Hymn of Harmony (Worm/Ar Tonelico Crossover Alt Trigger Taylor) (Complete)

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Third Arc 3.7
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Third Arc 3.7

-March 10, 2011-


Yesterday had been chaotic, but fun. Poor Emma was sulking that she missed her day with Mouse Protector, but she would still get a chance. Probably a lot of chances since the veteran cape was now stationed in Brockton Bay. I rubbed her back reassuringly as we approached the high school. My thoughts turned to what had already happened here, but then a hand grabbed my shoulder. Emma pulled me off to one side.

"Taylor stop that. Your melody keeps distorting. I know you don't like this place, but get a grip." She spoke in a low and intense tone. I blinked owlishly at her. "Think about Danny, think about Lisa, think about Cocona, think about me." She stared in my eyes, "Think of Sonata. Do you want her to ever see your melody warped? Just remember all of us. What can Winslow even do to you?"

Sudden tears came to me as Emma brought it all home. I couldn't even tell now if the confrontations I've had with the staff were because of legitimate grievances or was I projecting? Madison had approached without me realizing and stood with Emma to screen me. Given our relative height difference it was cute and made me giggle.

"I don't know what the tears were for, but are you okay?" She asked. Emma sent her a look of gratitude.

"Chill girl...it's okay." Aisha's hand was on my back. I actually missed her approach too.

The tears were slowing and I choked back the rest of my crying. A tissue was passed to me and I made myself presentable. I had been warned before. Reyvateils experience emotions differently than humans. Our highs were really high and our lows were really low. I was holding a grudge against Winslow. Emma knew exactly what to say to get my head out of my ass.

"Let's go. We don't want to be late, right?" Emma asked and we went into school together.

Without my resentment filter I was seeing the school as it was. The teachers had, in fact, gotten better. The PRT had spoken to them and they had cleaned up their act significantly. I think that they were demonized by my belief in their hypocrisy. It took a government organization to make them act like responsible adults. The problem with that thought was now staring me in the face. Of course they catered to Sophia. The reason was painfully obvious even if it wasn't right.

The gangs were growing restless again. Sophia may have been one person at this school, but she was vicious enough to keep open warfare out of the halls. She wasn't just physical with me, but compared to my treatment? She was downright brutal to skinheads, ABB, and drug pushers alike. It wasn't a utopia with her, but it was safer. Now they were starting to realize the power vacuum that had been left behind. Having to hide behind a teenage girl would be galling, but a cape was palatable.

No wonder the teachers had, in fact, started to resent me. I was asleep on the job and making demands of them. That was a sobering thought, and now that my thoughts weren't chasing their tails, it was humbling. Emma and I needed to talk to Aisha about this. There were three parahumans in school after all. I considered seeing if the Undersiders wanted to help, but wasn't sure how that would be received.

-Midday: Roof-

Aisha, Emma, and myself were sitting on the roof during lunch. It had taken some doing, but I was now certain of my thoughts. My feelings were slightly out of whack, but the pep talk/dressing down Emma gave me kept me on an even footing.

"Just give it a minute. Someone else is coming." Aisha said. We had mentioned to her that we were planning on taking back the school, but would discuss more at lunch. She was now dropping this on us.

"Who?" I asked. Emma was looking about warily. Sometimes it was easy to forget that Emma's own feelings were a bit distorted. She was far better than she was, but sometimes she would almost take on a bird of prey mentality. Dropping bombs on her tended to have that effect.

"Just...forgive me, alright? You told me what you wanted to do and I thought...what the hell?" She shrugged her shoulders. Aisha wasn't stupid and I trusted her judgment. When she wasn't planning a prank on us. A new melody was approaching up the stairs. One I recognized. Emma perked up and dropped from her alert stance. She looked at me carefully and I just rubbed my forehead. Yeah, okay, that made sense. The door didn't open as a figure ghosted through.

"Man you let it get bad out there." Sophia said as she threw back her hood. Anyone who knew her would not have expected the pink hoodie or white jogging pants. She had gone so far to the opposite end of her normal look it worked as great camouflage. Emma almost tackled her to the ground like an affectionate barnacle.

"My head has been up my ass for months over this place. I wonder why my feelings about Winslow were so skewed?" The words came out with less bite than even I expected. Her melody felt calmer. Warmer. There was still a wild edge to it, but more like a hunting cat than what she was before.

"There's a lotta that goin' around." Aisha said with a smirk. Sophia ruffled her hair and got a swat in return. I wanted to say that does not compute, but Aisha's melody was not only relaxed it was also accepting of her.

"Laugh it up." Sophia said while gently pushing Emma back and staring her in the eyes, "Calm down. We need your head with us. Not your heart." The redhead pouted, but settled down. Sophia caught the surprise in my look. "She's a lot like Rachel. Just higher functioning." Her vocabulary had improved, but I blame Lisa for that. When in doubt? Blame Lisa.

"Where do we start?" I asked her. The looks of surprise I got made me roll my eyes, "What? She knows more about this then I do. I'm done shooting myself in the foot."

"They're gatherin' to psyche themselves up. I broke up a few of their gatherings in costume and kept up the pressure at school. You will probably have to fight them here too." Her melody hitched slightly, but there was no change of tone as she said, "You know my tactics. Better than Emma does." Remorse, apologetic, but won't apologize. I just nodded my head and let the issue lie. Relief.

"If we go in costume and break them up it will get back to the PRT. Director Piggot has eased up a lot, but she would flip over this." Emma pointed out. We had earned a lot of goodwill with the Director.

"Yeah let's not give Piggy a stroke. That's why Aisha called me in." She crossed her arms in a manner I recognized, "I can handle that part." Emma's clothes suddenly changed to a black kimono top with black pants and black sandals. Her hair turned black and her eyes were hazel. The outfit called to mind the Disgaea Kunoichi, but not as fetishy.

"I can render my assistance." Her voice had changed to something softer. I arched an eyebrow as my costume program didn't provide that level of customization. That was all Emma.

"Okay that's cool. How can I get one?" Aisha asked teasingly. Emma reverted back with a grin. Even Sophia looked interested.

"It's not available to everyone." Emma said. She looked in my direction. The fact that I didn't immediately shake my head no encouraged her, but she dropped it.

"I don't have a problem with Emma helping you." Not a major problem. My gut clenched briefly at the thought of Emma getting in trouble, but it eased. She could take care of herself. "Just...don't hesitate to use your claws if you need them." I said to Emma. She nodded seriously.

"They'll get together tonight and will keep gathering until they're ready. We can hit the three groups tonight. Just don't expect to get much sleep." Sophia warned.

"I need maybe three to four hours of sleep max. I'm not as bad as Taylor. She doesn't need sleep at all." Emma smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. It was good to hear the plans being made.

"And I can help by scouting things out." Aisha said. Ah there's the Metal Gear Solid theme. Sophia sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"We'll talk about that. Emma? You know where to meet me. Taylor? Keep an eye on Madison today. For some reason the skinheads are gunning for her." Sophia said.

"She saved me from them. Tina doesn't like her either and she's an E88 whore." Aisha spat.

"Just be careful." With that the brightly dressed dark vigilante headed out.

"Let's get back to lunch." Emma said. We didn't have much time left to eat. When we arrived at the cafeteria it was with relief that we saw Madison. She was looking irritable, but not harmed. Her eyes locked onto us and she waved us over.

"There you are. What were you up to?" She asked, but her irritability made it a demand. I winced as a quick look around told me all I needed to know. It was the calm before the storm. The student body as a whole was tense, but were making up for it by exaggerated behavior. Lots of laughing, horsing around, and general "teen" behavior. The only exceptions were the pushers, the ABB, and the skinheads. They were casting shifty eyes at each other. A worrying number of those gazes were on us and Madison.

"Sorry Mads." Emma pet her hair soothingly, "We were held up." She glanced at me. It wasn't fair to keep Madison in the dark. Everything she had already dealt with and we were keeping this from her. She deserved to know that there were capes watching her back.

"Let's eat outside. Come on." I said and gathered my lunch. Madison was finished and just followed us out. Her melody was confused, hesitant, but feeling safer with us here. The hostile melodies were readying themselves. Anticipation. Desire. Blood lust. Wait...blood lust? Emma's eyes had taken on that peculiar caste they had when preparing for a fight at that note in the melody. She was my barometer for how bad something was. If she was almost revealing her eyes then something had her on edge.

Aisha, sensing the mood, stayed with Madison. She was doing something peculiar like partly there and partly not there. Madison knew she was there, but she had become somehow unremarkable. There was a slight strain in her melody. Innovation, accomplishment, pride, draining. Madison's melody had become alarmed as we moved to a more secluded spot. We were meaning to talk, but several someones were following us. None of them were Tina.

"So this where you fuckin' dykes go all the time?" An obnoxious voice called out to us. No other melodies around. I turned to look at them with Emma barely restrained on my other side. Aisha had vanished completely and Madison had plastered herself to the wall. She was completely terrified. There were six guys. There were a few from the upper grades with the one that spoke looking like he was out of school.

"Damn...at least this part will be fun." Another said as he flicked out a knife. Shit. Madison's fear was spiking. The others were pulling out weapons. The Metal Gear Solid theme was playing full blast just moments before a punk at the back of the group collapsed after a loud zap. The chaos started.

Emma strode right up to the biggest guy who took a swing at her with brass knuckles. She gripped his wrist, twisted his arm upward, and punched him in the stomach twice. He collapsed to his knees puking up his lunch.

I was standing back to guard Madison when the knife wielder charged me. My stance was loose as I stepped forward and drove both fists into his chest, bypassing his knife entirely, before snapping my hand down to pinch the nerve in his wrist. The knife fell harmlessly to the ground. He was too busy trying to ease the pressure in his chest.

One of the punks fell howling as a loud zap was heard from somewhere around his crotch. Aisha was choosing her targets wisely. The two she dropped had chain and baton respectively. Madison's melody was leveling out. Hard to be afraid when four were down and there only two left. Emma fell on the second to last with a flurry of punches that drove him to the ground.

"Taylor!" Madison suddenly screamed and her melody twisted sharply. I spun in time to see the last punk about to reach me. The only problem with that was Madison was swinging her backpack for his head. There was a sound like a hammer striking a coconut and he was down.

"Well guys this didn't work out so well for you." I said conversationally, "I see this going one of two ways. You keep this up, keep losing, and eventually the whole school knows a bunch of stupid skinheads can't even beat four little girls. The other way is that you back the fuck off, get your education, and do stupid shit on your own time. Seriously there really is only one way to go if you want to keep your rep." Wow if looks could kill I would be dead. "Come on girls." We walked away from them.

"That was so cool. That was seriously cool. Way to go Madison." Aisha was beaming. Madison was clutching her bag to her chest and trying to get her breathing under control.

"Did I kill him?" She sounded sick. His melody was messed up, but head trauma did that.

"No...he's alive. Probably will have a splitting headache, but he's alive." I assured her. "There was something we wanted to talk to you about though..." The talk went better than I thought. Aisha took Madison to the parking lot after school to wait for her brother. Emma and I had an important event to get to.

-PRT HQ: Aria's Lab-

I was surprised at the turnout. I thought it would just be the Wards who showed up, but the Protectorate had shown up as well. Even the Director was in my lab to watch. The general feeling I was hearing was excitement. The Harmony was complex and weaved through the area. Piggot's melody was steadily shifting. Months ago it was a jangled and terrified mess. It was no longer so frightened. It was coming out of it's cage and smoothing out.

Mouse Protector's melody was weaving into the Harmony well, but she was always a mixer. Armsmaster was even feeling relaxed. There was one guest that I was disappointed about. Dragon was nowhere to be found. She said she would be here, but the terminal was silent. I could tell Armsmaster was disappointed too.

It was five minutes until Sonata was with us. The buzzer on the lab door went off and I was surprised at the melody on the other side. The melody was bright and cheerful with a distinct synthesizer sound. Dragon was here? Physically here? I quickly hit the button to open the door and the famous Tinker walked into the room.

She was wearing a slimmed down version of a dragon suit. The helmet was easily identifiable, but the contours of the armor showed that there was actually a person in there. The helmet hissed and opened with brown hair spilling out from the confines. Her hazel eyes were warm and the black domino mask did nothing to detract from her looks.

"I'm sorry for being late." She said. I beamed and hugged her. She hugged me back even with the armor. Dragon laughed, "Let me get out of this." She disengaged the armor and it unfolded like my ELMA armor before transforming into a dragon the size of one of my units. "Forgive me for borrowing the design." I answered by hugging her again. She was wearing a black bodysuit with kevlar and impact armored portions. It did nothing to hide her well sculpted figure. A sharp hiss of released pressure caused my attention to shift. The pod was opening!

I hurried over to the pod as the excitement increased. The opaque surface of the lid slowly rose and I felt my impatience growing. Laying inside was Sonata. My creation. My daughter. She was slender bodied wearing a black bathing suit style bodysuit. Her hair was pure black with maroon eyes. The hair and eyes could change color to disguise her. She was staring up at me with an intensely curious look. I smiled at her and she smiled in response. Her melody was beautiful. Like harps, violins, and my flute mingling together.

"You...are my mother." She said with a happy smile. She sat up inside the pod and I picked her up. Her height was 5'2" so I was only a couple inches taller, but it seemed like the right thing to do.

"Everyone...meet Sonata." She looked about shyly before engaging the color change functions leaving her with white hair and bright green eyes. "It's okay. They're friendly." I assured her as I set her down. She was a little wobbly, but got her balance mostly.

"Hello. I look forward to working with all of you." She said sweetly and bowed with her hands clasped in front of her. Apparently she had been surfing the internet and found the standard Japanese greeting. That broke the ice and the others started to approach her. She held my hand tightly, but gradually started to relax.

Then someone got the idea to take pictures. All of the Wards, Protectorate, Dragon, and the Director in one large picture. I was going to get it framed and put up in lab. The party atmosphere also included cake and ice cream. We didn't eat too much since we still had to head home for dinner with Dad. He couldn't be left out of this. Director Piggot caught my eye and gestured for me to follow her. Sonata moved from hugging my arm to hugging Emma's.

"Was there something you needed?" I asked her once we were reasonably alone. She gazed at me for several long moments.

"Granspear will be joining the Wards within the week and will need a weapon to channel her ability through." She started off with business. For most this would put them off, but I could hear her melody. She was someone that had to ease herself into anything resembling sentimentality, "The approval has been granted for her to continue to stay with you." We figured that would happen. Foster families for orphaned capes were very scarce. She looked over at Sonata.

"Do you honestly see her as your daughter?" She asked. I nodded without hesitation. "It's hard to believe that she's a medical test subject." We watched Sonata swat away Clockblocker as he played with her hair was a very human reaction. "Just remember what you told me." She abruptly moved off.

The party in my lab was going to have to continue without us. Dad was waiting outside and Cocona was at home. Emma and I said our goodbyes while Sonata smiled shyly. She wanted the Aria t-shirt from the shop and we put her in jeans and sneakers. The Armsmaster coat was a sweet gesture from the man himself. The fact that it was from a rogue named Parian, who did cape styled fashions, was nice.

"Did you have a good time?" I asked her. She nodded firmly.

"I did. They were really nice. They made beautiful music together." Her smile was easy to understand. She'd been a complete hit. The talk about "beautiful music" made me curious.

"She's such a cuddlebug." Emma cooed and Sonata blushed, but didn't refuse the sudden hug. The redhead's melody was burbling with happy feelings. I couldn't blame her at all. We headed outside and there was Dad's truck. "Danny needs to get an SUV or something. There's too many of us."

"We'll find a way to fit." I assured her. Emma took the initiative and just hopped in the bed of the truck. She covered herself with the tarp leaving her head out. Sonata slid into the truck beside Dad and I climbed in as well. She hugged him. He smiled softly.

"Does she have another name beside Sonata?" He asked. I smiled at him softly.

"Her name is Annette."

-Side B-

-Later that Night-

Emma knew she was running late as she practically flew towards her destination. The currently dark haired girl threw herself through the air before landing easily on the rooftop. Her goal was the water tank as she skidded to a halt.

"What kept ya?" Shadow Stalker asked as she stepped out.

"Sorry. I had to slip out after everyone was asleep." She replied. The party at home had gone on overlong. It would have probably continued if Sonata hadn't started yawning. So cute!

"Focus. Think with your head." Stalker brought her back. "We're in luck. The gang leaders are planning on having a meeting at the downtown basketball court." To call them gang leaders was a joke. Their real bosses were capes, but they ran things in the schools. It wasn't only Winslow they screwed with.

"Did you invite Imp?" Despedia asked. The Mission Impossible theme was easy to spot. Her range was nowhere near Aria's, but those she was around long enough became easy to find. Stalker groaned.

"Get out here. Man, Grue is gonna have my ass." She muttered.

"From what I've seen you might like that." Imp said as she appeared. Her costume looked like a feminine version of Grue. Instead of the helmet, however, there was a horned mask that left her mouth exposed. Shadow Stalker's melody was aggravated and resigned.

"Whatever. You just do as we say, got it?" She said and continued to stare until Imp nodded. Despedia giggled which didn't help matters.

"We hit them hard and fast. Give them no chance to regroup. Imp? Pick your targets carefully. Em? Have fun. If a few go flying who cares? Just don't mangle anyone." Shadow Stalker's orders were clear and concise. Despedia found a certain perverse amusement in noting the similarity in Stalker and Aria's command styles.

Emma put Shadow Stalker on her back and picked up Imp before taking off at a fast clip. If they weren't trying for stealth the smaller girl probably would have been cheering. Surprisingly Stalker wasn't enjoying their "flight" as she bounced from roof to roof. The basketball court was up ahead and they slowed their approach.

The sight down below would be intimidating. There were between thirty and forty people down below. Shadow Stalker was already heading down the fire escape by using her Breaker state. Imp was long gone. Emma looked at the focal point of the gathering. The toughest guys were in the center. She took a few steps back from the edge before running forward at top speed and throwing herself off the roof. Her momentum carried her in a high arc that ended with her landing in the midst of the gathered punks.

"What the fuck!?" "Is that a cape!?" "Shit!" "Cape!" The jumbled cries were panicked. One shouted at her, "What are you doin' here!?" Emma grinned ferally.

"We're taking back the night."
Third Arc 3.8
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Third Arc 3.8

-March 11, 2011-

-Hebert Residence-

I came awake slowly on the sofa bed in the living room. My eyes were a bit fuzzy from sleep, but they cleared slowly. There was someone curled up beside me making cute noises in her sleep. I smiled as I recognized the head of dark hair as Sonata. I draped my arm around her and she nuzzled my shoulder with a faint purr. The previous day came back to me. This was her first full day out in the world.

