Hell is other angels

"How rude" why do I get the feeling that the mayor will pop up right as rain tomorrow looking mildly disappointed with saint for thinking that would work.
It's a possibility, but I vaguely recall there was a plot point that people killed by ordinary humans are much harder to bring back then ones killed by magical means.

So I suppose depends on if Saint counts as "ordinary".
Do we have any confirmation, though, that the mayor had not already started the Ascension ritual?

The first part of it involved becoming immortal for the X days preceding it.
Pretty sure the days were numbered at 99 or 100 so maybe he got back there early enough? In canon, the mayor got his head blown off and pretty much just stood up immediately thereafter. Hmm, however, he had a tight grip on the demons prior to ascension and may have put down a number of his enemies as a last hurrah prior to ascending. All of those need accounting. Lastly, is Skip gonna make an appearance for contract work for the rougue?
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The immortality Wilkins gets is only for the 100 days prior to the ascension. Since this is prior to even Faith's canon appearance (yes I know she hasn't been slayerised in this setting) we can say with absolute certainty that he was not immortal from that method.

While it highly unlikely that he is/was in possession of another means of surviving getting shot and incinerated, anything is possible I guess.
Do we have any confirmation, though, that the mayor had not already started the Ascension ritual?

The first part of it involved becoming immortal for the X days preceding it.

As @Ancalador said, the invulnerability spell was part of the Ascension rituals, and only lasted 100 days. This is taking place around the end of season 2, a full year before Wilkins' planned Ascension.
I carefully closed the door of the hotel room with one last glance back at the bed where Aiko where snoozing before I locked it behind me and put my hands in my pockets, heading out to the street. It was early night and we had been laying low for a couple of days to try to dodge worst of the fallout from the death of the mayor.

It was still dark out, but I couldn't sleep. End of the world was coming.

Some idiot was trying to harness the forces of hell to get whatever the fuck it was the idiot wanted. Again. Even if it was just hell that he wanted.

The Doomslayer part of me wasn't even surprised, he had seen it so many times.

Well, he wanted hell? I'll be more than happy to give it to him.

Turning to the right, I walked into the cemetery as I looked up at the stars through the sparse trees. For Sunnydale, this was peaceful. The moon was slowly setting already, but it was still a while until sunrise.

I couldn't help but wonder what would happen now, with the Mayor gone. At least I think he was gone. If not, I wasn't sure how to do it as I'm pretty sure I used enough gun and then burned the remains.

But that wasn't the problem now. Now the problem was stopping everything from going to hell. Humanity kicked the major demons out sometime in eons past. We were not about to let them back in.

Where did we start on finding this guy? Buffy and the gang had not managed it yet and they had the local contacts.

End of the world. No more holding back.

I pulled the coin from my pocket. Looking down at it, it almost seemed to shine with its own light in the palm of my hand. Such a little thing.

Taziel appeared, standing across from me and I looked at her as I pocketed the coin again.

"My Host." She said with a nod, folding her wings. "End of the world?"

"End of the world." I confirmed. "No more half-arsing this. It's time to go full arse."

Her lips twisted into a small grin. "Not sure that's how the saying goes."

I just shrugged. "You say you want a partner? Fully?"

"I do." She agreed and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. "I assume you have further terms?"

"No taking over and my body, my rules. The rest from before still apply, everything we do, you teach me how to do and if I can't for some reason because of the powers involved, you teach me how you do it anyway. I want to understand everything." I said as I regarded her. "In return, if there is a way to kill Anduriel, I'll do my best to help you. But I want the veto vote if the costs turn out too large. Like the end of the world or death of a bunch of innocent people."

Taziel slowly nodded before she sighed. "I'm not even sure it's possible to kill an angel, even a fallen one. Even if we somehow manage to get to the part of creation his host dwells in, the best we might be able to do would be to foil their plans."

"It's far?"

"Even if you could open a Way into the Nevernever, it would be very far traveling the normal way." Taziel agreed with a nod, "There is a reason he banished me here."

"Hmh. So not very realistic?" I asked.

