Hymn of Harmony (Worm/Ar Tonelico Crossover Alt Trigger Taylor) (Complete)

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Doing something like that without authorization is a horrible violation of trust. It was to cut the copy off and let her stand as her own person, but that is still a betrayal. Hence why Taylor is absolutely furious.
Not only that: Hymn Codes are stored in a special server called the HNC (Hymmnecode Name Center) that has a list of all Hymn Codes that have ever been registered as well as spectrum samples from the spiritual make-up of the Reyvateil each code corresponds to. The thing is given its sensitive nature, the HNS is protected by strong encryption protocols that require specialized terminals to access, unless you are a Mir-level hacker that can break through the encryption to do whatever you want in it.
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I have a question.
At the start of the story it was somewhat implied that all Reyvateils of sufficient power have access to Oversight, and indeed that Aria's song-sense was based on it.
Now it is being described as an anomaly and is lost to Taylor.
I'm fairly sure this is just a case of me misunderstanding something, but can somebody explain?
I have a question.
At the start of the story it was somewhat implied that all Reyvateils of sufficient power have access to Oversight, and indeed that Aria's song-sense was based on it.
Now it is being described as an anomaly and is lost to Taylor.
I'm fairly sure this is just a case of me misunderstanding something, but can somebody explain?

Reyvateils don't possess Oversight, and in fact that ability didn't even exist back in the Ar tonelico series. It was introduced in Ciel nosurge as a power that only people that have been brought across dimensions can have.
Cocona was getting a direct feed from me so she was actually benefiting more.
Left out a word here.
Light a hammer something slammed into my skull.
Pretty sure that the first word in this sentence should be "Like", in which case there should also be a comma after "hammer".
She promised help from Ra Ciela?
Doesn't Ra Ciela not exist any more?
One that if even the slightest thing goes wrong it could spell total disaster.
This sentence would flow a lot better as "One which could spell total disaster if even the slightest thing goes wrong."
Golden Morning Pt 2
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Golden Morning Part 2

-Same Day-

-Somewhere over the Atlantic-

Well this was awkward. There was a barrier preventing me from getting at Leviathan. That barrier was called the Atlantic Ocean. Now firing a beam powerful enough to destroy him from here was possible, but that would also vaporize the water. Not even remotely good. I tried summoning him to the surface, but he refused. Well since I was essentially inviting him to die it was understandable. I could just dive into the water, but he might set off a mega tsunami. It was humbling to admit that even with my power, stopping that much water was just not feasible.

"...I can just go after Zion without him." That idea wasn't so great either. I could, but why hinder myself? Send the call. The call was refused. Zion was still in Siberia. Now I was getting concerned. It was like he was waiting for me. Up until this point he was unaware. I guess my movements weren't very subtle. Damn. I locked onto Leviathan and tried something different. If Muhammad wouldn't go to the mountain and all that. The Endbringer responded with panic. I carefully drew him up out of the water while brushing his feeble attempts at summoning his water shadows away.




"I wonder how many of your victims felt the same way. Monsters don't have a choice when a larger predator comes along." That didn't make me feel good. I pushed those thoughts away. It wasn't that they weren't helpful, but that was not me. I would not classify people like that. Leviathan was a monster, but was still deserving of consideration. I shut down his consciousness. Now to integrate the Core...

A flash of golden brilliance shot through the space I recently occupied. Floating before me was Zion. The Golden Warrior stared at me with lifeless eyes. His melody was tortured with grief and despair. I thought I knew grief, but this being who measured life in millenia? The depths of his tragic feelings almost buried me.


The glowing Core in my hand was drifting towards him while I was preoccupied. Oh no you don't. I needed that more than he did. Without hesitation I devoured the Core. Golden light exploded towards me in a soundless rush of power. I deflected it with an Ethereal Blast. My voice raised in Song as over a dozen angels manifested around me. Each one pointed their hands at my opponent and unleashed their fury. He vanished in a torrent of blue white light. Damn he escaped! I warped to his location. We were above Nova Scotia?

"Oh no you freaking bastard...Don't!" The golden radiance was unleashed in a cascading river of power. Those people didn't even have time to flee! I got below the attack and flared my aura. Each person was enveloped in my power and shielded as best as I could. The golden blast ended, but the damage was unbelievable.

