Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

Okay everyone, next time I come up with a plan that involves talking remind me that we have a 60%+ rate of failure okay?

Also on that note we probably do need to work on our ability to use a shield.
Okay looking at those two rolls Mr. Nightmare succeeded in his IQ roll. And if he was rolling with the electrokinesis roll from his stats he succeeded. If he was contesting our Reflect barrier - he failed by 1.
Okay looking at those two rolls Mr. Nightmare succeeded in his IQ roll. And if he was rolling with the electrokinesis roll from his stats he succeeded. If he was contesting our Reflect barrier - he failed by 1.
The IQ roll was to see if he could figure how much he knew about you. Which, at this point is you are a Vigilante in this city and not much else.

Speaking of IQ or Perception, could someone roll IQ for Sonya?

Edit: We passed by one.
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: IQ Total: 10
3 3 3 3 4 4
Before Nightmare can leave, you bang the hilt of your sword on your shield, hoping that he hears you. Fortunately, or not, he does, and the lightning bolt turns around and comes back towards you. Nighrmare reforms into his general shape. He's wide eyes darting around the fairgrounds before settling on you. As he does, he gives you a short chuckle.

"Hey, I know you. You're one of the new Vigilantes crawling around here. Trying to make a name for yourself, right?" He says, plucking at his guitar, playing discordant tones while he does. The notes seem to echo as he plays. As much as you want to take the fight to him. You know that having some help could be the difference between life and death. And Starhammer has been holding him off for a long time.

You just need to stall him while you heal Starhammer. If you're lucky, you can heal Starhammer without Nightmare even noticing. You start channeling the healing magic slowly as you start talking. Your left hand starts to glow, obscured by the shield you're holding and hopefully, unnoticed because of the yellow street light you're standing below.

"You could say that. But the real question is what the fuck are you even doing?" You ask. "Everyone I've fought, they were all after something. Money, revenge, whatever. But you? What's the point of all this?" Maybe if you can get him talking. Get him in a motive rant, maybe-

Nightmare starts to chuckle. "Sorry, but you aren't even bug enough for me to even talk to you. You barely rate being an opening act. So get off the stage and let the real performers play their set"

"Oh fuck" Time for Plan B.

Nightmare shoots a bolt of lightning in the air before it splits in two. The bolts arch through the street lights illuminating the fairgrounds, zip-zagging, causing the lights they jump from to shatter. You turn around and cast Reflect again. And just as you do, the bolts launch themselves at you, one from the front, and one from the side. And both bolts slam into your barrier. You feel your hair try to stand on end as two bolts of white light shoot back at Nightmare, who at the very least, seems surprised.

He tries to turn into lightning to avoid the bolts. He sails over the first one while he's mid-transition into his pure lightning form. But then a wormhole opens above him. It's Starhammer still wounded, and smelling slightly like cooked ham, knocks the man down, into the path of the second beam, which goes right into his chest. Sparks fly as the magical beam hits Mr. Nightmare and he falls out of the sky, hitting the ground with a loud thud.

You quickly cash Heal on Starhammer. The man flinches as the wounds start glowing, before realizing that the wounds are closing. "Thanks for the help, citizen." Starhammer says with a smile, gesturing to you quickly before turning back to Nightmare, who is getting up himself.

"Really?" Nightmare says. The grin isn't leaving his face, but it's tight, his eyes too wide. No doubt about it, he's angry. "I'm gonna burn you from the inside like a Jack-O-Lantern"

But even as he says this, you realize that more sparks are falling out of his body than before. He looks somewhat unstable, like a TV screen when the cable was going out. Whatever this man is made out of, it looks like magic is able to hurt him at least.

"You're gonna have a bit of trouble doing that from inside a rubber cell" Starhammer says. He launches a beam of Ice Energy at Nightmare. Nightmare turns into lightning again to dodge it, and the beam of entropy flies past where Nightmare was standing, destroying the BB Gun shooting range game.

You loved that game! You swear under your breath before going back on the attack.

[] Throw a Fireball. It should be more useful
[] Use Lightning. Who knows, maybe your electricity will hurt him.
[] Keep fighting defensively. Let Starhammer take the lead.
[] Write in

Mr. Nightmare
HP: ??/??
FP ??/??

HP: 22/25
FP: 6/12
[X] Try to trap Nightmare in a barrier.
Okay, the reflected lightning actually worked, but If we spam that move he'll get wise and start doing something else, and we want him to not to do that.
[X] Try to trap Nightmare in a barrier.
Okay, the reflected lightning actually worked, but If we spam that move he'll get wise and start doing something else, and we want him to not to do that.
Huh. That's a good idea. And It's giving me some ideas...

