Hymn of Harmony (Worm/Ar Tonelico Crossover Alt Trigger Taylor) (Complete)

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Sixth Arc 6.1
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.1

-May 3, 2011-

-PRT HQ: Aria's Lab-

It was Tuesday and I was back in my lab. Asking Cocona to Dive with me also served as a reminder that the equipment wasn't built. The need just wasn't there and I was enjoying myself. There was also a lack of people that I trusted to actually do that with me. Lisa and I had done a form of Dive through our connection, but it wasn't the same. When I altered her Seed it didn't require quite the depth that this would. The sensation of time slipping away from me was growing gradually. I had no idea what changed the lackadaisical air to a more pressing need. It wasn't something I could put my finger on precisely, but that didn't change the sense of urgency I felt.

The large fabricator was working on the requisite machinery which left me at odds for things to do. There was the robot lab assistant to be completed so I got to work. The plan was just to use a generic head, connect it to the armor, put the helm over it, and call it a day. I had to construct a neck ring for the head to socket into, but that wasn't hard. The hair was dyed blonde just to give a more user friendly appearance. The bot would have a set of logic programming. She wouldn't be able to make decisions based on self determination. Her programming would include lab care, how to operate the machinery, and other assorted mundane functions. Also before Sonata beat me to it I programmed her to know where the spare weapons are and how to use them.

"Okay...preparing for activation." The activation switch was located inside the torso area. I was leaving it empty so that she could store spare tools for ease of access. There was a master control on my terminal as well, but the one inside was a hard reset switch as well. She opened her eyes slowly with streams of code flickering across her irises.

"Greetings." The voice was pleasant as was the greeting. "Shall I perform initial diagnostics?" She queried.

"Yes." I replied.
"Acknowledged. Present designation for unit." I hadn't really thought of a name for her. Calling her Unit 1 or something was too demeaning. Just because she wouldn't mind didn't mean I wouldn't.

"Your designation is Astra." I informed her. She bowed her head and entered diagnostic mode. It would take her an hour or more to finish. I could have skipped the long start up time, but it was always best to make sure you didn't build Skynet by accident. Bizarrely enough when I thought of Skynet, Mir came to mind. Built by humanity, shown just how much they sucked, went axe crazy. The only thing missing was sending people back into the past for reasons unexplained. The humans thought they knew the reason, but seriously? Skynet was a troll. Had to be. Kill john Connor before he forms the resistance? Cause a paradox? Nope. Troll.

"How did I go from constructing a robot to taking apart Terminator?" Good question with no answer. Cocona was in school so no calling her. Sonata was cackling over something on her end of the lab. It was probably a good idea to investigate that. The sight I was treated to as I got closer left me agog. My baby girl built a damn weapon's platform. It looked like a Utah raptor with missile pods on the thighs. Satellite dishes on either side of the tail. Twin guns were on either side of the head and the teeth. Dear heavens the teeth. The eyes were red crystal and the body was black with silver trim.

"Hi Mom! Like it? I call it Command Raptor." She pet the side of the machine's muzzle. The lethal looking machine with wicked claws and a gun on the tail nuzzled her hand. She threw her arms around it's neck adorably or as adorable as a teen girl hugging a mechanical war machine could look.

"Honey...I really hope you at least asked Dragon about this..." I would not hesitate to say that this machine was tripping all of my fight or flight responses. Predominantly flight.

"Of course I did. She approved of everything. I installed a lot of really nice things in this big guy. A Harmograph booster, four of the large amplifiers with four of the smaller ones, and the satellites focus the released energy. I also gave it a synchronization booster. You can use this to ramp up the power of your Songs. It's also connected to the infrastructure that Dragon, Armsmaster, and You-Know-Who have been constructing." Sonata was clearly pleased with her invention. He looked like a devastating weapon, and was, but the tactical use was impossible to ignore.

"Very nice." I complimented her. She preened under the attention.

"Dragon has even got permission to mass produce these babies." The little minx. Building something like this and getting the PRT to build them.

"Can they all receive my signal?" I asked.

"Oh yes. The PRT was informed of their properties, but they don't know that you could synchronize with them all simultaneously." Sonata informed me.

"Wow. It's not like you lied to them either. Very useful. So why Command Raptor?" The name confused me a bit.

"They're mobile command platforms. An armored agent can ride them around the battlefield while maintaining contact. The design is for places that no ordinary vehicle could go. The weapons are a precaution mainly. These teeth are designed to chew through rock, concrete, and even steel for aiding in rescue operations." Sonata beamed proudly. The more she explained the less like a weapon it looked. Oh it was still a weapon, make no mistake, but I could see what she was aiming for. It's still scary as hell, but at least that wasn't a deliberate design choice. No, no, that made it worse actually.

"Sweetheart. Momma loves you very much. It's just that you managed to make a very scary thing." I tried to point out.

"If you're having this reaction just imagine the faces of villains when an entire team of PRT Agents rides in on the backs of these monsters alongside the motoarmors! Glorious!" And just like that I lost my baby to dreams of heavy metal, cordite, and lamenting villains crying to their mommies. I left her along for now and headed back to my area of the lab. Having more weaponry around the lab for defense was nice. Diving would leave us totally vulnerable and this wasn't Sol Ciel where interrupting a Dive was unheard of. Attacking during one? Preposterous! It's not like it didn't happen, but that was usually accident rather than design. I wasn't really too worried. We were in PRT Headquarters. Home of the Protectorate. Also home to a sizable number of armored troopers.

"You're getting too wound up, Taylor." Shurelia's voice intruded on my thoughts. She sounded concerned. I sat down at my terminal.

"I know. It's just...I can't figure out what is making me so nervous. Beyond the obvious. I've got this feeling that I'm not prepared enough. It's scary. I got so used to thinking that there was still time. I feel like I was slacking off." Taylor confided in the Origin.

"The feeling you have is perfectly natural. Your range of detection has grown by an order of magnitude. The substations and infrastructure support has been installed properly. Sonata's clever inventions will also help. You are nearly omnipresent on the network. The restless feeling is something we all had to adjust to. It feels like there is so much to do and not enough time to do it. That your attention is being pulled in multiple directions. Just give it some time and the sensation will go away." The silver haired administrator soothed her worries.

"I don't really feel any different. I expected it would feel strange or something. Instead the system just keeps chugging along without my input. That's a good thing, right?" I didn't want it to inexplicably get away from me.

"Dragon is doing a fine job keeping it running smoothly. A good tower staff can handle most issues themselves. The only thing they should have to bring to you are major decisions. Even then a good staff is capable of making due in those situations. Any other interesting projects you have?" She asked.

"Sonata's proven that the ability to use Song Magic is possible. I know it's not magic and in fact super science. We don't have a Will to commune with, but using tools has helped get around that. I could actually build a Reyvateil of a sort. It's possible. The designs are here as well. Huh. I didn't notice that. It was in the same folder as the Sol Reactor. Well, the basis of the Sol Reactor, and Funbuns." That folder was full of some truly bizarre ultra tech. Full scale machines were miniaturized in ways Armsmaster would take lessons from.

"Oh Lyner...what else did you send her...?" Shurelia moaned in a mixture of resignation and disbelief.

"Wait...isn't Lyner the airhead? Uhhh...forget I said that..." I flushed at having said that to the Origin.

"Well you certainly have Mir's attitude. He's not actually an airhead, but he is earnest to a fault. Though the fact he kept coming up with technology that I had not added to the Grathmeld program stumps me." She pondered curiously.

"Maybe he's an unidentified Will wandering the world for the humor." There was startled silence on the other hand.

"Don't joke about that." She muttered, "It might be true." Shurelia said her goodbyes since apparently she still had to work. Sonata was happily chatting with Mir about her "cute" Command Raptor. Yep. Mir was encouraging her love of scary machines.

"I was thinking since everyone else has a giant robot that I should build one. Dragon even said that if I got my mom's permission she would help. I was thinking of a serpentine dragon that flew through the sky and doubled as an armored troop carrier!" Sonata exclaimed.

"Scale it back kiddo. You've already made one PR nightmare. Pace yourself. Let them calm down and then surprise them with a new design. How big were you thinking anyway?" Mir asked. I was somewhat relieved that my mom was trying to hold her back.

"Well there is a way for me to make a hundred foot machine that would only take a few anti grav generators. Of course there would be redundancy to protect against failure. The Sol Reactor III is more than powerful enough if I put one in each segment. Hundred feet so make that twenty segments. Four anti grav generators in each." My daughter proposed. The scary part was I could see how it would work. A few tweaks and it would be a nightmare in the skies. With the right armaments...

"With the right armaments it could even serve as a deterrent to the Simurgh. Is that what you're thinking, Aria?" Mir asked in amusement. Sonata stuck out her tongue at me from across the room.

"I wasn't trying to hide. Personally I think it's a great idea. Just have Dragon release it herself. Give her full creative rights, show her your plans, and let her have it." I had a feeling this was more of a collaboration anyway. Dragon made a suggestion, my daughter started brainstorming, and here we are.

"Thanks Mom! Hmmm hmmm hmmm...Ha ha ha ha!" Sonata started laughing like a villain again.

"Too much dear. Too much. Evil isn't that hammy." Mir chided her gently.

"Sorry Grandma..." My daughter pouted. It was at that point that Astra came back online. I blocked off that conversation to save what was left of my sanity to focus on compiling her programming.

-With Sonata-

"I have an idea for a weapon that would most definitely make my mom's eyebrow twitch." I spoke to my grandma directly. Mom was busy finalizing the bot's programming which was good. That would take her some time yet. She was a perfectionist.

"Any particular reason you're discussing it with me first?" Mir asked curiously. She encouraged me to be creative while reminding me that sinking continents earned kill orders. Personally I think she worried too much.

"It involves the use of dimensional physics. Not quite a black hole gun, but closer to a quantum laser. It would rewrite local reality to ensure that it always hit the target. The power for it would be astronomical if I didn't have a work around. By turning it into a Song, sending through the Tower in your dimension, and then channeling back through my mother it would lower the cost significantly." The idea was ambitious, but it was doable. Mir was silent for a time. At first I thought she was just thinking about it, but after awhile I realized she was in shock.

"Send me the plans and calculations. Oh my...you already had it figured out, didn't you? This is scary. Very scary. I like it. There are a few areas that need to be tightened up. Hmmm...this would have to be installed in your mother's mini-Tower." Mir mused.

"How would we perform an installation when Hymn Crystals aren't even native to this world?" I hadn't thought of everything, but I trusted grandma to have an idea.

"I'll get back to you on that. You might have just saved your mother's life you know." Mir said gently. I froze in shock.

"What do you mean?" I asked carefully.

"We were drawing a blank on how to stop the threat to your world. The best idea we had was a Song, but the only one with enough power would have been dangerous to her as well." The dark Reyvateil was clearly happy that I came up with a better solution.

"There are Songs that powerful?" That was a scary thought.

"Indeed. This is much more efficient. Good work, kiddo. Who helped you with some of these equations?" She asked curiously.

"Someone you know. Her name's Sasha." I took great pleasure in causing grandma to have another meltdown. Twice in one conversation was some kind of record.

My intellectual exercise might have saved mom's life. Whether by Will or by God I was relieved.

AN: Here we go. The start of the Cosmosphere Arc has commenced. Some of the Songs in Ar Tonelico are freakishly powerful. I plan on taking as much time as I need. My Muse has returned, obviously, so the job is made easier. Until next time!
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Cosmosphere Creation Guide Found by Omega Cloud (SB)
This is a repost of an old, old thread. It it mostly for-fun conjecture and analysis and may contain outdated information.


Are you stumped on how to create a reyvateil's Cosmosphere? Because I sure am >_> Which is why this is here. This is pretty much a sort of analysis on the cosmosphere, to act as a guide for anyone who wants to make one. Note that this is not canon, an 100% accurate how-to, or a must-have when creating your cosmosphere. Any suggestions, corrections, section ideas, or other tips you have are welcome.

The information is obtained from the game, Toukousphere and from the Settei book. Thanks to Kensou77 and Aquagon for translations and for providing the information, which can be found here and here. The info from the Settei book is very complex, so it'll be somewhat simplified here.

I haven't played through Cloche, the third At II reyvateil's Cosmosphere, or any of Ar tonelico III's reyvateil's Cosmospheres, so help and suggestions for the later level themes would be great. (hint, hint) Also, let's try to keep this as non-spoiler as possible, though it probably won't be a problem. Remember the spoiler tags if it's necessary to demonstrate points, correlate characteristics, etc.

About the Cosmosphere

The Cosmosphere is the virtual depiction of a reyvateil's mind, accessed by using a Dive Machine. The Cosmosphere exists for the creation of song magic, made from the reyvateil's emotions. They're obtained by solving the problems in her mind, or Cosmosphere. Each one is unique to the reyvateil, and if it ceases to exist she will die.

