Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Fun Fact: If Sonya was a licensed Hero instead of a Vigilante, she'd be dealing with the situation downtown right about now. In the meantime, I'm just going to roll to see how things are going over there
Agent 99 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: ???'s Grunts Shoot (65) Total: 118
92 92 17 17 9 9
Agent 99 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Cops Shoot (35) Total: 138
30 30 33 33 75 75
Agent 99 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Tech (75) Total: 183
34 34 62 62 87 87
Agent 99 threw 3 100-faced dice. Reason: Hero Power Total: 168
56 56 82 82 30 30
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Escape Total: 55
55 55
Agent 99 threw 2 100-faced dice. Reason: Police and Hero Search Total: 117
47 47 70 70
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Tech (75) Total: 88
88 88
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Police Apprihension Total: 96
96 96
She Blinded Me WIth Science Part 5
You turn back and keep pulling on the steel cell door. If it came down to a straight up fight, you're pretty sure that you could punch her head off without breaking a sweat. Maybe literally, if you tried hard enough. But right now, you aren't in a good situation. You're fucked up from the gas you inhaled, Lussiac might have some tricks up her sleeve and you're running into that situation blind. And if you get killed, then everything you've done to help those people will have been for nothing. At least, if you go after Lussiac after you get the cell doors open, they might have a chance to make a break for it. With a crack, the metal hinges snap, and you step back, holding the cell door in your hands. The older woman in the cell practically runs up and hugs you tightly.

She cries, and lets out a string of Spanish that you're pretty sure are thanks, but you can only guess. After a few seconds, you gently get the woman off of you. She nods, and says something else in Spanish and unsteadly walks outside of the cell, coming to rest against a wall. You walk up to the other cell door and start pulling. "Aw, thank God" The man says as you get started on prying the cell door off. "I was starting to think I wasn't getting out" You grunt in acknowledgement, and because you feel another coughing fit, but you push the coughing down as you press your foot against a pair of bars for leverage. You pull with all of your might and the bars on the door start to bend.

"Come on! You did it once, you can do it again! You got this!" The man cheers as the bars warp under your strength, until finally, the hinges break, and you drop the door to the ground.

The man stumbles out of the cell and jumps up and down. He cheers and bounds out of his cell. "Free at last!" He says as he stretches, as if the cell was squeezing him. "Well, at least after we get out of here."

[] Go after the doctor. Unless she has an escape tunnel, she's trapped down here and you need to take care of her. And if she does have some escape plan, you might still be able to stop her.
[] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.
[] Backtrack and search the compound. There might be something useful in here.
[] Escort the two prisoners outside. and flag down the cops, they can take it from here. (Ends the mission)
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.

No one left behind.
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.

We're a Hero, not a villain or one of those government stooges. Saving the little guy is why we're doing this.
[X] The man in the baseball cap said that the doctor took someone through the other door earlier. If that man is still alive, you might be able to help him.
She BLinded Me With Science Part 6
You walk to the door, but the man taps you on your armored shoulder. You turn around and face him. "Uh... it's safe to get out of here, right?" The man asks. "I mean, there aren't any more of those goons between here and the exit?"

You think about it, you only saw the two from the other side, and if Lussiac spotted you, she'd probably send everything she had. And you knocked out all of the guards that were after you. You're pretty sure that that's it. You nod.

The man smiles. "Thanks. I... think I'll find my own way out" He then starts heading for the exit, with the other prisoner close behind him. The woman turns back to you and says "Gracias. De verdad gracias. Si sigues así, esta ciudad estará más segura." Her words are lost on you but her tone is one of thanks. You nod to her in acknowledgement, with your helmet hiding the smile on your face. Before she runs out of the room.

When you open the door, you see a room not unlike a glass chamber to your right. It has a single door and, from the looks of it, is airtight. There is a canaster of a kind of gas hooked up to a hose connected to a vent in the chamber, but you don't know what the gas is, though you have no doubt that whatever it is, it can't be good. Especially when you see that the single chair in the center of the chamber is bolted to the floor and there are steel restraints on it. There is a strong chemical smell in the air, like some strong bleach. On the floor, you see some faint red stains. You also notice the computer sitting on the desk on the left side of the room at first. As you walk to the door on the opposite side of the room, you catch a glance at it.

