How to Train Your Endbringer

White-ish text is just about invisible on FlexWhite colour scheme.

I'm hoping we get to see more of Taylor's headspace in action, should be good.
Omake - The_Grandmage
"We should arrest her," Armsmaster said.
"Queen Administrator. God what a horrible name. If we ever convince her to join our side Glenn's going to have a field day with a name like that."

The man rubbed his face with his hands, wanting it all to just end. Finally, he dropped them to the table, looking across it at the hero who sat across from him. With that serious look on his face like he hadn't just said the stupidest thing in the world. He took refuge in his paper cup of absolutely terrible coffee, bracing himself for what was coming.

"Okay, let me get this straight. A parahuman shows up, having apparently Mastered an Endbringer, probably the entire reason the attack just stopped. She stops a band of villains from hijacking supplies for the camps of survivors of the city. Kaiser attacks her, the man who shoots swords out everywhere and is ridiculously lethal. He gets killed. The rest of the Empire capes and goons are brought into custody, and your suggestion of what to do with the parahuman is. . ." he left the sentence fade away as he looked up into Armsmaster's visor, and that stupid serious look on his stupid beard.

"Arrest her," he said, repeating the offense of being too stupid to lead a rat through a maze, much less a group of government-backed heroes.

"Right," he drawled, drumming the fingers of one hand on the table. "I was brought in to explain exactly why that's a terrible idea. I'm not really sure where to start, so let's begin by you trying to explain exactly what the charges you;d arrest her for are, and we'll move on from there."

The serious look deviated for a moment in a slight frown. It was a pleasant change for a moment before he ruined it by saying "She killed Kaiser. That's murder."

"No, Leviathan killed Kaiser. To protect her, yes, but even if that was her choice it'd be self defense. And even then, reviewing the notes I was given it seems like she gave no order for that. And in case you'd forgotten, the Endbringers have killed a lot of people. We've got memorials up about them. All over the place. We're building one here. Quite frankly, there's probably a question if Kaiser should go on it now that I, thankfully, don't have to answer. Try again."

The beard rustled, deep in thought. The man tormented by the fact he actually seriously thought they should arrest someone who had control of an Endbringer took another drink of terrible coffee. One day, good coffee would return to this city. Probably long before the hero he was talking to got the point of their conversation. And about a decade after he himself beat his own brain in with the palm of his hand from trying to explain it.

"Leviathan is dangerous. We can't let a cape who can control it run around free," Armsmaster finally said, laying out what was probably the foundation of his logic.

Sensing an opportunity, the man struck. "So, what you're telling me is the young, shy, timid seeming girl in a ruined city, probably alone, lost, hungry, without shelter, basically at the lowest point she's probably ever been at and is missing a good chunk of the base of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs should be arrested. The same one who, for some reason, is in control of one of the three greatest engines of death and destruction in the world and decided to use it to both stop it from attacking the city and trying to stop the people from being more put upon by the gangs? So what you want is to take someone who hasn't thought to use their giant weapon of mass destruction to just take what they want, and tell them society is now their enemy, and basically force them into villainhood when they can just claim large chunks of territory and can kill massive numbers of heroes who try and stop her? Knowing that most villains will laugh, and not help, because they'd be happy to cede territory to her to avoid Endbringers themselves? You want to throw dozens of lives, and what infrastructure this city has down the drain in an attempt to arrest someone who if they decide to resist arrest can probably decimate the Eastern Seaboard. Because she's dangerous?"

He looked around, finding himself standing. He sat back down, making noise as he brought the chair back up to the table. He picked up his coffee, and downed the last of it. He sighed, and looked across at the hero, who seemed to be in shock. He waited, and as soon as the Tinker tried to speak, spoke over him, to hammer home his point. "That's the stupidest, most costly thing I've ever heard of. That's a plan so terrible I'm having difficulty believing a grown man suggested it. Let me explain to you the basis for our laws. Our laws are all basically built on the idea of the social contract. We'll all try and live together as best we can because working together gets better results than having to do everything ourselves. When villains showed up basically flaunting the laws because most people couldn't stop them, the government backed heroes because it created a balance, it upheld the social contract. Now along comes someone who can control an Endbringer, maybe more."

He leaned forward, crumbling the paper cup that one held coffee into a ball. "Nothing is balanced anymore. If she becomes a hero, villains will go out of their way to surrender when they hear she's coming. If she becomes a villain, the government will give her whatever she wants. They'll make it legal. They will go out of their way to decry anyone who stands against her as villains and paint her in the best possible light because there are only three options here: We go back to how Endbringer attacks usually work, she stops the attacks, or she increases the attacks."

He sat back. "Let me tell you the worst kept secret in the world. The Endbringers? They're destroying the world. The economy can't support this. We lose too many parahumans, too many veteran heroes and qualified fighters every attack. If she can stop it? We'll put a crown on her head and hold parades in her honor. She'd have to eat babies to make anyone even bat at eyelid at her behavior. So shut up about arresting her, because no jury in the world would convict her. The only thing you'll do is rebrand yourself as a villain."

He slumped in his chair, and removed his rectangle-framed glasses. He pinched the bridge of his nose, and let out a long-suffering sigh.

"Quite frankly if they do put a crown on her it'll make it easier to swing the Queen Administrator branding. I'm not sure whether to try and push against it for something more friendly to the public, if that's even possible, or to play the Noblesse oblige angle to the hilt and see how much extra funding gets thrown our way for it."
"Quite frankly if they do put a crown on her it'll make it easier to swing the Queen Administrator branding. I'm not sure whether to try and push against it for something more friendly to the public, if that's even possible, or to play the Noblesse oblige angle to the hilt and see how much extra funding gets thrown our way for it."

This is awesome! I hope you don't mind if I threadmark it?