A Cosmosphere has approximately 9 levels, and in each level the reyvateil gains songs after being influenced by the diver. In the beginning (Level One), the reyvateil's inner self is weakly influenced and creates weaker songs. As the levels progress she's more strongly influenced and creates stronger songs out of the feelings she has. At level 9, the strongest songs are made from the strongest emotions. Most of the time, reyvateils learn around 15 to 25 songs after completing the Cosmosphere in the course of the game, which is usually a year or two. But, it's extremely dangerous for a diver to go beyond the 9th level, which is usually inaccessible by the Dive Machine. Level 9, the highest level, has the strongest effect on the reyvateil. Beyond it is an area that should never be touched, because doing so could destroy the reyvateil's mind. That area is also called the [Shared Consciousness Field], where the consciousness of all reyvateils meet. If a diver were to enter that area, he could end up influencing other reyvateils as well; reyvateils can also influence each other through this area, though they can't target specifically who they want to influence. As a diver and reyvateil progress through the Cosmosphere, their minds grow stronger-- so, if a diver enters the Shared Consciousness Field, the reyvateil's mind breaks because of the strain of the power in her mind. Because of that the limit of levels one can enter in the Cosmosphere is limited to 9, for the safety of both the reyvateil and the diver.

The Cosmosphere layers are the most superficial in the beginning, and in the later levels, the subconscious thoughts and hidden feelings are revealed. The Cosmosphere is sort of like an onion-- even if peeling the first layers makes you cry, get through to the end to reach your goal! The layers of the Cosmosphere also get more intense later on because of the escalating emotion, and there's a chance the diver could die. In the game, the diver is saved, but when making your Cosmosphere it's possible to have death traps all over, if the reyvateil is extremely hurt or wary.

Completing (the journey through) the Cosmosphere

In the Cosmosphere, the diver helps solve the reyvateil's problems. He talks to her, convinces her of things, urges her to action (or urges her to not act), and acts himself in order to demonstrate to her the answer to her problems. By doing this he influences her, and when she is strongly influenced (at the end of the level, when the problems are solved) a [Paradigm Shift] forms. The Paradigm Shift prepares and allows the diver and the reyvateil to enter the next level... In a sense, the two level up and have access to a stronger area. Because the Paradigm Shift is a manifestation of the influence of the diver on the reyvateil, the reyvateil must enter it by choice in order to safely continue. If forced it can cause instability in the next level and make it harder to complete than it should have been.

If a diver tries to access a higher level than the one he should, he will die (his mind will be absorbed or eroded (causing his mind's collapse) by the reyvateil's, and he will be unable to return to reality). This is because the reyvateil has a stronger consciousness than the diver at that point, so he will be overpowered and unable to influence her, like how a level 5 hero can't damage a level 30 boss monster.

In some cases, the problems a reyvateil has cannot solely be solved by the Diver. In this case, an outside influence is necessary in order for her to have a reassurance of something-- this outside influence can be compared to a weapon or armor the diver can use to help win against the boss, which he could not do without it. Generally, the outside influences can be anything-- a revelation, information, the return of a personal item... Something that has importance to the reyvateil.

Above, we mentioned the dangers of diving past Level 9. However, a reyvateil can sometimes have another level (called Level E), in which the reyvateil is free to do whatever she wishes. This level is likely part of the Shared Consciousness Field, but in-game it has shown no negative side affects, so we can assume it is safe, unlike another level above. Diving past this point is suicidal in most reyvateils, except for a special type in which there is only one, canonically.

Manipulation of the Cosmosphere

Because the Cosmosphere is a representation of the mind, it's possible for a reyvateil to consciously change and manipulate her Cosmosphere. However, it's not something any reyvateil can do. A good example is a Dive Therapist, who is trained to manipulate the first level of her Cosmosphere in order to perform therapeutic sessions with another in a relaxed or preferred environment. In that manipulated Cosmosphere the reyvateil can do whatever she wishes to a reasonable degree. Some examples are fake surroundings, false circumstances, creation of games, false paradigm shifts, representations of real-life people, etc. Dive Therapists are also taught Song Magic to be used for Therapy.

For most untrained reyvateils, it is probably impossible to manipulate the Cosmosphere. For 3rd Generation reyvateils, rigorous training is needed just for the first (the weakest and most superficial) layer. The later levels are even more difficult to manipulate and take a great strain on the mind. Theoretically, it might be possible for the reyvateil to grow mentally ill if she continues to go against her true Cosmosphere and allows someone to advance through her mind without properly accomplishing the levels.

However, for Origin Type reyvateils (the first three reyvateils crafted, also known as the three Goddesses Eolia, Frelia and Tylia), they are free to do whatever they wish with their 'Cosmosphere', because in reality they have none. Their minds are housed in the Binary Field, so they have free reign over everything in the Cosmosphere. The reason for this is because the Cosmosphere concept was introduced after the 'birth' of the three Origins, but to compensate that there are games available to play in the Binary Field, already preset and waiting for use.Even though it's not a true Cosmosphere, obtaining Costumes and Song Magic is still possible. It's also possible to create original scenarios in the Binary Field. However, doing this is dangerous as it's possible to die when in the Field. Some reyvateils whose power nears the Origin reyvateils' can also manipulate their Cosmosphere without much problem for the earlier levels, and can also allow more than one person to dive into them, but because they do have an existing Cosmosphere it is impossible to continue manipulating it without consequence.

When manipulating the Cosmosphere, it can mean either a completely fake area with no hint to the reyvateil's inner mind, or it can be the Cosmosphere with the essential elements still intact, but hidden and manipulated from the natural way of the reyvateil's mind. Either one is impossible to maintain forever throughout the Cosmosphere and can place great strain on her mind.

Cosmosphere Level Themes
In the second game, we learned that most Cosmosphere levels, or layers, go by a theme. These themes are all mostly speculation, except for #3 which is canon, and only apply to most 3rd Generation and Beta Reyvateils' Cosmospheres.

1. Wariness. The reyvateil is reluctant to show herself to the diver, usually by covering her cosmosphere or having a sort of 'protection' around it. It can take the form of a false world, or more mundane barriers similar to a moat around a castle (doesn't impede much, but is still a problem in entering).

2. Self-Depreciation. One of the reyvateil's faults is shown and emphasized, but in a sort of roundabout yet obvious way. This weakness is something they realize about themselves, but don't talk about in daily life.

3. Memory. This level is supposed to be based on memory, so we can assume it takes the form of events that have happened in the past, usually repeatedly.

4. Self-Image. In this level we see the reyvateil's problems with who she is and how she is portrayed. It can impede her from doing what she really wants to do because of the limitations of how she's seen gives her.

5. Goal, Dream, or Wish. This level has two versions. In Ar tonelico I, the reyvateil has something she wants but can't get by herself, because of an outside or inside force. In Ar tonelico II, the theme is pretty much the same, except the 'thing' she wants is the diver's heart. Obviously, she needs consent, but she is also fearful of the love because of an outside or inside force.

These are probably the most accurate ones I have. From here on, there is only analysis from Aurica, Misha, and Luca's Cosmospheres. Because of that, they're lacking in a lot of data... so if you want a better one, you know what to do. ^__^

6. Control. The reyvateil starts gaining power over the diver as the levels progress. This level has two versions. In Ar tonelico I, the reyvateil's love confession is placed here, but because of her rising power she wishes to keep the diver in the Cosmosphere to stay with her forever-- she wants to keep his heart using ploys. It differs from Ar tonelico II because now, she's more powerful, whereas in level five she needs his decision. In Ar tonelico II, the reyvateil also tries to keep the diver in her Cosmosphere because, yes, she's more powerful. In both situations it's a sort of life-or-death decision, but the diver will (probably) live for the next level.

7. [Final Conscience] Fulfillment. This one was a bit vague, so it's probably less accurate than the others. But, in this level, the reyvateil achieves something she wanted for herself, and can be either selfish or for a better cause (usually the former). Also, stated in Ar tonelico I, this level is the [Final Conscience] level, and if this level disappears then the reyvateil's actions will become irrational.

8. Resolution. In this level, the problem from the previous level will be solved and the reyvateil's mind will be calmed at the end. This doesn't mean that she's fine now, but it means the biggest issue (when it comes to mental stability) has been addressed. In Ar tonelico I, the two sides representing her split emotions will collide and destroy the Cosmosphere, but they will join together when brought to their senses to form a new and better world for the reyvateil, showing her healed psyche.

9. Vow. The marriage ceremony takes place in this level, showing the reyvateil's absolute trust in the diver and giving her a strong connection to the tower or server, making her the most powerful she can be. Before it starts, however, the reyvateil reaffirms the diver's convictions to her.

Cosmosphere Appearance
Most reyvateils have towns/inns, a solitary place such as a field or forest, a Boundary Gate/Life Tower, Stonehenge, and a house/castle.

In Sol Ciel, reyvateils' Cosmospheres tend to be unique, individual lands with varying landscapes. In Meta Falss, it appears that most reyvateils' Cosmosphere grounds take the form of some sort of food. The appearance of the Cosmosphere is influenced by the Reyvateil's experiences-- if she has never seen water, she'll likely not have a Cosmosphere based on the ocean. Just like you cannot describe color to a blind person, a reyvateil cannot have unknown things in her Cosmosphere. For that reason, the Cosmosphere takes the form of things she's seen, likes, or is familiar with.

About making a Cosmosphere

The Cosmosphere is the very mind of the reyvateil. It represents her thoughts and feelings. As such, if you want to make one for someone, you have to understand that person. What's her greatest weakness? Her fear? Her wishes? Obviously that's not some trivial 'write it down on her profile information' type of thing, because those are in the soul of a person.

Something I like to do is to 'live' in the character. When you have absolutely nothing to do and are extremely bored, try going back to the earliest memories of the character and imagining everything that happened to them through their eyes. How would she react to seeing her village burn to the ground, everything precious to her in a blazing fire, burning and disappearing from the world? That's something unforgettable. I usually do this at night when trying to fall asleep, but somehow can't. Don't do this just randomly anywhere where there is a lot of distractions, because you can't become the character while surfing for music or watching TV. It needs a sort of drifting state where you can lose who you are and become another.

After that, you can imagine how 'you' would protect your mind, the things 'you' fear and wish for, because of the things that have happened in the past. It's a good way to start in the creation of a Cosmosphere. You don't need to write anything down about her feelings, because usually it just becomes lifeless text that can't be felt. Just remind yourself of that life, and the things 'you' experienced.

Here's a method by Chaude, which looks like it'll work even better.

Another way to create a Cosmoshpere is a step-by-step method from personality to Red and Blue magic to the individual Cosmosphere level.

1: As mentioned already, spend a good amount of time to reflect on how the character reacts to others and herself (from being happy to sad to angry), and next, develop Red and Blue magic from there.

Example: With my character Kaylan, part of her starting personality is kindness and sincerity, yet shy and mysterious. This develops her Hallowed Strike Arts that's based on Light and Darkness.

2: Once all of the Red and Blue magic spells are made and assigned to each Cosmosphere level, spells that are assigned to each specific level become the characters that aids and/or go against the diver. In addition, those characters, based off of those spells, create the level itself (sometimes by their attribute, their emotion, etc.) and reflects a specific personality trait of that Reyvateil.

Example: Kaylan's Shadow Flare and Knight magic created her 3rd Cosmosphere, named "Forgiveness in Darkness." With a dark-based attack and a knight figure, the end result I thought of for the area was a swamp. From there, I selected what personality trait did I want Kaylan to resolve, in which case I selected her inability to forgive herself for her weaknesses.

3: Henceforth, what obstacle(s) do you want to present to either the diver or the Reyvateil, or both, to achieve the Reyvateil's understanding of herself and experience a paradigm shift.

Example: Because the personality trait I selected dealt with her inability to forgive herself for her weaknesses, I felt Kaylan had to be doing something that she couldn't do herself. It had to be something that she felt she knew she can be able to do, but somehow can't complete it. I used a zombie as an obstacle (zombie created by her more deeper emotions, yet less fierce at this early level). Zombies are thought of to be easy to be killed (immediate experiences from Valkyrie Profile). When I pit Kaylan against this seemingly easy enemy, I increased the difficulty of the obstacle to reflect the personality trait, giving the zombie protection from normal attacks and holy- and fire-based attacks that she has as her arsenal at this time. This is when the resolution brought by the diver comes, understanding, and the creation of a paradigm shift.
There are a lot of ways to create the scenario, obstacle, and resolution. I'll admit this works in theory, so if there's any corrections, I thank you for your input . I hope this was helpful.
Sixth Arc 6.2
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.2

-May 9, 2011-

-PRT Headquarters: Aria's Lab-

Dive Machines. They were used to allow a Diver to enter the Cosmosphere of a Reyvateil. The sex analogies were many and in some ways they weren't wrong. The important distinction was that this was a much deeper connection than making love. It was about allowing someone into your very soul to see your innermost parts. The good, the bad, the ugly. All of it. Lisa had to set me down and explain the misconceptions that others had formed. I think it was the first time she actually realized that I'm not human. My thoughts meandered as I was confronted with the reality of our Dive. Armsmaster and Dragon helped me to construct the machines. The result was a pair of headsets that doubled as full immersion VR equipment. I had just finished running the last of the checks last night and all systems were green. They were still green today.

Something was troubling me though. There was a strange energy in the air. It was faint, hours old, but a niggling doubt was plaguing me. I ran the diagnostics again and the system came back clean. Cocona was seated in a cushioned seat attached to various health monitors. She smiled reassuringly at me even if there was a nervousness in her eyes. I smiled back. Armsmaster, Dragon, Astra, Sonata, and Despedia were all here. There was enough firepower to even turn back the most determined A Rank threat. I sat down in the seat and let Dragon set up the equipment. Mir was with us on the terminal while Shurelia monitored the equipment remotely. Feeling their assurances in my mind calmed me. Words were spoken, but they washed over me as the headset was placed on my head. The visor was lowered over my eyes. Cocona reached across to take my hand.

