Hmmph... this junior is a good seed [Cultivation Management Quest]

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Katha Theodoros 6 - A Bridge Too Far
Katha Theodoros 6 - A Bridge Too Far

[First Turn 12 Omake Here]

Blades flashed beneath the boiling sun. The clash of flying bronze rang across the courtyard. The air grew muggy with Qi as a pure soul sought to test her limits.

One strike, two strikes, three strikes landed in the span of a heartbeat. The end of the wooden training sword dented, stress rippling through its structure. The first and second were caught against the bronzed forearms of her opponent; the third struck him in the forehead, but barely even registered.

Metallic flesh rippled even as force propagated. Rathos skidded back two feet, but his posture remained flawless. He exhaled shallowly, shaking off the tremors in his hands before resuming the stance. Katha twirled her blade, watching his guard once more.

They have done this dance many times before, as children, as teenagers and before she'd encountered a peculiar silver senior in the markets of Emporikopolis. But now things are different. They were not unblooded children anymore, but full members of the Clan, sworn to fight in its service. Rathos now stood in the Sixth Heavenstage, and his sister dwarfed his progression twice over. In the past, Katha often won their bouts, for she was always the more martially inclined, admirer of battle and warfare. Rathos eventually stood his own, but their fights often ended in her favour, one way or another.

Today, however, things were different. The power that rippled through Katha was enormous, and a gap of six small realms would be nigh-on insurmountable without the use of Formations, powerful treasures, or no small amounts of trickery. But this was not the battlefield, but the wrestling ground. The victor would be the one still standing within the circle.

Katha had struck him thrice. She had nearly forced a ring-out in the opening act of this bout. But compared to before, she was off her game.

Too fast. Too strong. Too clever by half. Now her sword was splintering under her strain. And she knew it, too. The moment the training sword shatters, it no longer mattered how the match went. She would still lose.

Katha lunged forward again, thrusting at his throat. Rathos crossed his forearms instinctively to block the blow, flesh roaring with Qi to absorb the blow. Her speed was incredible, but it betrayed sloppiness. Too powerful by half, she no longer concealed her intent.

No. Worse. Carelessness was easy to rectify. Problem was, Katha could no longer conceal her intent. Not when it poured out of her like the river down the mountain, as easy to read as the aftermath of a Blood Path massacre. For one who had no power up to now, learning to contain it would prove her greatest trial yet.

Barely able to see his sister move, Rathos caught the tip of her sword with ease between his forearms. Then he moved, one hand swiping for the sword, the other balled fist moving along its shadow and towards the hand that held it.

He missed. Katha saw him and threw herself backward. But that was not his game.

After all, the one still standing in the circle won.

Quickly, in the span of a breath, he threw his weight forward, feet leaving the ground as he rotated in the air and struck his sister with both feet. Her senses, sharpened through ten thousand tortures at the hands of a beetle, saw through him and reacted promptly. Still moving backwards, Katha stabbed her sword forward and caught Rathos between his heels.

The tip made contact. Force enough to launch her brother out of the circle and into the tree behind him was transmitted. But contact was imperfect, the rotation insufficient and the angle too steep by a hair. Striking too hard and too fast, the wooden training sword disintegrated, and her brother fell flat instead of flying backward.

He caught himself with one hand, rotated, and struck out with both feet again. Katha struck the ground to right herself, but Rathos wrapped his shins about an arm. In a single motion, using leverage and surprise and violence of action in a single motion, Rathos righted himself and landed on his feet and threw his sister to the ground.

The match was settled. Katha had lost.

As Rathos pulled his sister up and Katha dusted herself off, their father clapped beneath the shade of a tree. "A fantastic demonstration of Pankration, Rathos," the man said with a smile, which then faded. "And a disappointing show, Katha. A swordswoman who destroys their blade is unworthy of any."

She was already squatting on the ground, picking up the splinters of the sword that detonated. "Yes, father," she replied. She looked at each of them, reassembling it in her mind's eye and considering the cracks that must have formed over the battle. "Tch, angle of attack again."

"Still trying to get used to it?" Rathos asked.

"It's flimsier than I'm used to. Breaking a hundred-year pine didn't used to be possible for me at all." She glanced at her brother. "You got good, though. Found someone else to practice your Pankration with?"

At this, Rathos became sheepish, and he scratched behind his head with one hand. "Ah, yeah… She's really good, and she's been giving me pointers."


Rathos nodded. "I'd introduce her to you, but she's currently on assignment, and by the time she gets back you'll be at the Great Battlefield. Anyhow, a draw and a loss? You're seriously slipping." Rathos blinked, then frowned as he rubbed his wrists, not bruised but still a bit hurt from the spar. "It didn't use to be that easy to read you, what gives?"

"It's a matter of practice." Their father was between them now, having somehow stood up and moved between them without either of them so much as noticing a muscle. For a crippled man, he was startlingly sneaky. "Katha, now that you're in the 12th Heavenstage, you've developed a flawless body, cleansed of all purities. But," Shu Enya emphasized, "You skipped all the intervening steps between the First and the Tenth Heavenstages. It will take further investigation, but I suspect that your body is still moving as if you were a near-mortal First Heavenstage cultivator, not someone who stands on the cusp of Tribulation and might soon verge into the Single Pillar Path."

"Not to mention you've got Purified Qi, too," Rathos added. "And now that you know how to use Qi to augment your movement and have loads of it to throw around, you're doing that all the time without real consideration. So your movements are more exaggerated than they used to be, too."

Katha nodded, then sighed with her hands clutching her head. "Great, so now instead of being held back by being weak, I'm literally held back by being too strong. The fuck is this nonsense supposed to be?"

"A blessing." Shu Enya reached out with his hands and collected the disintegrated wood chunks of his daughter's favoured training sword. "You've only had this power for less than a year, Katha. Master the blade once again. Perfect your poise, posture, and intent, and when you've returned to your current height you will be all the stronger. Which will take time," her father admitted, "But time is one thing you have in great quantity, now."

"...Father, I have to be at the Great Battlefield in a few weeks. I can't be fighting Blood Path monsters if I'm breaking my swords. I'm not bringing five swords and a smithing hammer to the Great Battlefield!" She bent over and retrieved an old gravebronze Cuirass, once worn by the great Elessia Theodoros during her days as a Centurion, its plates polished and anointed with oil for the first time in centuries or even millennia. "It's going to be annoying enough to keep maintaining this! Who needs to oil their cuirass?"

"Everyone, Katha," their father said patiently. "Everyone must oil their Cuirass from time to time. The maintenance of one's own equipment is but one of the basic responsibilities of a Legionary. That includes oiling your Cuirass."

"Although she's got more of it to oil than most," Rathos muttered under his breath, before his father flicked his ear. "Ow! I'm literally made of bronze! How do you still do that?!"

"I'm your father," Shu Enya replied, as if that explained anything. "As for that problem, Katha, you have your horn beetle sword. So long as you acknowledge that it is a crutch, I don't see any problem with using it for the time being."

Katha pinched the bridge of her nose and thought. He did say that the Hornsword was harder and stronger and sharper than just about any other sword he'd ever seen, despite its unwieldy shape. Considering just what it was made from, it might even survive the ministrations of a Nascent Soul!

She wouldn't, but it meant that she would not have to worry about things like weapons breaking on her on the field of battle. Which only left the other problem.

"Have you given thought about your Tribulation, Katha?" Her father asked thoughtfully. As one who peaked at the Eighth Heavenstage, Shu Enya never got to taste the lightning of the Heavens and now never would. But he, who had struggled so long and so hard to reach where he was now, had given it much thought before.

Truthfully, Katha thought she would have had much the same journey. But now, only ten years older, she stood ready to face the lightning and take the next step, left with only the Dao she would follow forever and whether she would take up the Single Pillar in defiance of the Heavens above.

And it was down to the Dao. The Truth. Her guiding light for the rest of her days. All her life, she knew that she'd need power to defy the Heavens and prevent what had driven her mother's stubbornness and crippled her father. In the caves, she was given a measure of that power, a taste of what could yet follow.

But the Truth remained slightly out of reach, visible but immaterial. Its form remained like smoke to her. Its shape remained unclear to her. The path she would take, the future that she would fight to bring into being… Her Dao remained uncertain.

In what way would she face the Heavens? In whose sign will she check their cruelty?

"Not yet, father," she admitted to him shortly after some thought. "I'm still coming to grips with everything."

Shu Enya nodded. "Understandable. But it is never too early to consider such things, Katha."

She knew that too well. Katha had dwelled on the Dao she would follow since the day her mother died.

The only piece of the puzzle remained in how she would issue Judgement.

Katha blinked, then held a hand to her head. It was easy. Too easy. There had to be more to the Dao she would follow than that.

"Something wrong?" Rathos asked.

"No… Yes. I don't know." She paused, then looked at her bare, exposed arms. "Holy shit, we've been out here for hours and I still haven't tanned at all."

"Curious indeed," Shu nodded. He stroked his chin, index finger and thumb running along his jawline. "But is it concerning? Katha, how do you feel?"

"I mean… I don't feel sunburned." Katha sighed. "I'm just worried I'll be drawing stares, now."

"You already do," Rathos muttered, and received another flick to the earlobe from his father. "Ow! Seriously, how?!"

"I'm your father, Rathos." His father stroked his chin one last time, then flicked Rathos' earlobe again, eliciting another yelp. "But perhaps if you reflect on your behaviour, kowtow ten times, break your arm and meditate upon Mount Tai, you will know the truth of my words."

Rathos, frowning, turned to his forearm.

"I'm kidding. Don't actually break your arm." A beat. Shu flicked his son's earlobe one more time, the sound like a whipcord. "...Insolent brat."

"Ow! What the hell did I even--"


That night, as Katha pondered over what to pack for the Great Battlefield, her father knocked on the door. Before, she wouldn't have known who was visiting, only having a good expectation that they were family from the feeling of the Qi. But since her senses sharpened and she hurtled into developing a Pure Soul, it had become simple to key Qi Signatures to people she'd met before.

Perhaps with further study, she could learn to fight while blind and deaf. But as is, she essentially squinted everywhere, her senses only expanded to full in battle, lest she be overwhelmed. She stood and opened the door, greeting her father.

"Your mother studied the blade for a time, too," he said to her. "She was never as obsessed as we were, since she had more options. But the two of you now have something in common."

Katha understood immediately. "A strong body," she muttered. "But mother's dead. How much could her lingering Will remember?"

"Frankly speaking… Not much. But you don't need to learn to fight like her. You are not your mother, and your cultivation base will likely surpass hers soon. More importantly," he added, "She had a different philosophy to the blade than I ever did. Meditate on it overnight."

She bowed, replied that she would, and saw her father off.

Then Katha made immediately for her mother's gravestone.


She saw her mother duel her father.

It was not her memory. She had not been born when this battle occurred. But the swordswoman in her beckoned, and what remained of Riala Theodoros answered.

Her daughter's body had become too fast, her mind too sharp, for the techniques she learned from her father. So, she had only two paths to walk. Katha could either learn them again, a lifetime of instruction repeated.

Or, she could learn new techniques from one who had known speed and cunning since she was born, a genius from the beginning.

A raven-haired beauty, her blue eyes shining like sapphires, Riala stood opposite a man whose red hair had been partially bleached white from the strains of cultivation. Where she carried a single saber, her father held two, each in reverse grip. And where she was confidently eased, he was tense.

"Relax, Shu," Riala laughed. "I'm not trying to kick your ass! It'll just happen anyways!"

Shu Enya adjusted his grips on his blades, keeping to his strange dual-bladed stance. "That's exactly what I'm worried about," he grumbled. "You'll just tell me I owe you for lessons and put me further into debt."

"Well if you win, that means I'll owe
you for once. It's your best bet for paying off the debt anyhow, so why not?"

"I don't recall signing any bank slip…"

"It's a matter of personal honour! Now fight me, dumb-dumb!"

Shu obliged with a flurry of swings. Each swing flowed into the next, the dance of steel fervent and unrelenting. Blows that were blocked became feints, strikes that hit air turned into probes. Oppressively, like an iron wind, Shu Enya forced Riala Theodoros back. Aggressive, dominant, most would say Shu held the upper hand, that this young junior might soon have his revenge against the teasing heiress.

But Katha wondered why her mother had not drawn her sword from her scabbard.

With laughter bubbling from her lips, Riala was as effervescent as evening mist as even the blows she could not block with a sheathed blade simply slid around her, missing by hairs despite barely moving. Not once did she counterattack, the extent of her retaliation seemingly just the exhaustion her enemy felt.

Until Shu Enya overextended by a hair, his center of gravity just barely past his balancing point. A trivial matter to rectify, given a second to adjust.

In a tenth that, Riala's hand was already pressed against his chest, digits slightly bent and jabbed into his skin. She did not clench or tear, she simply pushed. And Shu Enya was sent flying.

He caught himself, plunging a hand into the soft dirt and arresting his movement directly, buffered by a burst of Qi. Riala did not rush forward to capitalise, nor did she launch further attacks - air bullets, a thrown blade, poisoned daggers. Instead she walked slowly towards him, sword still sheathed and still smiling.

Shu coughed, his hand powdered lightly red. "That wasn't a sword technique."

"Sure it was!" Riala finally unsheathed her blade and tossed her scabbard aside, twirling it twice before taking up a stance. "If I'd stabbed you, you'd be dead right now. Pop quiz, Shu; how many Meridians would that have burst? Two or three?"

Steadfastly, Shu picked up his blades, once more in reversed grip. "Irrelevant. That would have destroyed my heart."

"Good, good! You're learning!" Riala chuckled, then threw her sword into the air, catching it in the other hand before reversing her form. "This time, try to hit me. And flailing like an idiot doesn't work, so don't bother!"

"I can't help it, I'm slower
and you've got sharper eyes. This is the only way I can keep up."

"By becoming a sweaty mess before I even land a lit?"

Enya's cheeks became a lightly dusted red, the first Katha had ever seen her unflappable, shameless father even slightly embarrassed. In response, Riala just laughed again. "It's a work in progress. Not all of us can be brilliant heirs to ancient styles forged for their constitutions."

"Oh, my ancestors apparently do what you do, just better." Riala held up her empty hand, wriggling her fingers. "This one I came up with myself. If you beat me, I'll teach you~"

"And put myself further into debt? No thank you!"

"Ah, but I don't care for words! Show me with actions, Shu Enya! Beat me for once and put
me in your debt!"

Irritated, Shu Enya began his onslaught once more. But his movements were sharper, more refined. Gradually, his expression evened, then blanked entirely, his face a mask of serenity even as his movements became faster, sharper, more efficient, pushed to their absolute and utmost limits. Riala attempted to shove him again, but Shu simply let himself fall, slipping past the thrust and nearly cutting Riala by the waist with both swords.

Her clothes came out ripped. Contact had been made with his gravebronze swords. Riala grinned, satisfied, and gripped her sword earnestly for the first time that bout.

And then she struck once, an upwards slash. It was a flawed strike, and Katha saw a dozen minute imperfections that compounded into noticeably reducing the power of the blow, cutting it almost by a third. It did not matter; she simply put herself in the ideal position, where she did not need a perfect strike to win victory.

The flawed strike was more than sufficient. Shu's guard broke, his swords falling from cut wrists. Shu Enya gasped as his mind realised what had happened, and by then Riala was already gently pushing him to the ground with a sandaled foot to the face.

When Shu Enya next blinked, the duel was over and Riala was already done bandaging his wounds. She stood over him with a satisfied smirk, hands on her hips. "Well, I think that went well enough!"

Shu Enya sat up and groaned as he clutched at his head with both hands. "Give me a break! How is a half-rate like me supposed to repay a debt to you?"

Riala laughed again. "Well, I'm sure you have your uses! Come on," she grinned and pulled him onto his feet. "I'm about to face the lightning, so you better sit tight! The next time I see you, I want a nice present!"

Shu frowned at him, sucking on his teeth. "Anything will do?"

She giggled. "Nope! The heart of a maiden is a fickle thing, you know? You'll just have to make a guess and hope you're right! For example..." she added, turning about and looking towards the mountains, "...Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out!"

"...Right." Rubbing at his wrists, Shu joined Riala's side. "You're a pain in the ass, you know that?"

"Guilty," Riala replied, feeling not at all apologetic. "So if you're going to put me in my place, you'd better work hard! I'm not about to waste my time on a failed investment!"

"Yeah, yeah…"

Then, the dream unravelled. Details bled out and blurred into an indistinct smear. The mountains ran like water, the sands turned to mud then to nothing. Eventually, even her parents were gone, coloured into the same blank smear as the rest of memory's creation.

And then, Katha woke up.


Katha continued to kneel before her mother's pillar for a long time, head bowed before the jade box that contained her bronzed heart. Consulting her will had been enlightening to her, in a number of ways. It was perhaps difficult to reconcile her image of the woman as a peerless, flawless and exceptional genius with the energetic girl that she had been in the past, but that was not the point.

It was a matter of philosophy, Katha realised. Her father believed that the initiative in a duel had to be seized in order to achieve victory. Initiative had to be won through momentum, force, aggression and dominance in either skill or psychology or ideally both, whether to overcome a gap in skill and power or simply to end the fight as quickly as possible.

Yet, her mother ceded the initiative instead, allowing her opponent to rail against her defenses until she found a crucial gap to exploit mercilessly. It did not matter to her whether one started with the initiative so long as one ended with it with a cunning reversal. Perfection was not necessary, nor was even excellence needed. One simply needed to make the right move in the right circumstance and victory would follow.

"Full marks, Katha. You've hit the nail on the head."

Katha looked up, startled by the voice. A ghostly apparition looked back down, so thinly defined it barely had the shape of a woman. But the voice, though she hadn't heard it in decades, was all too clear. "Mother?"

The lingering will of Riala chuckled gently. "Nothing so fortunate, my dear. But I am her echoes. What do you think of your mother's swordsmanship?"

Katha frowned. It would lose nothing to be forthright, even though the woman herself would never know it. "It was sloppy. It was like you weren't even trying."

Riala nodded. "I wasn't, but you're right. And what do you think you can do with that knowledge?"

"...I need Patience," Katha concluded. "As I am right now, trying to make my own opportunities will just leave gaps for an opponent to exploit. I'm better off waiting for them to expose some."

"Your father's actually got a lot of anger underneath his blank expression, you know," Riala noted, before chuckling to herself. "And I don't think you can match that anymore. It's not ideal, mind you, but it's a good springboard for your future ambitions. Consider this a bit of homework, Katha; what is a battle to you?"

Katha nodded haltingly. Then, she swallowed. "Mother, I… I wanted to ask. Did you ever regret attending the final lecture?"

Riala looked at her. Then, she tilted her head from side to side. "Who knows? I had plenty of reasons to regret it and plenty of reasons not to, but I can't say for sure what I'd feel about it now, being dead and all. But in the end, that doesn't really matter, does it?"

"I guess not…"

The lingering will of Riala stooped down to her, cupping her daughter's chin and spreading coolness where she brushed the skin. "But I do know one thing, Katha, and that's how proud I would have been of you. Not because of your talent. Not because of your gift. Not even because you're stubborn enough to win them from the jaws of danger." The coolness left, then Riala pressed both hands against Katha's cheeks. "It's because you're still trying after what happened to your father and I."

Katha felt sad, but no tears fell. Maybe that is because she had long since shed them all. "I wish you didn't die," she said instead, to which her mother's echoes laughed.

"So would I! But it doesn't matter what we wish for, but what we get. So get to it, Katha!" The lingering will, having granted its wisdom, began to retreat back into the urn. "And for Imperator's sake," Riala added as her voice began to fade, "Don't bully Rathos so much, he's trying his best!"

"But he's a nerd," Katha protested weakly, but it was already over. Her mother's lingering will was at rest once more, not to be disturbed for another ten years.

She knelt for another hour, dwelling on her wisdom, before returning to bed.


And at dawn, armour-clad and sword at her hip, Katha set out for One-Boat, One-River Pass. On the outskirts of the Thousand Song Siege.

[Wordcount: 4,310 Words]
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Katha Theodoros 7 - A Passing Grade
Katha Theodoros 7 - A Passing Grade

[First Turn 12 Omake Here]

In the distance, Thousand Song City burned.

Orange flames, crimson flames, silver and more threatened to consume the city. Day in and day out, as night dragged long and turned back into day, between the ringing of bloodsteel on gravebronze and the screams of the dying and dead, were the pitter-patters of the fire brigades desperately trying to keep the city intact enough to turn to rubble.

It would be a battle for the ages. The place where a hundred heroes were born and slain every single day, where great names would climb the rungs of legend with their feats. Names like Rina Callista would resound forever as the Thousand Song Siege added only to their myth. Names such as Aretaphilla Myia would be catapulted into that same realm as they sang a song powerful enough to save the City of Songs. Names such as Aris, as Paulus, as Aliki and Zeno and Wei Feng, each would make their mark in saving a city that should have fallen.

