Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

I'm trying to write a police image where a young cop handles a call of robbery in progress and has to deal with a manic man with a knife who goes after him. He shots him in a scuffle but some passerby's call it police brutality and demand a cape be there. Being a cop in this world sucks.

Let's be honest, most of the time that sort of thing happens, it is actually police brutality rather being justifiable on the cop's part.
I used to think that. Look up donut operator and you'll see that perspective better.

Yeah no. I'm not going to waste my time trying to look at the perspective of corrupt cops when they readily admit to police brutality and you can see them doing it openly if you watch the news.
@Valkur this will get political really quickly. If you truly want them continue this discussion may I suggest either pm or a different thread?

Sure that sounds like a good idea. I'm sure my longtime forumite would be willing to talk about this for the sake of clarity and a more complete picture of the world.

Why the intern-

Yeah no. I'm not going to waste my time trying to look at the perspective of corrupt cops when they readily admit to police brutality and you can see them doing it openly if you watch the news.

Ok. Moving on...
Sure that sounds like a good idea. I'm sure my longtime forumite would be willing to talk about this for the sake of clarity and a more complete picture of the world.

Why the intern-

Ok. Moving on...

I'm perfectly okay with discussing things, but I'm not going to pretend that the police don't have institutional police brutality, especially when they openly admit to it and do it.

Or we could just resort to sniping at each other whilst pretending to be polite. I'm sure that will go down just fine and no one will see through your flimsy facade of being courteous.
I was going to call a mod to try and get a handle on this. It's unfair being accused of things I didn't do for having an opinion that isn't being shared.

As I opened my browser I saw one in chat. I hope they give a transparent post here to show everyone that I didn't do it.

And for those who just call cops and incompetent because of "systemic racism" then I encourage you to put on the badge. Do the good in your community and protect it from those who do prey on victims with little or no regard for others.

It's a touch job and one I wanted to write about but now feel doing so will label me a Neo Nazi or some other exaggerated label people like to use in the internet.

This behavior is tolerated on this forums political forums by the majority and the mods have been afraid to move against it despite the obvious toxicity it produced. I don't go there anymore. But now it seems that attitude is in RP also.

It's shit like this that makes me wonder if going to some in moderated site like 4chan may be better to actually be able to talk about or write things that are just "too soon" for others.

Please excuse the rant. But I just hate how people always take the easy side of arguments and ignore I comfortable truths in the process.
Warning: Take it Somewhere Else
I was going to call a mod to try and get a handle on this. It's unfair being accused of things I didn't do for having an opinion that isn't being shared.

As I opened my browser I saw one in chat. I hope they give a transparent post here to show everyone that I didn't do it.

And for those who just call cops and incompetent because of "systemic racism" then I encourage you to put on the badge. Do the good in your community and protect it from those who do prey on victims with little or no regard for others.

It's a touch job and one I wanted to write about but now feel doing so will label me a Neo Nazi or some other exaggerated label people like to use in the internet.

This behavior is tolerated on this forums political forums by the majority and the mods have been afraid to move against it despite the obvious toxicity it produced. I don't go there anymore. But now it seems that attitude is in RP also.

It's shit like this that makes me wonder if going to some in moderated site like 4chan may be better to actually be able to talk about or write things that are just "too soon" for others.

Please excuse the rant. But I just hate how people always take the easy side of arguments and ignore I comfortable truths in the process.

take it somewhere else
No-one is accusing you of anything and you have been specifically asked not to go on this tangent. Stop derailing the thread.
Rule 5: Don’t Make it Harder For Us to Do Our Jobs
Chaz Police Officer sighted.

Hia Chaz.

A Message from Kachuusha
The Vigil,

I knew you had it in you! I saw you taking on Profligate a few weeks ago, and I loved it! And you even took the time to help people there. I'd have contacted you then, I had something special in mind for, and I wanted to make sure it was still happening.

If you're still interested in working together and you don't mind a little travel (Don't worry, it's not far), come to the Yellowtail Marina at Lake Hartford at 3 am. There should be a boat with a yellow star on the bow. I'll meet you inside and we can talk details.

I hope you don't mind a little bit of secracy. Don't want anything we're doing getting leaked, right? :wink2::wink2::wink2:.

Anyway, if you're interested, I'll see you there.


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Okay is anyone else suspicious of cement shoes?
As I recall Kachuusha encouraged us to start taking martial arts and was one of the big names in the vigilante community.