The entire surface of Nova Scotia was scoured clean. The horror of a nation crashed into me and did more damage than that golden beam. I was caught off guard when Zion appeared before me and struck me across the face. That was only the beginning. It was like I had become a tiny ball in the most demented game of pinball in history. I had to continually flare my aura to avoid taking damage. 2Fast4U spilled forth from my lips as I sped away from him. His speed was phenomenal. His accuracy was unreal. His tenacity was daunting. Somehow this fight had spurred him into action more than anything had in years. Zion's depression was the furthest thing from his mind. The desire to win had overtaken him. There was a reason this being was feared. Power poured off me as I unleashed an unrelenting offensive. I had to stop him here! Whenever it looked like I would actually hit him he would just vanish. I committed the cardinal sin of battle.

I gained tunnel vision.

We appeared over South America. Zion actually had the nerve to smile at me. I tried to clamp down on my rage, but it just would not be silenced. He thrust his hands out and burst into light brighter than thousands of arc lamps. The bright flash was so intense that I was instantly blinded. I felt millions of lives die in an instant. The fist that struck my face was almost a relief from the unrelenting pain of those extinguished lives. I hit the ground, retching, but a foot smashed into my diaphragm with enough force to throw me back into the air.

"W-why...? Why kill all these people...? What have they every done to you...!?" I demanded through harsh wheezes. He gazed at me as my sight returned.




He didn't care. He didn't care at all. Intellectually I knew that talking to him would be difficult, but we literally had no point of reference. He didn't understand that these people had lives. That even the smallest of things mattered. I could see it in his melody. His kind just didn't see any lives but their own as being worth something. I called him a monster before, but dammit. He wasn't a monster. His kind were a blight on existence.

He exploded into motion once more. I grabbed hold of my rage and shaped it into a weapon. A flash of cobalt blue light extended from my hand as I swung the sword of pure Song Magic at him. The blade was my Spirit made manifest. His arm flew off and burst in a shower of sparks. I attempted a downward cleave, but he vanished again. He ran to the middle of the Sahara Desert which was much better in my opinion. Less people to get caught up in this disaster.




Instead of golden light, a jet of red shot towards me. It shaped itself into a cone that was miles long and miles wide. I slashed at it with my sword and was pleased that it cleaved the blast so readily. The flecks of energy that were released exploded violently sending me tumbling through the sky. Once more I was cast about in a tempest. Green lights speared me before detonating as well. A flash of someone else's pain flashed through my awareness. Cocona? Why could I still feel her? Didn't I connect her to Taylor. My thoughts crystallized sharply. She wasn't connected to my Tower. My lover was connected to me! I teleported out of the blast zone and gained some distance. This was bad. This was very bad. All at once clarity descended over my thoughts.

What was I doing out here?

I was getting my ass kicked.

Why was I here?

Cauldron was adamant that they didn't know what would set him off.


I ran through the list of all the derogatory comments in the book from three worlds. Then got creative. He blurred forward to sock me in the jaw again, but I tilted my head to the side. Calm restored. I couldn't afford to lose my mind out here. Cocona was still connected to me. My powers wouldn't work if I wasn't in Harmony. That was the very nature of My Existence. Unfortunately I had to blow through 40% of my usable power to remember this and have countless lives destroyed. Fight now and recriminations later. We traded blows at speeds that mortal eyes could not comprehend. Enhanced by my speed Song, I was getting three hits to every one of his, but the difference in experience was staggering. My energy levels were climbing back up, but not fast enough to let me outlast him. I used Awareness to see just how I could finish him off and still have enough to deal with the main body.

"Just now realized how badly you fucked up?" Taylor's voice was biting as my power linked to her. Oh fuck. She was not happy. I wasn't about to get chewed out by myself. Later though...

"Shut up and listen. I'm bringing you to my location. Get ready to fight. I have to face the real Zion." I told her. Yeah this was going to hurt. The Golden Warrior knew that I couldn't defeat him. He wouldn't give me a chance to use Ethereal Blast because that would hurt him and his true self.

"We're ready to fight." Taylor's voice was grim. Teenagers should not have reality bending powers. I'm living proof. With that settled I had to make an opening. Bringing them here when Zion was still on my ass would only get them killed immediately. My Awareness reminded me that my Voice was still a weapon and that Songs were my Will being imposed on reality.

So I sang Zion a lullaby.




He was dropping from the sky. If I did anything to him but Sing he would be able to throw off the effect. All I could was pray that they were ready. I couldn't do this alone and I never should have been that foolish.


