Heroic Desires (My Hero Academia Quest)

It's been very heavily implied that Toga wants more of our blood, and now that she knows we can regenerate, most of her inhibitions in indulging herself (what little inhibitions exist) are now gone.

I also don't think that actually drinking her blood will satisfy bloodlust, and while that may work and be easy enough to convince her (possibly anyways), it doesn't actually solve anything in the long run.

The point we need to understand is that the blood was not a one time thing. She always wants blood, and now she knows we can regen that. No, we could possibly bribe her with our blood. You know, give her some to let us run away. But like... give your blood to the villain whose quirk is transforming via blood?

I get that that's meta knowledge, but let's leave that for a last resort.
I don't get why some people are surprised Toga resists MIND. After all, wouldn't her crazy help her in that regard?
We have four options: run, fight with our mind, fight with our body, and talk.

We rolled way too low to be able to talk her out of this, so talking seems to be a bust.

She resists our TK, so odds are we'll lose fast if we keep trying to fight her with it.

We're bloodlusted, she's still substantially faster than us, she still knows the area better than us, and she still knows where we live, so trying to run is still pointless.

I'm sure there's a better option out there than to try to brawl her and hope that our screams of agony as she skewers us attract help, but I'm not really seeing it.
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"One shudders to imagine what inhuman thoughts lie behind that mask. What dreams of chronic and sustained cruelty!"
Funny that we don't have to imagine, Luxi already provided a POV.

I'm sure there's a better option out there than to try to brawl her and hope that our screams of agony as she skewers us attract help, but I'm not really seeing it.

Agreed, she wouldn't have attacked if we actually had a reasonable chance of being heard. There's always dumb luck, but that's OP's domain.
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...do you not understand how our Quirk works? Or are you just trolling at this point?

I'm gonna need you to chill.

Your power is based on the bonds you have with others. Each person you befriend will give you a minor power that grows as your relationship deepens. Your power comes from your friends. In this case, literally. This also means that unless you are careful you might lose powers if you break someone's heart.

Each person added to your relationship gives you a minor power you can use in combat. At first it will be too small to use in combat but as you get more relationship levels, your control over that power grows. Once you reach relationship level 10 you get all the benefits that person gets from their power.

The strength of these powers is equivalent to your bond level and the control that person has over their own quirk.

The powers you get from this quirk are slightly modified versions of the originals, adapted to you.

You can only use one power at the same time, but you can change the used power instantly.

Nothing in here about intuitively knowing what a quirk does or how it works.
Case in point with Mina's quirk: We knew we had it, we could trigger it, but any understanding had to be acquired through experience. We didn't just know what to do.

Anyway I found something on the bonds list we could use.
You can turn that +1 into a +2 by pushing the transformation further, but it will leave you [Fatigued] once the confrontation is over.
We can push the dragon transformation further if we want to get physical. We'll be able to hit hard enough to handle Toga.

That'd put us at 4 BODY, I think.
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This is still a horrible argument. Seriously, this argument just sucks. Even more so now in fact.

If you've got some surefire way for someone with the athletic ability of the average civilian to outrun a serial killer who can effectively turn invisible, transform into other people, and, most importantly, is easily one of the most agile characters in MHA, I'd love to hear it.

Which quirk that we have lets us know where she's hiding? What power lets us see through her disguises? What plan do you have to let our protagonist who gets winded running around a park outrun someone who can outmaneuver pro heroes and attack from range?

If you've got one then feel free to share it and I'll gladly throw my hat into the ring to vote for it as soon as I see it, but unless and until you find a way around those, we can't run.
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If you've got some surefire way for someone with the athletic ability of the average civilian to outrun a serial killer who can effectively turn invisible, transform into other people, and, most importantly, is easily one of the most agile characters in MHA, I'd love to hear it.

Which quirk that we have lets us know where she's hiding? What power lets us see through her disguises? What plan do you have to let our protagonist who gets winded running around a park outrun someone who can outmaneuver pro heroes and attack from range?

If you've got one then feel free to share it and I'll gladly throw my hat into the ring to vote for it as soon as I see it, but unless and until you find a way around those, we can't run.
Get out of her line of sight for a few seconds, and then change our appearance the best we can using the twins combined quirk ability.
Get out of her line of sight for a few seconds, and then change our appearance the best we can using the twins combined quirk ability.
Alright, now we've got the basis of a plan we can work with. Getting out of her line of sight may be easier said than done in our state, but it's not impossible. I don't think we can change much more than color with the twins combined quirk and I really don't think that'll be enough for a disguise that can fool her.

All that said, it's still the closest thing we've got to a plan at the moment.
Alright, now we've got the basis of a plan we can work with. Getting out of her line of sight may be easier said than done in our state, but it's not impossible. I don't think we can change much more than color with the twins combined quirk and I really don't think that'll be enough for a disguise that can fool her.

All that said, it's still the closest thing we've got to a plan at the moment.

Our plan to get away from the serial killer is change the color of our shirt......

Dude. This ain't it.
Our plan to get away from the serial killer is change the color of our shirt......

Dude. This ain't it.
I didn't say it was a good plan, just that it was a plan and we don't have a lot of them. I'd be happy to hear yours too if you've got one, the only real idea I had was: Take this quest up to 100 and shonen protagonist her. Daiki's power is the power of friendship. He wants to be a hero so that he can have more friends. The quests he has, or the important milestones in his life he's reaching for, are to befriend everyone, redeem a villain, and convince an enemy to surrender. Now we've got a one-sided bond, a friend who likes us despite our dislike of her, a villain who feels they have to be evil, and we're bloodlusted. The right thing to do may be to run. It might be to TK her into a puddle of blood. The Daiki thing to do is to overcome the bloodlust, prove that she can too, and befriend the crap out of her.

