Lipp Galanis in: A Frank Conversation
Lipp Galanis in: A Frank Conversation
"At this rate you'll die before accomplishing anything important."
Lipp isn't at all sure he's prepared to take that kind of guff from a piece of jade, but it never pays to interrupt someone explaining what they think your weaknesses are. So he waits for the Analysis Jade to elaborate.
"You skip out on combat training and cultivation to learn about basket weaving and butterfly anatomy. So you need spirit stones and cultivation aids to catch up, and to earn them you take on missions you think pay more than they should. But to find those missions and make them a success you have to spend even more time researching, so you cut out time with family, friends, and peers. So you work twice as much as the average cultivator and still have to burn years' worth of luck just to stay ahead of the pack. Is any of that wrong?"
"There was the implication that acquiring knowledge is useless, but I take your point."
The Analysis Jade pauses, flickering steadily while processing the new input. Despite being surprisingly opinionated, it's only a training tool, not a full person. If presented with something that sounds abstract, it will take time to relate it back to training.
"Knowledge is useful if you use it," it finally responds. "You could be a researcher, an array engineer, a crafter, a beast tender, or even the kind of warrior who chains together attack after attack to create unpredictable combinations. But you want to be all of those and many more things besides. You stretch yourself too thin."
It's not exactly a novel insight. Lipp has struggled with this question, especially after near-defeats. And he's found an answer, or at least a rationalization.
"I probably could become good at any one thing. And it would probably even help me. But it wouldn't do anything for the Clan."
Here Lipp pauses, trying to compose the most straightforward account he can, leaving out anything too abstract for the shard to comprehend.
"The history of our Clan stretches back very far. The oldest document I've been able to find dates back thousands of years, and it refers to much older ones. For all of that time we've had an excellent bloodline, the best arrays and formations, poison masters, demonic tune users, and armies of researchers and crafters. We've had auxiliaries of beast tamers, elemental mages, and chefs. None of that helped. We lost and we lost and we lost, right up until two and a half centuries ago, when the leadership of the Clan fell into the hands of a dabbler. That's when we started to fuse our chirurgs with plants and sending legions of scorpion riders down roads of weakened gravity and raising up Kings. I need to be a part of that. Like Old Gold or Scarletglyph, or Elder Duca, I need to know everything and be capable if doing everything. It's the only way I can contribute to getting us off the corpse we live on before it rots away."
"You are picking the harder path for yourself. One that will most likely end in your premature death."
The Analysis Jade glows softly for a few moments as it digests this information.
"Very well. I will do my best to navigate that path. What are our next steps?"
"The Yuan realm. I will need to become much better at puzzles, and I'm already very good. I will train in trap-filled ruins."
"Sounds sensible. What else?"
"My cultivation. I need to decide what to do next."
By this point Lipp has wrangled enough secrets from his half-undead prisoner to come up with the Swamp Body Constitution. By stopping the flow if blood within his own body, he could have negated any worries about impurities, since instead if being swept by swift currents they could quietly pool in his organs. Lipp already traced the technique further, through Poison Swamp Constitution and to the culmination of Rotten Swamp Oak Constitution, a stage at which he would have become a willing host to many terrible things.
It was a novel and powerful technique, but it would have required Lipp to let his body rot like a living corpse. And ultimately Lipp found that he liked himself too much to do that to himself just for the sake of power. That didn't bode well for his future as a cultivator, but it was ultimately the decision that he made. Instead he purified his body in the regular manner, passing into the tenth heavenstage. But the eleventh one bothers him. He still sees himself as having more in common with a swamp where a thousand different organisms could bloom than with a uniform and sterile sea. So he contemplates an alternative scheme wherein he takes many objects directly into his dantian - beast cores and undigested herbs and pills, and concentrations of raw elemental qi - and lets them intermingle within the whirlpool, creating a rainbow of energies so that Lipp can draw on exactly the one he needs.
And on the other hand Lipp contemplates his encounter with a Favored of Heaven and wonders whether he can replicate that same matrix of energies within himself. He can't give himself a Favored's luck or destiny. Tugging on those strands too hard is likely to bring down Heaven's wrath instead of its favor. But by making himself into a perfect receptacle for Heaven's power, he can better take advantage of the Great Era.
The problem is that the two plans are incompatible. Maybe. Having seen the Favored convert the excess fire qi into pure qi with unbelievable speed and ease, Lipp contemplates a method to do the same. Some sort of a spiritual prism that can break pure qi down into all its assorted flavors, or fuse them back together.
He explains all this to the Analysis Jade, hoping against hope that it will have an insight to offer. After all, the pagoda at the center of a star whose points are elemental in nature is at least conceptually similar to Lipp's idea.
Instead it has more criticism.
"Do you think you can do any of that with your half-assed grasp on the elements? I know you still think water is the key to life."
"Is it not?"
"Life can't exist without water, sure, but water itself? Simpler filler. Meanwhile flame is the nature of life."
"You don't mean metaphorically." Of course it doesn't. The Analysis jade has a very loose grasp of metaphors that aren't training jargon.
"Haven't you ever noticed that he only difference between breathing and burning is that one is faster than the other? It's appalling how low elementalism must have fallen in this age. Listen up, then. If you are to use fire as anything other than a weapon you must understand the makeup of air..."
A/n: 1148 words.