-Clearing outside of the City: Cocona-

We were ready. There was nothing else that we could do at this point. I could pinpoint exactly where Aria was, but we couldn't reach her. She was jumping around the globe so fast that it was impossible to track her that way. I knew when she succeeded in taking on Leviathan's Core. They were counting on me to be their heavy gun when we face Zion's avatar. I was still in this blasted clearing trying to figure out what she had done to change.

It had to do with the Interface Layer. She performed some sort of act involving that. What I had been told before coming here was that messing with the IL was death. That was an oversimplification, but it fit. She didn't even tell me what the main trigger was. I would have to come up with something that would do the job.

Lisa and Despedia had already arrived while I concentrated on my task. They were preparing in their own way. The blonde was submerging herself in her Inference Engine. Apparently she had been doing that periodically for practice. She described it as seeing things as they truly are. There was nothing that could hide from her Sight. We were going to need her ability to coordinate us. Her practice was fairly quiet, but Despedia's was more bizarre.

She was humming something softly. I could make out the faint strains of something familiar. It was strange, but I felt a sort of resonance as if her spirit was aligning. Thank you for the gift, love. I could actually see her melody organizing itself. At the point of synchronization she burst into song. She was singing Despedia. The control code for the Divine Army drop ship. That's what I knew it as, but to her it was how she was reborn. A change came over her as pink eyes flashed once and turned magenta. Not red like her feral state.

"You did it...!" Lisa exclaimed happily before hugging the taller girl.

"I didn't have a reason to before. I always knew that it would be Aria's fault." Despedia laughed. That was her answer. It sounded good to me as well. There was one Song that was purely mine. It told my story before I came to Earth Bet. The lyrics even fit what I went through with Taylor. However reversed. At her lowest I was able to reach her. We were each others safety.

I began to Sing and felt myself start to expand. My Awareness was fragile, but it would grow strong. She needed us. She needed me and I needed her. Something was happening. Wait a minute. No! I must keep my calm and believe in myself. Aria was battling Zion right now. Her heart was in such pain and rage. I calmed myself. The expanding warmth flowed through my limbs.

"Get back everybody. Don't startle her." I dimly heard Taylor, but the words had no meaning. All that mattered was my Voice and my Song. Pain! Exploding pain that flooded my body and made my very soul quake! Zion was battering her unrelentingly. Must...maintain...control...


I will not bow.

I will not break.

I straightened up as the pressure eased. The pain vanished like it never existed. I felt energy surge through my body. What the hell did I do? I was just trying to take control of the link, but something else had happened. Wait...There was a Core inside of me. Where did it come from?

"...I'm sorry. I didn't even realize this would hurt you. I hadn't fully assimilated Leviathan's Core so I gave it to you. Forgive me for being so stupid..." How much effort was it taking to split her concentration while fighting for her life? Aria you beautiful idiot. My idiot.

"We'll be there soon. Just hold on and fight!" I sent back my certainty and faith.

"Come on Cocona. We're getting ready for transfer." Taylor brought me back down. I nodded at her. The others were arrayed in the clearing. What a group we made. Strangely enough I was completely at ease.

"Guess this'll make my third time saving a world." I said cheekily. The tension eased to safer levels as everyone shared a good laugh. We didn't have any more time. A white circle appeared beneath us and we vanished.

This would end today.
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Ah Taylor realized she is in Ar Tonelico and can't do everything alone no matter how powerful she is. Now let's see if Zion has ton die or if he can be redeemed
Need a comma there.

While I admittedly don't know shit about Worm, that sounds as difficult as trying to redeem Kyubey.

It's Ar Tonelico, besides one or two characters almost every one is redeemable and since Taylor has now realize she runs on Ar Tonelico logic instead of worm logic they might try to redeem him

See Rousseau Was Right - TV Tropes
It's Ar Tonelico, besides one or two characters almost every one is redeemable and since Taylor has now realize she runs on Ar Tonelico logic instead of worm logic they might try to redeem him

See Rousseau Was Right - TV Tropes

Extradimensional monstrosities don't necessarily have to follow EXA_PICO's rules when it comes to storytelling, and even that universe itself showed as much with the main villain for Ar nosurge.
Extradimensional monstrosities don't necessarily have to follow EXA_PICO's rules when it comes to storytelling, and even that universe itself showed as much with the main villain for Ar nosurge.

