Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)

Mina rolls her eyes and mutters something about poor little rich girls.
Darius glares at Mina and walks towards Elizabeth.
Typhon meanwhile makes himself comfortable.
Elizabeth slowly backs away to the wall. Her face is not empty of emotion because she is hiding her feelings, but because no feelings are coming. The skirt of her dress appears a tattered mess and her legs little better.

There's nothing mechanically wrong with her legs; just scrapes and scratches to match the cloth laid against them. Out of all proportion to the harm antlers should do, but entirely superficial. There's no good reason for Elizabeth to be going into shock again.

Elizabeth flinches back into the wall.

OOC: I have to go to sleep now, unfortunately.
Darius face becomes flush with worry "Apollogies, miss Arche. I am sure Typhon meant no harm. He is an affectinate creature at heart." Darius bends down, not letting himself feel the pain of his leg "Mind me taking care of your wounds miss Arche? I am aware you can do it yourself, but it is more about the gesture then the act itself." the old man says "That's the least I can do after Typhons accidental damage" Darius looks up and sees she is distressed "Are you alright?" He asks with worry.
Doctor Hematite nods, saying "Yes, I do believe that would be acceptable. We can meet either here, or in my office after this current discussion."
The Doctor's face goes blank, as the implications of your words impact him. He begins to say something, but aborts his commentary as you continue speaking.Suddenly, the Doctor shouts "You mean all this time the problem wasn't on my end!? I thought that I was doing something wrong with the procedure, but if the problem was simply a lack of willing Ess'Vee to Bind someone to, that explains everything! You would be able to tell me when there's someone who wants to Bind on the other side, yes?"

Doctor Hematite calms down slightly, before saying "And as for you each being Bound to a separate Ess'Vee, that is most certainly the case. According to most theories on them, there are thousands of Ess'Vee that spend significant amounts of time near our universe, with potentially billions more beyond our current range of observation."
Doctor Hematite looks somewhat apologetic, as he says "Sorry, but I don't know how to help you here. The Binding was designed to fuse your mind with that of an Ess'Vee on an extremely deep level. I don't actually know how to safely unbind someone."
(Meanwhile, in the past)
Darius face scrounges "I am not sure doctor, the knowledge was rather sporadic, so I can't be sure I can confrom if the...creatures have interrest." Darius said.
"So, Doctor, for your records, I want to admit that the gun is, as far as I know, a gun. I haven't fired it yet, so no idea just what it does exactly. The briefcase is some kind of paperwork summoner. The first pen is normal. The second pen is poisoned. I don't know much more about my equipment." He shrugs. "I'll be open and honest about all that. I'll answer other questions to the best of my ability and willingness. Might as well be open about this stuff for now."
(MeanMeanwhile, in the future probally)
Darius smiles "I wil be as open as possible as wel, but my...companion of fate has not given me any obvious gifts." Darius shrugs.
Suddenly, the Doctor shouts "You mean all this time the problem wasn't on my end!? I thought that I was doing something wrong with the procedure, but if the problem was simply a lack of willing Ess'Vee to Bind someone to, that explains everything! You would be able to tell me when there's someone who wants to Bind on the other side, yes?"
Albert tilts his head as if listening to someone.

"Possibly. Though according to my Ess'Vee, who thinks it's an odd term, we didn't exist until quite recently." Albert said, shrugging.
"It's not like the acid even hurts--or is that just me? It might just be me." Mina looks thoughtful for a bit, then shrugs. "Hard to tell, but it's pretty strong acid. So probably just me. I'll shut up now."
Scene 1-4: Q&A 2
"It looked an awful lot like ink to me." Mina shrugs, looking rather bored now herself.

"I'm looking forward to those new rooms, frankly. Are we talking the sort of upper-crust area that has security cameras everywhere, or more the sort where there are out-and-out guards?"
The Doctor's eyebrow raises slightly as he notes to himself "Security cameras? What an odd idea." The Doctor shrugs, before saying quietly to himself "It must be some mental leakage from Subject 104's Ess'Vee."