Anyway, I especially like this last bit (and I know Armsmaster was a bit daft this last chapter, but I was playing it for laughs. My humour is hit and miss at best). The whole Noblesse Oblige idea is pretty good. I'll have to do something with that, turn Queen Administrator into an actual Queen.
Heck yeah, do as you will. Glad you think it's worth threadmarking.

I've just been thinking of the two best bits of funny there, the idea that Armsmaster's default is to try and arrest the girl with the pet Endbringer, and the idea that Image's problem with her will be her name. There are probably several places willing to throw a crown on her to avoid turning into a new Japan. And that's with just the one. If she collects more?

I'm just wondering what Coil plans. Because if I were him I'd be planning on getting on her good side. That's a power you can put on the Throne and comfortably help run the world from a Grand Vizier position. Whereas making a power play, well, that could end. . . poorly.
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People were all like 'haha, Taylor and Levi will take over the world and have everything they want!' And I'm not too keen on that, so she needs to pick up dogshit first.
No offense, but this Taylor couldn't conquer a sandbox. No powers, seeing Leviathan face to face, and presumably months of extra bullying has clearly knocked something loose in her head in just the right way that when she went off the deep end she popped back up into her pre canon chatterbox mode.

While this is a good thing for Bet since it means that using Leci for evil will never cross her mind, it also means that one of the three biggest guns on the planet is in the hands of what is effectively a particularly selfless 12 year old.
That's Mr. Fish to you!
We Got FISH'd!?!

Good thing this make-shift shelter isn't an abandon NYPD police station or former detectives Yemana, Levitt and Wojciehowicz will make inquiries and stare at Fish.... :naughty:o_O

Yemana " He's very VERY Tall..."

Levitt " Or... we are incredible short, like me. "

Wojo " Hey, man, can you watch the game up there outside Yankee Stadium ?? "

Yemana & Levitt " WOJO?! "

Wojo " Huh, what? Perhaps Mr. Fish over here is our Mr. Fish from time gone bye, guys."

Taylor " Really? " -stares at Mr. 'Fish'

Fish (2 of 20) " .... no. " -stares back at Wojo


As for young Taylor's state of being...

Taylor might still be in shock or shell-shock due to the Endbringer hitting her hometown and she in the middle of the assault/attack before she stop it by her verbal gesture statement...

She is also probably wondering where her dad is and if he is safe or not and whether her home is still standing....

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As for young Taylor's state of being...
Taylor might still be in shock or shell-shock due to the Endbringer hitting her hometown and she in the middle of the assault/attack before she stop it by her verbal gesture statement...

She is also probably wondering where her dad is and if he is safe or not and whether her home is still standing....
I didn't get the first reference, but I understand and agree with that last bit. Unless she saw her home destroyed off screen and Danny killed, re-connecting will probably be her next priority after immediate survival.
This is probably my favorite subsection of Worm fan fiction. I think Friendbringer! stories are the best, I've yet to find one that's disappointed me (content wise, update schedules are another thing :lol)
I didn't get the first reference, but I understand and agree with that last bit. Unless she saw her home destroyed off screen and Danny killed, re-connecting will probably be her next priority after immediate survival.
The First one was in reference to Ms. Taylor calling the EndBringer as Mr. Fish.

The series that had a Mr. Fish was Barney Miller, and Mr. Fish was a Detective working for the NYPD in the 1970s...
No offense, but this Taylor couldn't conquer a sandbox. No powers, seeing Leviathan face to face, and presumably months of extra bullying has clearly knocked something loose in her head in just the right way that when she went off the deep end she popped back up into her pre canon chatterbox mode.

While this is a good thing for Bet since it means that using Leci for evil will never cross her mind, it also means that one of the three biggest guns on the planet is in the hands of what is effectively a particularly selfless 12 year old.
She escaped certain death and is really really happy, possibly ecstatic, she didn't die. That might be enough to keep her in a positive frame of mind for a while and revert back to how she was when she was previously a happy person. Basically who she was before she got shat on by the world. Even at 16ish she likely hasn't had much of a change in basic morality since she was 12 and hasn't gone through the trials that turned her into a villain as in canon. Even in canon she didn't retaliate against her tormentors when she had plenty of ways to do it without being outed. She will likely get over her survival high as real world issues start hitting her again.
In Which Alexandria is Confused and Taylor Take her Endbringer Out for Walkies
In Which Alexandria is Confused and Taylor Takes her Endbringer Out for Walkies

Rebecca Costa-Brown was a woman used to being blindsided. Every day, new cases passed her desk, either at the Protectorate Headquarters or in her little office within the confines of a Cauldron base. She could remember, in excruciating detail, the first battle against Behemoth, the first appearance of Leviathan and the day the Simurgh tore apart Lausanne.

There was never, truly, a sense that she had 'seen it all.' Sure, she was one of the strongest capes out there, and yes, as Chief Director of the PRT she had seen more than most, but she knew to keep herself grounded and expect the worse.

She pressed a hand to her right cheek, eyes unfocused on the screen before her. The call from Director Piggot--over an emergency line, no less--had been worrying enough. The report she was now reading didn't make things much better.

Taking a deep breath, she refocused and, with a few clicks, cleared her appointments for the rest of the evening and the next morning. She picked up her office phone and pressed a few keys, turning on a few Tinkertech anti-spyware programs. "Legend I need you in my office, as soon as you can get here," she said the moment the line was picked up.

"I'll be there in two," Legend replied, his voice unusually serious. He had picked up on her own tone.

Hanging up, Rebecca walked over to the window taking up half her office's wall and worked it open. Just in time, as a prismatic streak was cutting through Los Angeles skyline. When the hero slipped into her room, she shut the window and turned to him.

"What's wrong, Rebecca?" he asked, his brow knit in worry.

Rebecca opened her mouth to speak, then paused. "I'm not sure where to start, so I guess I'll start from the beginning. Did you notice anything strange during yesterday's battle?"