I've yet to play Ar nosurge so I don't know what that title add to the universe
Golden Morning Pt 3
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Golden Morning Part 3

-Sahara Desert-

When the flash of light cleared I was surprised at the turn out. Each one of them was ready to rumble. What a relief. With these guys watching my back I would win. Cocona got my gift. That much was glaringly obvious. Wow. Everyone but Dad showed up. Even Madison was here. I could hear Dad sending me love and affection. My spirit eased further. Zion was utterly helpless, but he wouldn't be once the Song stopped. My clone was in a version of Divine in White. She nodded at me to indicate readiness.

"I'm going to have to stop Singing. Don't attack until I've disappeared. We want to keep his attention split." Honestly I had no idea what they were even planning. Taylor, Lisa, Madison, and Sonata were arrayed in a diamond formation around Cocona. She was already beginning to Sing. Oh damn. They were planning on hitting him hard. Despedia was gathering energy in the back of her throat. She was going to hit him with the attack used on Behemoth.

"Keep him sleeping for just a little longer and we'll catch him a crossfire." Lisa said to me over the channel. Where was Mouse Protector? I looked about for her. She was hovering on one of the anti-grav lifts above Zion's head with her glowing sword at the ready. Sonata moved from her original position and aimed all weapons at the drifting man. Lisa was in mid air with her mech's weapon systems pointed at him. Taylor was standing before Cocona in vanguard position. Her armor was glowing with power as a faint image of a beetle overlaid itself on her form. Madison at first seemed to be the odd girl out. Why was she dancing around like that? Her hands were moving in a classic cheerleader manner combined with jumps and flips. I felt strangely energized.

"Dancing and singing is nothing to sneeze at! This is my Cheer!" Analyzing effect. I blinked a few times. Hax. Totally hax. It boosted energy collection and Harmonics by as much as a hundred times. For some bizarre reason I actually felt sorry for the sleeping man. He literally had no idea what was about to happen. It was hard, but I finally made the jump. The Harmonics I had already built, plus Madison's boost, carried over to my next Song.

The massive writhing figure almost made me lose my lunch. The dead world it had taken as it's own made my heart ache. How many worlds had ended up like this? No. How many dimensions had collapsed because these fools destroyed everything. It was already waking up. Rebooting its thought processes. I wasn't going to be able to wipe this out in one shot, but the choir of angels that surrounded me were going to give it their best effort.

"Ethereal Blast!" Twelve bolts of blue white energy streaked out. A dim force field covered my target, but all it did was blunt the damage. Massive furrows were dug through it's body. The massive bulk squirmed and shuddered as the mountainous terrain of the dead world was shattered from it's movement.




That last sensation came as a result of the ridiculous amounts of blasts, slashes, spikes, and spears that suddenly appeared on it's form. The amount of damage wasn't as great as what I caused, but it was respectable.

"Do I have your attention now?"

-Back at the Desert-

Aria had slightly underestimated how fast the projection would wake up. That was fine. We were prepared to unleash pure hell on this freak. Despedia unleashed her Halcyon Cry. The spinning drill of raw annihilation blew through his torso. Javelins of dimensionally charged energy speared through his torso and left thigh. A blast of overwhelming force knocked him through the air right into the path of Mouse Protector's descent. The sword parted his body like a hot knife through butter. She quickly teleported away as the form exploded in gold light. Zion reappeared, seemingly unharmed, but definitely awake.




Cocona's Song was gaining power at a rapid clip. Madison was exhausting herself with the acrobatics. If not for the temperature resistant clothing she would be dying of heat stroke. Zion unleashed a wave of bright blue energy in a circle that froze Lisa's mech solid. Mouse Protector was forced to abandon ship as her flight unit was frozen as well. Sonata used 2Fast4U to escape while Despedia, defying all logic, slashed through the laser with her claws.

The white haired young woman snarled before vaulting at the floating man. He moved to strike her down only for his blow to crash into her defense field. She gripped his wrist, claws parted the pseudo flesh of his wrist with ease. Des grinned like a mad woman as she slashed her energy charged claws downward. The unnaturally sharp blades sliced through his skull and clear to his waist. She leaped away before he could explode again.

Each time he exploded to recover drained him. I grinned ferally at the proof that this guy wasn't invincible. Lisa's mech burst free from it's imprisonment before unleashing it's entire payload at him. Weapons both mundane and not hammered into his position. There was a period of disorientation after recovery. We could take advantage of that. Sonata zoomed into a new position above the Golden Warrior and threw Mouse Protector at him!? Even he seemed surprised at the unorthodox move.