On further investigation, she is one of the bigger names and someone we reached out to towards the beginning; she blew us off then. She has since been sending occasional messages. Now that we've got something of a name for ourself and we're out doing good, we have her attention.
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Saturday, October 10th, 2015
The last several weeks have been a blur.

By day, you work, take care of Gwen, go to your Hapkido lessons twice a week.

Your instructor, a woman named Sasha Kross who comes up to about your chin, is very good at what she does. The class of four, including you, are all beginners. You've gotten the basics down, but you still have a ways to go before you graduate beyond your 5th Grade, or white belt. Still, the fact that there are three other people in the same boat brings you some comfort.

At night, or whenever you get the chance, you spend your time with Jasmine fighting crime. Since Profligate's death, it's mostly been normal criminals. An attempt to rob a convenience store here, some extortion there, once, you thwarted a kidnapping. All in all, it was a pretty good few weeks. You've only been called on to patch someone up once, Operative. Apparently, he was undercover as one of the Coalition's Made Men, and as part of it, he needed to collect protection money. He was scarce as to what happened, but apparently, he had to choose between running for cover or returning fire. He chose the former and didn't quite make it to cover, but he lasted long enough to make it to you.

As the weeks go by, September turns to October. The leaves haven't turned colors yet, but you no longer have to deal with the oppressive heat when you go outside. Adrian is talking about a Halloween Movie theme for your costumes, but you want to keep your options open. You've had a lot on your mind and can't deal with much more.

One of those things on your mind is the message that you received from Kachuusha. It was an invitation.

"So, you think this is legit?" You ask Jasmine. You both are in your hideout in the early morning. You've managed to clean it up a bit, gotten rid of the bugs and mold. You've even cleared out some junk, leaving a lot of unused space.

There is potential here, if you wanted to move some stuff here eventually, but for now, you have a more immediate concern.

"I don't know" Jasmine says. "I'd give it an 80-85% chance of being legit. But then, 85% isn't as high as it seems when its either make the shot or get a face full of plasma."

"And it's my face on the line" You say. "Sure, I'm wearing a helmet over it, but I'd like to keep this face the way it is"

"Well, let's see what we're walking in to" Jasmine says. "Well Lake Hartford, unlike what the name suggests, is a city northwest of here. And to further complicate things, it's a lakeside town for Lake Phantom. It's like a Lake Placid type of situation or something"

"I don't know what a Lake Placid situation is, but I'll take your word for it" You say. "So you know any reason why she'd want to meet us there?"

Jasmine shakes her head. "It could privacy like she said. Lake Phantom is pretty big, about 46 square miles. It's a popular fishing spot, so a boat being there early morning wouldn't be unusual. A boat is easier to check for bugs than a building, and if you're in the middle of a lake, it'd be easy to see someone coming if they came after you."

"I guess" You say. "Though there isn't much in the way of escape routes on a lake." You take a look at the map on the screen. You could try and make it to Farmersville or The Colony, but escaping on a lake is going to be tough"

"Well, Jackpot managed it a few weeks ago" Jasmine countered.

"Well, Jackpot is bullshit and you can't tell me otherwise" You say.

Jasmine chuckles. "Yeah, you're right. So, are you going to go?"

[] Well, I wanted to meet with her. Might as well see this through.
[] I have a bad feeling about this. I don't think I'm going to go.
[X] Well, I wanted to meet with her. Might as well see this through.
And so, the Knight went to see the heroic sorceress...
[X] Well, I wanted to meet with her. Might as well see this through.
[X] Well, I wanted to meet with her. Might as well see this through.
-[X] But give Jasmine the Stampede communicator as a precaution.

If things go bad Jasmine can contact and direct Stampede because if this goes wrong Stampede is actually well suited for big distracting backup. And she'd most likely jump on the chance for a fight.

And if Stampede contacts us Jasmine can relay the message.

@Agent 99

Are we depending on the shapeshifting alone behind our helmet? If so does the shapeshifting last if our concentration laps? Or are we using a ski mask or something underneath the helm?
Are we depending on the shapeshifting alone behind our helmet? If so does the shapeshifting last if our concentration laps? Or are we using a ski mask or something underneath the helm?
Yes, and no.

As for shapeshifting, technically it's an illusion, not true shapeshifting. But as for whether it dissipates if you lose your concentration, no. You'd need to be incapacitated (Knocked out) or run out of FP to lose it.

As for a ski mask, no one has mentioned getting one, but you could buy a ski mask at a sporting goods store on the way, so getting one won't be a problem.
[X] Well, I wanted to meet with her. Might as well see this through.