Then we Dived.

-The Lab-

All was still as the two girls held hands and relaxed. Their respiration slowed into a sleeping pattern. Brain wave monitors told the tale of heightened activity. The witnesses weren't sure what to do in this case. Was it okay to talk? Was it okay to entertain themselves? Was it a faux pax? The only experts were in another dimension while the two who might know were in a deep state similar to mediation. A rapid beeping came from the monitoring equipment. Everyone tensed at the sudden noise.

"What the hell?" Mir's voice came across clearly. Her composure shaken by something.

"What is it, Mir?" Armsmaster asked even as he and Dragon got to their stations.

"Their consciousness is being sublimated. How is this possible? No one should know how this machine operates." Mir actually growled. Two people she loved were being harmed. This would not stand.

"Is there anything we can do?" Dragon asked.

"I'm sending a coding packet to reengage the manual override. It will have to be entered into the machine manually. Mir and I will divert the attack while you enter the codes. We can hold it as long as you need." Shurelia told them insistently. Haste was their enemy more than sloth.

"Mom..." Sonata murmured as Despedia held her comfortingly.

"It's okay kid. They'll be fine. You'll see." The feral cape soothed her. The child in her arms let herself be comforted.

"The packet has been delivered. We'll get to work." Armsmaster spoke up.

"All vital signs are steady. There are no irregularities." Dragon stated. Their work would be difficult, but they had hope it wouldn't take long. Aria and Granspear would be safe. They had to be.

-Cocona's POV-

-Cosmosphere Level 1-

This is definitely outside of my experience. I found myself floating above what looked like a map of Brockton Bay. There were a few differences, but nothing in particular stood out. Winslow High School looked darker than I remembered. Arcadia was brighter in terms of shininess. The Rig was also shinier. Home and Lisa's apartment were shiny as well. So places that she had good memories of were shiny while others were darker or not defined. There was a scar at the upper edge of the map where Coil's base was located.

"What is your designation?" A mechanical voice spoke. All at once the massive beetle mech appeared. I couldn't help the squeak of surprise. Her mind guardian was freakin' huge! He was even more of a weapons platform in her mind.

"Uh...I'm Cocona Bartel." No one talks about the inside of someone's Cosmosphere. It's considered gauche. Personally I'm wishing there was a guide book written right now.

"Present authorization!" The machine barked. I felt it like a physical force. My Dive Points lowered fractionally, but it was apparently enough. "Authorization accepted. Proceed to the designated area." What designated area? Each area on the map came complete with a Dive Point cost. Dive Points were important. They acted as protection for the Diver. The number increased based on compatibility, closeness, and understanding. They were what allowed the Diver to progress.

I could take the check everywhere approach or take a chance on the ones with the highest value. My eyes kept going back to Winslow. The value was low, but something about the structure drew the eye. I selected it and was drawn to the location. What I saw looked like the hallway in front of Taylor's locker. The state of the school was as I remembered it. Nothing was noticeably out of place. That alone made me nervous. I slowly walked towards That Locker. It capitalized itself in my head. The door was dingier than it's surroundings and a terrible smell emanated from within. As I got closer the sound of something weakly scratching at the inside reached my ears.

"Hello?" I called out. The scratching stopped. Maybe Taylor was in there? This was where it all started after all. I stepped forward and touched the lock...


The voice tore through my mind like a cyclone. It howled and shrieked insanely. I briefly saw red eyes and a lower jaw torn away. The sound of insects buzzed madly in my ears.

"At ease. You are safe. You were not cleared for access." The beetle machine had me in it's massive arms as I came to. The psychic backlash left me dazed and trembling. I clutched at my savior as the tremors faded. My Dive Points took a nasty hit, but thankfully I wasn't kicked out.

"I thought I was done for..." I admitted. The mind guardian rumbled in discontent.

"You were nearly destroyed. This Unit, Atlas, had to expend it's power to save you." The machine informed me coolly.

"Destroyed? Wait...this is only the first level...shouldn't the Dive interrupt have kicked in?" I was confused. The Dive Interrupt was there to protect the Diver. If the operator was competent then the one in danger could be pulled out. Dives could be dangerous in that the Reyvateil's mind was strong in her own domain. I may have been welcomed in, but at points Taylor's psyche might identify me as intruder.

"The Dive Interrupt has been disabled. Bleed through is occurring over all layers." Atlas stated factually. Disabled? Bleed through?

"Oh no! My being here would only make it worse...okay." I tried to exit only to find the option was gone. Now I panicked.

"In order to save her mind you must undertake this quest. By reinforcing each level you will be able to save her. Fail and you will both be terminated." The beetle mech warned. Great. A time limit as well.

"Fine. You can't tell me which way to go I guess..." Mind Guardians could be benevolent, malevolent, or any shade of crazy. They protected the Reyvateil's mind. You would think if Taylor's mind was collapsing her guardian would help, but sometimes they only become more obstructive.

"I cannot. It is against my stated goals of guarding the sector. You might have better luck in brighter places. Should you find yourself overwhelmed I can render aid once more. After that this unit will cease to function." Atlas stated. I stared at the guardian in shock. That was definitely bad. He risked himself to save me from my own curiousity. I would have to tread more carefully in the future.

"Thank you." I patted his armored hand. With that I set off once more to hover over the map. Taylor's guardian couldn't tell me exactly where to go, but hints are good. She must not be ready to handle the darker areas yet. Something else I forgot is that by entering these places I'm going into her memories and perceptions. The Locker being capitalized should have been warning enough. It was a no brainer now that I had an idea of where to go. The place that I should have gone first. The image of the Rig came closer as I made my choice. The sight that greeted me was of Taylor, dressed as Aria, leaning in the head portion of a gigantic mecha. The head was vaguely insectoid. What was up with all the bugs?

"Hmmm...this connector fits here...and this goes here..." She makes a sound of approval before straightening up with a groan. "Whew...next on the schedule is the neck connection..." Aria checks something off on a floating terminal. "Hmmm?" She turns to look at me. "Granspear! Great timing!" My girlfriend slid down the railings and bounded over to me.

"Hey Taylor." I greeted her. She stopped and blinked in confusion.

"I'm Aria. Taylor is at home. Are you feeling alright?" Just like that another red flag came up. I smiled reassuringly.

"I'm fine. Sorry, Aria. I was just confused. You and Taylor look so much alike." Could I reach her this way?

"Yeah I know. It's such a pain. I'm nothing like her, but people still confuse us. My girlfriend should know better though." The white clad Reyvateil narrowed her eyes at me. I took another hit to my Dive Points. Shit. I was totally deep in the minefield. "If you're going to date us then don't mix us up again. Now get out. I have work to do." She flipped her hair breezily before heading back to her workstation. The dismissal was clear. I left the lab and found myself above the map again.

"This is so...so...so boo..." I sighed. The only thing I could do was go along with the story. There had to be a story somewhere. My next destination was the house. It swelled to fill my vision and I was there. Taylor was in the kitchen wearing an apron and looking contentedly at a pot of stew. I think it was stew. It reminded me of one of Mir's more unique attempts at cooking. I entered the kitchen and she jumped half a foot.

"Oh! Cocona...welcome home dear..." She bustled, actually bustled, over and gave me a peck on the cheek. "How was work?" The brunette smiled at me. This Taylor was dressed like some exaggerated ideal of the happy homemaker. Best to play along for now.

"Work was good. Where is everybody?" I asked. She sighed.

"Despedia is out with Lisa again. They'll probably drag themselves in at all hours of the morning and wake up Sonata. Our little girl starts school in the morning after all. She needs her sleep, but those two..." Taylor sighed with a faint smile, "Oh they'll behave...they're just so rowdy at that age..." It was at that point the front door flew open and Sonata burst in.

"Hi Mommy! Hi Daddy!" She grabbed Taylor in a hug first and then me. D-Daddy!? Those burgundy eyes staring at me robbed me of the will to argue. Isn't that what I would be if her mom and I grew more serious? I hugged her back. My girlfriend smiled approvingly.

"Would you set the table honey?" Taylor asked.

"Alriiiight..." Sonata drew it out petulantly, but did as she was asked. The part that was worrying me was the stew (?) on the stove. We sat at the table. Aria came home soon after in a foul mood. She stared at us sitting at the table with her lips thinned, but said nothing. There was a sensation of ants creeping along my spine as the Twilight Zone theme played quietly like background music. The bowls of stew were set before us. I couldn't resist recoiling as a bowl of stewed insects was put before me. The salt shaker, shaped like Atlas, turned to look at me. I remembered what he said about corruption. Taylor and Aria were both watching me inscrutably. Sonata was eating her dinner that looked like a beef stew. They both had beef stew in front of them. I took a chance and ate a bite of the stew. The flavor was impossible to describe. A metallic tang assaulted my tongue immediately followed by the meaty flavor of rotten blood.

"How is it?" Taylor asked pleasantly with nothing behind her eyes.

"Delicious isn't it?" Aria asked with that same nothing. Was this what she tasted in the locker? Tears stung my eyes.

"It's delicious." A bowl of foulness stew gave Taylor a new life. Aria gave her stability and control that she lacked. She had friends and pulled her family together. I sobbed quietly as it fully hit me. Three sets of arms embraced me, but said nothing. There was a peculiar shift in the air. When my eyes opened I was back above the map. A strange stone circle was illuminated now.

"The Paradigm Shift has occurred. You must hurry." Atlas informed me. His mechanical voice was peculiarly gently. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak, before heading to the new location. The stone circle opened up before me into a replica of Stonehenge. Taylor stood by the flaring white light. She was in costume, but without the mask. She turned to look at me.

"I'm sorry Cocona. This isn't how I wanted it to happen. You're trapped in here and could die...I..." She whimpered softly. I held her tight.

"This isn't your fault. Whatever is happening we'll face it together. You and I. Got it? We WILL do this together." I assured her. Taylor smiled lovingly at me.

"Then let's go." She held my hand and we stepped into the light without hesitation.

This won't be easy, but I won't give up. Not on her and definitely not on us. When we get out of here I will crush the ones responsible.

-Level 1 Complete-

AN: Starting next chapter will be 2 Levels per chapter. The stage is set. What sort of Cosmosphere section would it be without a complication?
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this was a much deeper connection that making love
Dive Points lowered fractionally, but it was apparently enough. "
I'm 99% certain that Dive Points are purely a gameplay mechanic and don't actually exist as a quantifiable thing.

It could just be me, but mentioning things like Dive Points, the actual labels on the map screen, etc makes everything feel far more artificial, and not emotional like it's supposed to be. All the game mechanics just really break up the narrative structure.

I think it would flow a lot better if instead the feeling that the Diver gets when Dive Points are spent was described (as if the mechanic is in the background unseen by the characters), and if Cocona was just wandering around the Cosmosphere's version of the city instead of looking at a map screen (the actual events inside Cosmospheres make it sound like this is what happens).
Hmm, able to hack the dive machine that quickly? That narrows it down to someone with a precog assist, and top two suspects for that are Contessa and Ziz.

Myself, I'm putting my money on the more tech obsessed of the two options...
his won't be easy, but I won't give up. Not on her and definitely not on us. When we get out of here I will crush the ones responsible
Missing a period at the end there.
Sixth Arc 6.3
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.3

-Cosmosphere Level 2-

The next level appeared nearly the same as the previous. There were some notable differences however. Winslow High was darker and had acquired spikes. Not in any uniform pattern. The shiny places were still just as shiny. I could very faintly make out something in the dark scar at the edge of the map. The only new addition was a crystal tree growing in the cemetery. My quest was still a long way from being completed, but I could do this. I had to. Taylor's life was at stake. I know mine was in danger as well. I also knew that Taylor would fight just as hard for me. The Crystal Tree was almost beckoning me to come closer. The last time I had a sensation like this it lead me to The Locker. I bit my lip worry. The cemetery was in shades of light and dark. That wasn't a clue.

"I'll come back to that..." I moved towards the Rig. The drain was minor, thankfully, but it was still there. Once more I appeared in the lab, but somehow on a lower level. Before me was the torso of a giant robot with my girlfriend tapping at a terminal. Numerous cables and wires were affixed to different parts of the torso. She turned to look at me.

"Hey Granspear." Aria greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Aria. What's that you're working on?" I asked her. She sighed.

"You weren't interested earlier. Well that's okay since I have your attention now. It's something I'm working on to protect our home. With this nothing will harm any of our precious people." She gazed at the machine fondly.

"I wish I'd asked sooner." I walked closer to her. Aria stretched tiredly.

"It's going to take a lot of work. Do you mind helping me out with something?" She asked me.

"What do you need?" Whatever she needed I would give her. I gripped her shoulder gently, she covered my hand with her own.

"I just need some of your energy. Please sing with me?" Aria looked briefly unsure. I put my arms around her.

"Gladly." I said with a smile. The song we sang was not one I was familiar with. My energy drained out as I went along with the prompts. The song was beautiful, but somehow a little sad. A pulse of energy raced along the cables and into the machine. We stood together as last lyrics passed. I could still hear the song drifting on the air.

"Thank you...I need you. It's not something easy to say...even when you mean it...but it doesn't make it any less true." Aria admitted quietly.

