"You never know. Danny might just decide to give it a shot and then you'd have a Mouse Mommy." The blue-black haired girl said with a laugh. I snickered.

"Okay. That was a good one. Now I want to find a way to work that into a conversation." Just imagining the looks of slowly dawning shock almost sent me into hysterics. Instead I continued to eat, but the smile was definitely there.

"I'm so glad you came on vacation with us Mouse Mommy!" Cocona chirped with her fists balled up under her chin adorably. We both fell back laughing at that. Thankfully we didn't knock anything over in the process, but still it was nice to laugh.

"Oh my sides...that would do it alright. The purpose of the joke is twofold! We have a laugh and reassure the male parental unit!" I pointed dramatically at the ceiling. It got a little silly after that. Lunch passed in laughter that should have waited until we were done eating. Snorting a french fry is not fun. I don't recommend it. Honestly I had no idea what couples even did. Thankfully one of us had an idea. Apparently it's not too different than being best friends. There was just more kissing involved. Which was certainly a point in it's favor as we passed the time after lunch with some snuggling and kissing.

"Mmm...that was nice." Cocona said softly from the ring of my arms.

"I'd say a bit more than nice..." I said teasingly. She gave me a light shove. I looked into her eyes and something clicked for me. A crystallization of thought. There was something I wanted her to do for me. For us.

"Taylor...? What is it? You're staring..." She squirmed bashfully. My mouth was dry as I tried to formulate the words.

"Cocona...would you...Dive with me?" I will never know how I managed to say that without stuttering. She stared at me with wide eyes. Her lips moved, but no sound came out. I gave her a quick peck on the lips which seemed to give her a reboot.

"O-okay...uhhh...right here...? We don't have the right equipment..." She looked around as if assuring herself that the full Dive equipment hadn't mysteriously appeared.

"It has to be built, but I didn't want to wait to ask." My throat locked up suddenly. Reyvateilic instincts were making me even more tongue tied. I was asking her to go inside of my very soul and see my everything.

"You're serious about this." She cupped my cheek. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak. Her eyes sparkled, "When the time comes then I'll be glad to." The rest of the afternoon passed in a blur.

Everyone else got back in time to go out for dinner as planned. Lisa was practically leaping out of her skin. She clearly wanted to get me alone. I had to send soothing thoughts to her. Later. We could get together later. Part of this trip was to spend time with her as well. Despedia was practically glued to Kat. Dad and Sonata looked exhausted. Everyone was happy, but those two definitely looked tired. I drew Sonata to my side.

"What happened sweetheart?" I asked her. We were sitting in the back of the van together. Cocona was humming softly to herself with a self-satisfied look. Despedia opened her mouth to comment, but a quelling look from Lisa stopped her.

"We found a person in a Mouse Protector costume at the park. Des and Kat decided to out ham the performer." She turned a haunted gaze on me.

"It could have been worse. Nyamo Mask could have been there too." I beamed at her. Her look turned to one of stunned horror. Dad burst out laughing along with Kat.

"You're right of course. That would have been much worse." She nodded so fast her ponytail hit me in the face. I sputtered at the unwelcome sensation of hair in my mouth. Why was I tasting strawberries? Sonata giggled at my bemused look.

"The villains of Brockton Bay would run in fear of the Titanic Trio of Mouse Protector, Despedia, and Nyamo Mask!" Kat declared in an over the top voice. The only sounds heard in the van for the rest of the drive were the rest of us laughing ourselves silly. Sadly we had to behave ourselves when we got to the restaurant. The servers looked at our enormous group and seemed to have a premonition. They just didn't know how bad the carnage would be. At least half of us were blessed with a hyperactive metabolism. The battle was long and the dishes were many, but somehow they managed to outlast us. The restaurant was good and the food delicious. It was just too bad we couldn't come back sometime. Then again if we came back too often they would be out of business. Oh well. Reality intrudes on another dream.

We made our way back to the hotel after dinner. Dad and Kat were going to spend some time in his room. We knew it was their room, but let us have our fantasy. Despedia wrangled my daughter and girlfriend towards her room. Cocona gave Lisa a mysterious smile and a nod before blowing me a kiss. I looked at the blonde in confusion as she looked utterly befuddled. We went into Lisa's room. She sat on the bed and I took the chair.

"What was that about?" I asked.

