Holding Out For A Hero: An Original Superhero Quest

He, as well as you, do get debuffs for being in the negatives, even though you both passed your constitution checks. You are at half speed and dodge, and he won't be able to use some of the more acrobatic moves I had planned for him in this fight. Aside from having to roll CON to stay on your feet/conscious. You'll also drain FP faster until you get back in the positives.

Also, I don't know if I said this before, but I feel I should also make note of this here. If you, or anyone with super strength/toughness take your HP in negative damage, -20 in your case, you have to make a consciousness check. Hit it again, then you make a death check. Do it again, and you die. If a normal person takes their HP in negative damage, they make a death check. If they do it again, they die.
So 0 is more of a halfway mark than zeroing someone out. Okay.
You raise your sword as the all eyes are on you. You are vaguely aware of another flash coming from behind you, Kachuusha teleporting Morphic, you guess. But you focus on swinging your sword down on Ordinance's man. When you do, a Shield Generator in his suit pocket roars to lift, creating a shield around him. But your sword crashes through the barrier as if it was made of tissue paper, and keeps going. Your sword cuts a long slash going down his chest. He screams in pain as blood starts pouring, staining his already roughed-up suit. He takes a step back and raises his scythe.

His bodyguards both take aim at you immediately. You don't hear Kachuusha call her attack, but you see a blast of energy smack the woman in the face and she goes down. The male bodyguard looks like he was trying to decide whether to fire at you or Kachuusha, and turns around to try to fire at her. But his body didn't get the message, and doesn't turn far enough, and he fires into the darkness. You take the opportunity to charge him, and clock him with your shield. The man goes down like a puppet with his strings cut.

You don't slow down. you charge at Cutter with your sword in hand. Cutter swings his scythe to intercept.

And the first 8 inches of your sword are gone.

You don't notice at first. Gunfire is popping off around you. Some bullets whiz past you. You think you even feel some bullets hit your armor. You toss a fireball in the direction the gunfire came from and keep swinging. Cutter is backpeddling, and swinging his scythe at you. You duck and weave, at one point, raising your shield to block a blow. You feel the blow on your shield, but you don't see the gouge taken out of it.

You notice something is wrong when you step forward to stab your blade into Cutter. He moves out of the way, but your sword should have hit him anyway. As you look at the blade, just 2 inches from cutting the man's suit jacket, you see that the blade is now flat.

This is when his scythe shortens in length and he swings it like a baseball bat. It's new length is perfect to hit you right in the chest. For the first instant, the armor holds like you would expect it to. But then, as you are about to bat the scythe away with your shield, your armor all of a sudden doesn't hold.

It's as if the metal parted ways on it's own, and the spear impales you right in the chest. Time seems to stand still for a moment, and you don't feel anything. Even as Cutter tugs the blade upwards and withdraws the blade from your body, the tip covered in blood. Your blood. You feel just a cold numbness.

"You know, that's why I love fighting tin cans like you" Cutter says, mockingly, seeming unconcerned about his own grievous wound. You stumble backwards. You feel like the ground is pulling you down. Your mouth tastes like copper. Flashing lights are around you, but you don't know if it's Kachuusha teleporting, or if it's blood loss. "I bet your face looks so surprised under that bucket, doesn't it, Vigil?"

And that is when the pain hits you. You point your sword to the ground and use it as a makeshift cane, pushing yourself up. Your legs want to give up.

But then, you think, "If I die here, then Gwen will need to grow up without a mother. I won't be able to go back to Adrian." Your head is filled with visions of your death. Your body laying in the dirt runway.

You grit your teeth and force your body to stand up.

"Hey, don't looks so sad. I get the credit for killing you, and you get to die before Battery gets to you. Win-win! So, then, any last words?" He asks. His scythe starts to morph into a double bladed axe.


After dropping off Morphic, Kachuusha once again blinked away, avoiding a burst from one of the grunts. When she reappeared, she was striking a pose, upside down, and kicking the same grunt in the chest. She dropped down, using her powers to float a few inches above the ground and spun, kicking the legs from under another mook that stood next to the first. While she was spiinning, she charged up another energy blast, and launched it. The bolt curved mid-air and hit the unfortunate grunt in the side of the head, sending him down.

She looked and smiled at the camera, it's operator hidden in some brush in the darkness, before she took flight. As she soared above the battlefield, she felt the bullets whiz by as nearly a dozen people tried to hit her. She saw Morphic leaping from the smashed hood of the technical at the man wielding the gun bolted to the bed of the truck, two other grunts already unconscious. She saw the man in purple that Ordinence's people brought hiding behind the car they came in on.

She fired two more bolts, one at Junior, and the other at the bodyguard.

Junior shouts something that she doesn't hear. She only hoped the camera picked it up as he gestures at the technical nearby. Suddenly, it's highbeams activate. The machinegun bolted on the back of it lifts up and takes aim at her.