That was not Katha's battle.

Her battle was here, upon sweaty plains beneath a blazing sun far from a city on fire, fighting a band of Blood Path monsters scoring for an easy meal. A dozen of them, all told, against her unit of ten. The only ones standing between them and a fleeing party of a hundred mortals seeking refuge.

Her men were out there, three groups of three, three ghostly hoplites fighting back-to-back against monsters who outnumbered them and who surpassed their cultivation. It was simply the way of things; pound for pound, the Blood Path were stronger, faster, savage monsters to the core.

Although there was no difference within small realms, by and large the Blood Path climbed those ranks faster. Where the Optimatoi flagged, the Blood Path soared. Not for nothing were they a threat, even in spite of their infighting and of the many curses Heaven inlaid upon their very Path.

And Katha Theodoros, an untempered fledgling who had strength but not the talent to use it, now found herself fighting three of them at once. Out of position - dragged out, even, by the strange enchantment layered upon their leader's rope dart - and isolated from her men, hunted by this band's leader and her favoured lackeys.

The woman simply sneered as she spun her rope dart lazily about, letting her cultivation hang over her like a cloying bloody aura. One of the men with her had spikes jutting out his spine and forming a crown of thorns about his head, his breath stinking with noticeable heat even in the desert. And the last man had simply vanished from sight, the only hint of his presence being a crimson haze that might actually be poison.

Both men were only, by her reckoning, in the Sixth or Seventh Heavenstages, simple enough to manage even if she was green. But the woman bore a single Dao Pillar. She stood the First Stage of Foundation Establishment, and so in her first battle, Katha was already outmatched.

When the old woman told her to lead a patrol and get some sunshine, she thought it would be a good way to get to know the men and maybe, just maybe, get away from the constant lectures and lessons and charts and coin counting. Her head had hurt then, but now it was screaming.

Then, the woman licked her overly full and bright red lips, her complexion grey as the grave, her figure too full to be lithe and too round to be muscular. "Mm… Know that I, Anshan, am as merciful as I am beautiful! Surrender yourself, split your head and spill your blood, and I'll let half of your men leave! I'll even let them choose if they want to surrender their hands or their feet in exchange for safety!"

It was not an offer even worth considering. Katha spat on the sand and drew a line with her father's sword. "I don't deal with monsters, you pig-faced whore! Wherever you came from and whatever you hoped before the Blood Path took you, this is where I sign your death warrant! One way or another, you will not threaten those people again!"

Anshan laughed, and she licked her lips again with the full extent of a long sinuous tongue. She spun her rope dart faster as she tilted with her head and her two lackeys began to move. "Then I look forward to wearing your pretty face, Devil, once I'm done eating your heart!"


When she first joined the Legions and passed boot camp, Katha ruefully wondered how long it would take her to attain any sort of rank.

Apparently, it took a little over ten years. Very little of which was actually spent with the Legions. It was almost funny how things turned out.

But instead she was getting grilled by the Centurion and all the other Principales on the outskirts of One-Boat, One-River Pass.

"Twelfth Heavenstage, huh? This young?" Primus Pilus Yangchen of the 427th Legion tilted her head at Katha as she inspected her like a prime-grade slab of meat, which made Katha try to resist the urge to fidget. Scrutiny was hard to deal with, and she's had to deal with a lot of it since she got back from the mountains. "Imperator, my grandson's twice your age and he hasn't even hit half that."

"Being fair, Centurion," a Principales said next to him, one of the other five crowding around her like an art exhibit, "Yi Ping's an idiot."

"He got hit in the head when he was three, Draco," another Principales commented blandly.

"Yeah, I know. That's why he's an idiot, Herk, I know you're an idiot too but could you try to keep up? You're Tesserarius now!"

"Wow. Fuck you, dude."

The other four Principales of Yanchen's Century kept their mouths shut and their lips drawn, carefully watching their Centurion's reaction. Katha did as well, wondering just what was about to happen.

Yangchen rolled her eyes and clicked her tongue. This seemed to horrify the Principales, though Katha did not know why. "Optio Arkodas?"

A bear of a man - literally, his arms and shoulders were overflowing with fur and his neck was thicker than an entire slab of pork - appeared out of nowhere, grabbed Principales Draco and Herakles each by the shoulder, then hurled them out of the crowd of officers that had surrounded Katha.

...Well, that explained things.

"Thank you." After Optio Arkodas growled back an acknowledgement, Primus Pilus Yangchen looked back at Katha and then she realised she was holding her breath again. She exhaled a bit too hard, which must have sounded like a sigh of relief. Which it might have been. Dammit. "The hell did the old man feed you, kid?"

"...Old man, Centurion?" There were a lot of old men in Katha's life, and many more surrounding it. "I-I'm sorry?"

"Tormenos, child. Skinny, goatee, constantly walks like he's got a chip on his shoulder or balls for a wheelbarrow?"

Katha blinked. The Centurion didn't look a day over thirty. Some wrinkles here and there mostly around the eyes, a bit of a green patina, and her hair was curiously feathered but it wasn't, like, grey or anything. Well, it was a bit, but not grey from age.

It never once occurred to Katha that maybe her grandfather's Blood of Bronze was, perhaps, not very good. Perhaps that was why he was so obsessed with the Blood of Bronze.

Ah, she should probably come back to the moment. What was the question again? "A-Ah… The usual, I suppose? Rice, grains, occasional meats and fortifying soups..." She shuddered. "Ginko nuts."

Yangchen nodded. "Well, he must be overjoyed to have you around. I'll level with you, Principales; you're not going to be sticking around in the 427th very long. You're a rising star, and the Clan can't get enough of them. You're just here to learn the ropes and pick up some experience in Legion life before you get kicked up the chain. With any luck," said Yangchen with a sigh, "You might make Centurion in ten years."

Katha nearly choked on her own spit. Centurion?! In ten years?! Most never reached it before they were a hundred! The number who hit it before they were fifty might be more than what two hands can count, but only because the records stretched back that far! She wasn't even forty and she was already in consideration? "Centurion Yangchen, that seems… It's insane! I've barely even started!"

Yangchen turned to her three remaining Principales, each of them exchanging looks. Then, she looked back at Katha. "And where would you rather be?"

Katha nearly stumbled over her words, but she refused to be cowed like this. Not now, not ever. "In the line, as part of the Formation! I can't learn to lead one if I haven't even fought as part of one, right?"

"You can do both," Yangchen replied curtly. "And flatly, I don't need another body in the shieldwall. I have plenty of hands for that. I need a Principales to stand in for Signifer Arkios while he's being treated for…" The Centurion sniffed. "Binghai, did Arkios lose one leg or one arm?"

"One each, actually," replied a man with a vertical gash that perfectly split his face into halves, bald-headed so one could see the blow that seems to have literally cut him in half. "Apparently he's going to try and grow a tree on one and eat a fish to heal the other. Jury's out on what he expects is actually going to happen."

"Huh. Alright, all the best to him," Yangchan scoffed. "Anyways, Principales Theodoros, that's what I need, and that's your job. You can refuse, and I'll send you back to the Dawn Fortress right now, no questions asked. I'll even get you a written commendation to be a Wandering Cultivator." Binghai and the others whistled, and even Katha knew what that meant; total freedom to adventure and cultivate, while still pulling Legion pay. An ideal appointment, if not for the fact that it was often used as a to demonstrate a lack of faith in your ability to command without offending old and powerful clan elders. "But you know, and I know, that you want this a lot more than you're scared of fucking it up."

"Which you are," Binghai said, neither gruffly nor with a grin, merely a simple fact stated flatly. "And you will. And we will have to deal with it. Together."

Yangchen pointed at him with her quill, and the single gesture would have started a fire on Binghai's shoulder had he simply not caught the Qi and snuffed it out with a pinch. "Zip it, we only get them because I'm too nice to you lazy bastards. But he's right," she added, taking on a gentler, more matronly tone as she addressed Katha once more, even while the rest of her Principales began making a racket. "You're going to fail, and you're going to fuck up, and you're going to give me trouble that I wouldn't have with a more experienced officer. And that's fine. Within reason," Yangchen added. "You get any of your men killed for no good reason and I'll personally draw and quarter you in the Theodoroi fashion."

"...I wasn't aware there was a Theodoroi way to draw and quarter someone," Katha said in a small voice.

The Centurion snorted. "Then pray you never find out, because it's pretty messed up. But every mistake you make here is a mistake you won't make once you wear my laurels, whether you care to or not." Then, she sighed, and clasped her hands together on her desk. "It will be hard. I'm going to stretch you to your fucking limit. Every minute you aren't dealing with the men will be spent here where I'll drill military strategy into your head until you are spilling with the wisdom of Old Alexios every time you shake it. But by the time we're done here at One-Boat, One-River Pass, you will be ready."

Katha nodded. It would be a good trial, getting to know the men and mastering military command. Finally, she felt like she was in her element. "And if I want to be better than that, Centurion?"

Yangchen barked a laugh, which sounded more like a squawk. "Then you will listen to your fellow Principales, because they've been stuck with me longer than you've been alive. More than that, though, you will listen to your troops, because they have been in the dirt getting wrecked by Cannibals for over a decade at this point, and they have gotten very good at managing it."

"Even if they're stupid two thirds of the time," Binghai noted, again without malice or joy. Simply stating facts. Katha was beginning to wonder if he really was just trying to be helpful in his own way.

"Yeah, they're idiots," Yangchen groused. "But hell, now they're your idiots too. One last thing, Principales; I don't much care if you want to do your duty to the Clan. I just have two ground rules: do it on your own time, and no kids. I'm not dealing with the Chirurgeon."

Katha tilted her head, which made Centurion Yangchen chortle. "Duty… to the Clan, Centurion? Like, dying?"

Shaking her head, Yangchen straightened her expression shortly thereafter. "Right, you're still young. Well, if any of these horny bastards try anything, remind them that it's basically cradle robbery."

Katha's cheeks dusted red. "A-Ah."

"Yeah," Yangchen nodded. "They're disgusting. Is there anything else you'd like to ask, Principales Theodoros?"

"N-Nothing at the moment."

"Then welcome to the 427th, Signifer. Today is the day we hand out the men's pay. That's your job, by the way."

Katha stifled a groan. This was just a test. She'll just have to deal with it, one leg at a time. Or however it went.


The first man she killed had eyes like rings of coal.

It was a strange thought to have, but Katha saw them starkly as she stabbed between them, the pitter-patter of soil falling around her blunting the heat-shock of blood iron flame. The claw on his hand that dribbled with poison now dangled off them by the barest of grips, barely holding on and soon to fall.

By the time it did hit the ground, less than a breath later, Katha had stabbed him five more times and turned his head into a mush of bone and meat. Twisting on the ball of her feet, tearing blades of grass free by the heaviness of her footfall and the friction of her sandals, Katha launched the almost-headless corpse of the first lackey at the second like a long, unwieldy spear. The scaled man unleashed another gout of flame, belching a wall of brown and silver blood-fire that already began to turn their former companion to ash.

Another two seconds, Katha's keen eye surmised, and the whole thing would be carbonic ash. Worthless for anything but concealment. What a frightfully powerful flame.

But he had not opened the fight with it for a reason. Her gamble paid off.

The cloud of ash his friend's corpse had become coated the scaled man's body and scalded his eyes with white hot ash, and as he clawed at them Katha was already on her. A knee to the belly knocked the wind out of him and denied further desperate breath attacks. An elbow to the back, bolstered by Qi, shattered his spine and numerous back spikes. Throwing him to the ground, Katha brandished her father's xiphos and ripped his heart apart with five precisely-aimed stabs.

In the span of a minute or less, Katha cared not for time right now, she had evened the playing field against a Foundation Establishment senior. For her first actual battle, considering she had not even drawn the Hornsword to do it, this would be commendable. Considering the circumstances, Katha judged she had been too slow.

It was only by hairs that Katha avoided the next rope dart strike, and even then it had proven irrelevant. It struck at the space that she had filled just a moment ago and tugged at her as if it had bitten into flesh and metal. With mad laughter Anshan dragged Katha off the ground and into the air, before bashing her face into the dirt once more.

As the rope dart dislodged, her senses screamed for her to move. She rolled, though the world still spun about her, and again avoided death by hairs as Anshan's knee buried itself where her head once laid.

Katha continued rolling until she found leverage, and launched herself off the ground with a hand. Her sword was still in hand. Her helmet had long come loose. And Anshan, her portly build belying the power of a One-Pillar Cultivator, rose slowly and dangerously to her feet, still spinning her rope dart.

She was toying with her, Katha knew. Her mind worked, trying to find a path forward, a way not to die. This might be it. Qi Condensation cannot fight Foundation Establishment without help! You are alone, you are far from help, you cannot possibly outrun her!

Death seemed so close. But the beetle's disappointment still echoed in her ears. Don't you dare have the temerity to die, inferior aspirant, the beetle chittered, An inferior aspirant as you has no right to throw away such a gift!

So, instead of despair, she found nothing, coldly shining within. It eased her heartbeat, cooled her thoughts, allowed her to think rationally and coldly. Distance would not save her, not as long as the rope dart remained in Anshan's possession. Waiting it out would not save her, for though the scions of Bronze are enduring and tough, she merely condensed Qi where her opponent had long surpassed such need. Her foe was faster and stronger as well.

Yet, Anshan's lips had twisted into mocking rage. Blood Path was a road to power, but it came at the price of mental and emotional stability. All cultivators were mad, or would soon become mad; but Blood Path was cursed by the Heavens. If she struck while the other cultivator monologued, she might have an opening.

She considered the Hornsword, but decided against drawing it. Her second blade would remain sheathed. This was no time to draw. Besides, it would show her hand at a time of utmost secrecy.

She had no chance against a fresh Foundation Establishment Expert. She might be able to outrun a wounded one and form a Formation before she could return. And a Formation with her at the head might scare her off.

It was a shaky plan, but it would have to do.

"Pretty girl," Anshan had snarled. She stopped twirling her rope dart, dropping its head into the earth. "Such power and desperation, but no skill! You fight like a wallflower! So delicate--"

Katha rocketed out, sword blazing with Qi. The distance between her and Anshan was a single breath, too short by a hair to strike with surprise. But where her sword came short its Intent would suffice. Its cutting edge extended beyond the physical form, as she cut--

--And struck nothing but air.

"--And so naive!"

The Blood Path Expert was beneath her, clods of earth where she had stood. Katha had cut the soil, and as it rained down in clumps Anshan tangled her blade with the rope of her dart. Katha tugged quickly, but she was too weak, and too slow by half.

Anshan cackled madly. Before her eyes, Katha saw space warp, time disjoint for an instant, before her father's sword shattered in the mere embrace of rope.

Katha caught herself and corrected her balance, but Anshan kicked her square in the chest. Elissa's Armour held, but such momentum could not simply be negated. She landed on the side of a small hill rise, coughing blood.

"This is the nature of power, little girl red!" Anshan roared with laughter as Katha freed herself and rose once more to her feet, defiant in the face of certain death. "I offered you terms, and now you face the price of rejection! You're just too slow, too tired, too weak, and now you're a Sword Cultivator without a sword! Only a fool tries to fight above their Great Realm, dumbfuck! What can you do without your precious weapon?!"

Rage, long bubbling from her soul and tempered by tension and battle, now came to the fore untempered and unabated, raw and red hot. "What are you, Anshan?! What do you know of power?! You eat people, drink their blood, consume their souls, and for what?! So you can eat more people?!!" She threw the hilt of her shattered blade on the ground, fists clenched until the bronze of her gauntlets began to grind loudly and sharply. "You're a monster, Anshan! More than that, you're ugly, body and soul! You gorge, you feast, all so you can gorge and feast some more! What are your goals? Your plans?! Your fucking reason to become stronger?!"

Anshan replied with a scornful and haughty laugh, barked with spittle and bile. "Hah! Goals? Plans? What does it matter, when such things need power to be done! What do such high ideals mean, when they all end at the same point! Power is all that matters! Becoming stronger is the only reason you need to be stronger! Come, let this senior teach you a proper lesson!"

Anshan moved, at first a walk, but then a determined stride. And it was then that Katha finally drew the Hornsword. Larger than her father's xiphos and slightly-curved, hewn from the horn of the beetle who taught her - no, shaped her into a receptacle that could be taught. Polished alabaster and streaked with electric blue veins, it cast no shadow and caught no light. It seemed ethereal, its reflections not of light, but of will and resolve.

Anshan saw the blade, and began to run. But by then, Katha's fury had grown painfully, frightfully cold.

"You have nothing to teach me," said the scion of the Theodoroi. She closed her eyes, for there was nothing left to see. "In the end, you're just another Blood Path moron, drunk off their power and too blind to see why Heaven cursed you so. Your life has been a waste, and your legacy a poison in the drink of everyone you have ever crossed paths with."

Sneering, Anshan took another step, crossing great distance in a single breath and standing just over an arm's length from Katha. She threw her rope dart once more, wrapping it around the Hornsword just as she had her father's sword. She transmitted a specific frequency along the rope, commanding it to warp space and sunder time to destroy the sword utterly.

But the Hornsword remained unbowed. Hewn from the chitin of a Nascent Soul, it stood proof against such petty blandishments. It remained firmly whole, intact and flawless. Instead the rope dart tore itself to shreds, its own enchantment turned against it. And now Anshan stood, defenseless in the face of a woman just strong enough to threaten her.

So Katha spoke, her face blank, even serene.

"Anshan of the Noble Devil Alliance. For the attempted consumption of one hundred innocent refugees. For the deaths of your countless victims. For the pain you've inflicted on friend and foe alike."

And coldly, with neither feeling nor remorse, offered neither mercy nor pain, but Judgement.

"The Judgement is Death. May your victims know peace with your passage from this Sea."

The Hornsword swung down and struck true. Anshan, held in place a second too long by her own rope dart, was split into halves. She died not long after when her head was parted by a second swing, decapitating her fully.

And as her body fell this way and that and her head did not follow, Katha sheathed the Hornsword and rejoined her men not merely as their Principales, but as a Junior who had struck true above her Great Realm.

The rest of the battle was not even an afterthought.


Returning to camp, however, was not.

First they had to collect the bodies of the cultivators that attacked them, for even Qi Condensation bodies had some worth and the Optimatoi were not known for being particularly wealthy, capable of turning away such resources. This proved troublesome, for Katha had made a mess of two of her enemies, to the groans of her Conterbernium.

Then, they had to find the refugees they saved. This proved easy enough, but took time, and legionnaires who had their blood raised from a hairy battle that could have gone poorly - after days of trudging through humid and muggy plains, mind - found it hard to treat mortal refugees with much kindness.

Then they actually returned to camp, where Katha quickly split the duties before she left to report to Primus Pilus Yangchen. As luck would have it, she was alone, writing orders.

The laugh she barked when Katha gave her report, however, attracted the other Principales to her tent.

"Seriously? A Foundation Establishment? Already?" Draco was sitting down, doubled over from laughing too hard. "Holy shit this is amazing! You're a real chosen, Theodoros!"

"It was her first fight," Principales Heraklus murmured while he looked at his hands. "Her first fight and she killed a Foundation Establishment Expert on her own. The fuck am I doing with my life?"

Optio Arkodas, whose beady eyes and broad nose Katha found ever more bear-like by the day, simply snorted and nodded at her before placing a paw-like hand on Heraklus' back in solidarity.

And Binghai looked at her before simply nodding. "No one died, too. Good work, Theodoros."

Katha, worriedly, finally turned to Centurion Yangchen, who was still sighing wistfully about the whole thing. "You even pronounced judgement, eh?" Yangchen asked, smiling.

"...Y-Yes, Centurion. Before I cut her in half."

Yangchen scoffed. "Well, if I had any doubts - and I didn't - this would have quelled them. You're definitely making Centurion one of these days. Maybe even sooner."

Katha squeaked. She had only just gotten used to being Signifer and managing pay and giving orders. Being Centurion was still a long, long road ahead.

"In any case," Yangchen sighed, "You've done good work, which means that it's going to be its own reward. I'm going to need a written report by tonight, plus names for tonight's guard duty. And I'm still waiting on your treatise on the Righteous and Demonic Paths, Signifer."

Katha paled. "Centurion, I've been on patrol for two weeks. Could I get an extension for my essay?"

"Well," Yangchen said, quill raised to her cheek thoughtfully, "Considering you've just done the impossible and killed a cultivator in the Great Realm above your own… No." She returned to her orders, then looked up at her. "Before sunrise, Signifer. Get."

After several more minutes of begging, Katha left the tent, tail between her legs and hands around her head. It would be another sleepless night.

She should have been a Wandering Cultivator after all.

[Wordcount: 5,666 Words]
Katha Theodoros X1 - Interlude: The Art of the Hunt (Jingshen Bei Wulong 1)
Interlude: The Art of the Hunt

Jingshen Bei Wulong 1

Behold, the Virtuous Flipper Region, perhaps the most pathetic of the Third Turtle Child's corpse parts.