I cursed school in my head. She sensed my distress and made a mew of discomfort. My melody smoothed out and she went back to a full sleep. It was six o'clock by my internal clock and I had my arms full of sleeping child. My child. Dad had crept up on us and smiled at the scene. He was gazing fondly at the figure in my arms and then at me.

"Dad...I'm not going back to Winslow." Like that the negative vibes were leaving me. "This just brings it home...Winslow is too toxic for me. I can't bring that home to her." I stroked her hair softly while kissing the crown of her sleeping head. Dad's melody was relieved.

"Do you want to go to Arcadia?" He asked me. The thought of going back to school at all irked me. That was time away from my girl.

"Could I be home schooled?" I asked. We were talking in low tones, but the poor girl was dead to the world. Cocona came upstairs and headed outside to practice after waving. Emma followed her up. She ducked back downstairs. Dad was amused by the change to the morning routine.

"Sure. We'll talk it over with Mr. Downs. You know they won't let you be in your lab all day." He teased me as he sat down on the edge of the bed. His hand rested on Sonata's head. "Sonata Annette Hebert...I was worried that you had done something that couldn't be undone..." He smiled at me. "I can't hear the melody like you can, but I can see how far you've come."

"Um num...munya..." Sonata mumbled as she slowly came awake. Her bleary eyes locking immediately onto my face before relaxing. "Mmm...wasfer breakist?" She was clearly not a morning person. Her stomach growled. She was, however, a hungry person. Her face was suddenly buried in my chest and arms wrapped tightly around me. The sound of a smartphone taking a picture was heard.

"So cute..." Emma cooed happily. "I have to show Cocona." She slipped out of the house. I looked at my Dad with a resigned smile. Who was I kidding? My smile was probably in the gigawatt range.

"I'll start breakfast while you try to pry off the limpet." Dad said with a grin. There was a mistiness in his eyes. "I'm calling the school and telling them you won't be in today. Want Mr. Downs to come over if he's available?" I nodded.

"Mom mom mom..." Sonata said. I stared at her. "You like hearing it." She stated simply. I wasn't sure if someone could literally have a cuteness overload, but I was pretty close. "Hmmm...should I get dressed?" She asked me.

"What do you think?" I asked her. She scrunched up her face. This kid was hitting every point on the adorableness scale.

"Nope!" She responded before trying to squirm out of bed. I caught her and started tickling her sides. "Hee hee hee! Stoppit! Okay! I-I'll get dressed!" She kicked her legs as she giggled. This was the sight Emma and Cocona came in to see. They looked at each other and then at me. Somehow I knew this was going to be bad.

"Protect Sonata!" They piled onto the bed and the Great Tickle Fight of '11 started in the living room. When Sonata tried to escape her former "protectors" pulled her back in. Dad cleared his throat loudly.

"Girls! Breakfast is ready! Come on or you'll be late." He ushered us into the kitchen. Emma and Cocona were dressed for the day. Sonata and myself were still wearing our bed clothes. I was wearing a blue and white Funbun t-shirt with Sonata wearing one of Dad's old t-shirts that advertised a gym. We bought her pajamas, but she wanted the t-shirt and shorts.

"Taylor? Why aren't you getting ready?" Emma asked. I wasn't sure how she would react. Actually, no, I knew exactly how she would react which is why I answered honestly.

"I'm going to see Mr. Downs about getting home schooled." I answered. She looked relieved.

"Good. Seriously that's good." She exhaled slowly. "You weren't yourself there."

"Who would she be if she wasn't herself?" Sonata asked curiously.

"A seriously not fun person." I replied.

"I'll take the day off from work whether Mr. Downs can get here or not." Dad said. It was transparent he wanted more family time.

"They've got me starting school tomorrow. School. Why can't we all get home schooled?" Cocona asked. Cocona and I shared a caseworker. They couldn't give each of us different caseworkers. Until Emma's case had stabilized they weren't sure if she would be staying with us hence a different caseworker.

"Well I'd still go, but I wouldn't say no to tutors. The pace in class isn't challenging anymore." Emma wasn't the best student before. She wasn't stupid by any means, but her intelligence wasn't geared for school work. Now her brain worked faster. Her already poor attention span for class dropped sharply.

"We could look into it. Why not you too, Emma?" Dad asked.

"Madison and Aisha still go there. It would be good to keep up with them." She said. What wasn't said was told to me by her melody. She would stay there at Winslow to keep an eye on them. The place compromised me too badly. I flashed her a grateful look. Cocona nodded slowly. Apparently Lisa had brought her in on my problems. That explained why they were sitting with their heads together the other night.

"I think I will go to school. It could be a good cultural experience for me." Cocona said. Everyone was working so hard to make me feel more at ease. I was incredibly grateful for everything they were doing.

"Could I have more pancakes?" Sonata asked. We started to laugh, but the poor girl just pouted. I ruffled her hair affectionately while Dad put more pancakes on her plate. Breakfast at the Hebert/Barnes/Bartel residence was lively.

We almost didn't get Emma out the door in time. She wanted to take Sonata to school with her and we had to convince her it was a Bad Idea. Stephen said he would be around after lunch. That gave us a couple hours to just relax. We were in the living room together. I was trying not to be smothering, but when Sonata decided my lap was a good place to sit that was fine with me. Cocona on one end, Dad on the other, we had a full couch.

"Are you comfortable like that?" Dad asked me. I looked at Sonata and she climbed into his lap. He blinked. "She's very light..." He commented as he put his arms around her. She was clearly okay with this.

"My body was made of materials designed to approximate actual human weight. Synthetic muscle fibers simulate real muscle. My skeletal structure is also made of carbon rods built to withstand shock and pressure while approximating the density and strength of bone. The organs are lightweight organically derived plastics. Actually my body is nearly completely organic due to the process used to make the fibers and plastics." She beamed happily at the recitation of her specs. I was so proud of her.

"The funny thing is...I actually forgot she was a gynoid." Cocona said and Dad nodded. He gave her another squeeze and she happily snuggled into his arms.

"She's so warm..." He marveled before saying directly to Sonata, "It doesn't matter how you got here." She ducked her head happily. I had modeled her AI to decide for itself how much processing power she dedicated towards emoting. Essentially deciding her own personality.

"So....Granspear huh?" I asked Cocona. When Piggot told me that I had to think of who that was.

"It was either that or Gergo Girl." She joked. "I forgot that secret identities were a thing." I nodded.

"It's part of the unwritten rules." I said.

"From what I've seen it all boils down to don't do anything to another cape that you wouldn't want done to you." Dad said. Sonata tilted her head to the side.

"So villains want a lot of bad things done to them." She remarked sensibly. Well it was said in a sensible tone, but I couldn't tell if she was teasing us. The look in her eyes was anything but teasing. "Yeah...too serious." She suddenly stretched out to lay across our laps with her head in Cocona's and her feet over the arm of the couch. Did I make a daughter or a cat?

"It's good to see you not worrying so much." Cocona said as she ran her fingers through Sonata's hair. "When I met you in the Binary Field you were much more relaxed." She leaned into my side. Dad put his arm around my shoulders.

"Why were you going back there?" Dad asked. I leaned back into his one-armed hug.

"It was just that I didn't want anyone else to go through what I did. Madison took a lot of the heat when the bullying shifted targets." I exhaled slowly. Sonata stared up at me with her burgundy eyes. "Part of me felt good that Madison needed someone to help her. I'm sure that the reason I was helping is because she needed it. Just the idea that she was in distress after helping cause me so much trouble..." I sighed softly.

"You feel guilty because you had a very natural reaction. Someone who had bullied you was now being bullied. The difference is that you were in a position to help her and you did." Dad kissed me on the temple.

"I'm not sure I would have been so forgiving." Cocona commented.

"But that's just it. I could see why she did it. She's small and cute. Not a threat to anyone which just made her a target if she hadn't latched onto Sophia. Emma's reasons were more complex, but you see how we are now." I pointed out. Sonata's gaze was firmly on me as I spoke. "I don't want to have to save anyone. I hate the idea that someone needs to be kept safe."

"Could be why your Oversight expresses itself as empathy. You were a victim and wouldn't ignore suffering in front of you if you had the power." Cocona mused. "Yeah...no one would mistake our power sets as the same. I don't have that."

"You can't hear the melody?" Sonata sounded sad. Cocona stroked her hair.

"I'm fine with that. There's more to knowing someone's heart than hearing a melody. I know how those important to me feel and that's what matters." She said. "You can hear the melodies?" That was something I was curious about as well.

"Mom gave me a connection. Of course I can hear them." She said it in such a matter of fact way I felt silly. "It was her song I heard first." Her eyes were on me and the smile was full of affection. "I knew who you were without seeing you. I saw the real you." I felt a lump form in my throat. Dad was similarly affected. "I learned from you first. When I was sleeping and becoming aware it was you I patterned myself on. It was a conscious choice to break off on my own path."

"I'm glad you did. I wouldn't change you for anything." I assured her. Her melody wrapped around mine in a tight hug. Cocona's arm slid around my waist. Dad's arm tightened fractionally.

The morning passed and we had lunch. The talk we had made me wish Emma had been there to hear it. A slight ping made me blink. I traced it back and realized with a start that Emma and Lisa had heard everything. My eyes crossed as it suddenly hit me that the network was growing stronger. Cocona's door was able to triangulate off of us. She couldn't have done that if I hadn't put relays in Emma and Lisa.

"Finally figured it out, huh?" Lisa's voice came across.

"She's slow when she's angsting." Emma's voice replied. I pushed the, for lack of a better term, chat window to the side and refocused on what was going on in front of me.

"Are you okay, kiddo?" Dad asked. Cocona tilted her head to the side as if pondering something. Sonata just kept eating her BLT. Apparently me having a revelation wasn't more important than eating. I grinned teasingly and her melody chirped back happily.

"Wow...we have a chat room? Real time? That's pretty neat, Taylor..." Cocona burst my bubble without meaning to, but I still stuck my tongue out.

"My mini-Tower and expanded network are giving benefits. It's not telepathy...I don't think...Never mind. I don't actually care how it works only that it does."

"I've been talking to my aunt and godmother all morning. I thought that was normal." Sonata shrugged. "But then again while I was connected to the network my processing speed was much faster. I was dissecting the data packet you sent over and adding to my knowledge from the internet." She shuddered, "I don't remember why I'm shuddering but my trash bin got a major workout."

"Poor baby..." I have seen hell and it is the internet. For all it's convenience that doesn't change how freaky some deviants are. "Do you miss the processing power?" I asked her.

"Why would I? I'm out here in the real world. I can still surf the web and interface with computers so it's not like I lost anything." She said before flipping her hair, "Besides that I'm pretty." She preened. "Right Grandpa?"

"Yeah. You're a very pretty girl." He was smiling. Cocona giggled over nothing in particular. I checked the chat window and then immediately left again. Nope. In that place lay madness.

"We'd better get ready since Mr. Downs will be here soon. Sorry honey, but you gotta get dressed." I told Sonata. She sighed but headed upstairs anyway. "I'll probably move back to my bed. She's decided to sleep in whatever bed I'm in."

We cleaned up and got the house ready. There wasn't much to do. Sonata came downstairs in jeans and a t-shirt with "It's all about me" across the front. I arched an eyebrow.

"Danny and I bought her a bunch of clothes yesterday." Cocona explained. "Though he's the one that picked it out."

"I thought it was funny." He replied and Sonata hugged him.

"It is about me. Didncha know that?" She grinned. I inwardly winced at the mangling. Her wink told me that I wasn't as discreet.

My own clothes were a t-shirt and jeans so I didn't really have room to talk. Cocona was back in her halter top and jeans. Even my dad was wearing casual wear. Jeans for the win. Mr. Downs knocked at the door and we let him in. Sonata just stared at him. She was clearly impressed by how tall he was.

"Taylor, Cocona, Danny." He greeted us. His eyes rested on Sonata and he smiled. "You must be Sonata. It's a pleasure to meet you." She beamed up at him. "So what's this I hear about you wanting to be home schooled?" He sat down in the armchair and Dad sat down on the loveseat. Cocona and I were on the sofa, but Sonata wanted to be with her grandpa again. He didn't mind at all.

"It doesn't feel good to me. I still dread going there, but I got it in my head that I had to protect it from the gangs...That it was part of my job." I said sheepishly. Cocona rubbed my shoulder soothingly.

"Who told you it was?" Stephen asked. His melody was as reassuring as his tone of voice.

"That's just it. No one told me that. I just assumed that was what Sophia was there for..." He looked at me as if I had grown a second head as I spoke. "I was totally wrong."

"Taylor...the rumor mill has already placed several Wards at Winslow. Your friend Emma is distinctive. If the gangs are still a problem with someone like her there then it's really not your problem." He informed me. I hadn't thought about that. How many people had Emma's body and flaming red hair? Her new attitude bled over between identities. I felt a bit ill.

"It was something the PRT warned me about. I knew that you would worry so I waited to tell you. I'm sorry for not saying something sooner." Dad said softly. Sonata snuggled into his side.

"Allowances have been made for that. If anything she has garnered quite a reputation for being conscientious." Stephen said, "She always calls in your confrontations dutifully." I shifted uncomfortably. "Considering your experiences I'm not surprised that you sometimes forget there are people to call." That was the most polite rebuke I ever heard.

"Message received. Loud and clear." These past few days were starting to finally get through to me. There was one thing Emma was wrong about yesterday. What could Winslow do to me? Make me an emotional wacko.

"You're not a wacko, Mom." Sonata sounded put out. I quickly checked the chat channel. For the love of...my internal monologue was being recorded. I partitioned it off and locked it down.

"Sorry honey, but I kind of am. At least at Winslow." I had to be honest. "It's easier to handle things as Aria. No one knows that it's dorky Taylor from Winslow. Well I don't want to be that anymore. Which if why want to be home schooled. My only friends since high school have been from joining the Wards. I'm okay with this. It's probably why I feel more comfortable as Aria." I looked at Dad and Sonata, "But I want to be comfortable as Taylor."

"I can get the permissions taken care of." Mr. Downs said. He looked at Cocona, "Do you want to be home schooled as well?" She shook her head.

"I want to say yes, but I want to get to know the area better." She glanced at me, "Build me power armor. Something lighter, but can conceal my identity. I'm pretty distinctive too." An abashed look crossed her face, "Uhhh...please? Wow that sounded too much like a demand..."

"It's fine. You and Sonata will be getting your own armors. Yours because you asked and Sonata because...well..." I looked over at her, "I just want her kept safe. Leaving her home alone isn't an option. I know that originally she was going to be my lab assistant..." But then the daughter comments started. The desire to protect her. Now I didn't want her in harm's way. She was effectively PRT property.

"I want to help you. If giving me armor helps with that then I'm okay with that." She assured me. The feelings she communicated across eased my mind. Cocona's own melody was sending me support. Dad was less worried than I was. I took a deep breath and let it out.

"Having a child is a big responsibility, but I think you'll be fine." Mr. Downs said, "I'll just head over to get the paperwork started. Are you heading in to the PRT building today?" Work or stay with Sonata? Was this is even a decision?

"They don't mind me staying home?" I asked.

"I can make a good case for you needing a break. How many hours have you logged in? How many inventions?" When Stephen put it like that it made sense. "Have a good day." Dad showed him to the door and I let myself sag back into the sofa.

"Should I still go in?" Cocona asked. I shrugged.

"Up to you. You still need to meet with PR to decide on your costume, but your appointment isn't for a couple days yet. Can't use the clothing change program because they would wonder why all of us have Emma's power. You could go in and train with the other Wards, but you might be just a wee bit over their level." I saw Cocona's workouts and even when she's going easy it's tough to keep up. Light and acrobatic with unreal swiftness.

"Hmmm...think Emma would come home if we told her we're not going in tonight?" Cocona asked.

"She has her one on one with Mouse Protector. We'd have to knock her out and drag her away." I said with a smile. "I'd call Lisa, but she has work tonight. I guess it's just the four of us." I made it sound like a hardship. We ordered takeout since Sonata wanted to try it and had a great time watching really bad kung fu movies that Dad dug out of a box.

Emma was finally forced to come home when Dad went to pick her up. She was decked out in Mouse Protector merchandise including the Mouse Ears. Her melody was enough to wake up someone that couldn't even hear the song. She stuck a cap on Sonata's head then drifted into the basement. Literally drifted.

"When could she fly?" Dad asks in confusion.

"The heart gives you wings." Sonata responded sagely. We all looked at her strangely. "It was in a fortune cookie." It was left up to us to break the news to her that the world wasn't in fortune cookies. Though I wouldn't mind my fortune coming true.

"May you always receive what your heart desires."
Fourth Arc 4.1
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fourth Arc 4.1

-April 14, 2011-

-Wards HQ-

There are some genuinely crazy people out there. People that, for whatever reason, have no sense of self preservation. What we were watching proved that this guy had a lot of courage, but no brains at all. Clockblocker had found a video on YouTube in decent quality of what the media were calling "The Battle of Rage Dragon vs Mecha Armsmaster." We knew how it went, but watching the actual fight? At one point it wasn't even fair. Armsmaster used the enormous strength of his MotoArmor to pin the Dragon of Kyushu down and shoot him full of Lung strength tranquilizers.

"Holy shit..." We looked at Clockblocker, but he pointed at Vista. We turned to look at Vista and she was staring at the screen. "Holy fuckin' shit..." It's okay, Vista, I felt like cursing too.

"Vista...language." Aegis said lamely. He was as surprised as the rest of us. Armsmaster finally got Lung himself. The property damage was contained to the Ship's Graveyard. Now the place was less of an eyesore and more of an active safety hazard.

"He finally caught his white whale." Granspear concluded. Cocona's armor was more an armored bodysuit with orange around the shoulders, joints, and down the sides with the rest colored dark purple. The visor she wore was orange trimmed with a black mirrored finish. "What will he do now?"

"Probably catch him again when he's busted out." Clockblocker said sourly. Understandable given that the heroes were still outnumbered. Our gear was much better than it was. Not everyone had power armor, but the portable force field generators were a hit. As were the anti-grav disks. We were better protected, but I was still leery of introducing weaponry.

"That's a pessimistic attitude." Despedia replied. In some strange show of solidarity she had altered her outfit to look more in line with what I designed for myself except in red and black. It looked like a more G rated version of Mir's Harmobody Suit with all the parts properly covered. The black and red visor completed the look.

"We capture capes and more capes come out to bust them loose." Gallant said. He was annoyed and I could understand that feeling. When Smack, Angel, and Crystal were sprung it was galling. We went to the trouble of capturing them, but the Merchants got them out.

