Gunsmith Katsumi - Akitsukuni Arms Design Quest

Character Sheet
Tachibana Katsumi

Stress: 5/10

Mechanical Engineering degree
Got a job in your field
Type 37 Special Purpose Rifle
Type 38 Self-Loading Pistol

Maeda Rumi: Your roommate.
Sanders Clara Rose: A colleague who works for Naylor, Sons & Daughters.

Mr. Watanabe: Your superior.
Mr. Akutagawa: The boss of the company.

Workshop 3
Ms. Ikeda Nioh: Chemist. She also seems to be Mr Watanabe's personal secretary, but you're not sure if that's an official position.
Mr. Yakade Yasuo: Physicist, specialized in ballistics. A living, breathing Technical Appendix C.
Mx. Kusonoki Mayumi: Has a degree in materials science. Gets a look on their face when they say they know more about wood than anyone.
Mr. Shiragiku Hideyoshi: Metalworker. Having met him, you've learned why metalworking is a craft and the meaning of the phrase "thinks himself heaven's gift to women".
Mr. Kashiwa Ichiro: An apprentice gunsmith with a background in carpentry and actually using guns on people.

Rifles (Familiar)
Shotguns (Familiar)
Pistols (Familiar)

Rotate-and-pull bolts (Practical)
Straight-pull bolts (Practical)
Aperture sights (Practical)
Stripper clips (Practical)
Lever-delayed blowback operation (Practical)
Double-stack magazines (Practical)
Single-action handguns (Practical)
En bloc clips (Conceptual)
Simple blowback operation (Conceptual)
Short recoil operation (Conceptual)
Toggle-delayed blowback operation (Conceptual)
Blow forward operation (Conceptual)
Simple blowback operation (Conceptual)
Double-action pistols (Conceptual)
Automatic revolvers (Conceptual)
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A transcript of a conversation from the discord server for one of @open_sketch's other works, specifically the Flying Circus RPG:

