Green Flame Rising (Exalted vs Dresden Files)

Doesnt count.
It was a dodge to ruleslawyer around Titania's prohibition of aid to Dresden.
Hmm, ok then

[X] Ask someone for help on how to deal with the Summer Court
-[X] Harry, he knows Fey and Bob knows even more
--[X] Importantly, what are the duties of each of the Queen Triumvirate?
--[X] Why are fae vulnerable to iron? Is it by design or a byproduct of something else?

I want to know what duties are of each of the queens.
There's a reason I said elephant, not mammoth.
We have speculation about how mammoths would behave, but we know very well how elephant veterans of the African savannah would react. And the Asian one, for that matter.

I actually had to go look this up:

Elephants are thought to be highly altruistic animals that even aid other species, including humans, in distress. In India, an elephant was helping locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold-up and noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone.[32] When an elephant is hurt, other elephants (even if they are unrelated) aid them.[23]

Moss has often seen elephants going out of their way to avoid hurting or killing a human, even when it was difficult for them (such as having to walk backwards to avoid a person). Joyce Poole documented an encounter told to her by Colin Francombe on Kuki Gallman's Laikipia Ranch. A ranch herder was walking alongside camels when he came across a family of elephants. The matriarch charged at him and knocked him over with her trunk, breaking one of his legs. In the evening, when he did not return, a search party was sent in a truck to find him. When the party discovered him, he was being guarded by an elephant. The animal charged the truck, so they shot over her and scared her away. The herdsman later told them that when he could not stand up, the elephant used her trunk to lift him under the shade of a tree. She guarded him for the day and would gently touch him with her trunk.[23]

I don't know what you've been reading, but if I need to I can go dig up plenty of stories about elephants only fighting to protect themselves and no further.
[X] Ask someone for help on how to deal with the Summer Court
-[X] Call Maeve, part of what you are doing here is screwing over the Enemy, you're sure she will approve
Considering what Maeve has been through recently this seems less like salting a wound and more like twisting a knife.

Even if she would actually try to give us good advice, which we can't be sure of, this is probably going to stir more shit than it's worth.
I was pointing out that the Fae get around a lot of orders they dont want to carry out by ruleslawyering.
Eldest Gruff delivered Dresden a doughnut. Lilly ruleslawyered around Titania's orders not to help Dresden and supplied him with Summer Fire. For a Fae that doesnt want to do something, convenient iron injury is a pretty useful cover.
They also can't lie, and the people we'd hypothetically be doing this for would need a really good story for that excuse to make sense.

Having contacts on both courts that know we have intellectus and that owe us is valuable of itself when and if we have to move both courts in a emergency.

Dangerous, yes, but mab is not likely to screw over the best 'fuck outsiders' ally shell ever get and lilly will double plus owe us shortly too.

Plus, this also setups lady of summer, winter, the dead and hell go out dancing scene, which is great civilization. Do it for the memes.
I wouldn't want to bet too much on that, Mab's concern would be not screwing us in such a way that it lessened our utility to her. This is significantly different from not screwing us at all.

We should smuggle this information along, but I think we'd be better served by implying we got it from the knight we ate if we have to say something at all and otherwise completely avoiding the subject.
They also can't lie, and the people we'd hypothetically be doing this for would need a really good story for that excuse to make sense.
They dont have to lie.
Its not like Eldest Gruff lied about getting Dresden a doughnut when he was assigned to kill him.

I wouldn't want to bet too much on that, Mab's concern would be not screwing us in such a way that it lessened our utility to her. This is significantly different from not screwing us at all.

We should smuggle this information along, but I think we'd be better served by implying we got it from the knight we ate if we have to say something at all and otherwise completely avoiding the subject.
Do recall that Titania is a Queen.
All that lore that Mab has on our origins? Titania probably has it too. And if she doesnt, Mother Summer does.
We dont need to imply anything. Just say divination or a vision,and ask her to check for herself.

Nemesis already knows that we can exorcise its control anyway, I think.
Ever since we shanked that fragment at Halloween.