Legend seemed to consider this for a moment. "It was pretty standard. We got there earlier than usual, had time to set things up. And the city came out of it better than I had hoped or expected. Leviathan left at some point but no one was around to see it happen, at least, no one I spoke to."

Rebecca nodded. "That's because he never left the city." She talked past his surprised expression. "I received a report from Director Piggot from Brockton Bay, two of her capes ran into a young woman who was, and I quote' being followed by Leviathan as though it was her pet poodle.' That's from Assault who was on the scene."

"And it's real?" he asked.

"From what I've gathered, yes. She claims that she's not interested in joining the Wards, but she acted to stop an assault on a supply convoy by the Empire Eighty Eight. Legend, this girl is walking around free with an Endbringer at her beck and call."

He eyed her and she knew what he was going to say next. "'Becca, if she's got any sort of heroic inclination, we can't just... get rid of her. This is an opportunity."

"I know. Trust me, I know. We need this girl on our side. I don't know if her control extends to the others or not, but even if it doesn't, we can't let her just... wander around with that kind of firepower." She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm going to send word to evacuate the city, but for them to do it quietly."

"I want to meet her," he said.

Rebecca paused. On the one hand, he was a member of the Triumvirate. If anyone could get away from a hairy situation it would be him. And he was incredibly charismatic. Chances were good that if he opened a dialogue with this Queen Administrator girl, he would get her talking, and maybe convince her to join up where they could better control her. On the other hand, it was a risk. But then, it was no more dangerous that being deployed to any other Endbringer battle.

"Battery from the Protectorate ENE convinced her to show up tomorrow to talk with the PRT. The girl probably wants to sign up as an independent."

"And we don't want that?" he asked.

Rebecca made a so-so gesture. "We'd rather have her onboard than not. This isn't the kind of thing you can ignore, and we need to keep her safe from the Fallen, the Slaughterhouse Nine or the Yàngbǎn whatever she chooses. Contessa can probably help with that. But I would much rather she be under our thumb."

"'Becca, I'm not going to force a kid to join us. If she wants to be independent then we can help her without taking away her freedom. If we're kind to her she'll probably join us of her own free will."

The chief director shifted on the spot. "Fine, try it your way. If anything it will at least appease her and show that we're taking things seriously." She leaned back onto her desk. "But do be careful."

Legend gave her one of his signature smiles. "Don't worry, I'm sure everything will be fine."


"And this, it Mr. Fish!" Taylor said. She was in an excellent mood. Yeah, sure, she had to help at the dog shelter, but it wasn't any worse than doing chores at home and she got to play with the dogs a bit. She just hoped that Leviathan wasn't getting jealous of all the attention she was paying to the dogs.

Rachel took in the alleyway where the blue light of a rising sun was only just bright enough to highlight the shadows and hide the worse of the debris lining the walls. Then she looked up at the tallest shadow, at the four-eyed creature standing thirty feet tall and whose arms had descended onto either side of Taylor in an almost protective fashion.

"That's not a dog."

"Well, no, but he acts like a dog... sometimes." Taylor hugged Leviathan's leg and smiled up at the city-killing monster. "So, uh, you said that you wanted to go on patrol with your dogs. Could I bring Mr. Fish along? See, we're trying to be heroes too."

Rachel looked down from the Endbringer and stared at Taylor. "Will he hurt my dogs?"

"No! Well, not unless they try to hurt me."

She shrugged. "Okay, I guess. Does he need a leash?"

"Do you have one that's big enough?" Taylor asked back a little dubiously. Leviathan's neck was rather on the thick side.

"Yeah." With that, Rachel turned and made her way back towards the dog shelter, her three constant companions at her heels though they were sneaking looks at Leviathan.

The shelter was only just down the block from where Leviathan was hiding, so Taylor didn't have far to go to find her Endbringer. With a few quick motions, she put her bandanna back on and pulled down her hoodie, noting as she did that her clothes were getting a little scruffy.

"Come on!" she called over her shoulder.

{Understood.} Leviathan followed after her, his footsteps making the ground tremble.

Taylor, no, the intrepid heroine Queen Administrator and her plucky sidekick Unit Two, waited in front of the shelter and ignored the panicked screams from just down the road. Yes, Unit Two did look rather scary, but there wasn't much she could do about that... yet.

Rachel came out with a mask held in one hand and a length of chain dangling from the other. "Here," she said as she passed Taylor the chain and began to affix her mask. "We'll go around this block, then head west."

"Cool. Hey, do you think it'd be alright if we take something of a detour? I, uh, want to check on something."

"'S long as it don't take too long." Rachel tapped her dogs on their heads. Taylor watched, fascinated, as the dogs started to grow bigger and taller and boney spikes tore out of their bodies. In a few short minutes the dogs were the size of minivans and Rachel was climbing up the side of the biggest of them.

"Wait, you're going to ride on your patrol?" Taylor asked. She couldn't see the look Rachel was giving her on account of the mask, but it was easy to guess. "Uh, okay, give me a minute."

Turning to Leviathan she gestured at the Endbringer, and when that failed to do anything tried speaking. "Hey, can you dip your head down a bit?"

{Complying.} he said as he lowered his head.

Giving him a smile in gratitude, Taylor looped the chain around his neck, then fastened it into a rough knot. "Hey, do you think I could ride on your shoulder?" she asked.


"Awesome!" Taking a bit of a running leap, Taylor grabbed onto the slick fish-like skin along Leviathan's back and pulled herself up so that she was perched on his shoulder, then she grabbed onto the chain still wrapped around his neck and used it as a handhold. "Okay, okay, now stand up, but slowly."

{Understood.} Gently, Leviathan stood up to his full height and Taylor, perched on his shoulder and looking at the ground far below, giggled in a mixture of joy and vertigo. "Hey, if I fall, you'll catch me, right?"

{Additional Secondary Directive: Prevent Host-Queen_Administrator from suffering from kinetic damage in case of a fall. Directive Accepted.}

"Okay Rachel, lead the way!" she called out to her new buddy.