Deep One doohickeys for Gunsmith Katsumi to be unnerved, but also tempted, by

[3:46 PM] Plushie: Scion playbook one of the options is a High tech sidearm, is that anything specific in the book or more nebulus?
[3:47 PM] sith1144: its a nebulous handgun
[3:47 PM] Plushie: like the wingsuit that is a definate stat thing
[3:47 PM] MechaMaestro: It's a handgun with some fancy stuff
[3:47 PM] MechaMaestro: If you want
[3:47 PM] Plushie: ok what i kinda thought
[3:47 PM] MechaMaestro: Hell glow in the dark sights would be high tech for Himmilgard
[3:48 PM] Plushie: better be radioactive or i'll be mad
[3:49 PM] MissBegot: Would you accept eldritch? It's probably made from Dark Sea ink.
[3:50 PM] Plushie: long as its helpful but eventually dams you in one in the way or another after prolonged interaction, Yes.
[3:50 PM] MissBegot: Ah. You might be more at home with radium then.
[3:51 PM] Plushie: I may have a real life hobby of Radiological Antiquing.
[3:52 PM] MissBegot: The Deep Ones don't really do damning (or damming) 😛
[3:52 PM] Plushie: We found a Revigitor water cask once :smile: A nautical compass that blew threw 3 floors of reinforced concrete, ect.
[3:53 PM] Plushie: Hrm, thought i read something that suggested something cthulu-ish about them
[3:55 PM] Jay ~(,,_`;;'>: they're really powerful and benevolent, but also don't necessarily have a great time with concepts like Time and An Appropriate Number of Limbs
[3:56 PM] Jay ~(,,_`;;'>: so maybe instead of making sights that glow the sights make your eyes glow. that's normal, right?
[3:56 PM] MissBegot: Oh, they're eldritch entities from the deep ocean (which is also the underworld), beings slightly outside time and space, with limited understanding of mortal matters, but that doesn't mean they're bad people. 💙
[3:57 PM] Jay ~(,,_`;;'>: "People like teeth, right? More teeth is good"
[3:59 PM] MissBegot: The luminous inks the fishers extract from Dark Sea creatures are only slightly unearthly.
[4:01 PM] MissBegot: You might have to anoint it with blood to make it glow or something, because the ink is not dead which can eternal lie etc.
[4:07 PM] $ grep -i glass ~/ideas/bad: i never liked that verse
[4:08 PM] $ grep -i glass ~/ideas/bad: it's just "all definitions of life are inherently xenophobic, except i made it spooky"
[4:13 PM] MissBegot: My guide to writing the Fishers and the Deep Ones is "If H. P. Lovecraft isn't spinning in his grave at how wholesome they are, you're not doing it right." :wink:
[4:14 PM] Plushie: I appreciate this
[4:16 PM] MissBegot: Check out the novel for more of this, btw. It's awesome!
Whispers from the Deep by open_sketchbook
[5:29 PM] vebyast: Deep One doohickeys for Gunsmith Katsumi to be unnerved-but-tempted-by:
* A sight that puts a dot on the spot the bullet will hit. Even if the thing you're aiming at is moving or way way far away. Don't point it at precognitives, you might make space-time implode.
* A magazine that loads bullets into your gun. Doesn't matter what kind of gun it is or how it works, this magazine can feed it.
* A really nice, crisp trigger made out of weirdly stiff human hair.
* A scope that makes you run really faster or slower - generally faster - depending on how you've configured it.
* Bullets with names on them. When you shoot one it'll hit someone with that name. Be very, very sure you know who you're shooting at.
* An automated machine gun that takes orders. Particularly enjoys being carried on a sling. Takes any excuse to be field-stripped, especially in public.
[5:32 PM] Tetragramm: The gun only fires for you, but the grip licks your hand when you pick it up.
[5:32 PM] vebyast: Perfect, yes
[5:33 PM] vebyast: It clears jams itself by barfing the offending casings or bullets out the back of the gun, remember to wear an apron so it doesn't ruin your good clothes
[5:39 PM] vebyast: A spotting scope that whispers advice into your ear. It's pretty good at sniping and does a mean trout a la creme, but you probably shouldn't take its relationship advice.
[5:51 PM] vebyast: A pistol grip that holds hands with you for security and comfort.
[6:05 PM] Plushie: Gun makes no sound when firing the bullet, but only a curse in a unknowable language is heard
[6:33 PM] Tetragramm: A six cylinder revolver, but it fires nine shots before reloading.
[6:34 PM] Jay ~(,,_`;;'>: revolver but one random chamber always fires a shark
[6:35 PM] Tetragramm: The barrel glows blue and emits an ominous hum when someone who wants to hurt you is nearby. Yes, even your ex.
[6:37 PM] Tetragramm: The gun has striking carvings on the grip, but they're always different. Today you saw a plane go down, but you're pretty sure you remember that exact scene on the grip last month.
[6:37 PM] Jay ~(,,_`;;'>: gun that steals bullets out of other people's guns when fired
[6:51 PM] vebyast: Gun that you have to reload after you shoot the bullets
[6:52 PM] MissBegot: (If it misfires, this is a very bad omen...)
[6:52 PM] vebyast: Silencer that makes whatever you shoot silent
[6:53 PM] vebyast: Suppressor that makes the gun produce a ton of noise and fireworks and being-under-fire sounds so your target is more likely to hit the deck when you're shooting at them to keep them suppressed
[7:02 PM] vebyast: A gun that can't discharge accidentally in any way, even if your hand is jostled while your finger is on the trigger or something like that, but taking the safety off includes swearing an oath in an unfathomable eldritch language whose words pop into your head when you intend to fire.
[7:07 PM] $ grep -i glass ~/ideas/bad: So long as men can breathe or eyes can see
So long lives this—unfolds hammer—
[7:07 PM] $ grep -i glass ~/ideas/bad: And this gives life to thee...
[7:14 PM] vebyast: The gun cleans and oils itself, but it occasionally hacks up hairballs in your shoes and knocks things off your countertops if you let it get bored.