[X] BronzeTongue

Unless someone can specifically articulate a need to involve Michael here that outweighs the increased visibility of having a Knight of the Cross in our wake?
I'd just talk to Harry and Bob.

Can we just not bother with fey-politics?
We have more than enough on our plate right now, just drop the item on Lilly.
You may not care about Fae politics, but Fae politics cares about you.
Ignoring it just means you get no say on how it affects your life.

And on a more mercenary level, picking up a couple Summer Court favors to match with the Winter Court favors we have will come in useful down the line, given the sort of enemies that we are determined to make.
I actually had to go look this up:

Elephants are thought to be highly altruistic animals that even aid other species, including humans, in distress. In India, an elephant was helping locals lift logs by following a truck and placing the logs in pre-dug holes upon instruction from the mahout (elephant trainer). At a certain hole, the elephant refused to lower the log. The mahout came to investigate the hold-up and noticed a dog sleeping in the hole. The elephant only lowered the log when the dog was gone.[32] When an elephant is hurt, other elephants (even if they are unrelated) aid them.[23]

Moss has often seen elephants going out of their way to avoid hurting or killing a human, even when it was difficult for them (such as having to walk backwards to avoid a person). Joyce Poole documented an encounter told to her by Colin Francombe on Kuki Gallman's Laikipia Ranch. A ranch herder was walking alongside camels when he came across a family of elephants. The matriarch charged at him and knocked him over with her trunk, breaking one of his legs. In the evening, when he did not return, a search party was sent in a truck to find him. When the party discovered him, he was being guarded by an elephant. The animal charged the truck, so they shot over her and scared her away. The herdsman later told them that when he could not stand up, the elephant used her trunk to lift him under the shade of a tree. She guarded him for the day and would gently touch him with her trunk.[23]

I don't know what you've been reading, but if I need to I can go dig up plenty of stories about elephants only fighting to protect themselves and no further.
Elephants being smart enough to be altruistic also means they are smart enough to be goddamn scary:
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reported that in India, it is estimated that up to 300 people per year are killed by human-elephant conflicts.

In June, India's PTI News Service reported that a 70-year-old woman in the central east Indian state of Odisha was killed by an elephant, only to have the same elephant reportedly return to her funeral to pull her body from a pyre and trample her again before fleeing, police said. The woman, Maya Murmu, had been collecting water in her village in the morning when the wild elephant reportedly attacked her, according to Police Station Inspector Lopamudra Nayak. Authorities said the elephant had escaped from a wildlife sanctuary. Murmu later died of her injuries in a hospital. Not long after, while family members were paying their last respects, the elephant returned and pulled the woman's body from the pyre and trampled it before running away.

8. Elephants - kills 600 humans per year

An elephant who never forgets… to kill! The mighty elephant is one of the world's most dangerous animals thanks to its sheer size and can attack humans in various ways. Elephants typically kill humans by trampling. As the African elephant can weigh up to eight tonnes (Asian up to five-and-a-half tonnes), the force of being knocked back and stomped on by one would easily be enough to kill. An elephant can also use its trunk to pick up and throw humans and smash them into the ground. It has been known, too, for elephants to gore people using their tusks.

Elephants kill more people yearly than hippos and lions.
A human with a stick is one of the most dangerous things on the planet. Multiple humans, each with a pointy stick, could kill anything (mundane) on this planet.

It wouldn't be easy and it wouldn't always be successful, but it very much is a roll of the dice for humans looking to kill an elephant.

Likewise, it's not for sure and it might not even be likely, but it very much is a roll of the dice for humans looking to kill the Fae. Might be 50/50, might be 1/99, but immortals certainly don't let humans run the show out of the goodness of their heart; they do so because humans are really dangerous and no one wants their immortal life to end with "a bunch of short-lived humans ganked 'em"
So, I decided to try and see how tough of an armor we can make.This is going to be an armor for Molly, so I won't be adding protections against drowning or possession since Molly is immune to those anyway.