"Damned if I know. She seemed to expect me to pick up on something. I probably could have used my power, but I've been feeling pretty relaxed." Lisa shrugged.

"No idea at all? Like maybe how close you and Despedia have grown?" It was a shot in the dark. An old trick where you watch for verbal and physical cues. It was also called cold reading. Lisa's power made her enormously good at it.

"Hey now no trying to set me up. I'll admit it's not a terrible idea. The thing is we're more the heterosexual life partners than homosexual. Though the looks on my team member's faces would be pretty funny." She grinned at the mischief that would cause.

"You're all heart. How have you been?" I asked her.

"Pretty good. The rebranding is a pain, but we'll manage. Madison is pretty much a one girl PR booster. The cat girl thing and cute costume? It's like we got our own Vista with a hundred percent more cuteness overload. The issue we're having is that Browbeat brought home a stray. Remember the duo of Angel and Crystal? Apparently they had a falling out over the Boardwalk mess. We now have our very own reformed Merchant cape. She was a bad fit for the criminal life anyway. Too nice by half. We're giving her the name Diamond. Like Diamond in the rough." Lisa giggled at the imagery.

"Sounds to me like you've got a good sized team. That's impressive." I complimented her. The Protectorate, New Wave, and the Undersiders. Three full hero teams in one city. "The number of heroes in Brockton Bay has skyrocketed."

"Which is good. The PRT can't just reassign heroes because they need their own roster. Why do they keep telling us not to work? This isn't work at all." She burst out in annoyance.

"I'm pretty sure this is covered under the relaxation thing. We're reconnecting, talking over events, or is someone in your head telling you to stop working?" I asked her curiously.

"Despedia just sent me a message saying naughty naughty. Oh. Never mind. I'm not explaining that one to you." The blonde blushed to the roots of her hair. A laugh was heard through the wall followed by a thump. The laughter stopped.

"I hope she didn't just laugh her head off. Literally. Anyway. I get to construct Dive equipment when we get back. Cocona said yes." I was excited about this. The jitters were still there, but the absolute certainty that this was what I wanted buoyed me.

"I'm happy for you two. Shurelia just sent me information on what a Dive entails. You were skipping a step in your explanation." Lisa wagged her finger at me.

"Sometimes I forget. I'll make sure there's protection. We don't want any accidents. It's my first time and well...I want it to be special." I smiled. My friend gazed at me for a long moment.

"You see absolutely nothing wrong with that statement. Beautiful." She commented in a deadpan tone. My head tilted in confusion. What was her problem?


The woman in the fedora sat across the table from a brown haired woman with startling blue eyes. The two stared across the table at one another. Neither giving an inch. They were clearly not friends. There was palpable aura of tension that kept even the most stalwart away. The woman in the suit tilted her fedora back before folding her hands on the table. The brunette grinned smugly. The bar was loud and smoke choked the air. Someone at the microphone was singing show tunes, badly.

"How did you get my number?" The woman in the fedora cracked first.

"There isn't much that I don't know, dear Contessa." The brunette smirked at the discomfited woman.

"How do you know my name?" She asked. Her voice taking on a dangerous quality that utterly failed to impress her unwanted companion.

"I was just curious to see you in person. It's so hard to single out just one ant from on high." The woman was unspeakably beautiful. Her skin was like porcelain with a perfection normal women just could not match. Something in her tone spooked Contessa.

"What is it that you want?" The unnerved woman asked.

"Nothing much. Just to experience life and get away from work for awhile. That is the purpose of a vacation." The smirk grew wider until it was merely a dark parody of human expression.

"Now for our next song! Come on up, Simone!" The DJ called out. The frightening atmosphere faded as she stood up from the booth.

"It was a pleasure meeting you. Continue to watch that girl for me, would you?" The brunette laughed as she walked up to the podium. The song that played was Evanescence "Wake Me Up." Contessa had the strangest feeling that it was a message to her. A dark foreboding came over her as she left the bar.

"Continue to watch that girl...? Who the hell is she...?" She stared up at the sky with the song following her out into the night.