To actually answer your question, Doctor Hematite says "Considering the recent monster incursions, and some high-profile attacks by the Order of the Red Star, most of the people living there will have hired private security forces by now I expect."
"Honestly? No. It's not mine and it's not meant to scare you. I simply was...compelled to use the pen on the bullets." He shrugs. "Why would I want to scare you? If I wanted something from you, I'd make a deal or simply talk to you. I'm not a violent person." He keeps twirling around the pen.
The Doctor writes down some notes in a place you can't see. Subject 108: Remi Lorenzo. Ess'Vee influence level sufficient to compel action.
"So, Doctor, for your records, I want to admit that the gun is, as far as I know, a gun. I haven't fired it yet, so no idea just what it does exactly. The briefcase is some kind of paperwork summoner. The first pen is normal. The second pen is poisoned. I don't know much more about my equipment." He shrugs. "I'll be open and honest about all that. I'll answer other questions to the best of my ability and willingness. Might as well be open about this stuff for now."
The Doctor nods, saying "I appreciate your honesty, but please don't wave that thing around indoors again."
"Altering the rules on which reality runs on doesn't seem very subtle to me. Or safe." Albert replied, cackling a bit.

He turned to the Doctor.

"Though my good doctor, this hasn't exactly gone unnoticed, so if you would, who else would know of this?"
Doctor Hematite writes down some more notes, as he replies "Well, there's the Senate, since they authorized this project. Then there's everyone working here, and probably some of their friends and family. There's probably rumors going around about the exact nature of the experiment, given there were plenty who were offered the opportunity but turned it down. That said, the public was given a general explanation, that the project here was trying to find a solution to the monster problem. Why?"

Soon, the question and answer session draws to a close, and the Doctor turns to Remi, asking "So, about that private session?"
Jericho twitches for a bit, then goes to silently, resentfully, eating his sandwich.

He'll probably respond to other people better now that he knows he's not getting me out of his head any time soon.
Soon, the question and answer session draws to a close, and the Doctor turns to Remi, asking "So, about that private session?"
"Of course and" He pauses. Hello, Remi. What is it? The person who planted the evidence has left the building. Warn the Doctor now. Alright. "Doctor. A warning is to be given now. Someone has planted evidence that you are a member of the Red Order. A young lab assistant is the culprit. He has left the building. Before we continue, we must find this evidence." He sighs. "I know this is sudden, but my...Ess'Vee has decided to warn me now."
Darius face becomes flush with worry "Apollogies, miss Arche. I am sure Typhon meant no harm. He is an affectinate creature at heart."
"It's fine; I'm sure he didn't mean to." Elizabeth automatically produces a smile. It immediately wavers, then fades.

Darius bends down, not letting himself feel the pain of his leg "Mind me taking care of your wounds miss Arche? I am aware you can do it yourself, but it is more about the gesture then the act itself." the old man says "That's the least I can do after Typhons accidental damage"
"Ah, well, thanks." This smile lasts longer, though the body language that accompanies it looks pretty stiff.

Darius looks up and sees she is distressed "Are you alright?" He asks with worry.
"Yes, yes, fine," Elizabeth lies. She looks away, but, pressed to the wall as she was any movement could bring her back into contact with the kneeling man. She can hardly ignore him.

She offers him a hand up, before turning to listen to the Doctor again.

The Doctor nods, saying "I appreciate your honesty, but please don't wave that thing around indoors again."
Elizabeth is rather heartened by how sensible this restriction sounds.

Doctor Hematite writes down some more notes, as he replies "Well, there's the Senate, since they authorized this project. Then there's everyone working here, and probably some of their friends and family. There's probably rumors going around about the exact nature of the experiment, given there were plenty who were offered the opportunity but turned it down. That said, the public was given a general explanation, that the project here was trying to find a solution to the monster problem. Why?"
That sounds like a lot of people to Elizabeth, but also very few. It's so odd how the spread of knowledge works.

"Of course and" He pauses. Hello, Remi. What is it? The person who planted the evidence has left the building. Warn the Doctor now. Alright. "Doctor. A warning is to be given now. Someone has planted evidence that you are a member of the Red Order. A young lab assistant is the culprit. He has left the building. Before we continue, we must find this evidence." He sighs. "I know this is sudden, but my...Ess'Vee has decided to warn me now."

Elizabeth gasps.

"Who could suspect the good Doctor of such an heinous crime? Surely, no one would believe such evidence!"
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"Yes, how abominable," Mina deadpans. "Honestly, girl, have you never seen a slum? People have reasons to join even the most seemingly unreasonable groups, or they wouldn't do so.

"Anyone else volunteering for a tour of the real world? I can give you a good one."
"It's fine; I'm sure he didn't mean to." Elizabeth automatically produces a smile. It immediately wavers, then fades.

"Ah, well, thanks." This smile lasts longer, though the body language that accompanies it looks pretty stiff.

"Yes, yes, fine," Elizabeth lies. She looks away, but, pressed to the wall as she was any movement could bring her back into contact with the kneeling man. She can hardly ignore him.

She offers him a hand up, before turning to listen to the Doctor again.

Elizabeth is rather heartened by how sensible this restriction sounds.