So, I went through the books to see how high you can get armor without dex penalty:
C20 - 3 soak, "fey armor"
W20 - 1-3 soak "tough hide"
M20 - up to 4 soak with cybernetic armor, and up to 5 with "enhanced clothing"
V20 - 1 (reincforced clothing). Same with Demon: The Fallen.

Alchemical "prima metallum" 3 dot recipe gives armor made out of it +1 to soak. So, I would guess that 4 soak dice is reasonable maximum for conventional armor without additional specific magic. Maybe 5 on account of exalted mastery.

Now, let's consider splendor armor. As a reminder, splendors are also objects, when manifested. So, a splendor armor would act as an armor.

The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral
garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is
aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its
owner desires. As the basis for an Adornment, it grants its user the ability to see and interact with
ghosts on the other side of the Shroud.
As the basis for a Fascination, it can interact with both the
land of the living and the Underworld.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is hot, or brightly-colored, or energetic. It might
be decorated with flame-like markings, it might actually be on fire, or it might simply be a free-
standing flame which does not burn its owner. This Element defines the Splendor's physical
form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of fire.
Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be burned. As an Adornment, it lowers the difficulty for its user to soak
damage from heat or fire by two, or allows them to soak their Stamina to soak such damage if
they're not normally able.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of:
sufficient warmth to provide protection from freezing weather; sufficient light to see for
(Splendor's rating) x 10 yards around the Splendor; or may be literally ablaze with the intensity
of a bonfire.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or
is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element
defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with
the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity. As an Adornment, increases its
user's basic movement speed, before any multiplication by Charms or other powers, by
(Splendor's rating) yards per turn.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may generate the creator's
choice of: clear skies; specific constant (nonviolent) behavior of the wind (blowing north to
south at a brisk but not dangerous speed, for example); or specific whimsical behaviors of the
wind (whisking away people's hats, bookmark, or other loose items and depositing them next to
the Splendor, for example).
The Splendor takes the form of something that is solid and durable and sturdy. It might be made
of stone, metal, or mineral deposits. It might be a crystal or gemstone. It might be dirty and
roadworn. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that
character is aligned with the elemental power of earth. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor is extremely rugged, and the first attempt to damage or destroy it in any scene
automatically fails. As an Adornment, it grants its user one extra die of soak.
As the basis for a
Fascination, it may generate the creator's choice of: useful tools for a certain kind of work; an
aura of quiet and serenity; periodic foreboding tremors in the earth.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is vital, or lively, or green, or fecund, or, most
likely, something made of wood. It might even be a living plant. This Element defines the
Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the
elemental power of wood. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden,
and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract. As an
Adornment, increases its user's Initiative modifier by two.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may
generate the creator's choice of: fragrant scents; an area encompassing (Splendor's rating x 5)
yards in which animals and insects will not attack; enticing fruit, which may act as the focus for
a Root Element; or an aura of peace and tranquility.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of the fantastic. It might be a child's
toy, a brightly-decorated banner, a monster or carnival mask, or a treasure chest. It might be a
kaleidoscope, or a bundle of bright balloons. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form
and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of the Dreaming. Other
Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor stands out as a powerful work of magic when seen with chimerical eyes or mystic
scrutiny, but it seems nigh-impossible to credit it with any specific significance if observed with
purely mundane senses. Even when presented with compelling evidence that there's something
weird about the object, anyone who hasn't made a magical survey of the Splendor must make a
Willpower roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) to accept such a conclusion.
As an Adornment, it raises the difficulty to affect the user with hostile works of Glamour by one.

As the basis for a Fascination, it may have one minor impossible feature such as floating in
defiance of gravity, reflecting people's true selves when looked into, or aging backwards in time.