She just shrugged her wings. "Not at this point and right now, his host would murder you. You are skilled, but not to the level of Nicodemus Archleone. Even ignoring the assistance of Anduriel, there is a reason he has survived for two thousand years."

I nodded and let my breath out. "Something for later. We have more urgent matters."

Taziel nodded and stepped closer, looking up at me. "We do. I like the world, even this one."

"Any ideas?"

She bit her lower lip in a rather cute way with a small frown. "Anywhere else, scrying for demonic energies would be effective, but this is the Hellmouth. Too much background radiation. If I'm close enough I should be able to feel Acathla if it interacts with hellfire at all."

"How close?"

Taziel shrugged one shoulder. "Hundred meters, maybe two? Like I said, a lot of interference around. In other places, it might be kilometers."

"Damn." I sighed. "Well, I'm not walking a grid across town on the chance that we happen to wander by close enough."

She nodded. "Would be an inefficient use of time. But we need information."

"Have any contacts? You had a previous host on this world. Any contacts back from that time?"

"Most likely." She agreed. "But most of the time I was in Europe and Russia. It would be possible to call up some demons from the underworld, but most of those demand blood sacrefices."

"Yeah, not doing that."

Taziel rolled her eyes, said: "Last thing this world needs is more demons." and shrugged. "Besides, why call one up when we can simply ask one of the locals?"

I slowly nodded. "So... Willy's Bar? He is called Willy the snitch for a reason."

Taziel frowned. "Not sure. You would think the Slayer would have slapped him around over it already."

"Maybe his customers know more?" I speculated at a sound of shuffling behind me. "But demons or not, I don't want to start something at a demon bar. As long as there are demons, demon bars are objectively a good thing. If they spend their time there drinking, they are not out eating people."

"True." Taziel agreed. "But end of the world. Also, Vampire approaching behind you."

"I know." I agreed and turned around to see a male vampire a couple of meters away.

He vamped out and grinned, starting to get closer. "I have not eaten crazy befo-" he started to say before trailing off as I spread our wings.

"And you never will." I told him with a smile. "But perhaps you may still get out of this without too much pain. Tell me everything you know of a warlock named Telos More."

AN// Big thanks to Grey Rook for betaing this section.
Are the wings super recognizable as a fall angels?
What I mean is are black wings like that a fallen specific thing?
Even if the vampire doesn't ID him as a Fallen ('s host) right there (possible and even probable), he'd have to be completely and utterly braindead to not understand that Saint is a much bigger deal than him (the vampire), based on the complete lack of fear, easy confidence, and demonstration of shapeshifting. Now, the last one on its own isn't necessarily an indication of particular danger, but displaying obvious supernatural attributes while giving off an impression of being able to easily kill you via both spoken- and body language... that should be setting off some 'bigger predator'-style alarm bells.

In terms of the hierarchy of gribblies, vampires (for the most part, with elder vamps being the exception) are pretty low in the pecking order.
Even if the vampire doesn't ID him as a Fallen ('s host) right there (possible and even probable), he'd have to be completely and utterly braindead to not understand that Saint is a much bigger deal than him (the vampire), based on the complete lack of fear, easy confidence, and demonstration of shapeshifting. Now, the last one on its own isn't necessarily an indication of particular danger, but displaying obvious supernatural attributes while giving off an impression of being able to easily kill you via both spoken- and body language... that should be setting off some 'bigger predator'-style alarm bells.

In terms of the hierarchy of gribblies, vampires (for the most part, with elder vamps being the exception) are pretty low in the pecking order.
Hiver has not mentioned it, but when Fallen transform their sigil glows between the second pair of eyes on their host's forehead. If the vamp is old enough he might recognize Taziel's sigil, in which case he instantly realizes how badly he fucked up.
A bigger hive of scum and blahblahblah.

Willy's Bar.

The outside only had a small sign but the entire place just stank of sleaze. There was a reason muggles avoided the place even if they didn't know about the real world.

The bad smell became less metaphorical once you got in through the door. Smoke, spilled beer, piss and the smell of various demons.

Business must be going good though, the place was packed with the less feral species of demons and a lot of vampires. Willy survived for two reasons.