To the west stands the Great Battlefield, where the heirs of the Wei Empire, the Demonic Altar Sect raised by its most ambitious and morally bankrupt son and the Strength Purity Sect elevated by the sacrifice of its last virtuous daughter, battle for time immemorial. To its south lies the Verdant South, breadbasket of the Region and left fat and satisfied by its wealth, too incapable to even fend off the Bees that raid it from the mountains. To the far east lies the Organ Meat Desert, what had once been a lush jungle reduced to barren nothingness, where the fallen heirs of the Sea Conquering Army that has forgotten so much but continue to bear Heaven's great enmity vie for dominance over the auspicious and virtuous Jingshen Clan, whose wealth knows little restraint. Dividing these regions are the Hard Shell Mountains, culminating in Turtlebone Mountain which dominates the landscape.

And within these mountains, to the far north, lies the territories of the Qiguai Clan, who eke out a humble existence managing and selling tokens to the Qiguai Secret Realm, a place of unimaginable wealth in a sea of endless possibility right beyond the Turtle Child's corpse, containing treasures matched only by the sheer danger of the place. Like the Yuan Clan's Man-As-Mountain Array to its immediate south, its direct neighbour, two out of three Cultivators who enter this place never return. Of those who do return, the vast majority will return empty handed, with but trinkets to show alongside mangling wounds and shattered foundations indicating a permanent end to their journey towards everlasting life and power unending.

But there will always be the few, the handful, who return with great wealth and immense power. Those blessed by the Heavens to find the opportunities needed to grasp greatness, as well as the wisdom to snatch them from the jaws of death. Those blessed by fortune and who dance with death regularly, not because they seek death but because they have evaded its embrace time and time again.

Today, within the great palace of the Qiguai Clan, as the grand gates draw power from the Sea Beyond and ready to open once more, a great many souls prepare to stake their lives upon their fortunes, as they have in the past, as they have in the future. Some of them are beautiful, others horrific. Some are Righteous by Heaven, others are monsters in immortal guise. Some of fair skin, others like burnished bronze. Some of great wealth, others from humble beginnings.

All hoping to strike it big. All but a few, who have come to complete a secondary mission at the behest of their Clan.

"In two years, the Qiguai Secret Realm will open once more," said Elder Jingshen Liao, who addressed the Jingshen Clan's most promising or hopeless prospects who sought to find their fortunes through remarkable danger where opportunities at home proved insufficient. "All of you seek to attend it, yes? Then the Grand Elder will not stop you, though War is coming with the Devils to our West. The Grand Elder simply asks that you embark on another quest at the same time, one that promises to be worth your while as well.

"For every Golden Devil you kill in the Qiguai Secret Realm, the Grand Elder promises to you a High-Grade Spirit Stone, enough to raise an aspirant to the height of Foundation Establishment. You will be allowed to keep your gains from the Secret Realm as well, and success will have the Grand Elder consider you well in future taskings for the Clan as well. Such has been stated: fulfill the humble request of the Grand Elder, and you will be blessed. Your virtue will be known, and wealth will follow in great measure."

Such had Elder Jingshen Liao said, a woman of six hundred years who had reached Core Formation despite having barely fought a battle in her life. Such had Elder Jingshen Liao said, as a scion of the True Jingshen who had been born from Grand Elder Jingshen Junjie and a favoured concubine into the lap of luxury from the first day she could draw breath, who could count Grand Elder Jingshen Jiao as an older sister and so establish a virtuous reputation directly. Such had Elder Jingshen Liao said, a woman of silver hair and blue eyes but a black heart as well, knowing full well that the Clan was not so honest, even with its own kin, and almost never agreed to meet its promises one way or another.

They were not lies, of course; the Jingshen Clan never lied, for lies were the domain of devils and the less fortunate, and the Jingshen were a blessed folk. But the truth of the matter was often flexible, and the Jingshen had long considered such flexibility not only a practical application of virtue, but a necessary one. For those of the True Jingshen, their prizes would be given, their favour earned, and that would be that as they returned to their lives in the endless lap of luxury. For those of the Outer Clans, however, their reward would always come with caveats. They would be tied deeper and deeper into the orbit of the True Jingshen, their freedoms limited, their options constrained. They would be celebrated for their deeds and appreciated for their successes, no doubt of that could ever come to be, but there would be no misunderstanding of the dynamic in play. Though the Outer Clansmen had succeeded and done their part, the True Jingshen kept all the cards; and those who would not play with a shoddy hand would find parts of their rewards repurposed as a result, and their favours forgotten quickly or nullified by another slight in the great game of the Jingshen Clan.

Those of the Servant Clans received even less; to be shortchanged was to be expected. To receive anything at all was a blessing in disguise. Every payment came with a lesson in life; to never expect too much, or to reach too far beyond one's own station. But for them, at least, the short shrifting of a Servant Cultivator was constant, consistent, and convenient for both parties. Time was not wasted, and it was already expected practice for Servant Cultivators to expect a thirty percent mark-down on their rewards on a service well done. They had no part to play in the great game of the Jingshen, and that was a blessing.

As the saying went; keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. And for the Jingshen, magnanimous in their virtue and generous with their lessons, there were none closer than family.

But Jingshen Bei Wulong knew all that already. He had heard Elder Jingshen Liao's offer, like all the rest who had come to this place in search of wealth and danger, and gave the reward little mind. As the son of a Core Formation Elder of the Bei Clan, his lot in life was already assured. As the eighth son and seventeenth child, however, his hopes for progression in life were already dashed. And as the son of a Servant Cultivator concubine, his star was destined to never rise very far, no matter what he had accomplished, and how.

Mulling over this, the raven-haired youth of only sixty six clenched his jaw and found his fingers brushing over the silver-plated whalebone frame of his ancestral bow. There was little sense in dwelling on his past or what had brought him to this place. What mattered was his objective in the Qiguai Secret Realm. What he had hoped to accomplish when he fulfilled his objective. What he would be able to do when he emerged. And the meager margin that the Grand Elder had offered in addition to his take here would be a rounding error in comparison to what he hoped to achieve here.

His eyes remained sharp and uncompromising as his mind wandered, considering his objectives once more. His primary goal is, and remains, the acquisition of a powerful treasure that would help him align further with the bow he inherited, as well as other pills and treasures - or reagents powerful or valuable enough to be traded for such pills and treasures - in order to speed cultivation, as well as a treasure that could ease one's Tribulation into Foundation Establishment, a crucial piece of the puzzle for him, who had achieved the Northern Pillar of the Black Tortoise and the Eastern Pillar of the Azure Dragon and in doing so courted Heavenly ire for delaying his ascension.

But this delay had been deemed necessary by him, and if need be he would wait to seize the Southern Pillar of the Vermillion Bird as well. Ultimately, why he had delayed Tribulation was irrelevant. He had, and so he was now almost unmatched in the First Great Realm. This suited him well, and would aid him in the future.

He felt a clap on his shoulder. Wulong turned, a slight craning of his head, and looking back at him was another of his kinsmen, Jingshen Nan Taiqi. Considered handsome by many, his attitude was considered repulsive and so despite his talent he had only courted the attention of a lesser family within the True Jingshen. But that suited Taiqi fine, for his eyes had been affixed upon something greater than the approval of the True Jingshen. "Mulling over yourself again, Wulong? What, you finally think you might die here?"

Wulong looked blankly back at his cousin. "No," he replied tersely. "Death comes or it does not. If it happens, I will deal with it. Fretting over it is a waste of time when I could be preparing instead. Do you think you might die here?"

Hearing this, Taiqi laughed, a deep belly chortle, and he slapped Wulong on the belly five times. Wulong felt almost nothing from each strike, like little more than an insect bite, while Taiqi's arm shook more fiercely with each successive blow. When he was done, his cousin has retrieved both his hands and was holding onto the other by the wrist. "Ancestors, Wulong, that Tenth Heavenstage does wonders for your abs, doesn't it? Makes you real popular with Hainan, eh?"

Wulong looked blankly back at his cousin again, but this time he did not even deign to reply. Taiqi chuckled this time, as much to avoid drawing more attention as it was because his hand was tingling and slightly numb. "Alright alright, keep it to yourself. For the record, you are a lucky bastard, you know that?"

Wulong craned his head. "Half of that is true. I do not consider myself particularly fortunate."

"Well, shows what you know. You aren't actually a bastard, either, because you're legitimate, you ding dong Wulong." Shifting around, Taiqi wrapped his arm - the one that was not still half-clenched from the impact - around Wulong's neck and played idly with the bowstring about him. "Look at this thing, though! Honestly, your brother tells me he still can't believe you can use this thing. I mean, it's your Ancestral Treasure, isn't it? That's something even most Core Elders of the Bei struggle to use. And here you are, in Qi Condensation, wielding an Elder's weapon!"

"Mm," Wulong remarked simply. And while his cousin continued talking, he found that there were at least another eight hours before the Qiguai Realm opened, and he was now caught in Taiqi's embrace without realising. Because he had not cared.

That would have to be reflected upon later. Not caring can lead to problems. Curious, yet concerning. Still, with eight hours to burn and a cousin he could not free himself from, Wulong finally decided that there were better things he could be doing instead.

The Qiguai Secret Realm will be a difficult challenge for him. It would be good to reaffirm his origins, to steady his Path and prepare for the Future.

And so he looked inwards, even as his eyes remained open and his feet remained rooted, and as Jingshen Nan Taiqi quite literally tried to talk his ear off, Jingshen Bei Wulong was busy doing something much, much more important.



First was a memory of little regard.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and all the Jingshen celebrated and made merry as they honoured their ancestors. Across the territories, a scene of absolute opulence graced mortal eyes, wealth beyond even immortal reckoning clear for all to see. Above, along the walls, Jade Tigers had been erected where they would gaze down from above, watchful guardians that kept spirits at bay with their gleaming green eyes and sharp fangs.

Along every street and road, stalls had been erected, each of them bearing great bubbling pots and steaming stacks of wicker containing succulent meat buns and shimmering roasts that dripped with endless flavour, while on stages grand fish as long as a man from head to toe were split from head to fin with single strokes, both preparing for grand feasts and putting on great shows of both martial prowess and piety for all the Jingshen to see, while around them leafy greens delivered across the Great Scorpion Road from the Verdant South were there for all to enjoy, not even needing payment.

And the delicacies were not the end of it. Lanterns were lit across every corner, incense burners hung from every rafter and roof pylon, and everywhere there was a courtyard, great contests were being organised for all the Jingshen to demonstrate their skill and their piety in memory of their great ancestor, who had passed onto them their great wealth. In each and every courtyard and field, performances were given and contests conducted as scions from every corner of the Jingshen demonstrated their skill before their elders in a variety of arts; in calligraphy, in artistry, in demonstration and dance, and only rarely in the martial pursuits. Even the Jingshen Bei, the most martial of the Jingshen, rarely demonstrated their proficiency in the martial arts; their displays were flashy, almost a dance more than anything else, only with flashing fists and steel in place of sweeping moves and streamers.

And just as the food was endless, so too was the vapidity of the displays.

Though nothing grew within the territories of the Jingshen, not even the Main Clan's holdings in the Underworld Spirit Palace, all around available for the taking were leafy greens and scrumptious delicacies from the far west, past the Colossus Foot Steps and brought along the Great Scorpion Road. All this, prepared through backbreaking labour, none of which was performed by the Jingshen. Even a branch family like the Bei, the most martial of the Four, did little such work. Even a branch family like the Bei, the most martial of the Four, knew lives of general comfort.

The majority of the Jingshen, even the Jingshen Bei he called family, knew such life and called it good. For such was their lot in life; they were an auspicious lot, blessed by the Heavens and followers of a Righteous Path. Their wealth was even freely given, generously offered to those in the West, to prosecute their Wars against the Demonic Paths. It was for this magnanimity that their life would be inundated with plenty, and such was the nature of life. Its fairness, demonstrated most keenly by the Jingshen; lead a virtuous life, and you will be blessed with wealth overflowing.

But one young man remained within his family's estate, which was vast but had become barren but for the few servants who remained to mind the premises, not allowed to enjoy the Festival like those of the Clan did due to their low birth and sinful, slothful ways as evidenced by their lack of wealth. While the young man's brothers laughed, and played, and feasted on roast pork and seafood - delicacies, even by the standards of the barren desert that lay around them in every direction for hundreds and thousands of li, to say nothing of the Qi Draining portions - the young man had simply lit his joss sticks in honour of his ancestors, faced eastward as he knelt, his feet tucked together under him as he drew in Qi from the low- and mid-grade Spirit Stones he had arrayed in each cardinal direction and held within his clasped hands. In his mind's eyes, the young man saw not merrymaking or the faces of his ancestors, nor did he see despicable foes to vanquish or meaning in the decadence he lamented all around him.

He saw nothing, but in that empty void he found the lightest fetters of what he had hoped to find. Grasping with empty ghostly hands, the young man reached out for those fetters, trying to pull, to follow, to discover the Dao

And came up short. His eyes opened, and a glance at a nearby water clock indicated that he had lost two hours, cultivating diligently but doing little else. It frustrated him, that he could not delve further along the Direction.

A sigh, and Wulong stood as the Spirit Stones in his grasp and around his chambers crumbled to dust, their empty shells worthless now that the Qi within had been spent. He will need to gather some more to continue, but with the estate emptied it might become difficult for him to find some more. It was little matter; Mao'er was already in Foundation Establishment, and he would hardly miss a mid-grade Spirit Stone when he seemed to hardly even Cultivate in the first place.

As he opened the doors to his chamber, a girl greeted him as she herself was about to reach up to knock. With alabaster skin and midnight crimson hair, it did not take much for her cheeks to flush as she suddenly found herself startlingly close, and it did not take much more for her to step back immediately and bow towards him.

"W-Wulong, please forgive me, I did not realise that you were–"

"Peace, Hainan," Wulong said to her. He did not reach out to touch or comfort her, but his voice seemed to be comfort enough as the girl calmed immediately. "Is it already time for the ceremony? Am I expected to attend?"

"Ah, no… The ceremony is over, your father did not seem to mind your absence so the other Elders did not care." Instead, Jingshen Hainan produced something out from behind her; a lantern, of bright red paper and inscribed with gold character script. "But it's time to light the lanterns, and I wanted us to light one together."

Blankly, Wulong looked at her. His expression did not shift.

"Alright then," he said softly, and he took the lantern from her gentle hands into his calloused ones as lightly as he could, careful for the delicate thing she had made. "Where would you like to go?"


The second memory was foundational, but paltry.

As the child of an Elder of the Clan, Wulong's life was set from the moment he was swaddled in purple spider silks. As a child of a concubine, his prospects were forever stymied by the nature of his birth and the thinness of his blood, and he would be lucky to become an Expert even with the favour of his father, who was a taciturn man even by the standards of Elders who had grown detached from such little affairs. The path of those like Wulong had been walked many times before, and would be walked many times again. If he remained mortal, he would have lived out his life as a low level functionary, enjoying a meager fraction of the Jingshen Wealth and considered it more than plenty. As a Cultivator, he would have never become anything truly great.

But Wulong was not like those before or after him. He was not even like his siblings, who were full-blooded, or his cousins in the Core Clan. While his siblings and peers laughed and played games, always clamouring to be righteous heroes of their make-believe, Wulong rarely even smiled. He was a strange child, who ate little and rarely slept. The servants often found him upright in his bed, looking out the window at the moon, or laying on the stone ground instead of a cushion softer than the clouds. Such behaviour often puzzled the servants, often drove his mother to worry, and were always the butt of jokes from his brothers and sisters and cousins alike. Indeed, Wulong did not say a word until the day he turned six, and had been written off as mute or stupid by his family up to that point. It seemed fated that he would become unremarkable and shuffled off to the side by his family members, who had already begun to consider him a liability, another failure of the blood like so many Jingshen before him and as so many more will be after him.

But one fateful day, while Wulong watched his older brothers play games of archery in a field at their home, Wulong asked if he could play too. As a joke, on a whim, his oldest brother allowed it, and his other brothers watched in anticipation of a great joke or a lofty miracle.

And a miracle did happen, one that did little to change Wulong's image in the eyes of his brothers but did everything to shift his perception in the eyes of his Clan.

The first arrow that Wulong ever fired hit the target board from a hundred paces. It had been fired from a bow as tall as he was, and he had to step on the bow with his feet in order to aim it properly. The arrow had not been drawn fully, and the arrow dipped sharply as it pierced the board far to the left, outside of the circle that had been drawn, nearly out of bounds; had he leaned just a bit more to the left, or had his arm twitched the wrong way, the arrow would have missed by a hair.

But he had hit the target, with a bow as big as he was, at the age of six. The idiot had proven to be a genius after all.

And as his brothers whooped and hollered and picked him up to show him, the target and the tale they had seen with their own eyes to their father, for the first time Wulong felt satisfaction.

For the next ten years, in between his lessons and while he was tested for, and later honed, his talent for Cultivation, Wulong would return to that target, again and again, and fire arrow after arrow. With every arrow loosed, his grip grew steadier. With every target hit, his vision sharpened. And never, not once, did that feeling of satisfaction waver.

By the time Jingshen Bei Wulong had stepped into the First Heavenstage, sensitive to the arts of Qi and aware of the Path to Immortality, his routine had grown such that he fired a thousand arrows a day, without rest, from greater and greater distances. It was exhausting and bitter work, and his arms ached from the exertion, but it had paid great dividends and the pain was transient. The result of his labours were evident even as early as then; the only arrows he ever missed were the ones he thought to miss. And the satisfaction he felt from a shot well fired never wavered.

But he could not pour himself, heart and body and soul, into the Bow any further. Though it brought him satisfaction, Wulong knew little meaning. And though meaningless lives of plenty suited so many of his relatives, Wulong wanted more. He hungered for more.

And when he thought to look for it, he found more.


"Hey, are you even listening?"

Wulong blinked as he turned to his cousin, Taiqi looking back with one eyebrow raised and a sly grin slanting his mouth. A quick glance to the gateway confirmed that the Qiguai Secret Realm is still yet to open, and another glance at a water clock elsewhere told him that it had only been… five hours? Taiqi has been talking for five hours and only noticed that his mind was elsewhere now? Truly, his kinsmen loved to hear themselves talk endlessly.

This will need defusing, however. Taiqi is a thin-skinned bloke, and would not take to realising that he has been summarily ignored very well.

"No," Wulong replied bluntly, his voice as flat and blunt as he could manage it. "My mind was elsewhere because hearing you talk is like hearing the wind blow. Except less peaceful." The desert was a veritable oasis compared to the dryness of his sardonic wit.

Hearing this, Taiqi laughed. "Oh, okay that was pretty good. You're starting to grow a sense of humor, Wulong, I'm so proud! Next you'll actually figure out how to daydream. Anyways, wanted to ask you, how did you get the bow?"

"You know the story, Taiqi. You were there. We were all there."

"Yes, but I was also not paying attention, Wulong. And it's been decades, so humor me. What was it that the Ballad of Bei started with again?" Taiqi hummed as he thought, drumming his lower lip with a finger. "Hmm… 'Time waits for no man' or something?"

Wulong sighed. "Time, as they say, waits for no man.

'Cease thy blandishments', bade Old Bei, as he set aside a book of ten thousand instructions of Right Living and took up ten thousand arrows instead. 'Time waits not for you because your virtue is lacking. Observe.'

Suchly bade, Old Bei let loose ten thousand arrows in the blink of an eye, his bow a symphony of strings and whistles. And in an instant, he clarified the virtue of the Jingshen in a rain of death.'

Taiqi whistled. "Trust the one who won that bow to remember how it goes."

"That was the opening scrawl of a three thousand page saga," Wulong noted blandly. "And I recounted it poorly. There is more to it than that, Taiqi, as you well know."

"Yeah yeah, whatever. Listen," his cousin said to him, and his tone gradually became more solemn. "Are you seriously going forward with the Plan? The stories go that Qiguai's pretty messed up, so it's probably safer to stick together and do what the Grand Elder asked instead. But you're not really like that, so I was wondering what you'd do."

"The Grand Elder made a request, Taiqi. It would be difficult for any clansmen to refuse it."

"It's about as difficult for a twenty two year old Cultivator to win a bow imbued with the powers of a founding ancestor at the height of Core Formation - a bow that just about everyone else has failed to win for five thousand years, by the way - and succeed so well at mastering it that he's kept a family heirloom as his personal Treasure ever since." Taiqi sighed as Wulong continued to look at him, gaze impassive, as if waiting for his point. "Point is, you're actually someone who might get through the Secret Realm and find something legitimately. Something you're not going to get scammed out of, either."

Wulong's gaze remained as impassively oblivious as ever. "It is a request from the Grand Elder. I will not seek them out in particular, but it is no priority."

"Mm." Taiqi heard his words clearly, but remained skeptical that he would stay the course. "Look, just… Be careful, alright? You know what these Devils are like. The ones who come to Qiguai tend to be the scariest, most messed up geniuses of their generation."