This Splendor defines that which cannot threaten those within its influence, according to the
Splendor's character as defined by appropriate Form Elements.
It provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity (air); being crushed, cut, or
pierced by stone or metal (earth); being burned (fire); being drowned (water); being poisoned or
struck by wooden objects (wood); disease (death); possession (spirit); or the twisting of the mind
by supernatural powers (dreams). If its protection is bestowed by a Fascination, it lasts for a
number of hours equal to the Splendor's rating, and may be set to persist indefinitely while
within the Splendor's influence in the case of Forms such as Form of the Hearth.
If more than one characteristic is drawn upon when this Element grants its Protection, then
instead of invincibility, damage is simply downgraded from aggravated to lethal, lethal to
bashing, and bashing damage cut in half after soak (round down), while immunity to possession
and thought alteration become the ability to make a Willpower roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's
rating) to immediately shake the effect off, and immunity to disease becomes the ability to make
a Stamina roll at difficulty (10 – Splendor's rating) to immediately shake the infection off.

One of the Splendor's snares or benefits is particularly wicked or potent. Modify one roll
associated with the Splendor by increasing or decreasing its difficulty by two, or modify one
value associated with activating or resisting its effects (such as the number of points of
Willpower that must be spent to shake off a Beautiful Lie) by two.
The Splendor is shrouded in a psychic ward that makes it unthinkable to even consider harming
it in any way. Anyone attempting to do so must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty (4
+ Splendor's rating) and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do
harm to the Splendor.
  1. Soak +5 (+3 base crastmanship, +1 prima metallum, +1 form of steadfast earth), soak is done at -2 DC discount, -4 DC when soaking heat and fire damage
  2. +2 initiative modifier
  3. +5 yards per turn movement speed before any other multipliers or additions
  4. Hostile glamour effects encounter +1 DC modifier when trying to affect the user
  5. grants its user the ability to see and interact with ghosts
  6. The Splendor cannot be burned, cannot be harmed by wind, cold, or electricity, the first attempt to damage or destroy it in any scene automatically fails
  7. provides immunity to damage from wind, cold, and electricity; being crushed, cut, or pierced by stone or metal; being burned, being poisoned or struck by wooden objects (not sure if this means general poison immunity, or immunity from poisoning by wooden objects), disease, or the twisting of the mind by supernatural powers. If more than one characteristic is drawn upon when this Element grants its Protection, then instead of invincibility, damage is simply downgraded from aggravated to lethal, lethal to
  8. bashing, and bashing damage cut in half after soak (round down), while immunity to possession and thought alteration become the ability to make a Willpower roll at difficulty 5 to immediately shake the effect off, and immunity to disease becomes the ability to make a Stamina roll at difficulty 5 to immediately shake the infection off.
  9. Anyone attempting to damage the armor must succeed at a Willpower roll against difficulty 9 and then spend a Willpower point on each turn in which they attempt to do harm to the Splendor
  10. The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden, and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it
  11. Even when presented with compelling evidence that there's something weird about the object, anyone who hasn't made a magical survey of the Splendor must make a Willpower roll against difficulty 9 to accept such a conclusion.

This is not quite immunity to everything armor, but it's close. Very close. If a second Mystic fortification can be bought, we could raise psychic ward to 11 DC. Might be worth pursuing at some point.
Elephants being smart enough to be altruistic also means they are smart enough to be goddamn scary:
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) reported that in India, it is estimated that up to 300 people per year are killed by human-elephant conflicts.

In June, India's PTI News Service reported that a 70-year-old woman in the central east Indian state of Odisha was killed by an elephant, only to have the same elephant reportedly return to her funeral to pull her body from a pyre and trample her again before fleeing, police said. The woman, Maya Murmu, had been collecting water in her village in the morning when the wild elephant reportedly attacked her, according to Police Station Inspector Lopamudra Nayak. Authorities said the elephant had escaped from a wildlife sanctuary. Murmu later died of her injuries in a hospital. Not long after, while family members were paying their last respects, the elephant returned and pulled the woman's body from the pyre and trampled it before running away.

