Hell is other angels

Well I'd consider working with the FA as equals, a Good End.
Also, do you actually think you have the conviction necessary to wipe yourself out of existence completely?
I find myself somewhat doubtful.
Not to disparage your character, but even people who are absolutely certain of an afterlife with their loved ones find it hard to face death, let alone knowing for certain you are bout to erase your own existence.
You might need therapy if this is actually the case, 'cause I doubt it is at all healthy.
It kind of depends on what you expect afterwards, if you expect eternal suffering... well that's not much of a prospect. Actually going through with something like that does seem like it would be tough though, naturally one would try to eke as much useful lifespan as one could.

So that would make balancing such things out rather difficult and I could see one easily erring on the side of caution.
Well whatever the case exactly, it's kind of suspicious when an entity lives in a coin and partially possesses you when to touch it. That and overall behaviour would make me some what suspicious of possible reasons things are playing as is.

While it's possible she's nice, trusting her doesn't really seem indicated. Giving more control to entities who possess on average probably doesn't end all that well.

I agree, the decision is easy, and Billy Joel said it best.
"I'd rather laugh with the sinner's than cry with the saints."
I played idly with the stake and sighed, staring out of the dark windscreen, "You know, some people might think demon or vampire hunting would be exciting. It's not, really really not. Ninety percent boredom, five percent getting hurt, five percent stark terror."

"Eh, more like ninety nine percent boredom." Lazarus sighed, "Boring is good. Boring means you are not getting eaten."

Good point.

"Boring also means you are not paid yet." I sighed and twisted the stake in my hand with a frown, "It also means I don't get to sleep."

"Pissed the rest didn't like the plan?"

"Bit. If I get eaten because of it, then I'll be really pissed."

Lazarus shrugged, "Eh, good plan. But they do have a point, we have handled five vampires before. Safer, but fires attract attention."

"What does that matter if we're not there at the time?"

She sighed and looked at me, "Are you going to bitch all night?"

"Thinking about it." I answered before I rubbed my forehead, "...Sorry. Didn't get my caffeine."

"We can stop for a coffee on the way back when we're done."

I grimaced at that, "Foul liquid. Americans, you and your coffee. You could at least drink tea like a civilised people."

"That's just dried leaf water."

I stared at her in horror before I nodded, "Agreed."


"The stuff you call tea here is just dried leaf water. You have likely never even seen real tea. You poor woman, no wonder you drink coffee. I bet you even think it come in bags!"

She blinked at me, "...Tea don't come in bags?"

"Bloody hell."

Laz grinned and then looked out the windscreen again before she frowned, "Check that out."


A pair of people were walking down the sidewalk, from the stumbling, at least one of them was drunk as they were supporting each other. Laughing and talking. A man and a woman.

"What do you think?" She asked with a thoughtful look, "Just some neighbours?"


"Would you like me to tell you, or should I teach you how to tell on your own, my host?"

I hesitated for a moment as I watched them before I nodded. Teach. The less I need to rely on her, the better.

"Unless you have supernatural senses such as some demons or the slayer. Or the ability to see bodyheat, the easiest way to tell a vampire from a human at range is the way they dress. Most keep the style they used when they were turned or at least lag a couple of decades behind." Taziel explained, her breath warm against my ear, "But that doesn't always apply -or- if they are newly turned. A more difficult but much more certain way to determine if it's a vampire is the way they move. They are much stronger than a human of the same build so they move differently. They don't need to strain as much when they walk, run or jump. Even when just walking, there is a minute different if you know how to look."

I frowned at the pair. They were leaning against each other for support, the woman in high heels helping him keep upright. She was half his size and didn't look like she was working hard at all.

She is the vampire. He is the takeaway meal.

"Very good, my host." Taziel said quietly, "You are a quick study." before her presence faded away.

"She is a vampire. He is takeout." I said out loud, "He's leaning on her, she isn't straining with his weight."

Lazarus slowly nodded, "Yeah. Good spot, new guy."