That sounds like a lot of people to Elizabeth, but also very few. It's so odd how the spread of knowledge works.

Elizabeth gasps.

"Who could suspect the good Doctor of such an heinous crime? Surely, no one would believe such evidence!"

"Yes, how abominable," Mina deadpans. "Honestly, girl, have you never seen a slum? People have reasons to join even the most seemingly unreasonable groups, or they wouldn't do so.

"Anyone else volunteering for a tour of the real world? I can give you a good one."

"Miss Mina, I have already seen it." He straightens his tie. "Now, if we would focus on the falsified evidence implicating the man who bound us to elder gods as a member of the Red Order?"
Darius looks exasperated "Alright first of all, I hope you all are aware that miss Lankin is a member of the order and if not that, a sympathizer?" Darius asks with a blank face "The evidence was clearly there. Granted, there was not any real vetting proces was there?" The old man then looks Mina the eyes, all friendliness gone from the man's face "Girl, I have seen the real world. I have seen parts of it that are just nightmares to you. The streets are one thing, war? War is something else. In war is where man pulls out all its nastiest tricks. Sorcerers, both solid and liquid fighting side by side with soldier wielding whatever weapon mad scientist can come up with. War is a viscious thing. I have seen man die in ways that would make industrial accidents look nothing. We all have seen differant parts of the world and have missed some it. Miss Arche bubble is very small, but don't kidd yourself Mina Lanking, you have not seen 'the real world'." The soldier then stands to his full height "Wonder why I am not afriad of you, miss Larkin? Because there is nothing you can do to me I have seen before and worse." The man hobbles over to doctor Hematite. His face is friendly again. "Doctor, I may not be a man of learning as yourself, but I have a theory. A theory that or abilities are influenced by who or what we are. I am a simple man and a solider and I felt strenght in my bones long gone. Lorenzo is man of paper work and of speaking to the dead, he gets the power of paperwork and a demonic gun. Mina is hiding between 'foes' and is someone who would profit form changing shape. Ergo, she can. I think our ability's are tailor made to suit our needs." The old soldier explains.
"No one has seen all of the real world, but too many of the people in power have seen none of it. War is hell, but at least it's a hell that allows for change. I'm tired of this endless grinding down of people who are already desperate. I wish war didn't seem to be the only way to change, but nothing else ever seems to work. Why doesn't anything else work?" She looks like she wants to cry, or possibly start hitting things. "People are stupid, stubborn monkeys and I can't stand it."
"No one has seen all of the real world, but too many of the people in power have seen none of it. War is hell, but at least it's a hell that allows for change. I'm tired of this endless grinding down of people who are already desperate. I wish war didn't seem to be the only way to change, but nothing else ever seems to work. Why doesn't anything else work?" She looks like she wants to cry, or possibly start hitting things. "People are stupid, stubborn monkeys and I can't stand it."
The old soldier looks Mina in the eyes, takes a step forward and hugs her. As gently as a man like him can (He cannot feel a skelleton, she must be fluid inside.) "Wel, I won't deny the stupid part, I won't deny stubborn either, but those things can carry us through. There are many horrors in this world and being ignorant about them, being stupid is sometimes better. Ignorance is bliss afteral. And stubborness? I have seen men defy death by being to stubborn to die. Humanity is a beautiful and horrible thing. It is all about perspective, really." The old man sighs "Why is war the only way to change things? Society is like a house, sturdy and rigit. You can add to it, but if there are fatal flaws in its design - like weak pillar or outdated parts - the only way to fix those is to tear it away. The only way to tear at the house of society, is war. The thing about large nubmers is that muddles things. A country is large, so reforms take time, this allows rotten and outdated things to stay. War may be hell, but it causes change, meaning that even something as terrible and vile as war has beauty in its own way. Even war itself can change, become less horrid. I mean, think about the treaty of Steanat, that outlawed chemical weaponry made by mad scientists. Trust me girl, you don't want to see those things." Darius shudders at the memory, Typhon, on the floor crawls closser and rubs his head on Darius leg, making soft chirps. "What I am trying to say, Mina, is that you can find your own beauty between the vile in this world."
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"Yes, how abominable," Mina deadpans. "Honestly, girl, have you never seen a slum? People have reasons to join even the most seemingly unreasonable groups, or they wouldn't do so.

"Anyone else volunteering for a tour of the real world? I can give you a good one."

Elizabeth blinks blankly at her. She might be offended at the condescension if the woman weren't so talking nonsense. Obviously Doctor Hematite is not an irrational slum-dweller.

