Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

You start breathing, still wondering what the fuck that was. You knew that Mr. Nightmare was Powered, but not like that. There was no way he and magic before. He would've used it in his shows a long time ago. And yet, here he was, using magic with his electric powers. Part of you thinks back to how your mom would say that Rock and Roll was the Devil and that rock stars sacrificed children to get demonic powers.

And while the jury was out on the child sacrifice, something was going on here. But for now, you're just glad you're still kicking.

"You did pretty good out there." Starhammer says. "I just want you to know that"

"Um... before I go, I have this... friend. He's a really big fan of yours. And he'd love an autograph from you. Would you mind? He'd love it"

Starhammer looks at you for a moment, face neutral. Then, he smiles, and grabs a discarded park map from a nearby table and takes out a pen from his pocket (does he carry a pen just for autographs?). He writes a brief message and signs his name before giving it to you. "Anything for a fan. Here's hoping that next time we see each, now, you should probably get out of here. "

You leave, slipping out of Fair Park and going into the night.

Three Hours Later

Starhammer was sitting in the unassuming office of the DSA, in an unassuming building downtown. The on-site doctors had patched him up. Normally, he'd be sent back out on patrol, but he had been called into this one-on-one meeting. And while Starhammer would never admit this even under pain of torture, he was, if not nervous, at least slightly concerned. Not for his job. He was too powerful for that. But, the other person in the room could get creative when it came to punishments.

And that person was Deputy Director Nicole de Tavira. She was the second in command of the DSA's North Texas branch, second only to the Director Charles Gallagher, who was in DC trying to convince Washington not to cut their funding. Again.

"Mr. Farrel, I'm sure you have an idea why you've been called here." de Tavira says.

"Look, I had to do what I had to do to eliminate the threat. And this time, that threat was... Texas Ted" Starhammer said, as if even he couldn't believe it. "I mean... shit, I didn't want to knock his head off..." He said. He had a hint of sadness in his voice. "Dammit, my reputation isn't gonna recover from this, is it?"

"Well, that isn't quite why you're here, but we can go over that later" de Tavira said. "For now, we need to talk about the Vigilante that you were fighting alongside, The Vigil, I believe"

It was a file on The Vigil. A sketch of what they might look like, a blonde Caucasian man in his mid 30's. As well as a mid 20's woman with short dark hair. And a Hispanic man with a short beard. A blonde man with long hair. And even a woman with some long curly red hair.

"As you can see, we don't exactly have their appearance narrowed down" de Tavira says. "We believe that either The Vigil is using a disguise or is more than one person." de Tavira says. "We've gotten witnesses that claim that they saw all four faces underneath the helmet when it came off at one time or another. We are currently not considering any of these 100% reliable. It's possible that the faces themselves are a disguise or there is more than one person under the mask. In any case Anyway, I got off the phone with Director Gallagher twenty minutes ago. He's very concerned about the... nature of this attack. We still don't know how Nightmare revieced his new powers, but if he managed to do it, and he managed to hold you off for so long, every person capable of using magic in a 100 mile radius will be trying to do the same thing. And next time, we may not have a Vigil to rely on to defeat them."

"I was handling it" Starhammer retorted.

"You were barely hanging on at best" de Tavira says. "I've seen the footage we've managed to collect from the fight. You couldn't even slow Nightmare down. Now, the Director pushing us to hire more support staff that deal in magic both in theory, as well as a new Hero, someone who can put what our staff knows into practice on the ground. Now, we know that yourself and Mr. Merchant have dealt with The Vigil before"

"We don't need to necessarily recruit this one person, there are more than a few magic users in the city. But Baxter was insistent that we at least attempt to get The VIgil on our side." de Tarvia said. Fred Baxter was the head of PR for the DSA here. Unlike most other vigilantes in the city, they hadn't committed any obvious unseemly crimes that got , and they have gone out of their way to help people, even when they could've been arrested. People are generally pro-Vigil, so having them on their team would be a win. If you get the chance to talk without putting anyone in danger, try to sell them on joining up. But if he refuses-"

"Why would he say 'no'?" Starhammer asks "Everyone loves you, you work with the best of the best, you get a clean record. I know I wouldn't go back to being a vigilante writhing around in the dirt for scraps if I was-"

"Being a Hero isn't for everyone" de Tarvia interrupts. "And if he says no, we back off. Trying to push him too hard will only cause resentment. And having a resentful ally can be twice as dangerous than a motivated enemy. Better we recruit someone less experienced that is loyal" She sighs "But, we can discuss that at the end of the meeting. For now, we do need to discuss why you felt the need to throw a Forty Thousand Dollar truck at Texas Ted while there was a building full of civilians behind it..."