"...Are we just going to let that happen?" I asked as I turned to her with a frown.

"Fuck no. Stay here." She said and got out of the car, mussing her hair up quickly before heading in their direction, pulling out a pack of cigarettes with a slight stumble in her steps.

Stay here and let her go for a vampire on her own!?

But there was nothing I could do, if I went now, all it would do would be to tip it off. Instead I reached carefully for the crossbow sitting in the back seat and started to wind it up with the small winch.

Got to give Lazarus this, she was a good actress. A slight stumble of being drunk in her steps as she moved towards them along the sidewalk, feeling on her pockets with a cigarette in her hand. As she got close, she looked up at them and said something that made them stop.

The vampire nodded and motioned for her to get closer before pointing towards the house we were surveying. The translation was easy to fill in on my own.

'Have a light?'

'Sorry, not on me, but we are just outside the house, I have a lighter there. Come on.'

Lazarus nodded and put the cigarette between her lips, her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket as she waited for them to come up to her before, following along next to the vampire... only to stab her in the hearth from the back with a stake as soon as the vampire moved past her.

The guy cried out in surprise and stumbled, almost falling as his support turned into dust before he span and stared at Laz. She pulled her knife and said something to him.

He turned and ran.

Putting her knife and stake away, Lazarus pulled a lighter and lit her cig before starting back towards the car.

That's when there was a shout and the door to the vampire nest banged open and two of them ran out.

They saw what happened.


AN// Big thanks to Breadnaught for betaing this section.
Vampiric super senses extend to hearing, Laz. Probably cause their own bodies don't have biological processes making background noise anymore.
Hmmm, Laz left her crossbow in the car with Hiver right? I think doom guy can pull off the demon hunter duel wield no problem. Also it'll look badass as hell!

Apart from the fact that you'll only get one shot with both, keep in mind that he doesn't have Doomguy's strength. Holding a crossbow steady with one arm is pretty hard, much less aiming it.

He's in a car. Run the fuckers over!
"Unless you have supernatural senses such as some demons or the slayer. Or the ability to see bodyheat, the easiest way to tell a vampire from a human at range is the way they dress.
the Slayer, or the ability to see body heat, the easiest way
Even when just walking, there is a minute different if you know how to look."
difference if you know
following along next to the vampire... only to stab her in the hearth from the back with a stake as soon as the vampire moved past her.
in the heart
Two v two, is it? Not that bad, odds-wise.
Why does she call him "My Host"?

Lasciel did that as an overly polite verbal tic, but Taziel isn't Lasciel so she shouldn't talk the same.
That's when there was a shout and the door to the vampire nest banged open and two of them ran out.

They saw what happened.

And that's why, no matter how boring the stake out, you don't go on preemptive hits. Especially not right outside the front door.
I briefly considered getting into the drivers seat. No time, there were only seconds before they reached Laz.

Opening the door I got out and raised the crossbow, taking aim quickly before pulling the trigger on the crossbow.

Dark. Highly mobile targets with high transversal speed. Slow projectile. Don't care how skilled you are, that's a difficult shot.

I was almost surprised my shot was as accurate as it was.

The bolt flew through the air and would have hit the closest one in the side by the chest area... if he had not twisted like a snake and caught it mid air. The vampire pivoted and started towards me instead.


There is no way that guy was new.

No time to reload.

I dropped the crossbow on the hood of the car and pulled the stake from my pocket while reaching into my shirt to pull out the silver cross around my neck. Then I stepped away from the car and walked to meet him.

The vampire slowed down as he got closer, a smirk on his still human face, "Well, well. What do we have here? A wannabee Hellsing."

I answered by pulling my pistol with my left hand and shooting him in the face. His head rocked back and he reached up to touch the hole in his cheek before spitting out a couple of teeth.

He just chuckled, "A gun? Seriously? You don't think I have been shot in the past? And by bigger things than that little piece. Kid, I was turned during the civil war."