AN: Sorry this was so short, but I honestly couldn't see how to expand it any further. I didn't want to run into the problems that the original "Vacation Arc" ran into like overstaying it's welcome. A new Arc begins next time on Hymn of Harmony Rewrite!
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Sixth Arc 6.1
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.1

-May 3, 2011-

-PRT HQ: Aria's Lab-

It was Tuesday and I was back in my lab. Asking Cocona to Dive with me also served as a reminder that the equipment wasn't built. The need just wasn't there and I was enjoying myself. There was also a lack of people that I trusted to actually do that with me. Lisa and I had done a form of Dive through our connection, but it wasn't the same. When I altered her Seed it didn't require quite the depth that this would. The sensation of time slipping away from me was growing gradually. I had no idea what changed the lackadaisical air to a more pressing need. It wasn't something I could put my finger on precisely, but that didn't change the sense of urgency I felt.

The large fabricator was working on the requisite machinery which left me at odds for things to do. There was the robot lab assistant to be completed so I got to work. The plan was just to use a generic head, connect it to the armor, put the helm over it, and call it a day. I had to construct a neck ring for the head to socket into, but that wasn't hard. The hair was dyed blonde just to give a more user friendly appearance. The bot would have a set of logic programming. She wouldn't be able to make decisions based on self determination. Her programming would include lab care, how to operate the machinery, and other assorted mundane functions. Also before Sonata beat me to it I programmed her to know where the spare weapons are and how to use them.

"Okay...preparing for activation." The activation switch was located inside the torso area. I was leaving it empty so that she could store spare tools for ease of access. There was a master control on my terminal as well, but the one inside was a hard reset switch as well. She opened her eyes slowly with streams of code flickering across her irises.

"Greetings." The voice was pleasant as was the greeting. "Shall I perform initial diagnostics?" She queried.

"Yes." I replied.
"Acknowledged. Present designation for unit." I hadn't really thought of a name for her. Calling her Unit 1 or something was too demeaning. Just because she wouldn't mind didn't mean I wouldn't.

"Your designation is Astra." I informed her. She bowed her head and entered diagnostic mode. It would take her an hour or more to finish. I could have skipped the long start up time, but it was always best to make sure you didn't build Skynet by accident. Bizarrely enough when I thought of Skynet, Mir came to mind. Built by humanity, shown just how much they sucked, went axe crazy. The only thing missing was sending people back into the past for reasons unexplained. The humans thought they knew the reason, but seriously? Skynet was a troll. Had to be. Kill john Connor before he forms the resistance? Cause a paradox? Nope. Troll.

"How did I go from constructing a robot to taking apart Terminator?" Good question with no answer. Cocona was in school so no calling her. Sonata was cackling over something on her end of the lab. It was probably a good idea to investigate that. The sight I was treated to as I got closer left me agog. My baby girl built a damn weapon's platform. It looked like a Utah raptor with missile pods on the thighs. Satellite dishes on either side of the tail. Twin guns were on either side of the head and the teeth. Dear heavens the teeth. The eyes were red crystal and the body was black with silver trim.

"Hi Mom! Like it? I call it Command Raptor." She pet the side of the machine's muzzle. The lethal looking machine with wicked claws and a gun on the tail nuzzled her hand. She threw her arms around it's neck adorably or as adorable as a teen girl hugging a mechanical war machine could look.

"Honey...I really hope you at least asked Dragon about this..." I would not hesitate to say that this machine was tripping all of my fight or flight responses. Predominantly flight.

"Of course I did. She approved of everything. I installed a lot of really nice things in this big guy. A Harmograph booster, four of the large amplifiers with four of the smaller ones, and the satellites focus the released energy. I also gave it a synchronization booster. You can use this to ramp up the power of your Songs. It's also connected to the infrastructure that Dragon, Armsmaster, and You-Know-Who have been constructing." Sonata was clearly pleased with her invention. He looked like a devastating weapon, and was, but the tactical use was impossible to ignore.

"Very nice." I complimented her. She preened under the attention.

"Dragon has even got permission to mass produce these babies." The little minx. Building something like this and getting the PRT to build them.

"Can they all receive my signal?" I asked.

"Oh yes. The PRT was informed of their properties, but they don't know that you could synchronize with them all simultaneously." Sonata informed me.

"Wow. It's not like you lied to them either. Very useful. So why Command Raptor?" The name confused me a bit.