"I am well aware, Taiqi."

"And about Hei'en's request–"

"That is a separate matter. Leave it, Taiqi."

"Alright, alright…" Trailing off with a sigh, his cousin looked about for something else to talk about and fill space. That was the thing with Taiqi; he simply could not stand the quiet, where Wulong relished it.

Tracing a lotus on the bow on his back, Wulong drifted back into his thoughts and reaffirmed why he was and what he must do.


The third memory was similarly irrelevant.

Standing with his brothers and sisters, Wulong watched as his brother stood on a field alongside eleven others, dressed in finery as he held a bow in hand and slung a quiver around his waist. Mao'er saw him and his family watch from the plaza above, and he waved back with a flick of the wrist and the same cocky smile he always wore; as the firstborn son, he was in line to inherit everything their father achieved, and as a true scion of the Jingshen his path was both clear and easy to walk from the very first step of his life.

Today, he would demonstrate the certainty of his path as he, as part of twelve promising scions, each of them a Qi Condensation Junior of the highest circle of the Jingshen Bei, demonstrated both their piety and their proficiency with their ancestral weapon before their elders and their ancestors. This day, an anniversary of Ancestor Bei's triumph over one foe or another, the Clear Compass Bow had been drawn out from its place of honour so that something of Ancestor Bei would witness the current crop of juniors, such that they may honour him with his favoured art.

When the order was given, each of them drew an arrow and pulled, aiming at a target so far, it was a mere dot in the distance.

Wulong was only in the First Heavenstage then, and his eyes were not nearly so sharp as the senses of one who stood in the Ninth. Wulong was only twenty two, nothing compared to the elder Experts in the fields of the Evergreen. Wulong could have made that shot in his sleep, twelve times over, from a distance twice of what Mao'er was shooting from.

And the irritation at others who were so far above him being so satisfied with mere mediocrity grew so palpable that his younger brother, Dalin, tugged at his sleeve.

"What's wrong?" Dalin asked, his hair still done up in a braid as customary of children. He was twelve, soon he would be a man and soon his talent would be tested. The sixth son, Dalin was a true scion of the Clan, and as the son of a Core Elder his path was clear, already charted and well trodden. That he looked up to Wulong, a whoreson with no prospects, instead of his other brothers spoke to Dalin's youthful foolishness. Even if Wulong sought to honour that trust whenever he could. "Is eldest brother going to lose?"

Wulong inhaled, then exhaled, then shook his head. "Eldest brother is probably going to win. That annoys me."

Dalin tugged again at his sleeve. They both knew that Wulong was the better archer of the brothers, even despite Mao'er's superior cultivation base. Even in spite of the strength of the Ninth Stage that Mao'er now possessed, even with strength and speed that far outstripped anything that Wulong could even hope to match, the key difference was that Wulong had mastered the bow. Mao'er cared little for it, aside from the acclaim it could win him at this contest only, and he would never use the bow again.

It irritated him. It irritated him deeply. But Wulong would hold his tongue; this contest was meant for firstborn sons, and true scions of the Jingshen besides that. He had no place in the fields; he should be so wise and gracious as to content himself in the plaza above, watching the events unfold below.

"Father will be displeased," Dalin said quietly, and Wulong realised that he had stepped on the lip of the railing, as if he were about to vault over the edge. It was a two floor drop to the ground, and a hundred paces before he reached the position his brother stood at. It was a hopeless distance to cross, and he should not need to bother.

The archers released their first arrows, and every last projectile made the bull's eye. Wulong's irritation flared threefold.

These arrows were treasures, specially crafted to seek out a specific target. The forms of every single one of these archers was flawed, lacking in some manner or another, that sapped the strength of the bow and sent the arrow adrift. This contest was meaningless; it was simply a show, a scripted play, where the winner had been decided from the very beginning by old men instead of decided in the field by young men. They would all succeed, the winner, Mao'er, would win by a hair, and the Clan would all celebrate the exceptional talents of their latest generation.

A vein on Wulong's palm bulged, one of many that did so all over his body. Dalin tugged at his sleeve once more, almost a quiet plea to quash his anger, a fearful concern for the rage emanating from his most measured brother, who did not boast and almost never spoke. He never postured; Wulong simply acted. This was the first he'd ever been so irrational.

Slowly, his leg shaking, Wulong lowered his leg from the railing, but he continued to lean against it, watching the contest intently.

Another tug. Dalin was more forceful this time. "Are you alright?" He asked.

"I am alright," Wulong replied. The next volley was ordered, and he saw Mao'er draw his next arrow, pull, and release.

He had spoken too soon. Mao'er's arrow went wildly off course, so sharply wide that the enchantment on the arrow simply could not compensate. The arrow thumped quietly into the field, unseen and lost forever. A shameful mark on Mao'er's record, to have missed a shot at such an occasion.

A servant then appeared by the target board, jabbing an arrow into Mao'er's bull's eye before ducking once more. The crowd cheered, as if Mao'er had fired the shot himself. He bowed, peening before his audience like a peacock, as if he had turned a failure into an impossible victory with skill, not his position.

It was too much. Wulong could stand it no longer. Despite Dalin's pleas he leapt from the plaza, landing in a roll and charging right at his brother. Mao'er, busy drinking in the crowd's adulation, did not see his brother barrelling towards him. He was knocked over immediately, and Wulong tore his bow out of his hand.

"What the hell are you doing?!" Mao'er shouted, his face red with shame and anger. "You spit on our traditions, Wulong! Father will be furious at what you have done!"

Wulong did not respond to him. Wulong did not even look at him. He held his brother's bow in hand instead, testing its weight before pulling an unmarked arrow from Mao'er's quiver, one that had not been blessed as a treasure, and took aim. It would only be a few seconds before proctors arrived to evict him. Less than that before Mao'er grabbed his foot and wrestled him to the ground, and while his brother was incapable at archery, skill mattered less in physical contests like wrestling, and his brother stood eight Small Realms above him.

None of that mattered. All that mattered in this moment and the next was the shot. It had to be perfect.

If none of his seniors could honour the Ancestor Bei properly, he would do so for all their sakes.

In less than a heartbeat Wulong had sighted, drawn, and released an arrow, before he was dragged down to the dirt by his brother and had his arms and legs held in a lock. Wulong did not care to resist; he watched his arrow instead, graceful in its flight. It did not reach the target board, not even close, missing it by a hundred paces too high.

Half a second later, when Wulong was dragged onto his feet by Mao'er, his arrow met its mark as it struck the end of Mao'er's failed arrow and sent it spiralling into the air. As it fell, its enchantment took effect once more and it shot out towards the target board, where it struck the bull's eye straight through the back. So precise was the treasure that the arrow lodged into the board by a servant was forced out, yet its own enchantment remained live, and it had not been shot by a contestant's bow and had not been keyed to a single board, yet it demanded to fly true.

Spurred on by Wulong's actions, the arrow proceeded to pierce every board at once, before toppling the entire foundation upon which the targets stood upon.

With one arrow, Wulong had laid low twelve targets. All while aiming for a target far smaller than what the other twelve contestants had needed to hit, at a target a third further than what they shot at, which he could not even see as it had become hidden and entirely obscured by the grass of the Evergreen fields.

None of this mattered as Wulong was hauled before the Elders of the Bei Clan, his wrists held together by Mao'er and red from rough treatment. And as his oldest brother roared angrily, demanding - demanding! A Junior making demands of Elders! - that their father punish him for such impudence, Wulong closed his eyes.

Then, Mao'er's hands released his wrists. And his hands became filled with something.

The crowd, which had been loud and jeering him just moments ago, now stood completely silent.

When Wulong opened his eyes next, the Clear Compass Bow was now in his hand. The Jingshen Bei's ancestral Treasure, a bow that has known no wielder since Jingshen Bei himself, a weapon fit for a Core Elder of the highest grade was now in his possession.

And from the expressions of all those around him, none of them had placed the bow in his hand.

Breathing deeply, in and out, Wulong looked up at the even face of his father, Elder Jingshen Bei Wushen, who had fought bravely against the Battle Blood Cannibals before Manuel Konstantinos had slaughtered them entirely and forced them from the Desert, and who once killed a Core Elder a grade above him with a single shot from ten thousand li away. An archer worthy of respect, and a man Wulong hardly knew.

His father, watching him, eventually nodded once.

And so the crowd that had gathered, a crowd that had once booed and jeered at him, now cheered as the winner of the contest was chosen, an impudent young man who simply wished to make his outrage known.

A whoreson of an Elder, Jingshen Bei Wulong. Who came from nothing and was meant to be nothing, but who would become something great because he refused anything else.



"That stupid bitch took it all from me!"

The fourth memory was irritating, but obligatory. Wulong opened his eyes and watched as his cousin, Jingshen Hei'en of the Core Jingshen Clan, rant and rave around and about his family's personal villa. It was a vast property, Hei'en's personal estate, and it stood vacant but for the servants that minded it for most of the year. Wulong was only here because Hei'en had requested it, and Hei'en had only requested it because he knew where Wulong planned to be in ten years or so.

They had all heard the stories about what had transpired in the Yuan Mountains. A young Golden Devil of the First Heavenstage had soared into the Twelfth through discovering some great legacy of the Yuan Mountains, demonstrating insane talent that promised to shake the world if she continued at this pace. Even disregarding Hei'en's grudge, it behooved Wulong to prevent this from happening. But it mattered not; others would do so for him, if all went as planned.

Hei'en, however, had other plans.

"I was the one who should have found that fucking beetle!" Hei'en roared, and he threw a priceless vase at the ground, shattering it into shards and dust. "Me! I should be standing in the twelfth, and she should be fucking dead!"

Wulong held his tongue, waiting to see if there was anything else his betrothed's older brother wanted to say. Mercifully, he was finally done, seething as he looked at Wulong and waited for him to say his piece.

"How can I make this right, Hei'en?" Wulong asked.

Hei'en clenched and relaxed his fists. Then, he grabbed Wulong by the shoulders and brought him close, until they saw each other eye to eye. "I want you to make her suffer," Hei'en said, his eyes wild and unhinged. "I want you to break her, bit by bit, piece by piece. I want her to get close to a great treasure before you dismantle her with your arrows and make her rue the day she crossed the Jingshen! And then when that is done, when she is broken and when you have broken her, kill her and watch her scream."

Wulong stood silently. He parsed Hei'en's words; then, he parsed Hei'en's reactions. Hainan's older brother was dishevelled and distraught; he had not been minding his appearance for a long time, and it showed. His grooming was inept; he had even neglected basic grooming, such that his facial hair was unkempt and patchy, though he had prided in being clean-shaven before.

It sat poorly with him, to extend the fate of a mark so unnecessarily like this. But Hei'en was family; he would be his brother-in-law soon, once his marriage with Hainan was confirmed. The Jingshen Clan was not a place of equality, but it was a Clan. Family mattered to the Jingshen, and Wulong intended to prove that statement.

"It will be so, brother," Wulong said to Hei'en. "I'll kill her in the Qiguai Secret Realm. Then, our debt will be paid."

"Very good, Wulong," Hei'en laughed. "Very, very good. At least you're still reliable. And you're the only one who could do this; all the Experts are currently busy doing one thing or another."

That drew Wulong's attention. "Busy with what, Hei'en?"

"Nothing of importance, don't you worry. Listen, whatever trinkets of her you bring back, I'll pay for them. Anything to remember the wrongs that bitch dealt me; wrongs you will right for me, haha!"

Wulong watched impassively. "Tell me how she looks," he said.

"You can't miss her; keep an eye out of beautiful redheaded, fair-skinned Devils with a streak of silver in her hair. Or don't; you're Jingshen Bei Wulong! Just kill them all until she dies too!"

That sat poorly with him. Wulong resolved only to kill her, as his soon-to-be brother-in-law desired.


The fifth and final memory was no memory at all, and Wulong opened his eyes.

In minutes, the Qiguai Realmgate will open. There was now a sea of people, milling at the entrance waiting to cross into the sea beyond. Amongst them, Wulong saw a ponytail of brilliant red hair. In it, he caught streaks of silver. He tightened his grip around the Clear Compass Bow, and Taiqi clapped him on the back in preparation for the hunt.

In minutes, it would be time to begin.

And Katha Theodoros would die to his arrows.


A/N: Some background for the Jingshen who wrecked Katha's shit in Qiguai during Turn 12, burning through two LSTs and crippling her in the aftermath. That made for such a good story that I knew he had to become Katha's rival, and therefore the result is the backstory you see right above you, with several other caveats. If I have the time I'll get the rest of the Qiguai Saga up and running, as Wulong absolutely wrecks Katha with trick arrows, raw skill and a bow that is not as Righteous as the Jingshen would have you believe. And after his mark is taken away from him not by her own efforts but by the inscrutable will of fate and the Qiguai Realm, Wulong will return home and see his efforts turn to ash alongside the rest of his decrepit Clan.

From there... Who knows? Point is, this is probably the best set of awful rolls I could have gotten. (Near-)Death is nothing compared to sick character beats!
Katha Theodoros 12 - The Stranger Lurks
Katha Theodoros 12 - The Stranger Lurks

"Alright." Rathos groaned, a hand clutching at his side. Blood had seeped from the wound there, but now the injury had closed, though some pain still remained.

Standing opposite him, Katha stood, his twin in every regard but appearance. Years of rigorous training and missions beneath the banner of the 501st Legion have seasoned her to battle and struggle, but they have not weathered her skin as much as her soul. Unlike her bronze-fleshed kin, she remained fair-skinned, her hair remaining a brilliant red streaked with the odd flash of grey metallic silver - so far, the only concession her body has to her Clan's bloodline.

"Are you sure?" She asked, concerned but not overly much. Her blood was different, but his was bronze through and through, an unusually strong expression one normally only saw at the peak of Foundation Establishment. There was no response from Rathos for more than a moment, which prompted her to ask again, but then her brother raised his free hand, then held a finger up. Don't even, he said without words, with a simple gesture.

He did not even do it with the rude finger. That spoke volumes about how hard he was thinking. Normally, something this crass and meaningless was common between family - their family, at least. The fact that he was not flipping her off made Katha more concerned than anything, in fact.

But she listened, and waited, and watched as Rathos took stock of his situation. With a fim stab she planted the Hornsword into the ground, letting it stand upright, bright red blood on its tip to mix with the sands and the earth beneath their feet.

Slowly, her older twin brother took a deep breath, then a second, a third and a fourth, before finally exhaling firmly through clenched teeth. His fists were clenched as he withdrew his arms and brought them before him, both hands held at the front as both guard and threat. A flex, a thought, and tesselated gravebronze gauntlets flew up from the ground in segments to reassemble about his forearms and fists as a single seamless whole, patterns and runes the only tell of the secret of his weapons.

Katha thought that his gauntlets were overdone, overdesigned, and overly flashy. But she carried a shaving of a Nascent Soul around as a sword, so what did she know?

"Try me again," Rathos said. And so Katha took one step towards him. Two steps. Three.

She lunged at him the moment her feet left the ground. The Hornsword was drawn in a flash, wind like razors whipping around her. And in that instant, Katha Theodoros turned into four. Four blurs of red. Four pale-skinned phantoms. Four swords of unbreakable nascent chitin.

Rathos exhaled and punched once, twice, thrice. Segments of his gauntlets flew off, winged blades cutting through each of his sister's phantoms. The first turned the leading image to smoke. The second eliminated the trailing image from the running. The third was a gamble, as it always was. Mind games, always with the mind games. From the first day they could see, and see that they were not alone, each of the twin scions of the Theodoroi had been drawn to a single fate. Like all twins, their destiny was preordained; struggle together as perfect compliments, or struggle against one another as evenly matched rivals.

His flesh was bronze, flowing metal from the stars, legacy of a great empire that sought to do great things and claim great lands. Her mind was sharp like the blade she now wielded, keenly sharp even as it turned inwards more than outwards. They are, in a word, complimentary. Together, they make one half-competent Cultivator, a proper heir to their mother, who was herself a proper heir. But then their mother died before her time, and what would have been a complimentary pair turned into a competing whole.

And though he was the smarter one by far, or at least the one who loved to read books, she was the one who read people. The basis of her skill at arms and her talent in command is, and remains, her ability to judge her opponents and assess their decisionmaking based off that profile.

That profile would determine how she placed her copy and how she would place herself. And he knew that. And she knew he knew. And so on, and so forth. Once more, the eternal struggle, the dance between twin siblings, the forever game of chicken, They were matched, but she held the edge. She always did in these games.

Rathos had one gauntlet-shard left, and time was running out. To go second is risky, but not as risky as heading first. To go third is to benefit from a buffer, but to risk not committing. Risk and reward. Commitment and reaction. The perennial question of the battlefield; how much do I gamble?

Katha Theodoros, believed the man who knew her longest, is a girl who does not gamble. She is conservative with her bets and frugal with her money. Gambling, to her, is not a worthwhile pursuit.

…Unless she were betting by herself, with no impact on anyone else. Then, she would spend, and though she would keep a reserve as the cautious girl she is would try to do, she would do the next best thing to throwing everything of value she owned at the jackpot, for the sake of a potentially valuable payout. That is what happened at the Yuan Man-As-Mountain Array, over twenty years ago. And it proved this hypothesis beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Rathos struck, and with his third and final gauntlet-blade, sliced the second Katha Theodoros, a cut along the collarbone and a hammer blow ready to knock the wind out of her.

The second image shimmered and vanished in a cloud of dust, and then it was too late. Katha was upon him.

The Hornsword whipped the wind in its wake, the ringing of its passage deafening. The sands it - and she - threw up smelled of grime and dust. The sweat he shook off with each blow glistened in the daylight. First contact was made with the Hornsword glancing off the flat of his left forearm's protectors, a blow just sloppy enough to be genius. The edge, rebounded, approached his neck at an odd angle, at a speed fast enough for the Hornsword to claim it even with his bronze constitution.

And as his sister claimed the second round of their match, the flat face of the Hornsword struck him clean in the side of the head, sending him tumbling over like the blades of a windmill, the entire left side of his face exploding into a red-white mess as cacophonic ringing overtook his hearing for an instant.

The next thing Rathos knew, he was chewing on sand. Pushing himself upright, feeling nauseous, he spat and coughed grains of sand onto the field while his sister stroked him on the back between the shoulder blades, patting him lightly yet firmly as if he were a baby who had just been fed. But he supposed that comparison worked for him too, just as it did almost fifty years ago.

After all, he felt like crying too. And that it was mostly because he felt like throwing up was entirely irrelevant.

Once again, Katha Theodoros had bested him in a duel. Like it was before she struck into the Twelfth Heavenstage, and like it will be until he crosses the Lightning and defies Heavenly Tribulation.


"By the Imperator are you okay? I am so sorry, I miscalculated the bracer bounce and I had to keep from cutting your head off but it wound up not even helping at all and I'm just--"

Rathos raised a hand at her, and she promptly shut up. Then, he raised a finger, a wordless 'shut up' to fill the dead air, and Katha smiled. Laughed, even, belly chortles escaping from where they were born and where they belonged.

Crass things like these between siblings were a lot more comforting than the 'normal', or the 'right' ways of doing these things, really. The only thing that could have reassured her more was--

"Fucking hell, Katha, were you trying to kill me?" Rathos snarled with pain and pulled his hand free, left eye still firmly shut as he turned it to show his sister the full extent of her handiwork. "Be honest, how much is Marlissa going to kill me, then you?"

There was bruising, bronze intermingled with black and blue already, but the swelling was already going down. Katha sucked tersely on her teeth; to tell the truth, or to mess with him… Well, she did nearly perform fratricide by accident during a friendly spar. He deserves the truth. "She'll probably just kill me. You're bruised, but otherwise you are perfectly fine."

"Well, that promises to be fun for future me to deal with," her brother said before he deflated, sighing wistfully. He flicked his right arm and drew back the gauntlet segments, then the left for the same. Then, fingers unfurled and splayed, he disassembled the gauntlets entirely, each individual segment floating freely just centimeters off his skin, and gently he returned them to a box by his side, arranged and preserved perfectly in cutouts sized precisely for them. "So, where did you learn that? The Technique Palace?"

"Your gloves are overdone as all hell, man," Katha said as she shook her head, before she sighed wistfully. She planted the Hornsword into the sand and rubbed her own wrists, her forearms bare but for the bandages she wrapped around them; padding to keep the inner lining of her bracers from irritating the skin. Irrelevant now that she had crossed into the Twelfth and her skin was, quite literally, proof against most kinds of steel. But it was habit, and it helped her focus. "So… when do I get my own set?"

"When you get me the proper materials, obviously," Rathos replied with an eyebrow raised. Katha passed him a towel at this point, which he received gratefully before pressing it against his face. When he peeled it off, the towel was coated in a thin but packed layer of dirt and dusty sand, intermixed with facial oils and no small amount of blood. "Family discount is one thing, but you do still need to get me the material I can work with. Even Gravebronze is fine - hell, especially Gravebronze is fine. Also, you didn't answer my question at all. Where did you learn that?"