"Well this time we'll have MP armors for the PRT agents. Even a couple MotoArmors." Kid Win pointed out. Armsmaster tried his hand at making the MotoArmor available for other people. What he got were similar in scope to my MP armors. They were also bigger. Closer in size to ATVs really. His miniaturization tech just worked better, but it was hard to mass produce it.

"What will we be doing?" Sonata asked. She was in a black bodysuit with black boots and black elbow length fingerless gloves. Her visor was silver trimmed with a white mirrored finish. On her back was a small backpack that contained an anti-grav unit and a force field generator. The clips in her hair were black with blue "antennae" curling back like a moth. She picked the appearance. At her feet rested the small black ELMA that contained her armor attachments. She wanted to be faster than me so she got it.

"We'll be heading out for our patrols. Once we've..." He suddenly looked at the console as an alert came through. It said there was a robbery going on at the bank. A ping notified me that Lisa was trying to talk to me and I checked the chat channel.

"It's a diversion. I don't know exactly for what. Sorry that I couldn't be more help." She closed the connection.

"There are armored figures storming the bank. Let's move. Clockblocker, Vista, Kid Win, Gallant, and myself will head to the front of the bank. The rest of you..." I held up a hand to stop him.

"It might be a diversion. I just got a strange report over my network." I didn't have time to come up with a more plausible reason. He nodded slowly.

"I hope you're wrong since we could use you, but check it out. Despedia, Granspear, we'll need you." Aegis said.

"What about me?" Sonata asked. He smiled.

"Hold down the fort." He told her. She saluted.

"Aye aye sir!" She set herself at the console as we hurried out. The others went one way and I went to my lab to get my armor. I'd stopped wearing it around HQ when a new employee asked who the cold person was. Even knowing who I was still made the person uncomfortable. I hadn't realized that I was so different with it on.

Once armored up I checked the police band. I was heading up to the roof top as a 911 call came through. The older woman who called it in had said something about strange men in black military uniforms dragging a young girl into a van. Even knowing the color of the van and general direction it would be difficult. If I wasn't connected into the traffic cams that is.

"Aegis? I was right. A young girl was kidnapped by some men in black clothes. Not like suits, but paramilitary uniforms. I have them on the traffic cameras and am keeping the police apprised." I couldn't afford to overshoot my mark so my speed had to be checked.

"Okay. Lend assistance if you need to." Aegis informed me. "If they are connected they might have power armor too." I acknowledged his warning as I hurtled towards my destination. The van was down below and speeding. The police cars giving chase explained their reaction.

"This is Aria. Shall I help coordinate? I'm right above your heads." I informed them.

"Thanks for the help." The police operator responded. There were two patrol cars following the van with three others approaching. I directed those three to head down two different streets. It would take them longer to join the chase, but we needed the van to not feel too crowded. Already it was weaving through traffic dangerously.

"Alright let's close the net." I said. One patrol car had sped up to be able to loop around and drive towards the van. The other patrol cars were coming towards the intersection. I triggered the stop lights with plenty of time. The motorists stopped their cars leaving the way clear. The driver of the van swerved around the approaching police car.

"What the hell was that? That van isn't normal." One of the officers complained. That was a surprise. This thing was way too maneuverable.

There was no help for it as I burst forward and fired off a spinning disk that struck the pavement. A blue force field sprung up in front of the van. The van swerved hard, but it was too close. It hit the force field with a loud crash. There was no visible damage done to the vehicle. I fired off darts of hardened light into the tires from my gauntlets. The doors flew open and men in black mechanical armor leaped out. The armor looked disturbingly familiar. Three armors versus mine.

The police had arrived and used their cars to cordon the area off. The one armor raised the heavy black rifle it carried and spat a stream of plasma. The other two took their cue from their leader and opened fire with their weapons. My force field was holding up admirably, but it was being chipped away. I couldn't afford to defend when their numbers and weaponry were better than mine.

"Aegis! There's three of them and they're armed with some kind of overpowered rifles." I reported as my brain got to work on the problem. The silence was telling. These bastards would kidnap children? Take them from their homes? The darkness in my mind and the light in my heart reached accord. I began Singing.

Program Active: EXEC_2Fast4U

Target: Self

Power: 10000%

The force field was dropped and photon darts lanced out with superior precision at the rifles. Their reaction speed was surprising as the leader weaved out of the way, but the other two lost their rifles. Rather than stopping they snapped out a what looked like glowing blades from each wrist and moved to engage me directly.

The Song had increased my speed, but it was rising slowly. I brought up my hands and ignited the gauntlets with my force field energy. Blades were looking like a good idea at the moment, but I was still able to punch their blades away. One was attacking towards my face while the other struck towards my midsection forcing me to split my attention.

I pulsed my force field to drive them back and give myself some room. My proximity alarm blared as the rifle blast struck me in the back sending me forward a step into the blades. The armor did it's job admirably, but there was still some energy scoring along my arms and my helmet. I grit my teeth.

Power: 19000%

I let out a cry of rage and unloaded both Sonic weapons at the armored foes in front of me. The amount of force was enough to send them skidding backwards. I took the opening and shot into the air before spinning in the direction of my tormentor and rained photon darts down on his position. He dodged to the side and away again. That was dealt with for now. I didn't have much time left. Without Gallant or Glory Girl giving me a boost I couldn't hit the levels I did before. I dived sharply at the two I had checked, flipped forward, and brought both legs scything downwards. They brought their blades up, but my armor's construction was tougher than that. The scoring was deep, but didn't reach my legs. Their blades, however, shorted out from overload leaving them to take the enhanced drop kick.

Their armors staggered back. One had the shoulder crushed while the other had a cracked visor and sat down heavily. I slammed the still standing one in the faceplate with my sheathed fist. The rifle wielder was rushing towards the back of the van. He brought his rifle up and aimed it inside the truck. I threw another force disk blocking the inside. By the time he spun around to me I was already firing away with my dart launchers. His mobility only worked when he had room to dodge. Now? He was trapped by perpendicular walls of force.

The armor dropped as the power supply and relays were cut. No energy reactions. They could stay like that. I dropped the force field generator over the back door just in time to take a condensed bolt of energy to the face. The head plate cracked as I was knocked off of my feet. The anti-grav allowed me to get back to my feet, but my systems were compromised.

The figure that stepped out was a nightmare. The armor they were wearing was bulky, but it bristled with weapons. One of the arms had that cannon while the other...was holding the girl. She looked terrified and I couldn't blame her. I stood slowly with my fists up.

"Stand down, brat. If you try to fight me you might hurt the kid. Don't fuck with me." The voice was cocky. Using a child as a hostage? My stance firmed up. There had to be something I could do about this. "Tell this girl her chance of winning." The feminine voice demanded. The girl looked torn.

"89.75%" She said and did a double take. What the? Predictive powers? I set myself because I would only get one chance at this.

"What the fuck...?" The voice didn't sound so confident now. There was a deafening report and the head of the mech jerked back. The optics shattered. "Son of a fuckin' bitch!" She screeched and I darted forward to seize the girl from the suddenly loosened grip. I flew back and handed her off to the officer that fired the rifle.

"My turn!" I converted my charge over to Thrash Beat and took off at full throttle. I drove both fists forward and discharged the attack point blank. The armor crumpled before launching off of the ground, into the back of the van, and smashed into the force field wall.

"Base...? I need a pick up. Definitely a tow truck bed at least." I wanted to slump in exhaustion, but there was an image to maintain. I tore open the armors to expose the men inside. Whoever built these things did an excellent job my inner engineer noted. They were concussed, but not seriously hurt. Despite the grievous damage they took the armor did its job.

"Base? Come in?" That was weird. I managed to get to the frankenmech and tear the head portion off just in case they couldn't breathe. The woman and the men were completely unremarkable. My facial recognition software was scrambled so that would have to wait. System Integrity was 60%.

"Aria? Thanks a lot for your help. Are you okay?" The officer asked.

"The armor did it's job." The ELMA Linkage Mk II possessed stronger amplifiers, more potent armaments, and better defenses. It's already in need of an overhaul after its first sortie. The flight systems are the only thing still completely intact. The force field generator is overloaded and the dart launchers needed recalibrating.

"Do you need a ride anywhere?" The officer asked. I shook my head.

"I should be fine." I activated the beacon to summon the original armor. It was less robust, but at least t was intact. Whatever was preventing me from getting through to base couldn't block my personal signal. The original ELMA Linkage landed and immediately unfolded. The transfer was made quickly and the busted armor barely managed to fold down. The girl I rescued was staring at me.

"There is a 98.2% chance that something is wrong." She informed me, but then winced. I touched her forehead and projected healing from my mini-Tower to her Shard directly. Her sweating face cleared. "Thank you..." She said.

"What are the chances that you'll be safe if I leave you with the police?" I asked.

"71.32%" She informed me. I was continuing to project healing, but had to stop. My chest was starting to hurt and my limbs felt heavy. I would need a lot of food and rest to make up for this. The police were arresting the injured pilots. They called their own tow service. I wanted to hurry back to base, but I had to oversee the transfer.

The police had their own MP units. Brockton Bay was to be the test bed for much of my defensive tech. I claimed the heavy rifle. The power output was scary. The man who was using this had kept the blasts set to low. That was low? I was being rocked even through force fields and armored layers. Hacking it was little issue. I switched its controls to myself. The girl was Dinah Alcott. The mayor's niece.

"Aegis?" I asked. "Please answer."

"Aria...? Thank God you're alright...this...it was a nightmare." He sounded absolutely exhausted. "Gallant is on the way to the hospital with Clockblocker. The rest of us were just banged up. Have you gotten through to base?" He asked. I checked through my terminal.

"Apparently someone on the other side has a brain. My terminal is off." I had a grudging respect for someone with that kind of forethought. He made a noise of disgust.

"Hack it." He said. "Whatever happens I'll take responsibility." Aegis was on record as giving me an order. "We're heading back to base. What were they after?"

"The niece of the mayor." I don't know why I didn't just tell him that she was a cape, but something said an open comm line was a bad place to mention that. "I'll get to work." I made sure to keep Dinah in my sight. The police were putting her in the back of a van and I climbed in after. If it wasn't for my OS and firewalls this would be a harder job. The problem was that someone was making a show of outcoding me.

Given enough time I would get through. The problem was that I didn't know what was happening with Sonata or the other PRT agents. I sent a message through on the chat channel.

"Sorry Mom, but it would be a bad idea if you got through. They have the place locked down. If they know you're in the system they might act rashly. Stay out. Please." Sonata said and cut the connection. She was the one that was keeping me out? Dammit. I could still do it, but I would trust her.

What else could I do?



I wasn't exactly sure what I could do. The assault had been well coordinated that's for sure. The Protectorate is out. They got called in for a mandatory Youth Guard workshop. The Director would probably murder those idiots in their sleep. I looked around at the lab. The doors were locked. All of them. They were only opening the ones they needed to progress.

Smart. Very smart. They told me in no uncertain terms that I keep my mother out or people would die. It wasn't in my programming to protect people. I'm a lab assistant. The thing, is these people made me feel welcome. They treat me like a child. A human child. They would be kept safe. I could control the cameras in the lab. There was an idea. I pulled my pocket terminal out of my backpack and started working on the visual details.

The image that I came up with was perfect. The only issue was that I couldn't program more than a few actions. Set the timing of each action, set the stagger, and then shuffle. Hopefully it would work for now. I set the digital cameras to run the image. Once I was sure that it was spoofed it was time to work. There was no guarantee that these guys wouldn't start killing people.

I checked the cameras for the holding cells. Whoever they were they weren't here for Lung. I checked other cameras quickly, ghosting through their hacker's own spy program, and found them. They were headed for the Director's office. Not good. The defenses leading deeper were tough, but the armors they were using were pretty tough themselves.

My Cutey ELMA gazed up at me. There just wasn't a choice. He was my best chance of fighting them. There were three armors and one guy carrying the jamming gear. I rushed over to Mom's locker and opened it. She had a bad habit of starting projects and tossing them in there when they didn't fit with her mood.


There were several items in the locker. A portable energy pack from one of Kid Win's lasers, an amplifier, a targeting system, and a focusing lens. This would do very nicely. Mom's great. I love her a lot, but she gets so weird about building weapons. Good thing there's Kid Win to leave gems like this behind.

He needed to actually talk to her. This whole hanging around her lab stuff? Sorry, Kid, but Mom is 100% romantically clueless. Mom had a few casings laying around, that with the right adjustments, made a stunningly good rifle casing. The parts came together. I noticed on the cameras that the PRT foam sprayers were doing their work. The armors weren't terribly inconvenienced, but they had to keep stopping to pull their gadgeteer out.

The rifle was huge. It was the very definition of BFG. The size was hardly a problem just slap an anti-grav disk on it and I could lift it. I'm just a kid. Lifting this bad boy would be too much to expect. I engaged the Cutey ELMA and he came apart to attach to my ankles, hips, and his flight modules attached to my backpack. I called up the building schematics. The ventilation system was designed to be impossible to get through.

If you weren't a superior hacker that is.

The system was actually designed as an emergency evacuation tunnel if you knew the codes. It was a terrible shame that I didn't know them. Next infiltration I was going to have those codes! I flew up to the grate in the ceiling and used a basic override. The grate opened and I managed to get my gun into the shaft. It was surprisingly spacious.

I was able to drift through the shaft while towing my rifle in two pieces. It was able to be broken down and reassembled quickly. I checked through my visor again. They weren't at the Director's office yet. I couldn't afford to mess this up. The sense of time and urgency made my current location claustrophobic. Three gates later and their lead was still large. I could shorten it if I took a chance and flew through the hallway.

The decision was made for me as they reached the last security gate. Their weapons were pounding away at the hardened metal. I dropped out of the shaft into the hall and set off at a rapid pace. The rifle was assembled as I flew. This was not a small weapon. It was as big as I was. Hopefully it worked on intimidation factor. Their hacker noticed me immediately. Two of the figures kept firing at the gate while one had set up on one knee with his rifle pointed.

Sorry, but Mom loves me and gave me a force field. A stronger force field than the one on her armor. When I burst around the corner he opened fire. The shot struck solidly causing the field to ripple, but hold. I lifted the enormous weapon. The longer rear portion rested on my shoulder and I returned fire. The bright red bolt that streaked out from the rifle and struck the armored man made me smile. I remembered that YouTube video of Mom on the Boardwalk.

"Boom for the Boom God!" I cried as two more shots tore through the air and sent my armored foe to the floor. The other two were already returning fire. "Play Track: EXEC_2Fast4U." My speed doubled as my amplifiers whined. They weren't designed for this. Would Mom be proud that I figured out how to use Song Magic?

"What the hell?" "Pin her down!" "I can't!" "Can't you stop her!?" That last was the hacker. He was trying to shut down my armor, but no joy. I wasn't even readying a charge. Just squeeze the trigger and watch smaller red flashes pepper my opponents. I watched my energy reserves as they plummeted. Now that I had them frazzled it was time to end it. Dodge, weave, avoid that shot, whoo close one!

"Not bad guys! The Empire would love to have ya!" I taunted them even as I corkscrewed, turned back suddenly, and hit them with twin bolts of charged energy. That took the fight out of them and I disengaged the Song. The glowing parts of my armor were dim, but not out. The Hacker pointed a large handgun at me and fired. The bullet hit the force field harder than the damaged field could withstand leaving me vulnerable.

There was a sudden boom. When a gun goes off it's not like television. It's a literal explosion. The Hacker's hand dissolved into red as Director Piggot lowered her gun. I blinked several times to be sure I saw that. She had come out of her office and saved my life.

"Are you hurt?" She asked me.

"You are so badass." I complimented her. She might have smiled, but then she groaned.

"All of this stress is going to kill me." She griped. I moved to support her and get her down to the floor after kicking the man's gun away. I grimaced as I saw the holes in the armored suits. Big gun, big holes.

"You'll be fine." Piggot said. "Saved my life. You'll be fine." She patted my shoulder awkwardly. I used the Hacker's laptop to release the doors.

"Yeah...I'll be fine..."
Interlude 4.a
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Interlude 4.a

-April 18, 2011-

-PRT: Director Piggot's Office-

The corpulent woman sat in her office and stewed. Saturday had been a nightmare. Armored mercenaries had managed to infiltrate headquarters. The report for that was being delivered by Armsmaster himself sometime this morning. The man took it as a personal affront that someone managed to storm the building. Explaining what happened to the other directors had been galling.

She took another deep breath from her oxygen tank. Her body was too stressed and it was making her feel its displeasure. She was scheduled for surgery tomorrow. It was a strange thought that at one time she wouldn't have trusted anything Tinker tech. She didn't trust biokinetics. Nothing against Panacea, but old fears do not vanish overnight. To her biokinetics weren't that different from biotinkers.

The woman sitting across the desk from her was waiting for her to start the meeting. Neither one would give the other an inch. Michelle Dawson was a plain woman. Completely average. She had started out with Child Protective Services and moved up to the Youth Guard. She was also one of the few crusaders for children's rights that didn't come off as a screeching idiot. Unfortunately it appeared the woman had made a gross error in judgment.

"We had a deal, Dawson." She finally spoke. "The deal was that no more than half the Protectorate would go to one of your workshops at a time. We had zero Protectorate help. Zero." Her voice was just shy of murderous.

"I have no idea what the scheduling issue was, but I will figure out what happened. However, that doesn't excuse what happened on Saturday. Your Wards were out there facing down mercenaries in power armor. Trained killers, Piggot. They were facing trained killers. What part of that is even remotely safe?" Dawson demanded.

"It wasn't safe. They wouldn't have even been in those situations if you hadn't caused this. Whoever it was that ignored our deal, I don't care. The end result is still the same. There was a young girl kidnapped on Saturday that coincided with the bank robbery as well." Piggot informed her.

"Then you should have let the police handle it." Dawson said. The glare she received in return made her flinch.

"A parahuman kidnapping which made it our responsibility. I know that our Wards shouldn't have been out there. They are for patrolling and the occasional aggressive street thug. There are protocols to keep them out of direct combat unless there is an imminent loss of life. You don't get to sit in your ivory tower and tell us poor mortals how to behave in an imperfect world." She took several deep breaths from her oxygen.

"We have told your home office that we refuse to work with you anymore. You allow a runaway murder bot to roam the halls around the children. It even calls one of them "mom." Dawson sounded disgusted. Emily stared at her for several moments. It was in that moment that she realized the person sitting opposite from her was an utter moron. For months she had thought that Michelle was just an overzealous advocate for the children, but somehow she shouldn't have been surprised.