"They're mobile command platforms. An armored agent can ride them around the battlefield while maintaining contact. The design is for places that no ordinary vehicle could go. The weapons are a precaution mainly. These teeth are designed to chew through rock, concrete, and even steel for aiding in rescue operations." Sonata beamed proudly. The more she explained the less like a weapon it looked. Oh it was still a weapon, make no mistake, but I could see what she was aiming for. It's still scary as hell, but at least that wasn't a deliberate design choice. No, no, that made it worse actually.

"Sweetheart. Momma loves you very much. It's just that you managed to make a very scary thing." I tried to point out.

"If you're having this reaction just imagine the faces of villains when an entire team of PRT Agents rides in on the backs of these monsters alongside the motoarmors! Glorious!" And just like that I lost my baby to dreams of heavy metal, cordite, and lamenting villains crying to their mommies. I left her along for now and headed back to my area of the lab. Having more weaponry around the lab for defense was nice. Diving would leave us totally vulnerable and this wasn't Sol Ciel where interrupting a Dive was unheard of. Attacking during one? Preposterous! It's not like it didn't happen, but that was usually accident rather than design. I wasn't really too worried. We were in PRT Headquarters. Home of the Protectorate. Also home to a sizable number of armored troopers.

"You're getting too wound up, Taylor." Shurelia's voice intruded on my thoughts. She sounded concerned. I sat down at my terminal.

"I know. It's just...I can't figure out what is making me so nervous. Beyond the obvious. I've got this feeling that I'm not prepared enough. It's scary. I got so used to thinking that there was still time. I feel like I was slacking off." Taylor confided in the Origin.

"The feeling you have is perfectly natural. Your range of detection has grown by an order of magnitude. The substations and infrastructure support has been installed properly. Sonata's clever inventions will also help. You are nearly omnipresent on the network. The restless feeling is something we all had to adjust to. It feels like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. That your attention is being pulled in multiple directions. Just give it some time and the sensation will go away." The silver haired administrator soothed her worries.

"I don't really feel any different. I expected it would feel strange or something. Instead the system just keeps chugging along without my input. That's a good thing, right?" I didn't want it to inexplicably get away from me.

"Dragon is doing a fine job keeping it running smoothly. A good tower staff can handle most issues themselves. The only thing they should have to bring to you are major decisions. Even then a good staff is capable of making due in those situations. Any other interesting projects you have?" She asked.

"Sonata's proven that the ability to use Song Magic is possible. I know it's not magic and in fact super science. We don't have a Will to commune with, but using tools has helped get around that. I could actually build a Reyvateil of a sort. It's possible. The designs are here as well. Huh. I didn't notice that. It was in the same folder as the Sol Reactor. Well, the basis of the Sol Reactor, and Funbuns." That folder was full of some truly bizarre ultra tech. Full scale machines were miniaturized in ways Armsmaster would take lessons from.

"Oh Lyner...what else did you send her...?" Shurelia moaned in a mixture of resignation and disbelief.

"Wait...isn't Lyner the airhead? Uhhh...forget I said that..." I flushed at having said that to the Origin.

"Well you certainly have Mir's attitude. He's not actually an airhead, but he is earnest to a fault. Though the fact he kept coming up with technology that I had not added to the Grathmeld program stumps me." She pondered curiously.

"Maybe he's an unidentified Will wandering the world for the humor." There was startled silence on the other hand.

"Don't joke about that." She muttered, "It might be true." Shurelia said her goodbyes since apparently she still had to work. Sonata was happily chatting with Mir about her "cute" Command Raptor. Yep. Mir was encouraging her love of scary machines.

"I was thinking since everyone else has a giant robot that I should build one. Dragon even said that if I got my mom's permission she would help. I was thinking of a serpentine dragon that flew through the sky and doubled as an armored troop carrier!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Scale it back kiddo. You've already made one PR nightmare. Pace yourself. Let them calm down and then surprise them with a new design. How big were you thinking anyway?" Mir asked. I was somewhat relieved that my mom was trying to hold her back.

"Well there is a way for me to make a hundred foot machine that would only take a few anti grav generators. Of course there would be redundancy to protect against failure. The Sol Reactor III is more than powerful enough if I put one in each segment. Hundred feet so make that twenty segments. Four anti grav generators in each." My daughter proposed. The scary part was I could see how it would work. A few tweaks and it would be a nightmare in the skies. With the right armaments...

