"HANDS OFF MY STUFF!" Fighting the Adventurer Menace

[X] Nova Shot: A Non Elemental blast of magical energy.

Tactical voting, go

Would've voted the freeze one normally but eh
End of the Day
You take a deep breath as you read through the spell one more time. If you did this right, you'd shoot a blast of energy.

If you did this wrong, you'd blast your hand off.

"All right, let's do this..." You say to yourself as you walk outside. You don't want to make another hole in your house.

Your gather the power in your body, letting it flow through your body until it goes to your right hand. Almost immediately, a brilliant white sphere starts to glow around your hand.

You take a deep breath and launch the sphere. It shoots at a high speed, lighting up the night as it goes until it disappears into the distance.

"YES!" You cheer.

You spend the rest of the night practicing, improving your aim, casting the spell faster, and shooting more Spheres at once.

By the time you to to bed, your hands are tingling, but you're satisfied.


Meanwhile, at the Hammer and Ales

"Bad day again, Lorena?" The Elise, bartender at the Hammer and Ales asks the woman who just sat down at the bar. The woman is dressed in a purple and white stripped robe, the hood pulled up to cover her face.

"Yeah... last job fell through and some punk picked my pockets." The woman answered. "I'm about three days away from having to sell this thing just to afford a room for the night" The woman answers. She gestures to a magical staff. It is bright gold, with the tip being carved into a stylized sun. The staff was made of a high quality wood, but the sun, as well as the spear tip on the opposite end was made of steel.

"So... you're looking for work?" Elise asks. Winfred mentioned that Def had put a job on the notice board earlier today. If Def was saving that much money up, then it had to be something important. And Def has been such a good customer. She may as well send some people her way.

"Well, someone put a new job on the board. They're paying 500 Gold. That should keep you going for about a week. Maybe ten days if you stretch it. Sound good?" Elise says in her usual, cheery tone.

Lorena taps her chin with the staff. Normally, she didn't like taking jobs on her own. Either the people who hired her were psychos, got killed, tried to cheat her out of getting paid, or some combination of the three.

But those same people often kept her from getting killed.

She sighed. Considering her line of work, she'd need to take a risk by herself at some point anyway.

"Alright, I'll take a look at it." Lorena said. But first, I need some Liquid Courage"

Elise nods at the drink order. "One Liquid Courage coming right up"


The next day, you find yourself waking up early, even earlier than usual. A part of you that service at the Temple is today. If you left in the next few minutes, you could got there for the Sunrise Service. And by the time it's over, you'd still have the entire day ahead of you.

[] I ended up not going to the service.
- [] Magnus the Greatest will forgive me if I sleep in for one day.
- [] I'm tired, my arms hurt, and my Gold was stolen. I deserve to sleep.
- [] The last time I went there, I got mugged right after. Going there is bad news.

[] I ended up going to the service
- [] After everything that's happened, I should tend to the needs of my soul.
- [] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
- [] It'll be nice to go there without fearing for my life.
[X] I ended up not going to the service.
-[X] With the extra heat the merchant's escape promised to bring, I couldn't afford to leave the house unattended until its defences were strengthened.
[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
This is the type rage inducing bullshit that just makes me want to rage quit.
I know of an MMO that actually gives players a Ragequit command. It logs you off normally, right after generating a random rant about how awful everyone and everything is. It is rather funny, because it makes it hard to tell if Ragequtters are being serious, or just playing along with a long standing joke.

[Too late] Nova Shot: A Non Elemental blast of magical energy.

[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.

Getting some semblance of normalcy back in Def's life would likely be good for her. And she did promise herself that she would start attending more regularly.

Now that she has a personal combat spell, the next spell she should learn from the book (when she finds the time) should be the strength spell. It would be tremendously helpful in building and improving any number of structural projects. Large traps, tunnels, a new balcony, even a highly durable doghouse.
[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
Couple of quick notes:

First, the character sheet has Pump Up instead of Nova Shot listed.

Secondly, when the house redesign happens, we might want to leave the front door and initial room untrapped, so unexpected visitors that swing by while we're out don't get skewered.
[X] I ended up going to the service
-[X] It'll be nice to go there without fearing for my life.