Rachel looked nonplussed but soldiered on with aplomb. "This way."

The first few steps were a little jarring, but some whispered instructions had Leviathan even out his pace so that he was slinking forwards like a predator stalking prey, rather than a giant in a fragile world. It also made Taylor realize something really important. "I need a sword."

{New Secondary Directive: Acquire 'Sword?'}

"Hrm, no, no, I'll find one on my own. You know, it's almost too bad that you splattered Kaiser, I bet he could make awesome swords. Ohh, and we should get you a costume. Or at least a hat!"

{New Secondary Directive: Acquire 'Hat?'}

"Yes. But later."

The patrol route that Rachel lead Taylor down was fairly simple. First, they cut out towards the Boardwalk where looters and scavengers were even now breaking into shops. Most of these fled as soon saw they saw Rachel's huge dogs. The rest ran screaming when they saw Taylor and Mr. Fish. It made her feel all warm inside, to know that she was helping protect the city, and only a couple of days since deciding to become a cape!

Then, with a few grunted cues, Rachel led her deeper into the city into what was once Empire territory, but was now mostly a wrecked landscape. There were more normal people here, and they tended to shy away from the pair of capes but didn't always run screaming. A few even took out phones to take pictures and film their passing.

Taylor waved shyly at a few of them, but quickly found herself pressing into Leviathan's side to avoid the gazes of their cameras. "Are we going to circle back to the shelter now?" she asked.

"Mmm, not yet. Gonna go see one of my... friends first."

"Okay, cool. And, um, the place I wanted to go was that way. It's not too far, especially since we're moving pretty fast."

Rachel looked in the direction Taylor was pointing. "We could go by rooftop."

"Oh, that sounds so cool!"

"Later," she said before turning her attention back to where her pack was walking. They crossed the entrance to another shelter, this one taking up an entire church and a few community buildings as well as a large parking area that hadn't been too badly hit by the flooding, then Rachel led them off the main roads and through a winding path made up entirely of alleyways and passages through broken fences.

She slowed to a stop, whistling so that her other dogs did the same, just as they were nearing the docks. "It's there," she said, pointing towards a two story building that didn't seem to have been hit too hard by the attack. "Stay here."

There were maybe a dozen people hanging around the entrance from every ethnic group and age, which as far as Taylor knew was a good sign. A desk sat just outside, manned by a gruff older man with a military bearing and a pretty blonde girl.

"Lisa!" Rachel called out as she brought her dogs a little closer.

The blonde looked up and grinned at Rachel. "Heya Bitch, doing your rounds, I see," she said before turning to whisper something to the man next to her. "I'll be with you in a minute." She raced into the shelter.

Taylor, who was until then sneaking a peak around the corner, pulled back on Leviathan's leash and pointed off towards the side. "There," she said and the lumbering Endbringer shifted over to where she had pointed.

This day had been getting better and better. Hanging out with Rachel wasn't quite fun, but she was a nice enough girl and didn't pry much. Taylor wasn't sure if she could trust her yet not after... She shook her head. Anyway, Rachel seemed the same way, which, if anything, made her feel much better about herself. And later they would go by her house, maybe dad... but she'd better not think about that either.

"So, Leviathan, do you know any tricks?"

{Definition Request: 'Tricks.'}

"You know, like, uh, shake hands, play dead, stuff like that."

{Unit-02 capabilities include: Psychological Warfare, Macro Hydrokinesis, Flow Dynamics Manipulation, Ranged Sensing--}

"No, no, none of those are useful," Taylor said with a shake of her head. "I meant stuff you can do, you know, like, um, maybe you could use your Hydrokinesis for fishing, or something."

{Correction Understood. Unit-02 capabilities include: Mass Manipulation of Marine Biology, Promoting Conflict, Genocide, Temperature Manipulation, Weather Manipulation, Landscaping--}

"Oh, oh, could you make ice cream?"

Leviathan paused. That wasn't to say that he had been moving much, but his arms did sway a little and his head was always moving, now he froze on the spot. Half a minute later the Endbringer started moving again. {Affirmative.}

Taylor's grin was vicious. "Perfect. Now, I know people think you're scary, but I'm sure we could go and grab some ingredients and make some killer ice cream, then we can give it to all the kids in the shelters. Maybe start a mini-water park with your hydrokinesis? Yeah, I've got this PR stuff in the bag. Endbringer? Hah, more like... Ice-Cream-Bringer... we can work on that one."

"Taylor," came Rachel's voice from around the corner. "Lisa wants to talk at you."

Rachel and her friend, Lisa, came around the corner. The blonde was rolling her eyes at her friend's phrasing, a smug grin on her face. Then she actually looked ahead of her and promptly twitched so hard that she almost landed on her face.

Two wide eyes stared up at Leviathan, then raced up to the girl sitting on his shoulder. "Hi! You must be Lisa. Rachel... well, actually she didn't say anything about you, but that means she didn't say anything bad, right? I'm not very good at introductions am I?" she said. Then, in what might have been a suicidal move for a non-Brute, she shoved herself off the Endbringer and fell towards the ground.

Just a few feet before crashing to the pavement, a tendril of swirling water wrapped around her waist and gently caught her before lowering down to the ground and whipping back from whence it came. She extended a hand towards Lisa. "I'm Taylor, or Queen Administrator in costume. Pleased to meetcha!"

Lisa fainted.

-End Part the Fourth-

So, no chapter tomorrow on account of it being Thursday and that's when I post my weekly chapter of Glitch.

Oh, and there shouldn't be as much, or any, time skip in the next chapter. It'll take off where this one ended. It was just getting to be a on the longer side and this was a good place to snip it. It's really hard to get the tone right in this bit. Taylor's clearly suffering from something (PTSD? Depression? Shock?), but is trying to see the world as bright and cheerful even though it's... well, it's Brockton Bay. It doesn't help that her thought process is so obviously off. In fact, she's pretty similar to Bitch in that one aspect.
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make some killer ice cream, then we can give it to all the kids in the shelters.