"With the right armaments it could even serve as a deterrent to the Simurgh. Is that what you're thinking, Aria?" Mir asked in amusement. Sonata stuck out her tongue at me from across the room.

"I wasn't trying to hide. Personally I think it's a great idea. Just have Dragon release it herself. Give her full creative rights, show her your plans, and let her have it." I had a feeling this was more of a collaboration anyway. Dragon made a suggestion, my daughter started brainstorming, and here we are.

"Thanks Mom! Hmmm hmmm hmmm...Ha ha ha ha!" Sonata started laughing like a villain again.

"Too much dear. Too much. Evil isn't that hammy." Mir chided her gently.

"Sorry Grandma..." My daughter pouted. It was at that point that Astra came back online. I blocked off that conversation to save what was left of my sanity to focus on compiling her programming.

-With Sonata-

"I have an idea for a weapon that would most definitely make my mom's eyebrow twitch." I spoke to my grandma directly. Mom was busy finalizing the bot's programming which was good. That would take her some time yet. She was a perfectionist.

"Any particular reason you're discussing it with me first?" Mir asked curiously. She encouraged me to be creative while reminding me that sinking continents earned kill orders. Personally I think she worried too much.

"It involves the use of dimensional physics. Not quite a black hole gun, but closer to a quantum laser. It would rewrite local reality to ensure that it always hit the target. The power for it would be astronomical if I didn't have a work around. By turning it into a Song, sending through the Tower in your dimension, and then channeling back through my mother it would lower the cost significantly." The idea was ambitious, but it was doable. Mir was silent for a time. At first I thought she was just thinking about it, but after awhile I realized she was in shock.

"Send me the plans and calculations. Oh my...you already had it figured out, didn't you? This is scary. Very scary. I like it. There are a few areas that need to be tightened up. Hmmm...this would have to be installed in your mother's mini-Tower." Mir mused.

"How would we perform an installation when Hymn Crystals aren't even native to this world?" I hadn't thought of everything, but I trusted grandma to have an idea.

"I'll get back to you on that. You might have just saved your mother's life you know." Mir said gently. I froze in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully.

"We were drawing a blank on how to stop the threat to your world. The best idea we had was a Song, but the only one with enough power would have been dangerous to her as well." The dark Reyvateil was clearly happy that I came up with a better solution.

"There are Songs that powerful?" That was a scary thought.

"Indeed. This is much more efficient. Good work, kiddo. Who helped you with some of these equations?" She asked curiously.

"Someone you know. Her name's Sasha." I took great pleasure in causing grandma to have another meltdown. Twice in one conversation was some kind of record.

My intellectual exercise might have saved mom's life. Whether by Will or by God I was relieved.

AN: Here we go. The start of the Cosmosphere Arc has commenced. Some of the Songs in Ar Tonelico are freakishly powerful. I plan on taking as much time as I need. My Muse has returned, obviously, so the job is made easier. Until next time!
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Cosmosphere Creation Guide Found by Omega Cloud (SB)
This is a repost of an old, old thread. It it mostly for-fun conjecture and analysis and may contain outdated information.


Are you stumped on how to create a reyvateil's Cosmosphere? Because I sure am >_> Which is why this is here. This is pretty much a sort of analysis on the cosmosphere, to act as a guide for anyone who wants to make one. Note that this is not canon, an 100% accurate how-to, or a must-have when creating your cosmosphere. Any suggestions, corrections, section ideas, or other tips you have are welcome.

The information is obtained from the game, Toukousphere and from the Settei book. Thanks to Kensou77 and Aquagon for translations and for providing the information, which can be found here and here. The info from the Settei book is very complex, so it'll be somewhat simplified here.

I haven't played through Cloche, the third At II reyvateil's Cosmosphere, or any of Ar tonelico III's reyvateil's Cosmospheres, so help and suggestions for the later level themes would be great. (hint, hint) Also, let's try to keep this as non-spoiler as possible, though it probably won't be a problem. Remember the spoiler tags if it's necessary to demonstrate points, correlate characteristics, etc.

About the Cosmosphere

The Cosmosphere is the virtual depiction of a reyvateil's mind, accessed by using a Dive Machine. The Cosmosphere exists for the creation of song magic, made from the reyvateil's emotions. They're obtained by solving the problems in her mind, or Cosmosphere. Each one is unique to the reyvateil, and if it ceases to exist she will die.