[7:16 PM] FrangibleCover: A gun which makes bullets hit things, but without them being loaded into the gun or fired from it
[7:17 PM] FrangibleCover: Pull the trigger, the object you were pointing at has a bullet in it
[7:18 PM] vebyast: A gun that shoots bullets chambered in a caliber from a ironic alternate history timeline custom-tailored for your next encounter.
[7:19 PM] FrangibleCover: That is going to be very strange
[7:19 PM] FrangibleCover: It's also going to completely fuck up police ballistics people
[7:20 PM] MissBegot: A gun that only kills ideas. The gunsight is extremely strange.
[7:20 PM] SupNerds: "he was murdered by someone with a... .22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer?"
[7:21 PM] Plushie: Gun, that has no blade but slices like the sharpest knife
[7:21 PM] Jaenen: The talking gun ideas remind me of one of my favorite joke sniper rifles from Borderlands 2, that insulted you with every shot
[7:23 PM] Tetragramm: If there are multiple enemies and you roll well enough to hit, the gun hits the enemy to the left of the person you were aiming at, no matter how unlikely.
[7:26 PM] Tetragramm: The gun appears totally normal, but if someone verbally threatens you, it giggles. Nobody will/can believe it was the gun.
[7:29 PM] vebyast: A concealed-carry pistol that nobody can comprehend is a weapon. Even the shooter. You can use it perfectly fine by intending to destroy whatever you're pointing it at, but past that it's just a weird thing that you know does important stuff.
[7:30 PM] Tetragramm: A gun that is reloaded by feeding bullets to the barrel. It grows teeth to eat them from your hand.
[7:31 PM] Jaenen: I may need to steal this for something
[7:40 PM] Liora: A suspiciously mundane firearm.
[7:42 PM] vebyast: A replacement cylinder for your revolver that spits out spent cases when you open the gun. Useful, but the "ptoo" noise it makes can give you away.
[7:44 PM] Plushie: Just Yosemitie Sam's gun with the Mexican sterotype bullets
[7:48 PM] vebyast: A trigger group that sets off the primer by chanting reality-twisting eldritch incantations at it. Long lock time and you have to wear gloves, but the chamber can be totally sealed and it never light-strikes. In fact, it might not even need primers at all.
[7:55 PM] Tetragramm: Most guns don't work well if they've been submerged. This one only works if it's been submerged within the last week. It may also spray water in the eyes of anyone who surprises you up close.
[7:59 PM] vebyast: The gun requires no oil and runs like a dream as long as you thoroughly scrub every part with saltwater.
[7:59 PM] Tetragramm: The gun is constantly emitting a small stream of smoke, but occasionally fires a live, angry, Rumble Bee.
[8:01 PM] Liora: A gun that fires heat-seeking bullets. Though why it's shaped like a pair of foxen....
[8:02 PM] vebyast: A machine gun that you can cool instantly by holding the barrel up and blowing the smoke off it action-hero style
[8:02 PM] Plushie: A gun that only reloads magically by saying the action hero quip lines
[8:03 PM] Tetragramm: Better, a gun that says the action hero quip lines whenever you reload.
[8:06 PM] vebyast: A magazine where you always know precisely how many bullets you have left. No matter how many bullets are in it, even if it's well over the limit for human subitizing. Even if it's in your pocket. Even if you're halfway through a full-auto burst.
[8:07 PM] Plushie: that's a terrible idea to fire it on full auto in your pocket
[8:09 PM] Tetragramm: You must give equal attention to both the gun and the cylinder, or they'll get jealous and refuse to have anything to do with each other.
[8:09 PM] vebyast: A distressingly suggestive loaded-chamber indicator.
[8:10 PM] vebyast: Bullets that work because they hate the chamber and will expel themselves faster than, well, okay, as fast as a speeding bullet, as long as you take care to keep them from making up
[8:11 PM] Tetragramm: A rifle with a sling. Normal, except it keeps trying to set you up with cuties by tangling the two (or more) of you together.
[8:15 PM] vebyast: A field gun that can only be operated by a polycule. The bigger the polycule the better it shoots.
[8:18 PM] vebyast: A mortar that sets itself up if you tell it a lewd joke.
[8:19 PM] vebyast: A bolt-action rifle that can be convinced to run the bolt for you if you feed it treats and pet it between engagements.
[8:21 PM] Plushie: Missle that the farther away it gets the smaller it gets and thrust to weight ratio increases
[8:23 PM] Liora: A missile that knows where it is because it knows where it isn't?
[8:24 PM] vebyast: If at any point you tell it where it is or where its target is it completely loses the ability to missile
[8:24 PM] Tetragramm: A gun that, while in a fire-fight, unconvincingly yells "Bang! Bang!" to make it sound like there are more of you.
[8:26 PM] vebyast: A fire-and-forget A2A missile with extreme off-axis capabilities and two target-acquisition modes: "Twenty Questions" and "I Spy..."
That's delightful but the second to last option just reminds me of my own joke gun concept:
An obvious toy gun that makes the sounds of someone imitating a gun firing (unconvincing bang bangs, kaplows, blams, and pows) when fired, but fires actual bullets (or transmutes nerf darts into lethal projectiles).
A gun with a label on it, the label reads "hand-goon". Rather than bullet wounds, anyone getting shot by it receives injuries as if a large goon had taken a swing at them, hitting the point of impact (so bruising, bludgeoning, broken bones).
Why engineer realistic guns when you can just slap some creepy magic stuff together like you're a gunmage ala Enter the Gungeon? :thonk:
3-5 Foot In Mouth
[X] Contract for the first rifle-telescope system ever built in Akitsukuni (inferior quality but patriotic)
[X] You know what, hang the magazine. This thing with Kusunoki can't continue. (+2 Stress)