8. Elephants - kills 600 humans per year

An elephant who never forgets… to kill! The mighty elephant is one of the world's most dangerous animals thanks to its sheer size and can attack humans in various ways. Elephants typically kill humans by trampling. As the African elephant can weigh up to eight tonnes (Asian up to five-and-a-half tonnes), the force of being knocked back and stomped on by one would easily be enough to kill. An elephant can also use its trunk to pick up and throw humans and smash them into the ground. It has been known, too, for elephants to gore people using their tusks.

Elephants kill more people yearly than hippos and lions.

300 people dead a year in India and 600 people dead a year world-wide is a fucking rounding error. If a marauder kills someone and then returns to their funeral to desecrate their corpse the question needs to be asked what the fuck did that person do before being killed?

Seriously what the fuck have people been doing to elephants that they are killing at all in the first place? And on top of that even in the lowest populated states where people live alongside elephants human population is usually in 3-4 digits and you are telling me that Elephants killing people only reach those numbers globally?

How is this scary in any way?
Likewise, it's not for sure and it might not even be likely, but it very much is a roll of the dice for humans looking to kill the Fae. Might be 50/50, might be 1/99, but immortals certainly don't let humans run the show out of the goodness of their heart; they do so because humans are really dangerous and no one wants their immortal life to end with "a bunch of short-lived humans ganked 'em"
No...? Halloween is special because it is the only period when immortals can be killed more easily (that is, withoutsuper artifacts,, such as the Stone Table or the Swords of the Cross, or specific cosmic events), otherwise they are truly immortal. Of course, I'm talking about true immortals and not what humanity might call immortal like the Black Court.

The real reason that humans are...not exactly running the show and more precisely having a greater role has always been that the White God wanted it. If he had not given the ultimatum to the gods and similar beings, which weakened them and sent many to the Nevernever, humanity would not be where it is now.
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Seems like armor we want for ourself. Especially now that we can get people to ignore us.
We could make a 3 dot version (drop disease protection, psychic ward, wood protection, and glamour buffs) next turn (purchase 3 dot alchemy for prima metallum - incidentally, it's interesting that Holden's craft system has no alchemy analogue, nothing consumable, really, as far as I can tell), then upgrade to 4 dots (psychic ward, I think, and glamour buffs), and in the future to 5.

The description incorporating all those elements would require a lot of work, though.
I'm okay with most of that, but categorical immunity to certain forms of harm just sucks.

It simply forces the QM to use a smaller pool of options when building and equipping enemies, without bringing any meaningful improvement to the game.
I'm okay with most of that, but categorical immunity to certain forms of harm just sucks.

It simply forces the QM to use a smaller pool of options when building and equipping enemies, without bringing any meaningful improvement to the game.
True. It's important to note that a combination attack (a flaming sword, an electrified sword, a high pressure jet of molten iron, etc) would trigger the "convert into lesser type of damage" defense, not perfect immunity. So, this isn't "immunity against everything" which, I agree, would render combat fairly boring. Essentially we'd be immune to most mundane form of attacks, but I think it would be fair to say that a magic-infused attack would automatically count as a two-vector one. And then we just have high grade armor.

EDIT: This might be one of those "better ban it" things, I think. The in-game reason might be - way too many conflicting elements in order to properly synchronize.

But otherwise it's still a very good anti-mook armor, where we are essentially protected against all normies.

I'll design a more non-munchkin version later.
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[X] Ask someone for help on how to deal with the Summer Court
-[X] Harry, he knows Fey and Bob knows even more
I personally would not at all mind just auto winning most personal combat so we can focus on other things*. Besides the hard part about most combat is saving others including the people we are fighting against sometimes.

*Isn't that what the perfect defense advocates want as well?
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The biggest problem with the armor is just that I can not picture any possible armor that fits all of the forms. Maybe 3 or 4 of them, but not all of them.
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[X] Just call on Lilly and give her the Splendor

I just can't think of any strategy that would be better than the straightforward approach.
[X] Just call on Lilly and give her the Splendor

- Be Lily
- Worrying about mental pollution and personality death
- Vent to the local Exalted
- She's like that sucks girl
- Nice to have someone who knows and cares
- Next week she drops a weird owl talisman off, refuses to elaborate further, leaves
- You're invulnerable to mental pollution (and iron) now
- It's a (newly made) divine artifact
- ???
- Profit
Just giving it to Lily sounds funny but there's no reason not to ask for some advice beforehand. Tifanny might have some insight to add even.

