Heavy Meta (No SV, You Are The Eldritch Horror!)

Once mana landed back on the ground, she very carefully held her arms out, intrigued by this change to her, but she would have to admit that there was a part of her that was worried about floating away... and as such, the girl is focused on floating away, and is missing much of the conversation, as she slowly puts one foot in front of the other trying to walk over towards the wall.
She bristles at first, then notices the sorrow in Darius's tone and decides on a half-truth. "It won't matter much who's in charge if the world ends, now will it?

"I've seen you in police uniform. You tried to stop the rabid cops, though, which is a plus."
Darius smiles, although it reflects sadness "The police is supposed to protect the people, not beat them to death. I think some of my...more driven colleques tend to forget we're all part of the same people." Most considerd the order traitors. In truth, unfairness tended to summon rebelion. The powers that be cared to little, which caused resentment to bloom. I did not matter how much they tried to avoid it, rebellion was at hand.
I could only make sure no innocent fell in the waves that would come.
"As opposed to beating up homeless veterans in wheelchairs and shooting anyone who looks at them funny." Mina sighs. "You're supposed to be the best of us, and every day more thugs join the force. People are kind of terrible, aren't they?

"Luckily, I don't seem to be one anymore." She waves a hand of daggers at him playfully.
"As opposed to beating up homeless veterans in wheelchairs and shooting anyone who looks at them funny." Mina sighs. "You're supposed to be the best of us, and every day more thugs join the force. People are kind of terrible, aren't they?

"Luckily, I don't seem to be one anymore." She waves a hand of daggers at him playfully.
Darius couldn't help but blink "Wel, the process has seemed to effect you pretty...extremely." Darius could not help but note before saying "Anyhow, although I have assisted with the police force, especialy as I grew older, I have spent much of my time as a soldier. However, a normal soldier cannot guard against these monsters. That and with my age, fighting became quite harder." Darius said calmly. "However...I believe people as a whole is terrible. When working together we can do great things. The problem is, more often then one rotten apple can spoil the bunch, and with spoil, I mean corruption." Darius face hardens "I know that there is corruption and cops can do horrid things, but rioters are not sweet people either. I can remember a rather voilent case where a rioter had smash a cops head in with a rock. The man was almost not a man, just lad that had recently joined the force. However, his vigor to serve came over as oppresive and he got his skull caved in." Darius sighs "I am not excusing the horrid deeds of the police, but both sides of the laws have extremist. There is this thing about extremes, they hurt people more often then not."
"Frightened people lash out." Mina sighs again. "Not to mention that it's the police who start the riots, half the time. Sending the police to a peaceful protest is a very good way to make it stop being any such thing.

"You seem a decent sort, but you raise my hackles even so. It's instinct." She gives him a very sad look and focuses on her food again.
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"Frightened people lash out." Mina sighs. "Not to mention that it's the police who start the riots, half the time. Sending the police to a peaceful protest is a very good way to make it stop being any such thing.

"You seem a decent sort, but you raise my hackles even so. It's instinct." She gives him a very sad look and focuses on her food again.
Darius cannot help but shrug "I am not proud of it, but live as a soldier has resulted in quite some blood on my hands. It comes with the proffesion, afteral." Darius calmly eats his food sitting down, cursing slightly as knee acts up. "However, as much as I have ended some lives, I have saved some aswel. Carrying wounded to the medics is a humble task, but a fullfilling one."
"It's not the blood that's the matter. Police don't mean safety to me, that's all; they mean oppression and enemy and Big Brother Is Watching You." She rubs at her forehead. "Which comes from a book that probably wasn't written in our universe."

"It's not the blood that's the matter. Police don't mean safety to me, that's all; they mean oppression and enemy and Big Brother Is Watching You." She rubs at her forehead. "Which comes from a book that probably wasn't written in our universe."

"You seem to be far more...in tune with your Ess'Vee then the rest of us." He grimaces. "That's probably not a good thing, considering you'd have to have a mind similar to something outside of the reality that we know." After all, I've only received one vague communication from my Ess'Vee regarding important information. She's getting random book references.
"Perhaps people have similar issues everywhere, more or less. Or perhaps my Other is just the sympathetic type." Mina shrugs. "They chose us each for reasons, right?"
The young man shook his head, exasperated.

"I honestly don't know what my.... Entity is thinking. So far it's just given me this.... Thing...."

The rabbit looked at him with disdain.