"Huzzah!" Mouse Protector cried out with savage glee as the blade sliced through him again. She vanished back to Sonata's mech as the man exploded again.

"This fucker just keeps on coming..." Despedia growled, but otherwise continued her hit and run tactics.


Shit! He threw his hand out and filled the air with countless red spheres. This was the attack he used on Aria. He wasn't trying to mask it as a cone this time. Sorry, but I haven't been idle. My Harmonics were passing the millions mark and passed the hundred millions. The amplifiers were pretty much going to be destroyed by this, but the almost unholy joy I was feeling would not be denied. Where I once stood was a massive mecha. Atlas 2.0, Thrash Guardian Beatle, strode into the killing field and unleashed his protective barrier.



I was inside the shell of my Song Magic construct. His strength was my own. With just one blow I forced a regeneration. This was followed by another blow and another. The shell was practically indestructible. I said practically, because it really isn't completely invulnerable. Flakes of data and energy were stripped from Atlas with each explosion. I only had to hold up this barrage until Cocona was ready.

"ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA!" Atlas was roaring in a terrible voice. Somewhere in the back of my mind I dearly regretted not knowing where he got this stuff. His fists had blurred into ungodly speed. There was just me and the amazing exploding sun. Did I buy enough time for everyone to escape? They moved to the maximum safe distance. Good. Cocona looked so beautiful and serene. The battle dress she picked up in the Cosmosphere rustled faintly as her hair blew in a breeze not of this world. She was utterly unaffected by the chaos around her. Her eyes suddenly snapped open, glowing with power, and spoke one word to me.


Atlas 2.0 grabbed the Golden Warrior while expelling me. I managed to take control of my unplanned flight only to see something awe inspiring. The massive construct of Song Magic had built a cage of energy out of his defense field. Zion was slamming his fists into it without effect, but the damaged construct was rattling. You won't have to hold it long, dear. His resolve redoubled and the barrier denied motion.

"Granzero=Spear." Cocona intoned. The first time I used Ethereal Blast it was an impressive moment. I know it was my own power, but it still amazed me. The shaft of light directly from my lover's own soul burned with a blinding intensity that made my best effort look arthritic. It struck Zion so fast that the attack was over as soon as it begun. My only clue that anything was happening was the circle of energy that formed before her. Zion looked startled as my construct was forcefully dispelled. He tried to explode once more, but turned gray instead. His body turned into bits of ash. Without so much as a whimper, the projection was defeated.

-Empty Earth-

I watched as the being below me struggled. Each time they attacked, I attacked. The idea of just destroying it all at once occurred to me, but was discarded just as readily. To do that I would have to destroy this Earth. There was a celestial balance that had to be observed. If one Earth was destroyed then the other Earths would feel it. I was hoping the being would give up, but it seemed determined to die by degrees.

"Are you trying to die?" I finally asked. The projection was destroyed. The Seeds that were used to maintain it had been burnt out completely. There was no way for it to fight any longer. It just didn't have the energy left. Not even enough energy to escape.


Oh. I dropped to the planet below and stared at the ruined being before me. It's one thing to get gung ho and claim that you didn't care, but my heart was not made of stone.

"You can't self terminate. Your kind is designed around survival at all costs." I touched it gently. They evolved to survive. They had vast power and abilities, but the one thing they lacked was choice. It, no, he had learned about choice from humanity. His instincts would not let him kill himself, but they would let him fight to the last.



"...Eden..." He spoke in a vast voice filled with longing.

"I will put her body somewhere that no one can defile it anymore." I promised him.

"...Take..." What was he saying? Oh that's what he meant. A list of Seeds and their abilities filled my mind. Not only his, but hers as well. They had no attachment to the body. It existed as a vehicle. Once it died the others scavenged whatever was useful to them. He wanted to prevent her further defilement in the only way he knew.

"Goodnight, Zion. In another time, and another place, you will be together. I promise." My hand pressed against him harder and I shut him down. I was still going to keep my word. The remains of Eden, minus Cauldron, were brought to this world and laid beside her mate. I would plant my Tree here. A Tower would still be constructed on Earth Bet, but this would be my garden. A doorway opened and Contessa stepped out. The woman looked frazzled and disoriented. Having their secret clubhouse dropped into the middle of the central office for the PRT would do that to anyone.

"What have you done?" She demanded.

"I kept my word so now you keep yours. Zion has been dealt with." I informed her coldly.

