Just got back from it now. I rather liked it, though not as much as the first one. However yeah, Yondu was scary as shit. However thoes mutineers fucking deserved it. And yes, I teared up a bit at the funeral at the end.
It has a superior villain and stronger characters overall, but suffers from mostly terrible humor this time around that is countered by a handful of legitimately great lines.

The pacing is very scattered and jumpy as it rushes to give focus and build character for just about everyone, the plot is kickstarted by a forced drama that didn't need to be there, and christ the humor was so damn bad. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if it weren't so obnoxiously prevalent and outright sabotaging dramatic moments with mood whiplash.

Kurt Russel was fantastic as Ego, though, and has joined the "better than usual" category of Marvel villains next to Loki, Fisk, and Zemo.

But. The film, for some goddamn reason, has five post credit scenes (which I only sat through because I was with family). One of them is set up, one is humourous, and the other three are completely worthless in every way. That's...I don't really know what to make of that, but it's weird.

All in all...seeing Thor: Ragnarok's trailer again in the theater made me more excited for that movie! :V
It has a superior villain and stronger characters overall, but suffers from mostly terrible humor this time around that is countered by a handful of legitimately great lines.

The pacing is very scattered and jumpy as it rushes to give focus and build character for just about everyone, the plot is kickstarted by a forced drama that didn't need to be there, and christ the humor was so damn bad. It wouldn't be as much of a problem if it weren't so obnoxiously prevalent and outright sabotaging dramatic moments with mood whiplash.

Kurt Russel was fantastic as Ego, though, and has joined the "better than usual" category of Marvel villains next to Loki, Fisk, and Zemo.

But. The film, for some goddamn reason, has five post credit scenes (which I only sat through because I was with family). One of them is set up, one is humourous, and the other three are completely worthless in every way. That's...I don't really know what to make of that, but it's weird.

All in all...seeing Thor: Ragnarok's trailer again in the theater made me more excited for that movie! :V
I thought the humour in the film was good myself.
Not a high bar, but I was doubly amused by the realization that this film has a single Pac-Man joke that managed to be funnier than every shitty bit in Pixels combined.
I think I liked the first one slight more. Slightly. Centimeters among giants difference really. It was really enjoyable.
On the one hand, Mantis is less creepy than her comics incarnation, but on the other hand, her being an extreme ditz is still pretty uncomfortable. Also, she's a fairly noticeable plothole with an irritating possibility that in earlier drafts of the script they just imported her comics incarnation and that makes the whole thing fucked up.
On the one hand, Mantis is less creepy than her comics incarnation, but on the other hand, her being an extreme ditz is still pretty uncomfortable. Also, she's a fairly noticeable plothole with an irritating possibility that in earlier drafts of the script they just imported her comics incarnation and that makes the whole thing fucked up.
How exactly is she a plothole? :confused: And how is her being a ditz (which results from her not really having that good an understanding of how socializing works due to being raised by someone like Ego) uncomfortable?
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How exactly is she a plothole? :confused:
If I had to guess...

How the hell is she capable of putting a Celestial entity to sleep against his will for any length of time? Why does Ego even need her help to sleep? Why does he need to sleep at all? Why does someone who disdains all other life in the universe keep her around, even as a pet?
How exactly is she a plothole? :confused: And how is her being a ditz (which results from her not really having that good an understanding of how socializing works due to being raised by someone like Ego) uncomfortable?

Why is she hanging around on Ego? Is she there to be a potential mother in case Ego runs out of progeny, in which case we have some delightful pedophilic undertones going on? Is she there because Ego's got Celestial brain tumors or something? Is she there to help kidnap Ego-children?

Her plot function is to be someone who can help demonstrate something's off with Ego, of course, but her reason for being around is unclear, and simple answers like "Ego wants someone to talk to" kind of run square up against Ego's entire character in this film.

Her being an extreme ditz is uncomfortable 1) because it drifts across the line into "dumb blonde" jokes and 2) she was created as a fetish object originally and 3) again, her function in the film is to do a single thing near the climax and be a warning canary during the second act, so there's not much to her beyond being ditzy.
My guess was that what she was MEANT to do was use her clearly spelled out projective empathy to get Peter on board with Ego's plot...but Ego jumped the gun by clearly spelling out what he wanted Peter to do.
My guess was that what she was MEANT to do was use her clearly spelled out projective empathy to get Peter on board with Ego's plot...but Ego jumped the gun by clearly spelling out what he wanted Peter to do.
Then it's a plot hole. When something doesn't make sense unless you have to make guesses as to a character's purpose because of an absence of evidence in any direction, it's usually not because the creators were just so smart and more because they forgot/didn't care.
Why is she hanging around on Ego? Is she there to be a potential mother in case Ego runs out of progeny, in which case we have some delightful pedophilic undertones going on? Is she there because Ego's got Celestial brain tumors or something? Is she there to help kidnap Ego-children?