You enter your home around 10 pm. Jasmine texted you to let you know she made it home alright, and you called Adrian to let him know you were on your way.

When you enter your home, the lights are off. Adrian and Gwen on the couch, both fast asleep, Gwen leaning on Adrian and candy wrappers are littered in and around a nearby trashcan. The TV is playing a Halloween children's movie, safe and sound.

You smile, and sit down on the opposite side of Gwen. For a few minutes before you carry them to bed, you just sit down, enjoying a brief respite from vigilantism. From fighting supervillains. Tomorrow, you need to work, take your Hapkido lessons, go to church, and...

Well, you don't have to think about that for now. Right now, you just take the time to relax.

Choose 3 actions)

[] Go on patrol.
- [] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[] Learn some magical spells. Having a larger arsenal can help keep you alive.
[] Try learning a new skill. You may not be good at it at first, and it may not click right away, but it might save your life one day.
- [] Write in the new skill
[] Build contacts with other Vigilantes. Right now, you only really know Stampede and Operative.
[] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[] Start working on your hideout.
- [] Tap into the water and electricity so you can finally get water and power back to it.
- [] Invest in some defenses. Your main line of defense if that it's hidden, but if someone finds it, they have the run of the place.
[] Write in
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[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
- [X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Start working on your hideout.
- [X] Tap into the water and electricity so you can finally get water and power back to it.
[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
- [X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Start working on your hideout.
- [X] Tap into the water and electricity so you can finally get water and power back to it.

The hideout has been on the todo list for awhile - and frankly having somewhere for other vigilantes to head out to might be what stops them from pulling a dumb one day.

And our stable family life is both something to maintain and is a large part of our cover.
[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
-[X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Learn some magical spells. Having a larger arsenal can help keep you alive.

While I agree with securing our finances and investigating this local increase in crime, I would rather expand our magical repertoire to give us more versatility. We have been relying upon the same spells for some time now and I would like to add a new trick or improve an old to surprise future foes with, especially now that we are getting more focused attention.
[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
- [X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Start working on your hideout.
- [X] Tap into the water and electricity so you can finally get water and power back to it.
[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
- [X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Write in - Train 'Broadsword'
[X] Focus on your business. After Christmas, business slows down, so you need to make as much money as you can right now.
[X] Go on patrol.
- [X] Focus on your own neighborhood. You've seen more and more graffiti and people wearing red lately.
[X] Start working on your hideout.
- [X] Tap into the water and electricity so you can finally get water and power back to it.

Looks like we have a winner.

First, I'd like someone to roll on Metalworking to determine the quality of the work and how much money you're getting.

As for water and power, Jasmine will be rolling Electronic Engineering for the Power, while you're working on water. For that, you roll IQ since you don't have a specific skill, however, you can take 3 from your result if you want to take extra time.

I'll get back to you regarding the patrol results.
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Jasmine Electrical Engineering Total: 7
1 1 3 3 3 3
Sunday, November 1st, 2015
Sunday, November 1st, 2015

You look at the water meter outside of the grounds of the mansion. A wrench in one hand, a cellphone in the other. It was playing a video from a sketchy site about how get water flowing to even an abandoned property. Something that squatters have been doing in the city before.

Apparently Vigilantes and homeless people had more in common than one would think.

"Well, at the very least, apparently 1 in 4 of these things are tampered with anyway, so hopefully, they won't bother looking for us' Jasmine says over your comm. She's inside, next to a sink, ready to turn on the water when you're done.

"Try it now" You say. On the other side of the comm, you hear the sounds of pipes rattling, and a *ka-chunk*

"I don't think that worked, Sunny" Jasmine says. You and Jasmine had decided to work on making your hideout livable. You've gotten rid of most of the pests and put out a metric ton of bug traps. You've cleared out some of the rooms. But you still needed to get the utilities working to really make this place shine.