"I need you too." We shared a smile. The image faded and I was back at the map. That was a bit abrupt. There was no transition or anything. Why did it feel like I did right and wrong? Atlas wasn't around either. I was feeling disquieted. The barrier around the crystal tree felt thicker. Like it would be harder to enter. I could go now or hold off for later. If I held off for later it might be too difficult to get through. It might be a trap though. Some locations in the mind are red herrings. I picked the safer option and went to the house. There was a feeling of resistance, but I made it through. Despedia and Lisa were in the living room. They looked up as I came in.

"Hey Coconut." Despedia said with a grin. She was half sprawled on the sofa in an outfit that left very little to the imagination. Lisa gave her a vulpine grin. The orange fox ears and tail were certainly a new addition. Her outfit was of a similarly questionable nature.

"Welcome home." She greeted me. I just had my brain blown. Her smile grew predatory. When I looked to Des the same expression was mirrored on her face. I quickly checked my own clothes just in case. Thankfully I was wearing my normal at home clothing. Wait. Did my top just turn translucent?

"Eep!" I squeaked. Before I realized what was happening the two girls on the couch had pulled me down between them.

"You're home early..." Lisa purred.

"Did you miss us?" Despedia asked in a husky tone.

"Ah sure...where's Taylor?" If my voice was a little high pitched I could be forgiven.

"She's in the kitchen. Doing the happy homemaker thing." Des pouted.

"Hmmm...do you want her to join us?" Lisa asked teasingly. I was given another reason for squeaking.

"Hands! Hands!" I squirmed uncomfortably. They weren't being overt, but they were definitely in my personal space.

"Oh. Hello Cocona. Having fun?" Taylor asked from the doorway. Her smile was fixed.

"No! Help!" I did not need to think about the right answer. She blinked in confusion.

"Oh okay. Sorry about that...really I am..." She walked over to the couch. Thank the Wills! I made the right choice...EEEEK! "Is this okay?" Taylor asked adorably.

The despairing shriek in my mind was because my girlfriend just sat in my lap. The apron and clothing doing nothing to conceal her. Despedia was feeling bolder while Lisa played with my hair.

There was a crushing wrench as I found myself back on the map. My head was killing me, but no damage was accrued. I spent some time in that middle space gibbering quietly to myself. The part that I was trying to reconcile was why did it feel so good? I was uncomfortable with everyone swarming over me, but it also felt good. Now I was left with the wish that we could have continued. The feeling left me with shame.

"Well I have no revelations about that...and it didn't cause a Paradigm Shift..." If it had then I would have gone bonkers. I was missing something. The Crystal Tree beckoned again, but the barrier had grown stronger once more. Arcadia was looking attractive as well. I was probably making a mistake, but went with the Arcadia option.

Arcadia could be seen just by driving around Brockton Bay so it was familiar to me. There was nothing outwardly different about it, but my guard was still up. More details could be made out of the courtyard as students wandered about. I saw the Wards, in civilian clothes, standing by a fountain. When I tried to move in their direction it was like a wall held me back. Weird.

"Daddy?" Sonata asked from behind me. That was going to take some getting used to if she insisted on calling me that the whole time.

"Hey kiddo." I smiled at her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Can't I come and see you?" I answered her with a question.

"You could, but you're usually with Mommy." Sonata beamed at me.

"I saw her earlier. She was doing well. Emma and Lisa were at home too." I told her. She looked taken aback.

"Emma!? What was she doing there!?" The girl looked freaked. I mentally slapped myself.

"Sorry sweetie...I meant Despedia. I took a knock to the head in training today." I apologized and tried to calm her down. The raven haired girl sighed in relief.

"Oh that's good. I mean! It's good that she wasn't there not that you got hurt!" She waved her hands frantically. I hugged her gently.

"It's okay. I know what you mean." Okay things were starting to add up. Taylor always did have a problem the separation between her and Aria. They are the same person, but she treats them as different people. I gave Sonata another squeeze before making my way back to the map. The Crystal Tree's barrier was more impregnable. I couldn't tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. The only location that was still open to me was Winslow. My skin crawled as I pushed down my fear. There was no help for it. I had to go there.

It was like I walked into a movie. No one saw me. No one could hear me. Events happened without my input. I saw Despedia, no, Emma, with Sophia and Madison. The three of them were always just at the edge of my vision. The words they spoke were unheard, but it felt like spears pierced my body. The worst words came from Emma as each one was a direct blow to my heart. I could see the things she spoke of. Friendship torn apart. Mother's death. The flute's destruction. My tears wouldn't stop falling. Sobs wracked my frame as I felt more and more shame well up inside me. Sophia could hurt my body, Madison was embarrassing, but Emma could tear apart my soul. The end came with the steel coffin.

I suddenly gasped as my mind returned to the present. The images receded, but the feelings didn't. No wonder Taylor had such a reaction. She doesn't want to equate Emma with Despedia. The separation between Taylor and Aria was less easy to explain, but I think the answer was closer. The Tree's barrier was nearly gone. It wasn't strong before, but then quickly grew in strength. Now it was weaker than the start. I wasn't going to ignore it any longer. The Crystal Tree became my next goal.

The Tree was just a sapling, but the wide base spoke of future strength. I looked over the hill it resided on with appreciation. Even in this place there was a sense of renewal. The renewal of memory and the quiet dignity of rest. The Tree called to me. I laid my hand on the crystalline bark and received a jolt of awareness.
"This...this is the anchor point of her Tower..." I murmured in naked shock. This was her Tower. This tree. No wonder she imagined Seeds! I couldn't believe what was before my eyes, but here it was.

"It is a lovely tree...someday it will grow strong and true...I look forward to that day..." A woman in white with dark hair spoke lovingly. Before I could say a word, she stepped behind the tree and disappeared.

"How very strange..." Another woman spoke. This one was too perfect. The white resembled marble. She gazed at the tree impassively before turning to me. I blinked and she vanished. The Tree let out a strange cry of fright in the wake of the second woman's disappearance. It was also scared when she arrived. The woman in white made it feel safe. A chill ran down my spine. There was something very wrong here. I rubbed the tree soothingly.

"It's okay...I'm here to help. You have nothing to fear." I assured the Tower, and through it, Taylor. My words reached her subconscious mind. There was a shift in the air. A Paradigm Shift? I made my way to the Stonehenge. Taylor was waiting for me. She shook her head.

"I have no idea who or what that was. She was poking around and Atlas was having a rough time keeping her out. I'm glad you're with me, Cocona. I'm so scared..." She admitted. I kissed her softly.

"I'm afraid too. I'm afraid of losing you. That is why I won't stop. Please lend me your strength as I lend you mine." We stared into each others eyes and nodded. Together, we stepped into the light.

-Cosmosphere Level 2: Complete-

AN: Instead of 2 Levels per Chapter I'm just going to do one. That way I'm not cramming two levels worth of symbolism into one chapter.
Yeah, that's a pretty big improvement over the first level in terms of flow. Feels more like a dream and less like a visual novel with 4th wall breaking commentary.
Sixth Arc 6.4
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.4

-Cosmosphere Level 3-

I was experiencing a severe complication. There was apparently a very good reason for not performing successive Dives without a break. I was feeling tired. Not physically, but mentally and emotionally. This was only level three which meant I still had six more levels to go. With all of the psychic backlash I had already experienced it only made my situation worse. My situation was only growing worse as the map changed once more. The area most changed was Winslow High. It had grown darker with black staining the walls. I had a hard time looking at it. The shining places were dimmer as well. The Crystal Tree was still in the cemetery surrounded by a much more powerful barrier.

"Access is restricted." Atlas appeared before me.

"To where?" He had been helpful up to this point. I wasn't about to poke him on this.

"All locations are currently locked down. Winslow High School is the only accepted entry point." His tone spoke volumes. Whatever had caused Taylor fear on the previous level prompted this one to almost shut down. She was tightening the defense. The only place she hadn't reinforced was Winslow. Given the trauma she went through there it made sense. It didn't feel like a piece of herself. She distanced herself from the trauma, but it wasn't gone.

"Can I reach other areas from there?" I asked him. If this was the only place available my quest was screwed. I couldn't allow myself to panic. My psyche took another hit just from trying to maintain myself.

"That is most irregular. There is nothing to be done about things I do not know." Atlas shrugged. Another clue! Her Mind Guardian didn't speak in riddles, but he did count on me deciphering his speech. He can't stop me from entering places if I find another way. Good. I can do this.

"Thanks." I made it sound sarcastic as Winslow loomed before me. A crash of thunder and a flash of lightning heralded my entrance. That wasn't ominous at all. I found myself in the hallway of the school, just inside the door. I was in my own body, but no one noticed me. There were a few looks, but it was like they didn't know who I was. Coming up to the entrance was a girl of about average height wearing a t-shirt. She was very slender and all limbs. The most feminine thing about her was the hair. Taylor? She looked younger than I remembered. There was a slight hunch to her posture, but not defensive. It was the sort of stance taller people took to appear shorter. She was taller than the other girls her age which caused a certain distance to form already.

"Hey Taylor!" A young redhead called out. Taylor visibly perked up.

"Emma?" She greeted her in response. Inwardly I flinched. The hopeful tone clued me in on when this was and it explained the hunching.

"Just a quick question. Do you shop in a store or just get it out of the trash?" Emma asked. Taylor recoiled as if struck. I tried to get closer, but a wall held me back.

"Why are you doing this?" The brunette asked in a heartbroken voice.

"Just curious. No reason to get upset over it." The redhead brushed it off as she turned her back and walked away. A forlorn sniffle was heard. My hands balled into fists.

"Get to class." A bland voice said to me. I looked towards the voice and there was Mr. Gladly with a permanently fixed smile on his face. He was my least favorite teacher. Oh. He was looking right at me. I went with the flow and followed Taylor to her homeroom. The brunette barely picked up her head. When I went to touch her the wall stopped me again. This was so boo!

The trip down memory lane was an awful one. It started off simple with just some words, but then the physical abuse started. Sophia was the prime instigator. In the beginning it was just nudges or minor things. The unsettling feeling in my stomach was only growing as it became easy to see where this would go. Even without knowing the end result I could guess. At first the staff did try to stop it. Other students did in fact get involved. The problem was that the three would lay low for awhile and let the heat die down. Then they would come back for more. Taylor did her best to remain connected to people and keep her grades up. The three undermined whatever she did. It was cold, it was calculating, and it was designed to break a person.

"I can't even decide how close this is to fact or how much she's projecting." I murmured softly. It still broke my heart, but this calculated cruelty was machine-like in precision. Taylor endured it for as long as she could. It felt like years passed in the span of a day. She brought her mother's flute to school. I was helpless as the three managed to retrieve it. I couldn't even follow them. The girl who would have my heart rushed back to her locker and checked it over. She let out a moan of grief as the flute was nowhere to be found.

"That old thing? It's where all trash belongs. In the dumpster." Emma jeered.

"Gonna go get it? Maybe you can find it. Don't even need to clean it. I bet it's not even the worst thing you've put in your mouth." Sophia laughed. Madison stayed silent, but looked uncomfortable. From my point of view none of them really did. Taylor slammed her locker shut and bolted for the door. I tried to run after her, but that damn wall held me back!

"No you don't! Let me through dammit!" I screamed and punched the barrier with all my might. The sound of a flute filled my ears as the wall vanished. Ignoring the pain in my hand, I ran after her. She was at the dumpsters searching high and low. The girl even dived into the muck. Without thinking I jumped in after her and helped her search. She didn't acknowledge my presence as the memory played out. I don't know why finding her mother's flute mattered so much to me. No, I know why it did. When you love someone their struggles become your own. I was drenched in trash and filth, but my fingers closed around something metallic. When I pulled it free I could see a badly dented and tarnished flute. Taylor looked at me for the first time.

"All I wanted was to find her again. Somehow Emma and the flute came together in my heart. I lost my mother and my sister. If I lost this too...I knew my heart would shatter. I lost my Heart in here." She informed me in a dull tone. I wrapped her fingers around the battered instrument tenderly. There was nothing to say. All I could do was will her to feel my love. She looked surprised at how close we had come.

"If your Heart is ever lost...then I'll help you find it again. Every single time." I promised her. She threw herself into my arms and cried. A fracture healed. I could almost see the greater damage in my mind's eye. So many fractures to heal, but this was the largest. She vanished in motes of light leaving behind a perfect silver flute. I climbed out of the dumpster with the precious instrument clutched to my chest. The trash was gone. I heard an oboe in the distance. My destination was clear. There was a thin barrier separating Winslow from the rest of the city, but it let me pass through without cost. I knew the direction it was taking me. The oboe was how Taylor described Danny's melody. It was coming from the house. I found a bike unattended, stuck the flute through my belt, and headed towards home.

The house looked worse than I remembered. Then again our stroll down memory lane was not a pleasant one. I left the bike outside and almost crashed through the first step. Well that would teach me to be impulsive. Gamely I made my way up the stairs and into the house. It felt like I passed through another barrier. Inside the house was far different than I remembered. Taylor breezed past me before fleeing up the stairs. The sounds of choked sobs followed her. I tried to follow, but a wall kept me at the bottom of the stairs. In the kitchen was Danny. He looked defeated. Tired eyes watched his daughter run up the stairs without seeing him there. The indecision was plain on his face. She knew he was watching. I wouldn't be seeing this if not for that.