"Actually can I talk to you for a minute, in private?" you blurt out.

You follow Kusunoki's gaze to your office and shake your head.

"More private. I want to, um, talk."

Kusunoki scoffs and their shoulders pull back. "If you're going to chew me out just get it over wi--"

"Private. Like the archives." you interrupt in a hushed tone, "Please?"

"Whatever you say, Miss Tachibana,"

You grab the pot of tea and two cups on your way out. This… was a mistake. You have no idea what you're going to say. The sound of teacups clattering against their saucers cuts through the silence and all your attempts to think of something. Empty-handed, you arrive at a rarely used storeroom. Once inside, you put the cups and teapot down, sit on a box, and offer Kusunoki the two-step stool.

They sit down, one leg straight out, one bent and high up on the first step, fixing you with a critical stare. Cautiously you meet their glare while pouring out a cup, which gives you a few extra seconds to think. You know how to start the conversation, at least. You bow deeply, proffer the cup of tea and apologise to Kusunoki as formally as you possibly can. Then you stop, momentarily stunned by reaching the end of your mental script.

Kusunoki just keeps looking at you, their glare burning your apology to a cinder as it leaves your mouth. The panicked beat of your heart is loud in your ears and you want to run off, but you tried running away from this problem last time.

Finally the words you've been trying not to say batter through to your mouth "I don't know what to do!"

Before Kusunoki can say something, you continue: "I've treated you horribly and you deserve better, but I'm really not sure what I should be doing. And I know it's bad form to apologise and then beg for something but if you could help me give you what you need, I don't know, maybe I can find a way to actually make this up to you instead of giving you a bunch of empty platitudes like I have been…"

You trail off, knowing that you've completely fucked this up already. Kusunoki shifts on the stool, their stiff face letting up so little that you're not sure you're not just imagining it.

"You haven't done anything, Tachibana. It's not… it can't be helped. It just is."

It's tempting to leave it at that: accept the release from responsibility and get out of here, but it still doesn't feel right.

"Are you happy with that?" slips your treacherous tongue.

Kusunoki doesn't move.

"I don't know how it is for you and I don't want to assume too much, but I remember what you told me about all these stupid expectations of how you're supposed to behave, and, well, I have my own expectations and I don't like them either. I think it's stupid we have all these rules forced upon us and I think we both want to... not do as we're told?" You pause for a moment, checking that you're not fucking up again.

"I don't want to be like you!" Kusunoki snaps. For a moment, they look like they regret what they said, but then they rally: "Although I don't have much choice! You get to do everything, you can be the traditional Akitsukuni flower or you can be the dashing modern businesswoman, with your short hair and your secretarial jobs and your modest makeup and where the hell does that leave me?"

Your first reaction is to protest: if Kusunoki can reject the usual nonbinary demureness, why can't you reject feminine demureness? But you told yourself you were going to listen and try to help.

"Would you like me to…" you say, not sure what comes next. Cake on makeup for an hour every morning? Defer more to the men? You didn't come to Tokei to do that.

"Spirits, Tachibana, you haven't done anything wrong. I don't want you to change because of me, I want to be… Westernised! Like you are, not like me. The Europans turn up and they tell you that you can be an engineer and they tell my brother he can be an accountant and they tell me I can be either as long as I'm a woman. Or a man, but let's not kid ourselves, the Westernisers wouldn't allow that."

"Oh." you say, "I hadn't thought about that."

"Who has? Most of my friends think as long as we keep voting ConNat it'll all go away." They sit back down, trying to avoid the spilled tea and shards of cup. You hadn't even noticed them knock it over.

