A Real Live Winslow Survivor!
"Taaaaylor!" Victoria Dallon called out, hurrying over with Amy in her wake.

"Huh?" Taylor was not expecting this, one of the things she liked about these sessions was being able to fade into the background. She took a step back from the tall, charismatic, famous, beautiful girl.

"You went to Winslow!"


"Oh em gee! I thought you had just moved into town! We never get transfers mid-term!"


"Vicky," said Amy, with exaggerated patience. "You're scaring her."

Vicky barreled on. "Did you transfer because of the master thing!?"

"What? I probably shouldn't say." Especially since she very definitely deliberately didn't look at anything in the news about Winslow so she didn't know what was public.

"Aha! It was the janitor!"

"The who the what?"

"What, there was MORE THAN ONE MASTER!!!"

Not knowing what else to do, Taylor changed the subject. "What's that light?"

"What? Oh goddamnit."
Good Training
"How is the Winslow investigation going, Phil?"

Rennick paused a moment to consider…

Excerpts from the Winslow M/S Screening Staff, Parent and Student Interviews

"…and there's no way she would get with himnaturally! He belongs to me! Me! I called dibs! It must be…

"… not that there is anything wrong with that, of course, I know Legend is a good family man, but it still feels wrong! There was never any sign before, and my children talk to me about everything…"

"…so yeah, ah, I totally have been feeling weird lately, and then, ah, my grades started tanking, and, ah, then…"

"What training? Oh, that training, yeah I missed that day and she was supposed to reach out to reschedule and I guess she never did?"

"… he has always been a good God-fearing man, just like me and my father, but now he's changed…"

"… I, uh, exercise my right to sirens. My Melinda. The thing where I don't talk to pigs…"

"Of course I reported it! And sent copies to the Superintendent's office, and our PRT liaison!"

"..the way she's dressing now, that can't be natural, and always wanting to go out! And she gets all squirrelly about me seeing her phone, I bet that's how he's using his power on her, and…"

"… shemme? Wo ne parlaize anglais. No habla boo hui shu fawen…"

"… it was one of them, I just know it, I can't believe theyare even allowed in our schools, it's a disgrace I tell you…"

Back in Piggot's office

Finally, Phil shrugged. "It's good training."


It's an all hands on deck endeavor, and they are likely pulling in people from other departments. On the one hand, it is a massive pain in the ass. On the other hand, it really is good training. They can't say anything official yet, but all signs suggest either a very low level master or stranger at worst, or none at all. But you can't be sure without checking.

Of course, as is always the case with "good training", all the grunts involved are miserable, but if you can't take the joke, don't join the service.

From the budget side, it's expensive, but national is willing to help cover the overrun and then try to pass some on to the school system or its insurer, as part of the never ending cross-departmental pissing match over how much the PRT is allowed to meddle in public education.
Lisa looked at her phone in confusion. Why was Alec texting her?

French Ponce: Yo liz go down and get my package for me
Lisa: ???
French Ponce: It's just downstairs the lazy ass just left it come on
Lisa: I don't live at the loft?
French Ponce: yeah I know ur like two doors down from me
Lisa: how the what?
French Ponce: yeah get exited I'd recognize those nerves anywhere

Lisa cursed. Right. PRT building.

Lisa: not just no but hell no
French Ponce: come onnnnn I'll give you a piece of pizza? Or $5?

Lisa stared dumbfounded. He knew how much they'd gotten from Coil why the hell did he think that would work?

And then she had a wonderful idea.

Lisa: no, but I know someone in the building who will likely do it for 20
French Ponce: great send me deets!

Lisa opened up another chat

Lisa: Hey, you wanna make 20 in five mins?
Lil' Gremlin: Sure!
Kit Kat?
"Hey bro! You want a Kit Kat?"

"Sure?" He took the candy from her.

"Awesome, I'm on a roll! First Panacea then you, I'm totally doing my good deeds today. Did you know she lives here? Well not really, it's a secret so you can't tell anyone, but she has a place here!"

"Aisha, why are you telling me this?"

Aisha shrugged. "Seemed cool. Ran into her at the elevators coming up. She's on our floor! Gave her a Kit Kat too! Looked like she could use it, her grumpy face was super grumpy today."

"Wait, why do you have a giant bag of candy?"

"Oh some kid Lisa knows paid me to go buy him some. I took my pay in trade. Best job ever."

Brian eyed the large bag of candy suspiciously. Who does Lisa know that would pay that much to… MOTHERFUCKER.
There Will Be Toast
Dennis and Chris looked up from their game when the door opened.

"Hey guys," said Triumph, entering the Wards room. He was followed by a tween girl, about Missy's age, in casual clothes and a generic mask. She looked around with interest.

"This is Insight. She is a new Ward. To be clear she is not one of the villains we 'rescued', and if you do her wrong you will know vengeance beyond your imagining. You may notice a small delay when talking to her, her power reacts poorly to certain phrasing so everything you say is being filtered."