Objectively though at's a terrible plan with very little chance of success and I have no idea how we'd even go about that. I'm more than happy to encourage any better ideas because we definitely don't have the plot armor for "Plan befriend her right in her stupid face".
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Objectively though at's a terrible plan with very little chance of success though, I have no idea how we'd even go about that, and I'm more than happy to encourage any better ideas because we definitely don't have the plot armor for "Plan Befriend her right in her stupid face" .
I'll pray to the dice if you do.
The Daiki thing to do is to overcome the bloodlust, prove that she can too, and befriend the crap out of her.

This demands a speech plan.
People have been saying: "Toga cannot be reasoned with". I will say that I disagree. She CAN be reasoned with, she just can't be reasoned with using normal people logic. Toga runs on Blue and Orange Morality, centered mostly on her understanding of her quirk as "love" (and giving the weird interaction between our Quirks, she might be on to something). I said the same thing regarding the "date" plan. Toga conflates romance (or positive relationships in general) with violence, attempting to talk her down saying we don't need violence to be friends was always going to fail.

I suspect that, if we freely offer her our blood though, she will BSOD. Toga's brand of crazy has been formed around her parents' rejection of her quirk, as well as romantic rejection. She believes she needs blood to form bonds, and that she can only get people's blood by attacking them, because no one will accept her true self, quirk and all. If we freely offer her our own blood (thus, in her mind, accepting her as she is), she'll probably have a strong emotional reaction. Probably not involving killing us, but possibly involving killing herself.

Now if we want to be responsible for this mess, and possibly become Toga's Cloudcuckolander Minder for the rest of the quest? That's a whole 'nother question.
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Probably not involving killing us, but possibly involving killing herself.
I was with you until this part.

In any case, I think a blood trade might work well enough to get us through the next turn if nothing else.

[X]Plan We Have To Do Something, Right?
[X] Propose a blood trade. You don't like it at all, but you can't deny you're getting where she's coming from. You really want the blood too, you don't like that either. Damn your powers. Damn the whole situation.
[X] Only if she agrees to put the knife away.
[X] If she doesn't agree to put the knife away, further the dragon transformation and rush past Toga as superhumanly possible out of the alley.
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I was with you until this part.
Well, I don't think Luxicato would be that cruel, but if she spontaneously came to the realization that she can in fact form bonds without violence, she might suddenly see every murder she commited in the past as, well, wrong, and then have a break down. We would probably (try and) stop her from successfully doing anything stupid.

Now, I'm not voting one way or the other, but just know that, if you feed her, she's gonna follow you home, and then you will be expected to clean up after her, understand? :p
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I'm gonna go with
[X]Plan We Have To Do Something, Right?

Here's my reasoning, running away at this point is...unlikely, not only is Toga superior to us in BODY (although we could overcome the gulf in stats with bloodlust and pushing shirohime's quirk) remember that,to try to run away AT ALL we need to first pass a roll for not fighting,THEN pass another roll because running away wouldn't end with up with tasting her blood, THEN we would actually need to succeed at a BODY roll against Toga, and may I remind you that pushing Shirohime's quirk leaves us fatigued afterward, further reducing any chance of dealing with her with a BODY roll, that is a lot of rolls we'd need to pass.

The blood trade is...risky, one less roll we have to succeed at and the roll would be SOUL something where we would have a major advantage given our strength and her weakness,the problem isn't whether we succeed (we may just fail the first roll to decide to act without fighting in which case the entire point is moot) but what succeeding would entail,I'm not sure tasting her blood is a good idea, we have no idea what it will do to us,I imagine it will make the bond somewhat mutual? Could it warp our perception of bonds like hers? I think it's unlikely as her twisted perception of bonds is not just due to her quirk but also due to her past and how that past shaped her mentality, but it will definitely have some unintended effect.

Ultimately what drives my choice here is...well survival, I think a blood trade might give us a better chance at pacifying her while at the same time dealing with the Bloodlust problem,basically it gives us greater chance of survival while having the unfortunate effect of...well creating some problems for us down the line.
We still have no idea what happens if we taste her blood, hopefully not some kind of obsession , I mean if having a Yandere after us is bad imagine BEING the Yandere.

on a somewhat related note....If we get Toga's quirk as well at this high of a level we can definitely mess up some Villains' plan.
Let's see if someone gets what Daiki's quirk is doing right now.
I'm just spitballing here, but:
Its confused as hell because it just got a new power but doesn't know how to categorise it, because it uses Daiki's part of the bond to organise things and he's really far from having one.
Since it got the quirk after Toga drank Daiki's blood, its hoping that if Daiki drinks her blood then he'll get a bond to know where to put it.
But I might be giving it too much agency, these aren't Worm's Passengers.

It might also be that this is the first strong unidirectional bond. The amount Toga likes us determines its power, but the amount we like her gives us control, or something like that.

Get out of her line of sight for a few seconds, and then change our appearance the best we can using the twins combined quirk ability.
Do we have a way to disguise the hole in our hand?
It might also be that this is the first strong unidirectional bond.

My thinking was more that the nature of the bond was what was throwing us off. Everything up to this point had been either familial or platonic. So the response from his quirk is pretty functional, no side effects.

This weird sado-lust-obsession is a very different cocktail than what we're used to. So, there's a more extreme response.

Presumably if Daiki was in a romantic relationship we'd be having a similarly personalized response to whoever the love interest was, just less intense and/or disconcerting.

If that's the case then the expression of a bond with Daiki changes with the form of the attachment.