Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

*crosses arms*
...StarHammer can contain, but he can't DEFEAT this thing. Magic must defeat magic, but...
On the flipside, Jasmine. our Ally, we swore to aid each other...

[X] Go to Fair Park. That's where Mr. Nightmare is.
I think Jasmine is out of harms's way for the moment, and more importantly, I believe we can deal with this. One defeats a Nightmare by riding out the storm, and awaiting the light of dawn.
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.

We don't IC know (unless I'm blind and missed it) Jasmine's status and I care waaaaay too much about our friend's well-being to just blow her off.
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.
Personal is important.
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.

Make sure she's fine first.
The villains never end, but allies are few.
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.

We don't IC know (unless I'm blind and missed it) Jasmine's status and I care waaaaay too much about our friend's well-being to just blow her off.
You don't know if Jasmine is okay IC or not.
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Quick Contest Nightmare Guitar Total: 12
3 3 5 5 4 4
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Quick Contest Starhammer Gravi Total: 10
4 4 2 2 4 4
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Quick Contest Starhammer Will+ Total: 8
5 5 2 2 1 1
Agent 99 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Lightning Damage Total: 13
3 3 4 4 4 4 2 2
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.

As others said, we don't know IC. And having a second set of eyes has been very useful in this quest
[X] Check on Jasmine in the Discovery Garden.

Although she's fine, we don't actually know that IC so going to Fair Park seems out of character.
You skid your boke and drift to the left, through the destroyed gates of the Discovery Garden. While the garden may not have any light inside of it, it doesn't take you long to see a destroyed tree that looks like it was ripped out of the ground and slammed into a nearby building. And Jasmine leaning against a tree still rooted to the ground nearby, trying to catch her breath. She's tired, but she looks alright.

You pull up next to her. "Are you alright, Kells?" You ask. Your voice still disguised but still filled with concern.

Jasmine nods her head. "Yeah. Starhammer saved my ass back there." She says, gesturing to the tree lodged into presumibly the offices for the building. "But you should know, that guy he's fighting, he isn't normal. Starhammer's been throwing everything he's got at him, and he's still coming back for more. Punching him, throwing things at him. Those hot and cold beams, nothing's sticking"

"...Shit" You say. Starhammer outclasses you in raw physical force, no doubt about it. But then, there are a few things that you can do that Starhammer can't. You don't know if Magic would work, but you could give it a shot.

"Alright, stay here. I'll deal with Nightmare"

Jasmine nods. "You don't have to tell me twice."
Meanwhile Fair Park was lively. Locals, Tourists, families were playing carnival games on the Midway, riding rides, sampling food from the food court, watching the rodeo as a cowboy tried to hold onto a bucking horse. More than a few people were drunk, but no one had caused any serious problems for an hour.

That was until a living bolt of lightning soared from a radio tower and started tearing through the Midway.

As Mr. Nightmare sped through the Midway, any electronic carnival games discharged electricity and burns out. The glass bottles from the ring toss shattered. Starhammer followed Mr. Nightmare, using gravity and wormholes to move as many civilians out of his was as possible, because the villain was certainly not showing any concern for anyone.

While going through the Midway, Mr. Nightmare looked up, or as much as he could in his non-corporal form, and saw a cable car that was hanging 150 feet above the Midway.

Starhammer stopped in his tracks and heald out an arm. The cable cars started to slow down, and gently float to the ground.

Anyone unlucky enough to be in his way was electrocuted, as if they had been struck by lightning.

Starhammer was close behind, gritting his teeth. He would never admit it, but he needed backup. Nothing he did was working. As much as he'd loathe to ask, he needed help. Corporal Steel and Saber were on the way, but apparently, they were dealing with their own shit, so they'd take some time.

So for now, he needed to focus on keeping this bastard occupied. And so Starhammer kept following Mr. Nightmare until they came across a band playing instruments that looked like they came from a junkyard for a small, mostly sober audience sitting at picnic tables, the sounds of the band covering "I Love Rock and Roll" drowning out the carnage that Mr. Nightmare had been causing.

That was until Mr. Nightmare appeared on the small wooden stage that the band had been using in a bolt of lightning. The rockstar turned villain appeared in the middle of the group of confused performers.

"Now, I normally wouldn't bother with you, but you guys " Nightmare said with a grin. He shot a bolt of electricity at the guitarist's instrument, the wood and metal guitar burst into flames. The guitarist tossed the burning instrument to the ground in a panic. Several people in the audience, realizing that this wasn't good, tried to leave, some slipping out of the tables with a few getting stuck. Those that didn't leave immediately, quickly changed their tune when they the loud music was no longer drowning out the screaming from where Mr. Nightmare had already rampaged.

"I'm gonna show you what real music is." He said with a evil grin. He lifted his arm, intent on blasting his unwilling audience apart.

Before he could bring his arm down on his own, he felt his arm being forced down by something else. Then, as his body was covered in a purple aura, he collapsed onto the wooden stage. Starhammer was approaching the man, his arm covered in a similar aura. The wooden stage was creaking under the weight that was pushing down on it.

