Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Good Seed and Omake Spreadsheet Rules:

Firstly, if you have questions about Good Seeds and the like please read here. If that doesn't answer your question please ping me in thread, or on Discord.

If you write a new Good Seed, or write an omake, please update the spreadsheet if you have access.

If you do not have access, please ping a collaborator (Swordomatic, Alectai, Quest, TehChron, Insane-Not-Crazy, Humbaba, ReaderOfFate, Kaboomatic, no., BungieONI) letting them know what you want and they will update the spreadsheet here. To gain access, you will need a gmail account of some kind. Throwaway emails are fine (I'm using one for the spreadsheet), but to gain access it's as simple as sending me either your email via PM, via DM in Discord, or just in Discord's #spreadsheet-requests channel.

This is mandatory. If a Good Seed does not record their omake by pinging collabs (or just requesting access and editing things themselves - this is the preferred option), I won't give out awards. If a new Good Seed is not recorded here, they won't advance. By doing this it makes the whole thing manageable for me - it's gotten pretty unwieldy!


Omake Writer Instructions:

There are four fields you need to fill out.

Omake Link, which is just a link to your first omake for the turn. This makes it easier for me to read them as I do the update - without this it's tough to know off the bat which omake were written this turn, and to properly

Requested Bonus, which is your requested bonus for your omake. You can leave it up to me if you like. You can see more info in the Good Seed infopost here.

Cultivation Aims. For those following unorthodox paths - higher than 9th Heavenstage or later than 7th Dao Pillar paths. Please put in what you are aiming for before you break through. I have left it as 'default'. If you do not edit it, I'll go with that.

Turn Notes - Do you want to do something specific? Enter a Secret Realm? Help the Clan out in some way? If you have something specific you want to accomplish on this turn, put it in turn notes so I can adjust your Fate around it.

All other fields are for QM use to record character information to properly run the flow of the game.
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[ ] The Brazen Bull - 2 Purchases to unlock

A powerful creature forged into a puppet. Capable of swallowing any enemy and lighting them on fire, its main use is that it can capture and delay a Nascent Soul on the battlefield for hours,
Deadly combo: Brazen Bull + Light Qi trap we just gained from Underworld mission. Might be enough to insta-kill or at least cripple a Nascent?

Fortress-Mounts sound really cool and would be great for the eventual Devil Bee invasion. No need to build new hard-points, just fly them forwards and let the Devil Bees exhaust themselves against a siege.
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- I very much want the Gravebone Panalopy and the Silver Javelin for Klei
- The Earl's Insignia is really quite valuable for the insights alone.
- The Imperator's Mosaic is... well, shiny thing is shiny.

By contrast
- I'd rather not spend these sorts of plot coupons on consumable goods, unless we have a strong reason to think that we're going to have a need for that specific thing. So... that's basically the paints, the bull, and the chant. I also kind of don't like the chant because I feel like it's set to ruin lands that we might be able to claim later.

The Fortress-mounts I'm not hugely inspired on... but they're also only two purchases, and I can see how they'd be worth having. Among other things, it occurs to me that a sky-fortress could be very useful for protecting some group in the Trials. Like... we could try silly things like putting all of our Core Formation elders in it and having them stay in the air the whole time, flying away if too many enemy Core Formation elders get too close.

The flip side for the trials is that Young Bhrigu is likely coming back, hopefully for the final time. Given that, Nascent power is suddenly really important... assuming he's still Nascent when he shows up.
By contrast
- I'd rather not spend these sorts of plot coupons on consumable goods, unless we have a strong reason to think that we're going to have a need for that specific thing. So... that's basically the paints, the bull, and the chant. I also kind of don't like the chant because I feel like it's set to ruin lands that we might be able to claim later.
The Bull sounds like it'd be incredibly useful for a Nascent trap when paired with the Light Qi we just got. Would be great for ganking Old Cannibal or Weeping Anvil.

The Implacable Chant could be used on the Poison Maze, in exchange for the RP paying us to deploy it, which gives them breathing room.
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Only thing I can add to the above is that the chant is a hard no without the bull. Sure nothing would survive aside from nascent but NSs are our real problems.

Would be nice to use it on OC while he is trapped in the bull, but he would just switch to another clone.....
@occipitallobe are the prices with or without the keys counted in?
The Fortress-mounts I'm not hugely inspired on... but they're also only two purchases, and I can see how they'd be worth having. Among other things, it occurs to me that a sky-fortress could be very useful for protecting some group in the Trials. Like... we could try silly things like putting all of our Core Formation elders in it and having them stay in the air the whole time, flying away if too many enemy Core Formation elders get too close.