Taylor, are you actually retarded? You just told him to make lethal ice cream.
Enjoy the piles of dead kids you dumbass (who doesn't have the brains to figure out that going with the Protectorate is more liekly to net you food when you ask for it than trying to go back to a shelter).

Look I know canon Taylor was less than bright but unless this is "still half thinking this is a funny dream" level of zoned out, I really don't see her being quite this bad.
I can see it now

QA: Oh no! Host is going to die!
Points metaphorical finger to metaphorical head
QA: But Unit 02 can't kill Host if Host controls Unit 02! I'm HALPING!
QA: ...oh better make some adjustments to make sure Host has no problems being near and using Unit 02.
Metaphoical onomatopeia for a very physical breakage in the brain.
QA: .... Oops.
the intrepid heroine Queen Administrator and her plucky sidekick Unit Two
So, I had a thought in my head after that last bit of writing, and it wouldn't go away. Worst yet, it's been growing and festering in the back of my mind.
And with this, it has gained force. I regret everything that's about to happen.

Omake: QUEEN Administrator, Part 1 (Ominous Foreshadowing): NERVous Meetings

Legend blinked at the young girl in front of him. And looked up at the poorly disguised Endbringer behind her. "Now, I can understand why you might be worried about. . . Unit Two. But I can assure you we've no interest in hurting someone who wants to side with the heroes. I understand there have been some. . . issues in the past, but the Protectorate has been very willing to work with reforming villains in the past. And one of the biggest goals is ending the loss of lives due to Endbringer attacks. And if working with Unit Two will end Leviathan attacks, it's a good thing overall, yes?"

He smiled at the girl, who held at her soiled hoodie and twisted it, thinking hard about his answers. "So you don't want to cut him up to try and figure out how to stop the others?"

Legend stepped forward, and smiled over at the Endbringer that was standing guard over this teenager. His own heart thrummed with worry. Everything about this was wrong. Her was a young girl worried about them taking away an Endbringer. How little could she have had before the attack to be thins worried about losing something they'd been trying for years to destroy and had absolutely nothing to show for it besides memorials to the dead? Still, they could get her help. And with her help, they could possibly save the world. He turned his smile back to her, letting himself fill up with the hope he might be able to help this poor soul. She had a pure heart. And the fact it hadn't broken, when so much else of hers had, spoke to the type of Hero she would be.

"Queen Administrator. I can say without a doubt that no one would try and harm Unit Two as long as he behaves himself. We'd much rather have him, and you, working with us than push you away. You're the type of Hero we've been waiting for, for a long time. I know your powers might not seem like the most friendly. But that's what we have dedicated PR teams for. Join us, and we can make you the hero you were destined to be."

He held out his hand, watching the conflict in her eyes, and hoping she would take it.


Taylor sat in a chair, Mr. Fish standing protectively behind it. In front of her was a wide semi-circle of tables with a number of people sitting behind them, folders stacked up around them, pencils and pens working as people spoke together, motioning towards her and her friend. Directly across from her was the overweight man in glasses who'd introduced himself as Mr. Chambers, the head of PR for the Protectorate. Around him where the heads of Image and PR from Brockton Bay and several surrounding areas. They were taking this very seriously. She rubbed at her arm, self-conscious of how she must look in her stained hoodie.

Mr. Chambers started talking, shushing the group as he looked over Taylor, no, Queen Administrator and Unit Two. "First, I think, we should talk about, ahem, Unit Two. Does he have any way to change what he looks like? Maybe make himself smaller?"

Taylor blinked, and turned to looked up at Unit Two. "Uhhm, can you change how you look?"

{Affirmative. Unit-02 form selected due to Primary Directive of Host-High_Priest. Major form redistribution requires recalibration of Core. Seventy-five percent of redundant outer armor may be shed without compromising Core stability.}

She blinked at him. "Uhmmm, yes. He can become a lot smaller. But he can't change important things, like the number of limbs or such."

She turned back as folder we opened and rustled through. Entire sheaves of paper discarded and others brought to the forefront. Several people she could see who'd been working diligently threw out what the were working on and turned to their companions, taking piles from them and got to work immediately. Mr. Chambers smiled at her, and started looking at Unit Two. "Excellent. This will open up a lot. Now, we wanted to talk to you about your names. Queen Administrator and Unit Two. They're unusual, certainly. How strongly are you attached to them?"

Queen Administrator gripped the sleeve of her hoodies in her hand and twisted at it, looking up at her faithful sidekick. "Uhm, that's what Unit Two calls me, and what Unit Two said his name was, so it'd be easiest to give him orders like that, I think."

"Alright," he said, taking papers passed up from his right and left and looking over them. "In that case, we've got a few options about how we can do this. We've got a few designs based on medieval Queens, playing up the idea of Noblesse oblige, or the responsibilities of the nobility. None of the various looks fit Unit Two's name, sadly. Hmm, chess-themed, but I don't think that strikes the right tone with a Queen. And then there's one. . . Hmm. It plays off an Aleph animated show, and ties into Unit Two's name as well as playing off the administrator of Queen Administrator, turning the Queen part from a title to an acronym."

He stood up, and walked around the right of the table, talking to a few people and making suggestions as they worked. Finally, he gathered a few pieces of paper, and happy with them, walked around to where she was sitting. He held the papers out to her so she could see the costume designs for herself and the form they'd like Unit Two to take, with notes about Unit Two's new size and some design elements they'd like him to incorporate if possible.

"Sadly," he said, looking over a few of the papers he still held, "The numbers and meanings don't quite match up to use the Major Arcana for designations, but with your first showing being defeating an Empire raid, playing into this aspect would probably work better. Don't need to lean more into the occult angles than is necessary to make the acronym work, after all. What do you think?"