"The technique palace," Katha nodded. "You've been there too, right?"

"Yeah, decades ago. I learned how to touch fire without getting burned. Among other things." He plunged his hands into the sand, halfway up to his forearms, then pulled them free without ceremony. His hands, far from calloused and scratched, were still inlaid with shimmering bronze. His hands have never been cut, or bruised, or suffered significant abrasion. The Bronze is, and remains, strong in him. She may have diverged and found a different path, but his expression of the Gift is, and remains, the strongest that she knows of. "It's useful for array work and crafting. Let me tell you, being able to write array script onto metal while it is still malleable in the forge is a godsend for getting things done better, and for detail. My gauntlets would have taken years if I couldn't have skipped so many steps."

"Can't imagine it was easy learning to use them," she said with a not-quite sigh, more an extended breath. This is the first they have seen one another in years, with her brother earning his Mechanikos chevrons at the Dawn Fortress and her own extended service with the 501st Legion, crushing a Blood Path encampment that would otherwise be in position to strike at the Scorpion Road headed to the east. "What else can you do? Just flying blades to extend punching range?"

"Nah, they're tesselating for a reason. With the right commands and assembly you could remake them into just about anything; weapons, shackles, a shield, even a ski." He chuckled and shook his head sadly as he pushed the box aside, containing his as-yet masterpiece. "Right now, though, they'd make a really pitiful shield. Not enough material for anything really good, and against any attack with real impact they'll just break. Anything more substantial either needs higher grade Gravebronze, or more of it so it covers up to the shoulder."

Bracers that can become a shield, proofing against ranged fire and providing concealment without affecting mobility. It could be quite useful for ranking officers in the future, or even just for the common legionnaire if costs can be kept down. Elegant, yet effective. One would not think a bloodline prodigy like her brother would think of anything but the most direct solution to any given problem, considering the strength he has known all his life. "You're a nerd, you know that right?"

"Yeah yeah, laugh it up." Rathos extended a hand and Katha took it, pulling her brother onto his feet after bracing herself. Twelfth Heavenstage or not, he was heavy, and balance was key to leveraging anything heavier than yourself. "So… The Technique Palace, huh? What's behind that one?"

"I can open any attack with spectral copies of myself. Limit's four at the moment, but that's because of me more than the technique. Could push it to seven, in fact. Each one looks exactly like me and casts the same shadow." She shrugged. "If you don't know what to hit, you won't know what to stop. Perfect for any first strike."

"Right, but what's the trick behind it? Twelfth Heavenstage techniques are rare for a reason, and that one was one of them."

She sighed and rolled her eyes. This was the kind of secret you shouldn't push from other people, even if it were her own twin brother. Still, they are alone, and while she was impressive for her age, she was not that impressive anyhow. "The trick is that they're all me. Not one is actually fake. The one that makes contact becomes the real me, the rest become ghosts." She poked him hard on the forehead, and for once her fingers did not jar more than he did. "And that is all you are getting, dude. I'm already working on the drawbacks, but you are not getting to figure those out."

Rathos winced, but his eyes remained wide with wonder. "Wow, that's… That's a pretty cool technique. Goes to show what the Twelfth lets you do, huh? I don't think anyone in Foundation could even approach that sort of control, the sheer amount of interplay you have to do with your Qi to even allow that sort of technique, the amount of pre-planning it has to make so that you don't break your brain concerning you now exist in multiple places with multiple eyes is just--"

He caught himself this time, before Katha could poke him again in the forehead. "Right, right, sorry. That's one hecker of a technique, though, really is."

"Yeah. And it's not my Twelfth Heavenstage technique. That one relies on capabilities unleashed in the Eleventh." She turned away from Rathos as his eyebrows widened and his mouth opened slightly, betrayal painted over his features. "The Technique Palace taught me a technique for the Twelfth Heaven Stage, and that one is going to have to remain a secret. Not even you get to know what I'm doing with that one, sorry."

Rathos wracked his mind, shoving his frustration aside as his mind worked, doing the one thing it did best. They fought twice and she opened with the same technique, yet both times he was caught flat out, doing the same thing and getting the same result. That was, in itself, highly unusual. He looked back on their past bouts and found that, while he could remember the second in perfect clarity, the first remained a hazy blur, blanketed by a flash of red and weakness in his side. Perhaps it was the wound he suffered that caused him to miss out key information… But that was just one possible answer.

Each of the four Olympian Keystones crossed a threshold for the budding Cultivator. At the Tenth, your body is flushed of all imperfections and you reach the peak of your physical ability - within your Realm, at least, and things like chronic ails simply no matter anymore. At the Eleventh, your Qi is similarly purified, granting you exceptional efficacy with its use and respiration. Control as close to perfect as can be won so soon and so young, which will be invaluable up to and including Core Formation. And the Twelfth was…

The Twelfth purified the Soul - or, to be more specific as literature on the subject suggests, the connection between the Soul and the Body. The first step to Nascent Soul Cultivation, the kind of height he would likely never reach but which was worth contemplating anyways. A stage that, once reached, would ease cultivation within the Nascent Soul Realm, the secrets of which he was not privy to - but which he had heard whispers of, the agonies therein enough to drive younger, lesser Cultivators to madness.

The same Keystone that had no bearing on Foundation or Core stages, except in one key area. Well, no, two key areas: The first was invaluable in its own way, in the current era, though as part of the Clan there was no reason he would ever have to experience this: Resistance to Soul Emanations, whether from a Nascent Soul - who could trivially kill you either way - or from a Single Pillar King… Of which there were so few, he could count them all on two hands, the dead ones included. And of which five were of the Clan.

The second key area was Demonic Tunes. Or, otherwise… the manipulation of perceptions.


"...It involves memory erasure, doesn't it?" Rathos asked, and Katha's step half-stumbled, only crossing half of her normal stride. He laughed, knowing that he cracked some of the code. "Didn't think you had it in you! Twelfth Heavenstage does a lot, doesn't it?"

"To call it memory erasure would be a bit much," Katha replied, though she did not turn around to face him. "More like… a sheathe. Or, I guess, a looking glass?"

"Trust you to couch it in sword metaphors," her twin brother said with a wistful shake of the head. "What's the catch for this one? Hold on, lemme guess… Only once per opponent."

"If I need to use it more than once on an opponent, then I've already failed."

"I'm impressed though! I doubt that the Technique Palace ever expected to be able to teach anything from its Twelfth Heavenstage catalogue. Most people don't even bother crossing into the Twelfth, and generally it is only as a stopover to the Thirteenth. You, sister, are a rare breed."

"...The Ninth Prince did it too."

"And he is a traveller from a distant land who is one of the paragons of the Great Era," Rathos replied laconically. "You're doing just fine, Katha, just fine. Dad's proud of you, I'm proud of you, and I'm sure mom would be too."

Then, his face fell. "So why are you still going to Qiguai? If you wanted, you could hit Foundation tomorrow. I'm sure Aretaphilla Myia wouldn't mind if you didn't go all the way."

"Frankly, she might prefer it," Katha said. "She hates competition. Well, no, she likes it… But mostly to destroy it."

"Class act," Rathos said blandly. "But you aren't answering my question. Why are you still pushing?"

She did not look back, and he continued to look at the back of her head. For the next three seconds, each waited for the other to make the first move. What had once been playful banter filling the air between two siblings that were closer than anything else was becoming an increasingly stark and increasingly vacant space. Distance between brother and sister.

Or, perhaps, Katha Theodoros and the rest of her world.

"...There's something I want to find out," is all she said in reply, eventually. "And Qiguai is where I'll find it."

"If you're talking about old family secrets," Rathos pointed out, "We could just hit up that old Theodoros vault in the mountains grandpa gave us a map to. Seriously, I'll leave tomorrow. We can leave now, if that's what you really want. Just not that hellhole, come on." He held his tongue, considering his words and then considering them again, before he finally blurted out, "You aren't cannon fodder anymore, Katha."

She continued to stand there, considering those words. A half turn, as she started to face him, before she stopped. Then, Katha started to walk away, footsteps so light that she barely left any impression in the sands behind her.

"...You forgot your sword!" Her brother cried out, one last attempt to bring her back.

"No," she replied, her back turned and her eyes forward, "I didn't."


The next morning, the Hornsword was gone.

And so was Katha Theodoros.


"The Qiguai Secret Realm? You're not exactly hurting for power, kid."

It was happenstance, coming across Centurion Yangchen in the Dawn Fortress. She had just filed for an administrative leave of absence from her duties to participate in the Qiguai Secret Realm Contest, and her old superior happened to be running an errand for the Legate; she was in the Dawn Fortress for other reasons, checking in on her grandson whose name Katha could not remember, and was in the area. Some might have called Katha's encounter with the Grey Phoenix of Black Blood Bay a stroke of good luck; she herself did not know what to make of it.

They had done the usual song and dance at first. Yangchen asked her about her grandfather's health, Katha told her about the recent comings and goings about her life, they commiserate about her service at the Great Battlefield under her wing. Once again Yangchen asserted that she was going to make Centurion sooner rather than later, which made Katha blanch; she was already pulling Centurion rates, and was at least theoretically in command of a Century. That was likely to be staffed sooner or later, possibly partway through the coming war.

But then Yangchen noticed the jade slip she held in her hand and asked about it.

"Ah, I was filing some paperwork with the Department of War earlier, tendering leave. They needed my Legate's permission to allow it, so I needed her to inscribe a jade slip."

Yangchen's eyes had narrowed; what legionnaire took leave on the eve of a major war? It took some prodding, but Katha eventually told her of what she had planned, expecting a scolding or some grandmotherly nagging.

"Do you plan on pursuing the Lonely Pillar Path?" Yangchen had asked, steaming tea resting on its plate before her. They had made for a nearby break room; Yangchen's nephew's friend's wife's sister's grandson worked here, and would turn a blind eye to people outside of their section drinking their tea. Which she was pointedly not doing, at the moment. "Become another Rina Callista? You definitely have the meteoric rise for it."

Katha held her teacup in her hands; it was scalding hot, but she did not feel the burn anymore. Spend long enough and be strong enough, and drinking scalding hot tea was no longer worth the dares in a tent on a slow evening in the guard post. She had not taken a sip yet, either. Too busy thinking. "I'm… not sure. Maybe?"

"Definitely have the career for an upstart legend," Yangchen nodded, and with finger and thumb she stroked across her bangs once. "Killed a Foundation Expert in your first ever patrol, even though we both know you got lucky finding an idiot. Snatched up immediately by a Legate when you mustered out of your current tour of service; a Single Pillar King no less. Not Callista herself, but Aretaphilla Myia isn't a bad horse to hitch your carriage to either. The Thousand Song Siege was a work of art. And you definitely have the Will and the Drive to make it work," the old phoenix said with an aching sigh, almost like it was a shame that she fit so well. "And honestly, you have a grudge against Heaven, no? What was it you told me way back when… You wanted to become strong enough to Judge the Heavens?"

Katha, cheeks flushed, brought her tea closer. It was not clear whether it was the heat or the question, but Yangchen knew it was irrelevant and Katha knew protesting was futile. "I… Yes, I do. But… Your other question is difficult to answer, Centurion."

"Of course it is. You know what I'm like." Yangchen's tone seemed like she was making a joke, but her face remained gravely even. "You've definitely gotten seasoned, that's for sure. Heard what happened with the Giant Slayers. Your Legate has excellent tastes in carriages."

"She does
not, please don't joke about that."

"And she's definitely not a fan of Heaven, either," Yangchen continued without missing a beat, sagely nodding as she stroked her chin. "Do you want to be a Single Pillar King? It's an easy road to accolades, and honestly, lots of people think you're walking that path already. Most people don't hit Twelfth and stay there."

"Most people don't hit the Twelfth at all, Centurion."

"Also true," Yangchen admitted, and she finally picked up her teacup, not to drink from it but to swirl the liquid within, particles whirling as she watched them, as if reading something. "You haven't answered my question, though. Do you want to be a Single Pillar King?"

"...I don't know," Katha admitted. "I've committed to one path this entire time, and honestly I'm already certain what I'd call my Dao, but… The Single Pillar is uncompromising."

"All Daos are uncompromising," the Grey Phoenix said, still sagely looking at her teacup and swirling it as if it were a toy, not a beverage. "That's the entire point. I've been trying to align my Pillars for a hundred years and at this rate I might be aligning them for a hundred more. If you want to hone yourself fully and climb the ladder, you need to commit and not let anyone tell you otherwise."

"Yes, Centurion, I know. But the Single Pillar Path is…" Katha sighed, then swallowed her tea all at once. It was not to her taste, and she found it a struggle not to stick out her tongue and begin scraping the flavour away.

"It's bitter, isn't it," Yangchen mused.

"I don't think I like that flavour," Katha muttered.

"I meant Cultivation."

"I know, I'm trying to pretend you didn't."

"Ultimately, whether you wish to walk the Lonely Pillar or to follow the Orthodoxy is up to you; power is power, and being able to exert your Dao at other people at such a young age is, frankly, overrated. It's wasteful and you're just going to draw attention to yourself anyways. Both roads have virtues and vices." Yangchen stopped swirling her tea, finally looking Katha dead in the eye. "But you're going to have to choose sooner or later, Kathalena Theodoros. Once you grasp the Fourth Keystone, there is no turning back. You
will be on the Single Pillar Path, like it or not. I'd advise you to choose quickly. Or don't; the Clan has many Kings, but it can always use more. The Archgetes seems to like them."

As far as Katha knew, there was no requirement to cross into the Single Pillar after reaching the Thirteenth Heavenstage. However, there were no signs of anyone ever assembling Dao Pillars the normal way after the Five Element Tribulation, and she had never heard of any Thirteenth Heavenstage Aspirant encountering a normal Tribulation. It was food for thought in a way she had not realised; it was not a hard and fast rule, but if she was not ready to walk that path, she would be better off not facing that Lightning.

"...Yes, Centurion. Thank you for your wisdom."

"And thank you for listening. Qiguai's a deathtrap, but if you think it will give you an epiphany, then go right ahead. You're not under me anymore anyhow, and Aretaphilla Myia doesn't mind letting the golden goose go out and play chicken with the chariot races. Hopefully you'll just pull what you did at Yuan again and show this old bird that you really are blessed." Firmly and at once, Yangchen knocked back her tea as well, swallowing it all at once. Her face seized up immediately, like she had just swallowed a large pebble by accident.

"...It's bitter, isn't it?"

"Diaochan's grandson has shit taste," Yangchen muttered. "Well, he
did replace his tongue with a flute, so that might be why. Anyhow, I should get going and so should you. Try not to die in the mountains, kid. Been to too many funerals in my time."


The mountains, as they say, have ears. The Quiet Peaks are no exception.

And when Katha strode through the gates of the palace of the Qiguai Realmgate, all eyes turned to her. Qi Condensation Juniors, just like her, had come from across the Region, all manner of cultures and all manner of dress, bringing forth their skills to test their luck against the will of the Scale of the Turtle Emperor. She saw scions of the Ma Clan, disciples of Strength Purity Sect, the savage junior mercenaries of Gao Clan. Juniors who were twice her age, Juniors who were four times her age, those who had come to test their mettle to rise to the next stage or die trying in this most hellish of places. Even her own clansmen, their bronzed skin now a more common sight in the Righteous Lands, though they remained segregated in their own wing of the Realmgate.

And every last one of them turned to watch as she arrived, the Hornsword on her back, Elissa's Armour resplendent upon her frame. The Pale Devil Herself, a junior so talented and vaunted that she stepped past three Olympian Keystones in ten years. Who had found the great treasure of the Man-As-Mountain Array and claimed it for herself. Who was now here, surely to acquire a great legacy that all would despise her for finding.

Twenty years ago, as a guest of the Yuan Clan, she shied from attention and withdrew from even her own kinsmen. She was uncertain, and angry, and had lost her way despite knowing the path ahead. Power was all she sought at the time, and she did not cherish the life she had. Power, she thought, would come if she risked it all. Her life was worth sacrificing if it offered the slightest chance of making the cut.

She had been told differently, by a princeling who had everything and yet wanted none of it. She was taught differently by a Nascent Soul who found her wanting but still took her in. And she knows better now, because sacrifice without purpose is the same as pouring blood on the ground and hoping flowers will grow.

Katha let the gazes slide off her, instead joining her kinsmen in their wing of the Palace; there were fewer Golden Devils this time, for war was on the horizon, though how soon no one could say for sure. She extends greetings and is greeted, meets with Legionnaires twice her age or older, old soldiers who had campaigned for decades and who were here at the end of their lifespans in a bid to make something of themselves. A few were younger, not at the end of their lifespans but nearing the Great Circle; talented individuals who sought great wealth and fortune in such a dangerous place. They were fools; but then, she was in the Twelfth and she was still here. So who was more the fool? The poor man who seeks riches? Or the rich man who seeks answers? For a question he does not even know, at that?

There was no good answer. She could spend hours pondering why, and the why was not important yet. Grappling with it… Came later. Instead, Katha returned to her kinsmen as they waited together for the Realmgate to open.

They shared war stories; all listened intently when it came to her turn as she talked about her experiences at the Great Battlefield, all laughed when she described her victory over the Expert as 'the final word in assisted suicide', and they thought her humble for downplaying her achievements like such. They were older and seasoned, but they deferred to her, for her cultivation was superior and her sword of Nascent Chitin.

All the while, time and again, Katha felt the heavy, bitter gaze of the Jingshen Clan on her back. They kept special attention to her hair, the silver streak amongst red locks making her distinct. How that was what differentiated her, a fair-skinned woman, from bronzed kinsmen was beyond her. But she wasn't the only fair-skinned Golden Devil here; not all took so strongly to the blood, and not all who did developed Skin of Bronze.

Their presence was not unexpected; as members of the Righteous Path, the Jingshen too took their cut of the Righteous Pot. But their attention drew Katha's consideration, such consideration leading to private Judgement. Their eyes were not merely on Katha alone, but on all Golden Devils who attended this place. She drew the bulk of their attention, but they all drew their ire. The Jingshen were never on good terms with the Golden Devils, but this was no mere bitterness… It was like sharks circling their prey, smelling blood in the water.

"You sure? War's coming, Katha."

"Wait, for real? Should… Should you really be telling me this?"

"You're one of my Piluses, of course you should know. War's coming against the Jingshen, and you still want to head to Qiguai right now?"

"...Yeah. The gate won't be open for another twenty years if I miss this, and I have some--"

"Done. Hope you enjoy missing out on the DI's moment of triumph, Centurion XXI… Though, I don't think the Centurion
will be missing out. Oh, by the way, the Jingshen might be suspecting something already. Don't be too surprised if they decide to do something stupid in there."

So, once again her one-eyed silver Legate was right on the money. The Jingshen might be trying to do something sketchy here. Attacking Golden Devils in a Secret Realm.

For what purpose? There was no tactical advantage, no strategic hammer blow. Everyone at the Realmgate was someone not part of the War, and the Foundation and Core gates for Qiguai were not due to open this time. There was no good, rational reason for sending hunters at this time. It could potentially whittle down on their more promising Juniors, but the Clan had more Juniors all the time, this cost was hardly insurmountable for the Clan and likely prohibitive to the Jingshen.

But since when were the Jingshen ever frugal with their money? Every advantage, however marginal, was paid for with overflowing stocks of Spirit Stones. There was no reason for them not to throw money at all their problems.

Therefore, she had to consider the very real possibility that the Jingshen Clan would try to attack her, as she tried to pursue her answers. The timing was too suspicious.

She ignored their gazes for a while longer, until only hours remained before the Realmgate opened. Joining her kinsmen, Katha presented her token to the proctors and took her place before the Realmgate. As it opened, she saw the boundary between worlds open and a sea of possibility expose itself for all aspirants to venture through. Through there would be riches aplenty, dangers enough to slaughter everyone within in a heartbeat, and trials that could make or break a man.

And through that… answers. She would find answers.

As the crowd surged through, Katha took her first steps through the Realmgate and into the Qiguai Secret Realm.

And behind her, amidst his less discrete kinsmen, Jingshen Bei Wulong prepared to hunt his quarry.


A/N: I would have liked to post all of this as a gigantic single post, but ultimately there are two concerns with that. First is that I am probably not going to be able to write all of that in the time I have. Second is that, frankly, I don't think anyone can match Insane-Not-Crazy's sterling achievement anytime soon. That will be a labour of months and it will have to be done by someone else who is not me. Probably no., who knows.