She cut off her powers, letting herself descend into a freefall for a few seconds as the .50 cal bullets tore through the night, spinning around, she took aim at the truck with both hands surrounded with energy.

"퓨어 화이트 파워 크래시" She yelled before launching the blast the size of her torso at the truck. The blast explodes, destroying the truck.

"We were so close... I ain't letting some sparkly ***** like you ruin everything!" Junior shouts. Then, he fires a beam of lightning at her. She fires back with a beam of energy, the two forces colliding midair, causing a rather impressive show for anyone looking. If she looked to the left she might have been able to see Morphic charging into a group of Bullet Farmers, their guns taking small chunks out of his rocklike-skin. If she looked down and to the right, behind her, she'd see you, pushing yourself up about to make your next move against Cutter.

[] Write in what you want to say.
- [] Write in what you will do.

HP 0/20
FP 7/10

HP -4/12
FP 6/10

HP: 11/11
FP: 11/13

HP 10/10
FP 9/10

HP 10/11
FP 8/9

Mooks Remaining: 9
1 action. If you give up your defense, you get 2 actions. Talking is free action in this case.

Can we cast a spell whilst moving? I'm looking towards keeping up our defences whilst putting some distance between us and the enemy as we cast healing spell while in motion.
[X] Stay Silent
-[X] Cast Heal on ourselves while getting some distance between us and the enemy.
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Is there any cover we might be able to work with? Ideally that isn't metal? Getting a chance to step back and cast heal on ourselves would be real nice.
[X] Stay Silent
-[X] Cast Heal on ourselves while getting some distance between us and the enemy.

Switch to artllery mode once we're not at risk of bleeding out.

So Enhanced Success for Mystic Arts while the Dodge is successful thanks to the minus two.
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mystic Arts Total: 8
2 2 3 3 3 3
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Dodge Total: 11
2 2 5 5 4 4
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Now, it's time to roll for the NPCs
Agent 99 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Melee Total: 21
4 4 6 6 6 6 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mook Shoot (9) Total: 10
5 5 1 1 4 4
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Kachuusha Blink Total: 15
3 3 6 6 6 6
Agent 99 threw 9 6-faced dice. Reason: BF Mook Shoot (9) Total: 38
5 5 5 5 3 3 5 5 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Junior Mystic Arts Total: 12
6 6 4 4 2 2
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Lightning Damage (1d-1) Total: 13
3 3 5 5 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Kachuusha CON +2 Total: 7
1 1 1 1 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Morphic Substance Mimicry (15) Total: 9
2 2 4 4 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Guns (12) Total: 15
3 3 6 6 6 6
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: CAMERA CREW DODGE Total: 4
2 2 1 1 1 1
I think that when this is over we need to search the camera crew for their good luck charm amulet. Joking of course.

But they have one of the two red that were below the median mark, never mind the 25% quartile mark.
You cast heal on yourself and barely have time to stumble backwards to avoid a swing from the axe. Using your shield wasn't an option. He'd cut through your metal like it was paper, and your armor has already proven that it can't stop him, so you can only scramble back as fast as your left can take you.

He's about to hit you with an overhead swing when a burst of rounds cut between the two of you. You look to the side and see one of the Bullet Farmers holding a submachine gun and looking panicked that he almost shot one of his allies.

"Fucking idiot!" Cutter shouts before reaching into his jacket and taking out a large gun. He fires it at the mook, who scrambles backwards into the darkness.

You run forward, ready to finish the fight with one blow. But he gets out of the way before you can land the decisive blow, dropping his gun.

He jumps on the hood of his car, turns the pole into the spear, and stabs it into the hood of the car. You don't know what he's doing at first, until the end of the pole that is outside of the car starts to change. The tip of the pole forms into a buzzsaw, and starts to spin rapidly. You imagine a motor behind it, even though the only sound coming from it is it cutting through the air.

He swings the pole, and the buzzsaw goes flying past you. You nearly drop to the ground as the saw passes by you, curves midair, almost slices through a Bullet Farmer trying to get up after Kachuusha knocked him down, and nearly splits the head of a cameraman in half. You'd later see the cameraman roll out of the way if you saw the footage later, but for now, you are dodging a second buzzsaw which, goes over your head, bounces on the ground, and decapitates the same Bullet Farmer mook.

You summon a ball of lightning above Cutter. But in the second that the lightning appears and before it strikes, he charges right at you, his staff now shorter than it was before. You're ready to put some more distance between the two of you.

Cutter then runs at you, and you back off, but instead of directly attacking, he puts his pole into the ground and vaults over your head. You go in the opposite direction, towards the now burning car, just barely avoiding a swipe from Cutter's axe. He lands without much grace, panting hard.

"You know, you are a real pain in the ass, you know that? I was here offering you a painless death and you have to go do all this?" He says with a grin.

All around you, the battle continues to rage on. Kachuusha is getting a lot of attention, flying through the air, dodging bullets, rapidly teleporting, and flinging energy bolts at whoever is shooting.