You both take a moment to breathe. Kusunoki pours some tea into the saucer and takes a sip as if it's the most normal thing in the world.

"Thanks," Kusunoki says. "Just… getting that out there felt good. Thanks for listening, boss."

"I can do that," you say, "Listen, I mean. And I sympathise. It really sounds like it sucks."

"Sucks worse than an Albian on holiday." Kusunoki agrees.

"If you need a chat again, just grab me, yeah? Or you can reach me here." You scribble down your address and hand the paper scrap to them.

"Thanks, boss. Really." they say, flipping the piece of paper over to inspect the sketch of a scope system: "So, what do we do now?"

Possible responses run through your head. 'Whatever we please'? Hug them? 'Fuck the Trinary, burn it all down'?

"Well," you say, "I think you can design the magazine yourself."

They relax more, grinning sardonically: "It can't be too big, the spring steel is so expensive right now."


After the weekend you arrange to meet Kusunoki outside Hotaka Brothers' Lens Company, down in the Silver Mint district. You arrive first, but you're distracted by a Commodore bustling out of the shop past you, so when you see Kusunoki they surprise you.

They've been out shopping, it seems. They're wearing an outfit you've never seen before, on them or anyone else. It's like a western men's suit, but cut like a slim-waisted dress. It's black and patterned with colourful dots, neither the drab uniformity of western menswear nor the picturesque floral patterns of a dress or kimono. It walks the razor sharp edge between man and woman and Kusunoki looks great in it. Not that you're staring.

"Should we go in then, boss. You sort of zoned out."

"Uh, right, yes." you blurt out.

A delicate glass ornament chimes as you enter. You can hear the whirr and burr of grinding machines in the back of the shop. The front of the store is laid out with a variety of Austrasian telescopes and microscopes, trays of lenses in all shapes and sizes, and selection of glasses in intricate shapes showing off the lens grinder's skill. The man behind the counter looks up from writing in his notebook and frowns.

"You can buy off the shelf, but no custom work, we're very busy," he says, managing to convey that he doesn't want you to buy off the shelf either.

"We have a very important job that needs to be done this month," Kusunoki says.

"No. Custom. Work." the clerk repeats. "We're very busy with important orders for the Imperial Navy."

"I'm sorry" Kusunoki says, and turns to you with a huge grin that the clerk can't see. "I guess Her Imperial Majesty's Navy is more important than Her Imperial Majesty Herself, now. The price of modernity."

Over Kusunoki's shoulder you can see the clerk fixing you with a quizzical stare.

"I guess Imperial Matchlocks will have to go elsewhere for Her Imperial Majesty's presentation piece, Tachibana. What was the other lens grinder you had in mind?"

They wink, and taking their cue you pull out your notebook and flip to a random page.

"Let me see…" you begin.

The clerk practically launches himself over the counter. You're whisked into a meeting room and steaming hot tea is poured. The good stuff. The clerk is replaced with a senior Hotaka, who is soon replaced by Mr. Hokata. You show him the technical drawings of the rifle, several of your own ideas, and the article in the Rifleman. Mr. Hotaka studies the drawings intently and starts asking questions about how much kick the lenses will have to withstand. You mention that barrels get hot and Mr. Hotaka immediately summons a young employee to talk with Kusunoki about heat expansion in metals.

When you leave, you're carrying a sheaf of notes and drawings related to the sight. The Hotaka Lens Company is certain they'll be able to provide you with a sturdy Austrasian telescope with 2.5 times magnification and precise Vernier scale adjustments. Kusunoki accompanies you, straight-backed and prim until they are sure they can't be seen from the shop, then doubles over in a fit of laughter.

"The man at the counter… did you see his face?" Kusunoki manages between laughs, then their voice changes to a sloppy imitation of the man. "A woman and an enby couldn't possibly be more important than the navy, we make things for the navy, did I tell you we make things for the navy?"

It's not that funny, you think, but Kusunoki's energy brings a smile to your face nonetheless.