Chris and Dennis looked at him, looked at each other, and shrugged.

"Great!" Triumph said with forced cheer. "I'll leave you to get to know each other while I go fetch the next one." Then he left.

The three Wards awkwardly shuffled in place for a moment. Then Missy—no, they had a newbie, Vista—entered with a large flashlight. Upon seeing new girl, she did a double-take.

Vista recovered quickly. "Hello person I don't recognize," she said with exaggerated cheer. "Would you like to explore our glorious kitchen with me? There will be toast."

The new girl boggled, then laughed before scurrying off with Missy.

Dennis and Chris went back to their game, and paid no mind to the intermittent whispering and giggling from the other room. Girls, right?

Shortly thereafter Triumph returned with a grinning blonde girl in a purple skirt suit and matching domino mask.

"All right everyone, and here is… where did Insight go?"

"Oh," said Chris. "She and, uh, Vista are making toast?"

"Oh," said Triumph. "I didn't realize we'd gotten the replacement toaster." He looked at Chris significantly.

The purple girl started snickering.

"Actually, I don't think we did…" said Chris, confused.

Purple girl guffawed, and any further discussion was cut off by the fire alarm.
Aisha Learns Horrible Things
While unsure of how seriously to take Lisa's impassioned fawning, Brian did make sure to show up early to his next check-in with Dr. Weaver.

Upon seeing his posture, the woman adopted an appraising look. "Hmm. I'm going to guess Lisa?"

Brian twitched.

The older woman nodded. "She has an over-exaggerated sense of my importance, I'm sure."

She gestured for Brian to have a seat before continuing. "How are you settling in?"


Before we wrap up, is there anything else that might be of interest or concern?"

Brian sighed. "I'm worried about Aisha's 'new job'…." He explained.

Dr. Weaver listened thoughtfully and, when he finished, nodded. "I think I understand."

Taking out her phone, she put it on speaker and dialed.

Alec's voice drifted out. "Yo Boss Lady." Tinny explosions and high pitched voices could be heard in the background.

"Aisha, your go-fer, is Brian's sister. Don't make her cry."

Alec laughed. "I like you."

Dr. Weaver hung up. Seeing Brian's aghast expression, she sighed. "Alec's upbringing makes him spectacularly sensitive to hierarchies of power and protection. He might be his usual self but he won't hurt her."

Brian looked unconvinced.

The older woman continued unphased. "No doubt Aisha will be a good influence on him. But there is something else I can do to help…"


"Hey doc!"

"Aisha, your brother asked me have a chat with you."

"I didn't do it!"

Taylor snorted. "Nothing like that, no he has realized that you are growing up, and there are certain topics neither he nor your father are qualified to talk to you about…" she set a box of condoms on the table.

Aisha's response was a look of dawning horror.
Brian, Aisha, Taylor, and relationships
It has not yet sunk in yet, but Brian's big struggle, to save Aisha? It is over. Somehow, things are working out OK. And even if something happens to him Aisha has a powerful protector. More than one, really.

When he finally does actually realize this, I expect he'll go through a phase of being a bit adrift and irresponsible, at least by his own standards. Aisha will likely enable him here. So I just don't see any long-term healthy relationship in his near future.

That said, Aisha is going to continue to try to find him an awesome GF! And Vicky needs a new project! I'm sure it will all be fine.

As for the sex ed, well I'm leaning toward sex for Taylor not actually being that big a part of emotional intimacy. Her experiences in Worm were… what they were, and post-GM I for several reasons I can see her not ever really settling into a long-term stable romantic relationship in the conventional sense. I suppose there is a discussion to be had over what exact terms could best describe her sexual and gender identity but it's not really something she thinks about and if asked she would say she's straight, obviously, despite the lack of adult male peers or partners in her found family.

Uptime!Taylor doesn't lack for emotional intimacy. Well, didn't before coming back here. Her and uptime!Lisa have a sort of mutual-support codependent thing going on where they both enable each other and keep each other in check. She is a sort-of aunt to the Heartbroken, as well as the BB orphans, and Aisha and Rachel are around, and yeah it's not conventional but they're family in every way that matters and it works. And Taylor never really stopped saving lost souls, even as she did avoid becoming primary caregiver for any child for reasons previously discussed in a prior post. In some ways she's a teen mom who never stopped picking up additional moppets, the way some people adopt stray cats.

So I figure on the technical points she can give good instruction to Aisha, and will be very clear on things like "if you aren't having fun why bother", but in terms of conventional relationships she's able to give some general guidance but not too much specific. The most normal couple she has interacted with regularly is probably Dragon and Defiant and even that is not really normal.

Overall it's going to very much come across as "sex is a thing some adults do for fun I guess and here's all the technical details", with a strong subtext of "it's kind of messy and awkward" because Taylor is emotionally healthy and doesn't repress at all and has totally normal and healthy attitudes toward intimacy and is totally OK with lowering her guard and trusting Lisa why are you laughing I will come over there.