Her plot function is to be someone who can help demonstrate something's off with Ego, of course, but her reason for being around is unclear, and simple answers like "Ego wants someone to talk to" kind of run square up against Ego's entire character in this film.

Her being an extreme ditz is uncomfortable 1) because it drifts across the line into "dumb blonde" jokes and 2) she was created as a fetish object originally and 3) again, her function in the film is to do a single thing near the climax and be a warning canary during the second act, so there's not much to her beyond being ditzy.
Okay, I get the plothole part, but not the "ditz part of her getting into dumb blonde territory" thing
I just saw the movie yesterday, so I'm still in the middle of processing it guys.
My guess was that what she was MEANT to do was use her clearly spelled out projective empathy to get Peter on board with Ego's plot...but Ego jumped the gun by clearly spelling out what he wanted Peter to do.

I actually don't think that's the case, because that implies a wildly different role for the character that nowhere else seems in evidence.

Okay, I get the plothole part, but not the "ditz part of her getting into dumb blonde territory" thing
I just saw the movie yesterday, so I'm still in the middle of processing it guys.

Well, I mean, there's a line between "this character is socially awkward" and "this character is stupid" and some of the jokes with her move to the latter end, which is kind of a sexist thing what with her being a childlike woman with a breathy voice and all. It's a similar issue with Drax in the first movie, but those implications aren't there for a man.
I actually don't think that's the case, because that implies a wildly different role for the character that nowhere else seems in evidence.

Well, I mean, there's a line between "this character is socially awkward" and "this character is stupid" and some of the jokes with her move to the latter end, which is kind of a sexist thing what with her being a childlike woman with a breathy voice and all. It's a similar issue with Drax in the first movie, but those implications aren't there for a man.

That seems like a rather hypocritical attitude. It's the same deal for both characters, don't get normal social interaction because alien culture.
So, uh, question regarding lore.

If Ego is a Celestial then what was this guy from the last movie? Is Ego a celestial with birth defects or something and that's why the others abandoned him?
Are spoilers not allowed in this thread?

Ego called himself a Celestial. He also said he was a Botlzmann brain, given he popped into existence spontaneously. Meaning he could have whatever knowledge imaginable pop into his head when he was born. He clearly was born with the knowledge of humanity, he could have simply been born calling himself a Celestial.

He probably encountered Celestials on his travels and figured he was like them. And given how highly he thought of himself, of course he would identify with the apex species.
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Are spoilers not allowed in this thread?

Ego called himself a Celestial. He also said he was a Botlzmann brain, given he popped into existence spontaneously.

He probably encountered Celestials on his travels and figured he was like them. And given how highly he thought of himself, of course he would identify with the apex species.
I don't know, but I'm not taking any risks.
But he said he was alone, and that Peter finally meant he had someone else like him. If he believed he was a Celestial wouldn't he try to socialize with them, or at least mention meeting them instead of saying he was one of a kind?
There was a rather neat thought over at SB that Ego was gonna create the MCU version of the cancerverse if he fully had spread himself across the universe. Due to him giving Peter's mother a brain tumor and Ego infecting everything like cancer itself.
I don't know, but I'm not taking any risks.
But he said he was alone, and that Peter finally meant he had someone else like him. If he believed he was a Celestial wouldn't he try to socialize with them, or at least mention meeting them instead of saying he was one of a kind?
He lied to Peter at first, neglecting to tell Peter all the other life forms he encountered. Maybe the Celestials disappointed him too, and maybe they left the universe and he couldn't follow.its pretty vague, probably on purpose.
I liked it a lot. I though the humor, action, and characters were on point, but during the middle of the movie the scene transitions were very abrupt.
I liked it. Don't think the music was as strong as the first, but still good, and I enjoyed the humour all through it, both in dialogue and in physical comedy bits. Mantis getting clocked during the Standard Marvel Heroic Poster Pose was beautifully timed, for example.

The final fight... was uneven. Some bits were great, some bits made me go 'but why'.