A Cosmosphere has approximately 9 levels, and in each level the reyvateil gains songs after being influenced by the diver. In the beginning (Level One), the reyvateil's inner self is weakly influenced and creates weaker songs. As the levels progress she's more strongly influenced and creates stronger songs out of the feelings she has. At level 9, the strongest songs are made from the strongest emotions. Most of the time, reyvateils learn around 15 to 25 songs after completing the Cosmosphere in the course of the game, which is usually a year or two. But, it's extremely dangerous for a diver to go beyond the 9th level, which is usually inaccessible by the Dive Machine. Level 9, the highest level, has the strongest effect on the reyvateil. Beyond it is an area that should never be touched, because doing so could destroy the reyvateil's mind. That area is also called the [Shared Consciousness Field], where the consciousness of all reyvateils meet. If a diver were to enter that area, he could end up influencing other reyvateils as well; reyvateils can also influence each other through this area, though they can't target specifically who they want to influence. As a diver and reyvateil progress through the Cosmosphere, their minds grow stronger-- so, if a diver enters the Shared Consciousness Field, the reyvateil's mind breaks because of the strain of the power in her mind. Because of that the limit of levels one can enter in the Cosmosphere is limited to 9, for the safety of both the reyvateil and the diver.

The Cosmosphere layers are the most superficial in the beginning, and in the later levels, the subconscious thoughts and hidden feelings are revealed. The Cosmosphere is sort of like an onion-- even if peeling the first layers makes you cry, get through to the end to reach your goal! The layers of the Cosmosphere also get more intense later on because of the escalating emotion, and there's a chance the diver could die. In the game, the diver is saved, but when making your Cosmosphere it's possible to have death traps all over, if the reyvateil is extremely hurt or wary.

Completing (the journey through) the Cosmosphere

In the Cosmosphere, the diver helps solve the reyvateil's problems. He talks to her, convinces her of things, urges her to action (or urges her to not act), and acts himself in order to demonstrate to her the answer to her problems. By doing this he influences her, and when she is strongly influenced (at the end of the level, when the problems are solved) a [Paradigm Shift] forms. The Paradigm Shift prepares and allows the diver and the reyvateil to enter the next level... In a sense, the two level up and have access to a stronger area. Because the Paradigm Shift is a manifestation of the influence of the diver on the reyvateil, the reyvateil must enter it by choice in order to safely continue. If forced it can cause instability in the next level and make it harder to complete than it should have been.

If a diver tries to access a higher level than the one he should, he will die (his mind will be absorbed or eroded (causing his mind's collapse) by the reyvateil's, and he will be unable to return to reality). This is because the reyvateil has a stronger consciousness than the diver at that point, so he will be overpowered and unable to influence her, like how a level 5 hero can't damage a level 30 boss monster.

In some cases, the problems a reyvateil has cannot solely be solved by the Diver. In this case, an outside influence is necessary in order for her to have a reassurance of something-- this outside influence can be compared to a weapon or armor the diver can use to help win against the boss, which he could not do without it. Generally, the outside influences can be anything-- a revelation, information, the return of a personal item... Something that has importance to the reyvateil.

Above, we mentioned the dangers of diving past Level 9. However, a reyvateil can sometimes have another level (called Level E), in which the reyvateil is free to do whatever she wishes. This level is likely part of the Shared Consciousness Field, but in-game it has shown no negative side affects, so we can assume it is safe, unlike another level above. Diving past this point is suicidal in most reyvateils, except for a special type in which there is only one, canonically.

Manipulation of the Cosmosphere

Because the Cosmosphere is a representation of the mind, it's possible for a reyvateil to consciously change and manipulate her Cosmosphere. However, it's not something any reyvateil can do. A good example is a Dive Therapist, who is trained to manipulate the first level of her Cosmosphere in order to perform therapeutic sessions with another in a relaxed or preferred environment. In that manipulated Cosmosphere the reyvateil can do whatever she wishes to a reasonable degree. Some examples are fake surroundings, false circumstances, creation of games, false paradigm shifts, representations of real-life people, etc. Dive Therapists are also taught Song Magic to be used for Therapy.