It probably would be.
[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
Vote tally:
##### 3.21
[X] Nova Shot: A Non Elemental blast of magical energy.
No. of votes: 1

[x] I ended up going to the service
-[x] It'll be nice to go there without fearing for my life.
No. of votes: 3
Winged One

[X] I ended up not going to the service.
-[X] With the extra heat the merchant's escape promised to bring, I couldn't afford to leave the house unattended until its defences were strengthened.
No. of votes: 1

[X] I ended up going to the service
-[X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
No. of votes: 5
Cornix Argentus

[X] I ended up not going to the service.
-[X] I'm tired, my arms hurt, and my Gold was stolen. I deserve to sleep.
No. of votes: 1
Couple of quick notes:

First, the character sheet has Pump Up instead of Nova Shot listed.

Secondly, when the house redesign happens, we might want to leave the front door and initial room untrapped, so unexpected visitors that swing by while we're out don't get skewered.
Not a bad idea, once we have a large enough house and enough traps that we aren't sacrificing too much with untrapped space and potentially more first lines of defence.

Anyone who goes past our reception room when we are out probably has little grounds for complaint if they get scythed.
[X] I ended up not going to the service.
-[X] With the extra heat the merchant's escape promised to bring, I couldn't afford to leave the house unattended until its defences were strengthened.
[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.

We promised ourselves and it's a good attitude to have besides.
[X] I ended up going to the service
- [X] I'm not going to let anything that's happened to me stop me from living my life.
Day 13
The Church Leader's voice echoes through the halls of the temple. The sermon is one that you've heard many times, ever since you were a kid. Sator declaring that humanity was corrupt and Magnus slaying him for it. It was a sermon that everyone who came to the temple had heard at least four times.

You briefly consider leaving the Sanctuary and exploring the temple. Even after all these years, there are places you haven't been to before.


...at least the man preaching is enthusiastic. And the descriptions of the fight kept the sermon interesting. It even gives you some ideas on what you could try, if you were to actually get into a fight.
You've gain a Temporary Perk: Put 'Em Up. You gain +1 Fighting.

You walk out of the Temple, along with everyone else. As soon as you you walk outside, you see the sun creep up over the horizon, bathing the city in bright orange.

In any case, you have the entire day ahead of you.


[] Start setting up Traps (Write in)
[] Sketch up some plan for traps.
- [] Write in where you want which traps.
[] Sketch up plans to expand your home. You've always wanted to build a bigger place.
[] Ask your neighbors for help.
- [] Ask your last neighbor.
- [] Talk to Dominic about getting paid.
[] Read through your spellbooks.
[] Write in (Needs QM approval)


[] Silver Shark Weapons Shop: Most of the weapons were sold to the store by adventurers, and most of them are bought by adventurers as well. Has a large, constantly changing stock.
[] Go to the Margery's General Store. It has little bit of everything. Some of it possibly stolen.
[] Go to the Howes Hardware: Store. It has all the parts you need to make some traps.
[] Go to the Sparking Mountain Magic Shop: From spellbooks, runes, to magical devices that anyone can use, this shop has it all.
[] The Hammer and Ales Tavern: You never know what, or who you'll find there. Also a good place to get wasted. Sometimes also has jobs from locals.
- [] Drink.
- [] Look for work.
- [] Listen to local news.
[] Exotic Imports: A place that sells exotic animals. Officially, they are meant to just be used as pets but some of them can be... aggressive.
[] Saint de la Salle Learning Center: A place for people to teach and learn. Can be used to train skills. Or to teach if you need some extra money.
[] The White Lily: A place where the rich and connected in society associate with each other. Could be a great place to make friends. Provided you can get in.
[] Find the Workshop. Maybe you could find some work.Or some hints.

[] Write in (Needs QM approval)

[X] Find the Workshop. Maybe you could find some work.Or some hints.

Is that new? I don't remember that being an option before
[X] The Hammer and Ales Tavern: You never know what, or who you'll find there. Also a good place to get wasted. Sometimes also has jobs from locals.
- [x] Listen to local news.

Find the thieves, get in a fight.