"Will you set yourself up as the new Entity then? Is that why you gathered all this power?" Contessa stared at me with horror in her eyes.

"I have no idea what you went through at the hands of the Entities. I feel for you. Literally. I can't just turn off my empathy. Happiness and Harmony are all that I desire. If the world had left me alone I would have been content. You showed me abominable things and wound me up to fight your battle. What you failed to take into account is that I function best when calm. My power is easier to access when I am living up to my Aspect." I threw it back at her. The fedora wearing woman stepped back in surprise.

"I knew you wouldn't react well to it, but Doctor Mother said it was best to point you at Zion. Instead of you finding out about us without guiding events. The Path to Victory agreed that it was the best option." She pleaded with me to understand.

"Did you try asking it how a being that uses emotions for power would react? Would they be able to do what you wanted?" I asked her. Contessa shook her head slowly.

"It never occurred to me." She admitted.

"You're going to have to learn these things. Doctor Mother can't direct you anymore. The Triumvirate has a lot of explaining to do. Harbinger will probably end up killed or Birdcaged. Your fate is your own. No one else's." I told her gently.

"...Then I will turn myself in with my friends. They are more than friends. They're my family. I'm sorry for all of the misunderstandings." Contessa apologized. She wasn't coming after me half cocked. Her family was in jeopardy so she wanted to find out why.

"Have hope, faith, and love. Never lose sight of those. Things have a way of working out for the best." I winked at her. She nodded and smiled. Her Path was set. Was what I did wrong? Hardly. The world is not black and white. When compassion is forgotten then all is truly lost. My own family was waiting for me.

"I am the master of my fate. I am the captain of my soul" - Invictus by William Ernest Henley

AN: Epilogue will be up in a day or two. For some reason this wrote itself exceptionally fast and wouldn't let me stop. I'll confess that the idea of going the Buster!Taylor route was oh so tempting, but not in keeping with the theme at all. Harmony, understanding, and redemption. Sometimes the most profound things come from the simplest acts.

Mir allowed her compassion to guide her hand and look at what came about as a result. Thank you so much for coming on this ride with me. I am more grateful than you know for just sticking with me even through the rough times. All of you contributed to this story in some way and I appreciate it. If I tried to list all of you that would take up a chapter in and of itself.
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Huh. I didn't expect this to end this quickly; a couple more chapters wouldn't have surprised me.

Anyways, it's been a fun and interesting ride, even if the retcons/rewrites did annoy me some; the first, because I recall the fic basically stalled for a month at that point, and the second, because it went back multiple story arcs (and yeah, delays)

And yes, I have been following the fic that long.
Wow, that was rather touching...nice job dingbat, nice job. The real question though...what other idea's might be floating about in your head? Obviously Hyperdimension is still up, but....anything else? The masses crave more!!!
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Epilogue: A Vision of Things to Come

-20 Years Later-

-Crystal Tree: New Earth-

What a strange journey. From a filthy locker to the top of this lofty Tower. Nearly twenty-one years have passed since the start of this trek. It was hard to believe at times, but I knew it was true. The records I kept ensured that the truth would be known. The aftermath of Zion was a time of great confusion. Cauldron's reveal coupled with the death of the first parahuman did what no S Class threat had managed before. It destroyed the last of the old civilization. We were deep in the Age of Parahumans, but there was no buffer at all for the revelations. Feudal city states almost immediately started cropping up as the strongest staked their claim. Six months saw the old world burn.

In the early days of the calamity there was just so much confusion. The world's governments refused to believe anything had changed. They insisted on continuing on as normal. The atrocities piled up almost in defiance of the status quo. The people cried out for someone to do something. They didn't understand why it seemed that their officials had abandoned them. I knew why. They didn't trust each other. I'll admit that there was much that could have been done to ease the transition. I wanted to go out there and start putting out all the fires and make them listen to each other.

Wasn't I morally responsible for this? If I have the power, shouldn't I use it? It turns out that the answer is no. The older Reyvateils explained it to me. If I ran out there and put a stop to it they wouldn't be listening to me out of respect. It would be out of fear. The only way that I could make it stop is if I was willing to cause actual harm. The best response was to continue providing medical aid, food, and free energy. Eventually they would burn themselves out on war. After the first year the various city states had solidified their rules. The nations continued to exist as overarching entities, but greater power now fell to the strong. It became their duty to provide for those below them.