As much as you'd like to have Stampede help you, with her intelligence, it would probably just take a few minutes, you don't know if you trust her to know where your base it yet, so it's fallen to you and Jasmine. And that's why you've been out here for the last hour, trying to figure out how to get the water flowing. The water meter is in a concrete box set against the ground in the mansion's backyard. You could barely find it, and figuring out how to get it to work has been... difficult.

You sigh, and out of frustration, and hit a piece of machinery

"Wait... wait, something happened!" Jasmine exclaims from inside the mansion.

"Wait, really?" You ask. You don't know how it worked, but you don't want to question it.

"Yeah... well, sorta. Looks like sludge for now." Jasmine says

"Well, at least it's something. Besides, chances are, once the sludge has worked it's way through the pipes, we'll get some clean water."

"Here's hoping" Jasmine says. "Either way, come on in while we're waiting. I got a cooler full of soda, water, and lemonade in the car and I don't want to have brought 'em for nothing"

You respond in the affirmative and head inside. While you sit down and rest for a minute, you start looking online for news about last night. You'll admit, you want to know what people are saying about you.


In the final nights of the Texas State Fair, a tragedy has struck, as a symbol of our city was destroyed. Tommy Carson, better known as Mr. Nightmare, was frontman of the band Fuck With Fire, went on an apparent psychotic break during a performance at the Atlas Arena. Using his powers of electrokenesis, he went on a rampage that started at the arena and swept through the city. He was confronted by Starhammer, who was on patrol, where Nightmare started fighting the Hero.

The fighting swept throughout the southeast of Downtown Hartford, where Nightmare tried to sweep innocent people up in the fighting, going out of his way to cause as much destruction as he could. It was only thanks to the heroics of Starhammer that more people were not injured.

The fighting would end at Fair Park where Starhammer, as well as local Vigilante The Vigil, managed to subdue Nightmare. During the fighting, however, Nightmare, using an unknown facet of his powers, managed to animate Texas Ted, the animatronic mascot of the Texas State fair since 1953, and used it to attack the two heroes, where it was destroyed.

What exactly happened is unclear, but it is known that Mr. Nightmare sustained fatal injuries during the fighting.

Trackdown Records, the producers behind Fuck With Fire, have released a statement saying that they had no knowledge of what Nightmare was planning, but will donate a portion of the sales of their latest album to the families of last night's victims, as well as to rebuild Texas Ted. One witness said...

At approximately 12:33 this morning, four individuals broke into the grounds of the Lauraland Country Club with the intention of setting the complex on fire. The suspects succeeded in starting fires at the golf shop and several of the restaurants before being chased off by club's on-site security. One suspect, identified as 29 year old Ai Matthias, was arrested at the scene, carrying several molotov cocktails and a lighter. A vehicle, recovered from the scene, was also carrying several gasoline canasters.

The motive behind this attack is unknown, though Matthias is known to be a part of a radical socialist group in Hartford called Hartford Workers United. They are known for their anti-business and anti-capitalist rhetoric and have been behind almost a dozen violent actions since their founding in 1964.

Currently, the remaining suspects are still at large with very few leads as to their whereabouts.



Patrick Broland, better known to the world as former vigilante Jaguar, has announced that shooting for his latest movie, The Asphalt King, will go forward despite delays caused by the violence taking place in the filming location, Hartford, Texas.

"We have some of the best Heroes in the country on site. People who have been kicking bad guy ass for decades. Plus the guys that you have over here aren't too bad" Jaguar said at a press conference. "We are not going to focus on fear. We're going to focus on making the best movie we can."

Asphalt King, which is set to be released in late 2016, is a semi-autobiographical take of Jaguar's life as a Vigilante until his arrest for murder in 1998. The film and it's controversial star have come under fire from several groups.

"You can barely even tell if he's human! As far as I'm concerned, he isn't human!" Says 53 year old Patrick Falk, referring to Jaguar's appearance. "That's not even mentioning that ghost-bastard they hired! You need to at least try to look normal if you're gonna go out in public. It's like wearing pants! If you can't even look like a person, you shouldn't be out in public"

"I just don't think it's appropriate for someone like Jaguar to be on screen." Said Elenore Armstrong, 37, a member of the Family Values League. "He looks like a half-man half-animal. We don't need our kids exposed to those kinds of... individuals. It might make our children... confused" Ms. Armstrong refused to elaborate as to what she meant.