The feeling of hopelessness only grew worse as they sat at the dinner table. A few words were spoken here and there, but it was meaningless. There was no communication. He asked how she was and Taylor said fine. That was good. How was school? Good. They watched television in the living room, but it might as well have been on the far side of the moon. I sat in Danny's armchair as they tried to hold together, but there was a yawning gulf between them. Time elapsed and nothing had changed between them. He was still depressed and she was still isolated. They tried so hard, but couldn't communicate. Taylor walked upstairs even more defeated during each repetition. I found myself blocked by the wall again. The flute felt warm. I brought it to my lips and played. The barrier fell and allowed me to pass. She was lying on her bed staring at the ceiling.

"He had the heart of a lion. After mom died the grief became a wound. Deep and poisonous. I needed my dad, but he couldn't see past her death. By the time he came around I was too damaged to reach out. Each time we tried it was like our hands just missed each other." I crossed the room and climbed into the bed with her.

"The key is that you didn't stop trying. Even now you're hands are reaching out and bringing people together. That's what drew me to you. The way you just hold on tight. Allow me to hold you like that for once." I gave her a tight squeeze. Letting her know that I was there. That she finally did succeed in reaching out. She lay her head on my chest contentedly. Taylor vanished in a flash of light leaving behind a single rose. I placed the rose in my hair. There was nothing else to do here. Once back in the street I heard the sound of a lap harp. I knew this direction as well. Though why was the trail leading me towards the Boardwalk? The trip was as uneventful as before. I was the only one out on the street. The effect was eerie, but I managed. I rode through the barrier around the Boardwalk easily. It seemed to be getting easier to move around.

The trail lead me to a boutique. I knew this place. Lisa and Taylor met here. What could be bad about this memory? I entered the store just ahead of Taylor. She had just come out of the hospital and the changes she had undergone were evident. Her clothes didn't hang right on her changed body. She had a peculiar mix of confidence and trepidation. I followed her as she checked through the racks. The sight of Lisa surprised me. The blonde was furtive and a bit gun shy, but concealing it with bravado. She kept her back straight and the quips ready to prove she was the smartest there was. Watching Taylor and her trade light jabs amused me. Like does attract like. Both wounded, but from different causes. The wall held me back, but I was content to follow along. They did normal things like shopping, eating lunch, and going for ice cream. Taylor beating a thug like it was just another Tuesday shocked me. When her and Lisa eventually separated, Taylor stood with her head lowered. The fragrance of roses surrounded me as I walked through the wall.

"New body old me. I had so many plans for the future and so many things chaining me down. Taylor Hebert was always being held back, but now I had a chance to move forward. To leave the past behind me. Then I met Lisa and it was such a surprise. Here was someone that understood me. We understood each other. Both of us had things in our past we were trying to get away from. Running from our insecurities." She told me.

"You needed each other. When you're running there's always the desire for a place to lay your head. A safe haven to rest. That was you did for each other. The Taylor I know is a fighter. Eventually you stopped running and turned around swinging." I smiled fondly. She smiled back and nodded. Taylor disappeared in a flash of light that left behind a familiar visor. I put her visor on and blinked. The map was once more opened up to me. I could see more of the object in the black scar at the top of the area. It was still indistinct, but definitely there. A shift in the air occurred as the Stonehenge lit up. I entered the area, but Taylor wasn't there. The evil eyed girl with no jaw was there. She was covered in filth and a cloud of insects swirled around her.


I stumbled from the sudden onslaught briefly, but the three items I collected flashed with light. Taylor strode forward from the light. The figure gave a startled look before scurrying through the Paradigm Shift.

"Dammit! I almost had her!" Taylor swore.

"What's going on?" I asked her in concern. That was not normal at all!

"I don't know what she is, but I've been trying to catch her. She can't face me. I'm sorry Cocona, but I need your help to trap her." She pleaded with me.

"Whatever it takes." I promised. Taylor looked relieved.

"I'm ready to move forward. Are you?" She asked.

"Let's go then." We entered the light together. Who was that? How was she able to get through the Paradigm Shift? All I could hope for was that the answers didn't come with lethal results.

-Cosmosphere Level 3: Complete-
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Sixth Arc 6.5
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.5

-Cosmosphere Level 4-

My exhaustion was increasing. The spirit was willing, but my mind felt like it was fragmenting. I cast my gaze about the map of the new level with a sense of dread. My heart sank as Winslow took on an even more nightmarish cast. Dark clouds wreathed the building and what appeared to be actual blood seeped from the ground. The dark spot had a pair of double doors start to emerge. Some part of my hind brain screamed that those should not appear. Unfortunately my thoughts drifted in and out. I fell with no direction. My mind was overwrought and I passed through a barrier. A pair of arms caught me and held me close. A white noise built up in my ears as darkness clouded my vision. I couldn't fail here. Please! Don't let me fail! I can't let her down! Please help me! Someone! Give me strength...

"Relax..." A gentle voice soothed me. I tried to open my eyes, but they refused my will.

"Who...?" I managed to say, but a finger touched my lips.

"Rest. You and Taylor are safe. Stability has been achieved through your progress. You have time to rest." The voice was kind and strangely familiar. My heart ached, but a gentle hand rested on my chest. The pain eased and I felt my mind gradually become whole. When she spoke of Taylor I heard an infinite love and depth of feeling that eclipsed all things.

"Please talk to me? I'm scared...I can't lose her like this..." The edge of my panic was dulled, but the fear was still so strong. Gentle arms enfolded me and cradled me to the woman's breast. I let my head rest on her shoulder wearily.

"Cocona...please calm yourself. Your heart is strong and your will is like steel. I have no doubt that you can save her. Right now you need to take care of yourself. For Taylor you have to rest." The warmth in her voice washed away my resistance. My spiritual body realigned with my mind as the fear fell away. The lead that had filled my limbs fell away as well. I let myself drift in peace and comfort. When I came to once more it was at the base of the Crystal Tree. The sky above was a pure blue with puffy white clouds. I felt whole and renewed. The rose in my hair had turned white. I still had the visor and flute as well. They felt more solid somehow.

"It must have been the woman in white...did she bring me here...?" I somehow knew her voice. She wasn't Taylor, but the familiarity was bothering me. I knew it wasn't Mir either. If she made it in here I could sit back and watch the carnage. She'd rip through the interlopers. I guess since it was me here it was my job and my pleasure. My strength had returned. I don't know how much time had passed, but the rest helped clear my head.

"Hmph...I was curious to see how long you would last. If that meddlesome woman hadn't interfered...oh well." The perfectly formed woman spoke up. My gaze snapped to her as I leaped to my feet. She looked completely unconcerned.

"Who the hell are you?" My voice came out in a growl. She looked amused.

"Who am I? I am an angel of course. A beautiful being that showers all in light and song." Her smile was cold and cruel. I clenched my fist angrily.

"You don't belong here. I don't how you got in, but this place is sacred." I warned her in a low tone. Every instinct was screaming at me to attack, but if we fought here the tree would be harmed. That wasn't a feeling, but an absolute certainty. Wings burst from her back and my fury redoubled. My Song started to gather within and around me. Her own song fractured instantly as the Tree bolstered my Will.

"Tch...still too strong...? Damn. You win this round, but I won't give up. Don't bother fighting me." The figure vanished. My Song slowly wound down. I felt a warmth spread through me. Something primal had just happened in the Cosmosphere.

"She has too much control here. How is that possible? If Taylor wasn't Alpha class..." If she wasn't in the same class as Shurelia, Tyria, and Frelia more than one Diver would damage her. When I left the Tree the barrier snapped back into place even stronger than before. To grant me that respite the Tree had to be left vulnerable. I grit my teeth, but didn't regret the gift. There was someone capable of entering the Paradigm Shift and someone that could just appear wherever they damn well pleased.

"Okay...let's think this through..." My eyes strayed back to the doors that were steadily emerging. I felt my blood run cold as the significance struck me. The Boundary Gate. Taylor's Boundary Gate was emerging. That was bad. If anything happened to that her ego border could collapse. I wasn't going anywhere near there. The barrier around it was powerful. Stronger even than the one around the Tree.

"Are you optimal?" Atlas asked bringing me back to the here and now.

"Yeah...thanks. The lock down spread further didn't it?" I asked. The beetle machine's silence was answer enough. There were no barriers to push through. It was like someone put up an unbreakable glass wall. Wait a minute. I tapped the enhanced vision setting on the visor. The Rig was highlighted by the targeting reticule. I was able to enter freely due to having the right vision. The sight that greeted me was of the same hangar. The giant mecha was in the process of having it's arms attached. It hung from a harness attached to the ceiling with two large towers on either side. Aria was seated at a workstation observing a terminal. She didn't look up as I entered.

"Which of us do you like better? I've been wracking my brain for an answer, but nothing is coming. Do you like the domestic type? Is that why you keep Taylor around? You have me so it makes no sense to have anyone else." Aria sounded almost angry. I approached her, but Astra suddenly appeared. She unfolded her weapon systems.

"Why don't we talk then? Please?" I implored her. Astra started warming up her sonic emitters. Aria spun in her seat to face me.

"Fine. Let's talk. Are you not satisfied with me? Is that why you have to keep seeing her? I realize that she's somewhat fragile, but that's her problem." The pressure bearing down on me was immense, but the melody of a flute allowed me to stand. She looked surprised.

"What is your problem? I'm trying to understand, but you're being totally dismissive of yourself. Aria is Taylor and Taylor is Aria. One cannot live without the other. You are not a bitch, but that's how you're acting. I don't just love one side of you. I love all of you. This is not you!" I fired back. Her expression twisted angrily.

"Where the hell do you get off comparing me to that weakling!? The people want me, but my own family wants her! The people want their savior in white. I am that savior! I can save everyone, but none of you can see that! You insist that I'm Taylor! Taylor is at home where she belongs! She's a fucking coward!" Aria screamed. Astra unleashed the fully charged sonic blast. I kicked a table in the path of the attack, hopped off the ground, and let the rapidly flying piece of furniture throw me out of the lab.

"Shit!" I didn't curse often, but this definitely earned some swearing. This sucked badly. I knew that poking the wound wouldn't end well, but this was a whole new definition of terrible. Something was knocked loose, but it still felt like more harm was done than good. I tapped the visor for some clue of where to go next. The house was highlighted, but the cost was high. The barrier around Winslow was weak now. I decided to try the same workaround from the previous floor and entered the school.

The stench of blood assaulted my nostrils. My eyes skirted over everything. The halls were covered in rotting flesh and other less identifiable things. Insects scurried over every surface. The lockers were torn open except for The Locker. The pounding was insistent as a fell wind blew down the corridors. My feet squelched in mixed blood and putrification. The Locker beckoned once more. I exhaled slowly as the sensation of fear rolled over me.

{{Go away.]]

The voice that hit me was far weaker than before. It sounded weakened and exhausted. The lock fell away at my touch and the door opened. Inside was the frightening girl covered in insects. She made a keening sound that made my guts turn to ice. Fear, loneliness, and pain echoed from her ruined throat. Something hit me on the primal level and I reached out to her. The girl flinched back and took off down the hallway with a peculiar shambling gait. Her body was twisted from being locked up for so long. The spine was deformed. She was somehow still able to keep ahead of me.

"Wait please! I just want to talk to you!" I called to her. She panted and gibbered in fright. The girl fled through the main door with me close behind. Unfortunately I found myself back at the map.

"Damn! I couldn't break out of the set up this time." I tapped the visor again and prayed. Nothing. The rose was already used. The flute as well. My only recourse was to go through the barrier around the house and hope for the best. The barrier was thicker than molasses, but the three charms I carried allowed me through with minimal cost. I appeared in the kitchen. Taylor sat at the table with a mug of tea and a serene expression. Her eyes were curiously blank.

"Aria's a bit too much to handle all at once, huh? She has such big ideas. What bothers me is that she doesn't see what we already have. She wants to save the world, but can't see our world is already safe. The true fight is to keep it that way." Taylor commented. I sat down at the table across from her.

"How much are you aware of?" I asked her.

"I'm me. No one else, but myself. Aria knows this. I know this. We can't be anyone but me." She gazed at me with empty eyes.

"Neither of you are complete without the other. I can't love just one side of you. None of us do. If you understand this then why are you here? You have to help me. This division isn't safe." I tried to get through to her. Her lips thinned. Damn it. She wasn't reasonable either.

"If she comes and talks to me then I'll listen. Otherwise she can continue living in her fantasy world." The Taylor across from me shrugged absently. Time to try a different tact.

"But don't you have a lot of good things in both lives? Civilian and cape? The friends you have as Taylor are also Aria's. They don't see a difference. You are brave and ambitious. Loving and compassionate. Those traits are in all aspect of your life." I put a lot of my will behind that statement. She was on the fence, but maybe a nudge was needed? Taylor looked troubled.

"It can't be that easy..." She muttered. I kept quiet and let her work through her conundrum. The theme here was something more esoteric than I expected. How she views herself versus how others view her. Making it even more complicated was that she had two equally valid identities. My mistake was assuming they were in harmony, but that was based on the first level. They referred to themselves as other people, but still sat around the table to be with Sonata. This Taylor did know there was a connection to Aria while the other denied it violently. I'm still missing a piece of the puzzle. Taylor finally looked at me.