Taylor pulled at the coat of her new costume. It was vaguely like a military uniform, calling to mind what PRT troopers might dress like for a semiformal event. The back had the large crown symbol diagonally slashed, large 'QU' on the top with a 'EEN' under it, running into the cut on the logo. Around it in smaller letters the acronym was spelled out in full to explain it. She turned, looking in the mirror set up for her backstage. The strange glasses they'd given her seemed to reflect all light, not only hiding her eyes, but disguising the area around them.

She pulled at the coat again, the armoring making it heavy and sit awkwardly, They'd promised to address it later with a better version, this early version being used to debut her before the more comfortable versions with less obtrusive armor could be completed. She nodded to herself, and walke dto her point, waiting for her cue.


Mike shifted his camera, watching the stage for the debut of the new Ward. It wasn't odd for new triggers in the fallout of an Endbringer attack, but the speed at which this was was being done and the media presence at the debut was odd. Worse yet was how little information had gotten out. Supposedly this new cape had stopped an Empire hijacking of supplies after the attack, and captured a number of their capes as well as putting down the Empire's leader. Sounded good to him, since they'd been constantly down on him and his entire faith.

The local director announced their new Ward, QUEEN Administrator, and a large logo appeared on the screen behind the stage. As the girl walked out, her sidekick, Unit Two was announced as well, and behind the girl came. . .

Mike blinked, staring from the logo to the biomechanical creature nearly a dozen feet tall striding along behind the new Ward. Then he turned to stare at the logo again. QUEEN, Qabalah Understanding for Eventual Endbringer Neutralization. He turned his head to stare at the huge biomechanical Leviathan with the large Bet on its shoulders as it followed the young woman who walked up to the podium, resting her elbows on it and lacing her fingers together in front of her mouth.

"Holy fuck," he said as understanding hit him like a truck full of bricks.
In Which Attention is Given and Taylor Makes a Buddy

Two mini-chapters smushed into one. The first is more of a serious chapter. Not as funny, but it kinda shows the flip-side of the coin, as it were. Also, it sets things up for future hikinks.


"Shit," said Director Emily Piggot of the PRT East North East as she summed up the situation.

Thomas Calvert, in his guise as one of the local branch's consultants, could only nod.

Strewn across a stainless steel table in one of the meeting rooms of the PRT ENE headquarters were a series of printouts that painted a grim picture.

Or, perhaps, an opportunity.

He looked up and took in the others in the room. A few more consultants, those that would usually, like him, fall by the wayside in such a delicate matter but who had been pulled in to make up for some of the lost manpower after the Endbringer attack. There were heroes too. The two members of the Protectorate that had been on the scene, as well as an injured Armsmaster and Miss Militia.

Deputy Director Rennick was out, taking care of the newly imprisoned members of the Empire Eighty Eight. And wasn't that a victory for the good guys?

Oh, sure, they had lost Rune during transportation, and someone was going to get a slap on the wrist for improperly restraining the girl, but taking in Stormtiger, Hookwolf, Fenja, Cricket and about two dozen unpower mooks was a unilateral victory. Kaiser's death only made the situation better as far as Coil was concerned. Add that to the deaths of Krieg and Menja the day before and it painted a grim picture for the neonazi gang.

It was like the world's worst game of good-news bad-news.

"We should arrest her," Armsmaster said.

"Sure!" Assault said with a cheerful, if somewhat forced grin. "Um, before that, Director, could I switch to a posting in Nevada? I hear it's dry over there."

"No one is switching to anywhere. If anything we need every last cape we can get our hands on," Piggot said. She pinched the bridge of her nose and took a deep breath. "Let's start from the top. Battery, Assault, are you certain that it wasn't some sort of projection?"

"If it was," Battery began before her husband could say something he would regret. "Then it was exceptionally realistic. It stopped a cement block in mid-flight, and then displayed very precise hydrokinesis."

The Director nodded, and Calvert shifted in his seat. "Director, I think it might be safest to assume that this is the real thing. If it isn't then we will lose face a little, but we can always claim that we were just being overly cautious. If it is the real thing and we don't react appropriately..."

"You're right, of course." Piggot said. "Battery, Assault, what can you tell me about the girl, this... Queen Administrator. God what a horrible name. If we ever convince her to join our side Glenn's going to have a field day with a name like that."

Battery leaned back into her chair and stared up at the ceiling for a moment. "She seemed shy. Almost reserved. Non-confrontational too, though she did jump into the middle of a cape fight to try and stop it."

"She also," Assault butted in. "Scared the ever-loving hell out of me. She acted like Leviathan was just a big dog or something, like a pet. And she apologised after Leviathan killed Kaiser, but it sounded... off. Like a kid who was caught with their hand in the cookie jar. Yeah, she was sorry, but it was like she didn't understand that what she did was wrong, or that it had consequences."

"We should arrest her," Armsmaster said, adding his two cents.

"Armsmaster, you are forbidden from interacting with this cape unless she has already opened hostilities or under my direct supervision. I won't have you bumbling your way into insulting the girl and have her drop her pet Endbringer on us." Piggot shifted in her seat, a grimace crossed her face for a moment before she schooled herself. "Now, options, the report already says that she's not interested in joining up. Could we change her mind?"

Battery shrugged. "I asked her if she wanted anything and tried to make it pretty clear that we could do a lot for her. She asked me if I had anything to eat. I... don't think she's very materialistic. It's just a hunch, but offering money or the like probably won't go far."

"Her costume was pretty much just normal clothes and a bandanna. She doesn't seem to care much for her image," Assault added. "And for all that she was creepy as hell, she wasn't trying to be intimidating. I mean, the Endbringer was doing plenty of intimidation just standing there completely still and staring at us, but she didn't seem to notice how that was freaking us all out."

"How did she direct it?" Armsmaster asked.

"I didn't see any gestures or the like. She just talked to it. Scolded it for turning Kaiser into a pancake, and it seemed to be listening to her." Battery grimaced at her own choice of words.