One was that everyone liked having somewhere to drink.

Second was that nobody wanted to eat that. Even the evil and the evil dead had standards.

Willy was standing by the bar, pouring a glass of blood for a bloodsucker that took it back to the corner booth.

Fucking hell. I feel like I'm going to catch something just walking inside. Taziel, make a note will you? I need to start wearing gloves.

"No need, my host." she giggled into my ear, "You are immune to all known diseases as long as you carry my coin. All fallen can do that and I was a healing angel."

Don't make it any less icky.

"...Point. I'll remind you when we get somewhere that sells them."

I looked around and made my way over to the bar, "Whiskey." I said and leaned against it. Willy was a rat looking guy, a bit shorter than me with brown short hair combed back over his head. If you looked up 'sleazy bar owner' in the dictionary, you would not find him.

But he would be right there at 'used car salesman'.

He eyed me warily, "Got an ID, kid?"

I just looked at him in surprise, "You are actually carding me?"

"Don't look old enough, kid. Need an ID."


"Well, I'll just have a coke then." I said with a chuckle, taking the can as he put it on the bar before I reached into my pocket and pulled out a couple of notes, "You know, I was going to beat you until information started falling out, but not selling to people underage, earned you a couple of points. So I'll give you a simple choice. Bribe or pain, up to you."

"...I'm not sure what you are on about, kid, but..."

"I'm Saint." I said and put two hundred bucks on the bar, "It's quite simple. Tell me where I can find a warlock called Telos More."

Sadly the vampire from before didn't know a single thing. Which brought me to the backup location.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said and his eyes flicked from the money to behind me.

"You are going to regret coming here, human." A gravely voice said from behind me, "My maggots will enjoy feasting on your..."

Pulling my gun in a smooth motion I turned and jammed it beneath the chin of the scaly demon and pulled the trigger twice.

The hundred kilo demon's brains splattered in a green across the room, mostly hitting a group of vampires before the big monster dropped onto the floor, slowly dissolving into ash, fire and slime.

One of the vampires started to head for the door and I shifted my aim and pulled the trigger again, blowing out his right knee.

He dropped, screaming and clutching his knee as I stood up, surveying the demon bar, "I didn't say you could leave. Now listen up you infernal fuck heads. As of now, you are all dead. If you give me something useful enough, you may walk out of this bar."

One of the demons, a guy(I think) got up from his seat in the corner and slowly approached. He looked like a classic devil, big horns, goat legs and claws at the end of his fingers. His skins was bright red.

"Morkatos demon, my host." Taziel said as her arms wrapped around me from behind, leaning against my back with her head resting on my shoulder, a smile on her lips, "Very strong, difficult to hurt. Can only be killed my parts of his own body."

"And how would you do that human?" the demon asked with a grin, showing off a pair of admittedly impressive fangs before his arm flashed towards my throat.

I stepped into it, my hand flashing up and knocking his arm to the side, accessing the strength Taziel was supplying me with as I kicked his knee hard and to the side. He went down with a more surprised than pained yell.

Slamming down my foot on one horn, I ripped the other one free from his head with my hand, tossing it over to turn it around before slamming it deep into his head via his ear, "Something like that." I said and kicked the dead demon in the face hard enough to make it roll across the bar, "Anyone else have any objections?"


"...You can't take us all at once." A vampire finally said from his seat, but he didn't move.

I spread my arms, "Come on then if you think you are fucking hard enough. But there is a single way you are walking out of his bar. You tell me something I want to know. Now... who wants to continue living?"

The vampire I shot in the knee kept whimpering and I sighed, walking over before I kicked him hard in the throat and he stopped making sounds, "There. Much better. Now... who wants to go first?" I asked as I looked back around the bar as I pocketed my gun.

Dead silence before a green and yellow demon with vertical eyelids slowly raised his hand. At the looks he was getting he shrugged, "Fuck you guys, I don't want to die here. My species doesn't even eat humans." he said before he looked at me and swallowed, "I know some stuff. Not where to find the warlock, but I know who does."

AN// Big thanks to -Mech- for betaing this section.