History Strikes Back (TNO/TLM ISOT into OTL)

By that logic, doesn't that mean that they really have no meaningful incentive to actually improve your country and in fact, actively ruin it as a feature?
That's… the result people see when looking for malice and not considering the other option. Surprisingly, when a capitalist enterprise doesn't follow the rules of economics? They lose.

The IMF doesn't actually get anything from poor performance. They don't strip a country's resources to the bone and cart it back to the states.

The US Military does that without needing to go through a global banking institution.

The IMF's sole source of income is interest on loans. It doesn't have a set of investors they need to fuck the customer over to give dividends to. All profits go right back into the lending.

They just don't have accountability for being bad at their job. They make all their research in-house, cross-check current policies in house, and they do all their fuckup investigations… in house. There's no authority they report to other than a council of directors made up of member state representatives.

It's flown a bit under the radar, but it took until 2019 for the US Supreme Court to marginally pair back the legal high ground the IMF held. You can file a lawsuit in federal courts for US-based international organizations for Financial Fuckery, as difficult to win as that is, instead of being absolutely immune akin to a foreign government.
The IMF's sole source of income is interest on loans. It doesn't have a set of investors they need to fuck the customer over to give dividends to. All profits go right back into the lending.
So what you're saying is that it's in the IMF's interest for the loans to never be paid back in full, because then they lose a revenue stream
Demographic funnies New
Aside from the ones mentioned in the previous updates here are a few demography funnies caused by the ISOT:

1. The UAR has a larger population of Greenlanders than Greenland itself.

2. The Icelandic language can now boast of having a small but thriving community in Lebanon.

3. The number of Greek speakers in the Republic is not large enough to more than the population of Greece but there are more than enough that Greece will start implementing laws to safeguard "the real Greek language"

4. There is a growing creole population of Hungarian-Arabs in Sudan/upper egypt that is causing a lot of very normal reactions in Hungary

5. Tokyo has been knocked out from 1st place in terms of being the largest city population wise to be replaced by Iskandaria. Now its in either 3rd or 4th place depending on wether one is counting the coastal levantine cities as one megalopolis.

6. The UAR has more native Irish speakers than Ireland.

7. The UAR has the third largest Yoruba population in the world.

8. Technically speaking, the number of "Arabic" people in the world has slightly decreased since a lot of Republic citizens either don't identify as only Arab or don't identify as arab at all.
So what you're saying is that it's in the IMF's interest for the loans to never be paid back in full, because then they lose a revenue stream
No matter if only a fraction of the borrowers actually pays off the interest, the IMF will just point to them and tell the ones which don't/can't that you're not doing it right! Never mind that a sufficiently large failure to repay loans (and interest) means their pyramid scheme will collapse.
So what you're saying is that it's in the IMF's interest for the loans to never be paid back in full, because then they lose a revenue stream
Ok, if I want to be fully accurate, there is the IMF quotas of member states. That's money going in their accounts. But it's kinda more about how many votes each member of the Board of Governors have, and making it biased heavily towards countries that rank high in GDP. (I.E. Western economies) The intent is the IMF is self-sustaining, which is the loan interest. And they do have repayment terms.

An infinite cycle of consumers paying a company money for nothing is the fever dream of the Wall Street washouts in the games industry. Most normal financial institutions learned the lesson of keeping loans (that aren't pipelines for tax dollars) on their books forever after the housing market crash. But the Old Money institutions never liked that system even when the Republicans made it, and IMF puts the old in old money.