"The proper term is gynoid, actually, a female android. She has a fully working AI that has been vetted by the finest Tinkers in the PRT as well as by Dragon herself. Aria, the Ward in question, is the one that created her. Apparently you are getting secondhand information from somewhere. Congratulations. You have just admitted enough for us to have an investigation done." Emily grinned nastily.

"A concerned PRT agent told us of this. Regardless we'll be sure to work closely with the new Director once he starts work tomorrow." She sounded smug.

"I'm afraid there will only be an acting director until I return." Emily said with a wider grin. The sheer amusement at the situation easing her strained heart. She had been speaking to the other directors all day Sunday to get permission to do this.

"Who?" Dawson asked in confusion. Piggot hit the buzzer on her desk and in walked Mouse Protector. She struck a salute and it was all Michelle could do not to gawk.

"Ready for duty, Chief!" Mouse Protector said with a wide grin.

"She will acting director while I'm away." Piggot glanced at the Youth Guard rep. The woman still hadn't recovered.

"This is..but...This is unacceptable! I will be speaking with the directors about this! A parahuman? Head of the PRT? Unthinkable!" She stormed out of the office and slammed the door behind her. Mouse Protector looked at Emily.

"I'm not really being made acting director am I?" She sounded reluctant. Piggot shook her head.

"No, but it was amusing. Actually it will be Miss Militia. Armsmaster expressed a desire to remain in charge of the Wards." It was an open secret at this point that he discovered a love of teaching with Kid Win. The bombastic cape sagged visibly in relief. She took a seat.

"That's good. I'd love to help, but me? Paperwork? Yikes!" She shook her hands. Director Piggot rolled her eyes. A message came in that Armsmaster had completed his investigation and Miss Militia was bringing the after action reports.

"Good. We can take care of this all at once." She sat back in her chair as the patriotic cape and "Halbeard" entered. When had she started to see the humor in that stupid nickname? "What did you find out?"

"The mercenaries managed to get inside by stowing away in a Medhall Supply truck. The men in the loading area were killed." He sounded grim, "Their hacker had a laptop full of schematics for the building's network and plans. The laptop also contained numerous infiltration programs. Everything showed that a great of planning went into this."

"Did they achieve anything?" Director Piggot asked. Armsmaster nodded eliciting a sigh of resignation. "What is it?"

"Negative PR. The recording of the infiltration was leaked to the Youth Guard and to PHO. All of the details up to and including Sonata's defense." He reported. The comment about a murder bot suddenly made sense.

"How bad is it?" Director Piggot asked.

"It's bad. It could have been worse, but strangely enough Saint defended Sonata's actions." He sounded totally baffled. There appeared to be an air of confusion settling over the room at that revelation. "He cited something about it being the right of every person to defend their home. That the girl was clearly acting in defense. He also showed the full fire fight in the loading area."

"Strange, but at least it works in our favor. I won't question it too hard." Emily grunted. "The fact still remains that the Youth Guard has quite a few supporters that will buy their version of events. Then there's the matter of the infiltration." She shook her head.

"PHO locked the thread that introduced the video and the moderators are running damage control. At worst this makes us look negligent." He concluded.

"What's up with Medhall? Did they say how those crazy guys got in their truck?" Mouse Protector asked.

"They declined to comment." Armsmaster replied.

"Not good enough. Talk to legal and make them talk. We are not going down for something that may have happened at their end. Was there anything else?" Director Piggot asked. He shook his head no. She nodded before looking to Miss Militia. The woman brought out her notes.

"Aegis reported the call coming in shortly after they finished watching something on YouTube. Aria said that she got a call across her network saying that it was a diversion. She clearly trusted her source so he let her run down the lead. Sonata was left at the console to provide mission support.

He still had Kid Win, Clockblocker, Vista, Gallant, Despedia, and Granspear. to stop the armored bank robbers. They arrived and were joined shortly after by Glory Girl. Panacea was being held inside the bank with the other hostages. From what Despedia could see she was being kept separate. Kid Win got into the bank's surveillance network to get a look inside.

There were five armored figures total. One was holding what looked like a flamethrower on the hostages. Glory Girl was convinced to remain outside after seeing Panacea was kept away from danger. Knowing their positions allowed for them to coordinate an assault if needed. It was at that point that Aegis lost communications with Aria and Sonata.

Despedia was placed at the rear, Glory Girl at an angle near the left wall, and he stood at the front. He ordered the breach and Glory Girl went through the wall and landed in front of the armor that was threatening the hostages. Shortly after Despedia hurried in through the back while Aegis rushed the front. Two armors were down in the initial charge.

Vista was brought in and altered space to make a shorter route for the hostages to escape through. Panacea was rescued at the same time. Clockblocker, Despedia, Kid Win, Gallant, and Granspear were left outside to control the perimeter. That was when one of the Hummers nearby dropped its side panels and turned into a mech. The mech immediately opened fire on the Wards outside. Inside the other three armors had engaged Aegis, Glory Girl, and Despedia.

The fight inside was intense due to their force fields. Aegis ordered Despedia to use her claws. Once she opened their force fields the fight ended shortly afterward. Gallant ended up getting struck with shrapnel from the mech's explosives. Clockblocker's injuries were sustained when he charged the machine. He was dazed by a concussion grenade, but touched the mech.

As soon Clockblocker's field dropped Granspear and Kid Win brought it down. Aria managed to get through to Aegis and reported her situation. Clockblocker and Gallant were sent to the hospital for treatment while the Wards held the scene until the police arrived. When Panacea was asked for her version of events she reported that there were six people that stormed the bank. One wasn't wearing armor. She tried to tell the police that one of the hostages wasn't, but in the confusion they disappeared.

No civilian casualties. No police casualties. They even captured the pilots in one piece. None of them are parahumans so the police are taking them into custody." She finished her report. Aegis was as detailed as always.

"How are Gallant and Clockblocker?" Emily asked.

"They're already home with their families." Miss Militia said. She nodded.

"Good. Give the Wards the next three days off and let them know that if they want to come in, that's fine, but they are not patrolling. We'll have the armored PRT do patrols during that period along the Wards' routes." Piggot said. "The police will handle the civilian part of the investigation. Now I have to head over to the hospital." She stood up from her chair with difficulty.

"I'll drive ya over." Mouse Protector said. Sometimes the heroine raised her blood pressure, but sometimes. Just sometimes. She was okay.

-Coil's Base-

Saturday had gone very well. There had been losses, but nothing insurmountable. He grinned at just what had been accomplished. The raid on PRT headquarters had been all about slathering a generous helping of egg on their faces. If they had succeeded in killing Piggot, excellent, but if not? The hacker, LiveWire, had done excellently. The video feeds that he managed to get helped to paint a picture of PRT incompetence.

However it also showed the sheer competence of his own mercenaries enhanced by the armor he retrieved. If not for that machine, Sonata, it would have resulted in a total victory. That thing would get what it had coming to it. The clips of the "murder bot" had gone viral within a mere hour of release. By the time it had been tracked down it was too late. Even now the PHO was exploding with panic. Saint's endorsement of Sonata was an unwelcome surprise, but it only served to add to the confusion.

The Youth Guard had proven a wise investment. Perhaps he should increase their funding. They didn't know that their generous donations were coming from him under several aliases. It made it laughably easy to drop suggestions and have them obeyed. Their current crusade was just going to stir the pot even more. The PRT never should have become so heavily enmeshed with popular opinion. Plans within plans and layers within layers.

The bank job had gone off without a hitch. The truly important one had been the unarmored mercenary that carried the information from the bank. Money? The money in the vault would not have covered his expenses, but the money of several prominent businessmen through their account information? That would do the job quite nicely. The fact that he now possessed the information for all of Medhall's business operations was a sweet perk.

The only sour note was that he lost his chance at Dinah Alcott. The precog would have been a powerful force multiplier to his own powers. Her ability to predict exact percentages to whatever she was asked was too valuable to ignore. If he wanted to capture her it would take more resources and more planning. There were plans to have her join the Wards. The addition of armored units stationed around her home made it even more difficult. They were trading her anonymity for safety and she was on television as being happy about it.

If that clusterfuck was ever attributed to him then he was in a great deal of trouble. The question on his mind was how did Aria know to be there? Then again she was rated as an exceedingly high Thinker and not just for her ability to read emotions and mental states. Putting the information together herself was not outside the realm of possibility. He had doubts about her actually being a Tinker given the ease of replication of her designs.

The Travelers had succeeded in their mission. With the attention directed towards the bank, the kidnapping, and PRT infiltration they were able to accomplish an important goal. He took the elevator down to his destination and stepped out into the large room. There before him was something quite valuable. Kaiser sat in a force field cell and glared at him.

"Hello Max Anders. It is a pleasure to meet you face to face." He smiled even wider. Plans within plans and layers within layers...

-Undersiders HQ-

They sat around the table each lost in their own thoughts. The sheer amount of planning Saturday's events must have taken was staggering. Lisa could admire that kind of intelligence. Coil was playing on a level unheard of before. She bit her thumbnail in thought. Telling Taylor about the diversion had almost got her best friend killed. Those mercenaries weren't playing around and didn't care that she was valuable. She got out of it alive at least.

Alec blew out a breath in frustration and broke the silence, "What the hell was all that?" He demanded.

"Coil's not fuckin' around that's what." Aisha replied. He made a noise of disgruntled agreement.

"This is just crazy. The Merchants are growing stronger, we've been ordered to lay off them, and the E88 is havin' a shit fit." Sophia growled. Brian laid a hand on her arm and she settled down. Lisa let herself have a moment to appreciate the sight. They were still dancing around each other, but the distance had closed.

"So we pound the Merchants." Rachel said. The Undersiders stared at her. "What? We gotta problem with 'em so we fuckin' pound 'em. You all talk too much." She shoved off from the table and went to take her dogs for a walk.

"Hmmm...it would look strange if we didn't keep the Merchants out of our territory..." Lisa mused. The chances of this being a bad idea were high, but the rewards were even higher. For one it would ease their conscience. Their territory was known as a safe zone.

"I wanted to be a hero...isn't this what heroes do? We beat up the bad guys." A new voice said. He insisted on being called Browbeat. He was a largely built young man fitting the ideal of the Adonis. His abilities were complimentary and very useful. He possessed a form of biokinesis that allowed him to shapeshift to a degree. It allowed him to increase his physical strength and durability while also allowing him to move flesh to heal injuries. His other ability was a form of crude telekinesis that would increased his strength enormously. Putting those two powers together gave him a high Brute/Striker rating.

He was also an analytical person. His powers were new and strange so he sought to test them out. Lisa inwardly grimaced as she remembered just how he came to join them. The Merchants were one of the gangs that he tested himself against. They responded by following him home one night and murdering his family. Rachel was actually the one to find him and bring him back. He had been living on the streets aimlessly. The only thing that could hold his interest was paying back the Merchants.

He had a pronounced hero complex that didn't bring them into conflict often. They fought off villains more often than they did heroes after all. They were the Robin Hood types now. It was a romantic view that he was perfectly fine with. Lisa rubbed his shoulder. He still had yet to tell them his name, but for now he was just Browbeat.

"Okay...we'll push them out of our territory. If Coil has a problem with that it's his own fault for not keeping them on a shorter leash. We're doing what he told us, right? Keep our PR numbers up after all." Brian said with a grin. Browbeat matched that grin.

"Should be amusing I guess." Alec commented idly.

"Hell yeah!" Aisha cheered.

"Just save some for me." Sophia said with a smirk. Lisa smiled. The risks were great, but the rewards were greater. She glanced across at Browbeat. He looked more at ease now. If it hadn't been for their "employer" he might still have his parents. The Merchants were content to squat in places no one wanted. Now? Now they had better funding, better weapons, and they had lost their fear. She just stroked his back softly.

"Time to roll the dice..." She murmured softly.
Fourth Arc 4.2
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fourth Arc 4.2

-April 19, 2011-

I was not happy. Correction. To say that I was unhappy would be like saying the sun is a little warm. The PHO had absolutely erupted when that damn leaked security footage went viral. It was obvious that someone had cherry picked through the material to paint my baby girl as a remorseless killing machine. The only part that was even remotely amusing was that they edited out her saying "Boom for the Boom God."

If I didn't find some humor in all this someone would die. Preferably the person who did this. Even now my network was backtracking the signal. Good luck motherfucker. Good luck. God speed. Pray for mercy for I will have none.

"Mom? You're glowing." Sonata interrupted my thoughts of divine retribution. With how my harmograph was spiking I could have managed a very good Thrash Beatle.

"Aria please keep it together. You want the people to see you as kind and benevolent. The goodhearted person they've gotten to know." Glenn Chambers PRT expert was trying to calm me down as well. What was he doing here? It started yesterday actually.

-Flashback: Monday-

We were at home. Sonata in my arms and hugging me tightly. The poor girl. She hadn't meant to hurt them so badly, but the combination of amplifiers and lasers was an unforgiving beast. Her heart was in the right place. It didn't help that the last act of the hacker wasn't to try and get into her systems. He had uploaded the security footage to someone else. We didn't realize what he had done until the modified footage had hit the net.

It had been modified to remove all traces of what the mercenaries had done. There was no mention whatsoever of how they had killed fifteen people in cold blood. The clip was designed specifically to inflame and it did its terrible work beautifully. They even edited out her taking care of the Director until emergency assistance arrived.

Saint, in an attempt to stem the tide, had posted his thoughts on the video. They pretty much boiled down to that the mercenaries were trained killers. That a good mercenary knows the risks. Sonata had acted in the defense of others. Given that this was the man who regularly cautioned about the dangers of artificial intelligence run amok that actually had some weight.

The part that was often lost in the recollection was that the mercenaries hadn't died. Their force fields coupled with hardened armor construction had saved their lives. They needed surgery, however, because the blasts still had enough punch to put them in critical condition. She was scared that they had died, but they hadn't. Lucky them. Then Director Piggot had her collapse and that was a new worry for my girl.

No one left the house today. Sonata was in my arms, Emma was sitting on the floor with her head on my daughter's leg, Cocona was running fingers through her hair, and Dad had his arms around the both of us. She sighed.

"I'm smothering here..." She finally said. "I'm really happy about this guys...but I need some room." Sonata squirmed a bit and we let her have her space. She breathed a sigh of relief, "Air! Glorious air!" The tension broke at that declaration. It was too bad the phone rang.

"Hello?" Dad said, "Well I don't mind if you come over...that's fine." He set the phone down, "Glenn Chambers is coming over. He said he'll be here in twenty minutes." I still remember him. He was actually giddy that I had ideas of my own, but that I still heard him out. Some of his suggestions went towards my image.

"Why is he coming over?" Emma asked. Judging by Dad's melody it was a complicated feeling.

"They're holding a press conference tomorrow." He finally said. "This will let people actually get to meet Sonata and see her as a person." What wasn't said was "hopefully." I nodded slowly. I hadn't exactly done her any favors by keeping her out of the spotlight. Her name was known, but there had been no debut.

When he finally arrived it was without fanfare. No one would believe that a man with his seeming lack of fashion sense would be a PR genius. He sat down in the armchair and started setting up. His laptop was set down for us to see.

"This is war people. The enemy is shadowy, faceless, and without remorse. They have hit us hard and left us reeling. We have to respond." His face was grave, "Let us go over the facts of the encounter. We'll skip the loading area." Sonata opened her mouth and he shook his head, "That's not what I mean." She subsided mutinously. "The actual footage has you approach with your rifle up." He called up the clip. She was coming around the corner with her rifle held crossways. It wasn't pointed straight out.

"Good call. Less threatening to the public." He played part of the modified footage. Her shot struck the armored man and he returned fire. The splicing was done so well it was nearly seamless. "This is what they have been seeing for days at this point. It doesn't matter that this is what happened..." The actual footage had the rifle man shoot first and then she returned fire.

"So then clear case of self defense." Cocona said. Glenn nodded approvingly.

"Exactly. We will show the actual footage complete with time stamp. Then we'll finish with the footage of the men being taken out by emergency crews." He sat back. "Sonata will need to say a few words. You are incredibly adorable and very photogenic. Anyone seeing you in person will not be able to reconcile the "Murder Bot" with the young lady. This will be your opportunity to speak your peace."

"We're not going over her speech?" I asked curiously. Each of us had to go through a well scripted speech. Glenn shook his head.

"She has something to say so we'll let her say it. That look of indignation when she thought I was slighting the loading bay victims is perfect." He grinned. Sonata briefly looked confused before her face cleared in understanding. That was a good idea.

"That's a good idea. It's been my granddaughter's berserk button." Dad said. For Sonata berserk button translated to angry kitten. Utterly adorable and nonthreatening.

"Play the part where she says 'Boom for the Boom God." Emma suggested with a grin, "Drive it home that Aria and Sonata are mother and daughter. The people on PHO love Aria. The medical community loves her. Hell the police love her." Glenn brightened up.

"I'm glad to see someone agrees with me! We will be playing that as well." He said with a grin. Sonata and I shared a look. We were never living this down. At all.

"Boom for the Boom God..." Cocona giggled. One of my PHO nicknames? Boom Goddess. It's only a matter of time before they give it to me as one of my tags.

The details didn't take long to hash out thankfully. Glenn stayed to make sure that we were feeling positive about tomorrow. He wanted more time to set things up properly, but Miss Militia had said to him that this idiocy needed to be put to bed now. It was her first act as acting director. She was not a fan of protracted battles.

-Flashback end-

What has me so angry today? We have a reporter from one of the less reputable news networks coming. He's a well known anti-cape enthusiast. A true believer that the world is going to hell because of parahumans. Why do people even wonder why so many parahumans become villains? We have bigots like him. Richard Grand. It's not even his real name. He cited his First Amendment rights and we were forced to allow him.

Dealing with him alone wouldn't be the problem. It was the fact that wherever he went his Grand Fans were guaranteed to be there. Irritating little parasites that waited for his regurgitated crap to pour into their waiting mouths.

"Mom! Don't you dare set fire to the lab!" Sonata scolded me and I calmed myself. My being pissed off at the world was not going to help things. The lightning arcing around my fingertips gradually died down.

"Remember your image, Aria. Remember your image." Glenn said in a soothing voice. Right then I was wishing Emma and Cocona were there, but Despedia and Granspear were helping the other Wards with crowd control. Everyone was out today. Mouse Protector would be on stage with us along with Armsmaster.

"To hell with my image! If that piece of shit isn't professional then I'm damn well not gonna be. You heard what he said on his show last night!" My eyes felt hot and I calmed myself again. My harmograph was still spiking. No Song loaded and it was going to stay that way. My systems seemed almost sad that I wasn't loading something destructive.