Shit. This guy was Old and the fact that he survived this long meant he was good.

I snarled at him and started to lower the gun... only to double tap his right knee.

Immortal demon possessed corpses or not, they still needed a couple of things to function. Motor neurons and joints. A heatshot is risky as I just proved. They don't use most of that brain. Joints were easier.

My gun barked twice and the vampire screamed before lunging at me with his one good leg.

He was still several meters away. His right leg was crippled. I was completely ready for it and I reacted faster than ever before, even counting the time I fought that vampire in Sunnydale.

It was all that saved my life.

He moved, his hand reaching for my neck, his other moving towards my right to control the stake. He hit me like a freight train and I just rolled with it, allowing myself to drop. The momentum threw him off me but he managed to get hold of my jacket.

We went rolling and my gun went flying as I threw him off me.

I twisted, scrambling to get away. If he got a hold of me with any kind of leverage it would be over. By the time I was halfway up, he was throwing himself towards me again, gameface fully deployed.

No time for something fancy. I dropped back down and planted my boot in his stomach, throwing him over me before I rolled to the side, snatching up my fallen gun and firing twice more.

One smashed into his shoulder and he twisted, just managing to avoid the next bullet from hitting him in the head.

Snarling the vampire got back up, starting towards me again.

I fired twice more, aiming at the neck but he was too fast for me to get a accurate shot as he dodged to the left. One bullet hit him in the side of the neck, the other missed completely as I tried for a spine shot.

Fine. Knee then.

The moment my gun started to lower, he moved again and threw himself towards me, my bullet hitting the road and then there was no time to worry about that again.

Taz, unlock.

Unless you are a Slayer, never, ever, get into a hand to hand fight with a vampire if you can at all help it. I had every advantage and for the moment I was almost as fast and strong as he was.

But he had hundreds of years of on me and was faster and stronger still.

I did my best to deflect his hits and get my own in, trying for the stake or a disabling kick to his good knee. There was no time for anything fancy. No time to do anything but react.

There were a few frantic seconds where everything was pain and movement before he caught me, his hand hand grabbing my right wrist and then he had me caught, pulling me close.

"I like you. I think I'll keep you." he growled with a grin, "I can use someone like you."

I slammed my forehead against his nose and he jerked back for a second. It was enough. Grabbing the cross around my neck with my left hand, I slammed it against his forehead and kept it there.

He roared and pulled back. There was a snapping sound from my right arm but he let go. I kicked out, getting his good knee. There was a nasty snapcracklepop of a sound as it bent backwards and he fell.

Snatching up my fallen stake I threw myself at him before he could recover. The wood found heart and suddenly I was laying in a cloud of dust.

Pain surged through me like spears. My everything hurt like hell but it was nothing compared to my right forearm which was at a decidedly unhealthy angle. My everything felt like it was on fire.

I choked back a scream of pain and ground my teeth as I struggled onto my knees. Lazarus's vampire was down, I looked over just in time to see her slam her stake into it's heart.

Taz. Pain. Suppress.

"Pain exist for a reason, my host." Taziel muttered disapprovingly but the pain faded to a faint echo of itself anyway. She left some of it to let me know I was still injured.

"Shit. Saint." Lazarus said as she ran over, "Come on, we need to get out of here." she ordered as she grabbed my good hand, pulling me onto my feet.

I winced at the movement but nodded, "Yeah. We are in no shape to get jumped again. You okay?" I asked, noticing that she was favoring her right leg.

"Yeah, will be sore in the morning. You look like shit."

"Right arm mostly..." I groaned, "Sucker was good."

Shit, should not have done that.

"Come on, let's get back to the trailer. Get you patched up. We have morphine."

Drugs. Yes.

Drugs awesome.

AN// Many thanks to Alayn for betaing this section.
Is it strange that my first reaction to the vamp saying he was turned during the Civil War was "so, what wad it like back then? Which side did you fight for? Did you ever meet Lincoln?"