The system wasn't perfect, but society entered the next stage. I was busy constructing my central tower on this new Earth. The terraforming would take some time, but I had plenty of it. With the aid of friends and family the work passed swiftly. Volunteers from the other Earths, Ar Ciel, and Ra Ciela came to lend their assistance. Interface Field emitter towers were placed over the surface of New Earth.

The refugees agreed to follow my rule since I was considered to be their best option. Our new dimensional neighbors were fascinated with the idea of exploring a new system of worlds. Earth Bet still considered me an ally and allowed me to construct a sub Tower in Brockton Bay. The first to staff it were those men and women of the Dockworkers Union. We were deep in year four by the time this happened. Now it routinely accepted workers from around the globe. The issue of city states wouldn't be resolved until year six.

The First Council of Earth Bet was convened in 6 A.S. (After Scion). I was invited to sit in as mediator. The official reason was that I was uniquely suited to managing diplomatic affairs. The real reason was that no one in their right mind would challenge someone that could engage Scion in a fist fight. If not for the fact I was known as benevolent, there would have been more fear. The world wasn't paradise as leaders emerged and fell. I still have no idea if we accomplished anything concrete with that meeting except to establish the yearly council. My Tower in Brockton Bay found itself used as the neutral territory. Due to this meeting, the importance of my hometown increased.

In the eighth year construction slowed and finally halted on my central Tower. The requirements for building it were growing steadily higher. The knowledge of how to build three Towers did not prepare me for constructing one myself. Cocona actually drafted the finished design for it based on what she found in my Cosmosphere. I wanted it so badly. A symbol of everlasting growth. A tree that grew into the heavens seemingly without end. It should have taken years to pull it off. That was why construction finally stopped. It was too much. The base was built and the support structures were constructed. I had an idea of what to do. It was a Song and it was my Will. I split off a clone of myself that was still connected to me and quite literally became the Crystal Tree. It only served to increase the awe of the people, but it was something even more useful than sitting on my butt.

I am the Crystal Tree and will continue to exist until the very end. My story hasn't ended, but there are still other tales to tell.


Sometimes I give myself a headache just thinking about the path Humanity has taken. From Parahuman Feudalism to City States and finally where we are now. The first decade was full of chaos and turmoil. Even the periods of peace were intermittently crazy. The course of history changed forever when I constructed the first Crystal Tree Beta 6. It would take time, but that was not something we lacked. Beta type Reyvateils were possible now.

The Seeds that were given to me were altered along the same lines that I was. Volunteers were taken to undergo the process of empowerment. We didn't restrict it to women only. Men could undergo the procedure as well. This generation would be considered the First Generation. The alterations started in 15 A.S. Five years ago. Among the first volunteers were Dad and my step mom, Kat. Already it was bearing fruit as children born of a First Generation inherited from the parents. Only time would tell just how well it would work out. Eventually we would have beings capable of surviving without the Interface Layer. However that wasn't going to happen until sometime around the Tenth Generation.

It amazed me sometimes.

"Come on, Taylor. If you don't get out of your office willingly then I'm dragging you out." My beautiful, wonderful, and deliciously smart wife was at the door to my office. Married since we were eighteen and I couldn't wait to see her at my side a thousand years from now. My appearance hadn't changed much except for filling out due to maturing. Cocona had picked up a couple inches, but my lovely wife was still tiny. I didn't doubt her following through on her threat. Size means nothing.

"I'm coming, dear. Relax. I wouldn't miss this for the world." We were going to our weekly lunch meeting. Over the years everyone was just so busy. It was hard to schedule a time for us all to be together. That was how the idea of the weekly lunch date got started. Two hours where work didn't intrude. Interfere at your own peril.

"You better not. Sonata's bringing the family. Mom and Dad are bringing the kids too." Cocona knew how to entice me. How did I end up surrounded by kids? My baby had a baby. With Dennis. I thought the hidden camera guys were pulling my leg when he told me. My parents had children. It's downright bizarre to have a brother and sister under five. Despedia and Lisa danced around each other for almost ten years before settling down with each other. Babies everywhere. Good grief.

"I was just finishing the historical records. Compiling all of that data was such a pain." I moaned over the extra work.

"You had twenty years to put it all together. It was your own fault for waiting so long." My lover jabbed me in the side eliciting a yelp.

"I am not Assault and you are not Battery." I found her sides with my fingers. She squirmed and laughed before escaping my clutches.