"Why are people calling me a Murder Bot again...?" Sonata asked only half jokingly. "Let him make a fool of himself. We'll stick to the script. I need you to be my mom." She grasped my hand.

"Honey? I am being your mom." I assured her. Glenn nodded to himself.

"Perhaps letting a bit of the Mama Bear out wouldn't be terrible...just don't overdo it. I would gladly pay your bail if you fried him, but remember that your actions speak for the PRT as well." He said with a smile. Judging by his melody he wasn't a fan of the guy either.

It was time to head out. I wasn't to wear my armor, but ELMA Linkage followed behind me regardless. Sonata was matching my walk with her Cutey ELMA gamboling about her legs. It was her idea to program them like actual dogs. Which, now that I thought about it, made them more efficient as guards. Unless they were Cutey ELMA. The black "puppy" was a third the size of the full ELMA. ELMA Linkage nudged the smaller bot and it started walking properly.

We were heading into the auditorium for this. The stage was set with Mouse Protector and Armsmaster already there. She touched my shoulder as I walked by. To others it would look like a show of support, but I knew it was that and in case she had to save me. Her teleport charge would last for the entire event. Sonata stood with me off to one side of the podium. Miss Militia was standing there in her full costume.

The general feeling was restlessness, excitement, and hostility. Not as much hostility as I was expecting. That was a pleasant surprise. Unfortunately having so many people turn up rendered my danger sensing abilities null. My gaze turned to the media seating and spotted Richard Grand immediately. He had graying hair and blue eyes. His face was lightly lined and his suit cost more than my dad's truck. If he was trying to be the "voice of the people" he should probably get out more.

"Everyone. Your attention please. Thank you." Miss Militia spoke into the microphone. The ambient noise levels dropped gradually. "Thursday, April 14th, was a day of confusion. The Protectorate was out of town at a government mandated workshop. It was a well coordinated attack in multiple parts." There was no humor in her eyes, "There was a bank robbery, a kidnapping, and an assault on PRT headquarters."

There was a murmuring as these details weren't known. She continued to speak, "These crimes were all related. Any one of these crimes, had they succeeded in full, would have had disastrous consequences. However all of this has been routinely ignored. The full details had been released to the press, but were apparently lost in the wake of the events at PRT headquarters."

The original recording was played side by side with the doctored footage. The doctored footage possessed no time stamp, but the original did. The melodies were shifting. The hostility was becoming harder, but covered fewer people now. There was a smattering of amusement at Sonata's battle cry. A knot was loosening in my chest, but I kept my tension up.

"Why don't we let the accused speak in her own defense?" Miss Militia asked and stepped aside. I smiled reassuringly at Sonata as she stepped up to the podium. She needed to use her anti-grav to reach the microphone. It was adjustable, honey.

"I actually don't see the problem." She said. I blinked. That was a strange way to start and it had a similarly confusing effect on the audience. "It looks bad. Especially when the footage was cherry picked for maximum damage." She clicked a remote and the scene in the loading bay appeared. The footage showed exactly what had happened. There were gasps and sympathy from the audience.

"This is the issue. This is the real problem. While everyone has been focusing on the poor mercenaries no one has thought about their victims." There was a note of sorrow in her voice. That was what made her sad. She hadn't even known about the infiltration until it was well underway. "Fifteen people dead. Fifteen people who will never go home again. Fifteen families that had lost fathers, mothers, sisters, and brothers. There are children who will never see their parents again. That is the issue. These same mercenaries were then trying to reach the Director to kill her too." She took a sip of water.

"That's the problem really. The real issue isn't what I did, but what they had done. My body was designed to be as human as possible. I have no super powers. This armor you saw in the video? It's just a force field generator and flight enhancement. The rifle was something that I cobbled together." She sighed heavily, "I'm a lab assistant. That's what I was brought into this world for. The fact that Aria sees me as her daughter is a gift. That everyone who works here has treated me so well...They treat me like one of their own." Her eyes moistened.

"I didn't care that this wasn't my job." She continued with determination, "I didn't care that my force fields might not hold. They weren't designed for sustained combat." She showed the footage of the rifle blast deforming her barrier. "Something else that has been forgotten." The melodies of the audience were all over the place. The hostility, however, had lessened dramatically. Tears were falling down Sonata's face.

"Something else that has been forgotten is that with everyone distracted a young girl was almost kidnapped. Panacea was put in danger with over a dozen civilians in a bank robbery. The common thread is the armor they were wearing." She wiped at her eyes, "Those three men in the footage? They lived." The footage changed to show the men being sawed out of the armor and moved to stretchers. "If protecting my friends, my family, makes me a murder bot then I'll wear that name proudly."

Several moments passed as the crowd digested that. It was hard to think of anything to say in the wake of her speech. I walked up to the podium and put my arm around her shoulders in support. She didn't need angry me. Her melody evened out slowly. Glenn came forward.

"We will be taking questions now." He said before turning the podium over to Sonata again. She was much calmer, but still looked and felt vulnerable. Richard Grand stoop up first and smiled disarmingly.

"That was a very pretty speech, but some of us actually did our research before coming. Will you actually tell the people what sort of life these men can expect to live now? After all one man had to have most of his upper intestine removed. One had a lung destroyed. It wasn't damaged, but completely ruptured to the point it was so much meat and tissue. The third got off the lightest with only a severe head injury, but he might wake up." He read from his notes before looking back at my daughter expectantly. She straightened up.

"Cherry picking is still cherry picking. Selecting facts that paint someone in the worst possible light. Where is your concern for the families of the dead?" She said in as frosty a tone as I had heard from her. Her eyes daring him to ignore them again.

"My apologies. You are correct. The families of the victims should be remembered." He was genuinely apologetic, but it also threw him off balance. He wasn't used to being put on the back foot. "Please answer the question?" She sighed.

"I honestly have no idea what will be done. The offer of PRT funded treatment was made, but refused. The unconscious man hasn't been able to answer." She recited from memory. He sat back down with a vaguely confused look. His supporters were similarly baffled by what happened.

"Will a memorial be put up?" A pleasantly smiling reporter asked.

"Uhm...they've been added to the wall actually. They were killed in the line of duty after all." She stated matter-of-factly. The questioning continued in a similar vein. I was still a bit tense, but no longer feeling like ripping someone's head off.

"Does anyone else have something to ask?" Glenn asked after the round of questions. Poor Sonata was holding up well, but would love for it to be over.

"I have a question actually." A young woman stood up. "I'm not with the press, but I promise it's nothing obscene." Glenn looked at Sonata and she nodded. "Why do they allow you to run around unchecked? The fact you have access to lethal weaponry around decent people is shameful. Where is the oversight?" She folded her arms across her chest. I focused on her melody. She had come here spoiling for a fight. Conflict? She was the source of the hard hostility.

Sonata looked confused and unsure how to answer. Glenn was opening his mouth to say something, but I was already moving toward the podium. ELMA Linkage dropped down in front of me and I suited up without breaking stride. Sonata let out a squeak and quickly yanked Glenn Chambers out of the way. I sensed great amusement from Mouse Protector. The aggravating woman blinked owlishly as music started to play.

Program Found: Thrash Beat

Program Advance: Thrash Beat → Thrash Beatle

The enormous figure of my cobalt beetle appeared within the glowing circle of my interface field. I was perched on its mighty shoulder with one leg folded over the other as if on a throne. The sudden hush was unbroken. The Wards' harmony agreed with what I was doing.

"That is a very good question. How do they allow my daughter to walk around with lethal weaponry? It makes absolutely no sense. She was only just born and doesn't even have a gun permit." I said dryly. "As for the oversight? I have no idea what you're talking about. I just talk to Dragon, Armsmaster, Miss Militia, Mouse Protector..." I tapped my chin, "I talk to a lot of heroes, but no Oversight." I smiled charmingly, "I never met that one. Is he new?"

There was a general ripple of laughter as the woman was summarily embarrassed. She tried to draw herself up again, but any support she had was eroded. I just stared down at her. She finally sat down again. I dismissed Thrash Beatle. Someone in the audience called out "Boom for the Boom Goddess!" I would have facepalmed, but Sonata was grinning.

"My mom's a lil' bit overprotective of me." She said teasingly. Did I go overboard...? Not likely. "She thinks of me as her daughter because she was the one who designed my AI. No one programmed me to call her mom. She's just my mom. That's all that matters to me." She hugged me and I returned it.

Mission Accomplished.
PHO Interlude 2
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

PHO Interlude 2

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♦Topic: Brockton Bay Press Conference
In: Boards ► News ► Capes ► Brockton Bay

(Original Poster) (Journalist)
Posted on April 19, 2011:

The chaos of the past few days started with simultaneous attacks executed in a single day. These attacks were done with extraordinary precision that hinted at a true strategic mind.
All of this was overlooked, however, in the face of a machine daring to open fire on mercenaries. The poor benighted fools were grievously injured in the commission of an act of domestic terrorism. That they had a body count before she even met them was also conveniently overlooked.
I will admit to a certain amount of annoyance at yet another PRT press conference. A debut after this debacle? I could not understand what they were playing at, but I went regardless. Glenn Chambers had invited me personally. How could I refuse?
My eyes were open when the media proclaimed Murder Bot came out onto the stage. She was holding her "mother" Aria's hand tightly for reassurance. Where was her Death Ray? Where was the cannon that this emotionless killing machine used to kill three innocent mercenaries? I was skeptical of this devious ruse.
Acting Director Miss Militia said a few words. She attributed the lack of Protectorate presence to a government mandated workshop. No excuses were made. I found, through independent research, that the Youth Guard had scheduled the whole of the Brockton Bay Protectorate for a workshop out of town. Miss Militia then turned the podium over to Sonata.
She flew up to the microphone to speak. Her nervousness readily apparent. The full speech is [here]. She was eloquent, but her word choices belied her youth. That's right. Her youth. I will admit to listening very carefully to her words. Her speech was full of little things that I was told a machine couldn't fake. She was speaking properly, but not precisely. Tears were in her eyes at one point. She called for us to remember the fifteen innocent victims that died. She asked us to remember the other acts of terror committed that day.
I will admit that I was flustered. Nothing I had heard before had prepared me for this reality. My questions are meant to evoke an honest response. When she coldly reminded me of the victims it took me off guard further. She was no longer nervous. She was genuinely upset at what she felt was a failure to remember the dead. I sat back down with much on my mind.
At least I got off lightly compared to the woman who spoke at the end of the press conference. I can understand her fear, and anger, but Aria was apparently looking to make a statement herself. When she called up the giant weaponized beetle it was a clear message. It's not the weapon that is dangerous, but the person wielding it.

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► GreenFan472

Replied on April 19, 2011:
I'm a long time fan of your show and columns. I have to say that I agree. That little darling is a real charmer. What's being done about the Youth Guard screw up?

► dadzilla
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ GreenFan472: That's a good question.
I was in the audience and that little girl made me think of my own princess. Murder Bot? If that's a murder bot I'll put in an order for a dozen.

► crazyinbrockton (Just a Guy)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
So our new machine overlords are rising. This is just frackin' great. You want to worship our new sovereign in white? Idiots.

► IndolentMinx (Veteran Member) (The Minx in the Know)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ crazyinbrockton: There you are again. It's fate. It has to be. Though it would be nice if you actually stayed on topic.
The loss of life is a tragic thing. It can't be easy to hurt someone else. Her reaction to causing pain is a good indicator that this robotic Overlady is just a cuddlebug.

► that_one_lady (Mother)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
My daughter and I are fans of Aria. It was also good to see Despedia in her new costume. What drew my attention was that adorable girl clinging to her mother's hand. Murder Bot? Give it a rest people.

► XxVoid CowboyxX
Replied on April 19, 2011:
How is Aria a mother already? That doll is way too lifelike. Did she use human flesh?

If you can't even bother to research your information properly don't post - Jakuri is Watching

► victory_through_firepower (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ XxVoid CowboyxX: You are here once again my witless nemesis.
In all seriousness I'm a major fan of high tech anything. Aria's ELMA Linkage Mk II is freakin' awesome. The clips of what it did to the kidnappers was amazing. It looks like her daughter is similarly badass what with making freaking huge rifles.
As long as you point it at soul sucking mercs you're fine, kid.

► Cog (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Sonata's a good kid. They told me she was an AI and it didn't even register. We're grateful to her.

► Cryotech51 (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Test bed for new medical tech? Where are the seams? j/k It only supports my Tinker Panacea thoughts.

► Daemon Angiel
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Why was there even a problem? She shot up terrorists. When did we care more about murderers than their victims?
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► That One Dude

Replied on April 19, 2011:
I'm just saying that all of you are way to into this bot worship. It's even infected Richard Grand. What the hell?

► JustineisHawt
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Are you just that stupid? Dragon herself checked her AI over. D-R-A-G-O-N. Y'know? Greatest Tinker in the Whole World? If you're gonna say something have the facts!

► IndolentMinx (Veteran Member) (The Minx in the Know)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
It looks to me like all of you are missing the point. The same point that sweet little cuddlebug brought up. There were innocent victims. Her speech brought that home rather nicely.

► Crimson Writer (Tech Guru)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
I have to agree with the Minx. Talk about the tech and her specs should go to the Aria thread for inventions [here]. My thoughts and prayers go out to the victims.

► Fen Lenshun (Best English Teacher)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
What has me curious is this thing with the Youth Guard. Does anyone else think they have too much power? If they can, on a whim, send an entire Protectorate team out of town that is worrying. The children are important however that is starting to sound like an excuse they hide behind.

► The Grey Rider
Replied on April 19, 2011:
You guys thought I was crazy. Now? Now her power armor is in the hands of our enemies. What will we do now? How much is she making off of sleeping with the enemy? That's what I got from this.

► DarkBetaAngel
Replied on April 19, 2011:
That armor doesn't even look the same! If you're going to spout paranoid ramblings at least have some proof.

► Jakuri is Watching (Verified Super Genius) (Verified Nudist) (Verified Alien Sentience) (Moderator)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Everyone is welcome to their opinion. No matter how wrong they are. Just try to remember this thread is about the press conference, okay? You know I wield a mean banhammer.

► Crimson Writer (Tech Guru)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
They made her a moderator? Good God they actually made her a moderator. All hail our new Imperial Genius Nudist Alien!
As for the conference I think it was handled well. No one was hit over the head with how cute Sonata or that she's an AI in an prosthetic body. Nicely done and low key.

► Ultra1987
Replied on April 19, 2011:
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♦Topic: Wards to the Rescue!
In: Boards ► Capes ► America ► Wards ► Brockton Bay

(Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Minx in the Know)
Posted on April 19, 2011:

Last Thursday was shaping up to be another day in Brockton Bay when it suddenly lit up in activity. I was actually in the bank that day to cash my paycheck. Gal's gotta eat, right? I was having a perfectly bland day and wished for some excitement.
Next time I'm wishing for a million dollars.
I was actually having a nice chat with Amy Dallon. Sweet girl really. It was at that point that the armored mercs stormed the bank. I'm perfectly fearless when I have to be, but not when a flamethrower is in my face.
They were purely business as they secured us, but didn't bother taking our cellphones. Well they were fairly obvious so it wouldn't have mattered if we called the police.
When Glory Girl came smashing through the wall it was a welcome sight. Aegis and Despedia moved in as well. All told our rescue took moments with Vista using her power to make it easy for us to reach the doors.
Once outside I stayed behind the police line, but curiousity made me stay and watch the drama unfold. Whoever outfitted these guys did an impressive job. Credit where credit is due. Unfortunately they just weren't prepared for the grit and determination of the young people that kicked their armor played behinds.
Thanks Wards. You always give it your best and we appreciate that.

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► Aegis
(Verified Cape)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
We're just glad that all of the hostages got out safely.

► Collonade
Replied on April 19, 2011:
First post goes to the Wards! Very nice. Saw the footage and man that was some SWAT team stuff. Good work.

► confusion_hope_panic
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Why the hell would armored mercenaries storm a bank?

► SeeNoWeevil
Replied on April 19, 2011:
I think whoever ordered it blew their wad too early. All that bleeding edge tech used for a bank robbery and a kidnapping?

► SpeaktoMammals
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Looks to me like performance issues.

► SeeNoWeevil
Replied on April 19, 2011:
That's a hard observation.

► Shulda (Moderator)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Stop with the off color comments. Funny as they are.

► Panacea (Verified Cape) (New Wave)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
I'm just glad everyone made it out safely.

► Collonade
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Now New Wave? That's classy guys.

► LokiTheShadowedOne (Actually Knows Stuff)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
A transforming Hummer? Okay that's some serious Tinker bullshit.
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(Showing Page 19 of 32)

► mommy1984
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Who is going to pay for my damages? Glory Hole came plowing through the wall like the Kool-Aid Man and almost hit me with a chunk of masonry. You're all celebrating her, but she's nothing but a careless menace.

► Shulda (Moderator)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ mommy1984: Enjoy your temp ban. We don't allow those kind of shenanigans around here. If you can't be civil than don't post.

► curiouser and curiouser
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Actually Glory Girl has been a lot more careful with the breakables. Walls, streets, people...
It's actually refreshing.

► GloryGFan69
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Post deleted

► Shulda (Moderator)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ GloryGFan: That's not even remotely funny. Enjoy your 30 day ban.
Why do I get all the crazies?

► Indolent Minx (Original Poster) (Veteran Member) (The Minx in the Know)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ Shulda: Just lucky I guess?
Let's not get this thread locked, Okay?

► Mobius D
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Aegis was so awesome storming the front of the bank. Nobody can stop this guy!

► heavyweight
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Someone get Mobius D an "Aegis Fan" tag...

► SoldierofFortuna
Replied on April 19, 2011:
The armor those guys were using looked a lot more robust than the flimsy crap Aria's trying to put on our boys.

► victory_through_firepower
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ SoldierofFortuna: More robust? That stuff went down hard. The only thing that was robust was that mech and even that fell hard.
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♦Topic: The Mayor's Niece was Kidnapped!
In: Boards ► Capes ► America ► Wards ► Brockton Bay

(Original Poster) (The Guy In The Know)
Posted on April 19, 2011:

At approximately 1:30 pm on Thursday, April 14th, the Mayor's niece was kidnapped by armed men. She was seen being shoved into a black van that immediately took off. A woman who saw the whole thing called it in immediately to police.
Thankfully the traffic cams caught the footage and gave police a fighting chance of catching the criminals. According to several eyewitness accounts the van was simply too fast and maneuverable for a vehicle its size. The police cars were able to keep up, but there was no way to get ahead of the criminals.
The accounts at this point conflict, but they agree that Aria was seen flying overhead midway through the chase. Once she joined the hunt the police were eventually able to run the van down.
Our heroine in white threw down some strange disk that caused a force field to pop up and stop the van. She disabled the wheels with glowing blue spikes while the police cordoned off the area. I was there for the rest as we were ordered to keep the public back. When the back of the van opened up and three figures in power armor stepped out we had no trouble keeping back the rubberneckers.
It was a hard battle fought, but she emerged victorious. Her armor was broken in numerous places as she approached the van only to take an energy cannon to the face of her armor.
The last mercenary used the Mayor's niece as a hostage, but one of our boys in blue shot them in the face and saved the little girl.
Aria was apparently more than a little angry and turned the armor into crushed tinfoil. The mercenary survived, but probably wished she hadn't.
If that press conference is anything to go by the Boom Goddess is a Mama Bear. A very scary Mama Bear.