Jaded!Taylor has few good role models for conventional healthy relationships. This is an advantage insofar as she is not stuck in a single rigid framework (she has seen a number of surprisingly functional unconventional relationships) but makes it harder to communicate what she knows for the same reason.

Taylor is, among other things, a master of compartmentalization. I fully expect she consciously did not allow herself to pay attention to all the sex her bugs observed.

As for BDSM, pre-GM Taylor was a walking, buzzing pile of trust and control issues. Post-GM, she gets the bonus prize of a massive fear of ever again losing control of her body (being body jacked is traumatic, even if sort of consensually), and a massive aversion to anything that might suggest she enjoyed exercising control over others, after being a puppet in her own body while her power controlled All The Capes.

I do expect Taylor has watched somewhat more closely as Victoria, Aisha and the various strays embarked on romantic misadventures, and on a technical level is likely very familiar with masturbation as a stress relief tool, as well as sex to a lesser extent. I expect she still has her idealistic view that it would be awesome if sex did come with an emotional intimacy, but it's not really something she got with Brian, during her time in the Wards she very much was not looking for a relationship, and after GM it didn't happen for various reasons. So she is in the weird place of understanding the technicals well, and having little patience for bad sex or inconsiderate partners, but still feels that on some level she has always been doing it wrong and has sort given up.

Young!Aisha is left with the impression that jaded!Taylor both knows far too much about this stuff, and somehow still misses the point.

Taylor basically has completely decoupled emotional and sexual intimacy in her life and I doubt she has allowed herself to consciously realize the fact or engage with it. And of her close confidants, they either also have unconventional preferences on intimacy (Lisa, Rachel) or absolutely refuse to dig into this mess (Aisha, Victoria).

Meanwhile Lisa and Taylor commiserate on how irrational and strange everyone gets on this topic, and they are the only sane ones.
Victoria looked at Taylor expectantly.

Taylor cleared her throat, and recited carefully, "I learned a lot at Winslow. After much consideration it was decided that my educational needs would be better met at Arcadia. I have the utmost confidence in the investigation being conducted by the District and the PRT."

Victoria's eyes widened, and then she nodded intently, before scurrying away, already on her phone.

Amy raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure that was a good idea? God knows what she'll tell people now."

Taylor shrugged. "I will not say whether or not I have a lawyer, but if I hypothetically did that statement would have hypothetically been checked with hypothetical them."

Amy snorted. "God, you two deserve each other."

Sabah felt conflicted. A part of her felt relief, that the boy who had loomed so large in her fears was well and truly gone. And part of her felt guilty for feeling relief, because he was a human being and it felt kind of icky seeing as in any way positive the death of another human being. Even if it was in a stupid drunken accident.

As usual, she avoided thinking too much about it by burying herself in her work. She had been hired, on quite nice terms, to do a series of promotional events around town, and it was an opportunity she wasn't going to let go to waste. The new PRT liaison was a woman who was actually reasonable, and even the gangs hadn't been sniffing around lately.

Things were looking up.


"I appreciate your concerns, Director West, but the decision is made," the Chief Director stated with the inevitably of a steamroller. "If nothing else, the Nine demonstrates that we are underinvesting in psychological capabilities, as well as in our understanding of power interactions and power-affected psychology. Jack Slash's master ability is exactly the sort of thing we can't afford to miss, and once it was realized what had been an insoluble problem became trivial.

"Directors Armstrong and Tagg will oversee the new initiative, in addition to their other duties, and we will revisit progress next quarter."


"We're done, West. Next item."


More butterflies. Armstrong is involved for the usual, obvious reasons. Tagg is involved because he understands, in that way that the better long-service military officers do, that you go to war with the people you have, and at some point you just have to make it work, no matter how broken and dysfunctional your personnel might appear (or indeed actually be). And because if you put Tagg on the project, (1) the detractors won't be able to say it's just a bunch of wish-washy nonsense and (2) due to his containment zone experience, he appreciates better than just about anyone the degrees of mental fuckery powers can bring.

Also keep in mind that part of what this group will be doing is going through Riley's notes and half-finished projects.
Diner Encounter
"Taylor?! You're alive! I was so worried!"

Taylor looked around surprised. She, Sierra and Cassie had been wrapping up dinner at a local diner, and she was not expecting to be unexpectedly greeted by… Greg?


After Greg left, the girls shared a look.

"He was…enthusiastic?" Cassie offered.

Taylor snorted. "Better than he used to be."

"Still," said Sierra. "I wonder, that's an awfully strange run of good luck he's been having. Normally I'd let it go, but with all the M/S issues at that school?

Taylor looked pensive.

With an apologetic glance toward Taylor, Sierra continued. "I'll ask Charlotte about it?"

Taylor hesitated, then slowly nodded. Intellectually, she understood now that the girl had her own struggles, but it would take a long time before Taylor forgot any of the Winslow bystanders.