[X] Ask someone for help on how to deal with the Summer Court
-[X] Harry, he knows Fey and Bob knows even more
My experience trying to make a description for @Yog 's super armor.

The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of death. It might be a funeral
garment, or an old bone, or decorated with skulls. It might be smeared with crematory ash. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is
aligned with the power of death. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor can be summoned directly into the Underworld when made to manifest, if its
owner desires.
Well that's easy we generally make our splendors out of dead things anyway no problem having the armor be boney.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is hot, or brightly-colored, or energetic. It might
be decorated with flame-like markings, it might actually be on fire, or it might simply be a free-
standing flame which does not burn its owner. This Element defines the Splendor's physical
form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the elemental power of fire.
Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
No problem flaming bone armor. Flaming skulls are a stable for rock metal concerts everywhere.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is graceful, or cold, or crackles with electricity, or
is marked with decorations evocative of winds and clouds. It might be made of ice. This Element
defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with
the elemental power of air. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
Add a billowing cape. That actually seems like a great effect!
The Splendor takes the form of something that is solid and durable and sturdy. It might be made
of stone, metal, or mineral deposits. It might be a crystal or gemstone. It might be dirty and
roadworn. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that
character is aligned with the elemental power of earth. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
Ok maybe the bones can be a black obsidian. Or metal. Both should work. That way it has the aesthetics of death well having the material of earth.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is vital, or lively, or green, or fecund, or, most
likely, something made of wood. It might even be a living plant. This Element defines the
Splendor's physical form and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the
elemental power of wood. Other Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor easily blends into natural surroundings when it would be useful for it to be hidden,
and immediately stands out when its owner is looking for it, or to those it wishes to attract. As an
Adornment, increases its user's Initiative modifier by two.
As the basis for a Fascination, it may
generate the creator's choice of: fragrant scents; an area encompassing (Splendor's rating x 5)
yards in which animals and insects will not attack; enticing fruit, which may act as the focus for
a Root Element; or an aura of peace and tranquility.
It was at this point that my imagination failed me. Can't think of a way to add Wood without dropping something.
The Splendor takes the form of something that is evocative of the fantastic. It might be a child's
toy, a brightly-decorated banner, a monster or carnival mask, or a treasure chest. It might be a
kaleidoscope, or a bundle of bright balloons. This Element defines the Splendor's physical form
and gives it a character, and that character is aligned with the power of the Dreaming. Other
Elements may draw upon this fact.
The Splendor stands out as a powerful work of magic when seen with chimerical eyes or mystic
scrutiny, but it seems nigh-impossible to credit it with any specific significance if observed with
purely mundane senses. Even when presented with compelling evidence that there's something
weird about the object, anyone who hasn't made a magical survey of the Splendor must make a
Willpower roll against difficulty (4 + Splendor's rating) to accept such a conclusion.
As an Adornment, it raises the difficulty to affect the user with hostile works of Glamour by one.

As the basis for a Fascination, it may have one minor impossible feature such as floating in
defiance of gravity, reflecting people's true selves when looked into, or aging backwards in time.
Give our flaming black metal armor with billowing cape a Halloween vibe. An over the top feel only found in costumes. Should not be hard.

It was actually much more doable then I expected. Only had to drop one form. Of course the armor is less subtle than a brick to the face and if we wear it anywhere everyone who sees Molly is going to know that we are definitely looking for a fight.

I dub this armor the armor of "Heavy Metal Rock and Roll!" Because if we put it on we are ready to rock and roll over someone. I expect us to use it less often than Shinkai form.

Anonymity Through Propriety costs an essanse and only lasts a scene after all.
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