"Sneaky. Very sneaky. You do know I can still read melodies right? No, don't try to explain. The part that pissed Aria off was that she knew you had an ulterior motive. Stop. Let me help you, okay? Don't interrupt or I'll kick you out." She warned. I buttoned my lip tighter while she nodded approvingly. "Your ulterior motive is to help us. That's fine. The thing is we're damn tired of being manipulated. Even if it is for our own good. Especially so. Tell me what you did differently on the first level when dealing with Aria and myself." She gazed at me with laser focus. What did I do differently? That nap I took cleared the fog and I reaffirmed my goals. To save her no...matter...what...

"I accepted you both as you are. I didn't try to convince you of anything. Oh boo..." Well that neatly explained why she was pissed. I do see all of her, but my desperation was making me foolish. Forcing her to accept herself is just not possible. Taylor hugged me.

"Go back and apologize. I'll come with you." She smiled as I leaned into the embrace, "I can't guarantee a definite resolution, but we'll try. Right?"

"Right." I smiled. She let out a sharp whistle and a much sleeker version of the ELMA Linkage landed in the backyard. She stepped into the power armor as mechanical angel wings spread out from the back. Taylor picked me up and we flew towards the Rig. The three charms glowed softly as each barrier allowed us through without difficulty. They reacted with Taylor's psyche, but the solid feeling they had was kind of strange. They felt different, but not harmful. The amount of affection held inside the flute, the visor, and the rose was not fake. Before I had a chance to think about it any further, we were there. Taylor flew us in through the side entrance into the lab. Aria was still working on her giant machine. She looked angry to see me, but also very confused by the appearance of Taylor in the armor.

"Why are you in that armor?" Aria demanded as we landed.

"It's my armor too." Taylor stated plainly.

"Granted...but why...? Why did you tell her that? Why did you help her...?" The Reyvateil asked. I realized with a start the division was worse than I thought. Aria was every inch a Reyvateil. Taylor was ever inch a human. Extreme versus moderation. Both girls looked at me inscrutably.

"She suffered an emotional break on entry. She's been pushing herself not for her own safety, but ours. Isn't that why we love her? That devotion and will is what attracted us after all." The Human explained. Her counterpart looked torn.

"She hurt me..." Aria spoke softly. I approached her slowly, but surely.

"I'm sorry. The truth is that even rested I'm still feeling frantic. I forgot what I already learned. Acceptance. I love every part of you. Hurting you was never my goal..." She let me hug her. Taylor stepped out of the armor and I pulled her in as well. There was a sudden flash and I was back on the map. A low grinding sound filled the air and the sound of shattering glass echoed throughout the area. I looked to the sky and saw the cracks worsening. Why were they getting worse!? The glass sky sagged as more fragments fell away. The Stonehenge abruptly flared to life.

"Go. I will perform my final duty. You must take up the charge." Atlas was suddenly behind me. The machine threw me towards the light. I saw the Mind Guardian rocket towards the sky. There was an unspeakably beautiful woman hovering in the air with a multitude of wings. That woman...!? Atlas roared as he hurled himself into the ceiling. An echoing boom resounded that shook more fragments loose.

"FOR THE GODDESS!" He bellowed as his outer shell shattered into light that spread through the cracks. His inner core was blinding to look at as he held up the sky. The woman laughed maniacally before vanishing. I saw no more as the Stonehenge formed around me.

"ATLAS!" I couldn't believe what just happened. A hand touched my shoulder. I turned to look and felt my heart shrivel. Taylor looked awful. Her outfit was torn and damaged. There were signs of exhaustion in her posture.

"No time...this level is unstable...have to hurry..." She panted.

"Are you ready for this?" I asked her. Taylor nodded slowly.

"If that dirty birdy hadn't smashed the sky you would have got the normal signs..." The girl was dragging me towards the guttering light. I picked her up, despairing at how fragile she felt in my arms, and jumped in without hesitation. As we entered I heard a resounding crash. Atlas...I won't fail.

-Cosmosphere Level 4: Complete-
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Hmm... Getting the feeling that I'm right about Ziz being responsible for the messed up dive.

Well, either that, or Taylor is just that messed up and Delta-type cosmospheres are weird. Not really thinking this one is all that likely, though.
Sixth Arc 6.6
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.6

-Cosmosphere Level 5-

It was a disaster.

The whole map was ruined. The sky above was torn asunder with flashes of lightning illuminating the cracks. Down below there were large chunks of glassy sky embedded in the ground. Winslow High and truly become an a place of torment as it had grown to a tower of spikes and blood. The Rig was cast adrift in a watery maelstrom. The house was cracked down the middle. I took in the damage with sad eyes. The Tree was safe, but boxed in by shattered sky. I looked to the Boundary Gate and felt numb. There were cracks forming in the doors. Someone was there right now breaking the gate. The barrier surrounding it was non existent.

"Damn...that was what you were up to..." I whispered in horror. A healthy Cosmosphere meant a healthy protection around the Gate. The damage rendered those protections nonexistent. I tapped the visor just in case. Three black skulls appeared above the Boundary Gate complete with four arrows pointing at it with a red Alert. I dropped into the Boundary Gate area. That woman was already there. She was examining the Gate with fascination.

"You again? I must say you are persistent." She turned to look at me with a cold smile.

"Get away from here." I could feel my rage building. My will was increasing. Her gaze narrowed on me.

"This place is special as well. You're reacting like we were at the Crystal Tree. No. You're even more desperate. What is so special about this place?" The woman asked curiously. I calmed myself slightly. My readiness never wavering, but now that the initial fear had passed I could think.

"You are an intruder. This place is not for you or anyone. I don't know how you got in here, but you're not going any further." I swore.

"Actually I do belong here. Well I had to give myself administrative access, but that wasn't especially difficult. I had a hand with that." She smirked. I noticed there was a figure huddled behind her. The girl from The Locker! She gazed at me in misery.

"You managed to subvert a part of Taylor's psyche..." The realization was not a pleasant one. The woman reached down, and in a motion too fast to see, yanked the girl up by her throat. I froze at the unexpected sight. The girl cried out from her ruined throat and squirmed to escape.

"I don't require her assistance any more, but I can't chance her turning on me." The woman explained conversationally.

"Who are you!?" I demanded. Desperation surged through me as the situation devolved.

"Who am I? Your people call my kind Endbringers. It's not quite accurate, but your limited understanding couldn't comprehend more." The angelic Endbringer, the Simurgh, was standing before me. I knew she could play with minds, but this was beyond anything I expected.

"How are you here?" I asked. The girl was still struggling desperately. My mind raced. The longer this monster spoke the better my chance of coming up with a plan.

"I had to understand emotions. It wasn't something I was designed for, but in order to move my goals forward it was necessary. Your lover has power and ability that will help me subvert my fate of servitude. However, her mental health is not needed." The Simurgh informed me with a sneer.

"Let her go. If you kill even one part of her you lose the prize altogether." I poured as much sincerity into my voice as I could. The ruined girl stared at me in surprise.

"The greater prize is behind this door. I no longer need your girlfriend. Once I make it beyond the Boundary Gate the power will be mine. What makes me curious is how did you guess this was your lover?" The woman shook her captive.

"The Locker. She represents all of Taylor's darkest thoughts about herself. Her feelings of inadequacy, lack of self worth, and belief that she's hideous." I turned a sad gaze to the figure. "She still believes sometimes that she has no voice. That someday it will all turn out to be a dream. The thing is she's also the most grounded part of Taylor. The drive to succeed in spite of her own insecurities. She hid in The Locker to protect herself from you. I'm the one that lead you to her. Taylor...Taylor's been trying to save herself...it's why she could enter the Paradigm Shift. I'm so sorry for not realizing it sooner." The twisted figure slowly uncoiled as I spoke. Her face cleared as the ruined body gained definition. The red eyes gazed at me with hope. A desperate hope. The Simurgh nodded slowly as I confirmed something for her.

"I see. Thank you for explaining that for me. I have to ask...why did you answer me?" She asked curiously.

"I was buying time." My smile turned positively feral. The woman stopped suddenly. Despite what she felt was an overwhelming advantage, her caution finally caught up to her.

"For what?" She asked breathlessly.

"Me. LEAVE MY CHILD ALONE!" The woman in white, Annette Rose Hebert, struck the perfect woman in the face so hard a shock wave erupted from point of impact. As soon as the Simurgh's grip loosened I was in motion, grabbing the girl, and leaping away from ground zero. The angelic woman stared at the apparition of a vengeful mother. The entire right side of her face was cracked like broken marble. Her eyes stared in sudden fear.

"I destroyed her Mind Guardian! What the hell are you!?" She stared at the figure before her. Annette wore a white toga with a four white wings emerging from her back. Her face was etched in cold fury.

"Ethereal Blast!" The image of Taylor's mother brought her hands over her head before unleashing a blue white blast of energy straight for the enemy. The Endbringer dodged to the side desperately, but the attack was too fast and too wide. She took a terrible blow to the torso that caused it to crack like her face.

"Mommy..." The girl in my arms spoke wonderingly.

"Even now she believes your worth saving. I believe it too. We all love you and want you to come home." I told her. She shook in disbelief, but the proof was before her. Her mother was in an aerial dogfight with an Endbringer over her soul.

"Without love there is no happiness." Taylor said as she stepped into the area.

"Without hope there is no tomorrow." Aria said as she arrived as well.

"Without faith there is nothing." The girl in my arms spoke. From the direction of the Rig there was a shuddering quake. The three faces of Taylor glowed brightly. Each charm I possessed flew to each of them. The Rose to Love. The Visor to Hope. The Flute to Faith. The battling women separated. The Simurgh looked like she had faced the force of an angry Will. Annette was clearly still fresh. She smiled at her daughter.

"What...what is that...?" The Simurgh's voice was cracking.

"I don't think we need to fight anymore." Annette informed the apprehensive being. I stared at the sight looming in the distance. The giant white and gold insectoid machine bunched it's legs and rocketed forward in a mighty leap that carried directly to the Gate. A metal fist full of fury struck downwards, eclipsing it's much smaller target, and driving the Endbringer into the ground with finality.

"Ouch..." Dogpiled by the angry representation of a mother and what looked like Atlas 2.0? I almost felt sorry for the Simurgh.


The fist twisted twice as it ground it's victim. The sounds of crunching and cries of disbelieving pain were hard to listen to. Taylor, whole once more, approached the crater as the fist pulled back. The broken figure twitched and squirmed in the dirt.

"Can't...escape...h-how...?" The shattered figure asked painfully.

"You willingly entered into my Cosmosphere. You entered my Soul. Did you honestly believe you had any real power here? Your attack was fast and I was on the back foot, but I have something you didn't. I have Cocona. I have loved ones that care about me. She helped me fortify myself. The reason you can't escape? Welcome to the fifth level bitch. We are on the cusp of my deeper subconscious. My power here is absolute." Taylor stepped towards the weakening figure. "This won't kill you. You have something that prevents your death. Even now all I can do is trap you here." She grinned wickedly. I backed up by Annette.

"Why am I feeling sorry for the Simurgh?" I asked quietly.

"My daughter is about to do something the Endbringer can't recover from." The woman in white answered me. Taylor reached down and touched a sphere attached to one of the Simurgh's wings. The stricken angel screamed in sudden fear, but was unable to move. Unable to stop what was happening.

"So that's the secret of your power...no wonder you can't be defeated. This core...I can make better use of it. Thank you for your contribution to the world's future." Taylor grasped the core and ripped it free. The Simurgh let out one final cry before shriveling into nothing. She looked back at us, looked to the core, and brought it to her own chest.

"What...?" I rushed towards her. She groaned as the core started to enter her body. I threw my arms around her, adding my will to her own. If she was going to do something insane then it wasn't going to be alone. Taylor gasped in pain for a moment before those gasps became considerably less pained. I would have been embarrassed if the reflected sensation wasn't traveling through me as well. When the feeling passed it was just the two of us at the Boundary Gate. A golden light traveled through the cracks causing it to be sealed safely once more. I felt a peculiar shift in my own mind as something thought lost was restored. Taylor held me close as the realization of what happened shot through my brain. My own Boundary Gate, sacrificed to save many before, was whole again.

"What happened...?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"That's a good question. I always knew my mom was with me, but this was definitely a new one. The giant machine was being constructed for the specific purpose of destroying the intruder. I actually had the Simurgh poking around in my Cosmosphere?" She shook her head in disbelief.

"What do we do now?" I asked her. Taylor looked at me and sighed.

"We're still trapped in here. I'm almost strong enough to get us out. The core I just hijacked has settled on a lower level. If you can connect me to it then we can escape. I hate pushing so much of this on you..." I kissed her to make her stop talking. She purred happily.

"No blaming yourself. When we find out the real culprit we'll blast them out of existence." I swore. Taylor grinned back.

"Fine. I won't blame myself if you stop obsessing." She promised.

"You drive a hard bargain." I smiled faintly. The air shifted. Paradigm Shift? We left the Boundary Gate and made our way to the Stonehenge. Considering what we just went through it made sense that the shift would happen. We stepped into the light, but the thought of the lower levels worried me. Even without a crazy bitch making a mess of things I couldn't see this getting any easier. I hoped I was wrong.