Some are protesting the film due to the involvement Nicholas Cline, better known as a former Villain and alleged assassin, Dethwright. Dethwright, recently released on parole after serving 17 years of a 30 year sentence, was hired into the film in order to portray one of the the antagonists.

"Mr. Cline has paid his debt to society and is a changed man" Said a spokesman for Gold Deserts. "When he was released, he is no longer a villain. He's a private citizen."

As you read through the article, a frown creeps on your face. For most people with Powers, they can "pass" for "normal". You yourself are a bit of a borderline case, as your build, while large, and very unusual, could still be passed off as typical for a non-powered person. And in fact, for most of the Powered people you've fought, none of them look any different than non-powered people.

Well, most of them anyway.

Called Abbies if you aren't feeling charitable, people who can't pass for something typical because of their powers, well... what exactly happens depends on what you look like. A lot of them are Hybrids, they look part animal, part human. Very popular among... some kinds of people, but they're often thought of as either dumb, or having "animal instincts".

Then, Noids, which is everyone else. Some people just have different colored skin. A few people have wings, but some look more like aliens than human. Dethwright, apparently, looks like an emaciated corpse under his robes. Blackout is a humanoid blobs. And everything else in between.

As for what you think...

[] As far as I'm concerned, they're still people, no matter what.
[] Hybrids are freaky, but Noids aren't that bad.
[] Hybrids aren't too bad. It's the Noids that can get weird.
[] I really don't like when people lump me in with one of those freaks.
[] Write in your opinion
[X] As far as I'm concerned, they're still people, no matter what.

No other acceptable option as far as I am concerned.
[X] As far as I'm concerned, they're still people, no matter what.
Do they dream? Do they get sad? Can they think? They are people then.
[X] As far as I'm concerned, they're still people, no matter what.

Not very interested in a quest where the character has those kinds of prejudices unless I knew going in that was a possibility (and even then I only stay if there's some aspect to the quest that catches my interest enough to keep me in spite of the prejudice stuff.)
[X] This was happening again.

So, essentially aiming for someone that's very aware that if public sentiment shifts against people with powers only the fact she can pass as normal is keeping her safe from this sentiment.

Or - someone with an African American or non white grandparent who looks white, passes for white but eying whether people will try to reapply one drop of blood type laws back in place.
[X] As far as I'm concerned, they're still people, no matter what.

Superheroes should always represent what is best in us, and stand for right no matter how many others stand for wrong.
Yeah, there wasn't really any other option. Anyway...

I'd like someone to roll Perception, please.
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Battery (IQ) Total: 10
6 6 3 3 1 1
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Battery (Streetwise) Total: 11
4 4 4 4 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Battery (Merchant) Total: 11
4 4 3 3 4 4
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To see or not to see, that is the question.

Looks like a no.
Barondoctor threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Perception Total: 13
6 6 3 3 4 4
Alright, given those rolls I really really hope that was Battery looking to see if we were the ones who made Vigil's armor.

Battery is the guy tasked with murdering us after all.

That said, I'm not sure of how he'd follow a merchant trail to us otherwise. Metalworker who can do the job is different to find than tracing Vigil through the purchase of materials thanks to us doing our own work.
Alright, given those rolls I really really hope that was Battery looking to see if we were the ones who made Vigil's armor.

Battery is the guy tasked with murdering us after all.

That said, I'm not sure of how he'd follow a merchant trail to us otherwise. Metalworker who can do the job is different to find than tracing Vigil through the purchase of materials thanks to us doing our own work.
He could be looking up on who made purchases of the same type of metal that The Vigil uses and cross referencing it with metalworkers in Hartford.
He could be looking up on who made purchases of the same type of metal that The Vigil uses and cross referencing it with metalworkers in Hartford.
Like I said - I hope he's looking at us like we're the person who made the armor - and thus someone to try and get information out of. Versus realize Sony a is Vigil right now.
Thursday, November 12th, 2015
You've spending the time that you're away from home in your shop and patrolling the neighborhood as The Vigil. You don't know which one was more stressful.