"Don't worry, he won't be hurting anyone else tonight." Starhammer said. Some of the people were cheering, a member of the band was congratulating him, but he was just glad that he had got this guy. He didn't even notice that his hair was ruined and there were cuts in his costume while someone was filming him. "This is Starhammer. We need a Containment Van in Fair Park, west end of Midway. Be sure to bring a-"

That was until Mr. Nightmare's body shifted back into electricity and shot through Starhammer's body, slipping through the artificial gravity like it was nothing. Starhammer didn't know if it was someone nearby or himself who screamed as the bolt of lightning passed through him, through his body, and out his back. He could feel the burns on his body where Nightmare entered and exited. Starhammer nearly fell, only managing to hold onto a nearby table to support his body until he could right himself.

He managed to try to turn around before his legs gave out from under him.

You're making your way through Midway on foot, running as fast as you can. There's too many people around and the paths are too narrow to risk riding your bike. But as you run by, you see charred bodies. The smell of ozone and bacon fill your nostrils as you push yourself forward. You remember just being here last week. Hell, you see the BB Gun shooting range that Gwen tried to win a stuffed Blastoise and the Ring Toss where she won that scooter.

And now, as you run through the Midway, trying to focus on finding Mr. Nightmare. You knew he was a villain, technically. But you thought that he was just a villain for the publicity. And being able to take on Starhammer, you have no idea what you're running into.

You hear a scream, and you see a lightning bolt shoot through Starhammer. The hero loses his balance, barely catching himself before collapsing, with Mr. Nightmare appearing behind him, floating midair.

People are running away around you. You see someone on a nearby roller coaster try to pry himself out of his seat when the coaster gets close to the ground, the operator having already taken off. Many others followed suit, with a few staying behind to try to safely stop the rides in progress.

You are about to attack him from behind. No sense in giving the bastard an advantage. But before you do, Mr. Nightmare glances over to the Tower of Power, a ride and centerpiece of the Fair. a 500 tower ride where the riders go inside a structure and are strapped in. From there, it goes up, down, and spins all around.

It's really fun if you can keep your lunch.

Right now, the cab was descending as fast as it probably safely could and still be in one piece when it gets to the ground.

Mr. Nightmare moved faster than you could react towards one of the guests, an overweight man who had just gotten his leg out of the picnic table. "Well, that right there looks important. Like it would be missed if someone destroyed it, am I right?" He said, gesturing to the Tower.

The frightened guest nods shaking. You swear under your breath. He's standing too close to him. If you launch a spell, it could end up hurting an innocent person.

"Well, I think I could have some fun with that..." He says with a smile before he turns into lightning again, heading for the tower. It's only halfway down right now, and there's no way everyone will be able to get out before Nightmare gets to it. And, if he does, than everyone trapped in there is as good as dead.

You could go after him, but Starhammer's still hurt. There's a large black burn mark on the back of his cape and you have a feeling that there's a matching one in the front, and you could probably patch him up. If you do, then

On the other hand, you could sling a spell at NIghtmare and fight him here. Most of the people are either running or have already run.

[] Go after Mr. Nightmare
[] Heal Starhammer first.
[] Try to take a shot at him from here.
- [] Write in what spell you're going to use.
[] Write in
Mr. Nightmare
HP: ??/??
FP ??/??

HP: 12/25
FP: 7/12
...This guy has 'trick boss' written all over his performance tonight.
I'm guessing that lightning jumping thing he's doing is actually fairly important-he's gotta have some form of sustain to keep doing this, and it's either that or general 'the more I do, the better I feel' which either way...
[X] Try to take a shot at him from here.
- [X] Write in what spell you're going to use.
[X]Barrier- Lock him up and don't let him lose!
Admittedly, healing StarHammer is an excellent idea as well- we'll need the help and it's STARHAMMER! his heroic fame will help reassure people, which I imagine Nightmare doesn't want to deal with.
I'm guessing that lightning jumping thing he's doing is actually fairly important-he's gotta have some form of sustain to keep doing this, and it's either that or general 'the more I do, the better I feel' which either way...

Either that or try magic damage. Lightning is probably a not good idea, but fire is a decent idea. But really?

I think Reflect will be the best shot we have. It's not straight return to sender, there's a magic portion to it.

Your timing is off, and several bullets strike your chest, and one gets your shoulder, but it doesn't stop you. You feel the bullets, but because of your armor, they don't hurt. When a bullet hits your barrier, it flashes white and a beam of energy shoots from your barrier and pierces the robber right through his heart. He stumbles backwards into a teller's desk, but he doesn't fall. Instead, he starts to disappear, starting from the hole in his chest. Bits of him start breaking off and floating away as if he was made of dust. And just like that, he evaporates until only his gun is left. You skid to a stop, facing the other robber as he takes out a grenade and pulls the pin.

If anything can hit this guy, it's Reflect.

He's also moves in a lightning bolt and we have a harder time projecting away from us.

With that in mind...

We want the fight here. We're going to be having risk of civilians getting hurt everywhere but the people here are evacuating now and will continue to do so. That tower is implied to be a large ride and can only go down so fast.