There are a pair of monitors, hooked up to the computer. One seems to be displaying whatever program controls the gas chamber in front of it, along with a video feed of a webcam set to record what happens inside. The other screen has a display of several cameras set in the bunker. You can see the two prisoners, heading up the ladder you used to climb down. Well, it looks like they've found their way out on their own. Looking away from the screen, you see some cleaning supplies. A mop and bucket, various soaps and bleaches, towels, and the like. You don't have to guess as to what those are used for.

As you step into the room, you can immediately see that it's much different than the rest of the bunker. On the right side of the room is a cabinet filled with all sorts of medical supplies, though you can't tell what kinds from here. On the left hand side, there is a bed with an old man, probably in his 60's, strapped to it. Even through the bandages covering the man's body, you can see that the skin on the mans face blistered and red. On his arm, there is a roll of bandages wrapped around his elbow, but whoever was wrapping them stopped halfway through, since the rest of the roll is sitting on an end table next to the bed. On the exposed arm, there are large patches where the skin is missing, literally rotted away, exposing the muscle underneath. He's hooked up to several machines. One of a heart monitor, another is attached to a tube going into the man's mouth that is sucking out some kind of greenish yellow fluid from inside the man, and another two or three machines that you don't recognize. Judging from the heartbeat, this man is still alive, but he seemed to be asleep, or sedated.

You notice that there is the smell of soap in the air, most likely from cleaning in this room.

You can feel your lunch bubbling back up as you take in the site, and a wave of nausea washes over you. Looking at the state of the man, you know that there isn't much you can do for him. The machines that he is attached to are the only things keeping him alive. Without any sort of healing spells, the only thing you can do is contact law enforcement and have someone with medical training step in. Trying to move him in this condition might end up doing more harm than good.

[] Search the cabinets for Atropine.
[] Go after Dr. Lussiac. You can't let her get away.
[] Search the bunker for anything useful or interesting.
[] Leave and have Jasmine contact the police.
[] Write in.
If we were going to chase after her it should have been last turn grab the Atropine and then flee.

[X] Search the cabinets for Atropine.
We sent the prisoners out... but what happened to the gas in the corridors? Shouldn't it be lethal to anyone who isn't superpowered?

[x] Search the cabinets for Atropine.
We sent the prisoners out... but what happened to the gas in the corridors? Shouldn't it be lethal to anyone who isn't superpowered?

[x] Search the cabinets for Atropine.
The gas dissipated by the time you let them out of their cells.

Also, if someone could roll Perception until you either roll 5 times or you get a success.
Perception (45?) times five or one success. Let's rock and roll (but mostly roll and roll and roll I feel like the dice are going to be mean).

EDIT: Or I could roll a solid success on my first roll.
Barondoctor threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 11
11 11
Looks like we have a winner. I'm just going to roll for one last thing, and I can finish up this arc.
Agent 99 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: ??? Total: 44
44 44
She Blinded Me WIth Science Part 7
You turn around and start looking through the medical cabinet. You don't know if your toughness can hold off the exposure to the gas forever, and you don't want to find out.

"I'm at some sort of medical cabinet. If any place has Atropine, it's gonna be here. You have any idea what I'm looking for?" You ask.

"Uh... maybe." Jasmine says unsure. "I'm going to look up what this stuff looks like..." While you're waiting, you start looking anyway. Several kinds of tonics, creams, and liquids. Several have names like Pralidoxime, Diazepam, and something called, 2,3-dimercapto-1-propanolol.

"Oh, you're looking for a glass bottle. Clear liquid. You have to inject it. And take as much as you can. You're going to need a lot"

You start digging through the medical supplies. There are all sorts of tonics, creams, liquids. As you enter another coughing fit, you simply glance at the names on the bottle. If it doesn't start with an 'A', you toss it aside. But after just a few seconds, you see a vial with a name that starts with 'A' Turning the label, you see that it says Antozine. You find nearly half a dozen identical bottles behind it.

"I found it, Kells" You say smiling as you take the syringe.

"Cheaper than getting a prescription for the stuff, that's for sure." Jasmine says, chuckling to herself. "Now get

A few seconds later, the entire bunker is rocked by an explosion. And then another, and then another...

Meanwhile, down an escape tunnel...