"And made me say some very odd sentences about it. Something about this rabbit being dangerous."
"A killer rabbit? Seriously?" Mina laughs. "I suppose you could use it as a guard rabbit and watch people underestimate it."
"A killer rabbit? Seriously?" Mina laughs. "I suppose you could use it as a guard rabbit and watch people underestimate it."
"Yeah, but it's a rabbit, it'd get killed and made into stew-"

The rabbit turned, eyeing an unfortunate donut, before leaping upon the pastry and rending it apart in a display of butchery.

"Oh great, it seems to think it's a tiger." And suddenly Mina is a very large cat indeed. "Silly bunny. This is what a tiger looks like."
"Oh great, it seems to think it's a tiger." And suddenly Mina is a very large cat indeed. "Silly bunny. This is what a tiger looks like."
It then turned to Mina.

And smiled, it's tiny mouth wrenching open from side to side, a motion anatomically impossible for an ordinary rabbit. But of course, as we know, this was no ordinary rabbit.

There was a moment where one realized it would pounce, and begin to tear limb from limb, flesh from bone, heart from bloody ribcage-

"No. No."

It's head swiveled 180 degrees as it looked back at Valiard.

"No killing. Not right now."

There was a tense moment.

Then it relented, going back to nibbling on the remains of donut.
Mina is relatively unworried still. It's not exactly easy to kill something that has no actual weak points. "Looks like it has some reason to think of itself that way, hmm?" And she absently starts to lick her paw.
"Makes sense." She gives a long, tongue-curling tiger yawn and curls up for a nap.
"Makes sense." She gives a long, tongue-curling tiger yawn and curls up for a nap.
Typhoon trots over, climbs on tiger!Mina's back, makes himself comfortable and goes to sleep. Darius tries and fails to hide a laugh "about my multi-dimensional room mate...it seems to be limited to hissing sounds and a language I don't speak. However, maybe it had nothing useful to say." Darius pontificated.
Geoff eyes his new comrades and sighs silently. Hopefully once this actually begins, they'll grow a bit more serious, after all, we were made to fight a threat, weren't we?
Elizabeth silently scorns the idea that the meeting of two groups of violent rabble with directly opposing purposes could end in some other way than violence.

She keeps her disdain hidden. She wouldn't be willing to argue the matter with a veteran policeman even if they were alone.

Elizabeth has no intention of drawing attention to herself when she is trapped with this rag-tag group turned even more dangerous and weird.

She would very much appreciate if she had gained... Well, if she had shapeshifting powers and some sort of undeath instead of the loud woman, that would be ideal, but even an awful rabbit-thing that she had to put down would imply the interest of a powerful backer. She chose this path on the assurance that upon finishing the experiment she would be different.
Elizabeth silently scorns the idea that the meeting of two groups of violent rabble with directly opposing purposes could end in some other way than violence.

She keeps her disdain hidden. She wouldn't be willing to argue the matter with a veteran policeman even if they were alone.

Elizabeth has no intention of drawing attention to herself when she is trapped with this rag-tag group turned even more dangerous and weird.

She would very much appreciate if she had gained... Well, if she had shapeshifting powers and some sort of undeath instead of the loud woman, that would be ideal, but even an awful rabbit-thing that she had to put down would imply the interest of a powerful backer. She chose this path on the assurance that upon finishing the experiment she would be different.
Darius sees Elizabeth sulking in the corner and walks over "Are you Alright young lady, you look like your in deep thought." Darius asks calmly.
"So, does anyone know exactly what's going to happen now? I mean, we're all apparently gifted with some kind of supernatural powers or companions, so where does that leave us?"
"I don't particularly want to find out." He said, breathing a sigh of relief.
"Maybe you should pick that thing up. You seem to be able to control it, so it might prevent any unnecessary accidents."
Elizabeth silently scorns the idea that the meeting of two groups of violent rabble with directly opposing purposes could end in some other way than violence.

She keeps her disdain hidden. She wouldn't be willing to argue the matter with a veteran policeman even if they were alone.

Elizabeth has no intention of drawing attention to herself when she is trapped with this rag-tag group turned even more dangerous and weird.

She would very much appreciate if she had gained... Well, if she had shapeshifting powers and some sort of undeath instead of the loud woman, that would be ideal, but even an awful rabbit-thing that she had to put down would imply the interest of a powerful backer. She chose this path on the assurance that upon finishing the experiment she would be different.
Darius sees Elizabeth sulking in the corner and walks over "Are you Alright young lady, you look like your in deep thought." Darius asks calmly.
"I was about to ask the same thing. You haven't even told us your name yet, miss." He walks over to join the two.