Our priority so far has been saving lives over defeating villains. So for here what follows is getting time for people to get out. And we know he's trying to get attention because uh, just murdering for the heck of it and looking for something to erase from the map.

So, we can probably get him bragging. Anything that buys time is good.

Also we want Starhammer up, because he'll be a hell of a good distraction. Plus if Nightmare tries to run, Starhammer can keep up better than we can. And if Nightmare runs directly to the Tower our odds of intercepting are slim because he's very fast. Guy able to travel through wormholes on the other hand...

That said I think we want Reflect as our defense spell. And we want a defense spell. Because Nightmare ain't local. And he just took down Starhammer and we are a knight with a sword wearing metal. He's going to shoot lightning at us.

Odds are against Nightmare knowing all our capabilities, which is in our favor. Him taking himself out on us would be nice. Because again he's not local and just shot down Starhammer. He's going to be confident. That said there's a reason Reflect is before attract attention

Schrödinger's Lightning is in effect. There's a magic component as what struck Starhammer went out of him versus grounding on the Earth. Question is how much.

The more lightning it is the more likely our armor will act as a Faraday cage. I think all the pieces are connected to other pieces so while the armor will get extremely hot, (and it's Inconel so some resistance to heat) the natural impulse of electricity is path of least resistance.

The more magic it acts... Well we're also a magic user and Nightmare likely doesn't know that. Because we only recently were seen as cemented into the community locally. If anyone is going to throw him a wrench due to magic resistance it's us.

We're also as durable as Starhammer even before we take armor and spells into account. And I don't think anyone has figured that out. So we can probably survive a lightning strike as long as he doesn't utterly hit the high end of damage. But we'd be out of the fight.

[X] Plan Stall
-[X] Cast Reflect
-[X] Grab his attention. Smash your sword into your shield like a duelist issuing a challenge.
-[X] Stall. Ask about his change of methods, his costume. Talk shop about magic rituals. Anything. He wants attention and recognition, give it to him while approaching Starhammer to heal the hero.
-[X] Priority is healing Starhammer. If Nightmare bolts skip directly to healing Starhammer.
[X] plan stall

<Gimli>Certainty of death, small chance of success </Gimli>...I like it. Let's do it.
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Schrödinger's Lightning is in effect. There's a magic component as what struck Starhammer went out of him versus grounding on the Earth. Question is how much.
I should clarify something. That was Nightmare, in lightning form, traveling through Starhammer. There is a magical component to the lightning, but in that particular case, that was Nightmare.

As for everything else you said, 👍. I can't confirm or deny anything that hasn't already been stated in the story, but, 👍.

Anyway, voting's open for a couple more days. Hopefully, I can get the next chapter written by Saturiday.
If he didn't go through with what he was planning, he'd continue to fade until he ended up forgotten in an old folks home. too feeble to even wipe his own ass. And whenever people thought of him, they'd think of a sad sack that was just clinging to old fame who hadn't made a good song in 15 years.

He shook his head. The thought seemed to make the room colder. Goosebumps were forming on his arms. He dug into one of his suitcases to fish something out. At first, he didn't have any interest in the occult. It was just something people assumed that he would have, especially during the "Moral Panic" more than a decade or so back. Then, he started leaning into it, pretend to be interested because it was counter-culture. But as he got older, his interest became more genuine.

That was what lead him to the tattered, leatherbound book sitting on the table in front of him.

So who else is suspicious that the leather book has an entity in it that pushed Nightmare to this? Like I think his nightmare is being forgotten. And well his name is Nightmare. A nightmare focus would fit what we've seen. A powerful being that won't go down to physical force and is nigh impossible to contain.

I'm just hoping this won't be a "only vanquished by dawn" thing
So who else is suspicious that the leather book has an entity in it that pushed Nightmare to this? Like I think his nightmare is being forgotten. And well his name is Nightmare. A nightmare focus would fit what we've seen. A powerful being that won't go down to physical force and is nigh impossible to contain.

I'm just hoping this won't be a "only vanquished by dawn" thing
On one hand, his stage name was Nightmare long before he found the tome. Though that doesn't contradict anything else you said.
[X] Plan Stall
-[X] Cast Reflect
-[X] Grab his attention. Smash your sword into your shield like a duelist issuing a challenge.
-[X] Stall. Ask about his change of methods, his costume. Talk shop about magic rituals. Anything. He wants attention and recognition, give it to him while approaching Starhammer to heal the hero.
-[X] Priority is healing Starhammer. If Nightmare bolts skip directly to healing Starhammer.

Alright, looks like voting's over. We're gonna need a few rolls.

First is Reflect +2 since you're casting it on a fast moving target moving away from you. If that succeeds, then it's a Diplomacy roll to try to keep him talking long enough to make your way to Starhammer to heal him. And of course, a Mystic Arts roll to get Starhammer back on his feet.

Edit: I would like to make a Will check for Extra Effort on the Diplomacy roll if possible.
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mystic Arts Total: 8
3 3 2 2 3 3
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy Total: 11
2 2 5 5 4 4
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Rolling for the healing - hopefully the reflect causes some damage.

Storyteller threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Healing - Vigil the Medic Total: 9
1 1 4 4 4 4