To the outside observer, it looks like controlled chaos, teleporting to random places to throw off the aim of the mooks below. But in all honesty, she was just flinging herself randomly through space and time and hoping that she wouldn't take a bullet. Not that she would ever let anyone know. She fires energy blasts at any vaguely human shaped thing she could see before tumbling back into what she privately called the space between spaces.

When she came back into realspace one more time, she fires another volley of bolts to kick up some sand, then go take them down in melee.

But Morphic managed to act first.

One of the mooks, seeing that bullets weren't working, ran to the trunk of one of the remaining vehicles, and grabs a grenade launcher.

"Duke! Get out of the way!" The mook calls as he aims at stony vigilante, currently in close combat with another mook.

The other mook takes a look back and takes off in a sprint while the first mook pulls the trigger.

But as soon as the grenade is launched, Morphics body starts to change. The solid rock starts to break up into hundreds of thousands of grains of sand, which start to spread apart. The grenade flies through the cloud of sand, over the burning technical, and explodes right in front of the hanger.

But the sandstorm flies towards them grenade launching mook, as he scrambles to load another grenade in. Two hands start to form in the sandy mass, and grab the grenade launcher wielding mook and carry him into the air, only to throw him.

"Fuck this!" One of the mooks says as he sees his ally hit the ground with a thud. He drops his gun and starts to run, with another following soon after.

But Kachuusha lingered half a second too long, and Junior shot a lightning bolt at her, which hit her square in the leg and traveled up her body. There's a loud crack after the lightning bolt hits Kachuusha and she falls for a few feet in the air. And the blinked out of existence. When she blinked back in, she was kicking Junior in the chest with both feet. She then followed up by spinning mid-air and launching an energy blast into his chest.

"Ha, that all you got?! It's gonna take more than a little static to kill me!" Kachuusha said with her usual confidence. But what she was

"Oh, I think I got a surprise or two left for ya, you smug ********" Junior says with a wicked grin on his face.
That is when you feel something coming from the hanger. A surge of magic. Behind Cutter, you see Kachuusha and a guy in the black cowboy hat, James Jr. you think Kachuusha said it wa. They're both about 50 feet in front of the hanger with Junior on the ground and Kachuusha floating in the air. But the important thing is that Junior is casting some sort of spell. It's almost lost in the sheer size of the magic power that's coming from the hanger, but it's there.

You don't know what Junior is doing, but whatever it is, Kachuusha doesn't seem to be aware of it.

[] Try to create a barrier around Kachuusha.(Mystic Arts +4)
[] Try to call out to Kachuusha to tell her to get out of the way.
[] Focus on fighting your own opponent.
- [] Write in the action you want to take
[] Write in.

HP 7/20
FP 6/10

HP -4/12
FP 5/10

HP: 10/11
FP: 9/13

HP 6/10
FP 6/10

HP 9/11
FP 4/9

Mooks Remaining: 4
Sure, at a +2 since you're focusing on making sure you're heard above the gunfire and trying to hit a guy trying to kill you.

About fifty-fifty chance of success if my math is right, but I don't want to leave our alley out to dry.

[X] Try to call out to Kachuusha to tell her to get out of the way while focusing on fighting your own opponent.
-[X] Use Thunderbolt on Cutter.
[X] Try to call out to Kachuusha to tell her to get out of the way while focusing on fighting your own opponent.
-[X] Use Thunderbolt on Cutter.
Looks like we have a winner. Please roll a Mystic Arts +2.

As for getting Kachuusha's attention, she'd need to pass a perception check. However, if you want to give her a bonus, you can roll Constitution to yell loud enough to be heard and understood over the fighting. There aren't any penalties if you fail, unless there's a crit fail.

Edit: So Mystic Arts passes, but Constitution fails by 1. Not ideal, but I would rather things fail that way around than the other way.
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Mystic Arts Total: 9
5 5 3 3 1 1
Oshha threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Constitution Total: 15
3 3 6 6 6 6
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Alright, time for some rolls
Agent 99 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Kachuusha perception Total: 12
2 2 1 1 4 4 5 5
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Camera Shot Composition Total: 12
5 5 4 4 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Dodge (At half dodge Total: 11
5 5 3 3 3 3
Agent 99 threw 4 6-faced dice. Reason: Damage (Lightning Total: 12
4 4 3 3 2 2 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Frank (Con) Total: 7
2 2 3 3 2 2
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Stun (Con +4) Total: 8
5 5 2 2 1 1
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Surrender? (Will) Total: 9
1 1 5 5 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Cutter Melee (All Out +4 =5) Total: 12
5 5 4 4 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Kachuusha Teleport) Total: 8
4 4 1 1 3 3
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Specialist Stealth (10) Total: 8
3 3 1 1 4 4
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Morphic Perception (14) Total: 8
5 5 1 1 2 2
Agent 99 threw 3 6-faced dice. Reason: Junior Con Total: 15
3 3 6 6 6 6