Darius looks exasperated "Alright first of all, I hope you all are aware that miss Lankin is a member of the order and if not that, a sympathizer?" Darius asks with a blank face

No, Elizabeth was not aware. She is confused and horrified. What are they going to do, having discovered this deranged anarchist in their midst? What should she do?

"The evidence was clearly there. Granted, there was not any real vetting proces was there?" The old man then looks Mina the eyes, all friendliness gone from the man's face "Girl, I have seen the real world. I have seen parts of it that are just nightmares to you. The streets are one thing, war? War is something else. In war is where man pulls out all its nastiest tricks. Sorcerers, both solid and liquid fighting side by side with soldier wielding whatever weapon mad scientist can come up with. War is a viscious thing. I have seen man die in ways that would make industrial accidents look nothing. We all have seen differant parts of the world and have missed some it. Miss Arche bubble is very small, but don't kidd yourself Mina Lanking, you have not seen 'the real world'." The soldier then stands to his full height "Wonder why I am not afriad of you, miss Larkin? Because there is nothing you can do to me I have seen before and worse.

How can that nice old man be this scary? At least he's not talking to Elizabeth.

"No one has seen all of the real world, but too many of the people in power have seen none of it. War is hell, but at least it's a hell that allows for change. I'm tired of this endless grinding down of people who are already desperate. I wish war didn't seem to be the only way to change, but nothing else ever seems to work. Why doesn't anything else work?" She looks like she wants to cry, or possibly start hitting things. "People are stupid, stubborn monkeys and I can't stand it."

Elizabeth hugs herself, staring wild-eyed at the tears. Real people aren't supposed to supposed to have that sort of emotional depth, let alone revolutionaries.
She nods, then becomes a peacock-like bird in rainbow colors. "There. I've made a bit of beauty, do you like it?"

After a moment she starts to consider the powers idea. "You have an interesting hypothesis, by the way. I can't say that I didn't feel a need for change, though less for myself than for everyone."
She nods, then becomes a peacock-like bird in rainbow colors. "There. I've made a bit of beauty, do you like it?"

After a moment she starts to consider the powers idea. "You have an interesting hypothesis, by the way. I can't say that I didn't feel a need for change, though less for myself than for everyone."
Darius chuckles, stepping back from her "Wel, my theory is more symbolical, so was my advice." The man smile becomes a bit less vibrant, partly becuase his foot is stinging a little "Do take my advice to heart, please." Darius says.
He then looks down at his feet and his eyes widen. Typhon started to salivated acid a little and although he pulled back most if it, a drip landed on his boot. Wel, were his boot used to be. The acid had eaten through his combat boots (an old pair he wanted to throw away anyhow, most of his current clothes were spares as he did not know what would happen) the acid has eaten through the socks as wel and is busy with his skin. It shouldn't be, aslong as the acid is active it can tear through anything but Darius can only see some skin lost before it went inert. Darius says, calmer then he feels "Doctor, you might want to have a look at this." Darius bend down (damn leg) and removes his shoe and sock. After scraping away the inert acid he reveals the skin underneath. It has darkend, but even he can remove it with his healing knowledge. Darius says, wonder in his voice "I seem to have grown tougher...wel that adds credence to my theory, I had to grow hard to survive my life but not to this degree." Darius smiles a little "I think the effects are a little symbolic, but this is kind of on the nose for symbolism isn't it?" The old soldier asks with a grin.
Elizabeth blinks blankly at her. She might be offended at the condescension if the woman weren't so talking nonsense. Obviously Doctor Hematite is not an irrational slum-dweller.

No, Elizabeth was not aware. She is confused and horrified. What are they going to do, having discovered this deranged anarchist in their midst? What should she do?

How can that nice old man be this scary? At least he's not talking to Elizabeth.

Elizabeth hugs herself, staring wild-eyed at the tears. Real people aren't supposed to supposed to have that sort of emotional depth, let alone revolutionaries.
Darius looks at Elizabeth, sadness returning to his eyes "It is never fun to see your world image shatter before, isn't it, Elizabeth? I remember when I discovered that soldiers aren't knights for justice. In private, I cried for days straight. A soldier musn't show weakness, afterall." Darius sighs "A lot is going to change miss Arche, you must adapt to survive, or perish. It is not a fun truth." The man smiled "However, it is the job of the old to guide the young, so if you need advice or just someone to complain to, I am here."
After scraping away the inert acid he reveals the skin underneath. It has darkend, but even he can remove it with his healing knowledge. Darius says, wonder in his voice "I seem to have grown tougher...wel that adds credence to my theory, I had to grow hard to survive my life but not to this degree." Darius smiles a little "I think the effects are a little symbolic, but this is kind of on the nose for symbolism isn't it?" The old soldier asks with a grin.