A few faces went green at that description.

"Brilliant. We have a horse whisperer, but for apocalyptic death monsters," Assault muttered just loud enough that they could all hear.

"Ignoring that for now," Piggot said while frowning at the irreverent cape. "Any weaknesses we could exploit?"

"She looked like a normal girl. She probably has the same problem all Masters do; she's baseline human," Battery said. "I'd like to add one thing, though. I mentioned it in the report but... well, she mentioned a range to her powers and said that she was afraid that Leviathan would... revert back to its previous behaviour. That, and Leviathan was acting very protectively. I think that if we knock her out we'll either have an angry Endbringer on our hands, or just a... normal one."

"And if we Master her?" the director asked.

There was some shifting in seats. The PRT frowned upon Masters, Heartbreaker and Glaistig Uaine having set a bad precedent. Still, there were some capes that joined that had unfortunate powers. The Protectorate wasn't about to refuse more firepower just because a power wasn't good for PR.

"That depends, would Leviathan see that as an attack on his master and retaliate?" Armsmaster asked.

The Director nodded and pulled one of the sheets closer to her. Thomas recognized it as a threat profile for a new cape. "I'm giving her the temporary threat rating of Master 12. I'm also adding a provision to recruit her at all costs. If she wants her own mansion we'll bloody well give her one. If she can control other Endbringers, or if one of our trumps can copy her powers, then she's worth her weight in gold."

"Especially if the thing with Leviathan's name is real," Assault added.

There was a long pause, quite a few looking his way. "What thing?" Piggot said, her brow scrunching up.

"Ah, I don't know if that was in the report. But she denied that Leviathan was called Leviathan, uh, though she did call it that by accident. It felt like she was trying to convince us that the Endbringer wasn't an Endbringer. You know, with the mask and all. I don't know who she thought she was fooling bu--"

"Get to the point, Assault.

"Right, right! So, she told us to call it Unit Two. That much makes sense. If they're created by someone, well, it was the second one to show up. Problem is, she called it Unit Two of Twenty, the first time around."

Piggot leaned back into her chair. "That... shit," she said. "The implication that there are seventeen more Endbringers is, in a word, horrifying. Still, this is an opportunity to learn more about them. I'm going to contact Costa-Brown. We need to be ready for her tomorrow."

"And how will you treat her?" Miss Militia asked, talking for the first time since the meeting had started.

"With the kid gloves," Piggot said.

To Thomas Calvert, all problems were opportunities. When the meeting finished he had a long conversation with some of his subordinates.


In Which Taylor Makes a Buddy

"That's a dog shelter," Taylor stated.

{Affirmative.} Leviathan helpfully replied.

She looked at the bit of paper she had been given, then up at the building and to the address painted onto a bit of plywood and placed on a windowsill. They matched. If it wasn't for the chorus of barking dogs she might even have been fooled into thinking this was a shelter for people.

Pressing a hand against her rumbling stomach, Taylor decided to take her chance and walked into the shelter. It smelled faintly of dog, but also of lemony-cleaning stuff and doggie kibble. Within the dimly lit reception were a few people diligently at work, either carrying bags of dog food over their shoulders or talking while pointing at maps of the city.

"Um, hello?" Taylor said, her voice drowned out by the many dogs. Still, a younger woman by the reception desk looked up and took in her rather dishevelled appearance.

"Oh, hello honey, how can I help you?" she asked as she slipped a lock of coarse brown hair behind an ear.

"Ah, um, I was told that there was a shelter here, that I could stay in?" Taylor said.

The girl laughed, but it wasn't unkind. "We're more a shelter for the four-legged then pretty young girls, but we do have a few rooms some of us are staying in." She looked Taylor up and down, taking in how thin she was under the hoodie and the way she hunched over at the attention. "Tell you what, I'll bring you to the boss-lady, and you ask her if you can help out. We won't take anyone that's not willing to work, but it you're ready to give a bit of elbow grease we can keep you fed and warm, at least for a few days."

"That, that would be great!" Taylor said with stars in her eyes.

The young woman grinned. "Brilliant! Come on, I'll show you to the boss. Oh, and I'm Cassie, by the way."

"Please to meet you! I'm Taylor."

Cassie nodded, then picked up a clip-board on the way to the back of the room. "Well, come along Taylor. Oh, and be... patient with the boss. She can be a bit rough but she means well."

Taylor nodded and followed Cassie into the back room of the shelter. Dozens of cages lined the walls, these filled with excited dogs in every condition imaginable. Some looked to be in good health, but more than a few were gaunt or injured and obviously in need of some attention. To be fair, Taylor thought, the people in the shelter were trying their best. She hadn't thought about it, but with the attack many dogs had been displaced and had lost track of their families.

"Hey Rachel," Cassie said as she reached the far end of the room. There was a wide door that lead into a bit of a courtyard in the back, and a tall, butch girl wearing a rough leather coat with a furry neckline was on one knee there, apparently working with a trio of dogs. "I've got someone new. She's looking for work and a place to stay."

The girl, Rachel, looked up and took Taylor in with a glance, then turned to Cassie. "The fuck is this?"

Cassie rolled her eyes. "This is Taylor, she just needs a place to stay for a few days. She said she was willing to help."

Rachel's brows furrowed and she looked at Taylor again. Taylor, for her part, shied away from the girl's hard stare. "You good with dogs?"

"I, uh, I'm okay? I kinda adopted one yesterday. sorta, and we get along mostly well," she admitted.

"Where is it?" Rachel asked.

"Uh, I didn't want to bring him here. He might scare the other dogs and, um, he's not trained to be around people yet."

"You left him with food?"

Taylor opened her mouth to reply, then froze. "Oh god, no, I didn't. Oh gosh darn, what if he's hungry?"

Rachel's brow furrowed and she took a small step closer to Taylor. Her dogs walked up behind her, eyeing Taylor too. "You can't do that."

