Harry Potter and the Whims of Fate (Harry Potter Quest)

[x] Slytherin

Well, we've already decided that discretion was the better part of valor several times. Gryffindor will get Harry into lots of life threatening situations (I would assume), while Slytherin might be better off honing the various skills Harry might need (such as eventually running the family business).
[X] Gryffindor

I like Gryffindor best from all Houses, I really don't want to deal with Slytherin shit or Ravenclaw endless grinding.
[X] Slytherin
Power! Why did we learn protego at 4 if not to protect ourselves in Slytherin? And what better way to extend our father's influence across the entire country?
[X] Gryffindor

Albus Dumbledore was a Gryffindor, so obviously his successor must be a Gryffindor too.
[X] Ravenclaw

Up to now, our choices have been for an intelligent, magic loving Harry. Ravenclaw makes the most sense given our choices and Harry's characterization so far.
[x] Slytherin

I just really don't want to be Gryffindor when that was already done in canon and a Slytherin Harry sounds like it would be something really interesting to read. Perhaps he could make the house less inclined to be assholes in general?
[X] Ravenclaw

Up to now, our choices have been for an intelligent, magic loving Harry. Ravenclaw makes the most sense given our choices and Harry's characterization so far.
But we're self directed and ambitious, and our love of magic could be a love of power. Especially when we choose to spend our time on powerful defensive magic like Protego and the patronus rather than utilitarian, academic options. And training physical attributes (expressly for duelling) rather than magical theory points to a much less academic and passive personality than that espoused by Ravenclaw
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[X] Ravenclaw

I doubt the House selection will really prove insurmountable in regards to the social setting (they're not little kids anymore, and being color-coded will be less of an influence on who Harry spends his time off with), so I'll just base this choice on which House Head I prefer the most. And that's Flitwick. Snape is... well, I doubt there's much of a need to elaborate, and McGonagall is too swamped with work to help us that much. Flitwick, meanwhile, doesn't have any jobs outside of being the Charms Professor and House Head, so it's more likely he'll have time to deal with a problem if we ask for help.

Plus, former Duelling Champion. We'll need that.
[x] Ravenclaw

Harry basically outright said that this was his preferred choice in the update. It makes sense for the previous choices and it allows us to better mediate between our Gryffindor and Slytherin friends while opening up a new house worth of potential friends and giving more screentime to characters we saw less of in canon. Plus Luna is there and Luna is awesome. It allows us to divert some more from canon without the Slytherin!Harry cliches. Ravenclaw encourages learning and wisdom, which are useful both now with school, with dealing with problems from Death Eaters etc. and with preparing for the family business. Going in a different direction from our parents also helps us grow into an individual and keeps people seeing us as us rather than a shadow of our parents. Having a brother in a different house also maximises our social pool (an as we already have an in with Daphne, Slytherin doesn't benefit us as much as Ravenclaw does as far as that's concerned). Slytherin machinations are things that are more annoying to deal with than they're worth as we'll have better things to do with our time, while dealing with Ravenclaw riddles could be fun or at least interesting to read. Flitwick's a fine dude to have as a head of house and McGonnagol's fair enough to not be prejudiced against us. Ravenclaw's rivalry with Hufflepuff is a lot tamer and less annoying to deal with than the Slytherin-Gryfindor rivalry. And the point about building bridges for our father is actually valid. Also, it'll be easier to become close to the Grey Lady which will make getting the Diadem of Ravenclaw easier. We also won't have to deal with Slytherin's poor reputation and will be less encouraged to be Leeroy Jenkins than if we were in Gryffindor.
And training physical attributes (expressly for duelling) rather than magical theory points to a much less academic and passive personality than that espoused by Ravenclaw

While I disagreed with this choice, people overwhelmingly voted to ignore all physical attributes (which are important for dueling) in the most recent XP expenditure.
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Ravnclaw are not poor athletes. There quidditch teams are portrayed as being quite good and certainly better than Hufflepuff's while they didn't have Cedric Diggory on the team
While I disagreed with this choice, people overwhelmingly voted to ignore all physical attributes (which are important for dueling) in the most recent XP expenditure.
Ah, my bad
Alright, hm, that plan is pretty bland. I'll argue that attaining adult mastery of the core subjects at 14 is a very ambitious thing to do, and that choosing our house for political reasons is extremely Slytherin even if one claims to be arguing and voting for ravenclaw.
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[X] Ravenclaw

My thoughts are simple, Slytherin is gonna look really bad publicly and while I think it'll be interesting. I personally don't want to deal with those people who have sticks up their asses. I see Slytherin as us trying to convert the people their to the not a racist prick side. A endeavor I have no interest in.

Gryffindor: It's alright but I wanna try something different. I'm sure we'll probably get the most initial support and loyalty, although to be fair... it doesn't really mean shit, since their all basically kids. I point to HP canon. I see this more of a commander role, leading the new guard, the children of the old guard.

Ravenclaw: I really like this because, this house revolves around magic. Perhaps this puts us closer to stuff like obscure magic and it could give a justification for the power he knows not, have it be something other then love. Not to mention this drive could lead us closer to alchemy, which i trust the GM's to make sufficiently awesome.

Anyway I like to think Ravenclaw is about us and us as we delve into magic to try and get enough power to able to go toe and toe with Voldemort.

We also get the side benefit of getting rid of Not!Brother
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[X] Ravenclaw

My thoughts are simple, Slytherin is gonna look really bad publicly and while I think it'll be interesting. I personally don't want to deal with those people who have sticks up their asses. I see Slytherin as us trying to convert the people their to the not a racist prick side. A endeavor I have no interest in.

Gryffindor: It's alright but I wanna try something different. I'm sure we'll probably get the most initial support and loyalty, although to be fair... it doesn't really mean shit, since their all basically kids. I point to HP canon. I see this more of a commander role, leading the new guard, the children of the old guard.

Ravenclaw: I really like this because, this house revolves around magic. Perhaps this puts us closer to stuff like obscure magic and it could give a justification for the power he knows not, have it be something other then love. Not to mention this drive could lead us closer to alchemy, which i trust the GM's to make sufficiently awesome.

Anyway I like to think Ravenclaw is about us and us as we delve into magic to try and get enough power to able to go toe and toe with Voldemort.

We also get the side benefit of getting rid of Not!Brother
Slytherin is also great for obscure magics! There's also no reason to take part in blood politics if we don't want to - and in fact plenty of reason to keep our mouth shut about the matter.
Slytherin is also great for obscure magics! There's also no reason to take part in blood politics if we don't want to - and in fact plenty of reason to keep our mouth shut about the matter.

I'd also like to point out that Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Lily Evans didn't suffer in the magic department for being in Gryffindor.
I'd also like to point out that Albus Dumbledore, Minerva McGonagall and Lily Evans didn't suffer in the magic department for being in Gryffindor.
Just because they were strong doesn't mean they couldn't have learned more magic in another house. Also, none of them knew enough to defeat Voldemort.
Just because they were strong doesn't mean they couldn't have learned more magic in another house. Also, none of them knew enough to defeat Voldemort.

That's quite illogical. Lily and Albus have held off Voldemort on a number of occasions, and the only thing he's more knowledgeable on is the Dark Arts, which both refused to study.