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► crazyinbrockton
(Just a Guy)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Millions of children are kidnapped, murdered, and raped a year, but somehow the Mayor's niece rates a rescue. What do we have to do to get some equality here?

► XxVoid CowboyxX
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ crazyinbrockton: What are you talking about? It's cool she's rescuing little kids. Don't be stupid.

► Cryotech51 (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Did XxVoid CowboyxX just say something smart? Quick! Abandon thread!

► writing the wrongs
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

► victory_through_firepower (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Oh wow that is some sweet armor. Those glowing spikes were just flat out amazing. How did they go through the force fields like that? Maybe they somehow bypass them through sympathetic frequencies?
What? I'm a tech geek. Researching this stuff is what we do.

► Crimson Writer (Tech Guru)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
victory_through_firepower can always be counted on to stay focused. Especially when tech is involved. Are you sure you're not a Tinker? That sounds like a good analysis actually. At least the van didn't do what that Hummer at the bank did.

► victory_through_firepower (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
It got smashed to pieces before that could happen is my guess.

► crazyinbrockton (Just a Guy)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
@ XxVoid CowboyxX: Are you actually dissing me you damn freak?

► XxVoid CowboyxX
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Just saying you're an idiot. She saves kids that's cool.

► Cryotech51 (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
That wasn't a fluke...Is our boy finally growing up?
In all seriousness that was some seriously awesome sharp shooting by that police sniper.
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► Hanae

Replied on April 19, 2011:
The girl was rescued before the PRT knew she was a parahuman. She confirmed it herself at a 98.32% chance. It's in the paper.

► ToTheContrary
Replied on April 19, 2011:
That's still a 1.68% chance they knew.

► Galaxy Queen
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Okay ToTheContrary that's enough. Seriously. That's not even funny anymore.

► sagewarrior (Veteran Member)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
It was nice to see that Aria still had her original Mk I armor. Though now I'm wondering if she's already working on the Mk III. The Mk II was awesome in its first outing though.

► DicePaste (Verified PRT Agent)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
I have it on good authority that she is working on the Mk III while working on Sonata's Mk II.

► Mouse Protector (Verified Cape) (Protectorate ENE)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Hey DicePaste? You're kinda in trouble. Just a heads up!

► Aria (Verified Cape) (Your Friendly Tinker) (Boom Goddess)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
There's no problem. It's not like I've been keeping it a secret really. Safety is important you know? As for Dinah I'm glad that we were able to recover her safely. Thanks Officer Morgan for that timely shot.

► victory_through_firepower (Cape Groupie)
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Aria posted? Aria posted! She confirmed it! Woo hoo! I second that congratulations by the way Officer Morgan. You rock.

► fuel
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Hey man nice shot.

► WMGirl
Replied on April 19, 2011:
Boom for the Boom Goddess!
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"Grandpa! Mom did a headdesk!" Sonata called out.
Interlude 4.b
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Interlude 4.b Uber and Leet

-March 20, 2011-

-Da Secret Hideout-

The workshop was silent. There was nothing being built. There was no Tinkering. There was just Leet sitting in his chair and staring at the ceiling. For once his mind was clear. All petty distractions had fallen away as he relived the battle. The Chaos Marine theme had gone over very well. It was a smash hit. The best part had been the mechs fulfilling their roles and not blowing up or shorting out. What did it matter that they were smashed?

He grinned as he remembered having defeated Gallant, Glory Girl, and Despedia. That was something worth framing. The part where it was two on one against Aria called to mind generic Zaku units versus a Newtype Piloted Gundam. She was so fast that afterimages were literally left in her wake. Their simple human eyes unable to track her. The enormous construct she brought out to finish them off had even cried out in a voice that would have made da Orkz proud.

"You're thinking about that again." Uber observed as he walked into the shop. Leet looked at his longtime friend and partner sheepishly. "Relax man. It's fine. That was a sweet fight. Our viewership increased over that." He set down a bottle of Mt. Dew for Leet. "The thing is we haven't planned anything since that day. The natives are growing restless." Leet nodded slowly. Something was forming in his mind's eye. An idea was stirring in his brain with a flash of a bright spark. He sat up all at once.

"Uber...get in touch with Clint at the junkyard. I think I can make "that" work." Leet demanded at once.

"Wait...that...? You mean "that" that? Leet...it wouldn't work the last time. It was an enormous money sink that set us back months. Clint only kept it because he thinks it makes an interesting show piece." Uber was trying to appeal to his common sense, but the spark was demanding.

"It will work this time. I know that it will. This spark of inspiration has been germinating in my brain. Please, Uber. Let's finish it." Leet said. "I don't ask for much. Just let me finish the Dragonzord."

"Fine...I'll talk to Clint." Uber gave up. When Leet was like this there was no stopping him, but something told him that it was time to believe again. To believe in the roar of a mighty dragon that had filled their childhood with awesome.

-April 1, 2011-

-Under the Junkyard-

The space beneath the junkyard was enormous. It wasn't designed as a hangar, but here it was being used for that purpose. The origin of the base could be traced back to the days of Marquis. He had numerous hidden locations and the old caretaker Clint knew how to get into this one. Uber and Leet had at over a year ago started a massive undertaking. Leet had wanted to help with the Endbringers. He and Uber didn't have the power themselves, but a giant mech could provide that aid.

They had both worked hard on this labor of love. The construction equipment had to be bought. The materials had to be found or purchased. There was so much that needed doing before they could even start, but they persevered. The glorious day had arrived and construction started. They worked on it day and night. They were constantly kept busy by satisfying their fans, earning the money needed to live, and keeping up their demanding work schedule.

The Dragonzord was completed several months later. The day of ignition was at hand. They activated the mighty machine and...

It didn't turn on.

Leet tore through the systems to find where it had gone wrong, but his power refused to tell him what had happened. It should have worked. It should have worked! Uber finally had to tear him away from the giant failure. They closed the hangar down and went home dejected. The Dragonzord had been a catastrophic failure. It didn't even have the decency to short out or fail like his other inventions.

It was now the present day and Leet was certain that he could fix this problem. He would find the issue and correct it because he could see this project in his mind's eye. He could see the Dragonzord move. He could see the Dragonzord fight. He stared at the titanic mech and let his heart fill with determination. He soaked in the well loved features. Even Uber was gazing up at it and he nodded.

"I believe in you." He said to Leet. The Tinker nodded back. He immediately got to work.

-April 10, 2011-

It had taken two days to find and correct the issues. His power was kicking out solutions like it was handing out party favors. The problems that he couldn't see before had become laughably obvious. He could feel the very will of the machine calling to him. Summoned up from the depths of the ocean this mighty beast was urging him onward.

Today was the day for the activation test. Their hopes and dreams were once more on the line. Leet sat in the cockpit and exhaled slowly. Uber was standing below with the activation test clipboard. The Machine God's Will was strong as he sat in commune with the mighty creation. He gripped the control yokes and hit the ignition. Immediately he felt a resonance from deep inside and the machine came alive! The eyes lit up and a terrifying roar filled the hangar. The external speakers picked up Uber's wild cry as he did the Green Ranger stance.

"Dragonzord! Arise!" The Dragon Flute melody blared as the legendary zord leaned back and roared in triumph.

-April 20, 2011-

The Dragonzord was displeased. This city was in danger. Threats hounded it from all sides and dared involve the innocent. Innocent blood was being spilled in this place. The cries of terror were heard as the local networks came to life. It's creator and comrade had heard the call. Even now they were coming to join the battle.

"Super Lung vs Mecha Armsmaster Round 2 happening right now? What the hell?" It's creator was angered. Dragonzord could respect such fury.

"Calm down. This is what we've been preparing for after all. Lung isn't an Endbringer, but he is still a major threat. We'll go out there and do our thing.." His boon companion spoke reasonably. "Which is why we're going out."

"Right. We can't let Lung do as he pleases. There are innocent people out there." Dragonzord roared with pleasure at that statement. The two stopped and stared at it. "It understands...no...HE understands us..." Now designated as male, His Creator spoke in wonder.

"That is seriously awesome...I'm Uber. Nice to meet you." He introduced himself. Designation Uber was added.

"I'm Leet. We're going to do battle with a wannabe dragon. Want to show him how wrong he is?" His Creator spoke and Dragonzord roared in anticipation. He lowered his hand so that they could step on and lifted them to the cockpit location in the throat. They traveled into the cockpit proper and were seated.

"Open the submarine doors!" Uber called and the doors of the hangar opened allowing water to fill the dive chamber. The two boys that had dared to dream again made their journey through the watery depths within the vessel of their hopes. Arise Dragonzord! Arise!
Fourth Arc 4.3
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fourth Arc 4.3

-April 20, 2011-

-PRT HQ: Aria's lab-

Lung was being prepared for transfer later today. The Wards couldn't get away from school without it being suspicious, but here I was in my lab. Sonata was keeping herself busy by working on the upgrades she had in mind for her Cutey ELMA. Her massive rifle was currently ready for approved action. It had a nonlethal setting.

Something that big has a nonlethal setting. I was pretty sure the universe was laughing.

I stripped off what worked from the ELMA Linkage Mk II to place on the Mk I. This wasn't the Mk III which was still in testing, but it was more than adequate. I added extra amplifiers that bulked up the appearance somewhat, but that was fine. My photon dart launchers were built up and given a laser blade function. It wasn't pretty, but it would work.

Sonata's Cutey ELMA was upgraded with stronger force fields. She didn't want to make the little guy too bulky. Considering that her maneuverability is what saved her I could agree with that. There was something that I had to talk to her about. I had the data log from her armor and it displayed several programming wonders.

"Hey Sonata? Come here a second." I called up the data on my terminal. Sonata came over curiously.

"What's up, Mom?" She asked. I gestured at the data log. She stared up at me adorably with her melody telling me that she was dreading my reaction. I ruffled her hair.

"Relax honey. I just wanted to ask how you used 2Fast4U. The use of Song magic even by proxy..." I shook my head in wonderment. Oh I could see how the programming would work, but how did she even know to do that?

"I asked Grandma." She replied. It took me a moment to parse that and my eyes widened in realization. Oh, Mir helped her with that? That made sense. "She warned me that since I'm not designed to handle it my power supply would drain rapidly."

"Bring your Cutey ELMA over please." I told her and she whistled. There was a bumping skittering clamor as the black puppy bot bounded over. The only thing missing was the happily wagging tail. I scooped the over excited machine up and placed it down in front of me.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked. I smiled reassuringly.

"Relax. He'll be fine." I clicked his concealed off switch. It took a few minutes, but I added a micro reactor that was then connected to the symphonic unit Sonata designed. The symphonic unit was capable of loading different Song Magics and had been tied directly to her main power feed. It lacked a harmograph to increase the power of songs. I had a few ideas for that that I started to work on. Sonata turned Cutey ELMA back on and went off to play. We were both taking our minds off of what was happening today. I looked at my own harmograph coding and attempted to extrapolate something. Sonata's symphonic unit was a scary piece of hardware really. I bit my lip. The interface layer that was installed in myself and Cocona was reproduced in a vastly limited form.

For one if she used Thrash Beat it would burst into a plasma beam immediately. 2Fast4U worked just fine because it was all internal. She has no ability to affect Shards so the healing ability is out. The idea of making a harmograph was just so tempting. There before me was the harmograph coding. I squinted as my mind picked apart the problem. She would need a way to collect harmonic waves. Wait she has her wi-fi connector and she is connected to my network.

I slaved the harmograph coding to my mini-Tower and it started coming together. She would be able to use her own wi-fi connection to draw harmonics. It would also allow the gathering of her own emotional energy. Sonata had come back over and was looking over my shoulder. I heard her melody skip a beat at what she was seeing.

"Mom...? Is that what I think it is?" She gazed at me in amazement. I nodded slowly. Her Cutey ELMA Mk II was going to be nearly the size of my ELMA Linkage. It was still modular connection, but the size of the amplifier/symphonic/harmograph was going to be fairly robust. Reyvateils have a much smaller one. I set the fabricator to get to work.

"Whew..." I rubbed my forehead even as my daughter handed me the painkillers. I wasn't getting them as badly with the size of the network easing the strain, but this just played merry havoc with me. "It should take a few hours to make the parts, and they'll have to be assembled, but that should do it." The energy requirements for this thing were a beast. I was going to have to use another miniaturized Sol Reactor Mk II.

"This thing is gonna be kinda huge, huh?" She was a true Mistress of the Understatement. "Why don't you see if Armsmaster will shrink it down for you?" She asked.

"What would the response be if people found out that my "parahuman power" could be replicated?" I asked. The grimace of chagrin told me all that I needed to know. "We're tiptoeing around that by saying this is pure Tinker bullshit. I suspect Dragon knows, but she's being very close lipped one way or the other." I pet her hair soothingly. Armsmaster could have shrunk down the unit considerably, but explaining what exactly it did would be problematic.

The results of studying the power armor had come back. It was very similar, if not an outright reproduction, of my MP armors. Everyone was being vetted again. Absolutely everyone. Director Costa-Brown was so furious that she threatened to come down here herself and oversee the investigation.

"Mom? What are they actually going to do? Armsmaster is as likely to tell on you as he is to part with his halberd or MotoArmor." She hugged me suddenly. I was doing it again. I sent off a message through my chat channel to Lisa and the response came back immediately to tell him. Emma said tell him. Cocona said tell him. Mir said tell him.

Wait. Mir? I sent out a query and she came back immediately to reassure me that she was there. How adorable that she's deliberately missing the point. My chat room has grown again apparently. My brain was still human, sorta, but my ability to multitask was just continuing to grow. I needed to talk to Shurelia.

"Hi Taylor." Shurelia said. I blinked and let Sonata lead me over to my work desk.

"Hi? I guessed on Mir being here, but you too?" I asked mentally.

"Actually you sent me a chat request. I must say you are a font of interesting ideas. Oh this chatroom was a side effect? Very interesting. You might want to reinforce your partition. Your private thoughts are bleeding over still." Shurelia informed me. I bent a chunk of my processing to shoring up my defenses.

"It's okay to trust Dragon and Armsmaster. You will have to talk to them anyway. Not today though. They need to focus." Mir told me. I looked at Sonata who was utterly unsurprised.

"I talk to Grandma and Aunt Shurelia all the time, Mom." She told me aloud.

"That would have been nice to know, sweetheart." I informed her gently. She just shrugged and wandered over to the terminal.

"Thanks for making me a Grandmother." Mir sounded amused.

"I'm an Aunt. How did that happen?" Shurelia just sounded mystified.

"So if you're in my chatroom then you've seen my harmograph device. Is it viable? The theory is sound, but..." I trailed off. I was unsure what to say really.

"Oh it will work just fine." Shurelia assured me. That made me feel better. We sat and talked about little things with Sonata chiming in. It was a great way to spend the time. Which is why the alarm sounded. I hurried over to the terminal and there was the convoy taking Lung out of town. Armsmaster, Velocity, Assault, Battery, and several PRT agents armed with MP armors was acting as escort. I tapped into the traffic cameras to get a clearer view of what was going on and clicked my teeth in annoyance.

Several bombs had taken out the road. The effects ranged from glass, to acid puddles, to fields of slow motion as evidenced by debris and shrapnel moving at a crawl. Sonata took my hand. It sucked, but I trusted them. They were the Protectorate. That didn't mean I couldn't watch the action unfold.

"Oh good. I was half worried you were going to go running off." Mouse Protector said as she walked into my lab without preamble. It was finally explained to me that she was transferred here because I was a high value Tinker. It's also why they generally grant my requests. Within reason. I waved her over.

"I don't have Lung Buster Armor, but Armsmaster does." I explained.

"A heroine with common sense? Gasp!" She joked. There was some tension around her eyes. The fear of Lung was still strong. I wasn't exactly feeling flippant, but I flashed her a grateful smile. Sonata squeaked and pointed at the screen as the PRT truck exploded violently.

"What the hell?" Mouse Protector gawked. "Did they blow him up?" Even as she asked there were signs of movement. Lung was free and growing rapidly. Far too rapidly. Oni Lee appeared in the frame and a massive explosion ripped through the area sending armored troops scattering. Velocity and Battery were nowhere to be seen, but must be trying to catch the real him. The camera angles were bad. I activated a blue ELMA that was fitted with surveillance equipment and sent it out through the door.

"My ELMA will get there soon enough and we'll have a better view of the action." It didn't have to go along the road and had arrived moments after the traffic cams were blown sky high. Lung had reached 30 ft, his wings were out, and his head was fully draconic. Armsmaster in his MotoArmor was sent flying back by an obscenely fast claw swipe. He skidded along the ground before a quick flip brought him into a three point stance.

He held up the massive gauntlets of the over armor and a pair of translucent blades emerged just before he used the thrusters to hurl himself at Lung. Lung stood his ground before taking another swing with both claws only for those strange blades to take both arms off in a spray of blood. Armsmaster didn't hesitate as he used the blades to hack off his legs and slash them through Lung's chest crosswise.

"Ewww..." Sonata turned a little green as things that should remain in the body were spilling and boiling out onto the street.

"That's...kinda cool actually." Mouse Protector admitted. I nodded in helpless agreement. Lung was already regrowing his limbs at an insane rate. His segmented mouth split open into four jaws before spewing his flames all over Armsmaster. The armored hero responded by using one of those insanely sharp blades to sheer off Lung's head. He brought the other blade down and struck him in twain to the waist.

"Whoo! Go Armsmaster!" I suddenly cheered. Okay so I was bouncing up and down like an excited kid. So sue me! Suddenly more bombs went off. They succeeded in blowing Armsmaster off his feet. There was a woman standing nearby and directing several frightened looking people to attack the PRT. The people rushed the armored troopers, but they were quickly subdued. The woman clicked a device and the people exploded! The troopers were thrown back and weren't moving.