For most untrained reyvateils, it is probably impossible to manipulate the Cosmosphere. For 3rd Generation reyvateils, rigorous training is needed just for the first (the weakest and most superficial) layer. The later levels are even more difficult to manipulate and take a great strain on the mind. Theoretically, it might be possible for the reyvateil to grow mentally ill if she continues to go against her true Cosmosphere and allows someone to advance through her mind without properly accomplishing the levels.

However, for Origin Type reyvateils (the first three reyvateils crafted, also known as the three Goddesses Eolia, Frelia and Tylia), they are free to do whatever they wish with their 'Cosmosphere', because in reality they have none. Their minds are housed in the Binary Field, so they have free reign over everything in the Cosmosphere. The reason for this is because the Cosmosphere concept was introduced after the 'birth' of the three Origins, but to compensate that there are games available to play in the Binary Field, already preset and waiting for use.Even though it's not a true Cosmosphere, obtaining Costumes and Song Magic is still possible. It's also possible to create original scenarios in the Binary Field. However, doing this is dangerous as it's possible to die when in the Field. Some reyvateils whose power nears the Origin reyvateils' can also manipulate their Cosmosphere without much problem for the earlier levels, and can also allow more than one person to dive into them, but because they do have an existing Cosmosphere it is impossible to continue manipulating it without consequence.

When manipulating the Cosmosphere, it can mean either a completely fake area with no hint to the reyvateil's inner mind, or it can be the Cosmosphere with the essential elements still intact, but hidden and manipulated from the natural way of the reyvateil's mind. Either one is impossible to maintain forever throughout the Cosmosphere and can place great strain on her mind.

Cosmosphere Level Themes
In the second game, we learned that most Cosmosphere levels, or layers, go by a theme. These themes are all mostly speculation, except for #3 which is canon, and only apply to most 3rd Generation and Beta Reyvateils' Cosmospheres.

1. Wariness. The reyvateil is reluctant to show herself to the diver, usually by covering her cosmosphere or having a sort of 'protection' around it. It can take the form of a false world, or more mundane barriers similar to a moat around a castle (doesn't impede much, but is still a problem in entering).

2. Self-Depreciation. One of the reyvateil's faults is shown and emphasized, but in a sort of roundabout yet obvious way. This weakness is something they realize about themselves, but don't talk about in daily life.

3. Memory. This level is supposed to be based on memory, so we can assume it takes the form of events that have happened in the past, usually repeatedly.

4. Self-Image. In this level we see the reyvateil's problems with who she is and how she is portrayed. It can impede her from doing what she really wants to do because of the limitations of how she's seen gives her.

5. Goal, Dream, or Wish. This level has two versions. In Ar tonelico I, the reyvateil has something she wants but can't get by herself, because of an outside or inside force. In Ar tonelico II, the theme is pretty much the same, except the 'thing' she wants is the diver's heart. Obviously, she needs consent, but she is also fearful of the love because of an outside or inside force.

These are probably the most accurate ones I have. From here on, there is only analysis from Aurica, Misha, and Luca's Cosmospheres. Because of that, they're lacking in a lot of data... so if you want a better one, you know what to do. ^__^

6. Control. The reyvateil starts gaining power over the diver as the levels progress. This level has two versions. In Ar tonelico I, the reyvateil's love confession is placed here, but because of her rising power she wishes to keep the diver in the Cosmosphere to stay with her forever-- she wants to keep his heart using ploys. It differs from Ar tonelico II because now, she's more powerful, whereas in level five she needs his decision. In Ar tonelico II, the reyvateil also tries to keep the diver in her Cosmosphere because, yes, she's more powerful. In both situations it's a sort of life-or-death decision, but the diver will (probably) live for the next level.

7. [Final Conscience] Fulfillment. This one was a bit vague, so it's probably less accurate than the others. But, in this level, the reyvateil achieves something she wanted for herself, and can be either selfish or for a better cause (usually the former). Also, stated in Ar tonelico I, this level is the [Final Conscience] level, and if this level disappears then the reyvateil's actions will become irrational.

8. Resolution. In this level, the problem from the previous level will be solved and the reyvateil's mind will be calmed at the end. This doesn't mean that she's fine now, but it means the biggest issue (when it comes to mental stability) has been addressed. In Ar tonelico I, the two sides representing her split emotions will collide and destroy the Cosmosphere, but they will join together when brought to their senses to form a new and better world for the reyvateil, showing her healed psyche.