Dr. Lussiac looked back as she rides her motorcycle down an abandoned subway tunnel. Every now and then, she would glance backwards just to make sure that her pursuer wasn't following her. But it looked like they stayed behind to assist her test subjects. 'Useless sentimentality' Lussiac thought. But then, it was emotions like that that lead some people to become 'Heroes' in the first place. But then, that wasn't her concern. Her concern was escaping. And with that, her gaze briefly drifted to her left hand, where she kept her finger hovering over the detonator. She was almost a safe distance from the charges.

She drove past a large gate built into the tunnel and, with the press of a second button on the detonator, she activated the long dormant gate, causing them to close. When the subway had been in use, gates like that had been used as a means of flood control. Keeping water that was filling one part of the subway from flooding the entire thing while pumping stations worked to pump the water out. And considering that the water never rose above a 16th of an inch, they rarely saw any use, even after most of the subway tunnels were decommissioned and abandoned.

She chuckled. This would probably be the first time one of these Flood Gates would actually be used for their intended purpose. Though she was sure that whatever company donated to the Mayor's reelection campaign to get those things installed didn't think that the gates would be used to cover her escape. However, her plan wasn't to rely on the gate itself. The gate was just there to make sure she didn't get caught in her real plan.

She just hoped that the gate would hold.

After the gates closed, she pushed the trigger on the detonator.

Several hundred feet back, charges placed in the ceiling of the tunnel detonated. Several explosions went off, one right after another in a way reminiscent of firecrackers. The concrete ceiling of the tunnel fractured, then gave way over a distance. As the ceiling collapsed, thousands of water that had been flowing down the river above the runnel came crashing down, filling the tunnel with a brown mixture of water, industrial waste, sewage, and garbage that made up the Bethel River.

The water flowed in two directions in the tunnel, the water rushing for places to fill. In one direction, it slammed on the gate with a tremendous force. The old and disused gate creaked under the sudden weight, it started to groan, but the foot thick metal held strong, meaning that the water, taking the path of least resistance, started to flow the other way...


"What the fuck was that?" You shout, before you can stop yourself.

"What the fuck was that? Are you okay?" Jasmine shouted. "That sounded like some really heavy explosives"

"I'm fine" You say, unsure. You look at the small mark on your arm where you injected the Atropine. Already, you feel your lungs clearing up. Your muscles still ache, but the pain will recede in time. You leave the hospital room with a first aid kid slung over your shoulder, it's contents dumped and filled more Antozine and syringes, including the one you used. You don't want to leave your DNA here after all. But right now, as you run out of the hospital room to investigate the explosion, you start to smell something. It's a mixture sewage, with a strong chemical smell.

As you look in the direction the explosions came from, you see something that makes your heart sink. A large torrent of water is pouring out of the hallway that Lussiac went down and is headed right for you.

"FUCK!!!!" You shout. It's all you can do in a moment of panic. You don't even hear Jasmine ask what's wrong as the water slams against the reinforced door that separated you from Lussiac just a minute ago. Water is already pouring from between gaps in the door. The reinforced metal clearly isn't meant to handle this much weight, as it creaks and starts to buckle. It isn't going to hold out much longer...

[] Take the risk and try to get the man out of the equipment and out of this bunker.
[] You think you could reshape your barrier to cover the doorway. Maybe you could block the water while Jasmine gets some help.
[] You feel bad about leaving that man to die, but you need to think about yourself. You start running for the exit.
[] Write in
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[X] Take the risk and try to get the man out of the equipment and out of this bunker.
-[X] If its faster just break part of the equipment and take the attached part with him.

Our barrier isn't rated for blast door.
if we move him he dies, if we reshape the barrier we have to hold it until the EMTS arrive and they will be forced to try to arrest us while we are tired and not in ar a write in here is there a way to reinforce and seal t
condition to escape but he lives. It's not in our character to leave the man to die so we are probably going to do the barrier option. Does anyone have a way to seal the
door so that the water doesn't break it without using our barrier.
I'm just going to say that I wouldn't provide an option to vote for if there was no way that it would work. Are some options more likely to work than others? Yes. But there's usually always a chance.
I don't think we're going to be able to move that man. I'm also not confident that we can hold the door until the EMTs arrive. I think we just gotta try to move him and hope for the best.