A runner comes by at the end of the week with a small box from the Hotaka Lens Company. It contains proofs of the lenses and fittings. Once you've read the accompanying letter with instructions, you sit down next to the rifle. The box contains two small lenses and a variety of fiddly brass bits. You spend almost an hour fitting them together and then putting one lens at the front of the rifle and the other at the back, just in front of the ejection port. You sight down the rifle and… can't find the point of aim. A moment of panicked fiddling later, you finally seat your cheek in exactly the right place, hold the rifle in precisely the correct way, and can see the noticeboard with perfect clarity. Today's comic is about outsourcing labour to Joseon, where they live waist-deep in mud. This could be a problem for point shooting, but as long as Her Imperial Majesty is only shooting at a range it's fine.

You set the rifle back into its velvet display stand and consider it.


Prototype CostVastThis isn't a problem
Unit CostN/AYou have one shot at this
Accuracy7+2Very High
Weight7.6 kgVery High

For what you set out to do, this is a good gun. It's very accurate and the unwieldy size and unpleasant weight matter much less… but surely it could be better?


Last chance, do you want to make any changes? Lower Handling is better.

[ ] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight​
[ ] A flash hider​
[ ] Add carved inlays on the stock​
[ ] Add more weight (+Weight, -Recoil, 1 Stress)​
[ ] Shorten it a bit (-Weight, -Handling, reduced velocity, 1 Stress)​
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[X] Add carved inlays on the stock
[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight

Not sure if we can multivote on this, but frankly, its already pushing it on handling, dropping velocity is "why did we pick such a big cartridge then?" , and big flashy booms are fun. Weight support might be convenient, but fancy is the main point here and has priority.
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[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight
[X] Add carved inlays on the stock

It's very patriotic, but I just can't tell if it's appropriate. I think the Empress is the type to appreciate the chance to handle a cannon of a rifle?
[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight
[X] A flash hider
[X] Add carved inlays on the stock

Why not put a flash hider on? We did set out to make the most technologically advanced rifle we could, right?

Instead of "add weight", how about adding a couple brackets and a set of weights so her majesty can dial in the balance however she wants?

Also, adding a tacticool folding bipod would be absolutely perfect so we have to do that.
[X] Add carved inlays on the stock
[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight

Really wish we could do more about that recoil, but... well, this is what we've got time left to do.
[X] Add carved inlays on the stock
[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight

Do we need to specify what's going to be carved? I'm assuming by default it would be some kind of Imperial livery.
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[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight
[X] A flash hider
[X] Add carved inlays on the stock
[X] Give it a simple folding stand, to help support the weight

(GMs may I write in getting way too into the weeds on optic adjustment setup? :p )

Probably because it was done with an external contractor with their own design team and specialists. Or just time.

I'd expect it's because it's done with an external contractor in a nation with a seriously fledgling optics industry. This isn't a scope company. This is an optics company in a country with a very shaky foundation for making any of this, and a rifle scope proper is a pretty limited niche.

If you want an elaboration, I can get into much more detail about our timeline's state of optics manufacture in Japan, the state of the art in rifle scopes worldwide and just how regionally centralized things were (in Germany).

As an evocative encapsulation of the whole thing, Japan gets domestic flat glass production in 1907, and domestic repair of optical products probably starts in otl 1909, with manufacture of prism binoculars in 1911, with a telescope in 1913, with imported glass. What we now know as Nikon gets started in 1917 in large part as a reaction to Japan finding itself on its own in WWI.

In 1914 the British situation is such that they have manufacturers capable of the work but not the designs. The vast majority of rifle scopes are German, to the point that the British knock off the Fuess Helios 3, add a windage adjustment and Periscopic Prism Company makes about 4k of the things despite starting from zero. Aldis Bros makes another 2254 scopes, and they buy a lot of originally civilian Winchester scopes from America, but the UK is starting basically from zero when it comes to making rifle sights for WWI. There's civilian oriented production in the US, and other than that it's pretty much Germany.

If you aren't buying a German rifle scope in the early 1900s in our timeline, you're going way out of your way to make a nationalistic point or you're an American and have a pretty different idea of what a rifle scope should be.

Britain did have a bunch of galilean sight production, those were popular, but once you got off the practice range, they didn't stand up great.
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If you want an elaboration, I can get into much more detail about our timeline's state of optics manufacture in Japan, the state of the art in rifle scopes worldwide and just how regionally centralized things were (in Germany).
I mean, if the rest of your post is considered 'less detail', then I'm pretty interested. If we're going to be pitching sniper rifles to the military in the future, knowing the state of optic technology in the world is key.