9. Vow. The marriage ceremony takes place in this level, showing the reyvateil's absolute trust in the diver and giving her a strong connection to the tower or server, making her the most powerful she can be. Before it starts, however, the reyvateil reaffirms the diver's convictions to her.

Cosmosphere Appearance
Most reyvateils have towns/inns, a solitary place such as a field or forest, a Boundary Gate/Life Tower, Stonehenge, and a house/castle.

In Sol Ciel, reyvateils' Cosmospheres tend to be unique, individual lands with varying landscapes. In Meta Falss, it appears that most reyvateils' Cosmosphere grounds take the form of some sort of food. The appearance of the Cosmosphere is influenced by the Reyvateil's experiences-- if she has never seen water, she'll likely not have a Cosmosphere based on the ocean. Just like you cannot describe color to a blind person, a reyvateil cannot have unknown things in her Cosmosphere. For that reason, the Cosmosphere takes the form of things she's seen, likes, or is familiar with.

About making a Cosmosphere

The Cosmosphere is the very mind of the reyvateil. It represents her thoughts and feelings. As such, if you want to make one for someone, you have to understand that person. What's her greatest weakness? Her fear? Her wishes? Obviously that's not some trivial 'write it down on her profile information' type of thing, because those are in the soul of a person.

Something I like to do is to 'live' in the character. When you have absolutely nothing to do and are extremely bored, try going back to the earliest memories of the character and imagining everything that happened to them through their eyes. How would she react to seeing her village burn to the ground, everything precious to her in a blazing fire, burning and disappearing from the world? That's something unforgettable. I usually do this at night when trying to fall asleep, but somehow can't. Don't do this just randomly anywhere where there is a lot of distractions, because you can't become the character while surfing for music or watching TV. It needs a sort of drifting state where you can lose who you are and become another.

After that, you can imagine how 'you' would protect your mind, the things 'you' fear and wish for, because of the things that have happened in the past. It's a good way to start in the creation of a Cosmosphere. You don't need to write anything down about her feelings, because usually it just becomes lifeless text that can't be felt. Just remind yourself of that life, and the things 'you' experienced.

Here's a method by Chaude, which looks like it'll work even better.

Another way to create a Cosmoshpere is a step-by-step method from personality to Red and Blue magic to the individual Cosmosphere level.

1: As mentioned already, spend a good amount of time to reflect on how the character reacts to others and herself (from being happy to sad to angry), and next, develop Red and Blue magic from there.

Example: With my character Kaylan, part of her starting personality is kindness and sincerity, yet shy and mysterious. This develops her Hallowed Strike Arts that's based on Light and Darkness.

2: Once all of the Red and Blue magic spells are made and assigned to each Cosmosphere level, spells that are assigned to each specific level become the characters that aids and/or go against the diver. In addition, those characters, based off of those spells, create the level itself (sometimes by their attribute, their emotion, etc.) and reflects a specific personality trait of that Reyvateil.

Example: Kaylan's Shadow Flare and Knight magic created her 3rd Cosmosphere, named "Forgiveness in Darkness." With a dark-based attack and a knight figure, the end result I thought of for the area was a swamp. From there, I selected what personality trait did I want Kaylan to resolve, in which case I selected her inability to forgive herself for her weaknesses.

3: Henceforth, what obstacle(s) do you want to present to either the diver or the Reyvateil, or both, to achieve the Reyvateil's understanding of herself and experience a paradigm shift.

Example: Because the personality trait I selected dealt with her inability to forgive herself for her weaknesses, I felt Kaylan had to be doing something that she couldn't do herself. It had to be something that she felt she knew she can be able to do, but somehow can't complete it. I used a zombie as an obstacle (zombie created by her more deeper emotions, yet less fierce at this early level). Zombies are thought of to be easy to be killed (immediate experiences from Valkyrie Profile). When I pit Kaylan against this seemingly easy enemy, I increased the difficulty of the obstacle to reflect the personality trait, giving the zombie protection from normal attacks and holy- and fire-based attacks that she has as her arsenal at this time. This is when the resolution brought by the diver comes, understanding, and the creation of a paradigm shift.
There are a lot of ways to create the scenario, obstacle, and resolution. I'll admit this works in theory, so if there's any corrections, I thank you for your input . I hope this was helpful.
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