Anyways, @TehChron, @Alectai, @Humbaba
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Katha Theodoros 14 - The Rising Blood and the Silver Archer
Katha Theodoros 14 - The Rising Blood and the Silver Archer

Long ago, the stories go, the Sea Conquering Army ventured from lands unknown into the Nine Seas of the Turtle World. A song on their lips and a fire in their hearts, the blessing of the Earl of Bronze flowing forevermore in their veins alongside an ironclad oath of loyalty everlasting, the Sea Conquering Army ventured, valley to valley, sea to sea, battle to battle. They marched, they fought, and they brought order to a lawless land. By the Imperator's sign, the Army went forth and tamed the Turtle World, and their glory continued forevermore.

The stories ended in tragedy, as stories often do. The Heavens frowned upon the Optimatoi and levied great curses against their bloodline. Order became slaughter as hatred became byword and bylaw, the natural order as ordained by the Heavenly Daos to resist the Bronzeblooded Conquerors with all their lives and all their sorrows. Fortunes faltered and failure followed, karmic balance upended entirely by Heavenly decree and brought back to zero in the worst possible way. And lightning, ruinous lightning, killed the Bronzeblooded by the thousands as they tried to rise to ever greater heights of Cultivation, as Heavenly Intent turned from Temperance to Torture, then Termination down to the very last mote.

By inches, by measures, by oceans of blood, the Sea Conquering Army was pushed back. Now all that remains lies in a desert on the most misbegotten part of a misbegotten corpse of a misbegotten child of the Turtle Emperor, who was turned to soup through the machinations of a singularly talented and driven individual, a madman by any measure of the term. A madman… Or the only sane man in a mad world. That debate will last forever, but Heaven has made its stance abundantly clear, and his own legacies seem to prove that statement true.

But the Soup Chef's red broth notwithstanding, the Sea Conquering Army was, is, and always will be more than its remnants. And in this strange realm between worlds, the Qiguai Secret Realm, fate is less ordained than Heaven intends, yet it flows strongly and increasingly true. All who brave it have ways of tugging upon its strings, intentionally or not, and when one is tangled in enough of the threads of fate, serendipity becomes direction and coincidence does not become exclusive with or even complimentary to stated intention, but one and the same.

Simply put: want something enough, and the Qiguai Secret Realm will offer it.

Power, treasures, wealth overflowing, all of it is available at the aspirant's fingertips, if only they were cunning enough to see past its glamours and comprehend its true form, and capable enough to snatch it from between the breaths of a living, breathing fate. Fail, however, and you die. Every trial, every moment, even the act of breathing is a test. Anything is possible in the Qiguai Secret Realm - but probability, one must realise, is a bitch.

Every second you remain within the Secret Realm, the spectre of death is present. Infinitesimally unlikely, from one moment to the next, but one can only roll the dice so many times before one catches nothing but snake eyes, forever and ever and ever. And when the dice came due, trouble ensued.

So as Katha hit the ground rolling, her limbs trembling as she recovers from the first of the Secret Realm's many probabilistic trials, she realises that while fortune might favour the bold, it is also a fickle mistress who considers the rise before the fall the absolute height of comedy. And she has risen so, so, so very highly indeed.

She cannot stay. Not for long. It will only be a matter of time before chance compounds upon itself and she finds herself the butt of the joke. Even if she is standing upon an island ensconced within a bubble of probability that gleams with more green than she has ever seen and could ever expect. The fullness and lushness of the life that springs around her is, frankly, breathtaking, and she has never been able to cycle Qi so easily and so effortlessly before. As she walks, she takes in a breath, then picks up her pace, from a jog to a run to a sprint and beyond, without so much as the weight of her body becoming evident besides the weight of her footfalls and the impression she leaves upon the grass she trods upon.

She heard laughter, and realised only a second later that it is coming from her. This is something to fight for. This is what the world once was, what it could be, what it should be. A place so ablaze with life that one can simply run for the hell of it without having to count spirit stones and contribution points, where death does not literally await around every corner.

Even as the ground fell apart right before her into a depthless pit, revealing roots far too brilliant a green to ever be the roots of a tree. Even as a jade boar, hewn from stone and radiating power from the cracks in its body smashed out from its burrow beneath, limpid tongue tasting at the air, snarling an earsplitting squeal as it swung its massive tusks around at her, daring death and craving manflesh.

Its emergence was abrupt, sudden and all too expected, an automatic reaction against an interloper in this bubble of reality and a Golden Devil besides, and Katha cannot help but roar with joy as she dived at it, the Hornsword drawn forth, her blood screaming to be heard, screaming to shed yet more blood.


The first swing, she matches the Jade Boar, tusk to blade, and with her first breath she recited the Canticle of Asterion. The Hornsword sang, her Blood racing, and its edge makes merry contact. The Jade Boar stood in the height of Qi Condensation, its body birthed in the heartblood of the mountain and imbued with the essence of the deeps, its tusks had been tempered against the crystal lodes of the great abyss. And it is nothing against the least fragment of a Nascent Soul's body.

The Hornsword lanced out, a singular thrust of epic proportion. The Jade Tusk apart before the peerless onslaught and Katha twisted and dived through the air, momentum shifting as she rolled right past the charging beast of the earth, one of its mighty teeth-swords tossed aside as it faltered in the first exchange. The Canticle of Africanus on her lips, she rotated counter to its motion like a buzzsaw, the Hornsword following, and with the second swing she split open the side of the beast. Liquid jade, molten green and brimming with lifelight, spills from the deep gash, and when her feet next make contact the jade beast is listing.

One foot touches the ground, her momentum leaving her skidding for a meter, then two. Iron is heavy, and though speed is her birthright it and agility are nothing alike. Waist moving, plunging a knife-faced hand into the loamy soil of the underbush up to her forearm, the Young Ironblood arrests herself just so, enough for her other foot to kick. One blow, the soil spilled like the rippling water's edge. The second, and she was off, as the Jade Boar shook its head and reared for a second charge with its remaining tusk. Another challenge, it roared, another exchange to test the mettle of this interloper. And her blood sang as it yearned for another opportunity to cut loose and slaughter.


This time Katha went high, spinning head over heel as she held the Hornsword close. The Boar snorted, a thunderous wave of foliage followed, as it remained upon the earth and dared her to challenge it as she fell. Like an iron star she descended, and with the last of her breaths she declared the Canticle of Theodora. Qi blazed along the edge of the Hornsword as she faced the earthen beast's remaining tusk not with her weapon, but with the mailed fist of the Theodoroi.


Her fist clashed against the tusk, hardened jade against imbued flesh. The shock travelled up her arm, arresting her momentum, the impact jarring her joints and rattling her skull. The tusk cracked, cracks trailing across its form from where the Scion struck it, yet the Boar continued and stomped upon the earth, The ground split open, foliage parting like the sea to reveal a cavern beneath. Gravity will soon drag her back into its embrace, within the next two or three seconds, and in that instant the boar will win this clash and deal a blow.

But it will never live to see that clash.


Clasped firmly within her other hand, the Hornsword swung down, and blazing like an iron star it split the Boar's head apart. The Jade Boar died instantly, its matter in pieces, molten jade oozing like lifeblood. Another hop, another twist and she remained on the surface as its body returned to the earth it had emerged from, a stark reminder of what this place had in store for aspirants like her.

Her blood, satisfied by the kill, began to cool, and as Katha metaphorically caught her breath and processed, the rising tension of the Oath of Iron gradually forgotten as it sank back beneath her subconscious, she turned to look back at the tusk the beast had left behind, the one she cut upon the edge of the Hornsword. There was something to be said about being suddenly attacked by a living golem monster out of nowhere. Something profound, even.

"...Huh," was all she managed.

She looked at it, then back to the ravine, then back again. "Well, that happened."

There was more to it, she knew; the Qiguai Secret Realm was a place of… well, a lot of things. That included incredible danger and endless possibility, a short-lived island that resided between Seas. It directed you on your personal journey in pursuit of what you sought out, and that included stopping you when you were about to run past wherever you were supposed to begin your search.

…Like with a giant monster, actually. Huh. Well, that was one way to deal with not knowing where the hell to start. Thank you, Qiguai, for showing the way… By trying to kill her.

From atop the ravine, Katha looked down and saw nothing but darkness below. She doubled back, a handful of steps, and looked into the Jade Boar's burrow which was similarly depthless. She hemmed and hawed, wondering which was the direction and which was the warning. Which was the easy way and which was the hard way. Which got her answers and which was just the consequence of fighting a giant monster boar in the middle of its habitat, which was also otherwise filled with similarly monstrous creatures that were all but certain to be sizing her up right now and wondering if this aspirant was also good for eating.

Around her, the Secret Realm quavered as it awaited an answer. But ultimately, time was not on her side, and she could not just spend an afternoon thinking about what she could do and what she would do to resolve something as simple as a metaphorical coin toss.

"...You know what?" Katha grunted as she brandished the Hornsword. One flick, a quick diagonal slice, and she flicked it clean of the Boar's molten jadeblood. A second for good measure, and then she presented it towards the sky. "I actually don't give a shit. I'll let fate decide."

With a light toss, the Hornsword tumbled into the air for a moment, before a freak gust of wind sent it spiralling down the ravine the Boar's corpse fell into.

Well, that settled that. Qiguai had made its decision. Right or wrong, it was time to move on, and not a second too soon.

Craning her head this way and that, Katha hopped into the ravine, and as darkness overtook her she closed her eyes and opened up to the Qi around her. And for a single fleeting moment, the vastness of the world bubble she resided in became clear to her, before it became overwhelming.

And the ground received her with open arms as she landed like a meteor landing feet first into hell.


The bow shimmered as it was drawn from the back, inlaid arrays springing to life as an icy cold blue web over its glassy body as they became flush with Qi once more. The string, woven from the silk of a Nascent Seer Spider and nearly impossible to perceive, vibrated intently as it was pulled, tested time and time again by an intensely meticulous archer. Arrows were withdrawn from the quiver, not to be fired but to be inspected. An archer that does not ensure the quality of his arrows was an archer that does not deserve his arrows.

Each arrowhead was inscribed with the name of an ancestral Elder, their sagas hewn in their entirety upon the arrow's spirit stone shaft. Sagas of enduring like stone, sagas of striking force, sagas of flowing water and fluid adaptation. Ten such arrows were available to him, acquired at great cost and never to be unleashed thoughtlessly.

Then, he withdrew another hundred, each of their heads of burnished black spirit steel. Into each of them a hundredth of an Elder's wil has been poured, a pittance for an Elder but an investment for any archer, acquired through moderate cost and some favour. These were affordable enough, but never to be used on their own, and normally considered folly to use in bulk by any other archer.

Last were simple arrows, heads of inlaid steel and fine wood, hand-carved and of negligible expense. The diligent archer makes his own ammunition, such that he will remain an unrelenting storm. He had enough of these to unleash en masse, without regard for position or defense. These will be the bread and butter of the battle to come.

Tools inspected, they are returned to the quiver, the hundred arrows stored, the ten conserved.

All preparations complete.

Now the Hunt can begin.


"Now listen here, grasshopper, sooner or later you're going to find yourself in need of a landing strategy. In general you'll only start regularly needing it come Foundation Establishment, but it is something that is better to get figured out sooner rather than later. You don't want to start thinking about your landing strategy right before you hit the ground, you hear?"

"Centurion Yangchen, the hell am I supposed to figure out an--OW!"

"That's what we're here to figure out, now listen up! There are three pillars to any good landing strategy: Direction, Impact, and Recovery! There's not much you can do about Direction right now, so focus on Impact and Recovery! Here, let me demonstrate:"

Inhale, exhale.

As she fell towards the underearth, Katha Theodoros recounted the Saga of Theosphene. Embattled in the clouds atop a lonely peak, hunted by dragons. With every rising dawn she dared the beasts approach, cloaking the peaks with clouds until they struck the mountain face, and with every setting sun she struck the mountain with fists like thunderclaps.

For three days she did so, the roar of her blows forcing the beasts awake, until maddened by fatigue the dragons each struck at once. At once the dragons struck the dread Theosphene, and with this mighty blow the mountain shattered. And so Theosphene survived to return to the Clan, as she rode the mountain's lonely peak to its base, faster than the dragons could chase.

Katha had not three days, nor was she hunted by dragons. But with Theosphene's memory in mind she committed to her wisdom. With her fists she struck the walls three times, and as rocks rained down with her she sought to make herself a bed of stone. Another application of Earth Qi and she bound them together, a makeshift shield to gird her descent. And then she closed her eyes and cleared her mind, as the Qi that suffused the world bubble became clear as day for her to see.

The moment before she hit the ground, Katha struck the earth.

The rock barrier beneath her struck the ground a hair sooner. Impact dissipated, ablative force blunting the blow. Impact was satisfied where Direction could not be found, and Katha found herself alive at the bottom of an almost-depthless ravine in ankle deep water, in the dark but for the faint beam of light that marked the sky.

Katha focused as she cycled her Qi once more, made fortunate by the abundance of the world bubble, and with a brief application imbued her bracers to glow with amber hues. Stones continued to rain from above for seconds more, but she ignored all but the worst of the gravel rain. The only thing that mattered right now was looking for her sword, and the search concluded quickly as Katha stepped upon the tale of a well-camouflaged Rockodile.

Another stone-hewn beast marked her next trial, and Katha readied to face it. But the challenge was over before it had even begun, for the Hornsword was already plunged through its head, severing the brain stem - or what passed for it in such an elemental creature - and left its jaw permanently open in a cheshire rictus grin. As Katha went to collect her blade, however, the gleam of light reflected off its tongue just so, which caught her eye and her attention in the same.

A closer look, and Katha boggled. For in the Rockodile's mouth was a jagged triangular shard of Celestial Bronze inlaid with red as long as her shin, one that smelled strongly of iron and blood. Without thinking she picked at it, and her Qi connected with it as if it was the most natural thing in the world, her blood singing in harmony alongside a forgotten family legacy.

It was no mere Celestial Bronze, but Bronze that had been aspected with the Theodoroi… With her. And as she held it up to the sky, as much to catch its silhouette as to memorise its scent, she found herself drawn. Not to the shard, but in a different direction. Deeper into the ravine… What promised to be a cavern, even, deep under the earth of the world bubble.

She kept the bronze shard on her belt immediately, and then Katha collected the Hornsword with a hefty pull. As she withdrew the blade, the slain Rockodile hissed like a deflating balloon, blood oozing from its throat and its gaping holes. What would have made her gag normally scarcely even drew Katha's attention, for here and now she had better direction and a goal too clear to diverge from.

but why

The objective was now clear for one such as her. Find where the shard lead to and retrieve it to rediscover her family's lost legacies.

But Why

The falling star of the Theodoroi will be halted, its descent even reversed, if she can find the truth and return it to the Clan. The Archgetes might even reward her, if the gift was anything like the Ascension Blood, something that could imbue each Aspirant with Bronze of a greater potency. If such a thing existed, then it must be reacquired, by order of the Imperator.

But Why

Orders were orders, and the legacies must be--


For the first time since she stepped onto the world bubble, Katha gasped as she breathed deeply and finally returned to her senses.

Immediately she grabbed the handle of the Hornsword tightly in both hands and thought back to the reason why she even came here. Not to find old family legacies, but for answers. Not even answers about old family legacies, simply… Answers. Answers to questions she does not even know how to articulate yet.

"What the hell is going on," Katha breathed, short on breath and on time at the same time, a truly winning combination in the Qiguai Secret Realm. Yet her blood sang with purpose and clamoured for direction, just like how it yearned to destroy the Jade Boar, let her remember and deploy Techniques she had no knowledge of practicing or recounting the saga of an Ancestor whose name she's seen before but whose story she has no recollection of ever finding, let alone attempting to emulate.

There was something about this place that was doing… something, with her bloodline. Her variant on the Blood of Bronze resonated strongly with it, and synchronised well with the Bronze Shard. It was giving her strength and knowledge, realising genetic memory she had no right to know, and it was turning her into something she was not: An unthinking soldier, not a measured judge.

It was tempting, oh so tempting, to simply take the Bronze Shard in hand and throw it somewhere no one could ever find it, but that would be foolish. Further judgement, now that she was capable of considering things on their own merits again, indicated that this is part of it. And if she truly can find some sign about what the hell is going on with her… Then fine.

"But I will not be an unthinking soldier," Katha said through gritted teeth. "I am not simply a weapon."

There was no response. Of course not. She was just talking to herself.

Katha remained silent from that point on, the only sound that of treading water as she followed the direction of the Celestial Bronze Shard.


The world is full of wonders both fleeting and eternal, and this momentary world is no exception. But it was one thing to understand it, even see the fullness of nature's bounty on the surface of this worldlet. It was another to bear witness to the expanse that lay before her.

Lit by the ephemeral light of numerous spirit crystals, the lights that shone about the space turned the face of the lake before her into a literal sea of stars. And a sea of stars it was, for the water was boundless and seemed to reach towards the horizon and beyond. The water was even littered with islands, spires of jagged stone and towering crystal, mounds that teemed with luminous moss and capped mushrooms the size of trees. This was so close, yet so unlike the world of the surface, and yet it was no less rich with life. It was enough to draw one's breath, to seize it for all time to be preserved in a box between nowhere and forever.

It was, in a word, unbelievable. It was of a sort that Katha had never seen before and likely will never see again. And it would be a memory she would cherish, even as she lost her childhood innocence and the world of her mind's eye became as drab and grey as she would become.

It was simple enough, finding a mushroom stalk large enough and hollowing it out to serve as a makeshift boat, then finding another whose shaft was long and narrow enough to become a paddle. Where the Bronze Shard lead her, she followed. And as she followed, the smell of iron in the air grew stronger, until she could almost taste it, on her tongue and in her mouth. Not the smell of blood as she knew it, though the feeling was similar, but the taste she could never mistake.

Deeper into the lake she ventured, past misty fogs and stardust glamor. And as she followed, the stone formations grew more jagged, the mushroom trees more ravaged, the crystal lodes ever and ever bigger. The Qi in the air intensified as well, until she felt it suffocating in a way, too dense for a parched soul like hers to appreciate. Continual cycling alleviated the pressure, for all that it was wasteful, but this was a land of both plenty and moments, and she had ironically few of those to spare. Yet the Shard took her along a circuitous route, darting from island to island in an eclectic cycle.

It seemed like it took forever, but also refreshingly soon, when the Shard's directions became constant and she finally saw the island at the heart of the underworld lake, a gentle mound of stone where no moss grew and massive grey-cast crystal lode had grown, so large that it had become a pillar reaching up to the roof of the cavern, so high that Katha found she could not capture its totality in her field of vision. The wonders never ceased, and it was upon its shores that she found something. Even in spire of the acuity of her vision, she could hardly identify it, yet it was clear as day what she saw, a truth verified by both blood and instinct.

Upon that shore, clad in armour that was both weathered yet intact, surrounded by the bones of creatures far grander than any could comprehend, was the body of an ancestor of the Clan. Her ancestor. A senior scion of the Theodoroi, in whose veins flowed a blood all too similar to the kind that flowed in hers. Who would be able to answer her questions.

'Report as ordered,' her blood whispered, a voice that pounded in her ears. 'Finish the mission.'

This time, she listened, for there was nothing to lose and everything to gain. Her tree-boat beached upon the shore upon a shallow tide, and as she stepped onto the pebble-laden beach she found that the ancestor did not lay down. Rather, his corpse died kneeling, and as she circled around it found that his back remained unmarked. He died standing, never taking a step back.

Katha held out a palm and cut it lightly against the edge of the Hornsword. Then, she reached out slowly with a trembling hand, ready to paint a sigil she had no memory of learning upon the armour's chest and learning the secret that it seemed to promise to tell.

That, then, was when she realised that the cavern had become deadly quiet. No mere silence, as what had passed in the minutes or hours before, but the tension-filled space that built and built before battle.

She stopped herself, a handspan from her ancestor's body, unable to explain why but for the crawling concern that suddenly flushed her veins.

And then an arrow struck the corpse of a dead elder of the Theodoroi, before detonating with great force.

Around her, the water surrounding the island for one li in every direction froze abruptly. Her tree-boat burst as the fluids within the stalk-fibers swelled and tore apart the structure of the fungal wood. Stones were crushed by the sudden expansion of liquid to ice, even the towering crystal spire pillar cracked then shattered by the sudden shift of phase.

And around her neck, beneath her armour, Katha winced as the Amulet of Water's Rebuke, a gift her brother had given her the day she left for the Yuan Clan more than thirty years ago, burned hot for an instant against her smallclothes before dying out entirely.

It did not take even a second before she realised that it burned out saving her from a more cruel fate, of dying abruptly like her boat as all the water in her body and blood froze and killed her through a combination of crushing force and bloodloss.

Immediately and by her hand, the Hornsword flashed, the air whipping in its wake before it struck the rocky ice slush that had glued her feet to the pebble-laden beach. One strike and she was free, two and she swept stones into the air, three and the debris became a cloud of expanding dust and vapour dense enough to obscure her. Then she threw herself aside, right as a second arrow struck the beach and transmuted a patch of ice and ground slush large enough to lay in into solid stone, before detonating into a shower of shards in every direction.