Also, I don't know about everyone else, but it's 3 hours to midnight over here. I wish you all a happy new years. May 2021 be better than 2020. :D

And may I update this quest more often than I did in 2020... :cry:
So how many idiots with video cameras do we think we have recording?
There's probibly one or two. Maybe one hidden in one of the food stands that are a relatively safe distance away.

Though the only person who is completely safe is the security guard watching this on the security cameras from across the park thinking "Damn, that looks bad... oh well"
Looks like the vote is unanimous. So, we're gonna have a quick contest of skills. You need to succeed by more than what Nightmare is rolling in order to keep your barrier intact. If you manage to win Three of these contests in a row, then you'll have Mr. Nightmare trapped.

And remember, you can use Extra Effort to increase your roll, though it will cost a Fatague Point to use Extra Effort.

HP: 20/20
FP: 8/10

HP: ??/??
FP ??/??

Anyway, I'd like someone to roll Mystic Arts for Sonya. After that, I'll roll for Mr. Nightmare trying to get Escape.
30 minutes later -

So I'll roll.

@Agent 99

Do we want high or low with Contest of Skills?

Edit: Personally I think we should only start rolling Extra effort upon the 2 contest, maybe. Definitely by the third however .
Storyteller threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mystic Arts - Bottle Lightning Total: 11
3 3 2 2 6 6
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30 minutes later -

So I'll roll.

@Agent 99

Do we want high or low with Contest of Skills?

Edit: Personally I think we should only start rolling Extra effort upon the 2 contest, maybe. Definitely by the third however .
Low. Because you're going to want to try to succeed on Mystic Arts by more than Nightmare succeeds on his rolls.

So, his Electrokenesis is 15, so he succeeds by 6. Even with the Extra Effort, the barrier breaks. Sorry
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Nightmare Attack Total: 9
1 1 5 5 3 3
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So idea, the main reason to not use fireball is the not insignificant chance of you know setting the place on fire while everyone is trying to evacuate. Because the man dodges very very well.

What if we charge and hold the fire ball spell for a fire punch?

Still not sure how we'd hit Nightmare yet given the man turns to electricity so easily but it changes the calculus for straight up attacking.
Hey guys, remember when I said I'd try to update more often? Well, I... apparently need to work on that.

Anyway, I just need to do one more roll before I'm finished with the latest update. If someone could roll dodge if this hits, I'd appreciate it.

Well, apparently, this doesn't hit. And it's a crit fail. Cool! For Sonya at least.

But now I need to figure out what that means for Nightmare.
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Electrokenesis (All Out Strong Total: 17
6 6 6 6 5 5
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Anyway, I just need to do one more roll before I'm finished with the latest update. If someone could roll dodge if this hits, I'd appreciate it.

Well, apparently, this doesn't hit. And it's a crit fail. Cool! For Sonya at least.

Telling that we're farther up the priority chain than Starhammer. Either we got Nightmares attention or we're really annoying.
You charge into the fray, wondering just what you can do. You don't think that shocking the man made of lightning would work. Fireball's a good spell, but there's already been a fire here three years ago and you don't want to start another one. And while a lot of the buildings to the west are made of stone, and not very flammable, as opposed to the tents and canvas covering the games at midway, those buildings are also surrounded by dry, flammable plants. Plus, the buildings where the cattle are kept for the rodeo are made of wood and thus, very flammable.

Using Reflect seemed to work last time, but you don't want to rely on it working twice. And if punching him was going to work, then Starhammer would've knocked him out a while ago.

But there is one thing you could try. You haven't done it before, but if you formed a barrier around Nightmare, then he'd be pretty much trapped. From the looks of it, magic can in fact hurt him.

Nightmare shoots another bolt of lightning at Starhammer, and starts to bolt to the west. Starhammer follows him, and so do you.

Starhammer grunts as he flies at Mr. Nightmare. He tries to create wormholes in front of Nightmare, to lure him back to the middle of the park, which has the least amount of people. but Nightmare avoids them right before he flies through. They head past the food court building, thank God. Starhammer saw some civvies barricade those doors out of the corner of his eye.


Starhammer's thoughts were shaken by the booming voice of Texas Ted, the Fair's mascot. A 55 foot animatronic cowboy statue on a rotating platform that waves with its right arm, and gestures to parts of the park with the other.

"Well then... it's no Tower of Power, but..." Nightmare says. He shoots

But the lightning wizzes past Starhammer and hits Texas Ted. The fabric flannel shirt he's wearing catches quickly, and the plastic starts to melt off of his frame.