You have an unusually large, and costly order from some youtuber. It's supposed to be a large, creepy statues for a horror video they're making. Something about using an Ouija Board to contact... someone at 1 am and they need something for the background. They wanted you to make the damn thing for free and you'd only get credit for it on some posts. Honestly, that pissed you off as a craftswoman. You've been working for more than 10 years and they want you to work for "experience" and "exposure"? People die from exposure! You spend the week off and on trying to reach a price until you finally agree on something. They even pay extra to make sure you send it faster.

As The Vigil, you ride around your neighborhood both in costume and in one of a few disguises. Punching anyone in the street who happens to be wearing red doesn't seem like a good plan, especially since red happens to be the colors for our baseball team and these punks also seem to be sports fans. You don't want to get a reputation of punching out random people, after all. Thankfully, you do have the opportunity to take on some of the Nomads. Five or six of them dealing drugs in a park, five robbing various stores, three who were jumping a high schooler waiting for a train, one you just scared off who was spray painting someone's fence. Of course they fight back, and they're well armed too. Most of them carry pistols, but a few carry submachineguns, and machine pistols. You even ran into someone who had a revolver that fired shotgun shells once. Then, there were the pair that were selling weapons out of the trunk of their car near the warehouses to the south who didn't have a problem with using their products to try to fight you off. You get through the fighting unharmed, but having to patch quite a few holes in your armor.

After a couple of weeks, you're in you in your workshop working away. Several boxes are filled with a few statues and you're drilling some holes into the main section of a statue you're making. You're planning on shipping it in pieces so it can be assembled by the buyer. It'll be a lot easier to ship, and a lot less likely to break in transit.

The loud drill is why you didn't hear the first series of knocks on your workshop door.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* "Sonya Northwest, this is the Hartford City Police Department. We have a few questions for you!"

Your heart skips a beat. You knew that there was a risk but how did they know? Do they know? If they knew you were The Vigil, would they just ask questions? They'd come in guns blazing, right? You are alone and the aren't any other people for at least a few hundred feet. Maybe it could be something unrelated.

You sigh. You pray that you won't leave in cuffs, but if you stay here and they know, they'll just break down the door. And if they don't know, they'll get suspicious and call in backup. Plus, there's no way out besides the front door. (Maybe you should work on that...). Steeling yourself, you resolve to deal with whatever comes.

*Bang* *Bang* *Bang* "Mrs. Northwest, we know you're in there. We need to talk to you!"

"Just a sec" You say as you walk towards the door.

When you open it, you see HCPD officers standing outside your door, their squad car on the gravel path leading to the workshop. The first officer is a squat middle aged man, gray starting to creep into his blonde hair. The second officer is woman who stands about as tall as you, but is skinny as a twig, both in comparison to your muscular build and in general. However, she's also carrying a shotgun slung on her back. She looks at you through her sunglasses with an dispassionate expression. Your eyes drift to the shotgun. You're tough, but if you didn't get your armor or shields up to take the blast, things would be iffy for you.

"Ms. Sonya Northwest" The first cop says. It's meant to sound like a question, but he's too certain. You nod. "I'm Officer Burke, this is Officer Hare." He gestures to his partner, who nods. You mind if we come inside? We need to ask you a few questions." He's trying to sound friendly, but in the way where someone is forced by the situation to try to be cordial.

You mentally thank God that Jasmine sent you those old spy movies from the 50's a while back. They were, allegedly, based on how real spies managed to infiltrate Germany and Japan during the Second World War. And how some spies failed to infiltrate those countries. Part of what was stressed was to never have anything incriminating on you or where you live and work as much as possible. So you have most of the directly incriminating stuff back at the mansion, including your armor and weapons. You may have a few sketches of possible designs to put on a shield, but you have sketches of a lot of your designs that needed to be sent for approval. And some from when you were bored. There's also some damaged bits of armor, but you've melted those down to repurpose them.

You think.

[] Come on, officers. I have nothing to hide.
[] Let's talk out here, if it's all the same to you.
[] I'm not saying anything without a lawyer. Unless you have a warrant or intend to arrest me, I ask that you leave.
[] Write in.
[X] Come on, officers. I have nothing to hide.
...To be honest? I'm inclined to not be too suspicious, one way or another, I'm just not sure which is better-talk on the doorstep or actually be hospitable...