Darius looks at Elizabeth, sadness returning to his eyes "It is never fun to see your world image shatter before, isn't it, Elizabeth? I remember when I discovered that soldiers aren't knights for justice. In private, I cried for days straight. A soldier musn't show weakness, afterall." Darius sighs "A lot is going to change miss Arche, you must adapt to survive, or perish. It is not a fun truth." The man smiled "However, it is the job of the old to guide the young, so if you need advice or just someone to complain to, I am here."

Elizabeth gives every sign of listening, but instead of answering she frowns at the ex-soldier's foot.
"Are we sure that the acid eats through flesh?"
Elizabeth gives every sign of listening, but instead of answering she frowns at the ex-soldier's foot.
"Are we sure that the acid eats through flesh?"
Darius doesn't answer, but instead goes to the sandwiches. He takes out some meat from them and puts them on the floor. He then whistles an odd tune, causing Typhon to salivate over the meat, causing it to be ripped apart by the acid within seconds, taking the floor with it "My flesh was eaten through, but the damage was minor instead of extreme, as the acid works fast. That and a feeling I can only describe as my mental roommate tells me that I am sturdier then I used to be. More I do not know however." The old man states.
Darius doesn't answer, but instead goes to the sandwiches. He takes out some meat from them and puts them on the floor. He then whistles an odd tune, causing Typhon to salivate over the meat, causing it to be ripped apart by the acid within seconds, taking the floor with it "My flesh was eaten through, but the damage was minor instead of extreme, as the acid works fast. That and a feeling I can only describe as my mental roommate tells me that I am sturdier then I used to be. More I do not know however." The old man states.

"Probably better not to test it.

"Though you could try sterile needles. They do little enough harm.

"Tiny burns?

"I suppose it would be best to check what works for medical purposes..."

She frowns to herself, then blinks and turns back to address the man brightly.

"That's great, Darius!"
"So now that we've had this lovely chat, is it time to retire to our new home?" Mina cocks her head, birdlike. "I want to get the lay of the land before I have to choose an apartment."

If she sounds more like a soldier entering enemy territory than most actual soldiers . . . well, she has reasons.
"Look, I do admire all of the personal growth, expanding horizons, and wisdom being dispensed, as well of discussions about acid. However, tell me something." He takes a deep breath before saying with the utmost certainty and more than a little disappointment. "Did you forget that the good Doctor will be arrested for treason and so will Miss Mina if her...leanings are found out? Unless an excellent lawyer defends them, they would likely be executed or suffer some other equally unpleasant form of punishment." He looks exasperated. "I have already tried to remind you people of this. Now, Doctor, does your building have a receptionist or someone who watches the door? Perhaps a device to keep track of workers? If so, we can locate who this young man is and find the evidence he has planted. I suggest searching your personal belongings and office quickly." @I just write
"I strongly suspect that they couldn't hold me if they tried," says Mina cheerfully. "Meanwhile the good Doctor here has just proven himself the most important person on the planet. Why exactly are we supposed to be making a deal with the Devil again?"
"I strongly suspect that they couldn't hold me if they tried," says Mina cheerfully. "Meanwhile the good Doctor here has just proven himself the most important person on the planet. Why exactly are we supposed to be making a deal with the Devil again?"
"First off, Miss, that shows a tremendous amount of arrogance on your part and the assumption that they won't just shoot you on the spot or hold a summary execution. Second, as I said before, fear is a powerful motivator, and if the doctor looks like he's going to defect, best to keep the power from the enemy's hands, am I right? Also, what on earth do you mean by that? Who on earth brought up the devil or making deals?"
"You might have a point about the Doctor--but what would bullets even do to me, lawyer man? I don't seem to have any actual internal organs to be damaged.

"As for deals with the Devil? Well, making paperwork appear and carrying a daemon weapon seems pretty devilish to me."
"You might have a point about the Doctor--but what would bullets even do to me, lawyer man? I don't seem to have any actual internal organs to be damaged.

"As for deals with the Devil? Well, making paperwork appear and carrying a daemon weapon seems pretty devilish to me."
"I don't know, what would bullets do to you? I don't have a particular interest in finding out or being in a situation where I have to find out. Plus, some enlightened self-interest keeps me warning you, because they'd probably charge us all as collaborators. Also, what makes you think my weapon is demonic? How on earth is paperwork demonic? Finally, what is this nonsense about a deal? Nobody's trying to make any deals! Now, could we please focus on finding that false evidence to prove that it's false?"