It was barely enough that she had one bracer held over her face, shielding Katha from the worst of the shotgun blast. But enough got through to scratch, though not cut, her cheeks.

Sniper, her instincts snapped. Coward, her blood seethed. That direction, both agreed, and Katha struck the beach once more, this time with open palms. With Qi and technique she threw up a wall of stone and ice to protect and obfuscate. Not a moment too soon; the air whistled as three arrows shot through the air from parts unknown, two embedded into the wall and the third caught by it as it was in the midst of formation, only an arm's length from hitting Katha in the neck. The margins were narrow and getting narrower; an instant later and she would be bleeding from a throat wound.

But with danger came opportunity, and Katha punched the wall, launching a fist-sized lode of ice-capped stone right back where the sniper shot the arrow from. Then she struck it again and again, a flurry of blows that unleashed a flurry of stones at the foe's position. The cavern rumbled as stones skipped across the face of the lake at ruinous speed, shattering and shaving off pieces that turned into flecks of stone travelling at lethal speed.

In truth, none of them would meet their target, but none were meant to. The stones had blanketed a large area and threw up large amounts of concealing smoke, more than enough to escape with. The circuitous route the Shard had taken her had given her a mental map of the cavern's lake, and with it she could chart an escape route. If the sniper proved canny, they could follow the trail of her smoke. But such direction would be difficult to track and that would buy her time.

Yet, she cursed her luck, for it had finally turned on her. There was no time left to find the ancestor's answer. And with its loss, she may never know the truth of her family's legacy.

But you may still find the answer you need

She recanted the Canticle of Augustus and leapt across the water, trading efficiency for speed and distance, trusting in both memory and her senses to guide her where eyes cannot. Arrows suddenly filled the air in great quantities in all directions; where vision fails, volume will permit. And this archer has many arrows to spare.

The expanse of the cavern's lake makes this a poor place to make a stand. Katha disengaged, and prepared to make her stand in a more claustrophobic environ.


The Arrow of Regressive State was deployed correctly, from surprise and on target, yet the girl survived. The Arrow of Earthen Storm missed, and the fragments failed to connect. He had failed the maxim all archers lived by, but that was more than acceptable to him. The Creed of the Sniper was irrelevant in the here and now. This was not a foe that could die to a well placed arrow from nowhere.

She further displayed techniques to deploy cover, then utilised her strength to both suppress him and unleash concealing smoke. It appeared that Hei'en's grudge had chosen a most promising target. For most, that would be the end of it. They would have to track their target anew.

But the storm of arrows he fired were not intended to kill, like a scattershot net hoping to score a lucky hit. They were purposeful triangulation, deployed by an archer who was more than capable of unleashing vast volleys at a moment's notice. The Clear Compass Bow was more than suitable for such a task in the right hands. Now he knew exactly where she was heading.

To the ravine she had come down from and which he had followed her through. A claustrophobic pathway that was poor territory for an archer.

She would never see him coming.


The bottom of the ravine was right before her, and it would only be minutes before she entered it fully. With seconds to spare, Katha dared to heave a sigh of relief.

That was when an arrow, straight and true, struck her dead in the center of the back of her head. And though the Gravebronze held true and the arrow simply bounced off, the impact forced her balance askew and nearly tipped her over into the beach. She threw a hand forward, pushed herself off the ground, then tossed and flipped right back onto her feet.

Then, the next arrow nearly struck her, then another two then another ten. A storm of arrows, a deathly sharp rain that came at her from everywhere. It would be impossible to block all of them, and even with preternatural precision she could not hope to cut them all with the Hornsword.

But she saw the arrow that had been frozen into her wall. It was wooden.

And she commanded fire.

Roaring, Katha Theodoros shouted the Canticle of Africanus and swept her sword wide. A trail of flame followed it and a barrier of fire formed for a moment about her, turning all the arrows aimed at her to ash in an instant. The rain of hot ash that pelted her stung, but were nothing compared to the constant barrage she stood poised to face. Then, she stopped dead on her feet as she looked straight at the one who shot those arrows, down the beach at the edge of the lake.

He donned the traditional robes of the Jingshen Clan, though he wore an archer's bracer and carried two quivers, one on his back and the other by his waist. His dark hair was long, tied up into a loose braid. His expression was grave, his eyes piercing in their depthless grey. He seemed to gaze into infinity and beyond, but right now they were transfixed right upon her. And the glassy bow in his hand was aglow with veins of blue, its drawthread invisible from this distance, and radiated certain death. Just her luck that the Jingshen that would come to kill her would be one of actual martial caliber.

And an archer at that. A Bei most likely. Troubling.

The Jingshen Scion held his fire, now that he was spotted. No more was this a hunt; this was now a battle. Then he bowed shallowly, before declaring his name. "I am Jingshen Bei Wulong, Son of Elder Jingshen Bei Wushan, of the Jingshen Clan. You have done well to survive my attacks so far."

"I am Katha Theodoros, Daughter of Shu Enya, of the Golden Devil Clan," Katha replied in turn. "Let me guess, you're going to kill me because I wronged one of your kinsmen many years ago?"

Wulong nodded, his expression never changing. Katha's eyes narrowed. "A grudge has been declared upon you by my kinsman, and I am honour bound to see it through. Your genius will die by my arrows today, quickly and decisively."

A respectful Jingshen, then. One with manners. One who does not have a tree trunk lodged up their ass. That was nice, but also very annoying; he was actually taking this battle seriously, that meant fewer advantages to exploit. Though her blood sang at the prospect of confronting a true peer, the previous ambush had pressed her already. If he got another chance, he would win and she would be dead.

But he greeted her instead, the moment he was spotted. And the question that remained was why.

Yet, her blood cared not. Another ambush might be ruinous, but he had no such opportunity. He was right there, he was waiting, and she stood both in the Twelfth and in possession of a legendary sword, within close range of an archer. There was but one recourse; charge. Violently, decisively, and quickly. She would close, and victory would follow suit in similar fashion.

"Then I'll just have to kill you first," Katha responded.

Pensively, Wulong bowed. Then, an arrow was loosed immediately, so quickly that she had not seen his arm move. Yet, so primed by her declaration, she simply cleaved it apart before she recanted the Canticle of Asterion and dove for Wulong. With godspeed easing her passage and the Hornsword held in both hands, it would only be a matter of seconds before she stood in range of Wulong. And once she was in range, it was all over for him.

There was no world where an archer could overcome a swordswoman in melee. Not in the same realm. Not in the domain of a Child of Iron.

Wulong fired again, arrows unleashed at an ever-escalating rate. They flowed in ones, then pairs, then handfuls then by the dozen. Their vectors shifted as the quantities increased, no more were they merely sent in straight lines. His arrows curved from strange directions, approaching from above, from the sides, hidden within the shadows of their forebears. Wood-shafted, iron-headed, adhered with alchemical bonding agents, they were mortal and mundane in all the ways that mattered. Each was well made, but still of mortal artifice.

One by one, they were trivial. By the handful, they were manageable. As an overwhelming storm that filled the air, they were formidable.

Cover, she knew, and as she charged she tumbled through the air, assessing the situation as her body moved almost automatically, driven by fighting instinct and long-dormant genetic memory now awakened. She stood upon a beach, surrounded by water and stone, and she needed a great deal of smoke on short notice.

Steam. Steam would suffice. Boiling heat meant nothing for the duration, and it would by her cover. For that, she needed fire, lots and lots of heat and fire.

One hand extended, as her fingertips scratched the surface she balled her fist and molded her Qi. Her bracer, aged Gravebronze, began to turn from a dulled brown to a molten orange. Where her knuckles and bracers brushed against the water's edge, the lake began to bubble and steam began to rise.

She cocked her elbow, just so. Then, forcefully, she straightened her arm once more, just as she unleashed great quantities of Qi, in wastefully demented quantities, knowing that it was only here of all places that she could afford such expenditure. She struck the beach with a rabbit punch with less than five centimeters of windup, and in doing so punched a crater deep enough to bury a grown man up to the neck.

Water, so displaced by a molten bronze fist, vaporised instantly. Liquid transmuted to gas immediately, thrown about with enormous force. And the torrent of win, thrown about immediately, cooled steam back into water vapour. Soon, a cloud of rapidly expanding steam engulfed Katha Theodoros and the beach she stood upon, and Wulong's target found her concealment, all the while his own skin began to bead with sweat and redden as the ambient temperature climbed several degrees.

Yet he continued to shoot, ironclad discipline carrying the day. Where eyes will not help him, area bombardment will suffice for the second it will take for her to outrace her cover - and close yet more of the crucial distance that stood between him and death. And without vision, density of fire faltered, and Katha accelerated faster.

But even with a storm of fire, all Wulong seemed to do was buy time. For in her hands the Iron Scion carried a sword of Nascent Chitin.

It was large, it was unwieldy, more a cleaver than a sword, one with no crossguard. But that size gave Katha coverage against ranged fire, and in her hands it was light as a feather. Before this peculiar combination of quantities, Wulong's attacks were irrelevant. With the Hornsword in hand, Katha continually fended off the bulk of attacks as she burst through the steam, weaving between breaths as the air was filled with whistling wood and flashing iron amid a pitter-patter of steaming rain.

What shots slipped past her guard glanced off her armour, for she wore the plate of an ancestor and even lessened it was proof against mortal artifice. What shots slipped past that armour cut her skin and slipped right past, never making more than shallow wounds. And as the distance closed with every heartbeat and every breath, as Wulong began to fill her field of vision in totality, Katha tasted victory with certainty.

And the Bei's face did not change, remained transfixed in blank serenity. He merely continued firing arrows, with hands that blurred faster and faster, his posture perfect by every measure.

Twenty meters. Ten. Five.

Two more strides, and Wulong would be dead. His head would stain the beach. His time would be done. The enemy of the Clan would be done.

Katha leapt, as one body turned to seven, each one wielding a sword as real as the other, all poised to stab him in the neck.

And then Jingshen Bei Wulong exhaled, his breath a palpable, cold thing. And his bow flashed. And Katha's blood screamed.

No. She screamed.

A hundred arrows, each bearing a blacksteel head and spirit steel body, struck her simultaneously in the center of her chest. They were fired at point blank range, with maximum force and zero deviation. He fired them in the instant of transition, as her sword shifted from guard to guard, ready to strike him in the throat and claim his breath and blood in the same motion. A hundred arrows struck her hard, each an individual hammer blow; together they were overwhelming, the hardest she'd ever been struck. In that moment, she felt more pain than the Beetle's ministrations for a full year.

She never even saw him load a hundred arrows, let alone fire them simultaneously or so precisely.

Her momentum was arrested immediately and her charge broken to bits. Iron was heavy, though not as much as Bronze, yet the momentum she built up was cancelled out entirely with that singular strike. Indeed, she was blown back by force equal to a killing blow from a Great Circle Core Cultivator, an Elder of the Clan who struck hard enough to split the peak from a mountain top. And like a Junior who had been struck by a Core Elder full force in the chest, she was thrown straight back the way she came, every bone in her body broken and every vessel and vein burst from overpressure.

Like a ragdoll she skipped across the beach, until she skidded to a barely controlled stop on her feet, the last concession to her talent that her body could afford to make. And though she tried to stand, her body rebelled, completely unable to exert itself even in spite of the Clan's legendary fortitude.

Blood pooled and dribbled from her ears, nose, mouth and eyes. Her vision wavered and blurred as the world seemed to pound on all of her head at the same time. Her breath seized even as her limbs burned and ached with sharp ripping torment, until she managed to take the deepest breath in her life, to save her life. As she did so, Elissa's Armour fell to pieces around Katha's body, its enchantment to preserve life and extend vitality already weakened by eons of Theodoroi decay and disuse, then finally expended utterly in the face of a Core Elder equivalent deathblow. The remaining Gravebronze, battered and expended of all residual Qi, was torn apart like a paper lantern in the midst of a sandstorm.

All that remained to protect her modesty were the simple shirt of iron chain she wore underneath, the bloodstained robes beneath that, and bloodsoaked black and red smallclothes riddled with the fragments of an exploded amulet.

She should be dead, said every muscle and every thought Katha could still hear, past the blood and the ringing in her ears. She already felt like she was dead, said every sane instinct left in her brain. She still had a weapon, cried the Blood of Iron, resolute beyond the point of death. And it had a point; all she felt was pain, but she still had feeling. The power had left her limbs, but that was illusionary, for the true power of any soldier was in the spirit. She bled, she broke, she stood all but naked. But the Blood still flowed through her veins, not drained outside of them. She was alive. She could fight.

But she was wounded, beyond any reasonable doubt. And in the distance, past ringing ears, leaden limbs and blurry sights, Jingshen Bei Wulong slowly drew one last arrow. This one was not iron-headed, or capped with blacksteel. This arrow was hewn masterfully from a single lode of spirit stone, its head dipped in spirit steel and then inlaid with a runic array of painfully intense power.

Katha laughed bitterly, and it sent a sharp spike of pain through her chest. This was all a miscalculation on her part. She was not the only one who could cut loose in such a place.

"You have tried," Jingshen Bei Wulong said, and despite the great distance his voice carried clearly and powerfully. In his hands, the blue veins on his clear glass bow seemed to intensify their glow tenfold. "That is admirable. Die well, the Genius Theodoros."


It is a trivial shot. Four hundred paces away, the air hot and hazy, the red haired genius so small in the distance that his outstretched thumb could cover her entire shot picture. Some might consider such things problematic, even for seasoned archers, but Wulong thought differently. She was stationary, she was wounded, and she was looking right at him.

One arrow, right between the eyes, and Hei'en's grudge is settled. And conclusively so.

Of eight remaining Treasures, Wulong prepared the Arrow of Verdant Consumption. Not suitable for area of effect or the denial of cover, the Wood Qi it drew into itself like a man dying of thirst was wild and overpowering. The slightest scratch would see the victim's wound turning gangrenous and rancid in seconds, then overgrown within the minute, then finally wooden within ten. A slow death, but not an excruciating one. There is nothing to feel as your nerves turn to fiber.

A suitable mercy for a suitable foe.

Then steam. Overpowering heat. Boiling, bubbling, pouring with sweat. Too late, Wulong noticed that her hands were submerged beneath the surf of the beach. And her bracers were still a molten amber orange.

He fired anyways. At this distance, with the range already dialed in and deviation irrelevant, there was no way she could survive. As the arrow flew, steam engulfed both it and its intended target, and then Wulong saw no more.

He drew another arrow from the quiver on his back, twirling in his hands as he charged it with Qi. A second shot, aimed at the ceiling, detonated against a roof of stone and brought a hail of jagged rock down upon Katha Theodoros. His hand had been forced. He had to be thorough.

Then, it was done.

While the rumble of shifting earth echoed down the cavern of the lake, Wulong walked slowly, purposefully towards where the Golden Devil died. Perhaps she would still be twitching, defiantly struggling against death, but there would be nothing left to be done. Fire Qi may well burn out the poison of life, but she had not that sort of strength and fire was not her forte anyhow. He held all the cards, and behooved by caution there was no way she could take him down with her.

Hei'en's grudge is done, a favour fulfilled. Another tally struck in the struggle between Archer and Swordsman.

Wulong stopped in his tracks, a hundred paces from her burial mound. Something had caught his eye. Drawing an arrow quickly, Wulong blew off a pile of stone and unearthed what lay beneath. Then another, then another. Not once did he catch a hint of cloth or metal or her titanic chitin sword.

One final shot, aimed square at the ground. Charged with power, the mound was blown apart, and were his expectations met her body would have been unveiled in chunks as well. But it was not to be.

For there was a hole in the ground, barely large enough to hide in and sealed with a layer of thawing, punctured ice and slush.

Wulong watched. Then, in a rare moment, he smiled. On any other face, it would have lead to a chortle of laughter, perhaps even bellyaching guffaws. On Wulong's, he may as well have doubled over, wheezing for breath.

She managed to get away, despite everything. Clever.

But she was wounded and he was fresh. And he was not so poor an archer that he could not track his quarry. It would only be a matter of time before their third clash.

And he would win. Not an idle boast, but a promise backed by fact.


It was the evening by the time Katha emerged from the earth, gasping and cramped all over. It was worth the effort learning a subterranean tunneling technique after all. Gaius would be pleased to hear of one of his Juniors following in his footsteps of ruling the underground, even if her proficiency would never hold a candle to his. In fact, he might quite like that.

"Thank fuck the Ninth Prince mentioned I had good Qi Senses," she muttered quietly to herself. It was cold and it was dark, beneath the dense canopy of a forest overgrown with life. There was hardly room within this clearing but that suited her just fine, for even with 'good' Qi Sense she could barely sense anything around her. Travelling the underground with only her Senses to guide her was akin to sprinting with a magnifying glass. The only reason she had not broken into the cavern again and exposed herself to Wulong's fire was fortune, plain and simple.

She knew, in her heart of hearts, within the depths of her blood and her spirit, that Jingshen Bei Wulong would not have missed a second time. The man was not someone she could overcome in the way she tried. Too much firepower, too many arrows, and far too many unknown capabilities and Treasures upon him. His arrows were imbued with immense power, and he was capable of unleashing both highly complex effects and relatively mundane storms of wood-shafted iron that could punch through stone with ease. And he could fire them seemingly with no warning, no windup and no gap.

How the hell he managed to shoot one hundred arrows in one breath will continue to drive her mad. If it didn't drive her to an early grave later on.

And that, as she tried to dress her wounds and do so quietly, was the crux of the issue that now raged within her.

She wanted to live. Desperately so, in fact, this brush with death is the closest she's ever come - and from someone within the same Realm as her! It was becoming increasingly clear that Jingshen Bei Wulong stood upon at least one Olympian Keystone too, because as much as his danger could be laid at the feet of his many Treasure Arrows and, one could only guess, his Bow, the man did not carry himself like any normal Ninth Heavenstage Junior. There was no flaw in his posture, no chronic issue with his physiology. One can only assume that he has reached, at least, the Tenth Heavenstage and purged his body of all impurities.

And considering that each of those arrows does need to still be charged with Qi to prime them for use, because ultimately each of them was still a Treasure and still needed Qi to deploy, and he did so with both mocking ease and seemingly zero loss in stamina, one can only assume that he also has the sort of perfected Qi Control that can only be achieved by purging his Meridians of all impurities. Which meant that either he was a monster who was already naturally gifted before he took the Tenth, or she is actually fighting someone standing in the Eleventh.

Which still stood short of her in the Twelfth, who had purged her soul, or at least the connection between body and soul, of all impurities. But the Twelfth provided relatively marginal gains for physical prowess, and she did not make use of Demonic Tunes or other Soul Techniques. Which meant that the gap that stood between each of them in baseline alone was meager, not as decisive as a Small Realm gap would normally be.

Add his multitudes of Treasures and clear proficiency with them, as compared to her relatively bare panoply - which, it had to be said, was now stripped to the bone with the loss of the Amulet and her Armour - and she was now definitionally fighting an uphill battle.

So, she had two options:

Try to run from an Archer who is trying to kill her and has been tracking her from the very beginning of the Secret Realm Contest, with the same supreme physiology and thus stamina and speed, who is not wounded, and who is an undeniably exceptional marksman. And thus, die horribly the moment he could lay eyes on her.

Or she could try to fight an Archer who had pressured her into retreat once already and who had decisively beaten her the second time. But this time on prepared ground, using the one advantage she might have over him in order to get close and force the Archer to fight outside of his expertise for a change. Which will still most likely end with her painful death, but did not put her fate in the hands of her enemy's failures.

She sighed, then stood up as she looked around with closed eyes, within a forest that would become too dark to see at night.

A choice between certain death and likely death wa no choice at all, was it?


"I'm going to the Qiguai Secret Realm."

Her father was healthier than he had been in a long time. Yet, they both knew that his lifespan was more than half done, and even if he survived to reach the next Trial he was unlikely to make it far past that. Short of facing Tribulation Lightning, the next time the Fifth Sea descended would be the last time he picked up his swords.

But his face, when he heard what she had planned to do, put his crippled, dying state to shame. All the colour drained from his face, all the light from his eyes. The despair that gripped him was as complete as the day that he learned he lost his wife.

Katha tensed, expecting pleads or scoldings, but Shu Enya offered neither. Instead he sighed heavily as he sat down on the bench that faced the family's herb garden, and with his hand patted the seat next to him. She joined him at once, and listened attentively as she waited for him to begin.

They sat there for long, empty minutes, simply letting time pass them by. Long enough that Katha considered simply leaving, excusing herself with Cultivation if need be.

"...I am not going to forbid you," he finally said. "Far be it for me to stand in your way. But I have to ask you the question you least want to answer."

"And you're going to hear the answer you hate the most," Katha responded evenly. "I don't know why. Answers, perhaps. Maybe even power. But I need to go."


"It is this or dying trying."

"On the eve of invasion?" The Legionnaire asked of the Centurion.

"The Dawn's Fist won't need me for a smash and grab," Katha responded promptly.