"I, I'm sorry?" Taylor said.

Then her stomach grumbled loud enough that everyone heard and she had to press a hand against her chest and tried to mask a grimace.

Almost instantly, Rachel calmed down. "You have anything to eat?" she asked.

"Not, not since yesterday morning, no," Taylor admitted. "They didn't have anything at the camps and I didn't find anything to eat on my own."

"Stupid," Rachel accused her before turning to Cassie. "Get her something to eat, then something for her dog. She can pick up shit in the back."

"Got it, boss," Cassie said. "I'll be right back."

"Thanks!" Taylor said, her face twisting into a watery smile. "Um, I can help today, but I have somewhere I need to be tomorrow afternoon, is that okay? I can come back right after!" she added the last in a hurry.

"Yeah, whatever. You still here in the morning? Then you can help then and when you come back."

"Thank you so much."

"Go get your dog and bring him here. We'll look at him and see if he's healthy."

Taylor froze, eyes going wide. "I, uh, don't think that's the best idea," she said in a squeak.

"Why not?"

She was saved from answering when Cassie returned with a tupperware box filled with lukewarm noodles mixed with canned meat-sauce. "Here you go, honey. It's not the best but it's what we've got left over from this afternoon. We'll be starting on a proper supper in a bit. Hope this tides you over."

Taylor took the container and a plastic fork that Cassie handed her, then, with speed born of hunger, began shovelling the noodles in her mouth. "Oh god, this is so good," she said through a mouthful.

Cassie laughed and shook her head. "Speaking of, I'll be in the kitchen boss. Food should be ready in an hour or so."

Rachel made a noise of assent and went back to training her dogs, though she kept an eye on Taylor as she did so. Between two bites of what must have been a master chef's magnum opus, Taylor whispered to the air. "So, do you eat?"

{Negative. Unit-20 does not require sustenance.}

Taylor's shoulders drooped in relief. "Oh, thank god."

"Who you talking to?" Rachel asked.

Fork halfway to her mouth, Taylor paused. "Um, I uh, wasn't talking to anyone?"


She winced. "Um, I, can talk to my... dog from here?"

Rachel took her in for a long few seconds. "You some sort of parahuman too?"

"I, no, I... too?"

"Yeah. I'm Bitch. I do dogs." She pointed at her dogs who were all sitting in a row, tails wagging behind them.

"That's so cool. I, um, have a sort of dog thing too. But it's not a dog, and I just asked, and he doesn't eat. So that's okay. His name's..." Taylor's mind ran headlong into a brick wall. She hadn't found a civilian identity for Leviathan yet. "Mr. Fish."

"Mr. Fish."


Rachel gave Taylor the blankest look. "Okay. Will he be trouble?"

"No, no, he's really quiet," Taylor assured her.

Rachel Lindt was a simple girl who wanted simple things: she wanted to spend time with her dogs and be left alone, and if this new girl who looked like a kicked puppy wasn't going to cause trouble then she wasn't going to make a fuss about it. "There's a shovel over there. Put the shit in the compost box," she said before walking away, her dogs trailing after her.

-End Part the Third-​

People were all like 'haha, Taylor and Levi will take over the world and have everything they want!' And I'm not too keen on that, so she needs to pick up dogshit first. Anyway, two short chapters, mostly to set up a few things in the future. 'Tomorrow' will prove to be a wonderful day for hijinks and the weather should be just right for dogwalking.
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EDIT: Actually, the same is true for about half the other threadmarks too. :(
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Taylor, are you actually retarded? You just told him to make lethal ice cream.
Enjoy the piles of dead kids you dumbass (who doesn't have the brains to figure out that going with the Protectorate is more liekly to net you food when you ask for it than trying to go back to a shelter).

Look I know canon Taylor was less than bright but unless this is "still half thinking this is a funny dream" level of zoned out, I really don't see her being quite this bad.

I've noticed that both here and on SB you have this massive hateon for Taylor that doesn't jive with canon at all.

Also, you're wrong.

Taylor asked him if he could make ice cream and he responded "affirmative" - Leviathan is a construct designed to logically fulfill tasks which have up until this point been "Provide Eidolon a worthy opponent" defining worthy opponent as a dangerous adversary capable of great destruction. Leviathan lists its skills which are all suited to this task.

Its new task is making ice cream. This is a skill it will develop in accordance with its new primary directive.

Deadly ice cream would be an unacceptable risk to his primary directive of protecting Taylor and not harming people.

The only real danger here is the unspecified quantity of ice cream though since she already implemented the three laws of robotics as his primary directive he'd be limited to a quantity of ice cream that isn't a threat to humanity.

Canon Taylor was intelligent and resourceful in ways most people aren't. She dealt with every threat she ever faced and those threats were ones no one else could.

Personally I think you've got some kind of narcissism where you think you could do better without the self-awareness to realize you couldn't (as your comments demonstrate) or you just have no reading comprehension. Probably both.

Also you're totally discounting the fact that trigger events are known to alter the personality of hosts so they're more suited to using the ability.

-Burnscar didn't like using her power/hurting people and the Entities want Shards to be used so it turns her into a manic psychopath in the presence of fire which erases her moral compunctions instantly
-Crawler's power literally mutates him into a monster and only kicks in when he's grevously injured so it made him crave pain and injury above everything so he's use it
-Taylor having realized this (unlike you) comments that Shadowstalker becoming an aggressive predator happened as an immediate result of her trigger
-Eidolon's power literally created the Endbringers without his knowledge just so it could be tested
-Tinker shards afflict their hosts with an irrepressible urge to tinker

Obviously this iteration of the QA Shard would make controlling Leviathan seem as normal as having a pet or a robot so she'd actually use it.

If she were too terrified of Leviathan to be in its presence or worried about the social consequences then she wouldn't be able to test the Shard - so the Shard fixed that.
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