"What the fuck?" Mouse Protector said. I was already tapping into ELMA's full sensor suite. That bitch was not going to get away with that. My ELMA picked up a signal coming from somewhere around the vicinity of her feet. I hacked her wireless connection and cut her off from the rest of her bombs while turning off the bombs she already had implanted in people.

"Ooh...mom's in a rage...Uhhh...don't blow her up with her own bombs, okay?" Sonata warned me. I had to stop myself from doing just that and just smiled reassuringly at her. She was distinctly not reassured.

Armsmaster was back on his feet, but Lung was now even larger than before. The ramping had finally started to slow down, but why he suddenly went from zero to Godzilla was a mystery. Super Rage Lung vs Mecha Armsmaster Round Two was shaping up into a terrifying grudge match. Armsmaster actually tried to withdraw, but Lung moved to block his escape. Things were looking bleak.

"Everyone withdraw!" Armsmaster called over the comms.

"What about you?" Velocity sounded hesitant.

"I'll cover for you." Armsmaster replied before charging into the teeth of the massive dragon. His 15 ft mech was facing a 50 ft dragon. I just watched. There was nothing else that could be done. As Lung moved to chomp down on the hero a barrage of hypervelocity rockets streaked in and blew the dragon's jaws clear from his face. I quickly had ELMA pan to catch where the rockets came from. The sight that greeted us was startling. The music that suddenly blared from out of nowhere was as familiar and iconic as the figure making its appearance.

Dragonzord. It was the Dragonzord. My jaw dropped at the sight. It was 30 ft tall. Not long. Tall. Lung was mostly neck and tail. There was the sound of the Dragon Flute playing and the Dragonzord spun its tail into Lung's torso. The powerful drill burst right through the rage dragon's body. The zord then pointed both hands at its opponent at point blank and sent a stream of missiles into Lung's torso and face.

Lung retaliated by knocking the dragon shaped mech back, but the blows lacked power due to still trying to regenerate muscles. Armsmaster was apparently biding his time as he flew in from behind and slashed his way down Lung's spine. The Dragonzord slammed Lung in the face with hefty blows.

"This is unbelievably epic..." Someone said. It took me a moment to realize that was me.

The mighty Dragon of Kyushu unleashed his powerful flames and blew back the Dragonzord. It landed on its side in a smoking heap. Lung whipped his tail around so fast a miniature sonic boom echoed and nailed Armsmaster hard enough that he flew through the first floor of a building. The dragon spread his wings and let out a bellowing cry as seething flames dripping from his body. He started walking towards the rest of the Protectorate who had been busy evacuating civilians.

The Dragonzord, however, had risen to its feet once more and let out a shriek of mechanical fury. The dragon whipped its head around to stare in surprise. I was surprised too. The Dragonzord had some scoring on its chest portion, but was otherwise unharmed. It charged Lung once more who prepared to receive his foe only for the back of his skull to suddenly be sheared away. Armsmaster wasn't down yet. The rage dragon stumbled right into a powerful right from the Dragonzord that snapped his head back.

Lung had stopped growing and was starting to look worn down. He tried to get away on the ground only for the Dragonzord to knock him down. He tried to fly away and Armsmaster hacked off his wings. He finally tried to dig through the street, but Dragonzord hurled him up in the air for Armsmaster to then shred the base of his spine. Lung hit the ground and did not rise again. He began to shrink rapidly as whatever was helping him grow to super size apparently wore off. The report came back that Lung was alive.

Dragonzord let out a cry of victory before stamping back the way it came and entered the bay. No one tried to stop it. Armsmaster stood proud and defiant. His MotoArmor smoldering and damaged. The entire surface was pockmarked with battle damage and blackened bits. I took a photo with ELMA for posterity.

"He's never gonna let anyone forget this. You know that, right?" Mouse Protector asked.

"He went toe to toe, again, with Lung on super steroids alongside the Dragonzord. Would you want anyone to forget that?" Sonata asked in disbelief.

"She's got a point. Whoever built that zord did amazing work." That was no joke at all. The kind of construction that would take was impressive.

Bakuda, the bomb Tinker, had been apprehended by Battery while Oni Lee had been brought down by Velocity and Assault. They found a syringe that Oni Lee had. Preliminary tests conducted by Armsmaster's field toxicology equipment said that it was a type of enhanced adrenaline. Lung is bad enough without help. Once a new transport arrived they would have three to go instead of one.

The Dragonzord had left the battlefield. The question was where did that thing come from and who would equip it with a stealth system?

-Hebert Residence-

We were all gathered in the living room as the news played the footage my ELMA caught of the event. It was a calculated PR decision to show a decisive victory for the PRT. Miss Militia was on TV thanking whoever brought the Dragonzord. We suspected it was Uber and Leet, but it didn't show up on their YouTube channel.

"Dragonzord!? That is so awesome!" Emma cried out with glee. I couldn't blame her. We both remembered Tommy Oliver, the Green Ranger, and thought that Kimberly was a lucky girl. Then when he met Cat, the new Pink Ranger, we agreed that he was a lucky guy.

"That thing is so cool..." Cocona agreed. "But Armsmaster was really something, huh? Knocked down, but not out." She said with a grin. "Dragon is a lucky girl. He's a lucky guy to have her." It was pretty obvious to anyone with eyes that they were interested in each other. The fun was watching things develop.

"Aside from the blood clean up and bomb damage there was no loss of life." Dad commented. "Though it's going to be weird with the leaders of the ABB being captured." The power vacuum that would develop is going to be difficult. The Merchants were stronger now, but the E88 was in turmoil over something. The Undersiders were actively keeping the Merchants out of their territory as well. It was all going to boil over soon.

"Were the agents okay?" Emma asked in concern.

"The armor did its job. The worst injuries had them seen by a doctor and sent home. There was loss of life though..." I leaned into Dad's side. Sonata found her way into my lap again and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Yeah, but it would have been a lot worse if you hadn't disabled her bombs." Cocona pointed out. The psycho bitch had not only put bombs in the people she sacrificed, but in their families as well.

"If she doesn't get the Birdcage then there's something wrong with the system." Dad said.

"Dragon herself sent a drop ship to take them." I sighed. "The paperwork for the drop ship request was found. The official explanation is that it was misfiled. The one responsible is being fired." The irritating part is that it was easily a real bureaucratic snafu. With everything else that's been going wrong though? It was looking more and more like enemy action.

"At least that's been taken care of right?" Dad asked. We nodded. It was a relief to have something go right lately. Lung, Bakuda, and Oni Lee were off the streets.

"Okay girls it's time for bed." He said. There were some halfhearted grumbles, mine weren't so halfhearted, but he was as stone. We got ready for bed. Dad needed his beauty sleep for work tomorrow. The Dockworker's Association was asked by the city to clean up the Ship's Graveyard. Apparently when Dragonzord went back to the sea it knocked the whole place down.

I snuggled into bed with Sonata in my arms. IndolentMinx had it right when she called my girl a cuddlebug. She cuddled up to me and was soon fast asleep. Well, her body was, but her mind was still awake. I tuned into the chatroom and let my body relax. Some of the names that were there surprised me.

People Here: Lisa, Emma, Cocona, Sonata, Shurelia, Mir, Frelia, Tyria, and Taylor

"Taylor!" The cry came from several people. The only one who hadn't practically cheered my name was Tyria, but she still felt happy to see me.

"This is really neat. You're network is fairly large. How did that happen?" Frelia asked. Her bubbly tones were always good to hear. I felt a bit bad that I didn't talk to her more. "Don't worry about it. Life can be a bigger distraction than you think." I let my gratitude flow.

"Well Dragon has used my OS for her entire network and given me nearly free reign. Then we have the PRT switching their OS. Brockton Bay is attached to the network now." I replied. "The connection I'm forming through other parahuman Shards is helping as well." The same Ping that let them communicate with each other during Triggering was now acting as a relay. Not as good as Emma or Lisa individually, but when there are so many the numbers add up.

"You sound happier." Tyria observed. "When Mir found you we were all worried about you. Your mental voice sounded so weak like your heart was breaking."

"I am glad that I found her. No one should be locked in the dark." Mir said affectionately. "Look at her now." If I was awake I'd probably be blushing.

"Mom's doing a lot better now. She's got me!" Sonata piped up. There was feeling of fond amusement over the Harmony.

"Not just you, squirt." Cocona teased. "There's us too."

"It's good to see you smiling again." Emma said. Her melody was still apologetic, but time had diluted the negative feelings.

"You saved me. Whether you realize it or not." Lisa said. "That day on the Boardwalk changed everything." I wasn't sure what to say. The outpouring of affection was still something that I was getting used to.

"Okay girls I think she needs a bit of space." Shurelia said and the mood lightened.

"Oh! Frelia? I have something for you." I told the green haired Origin before sending her a data file for Linkage armor.

"Oh Taylor thank you! I've always wanted one of my own." She was definitely happier. "Oooh...you put weapons on it..." That sparked some interest. Mir was amused as the Tower Administrators started cooing over and comparing their Linkage armors. Apparently adding weapons was a hit.

"Well I think we just lost them for awhile." Mir commented. "How about we look over your notes on the portable Tower." I was confused.

"What portable Tower?" I asked.

"You really don't...Taylor? How far have you gone through the notes?" She asked.

"I'm maybe 60% of the way. It's slow going at times since I have to compare Ar Cielan technology and Earth Bet technology for reference." I responded.

"So 60% converted the notes into something usable. Okay, that's very good, but not actually what I asked. Have you read through the notes all the way?" Mir asked again. I answered in the negative. "A Tower is many things. Relay station, broadcast tower, data storage, but it's also the place where Beta Reyvateils are directly linked into. What you built, however, was something else that a Tower is used for which is a booster. You created a portable Tower."

"So, by accident, Taylor built something really important towards her goals." Lisa sounded amused. "She did it without even realizing that..." Her voice trailed off into hysterical laughter.

"All Hail Taylor! Boom Goddess and Queen of Obliviousness!" Emma cheers. I had the strongest urge to wring their necks.

"She still has no idea that Kid Win is trying to ask her out." Sonata informs Mir. My second mother groans and facepalms. That jerks me up short.


"Oopsie..." Sonata sounds anything but apologetic. Kid Win...? Chris?

"You broke her, kid." Emma said. Lisa, who had been calming down, bursts into another peal of laughter.
Fourth 4.4
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fourth Arc 4.4

-April 23, 2011-

With the way the past couple of days went I was looking forward to staying in bed. That's right. Saturday in bed. No one was getting me out for anything short of an Endbringer siren. I had my arms full of cuddlebug as Sonata snuggled closer. She was in full agreement if the faint purr was anything to go by which made me purr. We're not cats, but a sub vocal vibration was possible. It only sounded like purring. Who was I kidding? We were purring. Though now I'm wondering what Sonata would look like with animatronic cat ears.

"Mmm...only if you wear 'em too..." She said sleepily.

"Sorry sweetie. Didn't mean to wake you." I said softly. She responded by burying her face in my chest.

"So fluffy..." She purred happily. I just stroked her hair with an amused smile. How do you answer that? I was feeling whimsical. The thought of something cute and fluffy was an interesting idea. I just didn't want to get caught up in work.

"Taylor? You better get up. Breakfast is on the table." Emma said from the doorway. I groaned softly. "If you don't then Cocona just might eat it all."

"I wouldn't do that. You're the one that's always eating for those tracts of land on your chest." Cocona replied teasingly. Sonata was giggling and definitely not asleep anymore. I kissed her on the head and rolled out of bed.

"Fine. I get it. I'm not allowed to sleep in." I was not pouting even if my friends were laughing at me.

"Besides don't you have that PR thing at the hospital?" Sonata reminded me. I wasn't going in to the PRT building today. That was reserved for a meet and greet with some of New Wave at the hospital. We were also going to see how Director Piggot was doing after her surgery.

Emma, Cocona, and Sonata were staying home today. Mouse Protector was going to be at the hospital with me along with Glory Girl and Panacea. I wanted my baby with me, but that way lie madness. I would not be a helicopter mom.

I didn't need helicopters when I had long range sensors anyway.

The bus took me towards Midtown towards the hospital where Director Piggot was recovering. I got off two stops away before heading off through a back alley. There were no melodies in range so I used the clothing change program to get into uniform. I then sent the signal to call something I prepared for today. There was no way to wear my full armor without looking somewhat intimidating. The sound of an excited melody heralded the arrival of a smaller white ELMA closer in size to Sonata's original Cutey ELMA.

"Come on. We don't want to be late, right?" I asked the enthusiastic little bot and hopped on his back. His legs tucked up and a grav field held my feet in place as we got some height. Okay, I could definitely see the appeal of this. The power armor made flying awesome, but this was exhilarating. It was like extreme skateboarding through the air as I made my way to the hospital.

"Aria! Hey there!" Glory Girl called out as she joined me. "Another ELMA? You really like those things." She teased as we headed towards the ground.

"They're useful. Okay and the ELMA ES is fun to ride." The ES stands for Emergency System. "Is that your mom and dad?" I asked.

The pair of Brandish and Flashbang were a distinctive icon. Brandish, or Carol Dallon, wore a white costume with orange trim with crossed blades on her chest. She could make hard light weapons and shields as well as turn herself into an invulnerable sphere of light. Flashbang wore a padded white uniform with a helmet marked with a grenade. His ability was to create bouncing spheres of light that he could make in varying sizes that ranged from nonlethal concussive force to potentially lethal.

Panacea was standing a short distance from them. That struck me as a little odd. I was close enough to get a feel for their melodies and found myself wishing Emma was there. She could have made Amy feel better as her melody was nervous. Longing. Her melody was stretching towards her family and was being embraced by everyone, but not Brandish. Not fully. There was a feeling of longing from Brandish too, but also loathing. Directed inward? No, it was aimed at something far away. Unfortunately it seemed that loathing was poisoning her melody. Flashbang's melody was a bit distorted. Love for family, protective, apathy. Apathy? Mental condition.

I couldn't just assume that everything was the Shard's drive for conflict and/or idiocy in understanding human psychology. When the Shards asked for a data packet I sent it over eagerly. Just because it probably wasn't Shard bullshit they probably weren't helping things either.

"You must be Aria." Brandish greeted me as my side thought processes handled the influx of data.

"It's good to meet you." I returned. She shook my hand and I marveled at how firm that grasp was. Handshakes were exchanged with Flashbang as well. I gave Amy and Vicky hugs. Surge of disapproval from Brandish. Well too bad I'm not going to stop hugging my friends.

"Shall we start with the Director first?" Brandish suggested. Oh that was the problem. She's very goal oriented and extended greetings don't exactly move things along.

"She wants me to check her over and make sure the implants are working properly." Amy informed me. That was huge. The fact that she was willing to trust Tinker tech inside of her and Panacea to check her health was a big deal.

"Couldn't that medical scanner do the same thing?" Brandish asked. I nodded.

"It could, but this has the added benefit of showing Director Piggot's trust." I replied with. Oooh there was surge of approval there.

"Your dad must be proud to have such a smart cookie." Flashbang said with a smile. His melody wasn't as twisted around as Shard activity evened out, but it was still there. Preexisting condition exacerbated by conflict drive.

"Kid Win definitely notices." Glory Girl teased. I had to talk to Kid Win and get the truth out of him. I just hadn't found the time. Between this and that other thing... Alright. I was stalling. So sue me.

"You can ignore her. I usually do." Panacea said to me in a commiserating tone that failed to hide the giggle in her voice. I playfully pushed her. Flashbang was enjoying our byplay. Brandish was as well. The loathing in her melody was still there, but less directed at Panacea. Years of habit would be hard to break, but at least the Shard would be helping instead of halping. We were outside of Director Piggot's room where her doctor met us.

"Glad that you could make it." His eyes trailed to the ELMA at my feet, "Is it safe?" I didn't blame him for asking.

"He's fine. He doesn't have any weapons whatsoever." I assured him. ELMA ES didn't need weapons when he had a vastly overpowered amplification system. It wasn't designed for long term combat. I looked around. "Where is Mouse Protector?"

"She's inside with the Director." Brandish said as she ushered us inside. The Director was sitting up and looking much better. She wasn't as large as before. Mouse Protector was leaning close and the two were discussing something in low tones. MP noticed us and straightened up.

"There you are. We thought you got lost." She greeted us teasingly. Her melody was tired despite her perky act.

"Good to see you." Wow the director sounded better. Her melody was evening out and there was a great deal less worry on her face. "Where is Sonata?"

"We thought it would be best if you weren't overstimulated." The doctor replied. She fixed him with a look that made hardened PRT agents wet themselves. He visibly recoiled.

"Uhm...do I have your permission to check you over?" Panacea asked. Director Piggot's expression was significantly kinder when she gave her permission. There was collective hush as we waited for the verdict. She looked around after several minutes before saying, "Everything is working just fine. I could barely detect the implants."

"That's wonderful." The doctor said. "Ah...perhaps I should go tell the other doctors? The director of the hospital will want to know as well." He excused himself hurriedly. Smart guy.

"Hey are you missing our new mascot already?" Mouse Protector said to the director.

"I wasn't exactly at my best the last time she saw me. Besides she saved my life." That's my girl. Softening even the hardest of hearts. Then again she wasn't really all that hard to begin with. Jaded fits better. "Now what was that in downtown? I had to rely on the news to find out." Oh that would explain some of her irritation.

"Super Lung vs Mecha Armsmaster Round 2 in downtown with a tag in by Dragonzord." I replied. The others in the room looked at me. "What? Dragonzord is cool."

"I had to look that up, but you knew it already. How?" Glory Girl complained. I blushed.

"We uh...get this Earth Aleph channel called Jetix...it airs the old Power Rangers episodes..." Don't judge me!

"Huh...good to know." Glory Girl replied.

"How closely do the abilities of the BB Dragonzord..." Piggot's face scrunched up in annoyance at the media label, "...and the Power Rangers Dragonzord match?"

"Perfectly. Rockets, drill tail, and sheer power. If it wasn't so much smaller I would have said someone summoned it from somewhere." I shrugged.

"Told ya, Chief. That was the same thing our Thinkers said." MP said. Piggot gave the heroine a look.

"I have a hard time taking you seriously." Was the reply.

"It's good to see you in one piece, Emily." Brandish said. "I was surprised that you wanted to have Tinker tech stuck inside of you."

"Hmph. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was nothing against Panacea, but after Nillbog..." She trailed off meaningfully. "I know where the organs came from and they're able to be reproduced with normal science."

"You look a lot better." Flashbang said with a smile. "Any idea when you'll be back to work?"

"It won't be for a couple weeks. Sometime in May definitely." The director informed us. That was good to know actually. I was standing by the window and just enjoying the play of melodies. All at once my system sent a warning. Spatial disturbance?