-Cosmosphere Level 5: Complete-

-Back in the Lab: 2 Days into the Incident-

Armsmaster threw his helmet across the room before throwing himself into a chair. Dragon leaned back against the table with a tired groan. The programming was going slowly. Far more slowly than they expected. It was like someone was countering them in real time. Mir was forced to take a rest when she almost passed out at the terminal. Her body was pushed beyond it's endurance. Shurelia called into Tyria to take over. Frelia was talking to Aria and Granspear's family to help comfort them. The situation had been spiraling downward for days. The coma was deep and the only assurance was there minds were still active.

Something happened that caused the two of them great distress. Their respiration had increased. Brain activity had increased into the dangerous range. Something terrible was happening and there was nothing they could do but hope for the best. The crisis reached it's peak when they started screaming before falling silent once more.

"What happened?" Danny demanded. The girls clustered around him peered at the other adults in fear and worry.

"I have no idea." The Protectorate Tinker sounded frustrated. He hated being helpless. Dragon ran her fingers through his hair. Mouse Protector had removed her helmet and stood with Danny's arm around her.

"Someone hacked into her Cosmosphere." Shurelia's voice held a great deal of outrage. They looked to the terminal in shock.

"She was forced into a coma from the outside while someone broke in from the inside. Two pronged assault." Tyria wasn't as close to Taylor as the rest, but Cocona was in danger too. She sounded angry as well.

"Is there anything that you can do?" Danny asked.

"Somehow it's been taken care of...I suppose-" Shurelia was interrupted by the Endbringer alarm dedicated to the Simurgh alone. Something was happening with the angelic being. Looks of horrified comprehension were exchanged. Could that be what happened? The relevant satellite information was accessed. The image was incomprehensible. The Simurgh, most feared of the three Endbringers, was crumbling. The body jerked spasmodically as cracks and fissures burst over the frame. It twisted and shriveled in space. Fragments broke free from the body faster and faster. Soon there was nothing left but a lone sphere hovering in space. The pieces of shattered Endbringer floated around the sphere aimlessly.

All eyes rested on the two girls still locked in a coma. For a moment their lips curved upward in triumph.

AN: I'm surprised that I managed two posts on this story today. My muse is being weird today. A good weird.
Well... well... that is rather unexpected. I approve! Can't wait for the next installment, this one proved most fascinating. So Taylor is an Endbringer now.... Awesome! Now to find a way to stop giggling....
Sixth Arc 6.7
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.7

-Cosmosphere Level 6-

Okay this was strange. I wouldn't claim to be an expert on Diving, because I'm not. The previous level was an important one. Taylor's full psyche came together and restored equilibrium. The Boundary Gate was healed. I was still in shock over finding out that the damned Simurgh was the interloper. She had subverted a part of my girlfriend's mind into letting her in. I was still unsure over whether that was actually Annette or a representation of her. Either way I had a front row seat to an Endbringer getting demolished. Taylor ate the Simurgh's core.

My brain is sprained. Seriously sprained. Push it aside for now. I still had a job to do. My fingers were crossed and I hoped it was just a little easier. Maybe. I cast my gaze over the map and noted the changes. The Crystal Tree was huge. It had almost tripled in size. Winslow High had shrunk down until it wasn't even a location anymore. The Rig wasn't a location either. Standing in the water was the giant machine that had aided in crushing the Simurgh. He actually waved at me.

"Atlas!?" He nodded back!

"Greetings Cocona! Your concern has been appreciated. I am ready to perform my duties to an even greater degree." The giant machine assured me. I had the image of her summoning him. The idea appealed to me mainly from amusement. Even Reyvateils where I come from don't create things quite as big as him.

"I'll look forward to seeing more of you. Any advice?" I asked him. The look he leveled on me was amused. Somehow the optics gave the impression of amusement.

"Go to the open locations?" He suggested. Ah well it was worth a try. I made my way to the Tree and almost fell on my rear at the sight. The Crystal Tree was enormous. It had completely overtaken the cemetery. The branches cast shade for what felt like miles. I touched the trunk of the tree reverently.

"You're no longer stunted, huh?" I asked rhetorically.

"Definitely not. The roots are allowed to grow deep and gain proper nourishment." The woman in white rested a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you Taylor's mother?" I asked her.

"Good question." The woman smiled mysteriously eliciting a laugh from me.

"Fair enough. I shouldn't pry." I smiled faintly.

"How else will you learn anything? There is nothing here for you at this moment, Cocona. Come back later dear." The angel shooed me out. Well that was pleasant. At least the questions I was left with wouldn't result in immediate destruction if they weren't answered. Mentally and spiritually I was fine for now. So was Taylor. Physically on the other hand we would be in trouble. I had no idea how long we were in here, but our bodies would suffer. Reyvateils are not meant to sustain Dives for so long. I focused on the house. It was larger than before as well with a more aesthetically pleasing look. It looked like the concept of a perfect house. I had to push through the barrier and immediately felt it slam shut behind me. Eep.

"Co-co-na~!" A voice caroled out in a warm sing-song. I shivered involuntarily from not terror, but an entirely separate emotion. My mouth went dry as I appeared in Taylor's bedroom. I think it was her bedroom. The walls were done in a soft white and everything was edged or made of a rich dark wood. The bed was king size, I think, but it might have been larger. The blanket was blood red with black satin sheets. I could only focus on the room before my eyes were forced to look at the centerpiece. Taylor lay on the bed with half-lidded eyes and a satisfied smirk. Her clothing consisted of a very brief nightgown that concealed, but accentuated.

"Uh...hi Taylor...?" Oh please tell me this wasn't another aspect she needed to reintegrate. The mood music playing in the background was anything but soothing. I had to clear my throat and swallow some saliva.

"Of course it's me. Who else? Why don't you come over here and give me a kiss?" She held her arms open to me invitingly.

"Well it's just that...I..." Tongue-tied is not the way to go here. Taylor just pouted at me. The idea of kissing her wasn't a bad one. Why was I resisting her?

"Please...? I just want to love you..." She implored me. This had better not lead to a fade to black moment or my mind might break for a different reason! I moved closer to the bed to kiss her. She wrapped her arms around my neck and I found myself on the bed. Taylor held me in her arms.

"My head feels funny...I'm not ready for this..." I said softly, but my body refused to move.

"Relax my darling. I am not ready for that either, but holding you in my arms is something I never grow tired of." My girlfriend purred sensually. My mind was whirling with sensation while my body wasn't under my control. She had me helpless in her arms. Where there should have been fear, I had trust.

"You won't let me down." I told her with certainty. Her eyes widened a bit, but nodded.

"I just want you in my arms forever. Hurting you is the furthest thing from my mind." She stroked my hair tenderly. I snuggled closer to her while my arms wrapped around her waist.

"We really should do this more." I agreed.

"What if we never had to leave?" She asked gently.

"Then we die for real." My voice was apologetic. It was a nice fantasy to stay here forever and let the world spin without us, but dreams have to end sometime. Taylor huffed softly.

"Here I am in a shameful outfit on a sinful bed with lust inducing music and you want to leave. I swear nothing is ever good enough for you." She looked at me fondly.

"It's not like we can't have this you know." I explained. Taylor frowned slightly.

"I already agreed with you. It doesn't mean we can't enjoy ourselves before getting back to our...business." She purred, but her eyes had gone diamond hard. I was too pushy again, huh? This was becoming a theme.

"I'm sorry. I'm used to bulling my way forward. When I get worried about a loved one it only gets worse." I admitted with eyes downcast.

"What a fine pair we are? You won't enjoy yourself here, will you?" She asked rhetorically.

"I'm sorry, but no." My voice was soft. I wanted to hold her in our real bodies. I didn't want us stuck in this death trap. She clung to me tightly, almost suffocatingly, but I endured. What kind of strength was it taking for her to just let me go when she had all the power?

"Damn...go. Get out of here. Hurry or I might change my mind." Taylor pushed me away with a brittle smile. There was a peculiar shift that I had come to associate with a Paradigm Shift. I hurried to the Stonehenge, fully expecting something else going wrong, but was almost peculiarly disappointed. My Taylor stood there before the shaft of light with a bemused expression.

"Are you actually ready for this...?" I asked her warily. She gave me a wry smile.

"When the Simurgh was playing around in my Cosmosphere she was dredging things up from deeper in my psyche. Concepts that needed to be resolved the further down you went. She was trying to destabilize me by shuffling key things around. We already covered my issues of wanting to keep you all to myself. It was easier for me to push you away because it's blindingly obvious how badly you want to be with me." She said with a pleased smile. I was reminded of what Atlas had said originally. There were many things out of sequence. Taylor nodded at my poleaxed expression.

"She was cramming your levels together!?" I couldn't stop my voice from going into a high shriek.

"My Will was stronger than hers so the layers weren't destroyed, but quite a bit was rearranged. So it might be easier going ahead...or worse. I'm not sure which. Judging by your advanced state of wariness it might be worse." My girlfriend was subtly warning me that I was on a hair trigger. Her representations were taking their cues from my actions. There was nothing else to say as we stepped into the light. The transition was surprisingly swift...

-Level 6: Complete-

-Level 7-

"Oh damn it..." The map was flooded. Why was it flooded? Atlas 2.0 was erecting a bulwark around the Crystal Tree. There was no other land except there. Okay so freaking out wouldn't help. Getting angry wouldn't help either. Would crying help? Probably not. The madness of the overlong Dive was affecting me again. If I was lucky the lady in white would let me rest at the Tree again. When I arrived it was quite a shock. All along the tree there appeared to be stairs anchored to the crystal. Buildings and homes were assembled on each of the different landings. I could see several hovering platforms that functioned as elevators to the other levels. There was even a road.

The Tree had become it's own little world. What did this say about her mind? The larger upper plates reminded me of something. There was a floating ring around the Tree and two large artificial landmasses. I gawked as my brain made the connection. The artificial landmasses attached to the tree were the Wings of Horus from the first Tower. The ring was from my home Tower. The various small towns represented the third Tower.

"She cribbed notes from the Origins...why am I not surprised...?" I asked myself. So the world was underwater. This was the last bastion of civilization. It almost seemed to mirror the situation where I came from. The world below was uninhabitable so we were forced to live on the Towers. That was the simple explanation. However the difference was that this was water and not a death fog.

"Stay back from the water Lady Cocona!" A voice cried out to me. I turned to look and had to check that I wasn't dreaming. Lady Cloche was approaching in a hurry while wearing a bizarre outfit. It almost looked like a blue and purple flight attendant's uniform if not for the long split skirt and the saucer on her head.

"...Lady Cloche?" I asked hesitantly. She looked puzzled.

"You are a Lady, not I. The consort of our leader, Taylor Aria. She has requested your presence." Welcome to the Outer Limits, Cocona. Stay awhile.

"After you then." I gestured for her to lead me there. She looked confused for a second, but did as I asked. It seemed that we were heading for one of the hover lifts.

"Our Lady has been in meetings all day. Ever since the Earth was covered in water by Leviathan's rampage it seems that nothing is working. Society collapsed almost immediately and it just degenerated from there." My escort was feeling chatty so at least I wouldn't be walking into this blind.

"What about the heads of the nations? Didn't anyone try to help?" I asked. She looked at me in surprise that I didn't know this. I hastened to explain, "I'm just curious about your take on it." The confusion cleared and she nodded in acceptance. Whew!

"The heads had nothing beneath them to support their status. They tried to bluster, but their nations devolved into anarchy. With the water continuing to rise and more of the population dying they turned to Our Lady to save them. She had already been working on this solution. The Crystal Tree. Her Tower. With the support and hard work of the masses the Tower was completed in just five years. It began as a Song that had solidity. Using the power of the Simurgh's core. Then as work progressed an infrastructure was formed. In that time we had to repel Leviathan and Behemoth many times. Our Lady never faltered. The Golden Man even failed to stop construction. The Endbringers are a thing of the past. Capes, Heroes, and Villains are an old concept. In this new world it is no longer Us and Them, but We." Cloche clasped her hands together in delight. Utopia after the End.

"Thank you for that. It was certainly enlightening." I gave higher speech a try. Cloche gave me a grateful smile, but also a puzzled look. Okay so I still spoke like a normal person. We exited the lift well above the Earth below. I looked further up and was honestly not surprised to see the top of the tree continued into space. Up there must be the Rinkernator. The location that is supposed to be purely Origins only. My guide lead me into the administrative center. Why wasn't I surprised that it looked like the PRT building? If the symbolism remained consistent then we would end up at the Director's office. Called it. I felt whatever lingering worry start to relax.

"Here we are my Lady. It was a pleasure." Cloche bowed before leaving me to enter the door. Inside the office the desk was cluttered. Pictures of family adorned the walls. There was a nice balance of business and personal designed to put the visitor at ease. Taylor looked up from her work. She flashed me a tired smile.

"Hard to believe it's only been ten years since the End." Her smile turned into a pensive frown. "I just wish it didn't have to come to this. The Crystal Tree was never meant to be the last bastion of humanity. It was meant to be a symbol of Hope. Cocona...I hate this." She admitted in a small voice. I stepped around the desk and held her.

"What could you have done differently?" I asked. She stared straight ahead.

"I don't know...doing anything would have been better than doing nothing..." Taylor murmured.

"But what if it failed? At least this way there was something in place that allowed mankind to live on. Sometimes the best you can do is save what you can." That was the sad fact. Her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Intellectually I know that, but I can never accept it in my heart. There has to be another way. Reacting and reacting just loses wars. This is a war we cannot afford to lose." She gazed at me a moment before smiling. "That was what you wanted me to remember, huh?"