For the trials.
I'm pretty sure any fortress they can't reach leads to a spirit severing elder ripping it out of the sky.
The whole unassailable fortresses get smashed clause.
Only thing I can add to the above is that the chant is a hard no without the bull. Sure nothing would survive aside from nascent but NSs are our real problems.

Would be nice to use it on OC while he is trapped in the bull, but he would just switch to another clone.....
@occipitallobe are the prices with or without the keys counted in?

As a side note, the Key mechanics will be done next, though probably tomorrow.
By contrast
- I'd rather not spend these sorts of plot coupons on consumable goods, unless we have a strong reason to think that we're going to have a need for that specific thing. So... that's basically the paints, the bull, and the chant. I also kind of don't like the chant because I feel like it's set to ruin lands that we might be able to claim later.

A "consumable good" that we can use to remove an enemy Nascent from the map (without having to commit the Clan's human resources and wealth) is incredibly useful, though.

Imagine if we could just Thanos-snap Old Cannibal into non-existence. Or the Strength Purity Princess. Or the Altar Lord. Or a big chunk of the Poison Maze (in the case of the Qi-draining treasure).
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The Mosaic is valuable because its additional opportunities.

Please don't forget that those Legacies are already all net positives as things stand. Spending one of six on a plot coupon gives us more avenues to explore.

Additionally, the Earls will fragment will undoubtedly possess knowledge of the Will Opposing. Very valuable for Manuel.
A "consumable good" that we can use to remove an enemy Nascent from the map (without having to commit the Clan's human resources and wealth) is incredibly useful, though.

Imagine if we could just Thanos-snap Old Cannibal into non-existence. Or the Strength Purity Princess. Or the Altar Lord. Or a big chunk of the Poison Maze (in the case of the Qi-draining treasure).
Yeah, maybe... but none of those do that, or even close. The bull shuts a nascent down for a while... as long as you get their real body, and catch them in the thing. The paints ant the chant are even less so.

For using the chant on Noble Knowledge... I suppose I could see that, if we decided to burn a minor plot coupon and five purchases on "help the Righteous sects" but how much of their territory would it actually eat? I really don't have a good grasp of the scales involved here.
Terror weapons dont do anything for us

Like...They just don't. Our counter to the problems posed by things like the Poison Maze are epilogue-style outscaling of them courtesy of Unorthodox cultivation.

The bull shuts a nascent down for a while... as long as you get their real body, and catch them in the thing

That's not so big a hurdle. Look at how many traps the Jingshen hurled at our own Nascents for example. Given the mountains and the Trial Hunters, that isnt so bad a trade either now is it?
I kinda want Flying Fortress + Legion buff to go all STEEL RAIN.

Just air-drop a legion to Formation up and become a barrier use to stymie a foe till the rest of the Clan reaches them from the back.
Remember to hold the line, everyone. We can start buying these down the line, but we need to make zero purchases on turn 14 to fix the palace on 15. I know these look cool, but to fight the Trials, we need universal power, not limited power.
Given what we have planned, the Technique Palace upgrade remains a higher priority. If the Key gives us any of these at a discount or even for free, we'll go for it. But ultimately, unlike the various purchases we get turn after turn, this selection should remain persistently available between turns.
Yeah, these are nice, but the only thing I'd say we should get would be the Gravebone Panoply, simply because we need to preserve Kleisthenes in the upcoming Trial. And that's dependent on how the Keys work, because I agree that getting the Technique Palace at Least to FE tier is key.
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I'm against the palace upgrade, though I admit it would help with the trials, as I would prefer to buy the purchases directly affecting them and not just whatever the change is good for.

Occi did say these are a reference, so no real vote before the keys post is out anyways.
The armor, spear and insignia combo is looking pretty solid, vote wise.
Remaining firmly on the side of the Technique Palace myself

The key will either offer a flat discount or have a limited charge to apply to these. Either way, we can figure out what to do with them come Turn 15 unless some of them effectively become free.
Yeah... if the flying castle isn't trials-applicable (and it looks like it's not) then we shouldn't be buying any of these things before the trials. We'll just have to hope that our two nascents can handle what's coming for them.
Voting is open