By the time the warning came I was on a rooftop and stumbling from sudden vertigo. Disjointed melodies surrounded me and I reacted by diving to the side away from the closet one. I swept the rooftop with my eyes. There was a dark skinned man in a top hat, a woman in a bodysuit with suns all over it, and a large man staring at me. A fourth melody was there as well that resembled the lovechild of a gorilla and a scorpion. I recognized Trickster. His ability was to switch two objects and I guess he used that on me. I had no idea what I had been switched with either. Hopefully nothing dangerous. The creature snatched at me with a huge hand and held me immobile with my arms pinned to my sides.

"What are you doing?" I spat angrily. Judging by their melodies the only one actually enthusiastic about this plan was Trickster. I was already calling for my ELMA ES, but the time to arrival said that we had traveled far. The telescope on the rooftop told me how I was spotted at such a distance.

"We need your help with something. Two of us are not in the best of shape and you're the Tinker able to perform medical miracles." The top hat wearing cape said without a trace of worry.

"You could have just asked. I actually would have helped you without all this." Stall for time. I just needed some time for the ELMA to arrive. Keep him talking. His friends were looking even more unhappy.

"Yeah right. Who helps a villain? You haven't even taken a healer's oath I bet. It's very simple. You're going to come with us and do as we say. Once you've done that you can go home. No problem." He said with a smile. My brain came to a screeching halt. He actually believed that. This asshole actually believed that this would go away.

"Go to hell. I'm not going anywhere with you." The melody of my ELMA arriving was a short lived relief as a sun destroyed the machine in one blast. Trickster walked towards me with a regretful look.

"If that's how you feel...take a nap." He jammed a syringe into my neck. Whatever was in that stuff took effect immediately. I tried to fight it off, but my eyes were already closing. Before another thought had passed darkness claimed me.

-At the Hospital-

Pandemonium was the word of the day as Aria abruptly vanished and a bomb roughly the size of a human appeared. The word had been spread to start evacuating the hospital. There was a countdown timer ticking off the minutes. They had fifteen minutes to get all of the patients out and that was only adding to the panic. Glory Girl moved to touch it, but the note explicitly stating that anyone who touched it would set it off, caused her to back down.

Mouse Protector was already on the comm to base and cursing bitterly that she hadn't tagged Aria while she was in the room. Panacea was rushed outside to safety. The hospital had protocols in place for evacuation due to parahuman threat, but barely a quarter of the hospital had been evacuated before the timer ran out. Nothing happened. There had never been a bomb and the kidnappers now had a commanding head start.

-With Sonata-

Armsmaster had arrived and concluded that there were no moving parts. It was filled with water to give it the weight and affixed with a timer. This was the scene that Despedia, Granspear, and I arrived in time to see. By this point my mother had been missing for nearly an hour. She was unconscious as her melody had dropped off the radar. She wasn't dead, but there was nothing to indicate where she was. We couldn't even raise her on the chat channel. Her ELMA ES had sent the data to us of who had done this.

"The Travelers? Why would they grab Aria?" Mouse Protector was mystified, but also angry. Very angry.

"Who cares why they did?" Despedia demanded angrily, "Whatever the reason I will rip them to bleeding shreds!" She yelled with her eyes glowing red like hot coals. The emergency personnel were moving away from her. I hugged her to try and get her to calm down, but she was like a coiled spring. She didn't even seem to acknowledge my presence. Granspear pulled me back.

"Don't kid. She's not thinking straight." She warned. I was told that Aunt Emma wasn't completely stable, but this was my first sight of that. Despedia was hanging on by a thread and I had no doubt that as soon as my mom was awake she would head right to her. My Cutey ELMA Mk II was ready for a fight. "Despedia? When you go for Aria take me with you." Granspear said.

"You may come if you do not get in my way." Despedia replied. I shrank back. This was not good. Her melody had kicked over to something threatening. Dangerous. Her hair was bleaching to white as was her costume. The black parts were turning even blacker.

"What's going on with her?" Glory Girl asked in concern.

"Her Trigger was bad. The only one of us that can keep her calm is Aria." Granspear replied. There was one other, but we weren't about to out her. Lisa was freaking out as well. She wanted to be here. I sent waves of reassurance, but it was like trying to contain a wildfire.

"We'll start searching for her immediately once we have a clue. Who else is capable of teleportation?" Armsmaster asked.

"Wait. You say that Aria disappeared and the fake bomb showed up? That sounds like Trickster." Assault said. At some point while trying to keep Despedia from sharpening her nails Assault and Battery arrived.

"Why would Trickster do something like this?" Battery asked.

"Whoever they're working for probably wants her for something. Weren't they in Boston though?" Assault replied.

"Catch him before I do for he will BURN." Despedia said in her melodic voice.

"No burning the villains. You're on probation." Assault joked. She stared back at him with an absolutely blank expression. He shivered. "Wow...okay...uh why don't you make sure that Aria is safe? More important right?"

"You speak the truth." She calms slightly from Murder Everything to simply homicidal. Hey that's an improvement! There wasn't much that we could do until mom woke up. Once she did though?

I am the Daughter of the Boom Goddess.
Fourth Arc 4.5
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Fourth Arc 4.5

April 23, 2011

-Location Unknown: Warehouse-

This was not what I wanted to do today. Going to the hospital to see the director was nice. Meeting more of New Wave was nice. Seeing Mouse Protector again was nice. All of these things were nice. I was looking forward to the visit before seeing if Glory Girl and Panacea wanted to hang out at my house. That was I planned for my Saturday. Getting kidnapped by the Travelers was not on my list of things to do so the first thing I did upon waking was take a good look around. The room was spacious that's for sure with old boxes and crates scattered about. There were cracked and broken windows along the upper levels of the building. There was a smell of mildew and of other things that made my nose twitch. Beautiful. I was in one of the many abandoned warehouses in Brockton Bay. That would narrow the search down a lot, but Despedia could track me. They had leg irons placed on me with enough slack to walk, but not to run. Given the weight of the chains I wouldn't be performing back flips anytime soon. My introspection was cut short by the approach of voices. One I recognized as Trickster while the other was unfamiliar to me. The unfamiliar voice was apparently furious. Good to know that I wasn't the only one having a bad day.

"You moron. I specifically told you not to go after her. The body for your precious Echidna is at my base and ready. The legs for your companion are ready. Couldn't you have waited a few more days before doing something so foolish?" The voice was angry, but controlled. I couldn't see them, but my hearing was good enough to pick out nuances.

"How was I supposed to know that? I don't exactly trust Thinkers too much considering it was Accord that sent Echidna to you in the first place. He didn't exactly inspire trust with that." Trickster said reasonably.

"Then why did you take this job if you don't trust Thinkers?" The voice demanded. They weren't coming any closer. I wanted to see who the other guy was, but if I tried to change my vantage point these chains would give me away.

"It put us in the same city as Aria. I figured that was worth doing as you say. You did get us here so I'm grateful for that." The villain didn't even seem to realize that antagonizing your employer was not conductive to long term health. I think the Evil Overlord List had a few things to say about that namely not allowing betrayal to go unpunished.

"You are a damned fool. Even now the Protectorate, Wards, and PRT are out there looking for her. What are you planning on doing? Fighting the entirety of Brockton Bay? Even the Empire is out looking for her. They might not have Kaiser to lead them, but Purity is no fool. Did you honestly think that nabbing a high profile Tinker wasn't going to go unchallenged?" The man's voice was calming down, but his comments were a verbal hammer. Apparently Trickster was so thick you needed to beat his head in with logic. The thing about Kaiser was interesting though. Why wasn't he there to lead his gang?

"Do you even have a way to get my girl into the new body?" Trickster had a one track mind. "If you do then I'll just leave her here. No one even knows about you so what does it matter?" Good question. Oh crap. I could feel Despedia's mental state and it was not good. She was heading in this direction, but I wanted to listen in more.

"Despedia, stop! I'm fine. Awake and unharmed. My kidnapper is having a talk with someone else and I want to listen in. Please don't burst in here just yet." I begged her over the chat channel. She sulked, but at least her spiraling anger stopped. The other man was speaking again. Thank God for multi-tasking.

"Not yet, but if you had waited I would have. It wasn't like she was going to build a body with no way to put the brain inside. You put the entirety of my operation at risk with this stunt. Never mind. My plans continue regardless." The voice was getting closer to my position. I arranged myself on the bed as if the knockout drug was only just now wearing off.

"Okay, fine, I screwed up. Let's just leave her here and go." Trickster still sounded like he wanted to keep me around, but clearly didn't want to piss off his benefactor. There didn't seem to be much love lost between them. Maybe I could get that to work for me?

The closer they got the more I could distinguish from their individual melodies. Trickster's was just as I remembered it being, but the second suddenly came onto my radar in a rush of pain. That feeling of my skull splitting wide open was familiar and unwelcome. I curled up into a fetal ball unconsciously. Oh no. This melody was familiar and not just because of the pain. His melody still sounded as if it were splitting off and tearing at me. My systems were hard at work analyzing where the split was going, but like Vista it warped like something out of Cthulhu. Unlike with Vista I couldn't tell where it was going or if it was even still on this plane. The sudden vertigo caused me to vomit.

"Damn. We can't leave her now." The man said as he saw me. The black bodysuit with the white snake coiled around his body from his left foot all the way to his head and the thin body told me who this was. Coil. The same melody as Thomas Calvert. He wasn't stupid and the coincidences were too large to ignore I guess. Thinking hurt, but it was my only defense.

"Why not? Shit...I didn't think that stuff would make her sick." Trickster sounded a bit faint. Oh remorse is nice. Not. I tried to cast my thought out to Despedia, but the pain kept dragging me back.

"That's not it at all. Get the girl and let's go. We can't leave her here now." Coil sounded absolutely livid. "Drug her again." He strode from the area in a fit of pique. The top hat wearing cape looked me over before shaking his head.

"I have no idea why he changed his mind, but I could care less. A good lesson to remember girl is that people will do anything for those they love. Whatever it takes." He brought the needle back to my neck. My hands gripped at his arm weakly. Focus, Aria. Focus dammit!

"Thomas Calvert is Coil! Thomas Calvert is Coil! He's..." The needle struck home and I knew no more.

-With Coil-

Damn that Trickster. It wasn't like he couldn't understand where the man was coming from. Expecting to get stabbed in the back and planning to get around it were commendable qualities. If the fool had any patience they wouldn't be stuck in this mess. When he had come within range of Aria and she started to spasm from pain the final piece of information was in place. She didn't just hurt him when they touched, but he caused her to have migraines just by being nearby. Her melody sense was giving her the equivalent of a Thinker headache by trying to analyze him. On the one hand it gave him a sense of dark satisfaction to know just how much pain he could inflict with his very presence. On the other hand it meant that she could not be allowed to walk away. She would know who he was and probably blab it regardless. He brought a phone up to his ear.

"Skidmark? I need you to create a panic near the Docks. Don't hold back." Coil told the foul Merchant cape. He didn't even wait to hear the response before dialing in another number. "Scramble your mercenaries. Use the remote suits with the Merchant colors. Threaten the hospital Director Piggot is recovering at, but watch your fire." He ended the call, took out the battery, and pocketed them. That should provide enough confusion to give the trail a chance to grow cold.

The Merchants were excellent patsies to pin this entire debacle on. He would have to see about springing Squealer, however. You can never have too many Tinkers. Especially ones as easily controlled by their desires as her. Trickster approached with Aria in his arms. It was hard to believe that this beautiful child was the butterfly that nearly destroyed everything. He shook his head. She was aggravating for that reason, but would be an excellent addition. Once she was broken in properly. He gestured for the mercenary cape to follow him.

Nearly anywhere in the city could be reached through the sewer access tunnels. It wasn't glamorous, but it was easier to escape unnoticed if you knew the correct paths. He opened the hatch at the back of the warehouse before motioning Trickster onward. The man didn't even question it and started down the ladder with Aria over his shoulder. Coil slipped down the ladder once the other man reached the bottom, but made sure the hatch was secure. The sound of something crashing into the warehouse was startling, but he kept his composure. They had managed to track the girl to the warehouse somehow.

'What the hell was that?" Trickster's voice was unusually loud in the stillness.

"Quiet you fool. Get in the boat." He gestured to the Tinker craft that sat in the sewer waters. It was clearly a boat, but was modified with skid rails and other features that Squealer was thrilled about. As long as it worked he didn't care.

"Fine." The man sullenly did as he was told. He climbed into the boat with his cargo left to rest on the bottom of the craft. Coil climbed in quickly as the sounds of devastation from above grew closer. The boat started and was zooming away down the tunnel at the barest touch. Thankfully the craft wasn't loud or obnoxious like Squealer's usual vehicles, but it was certainly reliable and quick. He found reliability to be an admirable quality in anything. Now if Trickster could be counted on to be reliable like this boat then everything would be smooth sailing.

The sounds of devastation were left far behind as the craft sped towards it's destination.

-With Despedia, Granspear, and Sonata-


It had been three hours since Mom had been kidnapped and no one knew where she had gone. The number of people that had come out to look for her was staggering. Protectorate, PRT, Wards, New Wave, and whoever else felt like using their Saturday to help with the search. Mom would either be thrilled or mortified that so many people cared. Probably mortified. As long as the chat channel was still running then I knew she was alright. If that failed it meant bad things. We were checking the market area, but it seemed like a waste of time. The impatience was getting to me, but then again sensing Despedia's growing agitation wasn't helping things. Granspear was also beating herself up, but at least it was being channeled productively.

We were doing a walking search instead of flying since it was easier to miss things from up above. If they were holding her somewhere easily visible by air then they weren't very good kidnappers. Our grouping had Granspear at the front, Despedia in the middle, and myself in the rear. She arranged us so that it was easier for them to protect me and render assistance to each other. There was tension in the air as information of Mom's abduction spread from the news to word of mouth. I wanted to tell them that it would be alright, but we were told not to say anything. Ask if they've seen her, but be mindful of what we say. Standard cryptic nonsense, but those were the orders.

"How are you holding up, kid?" Despedia asked. She was calmer than in the hospital, but still on edge. It reassured me to know she was closer to her usual self.

"I know she's alright. That's all that matters right now. Well that and finding her of course." I stated matter-of-factly.

"That's the right attitude to have. We'll get her back." Granspear assured us. Her confidence put some starch back in our spines. To say that she was an experienced hero would be an understatement.

"It would be nice if she woke up soon...speak of the devil. She's waking up." Despedia sounded eager and a wee bit bloodthirsty. Mom was back on the chat channel. Her mind was waking up faster than her body, but that made sense. Computer boot up speeds and all that.

"Despedia, wait!" Granspear called out, but my godmother was off like a shot. She quickly flipped out her V Board to follow while I used the flight pack. Movers were so boo! Huh. Already picking up things I guess.

"Keep up!" The redhead called back. She wasn't going to stop until we reached Mom. I kept up electronic surveillance just so that we didn't arrive in the middle of an ambush. This was weird. The number of active cameras in this area we were approaching was next to zero. There were a few scattered about here and there, but otherwise nothing. We were arriving at the outer area of the train yard where several dilapidated warehouses stood. Despedia landed on one of the shipping containers to scan the area more thoroughly.

"Hmmm...trying to pinpoint her melody...but something's making it echo weirdly." She rubbed her forehead with a brief wince of pain. "Weird." Granspear approached her.

"That's not good, but at least we know she's here." The blue-black haired girl responded.

"Wait...she's contacting us." Despedia sounded relieved, but her agitation failed to abate. Mom was asking us to give her some time. She was apparently listening in on a conversation between Trickster and someone else.

"Kaiser went missing? This mystery guy seems to know how to it happened too. Des, just calm down. Work on finding her location so that when she needs extraction we can get her out." Granspear told the other girl firmly. She folded her arms imperiously over her chest, but did as she was told.

"I'm not seeing anything through the security feeds. There's just no cameras around here." I couldn't stand this feeling of uselessness. We were right at the finish line, but our goal wasn't in sight. Granspear gripped my shoulder comfortingly even as she extended her spear for the fight ahead. It was a marvel of form and function. Mom and Armsmaster put it together. The weapon had a transformation ability that turned it into her V Board, but also allowed it to unfold into a full spear. The weapon had two heads. The smaller of the two had a plasma cutter while the larger head could unfold into a mancatcher. Analyzing her weapon again only provided a minute's distraction. All at once Mom's cries of pain came over the chat channel. Despedia's own murmurs of pain weren't helping. I didn't have the kind of range that either of them did, but I was feeling sympathetic feedback. Not enough to incapacitate.

"Despedia! Where is she? We're going now." Granspear spoke calmly, but intensely. The redhead let out a shuddering breath as she reoriented on her goal.

"She's very close...The pain is narrowing the location...She's there!" Despedia set off just as Mom's message came through. Who was Thomas Calvert? I mean we knew who Coil was. He hired mercenaries and made use of sophisticated Tinker tech. Somehow she found out a villain's identity. A bolt of fear shot through me. She knew the identity of a villain. I relayed the information back to headquarters even as we rushed to the location.

Despedia apparently went to the Kool-Aid Man school of entering a building. Mom's signal had dropped off again, but we were moving so quickly it should have been impossible for anyone to escape. They had escaped. They managed to not only get out of this building, but do it in such a way no one saw them leave. I fell to my knees. We were so close. This wasn't how it was supposed to go at all, but here we are. A pair of slender arms wrapped around my shoulders and drew me in. Granspear didn't say a thing, but that was okay. I took comfort from the action. The redhead had gotten it into her head that there must be a secret entrance to an escape tunnel. At this point it wasn't actually a stupid idea. Wait a minute. There were sewer access tunnels all throughout the city. A defense against over flooding. I quickly checked the records and there was, indeed, an access tunnel under the building.

"What is it?" Granspear asked. She must have noticed my Eureka moment.

"Despedia! Look for a sewer access hatch!" I said over the chat channel. No way was she going to be able to hear me over the havoc she was causing. The redhead nodded once before heading unerringly towards the hatch. When he caught up to her she was looking visibly ill.

"Ugh...super nose. God I hate my super nose. Is this where she went?" Despedia asked. I nodded.

"The thing is that we don't know where they went once down there. We'll have to wait for Mom to wake up again. I know it's not what you wanted to hear..." I tried to say, but she just hugged me.

"Easy kid. I'm not mad at you. Let's get back to headquarters. The information that we do have will help out a lot." The redhead smiled. Her eyes were still a bit manic, but the demons were being held at bay. We knew Mom was okay now.

Wherever you are, Mom. We'll find you.
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