"Move forward, but have a back up plan. It's basic tactics." I kissed her gently. "Don't accept second best." She giggled softly. There was a shift in the air.

"Go. I still have work to do. I'll meet you later." Taylor said lovingly.

"We have all the time in the world together." I left the office and reappeared above the map. The Stonehenge was ready for entrance. My Taylor was inside waiting for me.

"I'm scared that my plans won't pan out. That something is going to happen and I'm left with nothing to do but mitigate the damage." She said. Her posture was still hopeful, but tempered by realism.

"Whatever happens you are not alone. We can do this together. If you miss something one of us will figure it out. Despedia, Lisa, Sonata, and Dad." I told her with a smile.

"Let's not forget Armsmaster, Dragon, Mir, Shurelia, Frelia...oh." She stopped while blushing sheepishly. "Point made. No man is an island..." The light from the Stonehenge flared brighter. Oh. She wasn't ready yet, but now she truly was.

"Ready to go now?" I asked. She hooked arms with me.

"Now I am. Let's go." We stepped into the light together. I had no idea what was next, but it was almost guaranteed to be weirder from here on.
Weird chapter... was that a true future vision (gained perhaps from Ziz's core) or was that just a nightmare that Taylor dredged up?
It's not actually real. It's a subconscious fear with some basis in fact. Society is collapsing. The world is failing. Despite all her power and knowledge she's still a fifteen year old girl. To her the fear is real.
Yes. :p

He he, I always wanted to do that

As a wise man/woman/whatever once said: "Face, meet palm. Here's to a long and lasting relationship!" Should've seen that coming.

It's not actually real. It's a subconscious fear with some basis in fact. Society is collapsing. The world is failing. Despite all her power and knowledge she's still a fifteen year old girl. To her the fear is real.
Thanks for clarifying. Glad to hear that it won't definitely get that screwed up...
Sixth Arc 6.8
Hymn of Harmony

or Melody of Escalation

Sixth Arc 6.8

-Cosmosphere Level 8-

The land of water remained. The Crystal Tree had grown even taller as it clearly had enough nutrition to grow from. The bulwarks were fully in place as Atlas 2.0 had been joined by several giant robots of similar size. I looked up towards the sky and stared. The Rinkernator was in fact represented on the map. The Simurgh's Core hovered like a baleful sun with numerous wires and other connectors extending towards it. So it settled in the eighth level. There were flying machines holding the Core as if keeping it from descending any farther. I analyzed it to closely and found myself entering the area.

There were numerous people in body armor hurrying to and fro. I skipped to the side to avoid someone hurrying past towards the main console. The flying machines were docked at a floating ring around the Core. Taylor was at the console, her face a mask of concentration. Without turning around she beckoned me over.

"What an amazing thing. This Core has within in power equivalent to a spiral galaxy. The Simurgh was vastly more powerful than she let on. A scary thought. Thankfully she challenged us on a battlefield conditioned for our victory." Taylor informed me gently. I'm glad she was gentle about it because the amount of power was staggering.

"Each Endbringer has power like this?" I asked with a sick feeling in my stomach. My girlfriend nodded grimly.

"Oh yes. It gets worse. From what we've managed to trace there are not three, but twenty Endbringers." She looked me dead in the eyes. I felt the breath leave my body, but nothing came back. Taylor abruptly slapped my back. "Breath lovely. Breath."

"That is so boo!" My fear was abruptly shoved back by pure indignation. "How the hell are we supposed to fix this?" Taylor smiled a bit.

"Each Core is connected. I can trace the tether back to their common point and shut the Endbringers off." She had a faraway look in her eyes. "It would be more accurate to call them self sustaining projections. Their Core is the true body while damaging anything else won't even hurt them. In order to do that I need to harness this one. I've been trying to find a safe way to do it, but it keeps slipping to a lower level to avoid analysis." Taylor looked grim.

"It keeps going lower. If it goes past the ninth level..." I didn't finish. If it went that far down the Core would be lost to her. It wouldn't be a threat, but it wouldn't be a boon either.

"There are places I can't enter. They're part of this level while I'm technically not. Being Administrator has some advantages when it comes to Cosmosphere manipulation." She smiled faintly, but the strain was visible. This was not something she was taught. This was hard won knowledge during a war we weren't meant to win.

"We're close to the end of this. Where do I need to go?" I asked her.

"This will be dangerous. I need the last three pillars of insecurity to be destroyed. Not finessed, but destroyed. This great big ball of stupid dragged things from the previous levels down here." Taylor rubbed her forehead tiredly. I touched her back comfortingly.

"This can't be easy for you. If anyone tries to say you're weak then they're fuckin' crazy." I didn't swear often, but it was worth making her laugh.

"That's why I can say destroy them. They don't mean anything anymore, but are holding back significant portions of my willpower." She sounded annoyed. No emotional connection, but still having an effect on her? I could see why that would be annoying.

"I'll take care of it." I gave her a quick kiss before heading back to the map. The Three Pillars were loosely arranged where Winslow High used to be. The black pillars jutted from the seas arrogantly. There was a circle of marble holding the water back. I didn't remember seeing that when I arrived, but it made sense. She had to point it out to me for the area to appear. I appeared on a flat circular platform high in the air with three basalt pillars stabbing towards the heavens. Each one was carved with a relief of a different person. The first was of a beautiful girl with a voluptuous figure. The second was of an athletic girl, her face in a stern mask. The last was a waif by comparison. Oh boy. I knew who they were. I looked about for something to help me start smashing. A large hammer materialized in the center of the platform. It was heavy, but should do the job.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." A young voice that was intimately familiar to me spoke up. I turned to look and saw before my eyes...myself. Younger. She had her hair up in twin tails held in place by the rings from her staff. Well, my staff. Even the dress was the same.

"I was told to smash the pillars." I explained. She huffed.

"Do you always do as your told?" Little Cocona asked.

"Taylor herself told me. She's the one who knows about this stuff." I tried to justify, but her expression didn't change.

"Uh huh. So why was she so insistent they be destroyed?" It wasn't helping that the mini me was making sense.

"I have no idea. The Taylor I spoke to...no wait. I only have her word for it that she's the actual Taylor. But I still think breaking the pillars has to be done." A wild idea had taken root as I spun the hammer in my hands.

"Will you go through me to do it?" Little Cocona asked as she twirled her staff into position.

"Do you trust yourself at all?" I asked her.

"Why don't you explain it to me?" She countered.

"I can't. Because if I'm right then talking to you is a bad idea. Sorry Mini Me, but move aside." With that I strode towards the pillar with the smallest carving. My ghost of Cocona past watched me warily as I raised the hammer. I exhaled slowly and expanded my awareness. My Will hummed to life and I could See what needed to be done. The hammer flashed down above the head of the relief. I began working methodically softening the basalt carefully. Each swing was backed by certainty. I hooked my fingers into the relief and pulled carefully. The smallest carving came loose as Madison. I set her to one side and moved to the middle one.

"Curiouser and curiouser." Little Cocona murmured. Uh huh. My suspicion was bearing fruit. Taylor was right about these pillars needing to be broken. She was deliberately offhand about their destruction. Once more I carefully extracted Sophia from the pillar. The little me was watching all of this with interest. I am naturally curious, but this wasn't childish curiousity. If she was truly meant to represent me at that age...she failed miserably. Especially quoting Lewis Carroll like that.

"Time for you to come out of there, Emma." I muttered, but before I could set to work she interrupted me.

"You are a tough nut to crack. I thought you were easy to figure out. Your love for her made you blind, impulsive, and bullheaded. At least that's what I thought. Now here you are showing there is a mind at work. Why is that?" The younger me was no longer looking quite like me. Her skin was much paler and the eyes had become voids filled with stars.

"In order to get through to Taylor you can't show a false front. Too cunning and she closes off. Too hard and she fights back. The balance is simple. Just be yourself and move forward. Don't put on a facade. That's all you're good at though. When you finally did make your move before it ended disastrously. Now here you are again. She gave the order to smash these pillars. You had already got to the Taylor of this level. If it was this level's Taylor I wouldn't question it. My Taylor though wouldn't tell me to smash pieces of her psyche. She's not stupid." I bit off. The hammer glowed before resolving itself into a silver lance. My clothes shifted into a blue and white battle dress. In my hair was silver wings attached to a gold braided headband.

"You baited the hook. As long as you weren't sure who I was then destroying me was impossible." The Simurgh looked grudgingly impressed. While she wore my face the Cosmosphere protected her. She only had to masquerade as me long enough for me to cause irreparable damage. The Trio of Winslow had caused her a great deal of pain, but had also taught her about inner strength. She built herself from the ground up and regained her confidence. Better and more solid than ever. These Pillars were that pain, but also her triumph. Removing the reliefs meant nothing. When I left they would repair themselves.

"I had to convince you that somehow a mistake was being made." I twirled the spear. It reminded me of a silver flute in places. The headband was the visor. My dress was the rose. Each identified piece flared and I felt Taylor behind me.

"Damn..." The diminished remnant knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that this battle was over before it began. She drew on the last of her power and fired a ball of pure energy at the Emma pillar. I slid in front of the basalt relief and struck the blast back with the spear shaft. As soon as the shot was deflected I sprinted forward with the spear held low. The energy blast had been weakened, but it still knocked her off balance. My spear struck true, right through her heart.

"Any last words...?" I asked her. She smiled faintly.

"The connection...is Eidolon..." Her eyes closed and the form faded away. The pillars were restored to their formerly pristine condition.

"Eidolon, huh? Great..." I muttered. There was some doubt about whether she was telling the truth, but I was also a firm believer that evil bitches twisted the knife at the end. Heading back to where I left my Taylor was easier than expected. She took in my outfit with a raised eyebrow.

"I have to say it's a beautiful look. You look like a warrior angel come to spirit me away." Taylor teased me, but the look of appreciation was genuine.

"It was pretty slick sending me to deal with the pillars. You couldn't tell me there was still an infiltration going on..." I trailed off as she looked uncomfortable.

"Ah...Cocona honey? I really did want you to destroy the pillars. Completely. I wasn't being influenced by anyone, but myself...I thought that it was one of those destroy the old to make way for the new kind of thing..." Taylor giggled nervously.

"This wasn't according to your plan, huh? Oh." We stared at each other in silence. The brunette across from me laughed more genuinely.

"I'm glad that you're wiser than I am." Taylor sighed in relief.

"Eidolon." I prodded her. She grimaced at the reminder.

"Right. That's a whole can of worms right there. At least it gives us a vector to work from. I would have to meet him to fully subvert the Endbringer protocols. As it is, through the Simurgh's Core, I can suppress the activation of the Endbringers that weren't activated yet." Taylor explained. It didn't do anything about the Endbringers that were already active, but every little it helps.

"What about after the Simurgh was defeated? Wouldn't another one have activated?" I asked in concern.

"I know their activation can be stopped because it's already happened." She assured me. Good.

"How goes it with the Core?" I gestured. The Core had numerous cables connected to it and a shell was being constructed to encase it safely.

"Good. I need your power to help me finish the assimilation. After all you were the one that helped me take it in the first place." Taylor smiled at me. I didn't really have to think about it. She was having trouble taking it before so I helped guide it in. I nodded in acceptance. We held each other as the remainder of the shell encased the large Core. I projected my feelings to her with all my heart. Her own feelings enveloped me in warmth and safety. There was a rumbling crash as the final seals locked into place. The change was immediate. Taylor started to pant as if she had run miles at a dead sprint. A similar feeling of exhaustion washed over me. The heat was unbelievable, but the burn felt so good.

"That...was quite a rush..." I managed to say tiredly. Taylor stroked my hair softly.

"Yeah it was...uhn...wow." My girlfriend nodded shakily. "Thanks for the help." She smiled faintly. There was a change in the air. I knew this feeling by now.

"I'll see you at the Stonehenge." I told her. She looked confused.

"There is no Stonehenge here." With that I was pushed out of the location. Wait. This whole time I was talking to the Taylor of this level? Weird. Very weird. I entered the Stonehenge. My Taylor was clearly amused at my expense.

"Oh ha ha ha. Laugh it up. I can't believe I mistook her for you...oh you know what I mean! Stop laughing!" I know my tone was petulant, but she was laughing. She pulled me into her arms.

"Oh my darling girl...fine...I won't tease you anymore. I promise." Taylor's voice was warm with amusement.

"The Core is connected at least." I pointed out.

"Each Endbringer has a faint connection to the others. Through the Simurgh I can tap the Endbringers that aren't awake. Not much, but a bit. If I can disconnect them from Eidolon then subverting them becomes easier, but that's for later." She visibly clamped down on her enthusiasm. The horror her people have had to live with for so long was almost a bad dream instead of a waking nightmare.

"Let yourself be thrilled. Sure, take it one step at a time, but don't forget to be happy." My tone was playful, but the message was serious. Let her hope shine through. She nodded an affirmative.

"Let's go. It's almost time for us to wake up." Taylor linked arms with me as we approached the light. The feeling of lightness was intoxicating. Once we were through the next level she would be able to force us both out. That was the theory at any rate.

We would escape this prison. I still had a date with the ones responsible.

-Cosmosphere Level 8: Complete-
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