"Knowing full well that you will die?"

Katha smiled thinly. "That was true of Yuan, too."

Shu Enya sighed heavily and shook his head. "Then it seems you've more of your mother in you than would be reasonable. Just promise me these two things, Katha: Don't be too stubborn to run away to live, and don't be so stupid as to engage your foes in debate before battle. You are in enough danger, surrounded by enough foes. On the eve of invasion, you
cannot afford any frivolities like that."

"I'll do my best to live up to your expectations, father."

Another heavy sigh. He knew his children too well to take their bullshit. "Then make sure you come back alive. That is an order, young lady."

Katha nodded. Then, a small smirk. "You know that I outrank you, right?"

"...Pull rank on me again and I'll break your legs. I don't care what Heavenstage you're in."



When Wulong emerged from the ravine fully intent on hunting down a fleeing Golden Devil, he found his quarry waiting for him. But she did not do so in person, nor was she anywhere that the Jingshen Scion could see. Exposing so much as an arm or a leg was asking to get shot by an archer as dedicated as Wulong. But she wanted to engage him on her terms, and there was little hope of her keeping an eye on Wulong while Wulong remained unaware of her. Even were she fresh, she was a soldier, a swordswoman. He was an archer.

It might not be immediately clear to some, but bronze-clad swordswomen don't tend to be particularly subtle compared to bowmen capable of shooting rabbits from distances most people - most cultivators - would consider insane. The only way to keep him around was to let him know she was around.

And there was only one way to do that without exposing herself.

Wulong saw the Hornsword nailed to the side of a towering tree, and the hand that had darted to his quiver returned to his side. Then, he shook his head. "The battlefield is no place for debate, Katha Theodoros," he said boldly to the forest. "A child of a Clan as pragmatic as the Golden Devils should know that well."

"I always found that to be a matter of perspective," Katha's voice responded, and with no clear point of origin Wulong could not shoot her anyways. So he returned the bow to his back, the bowstring slung around his chest. "What is a battlefield, Jingshen Bei Wulong? Must it be an open plain, or a dense forest, or a vast valley or an underground lake? A battlefield can be anywhere that lives are won or lost. A stateroom could be a battlefield."

Wulong snorted. "Irrelevant. We are not diplomats, and this is not a stateroom. And you don't have the silver tongue or the disgusting deception of a statesman."

"Of course not. I say what I mean and leave games for the board room. But I do have a question for you. Well, a few."

"And you have until as long as it takes for me to find you," Wulong responded assertively. Even as they spoke, his eyes continued to scan the treeline. The sun was setting and it was already evening, and his keen eagle eyes would soon become worthless. His eyes narrowed as he realised what Katha's plan was. "So out with it."

"You're not like any Jingshen I've ever met. But I'm assuming you know a snot-nosed little shit who is surrounded by lackeys, looks down on everyone else and uses their wealth as a virtuous cudgel."

"You will have to be more specific, Golden Devil." A small smirk. "You've described nigh-on the entire Core Clan."

"And here I was hoping you'd defend them," Katha said with a sigh. "Any cousins who visited the Yuan Mountains during the last rotation?"

"Plenty. Most failed to return. One wants you to die."

"So why are you doing his dirty work for him? Whatever he thinks I've done to wrong him, it has nothing to do with you."

"Because I am betrothed to his sister," Wulong responded coldly. "I am honour bound by blood to see this through. To kill the genius Katha Theodoros."

"...Of all the Jingshen that came here to kill me, it had to be the one with a sense of responsibility."

"Such that it is," Wulong said simply. "Why do you care? The result is the same. For honour, for vengeance or for wealth, I am here to kill you."

"Because I cannot judge you for doing right by family," Katha said in reply. "From your perspective, you are satisfying a blood debt, however misplaced it might be. I can't fault you for that."

"Does that change anything?"

She laughed. "Not even a little, and I would expect nothing less from the sick world we live in. Do you care that your cousin wants me dead purely to satisfy his raging jealousy?"

"Not even a little."

Katha laughed. She was afraid of this. "Then we are at an impasse."

"Nothing has changed. Battle is inevitable." Wulong shook his head. The sun had now fully set beneath the horizon, or whatever passed for one on this fragile world bubble. "But I will inform you of this, Katha Theodoros, out of respect for your ability to survive so long. The bow on my back is the Clear Compass Bow, and the arrows it fires fly as true as the compass points north. It," he continued, "Is not the source of my archery prowess. In most respects, it is simply a powerful bow, one that allows me to reach targets that I would otherwise fail to reach with poorer tools. So far, I have only utilised its true power twice."

Katha's blood ran cold. All that, then, was Wulong alone? The unrelenting storm of arrows?

"That," Wulong continued, his tone evenly measured even as he continued to pace, "Is the ability to delay the firing of an arrow by a set interval, one that must be predetermined by the archer and cannot be modified once indicated. The first invocation was when I unleashed all one hundred Hundredth Core Arrows I had at my disposal against you, simultaneously, without warning. On their own, each arrow is formidable but manageable, for they only contain one percent of a Great Circle Elder's killing blow. In the hands of normal, even talented archers, these arrows are formidable but not game changing, for it is impossible to concentrate even more than a dozen payloads to reach the target at the same point, at the same time, no matter how quickly one can shoot. But in my hands, that which is impossible merely becomes difficult, merely demanding a very strict timetable and extremely precise timekeeping skills. What would otherwise be an attack only slightly stronger than what I can manage becomes a force equivalent to a Great Circle Core Elder's decisive strike."

"Get to the point," Katha groaned, even as her eyes watched Wulong intently from her spot on a tree deep in the forest, high above the ground. Even as her mind raced to consider when he could have possibly invoked the Bow's power a second time, when he only fired one other shot and with merely mortal means?

"The second invocation," he concluded, descending into a crouch, "Was just now, to buy time for me to triangulate your position and deal a decisive blow."

Katha's eyes widened when Wulong's eyes met hers. And her blood froze as he jumped and flipped on the spot, aiming the bow with the back of his body, as the runic lettering on the clear glass bow flared to life for a single instant.

She had already dived off the tree and towards the ground, and had her instincts been half an instant shorter, she would be dead and Wulong would have her sword.

The arrow struck the side of the great tree and detonated, engulfing the canopy in a sphere of flame. A wave of fire and force spread the heat across the entire forest, and soon the entire roof of the verdant world was ablaze, painting the underbush below in hues of amber heat and shadowy void. As Katha hit the ground, ready to run Wulong was already upon her. The Hornsword sank right at her feet, missing her toes by hairs, and the man himself was leaping through the air with bow and arrow in hand, a hundred paces away and already ready to reach out to her in a decidedly final fashion.

This is the end, she saw in his eyes, cast in flame light and shadow as they were. But he was wrong.

Katha did not come speak with her hunter, thinking that words alone could overcome him. She had no sword, but she was Optimatoi, scion of the greatest army this World has ever seen and will ever see. Even broken, she can wage war. Even disarmed, she can bring battle.

For she was Born in Battle and Bred for War, and the Iron Oath is not so easily broken by paltry death.

The first arrow came, and Katha simply received it head on. It buried itself into her side, and blood began to ooze from the wound, but she paid it and the pain little heed as she continued to chant the Canticle of Leonidas. As Wulong's eyes widened fractionally in the face of such madness she charged, crossing great distances with great strides that swallowed up the earth. He fired a second arrow, and a third, each burying itself up to the feather in her thigh and her shoulder, but Katha would not be slowed, would not be stopped.

Before he could prepare a fourth, she was already upon him, her fists driving against his left side. Contact, impact, and Wulong felt pain like he knew little else. Crying out, the Scion of the Jingshen lost hold of the Clear Compass Bow. Emboldened, Katha gripped her other fist and made to shatter his face.

But Wulong's feet hit the ground first. Rooted to the earth, he found stability, and with stability he rediscovered his center. With both fists he caught Katha's overhead blow, and despite her initiative the Child of the Bei did not move.

The shock stayed her hand for only a breath, but it was enough. Catchment turned into a grapple, and with both hands Wulong pulled, until Katha found herself hurtling through the air, heavy iron thrown overhead by a bowman in close combat. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around Wulong's head and twisted him into the ground with her.

She hit the ground heavily. Pain spiked as the arrows in her body shifted and irritated her wounds further.

Then she struck the earth and cartwheeled back onto her feet, just as Wulong forced himself back onto his. They regarded one another, hands raised and lit by the bonfire above. Katha breathed, inhale and exhale, while Wulong adjusted his posture to favour his right. Her blow had shattered his ribs and continue to pain him. Even the perfected body of the Tenth Heavenstage means nothing in the face of major skeletal trauma.

Silence reigned as he watched her and she watched him. Neither was willing to make the first move, with words or with fists. Katha stood between him and the Clear Compass Bow, and the moment he got his hands back on it, the battle was over. But he was in pain now too, and she could manage it far better.

"You're pretty good for an archer," Katha said, but she had no more energy left to get cocky. "But there's no way you're beating me in a fistfight."

Wulong shook his head. "You are a talent, Katha Theodoros," he said. His breath was ragged, but he showed no sign of pain on his face. "But you are young and untested, and I am forty years your senior. Without your sword, you have crippled yourself as harshly as I am."

"One would think so. But here's a secret, Jingshen Bei Wulong."

Katha brought one foot upon the ground, and with it she crossed into Wulong's guard at the head of a torrent of wind, one of seven separate copies.

"I am not a Sword Cultivator."

Shouting, the Iron Devil struck Wulong with a flurry of blows, breaking his guard and stealing his breath. There was no more strength left in her to mold Qi or unleash techniques, and she could not afford to give him the space to do the same. Overcome Jingshen Bei Wulong here and now, with mortal technique bolstered with Ascendant foundations, or die a failure and a disgrace to the Clan.

And so it went. And so it goes. Bleeding, bloody, as her body screamed with pain she roared for victory. And the Archer who put her into such a state, expending two treasures and making mockery of her talent, was forced back with every blow. Each clash left his limbs just a bit weaker, every grapple broken extended his joints just a bit further, every struggle pushed him beyond his limit and stole more of his breath. Even the great Jingshen Wulong Bei, the Young Silver Archer, was forced to confront one simple truth:

In the face of a Golden Devil, caught in close combat, even in spite of all his preparations and the perfect execution of his plan, he was simply unable to overcome her simple refusal to die. And in that pursuit of survival, she was willing to put everything on the line, even life itself.

If the fight wore on long enough, her victory would be assured. She would successfully turn the tables on him. He would be left at her mercy.

But before the final blow is struck, upon the ground where it lay the Clear Compass Bow flashed. And this, too, was the result of Wulong's meticulous planning.

For as the Iron Scion charged, he had fired four arrows, not three.

And now Katha's foot stood right in the line of fire.


White hot pain lanced up Katha's leg as an arrow lodged itself into the back of her ankle. Crying out with more shock than surprise, balance lost and stability broken, she was helpless to stop as Wulong rushed past her and snatched his bow from the ground. She hissed and breathed, molding more Qi within her, forcing more strength into herself. Blood pumped and blood spurted from her wounds, and with wounded legs she dived right at Wulong.

In close range, against a diving target, vision blurred and head concussed from numerous head blows and aching from shattered ribs and a fractured shoulder, everything stood between Wulong and the shot he needed to take. The moment his back hit the ground, it would be his loss. The moment Katha grabbed him or his bow, it would be his loss. The moment he missed his one shot, it would be his loss.

But fate was on his side that day, for Jingshen Bei Wulong fired.

And his arrow met its mark.

The fifth arrow sank into the center of Katha's chest, shattering the weakest link on her chainmail shirt and sliding between what would demand sagas to be written of. It sank deep, spurred on by the incredible power of the Clear Compass Bow, shattering her sternum and threatening her windpipe. The arrow would not pierce her windpipe, but that would be a small mercy.

For Wulong's arrow had struck true, and ruptured one of Katha's extraordinary meridians.

The Qi that she had cycled suddenly ran wild as her capacity abruptly dropped. What strength she had tried to harness turned against her body, and wracked with pain of the worst kind Katha screamed as she fell onto the ground. Indomitable will drove her anyways, and she swung at Wulong with clawed hands, but now he held all the cards. His quiver held three more arrows, and each was certain to hit a crippled target.

Each shot ran true, whether they flew straight and true or if Wulong deflected them against the trunks of the burning trees around them. Each arrow pierced another of her extraordinary meridians, shaking her cultivation base further as she drifted further and further from immortality and closer and closer towards mortality of both sorts.

Finally, it was done.

And Wulong loomed over her, victorious for the third time. Her Hornsword in his hands.


"You have lost. Victory is mine."

Katha nodded. There were no tears, there was no anger. Simply resignation. "Yes… Yes, it is. Congratulations, Wulong. To you go the spoils. Now the blood debt is done."

Wulong chuffed. Then he threw the Hornsword before her.

"Yes," he said, exhausted by the battle. "Yes it is."

She looked up at him, defiantly awaiting the end. She had not the strength to stand. She may never have that strength again. "Explain."

"I swore to kill the genius, Katha Theodoros. And that is what I have done." With a sigh he slung the Clear Compass Bow around his body once more, his quivers all but expended against her. "As a genius, a rising star of the Golden Devils, you are more than your talent. You are an inspiration. More than that, you are an icon. An icon that will persist past your death." He scoffed. "An icon that will continue to haunt my cousin to the end of his days and irritate him, and thus me, for as long as he lives. That is unacceptable to me. So instead, I have killed the icon, not you."


"Because it suits me," he replied immediately, without care or concern. "Because you deserve to live for the showing you have made. Because even if you survive this place, even if you reforge your meridians and even if you maintain your position… You will never be a genius again."

Ice, searing cold and icy hot, shot up her spine. Her skin crawled, where it did not ache and burn, even as around them the forest continued to burn from the top down. Her Qi Senses were all but gone right now. She could hardly sense a thing. And with her meridians shattered, she may never find that same acuity again. "What… What the fuck…"

Wulong nodded. "Cruel, perhaps. But you still have your life, while I consider the debt done. If you desire vengeance, then hunt me in the future and do to me what I have done to you." He scoffed privately. "If I still live, I will gladly receive you. Our next battle will not be like this one."

Even as rage began to bubble within her, Katha cut through the haze of heat and pain and despair and hate, and saw his words for what they were. They were worth following up on. She had to know. "What do you mean, 'if you still live'?"

"There is no point in hiding it anymore, Theodoros. We know war is on the horizon. Within forty years or less, our Clans will be in conflict once more." He shook his head at that. "War. How wasteful. But that is the nature of things; I am no highborn son, nor am I scion to an ancient lineage. I will serve on the frontlines, and I will most likely die. That is the way of things."

Katha frowned. Then, slowly, she rose onto her feet, using the Hornsword as a crutch. "Then… Then I have good news and bad news, depending on how you see it."

Wulong turned around quickly, though measured to mortal standards. He was still wounded as well. "Explain. And do not lie to me."

"I have no reason to. You did just defeat me, then spare my life. It is just that…" She swallowed. Wulong's blank face was becoming tenser by the second. "...The War you speak of has already begun. It likely began not long after we entered the Secret Realm."

His eyes widened sharply. In a swift motion, Wulong withdrew his bow, and fashioned an arrow from twigs and stone about the forest floor in the blink of an eye. "War," he seethed, and Katha tried to raise her sword, but it was now too heavy for a mortal to lift. Especially a mortal as battered as she was. "War is upon us. War has been upon us since the beginning."

"And because of that, you're going to kill me anyways," Katha said, trying to sound blandly wry but failing to hide the tremor in her voice.

His rage was palpable, his feelings of betrayal misplaced but all too real. "Yes," he replied, and raised his bow to his - and her - eye. "Die quickly, Theodoros. Consider this your final mercy."

The world rumbled, as if in disagreement.

And all at once, a great fissure formed between Wulong and Katha. The crack expanded, until the gap became a void and the void became the stars. Too late, Wulong loosed his arrow, and it careened into nothingness as the boundaries between imaginary worlds became more than merely distance. They were in different bubbles now, and could no longer interact. Before long, they would be too far away to even see one another.

And as their worlds separated, Wulong raised his bow, a silent pledge; a promise to finish the job.

Katha almost did not see it. She was too busy collapsing onto one knee, gasping for breath as the forest burned down around her. Saved in defeat by the most fickle of fortunes.

Perhaps there was something to take from all this after all.



Departing the Qiguai Realmgate, Jingshen Bei Wulong found himself amongst a much-diminished Jingshen contingent. Taiqi was absent, lost to the vagaries of the Qiguai Secret Realm. He left behind no sign and the place offered no trace. It was expected; the Qiguai Secret Realm was not a place where one expected to return alive.

All those who remained now looked up to him, whether or not they belonged to the Core Clan or not. Soon, Wulong realised why; his injuries were comparatively mild, and already due to heal. Those who survived to return home were not so fortunate.

So he would lead them home, following mountain trails and evading Golden Devil territory, following a route that Wulong had followed in the past by the instruction of his brothers and his father. Rushing home. Rushing to make a difference, a handful of wounded Qi Condensation Juniors in a War of Nascent Souls.

And they did so, as the sky turned red and madness befell the land with bolts of blood red lightning.


A/N: This was actually really hard to write.

Katha received three pretty bad rolls in Qiguai and had exactly two LSTs, which combined with my decision to have her stay for the full duration regardless of her LST status to put her into a pretty dire situation, all things considered. That tied into the fate that she received, where she got wrecked by a Jingshen three times and was quite literally saved by sheer fucking chance - which, presumably, represents the fact that if I hadn't written 30k words for her on Turn 12, Katha would straight up just be dead, flat out. Which, interestingly, I do actually have a plan to account for while keeping things in the family because shut up the Theodoroi have taken up too much mental space to simply throw away, but that is neither here nor there.

Ultimately, I got the extremely blessed opportunity to write about a badass Jingshen scion wrecking the (second) luckiest character in the quest so far*, and that is something I am forever grateful for because, honestly, I had no idea what to make Katha's rival about prior to all this, which does just go to show that opportunities can come everywhere and every cloud has a silver lining and blah blah blah, Katha is going into next turn with no LSTs and at Crippled, but dammit it makes for a really good story. Hence why Wulong now exists and how he is my attempt at a non-fucked-in-the-head Jingshen Good Seed. Who, owing to being someone who can kill a 12th HS Good Seed who has 2 Impact three times over, is an 11th HS Good Seed in command of a stupid amount of Impact in his own right.

*The luckiest player Good Seed in the quest so far, but honestly Tisamenos deserves it so I'm not going to take it from him.

But therein lies my problem. He is an 11th HS Good Seed in command of a stupid amount of impact in his own right. Katha is effectively fighting at QC14 and that makes her some level of broken as hell, yet not quite broken enough to utilise Foundation Establishment level nonsense in writing. In addition, the way that events turned out meant that this was not one big fight scene, but it had to be three fight scenes, because Katha lost two LSTs before she gets wrecked at the end, to be saved by literal luck. Add that, honestly, there's still not very much material on what the interior of the Qiguai Secret Realm looks like aside from world bubbles and other weirdness, which actually gives me decision paralysis because that makes far too much possible, plus the fact that I am now obligated to write lots this turn so that Katha does not just actually die again, and things are already riding high on this omake. This is an extremely hype-ass concept to work with and it is fantastic to work with, but it does pose some problems and some very exacting demands.

Katha needs good feats, owing to the fact that she's QC12 and has 2 Impact. Wulong needs good feats, owing to the fact that he canonically kicks her ass three times over. I need to therefore demonstrate high-end QC nonsense three times over, ideally without rehashing the point three times over. This also takes place in the middle of a very major turn featuring a very major war, featuring a pair of characters that exist on opposing ends of the war, who have their own ideas about all of that but are ultimately still members - and, quite literally, family - of each faction involved. And then the cherry on top is that I, being me, have high expectations for what I am capable of, and what I am capable of is occasionally witty and introspective dialogue as well as sick ass fight scenes.

Which brings me to my final, extremely belaboured point. This omake was a whole lot of fun to write, but it was also a whole lot of work to write and has been in discussion and planning for months at this point, featuring stuff that I think is cool coupled with stuff that I know is cool, in moderation. Overall, the conceit of the fight is that of two anime protagonists running into one another, with one of them being the type of anime protag that picks up bullshit superpowers partway into the fight because the author says so and the other one is the type of anime protag who has a cleanly defined power set and is milking it for all that it is worth. Special thanks go to @TehChron, @no., and @Kaboomatic, whom I've talked the ears off of about this over discord. You guys helped me put this titan together. And there's still a part three, oh dear god.

This omake took a week to write and I could have finished one vote for Song of Peace in the time it took to write all this. I could have written three Song of Peace updates for the amount of effort and wordcount that went into this! Hopefully all of this is worth it. And if it isn't, it was fun either way so that doesn't matter. I hope this was as fun to read as it was to write, with much less effort involved on your parts.
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