But with his focus on destroying a landmark, Nightmare failed to notice The Vigil coming on his flank. Or when the Vigilante reached out a hand and engulfed him in a magic barrier.

"Well, it's not a Rubber Cell, but I think it'll do for now." The Vigilante says. The Vigil sounded like a man, maybe a few years younger than him.

"It better" Starhammer said. A freezing beam later, and the fire was put out, only for half of Texas Ted's torso and face to be burnt, revealing the metal underneath. They'd have to repair it, but at least its still standing, he thought with some relief.

Mr. Nightmare's eyes widened as he realized what was going on. He aggressively strums his guitar. The barrier muffles the sound, but it ripples when the soundwaves hit it. When it sunk in that it didn't work, Nightmare starts... hyperventilating. He turned into electricity and slammed into the barrier again, bouncing around like a mad pinball. But your barrier is holding for now. "No NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!NO!" He screamed from inside the barrier, pounding it with his fist. "NO! FUCK NO! I'M NOT GONNA LET SOME OPENING ACT CAPTURE ME LIKE SOME SORT OF ANIMAL! I AM NOT GOING DOWN LIKE SOME FUCKIN'-" He slammed into the barrier again, causing spiderwebs to form in it. The cracks disappear, but they're replaced with new ones as Nightmare's electrified form slams into it again.

"Is it gonna hold?" Starhammer asks. He's already is getting ready to fight again. Hopefully, when that Containment Cell arrives, he can pop a wormhole and trap Nightmare inside.

"Yeah." The Vigil says confidently.

"Yeah" You say, hopefully sounding more confident than you are.

You're already getting ready to throw a fireball at him the second he breaks out. There's grass surrounding the auto show buildings to the west, and the Magnolia Lounge to the south... still has people in it. What the fuck? There's some idiot filming from a window in a wooden bar with someone that shoots lightning!

Fucking idiot!

At least someone who is evacuating is yelling at him, presumably to run, while they're heading for an exit.

Still, back to what you're doing, as long as he's right in front of you, and this area is just concrete, you think you can avoid any collateral damage.

Mr. Nightmare bursts out of the barrier with a final charge. Both you and Starhammer attack him as he emerges. You throwing a fireball, him firing a Frost Beam. Of course, Nightmare phases into electricity and shoots out of the way. You can't tell if you hit him or not. But when Nightmare shifts back into human form a few feet away before he falls to the ground. By now, large patches of his body are just... gone. Parts of his arms and legs, a portion of his torso, even an eye are just gone, black smoke billowing out of the holes, obscuring what is there. When electricity arcs out of him, his entire body twitches in an unnatural manner. And if that wasn't enough, parts of him are still on fire.

But Starhammer shoots another beam of entropy at him before he can get up, quickly encasing his body in ice. As he does, the park is quite, much quieter than you've ever heard it. There's just hard breathing, yours and Starhammer's. Nightmare, for his part, looks like he's vibrating inside of the ice. You don't know if it will hold, but at least you have a breather. Your hands are starting to go numb.

"Well, here's hoping that-" He starts before stopping himself. "Nope. Not gonna say it. Containment's about 2 minutes out." He says before turning back to Nightmare. "No yourself a favor and just stay there.

"I don't think he's gonna listen." You say, already hefting up your sword and shield.

"Well, I need to at least be able to say I gave him a chance" Starhammer says grimly.

The ice coating shatters, sending large chunks of ice flying all over. One hits your armored torso and breaks. Three hit the closer Starhammer, once in the torso, and once bouncing off of his head. Nightmare charges past him letting out an unholy howl. He swings his guitar at you like a real axe and you duck to avoid it.

"Got ya now!" He aims his guitar at you, point blank. You feel your hair stand up on end before a discharge of electricity. You uppercut the guitar with your shield, and you hear a resounding *crack* of snapping plastic. You've sent the top third of the guitar's neck, strings and all, flying through the air with your uppercut.

A huge burst of lightning blasts out of the now-broken guitar. It shoots into the sky, over the park illuminating the night sky.

Mr. Nightmare, for his part, looks at the neck, mouth agape, muttering "no" under his breath.

[] Try to trap him in a barrier again. It looked like it was working before.
[] Summon a fireball in your hand and punch him.
[] Write in.

HP: 20/20
FP: 6/10

HP: 22/25
FP: 5/12

HP: ?/??
FP ?/??
[X] Try to trap him in a barrier again. It looked like it was working before.
[X] Summon a fireball in your hand and punch him.

First rule of pokemon, weaken the target first.

Also I just really want to try this.