"Stop holding us up!" Cocona scolded before taking a shortcut to the lower levels by jumping out a window. Her trusty V Board was up to the task. I just rolled my eyes and dived out after her. If I couldn't have fun then what good was immortality? We were meeting in one of the many parks scattered around the Tree. The picnic area was all set up and teeming with life.

"Taylor!" I braced for impact as a six foot five woman built like a brick house grabbed me for a hug. I think I said hello to Despedia, but it was mostly muffled by cleavage. Never arm wrestle her. Never. The white haired woman cooed happily. I patted her well muscled back comfortingly or was I tapping out? Lisa took it as surrendering. The dirty blonde haired woman pinched a nerve cluster on Des' arm and forced her to let me go.

"Hi Des...Hi Lisa..." I gasped. Air! Sweet, glorious, air! Lisa hugged me with far more restraint.

"It's good to see you." She linked arms with me. Despedia followed us with an amused smirk. Cocona had beaten me here, but that was normal. She was holding an absolutely gorgeous little redheaded girl. Sonata had grown into a lovely young woman. Her smile was warm and indulgent. Dennis was a well built young man that seemed content just holding his wife's hand. He was still a practical joker. Thank the Wills he hadn't gotten into Dad joke territory.

"Now who is this adorable little lady?" I cooed. The child beamed at me, or it was gas. She was only a month old at this point. Little Rose was such a sweet baby. Sonata joked that someday I would learn the true horror.

"You already know your granddaughter. Sheesh." Cocona snorted, but didn't stop cuddling the infant.

"She's practicing for senility." Dennis teased. I fixed him with a flat stare that did absolutely nothing to faze him. His dark haired wife on the other hand dug her nails into his hand. "Dang it woman! Stop doing that!" He hissed.

"Oh sorry I just tensed up all of a sudden." She beamed beatifically at him.

"Okay knock off the spousal abuse." Dad warned as he walked up carrying my little brother, Mark. Kat followed with my sister, Amber. They were born with a matching power. Rose was too young to demonstrate hers, but the twins thought theirs was funny. Touch and Go. They touched hands and one became a Brute while the other became a Mover. My parents were made of stern stuff if they could deal with that insanity.

"Awww...but they're just showing they love each other..." The former heroine teased. My father turned an interesting shade of red and will you look at the time? I have to be elsewhere now. Right. I almost tripped over Madison in my haste to escape. She was laying in a patch of sun like the cat she is. Lean muscled and stretched out like that, I was reminded of a cheetah at rest. She lived with Lisa and Despedia. I did not inquire any further. Let's just say they decided they wanted a pet and Madison thought it was funny.

"You have a dirty mind." Madison was gazing at me with an amused grin.

"You have no shame." I retorted. We stared at each other for a few moments before starting to laugh. She bounded to her feet and hugged me tightly. Her clothes were still modest it was just her mannerisms that drove people wild.

"Think anyone else is going to show up? I could eat a shark by now." She complained. I guided the catgirl over to the rest of the family.

"Patience. If no one else shows up in fifteen minutes we'll eat. You know how some people hate missing a meal." We shared a grin. All of us were big eaters and could cook quite well. We tended to attract the Reyvateils that couldn't cook. Personally I was expecting my ReyvaMomma to show up. Mir did not look amused at the nickname, but Croix laughed himself sick.

"Oh look! Babies!" Right on time. Though the first ones to show up were not Mir and Croix. Aoto, Saki, and Finnel were arriving.

"Try not to scare them." Mir snarked.

"She wouldn't do that! Though this ugly mug might." Aoto joked. Croix just smiled indulgently.

"Do you have curry bread?" Tyria asked. The third Administrator was already seated at the table. How she got here so fast I would never know.

"Hurry up, Dad!" A boisterous young voice called out. Oh boy. Here comes Lyner and Laike. That meant his brood was approaching. Five children. At least it was five children and four adults. Aurica, Misha, and Shurelia arrived followed by the rest of the family. Thanks to advances in medical tech their husbands still looked young.

I looked out over my friends and family with a fond smile. It took a lot of work to reach this point, but we made it. Who knew what trials would await us tomorrow, but at least we had today. Now excuse me, I have children to play with.
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No scene of Earth Bet natives being shocked that Sasha isn't a Tinker?

For shame :V

No appearance at all by her in the epilogue is rather surprising though, considering that she's arguably Cocona's best non-family friend from Ar Ciel.
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But what happened to Saint? Could someone please write an omake for that. (I suck at writing)
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