The point is, there's obviously some limit to how his name can be called and how he can be summoned, or else he'd be popping in and out everywhere, all around, across the globe.
I considered that, but it seems like it would be surmountable. It could be a range limit, in which case, no problem- we know it's around city-scale, at least. We know it's not a knowledge- or intention-limit, because Zane was saying 'Mephistopheles' out of simple confusion, not to summon him the first time. what else could it be... affiliation, I guess? testable enough, camera and someone who says it a bunch in an alley, etc etc.
though I do agree with the conclusion quoted just above, I take minor issue to this part of the argument:
there's probably going to be at least 1 person every 24 hours saying his name, and that's literally horrible.
ehhh... not really. he said it's "neither easy nor pleasant". This is the kind of wording that someone could honestly use to describe relieving themself in a washroom, or doing however many pushups they can manage. Not something you'd want to be doing several times a second for hours at a time, but not horrible to do once a day. (and I'm not even assuming it's as bad as that; it could be the same level of difficulty as swatting a bug, if he's lying. It's Still not something you'd want to spend all your time on... He could probably avoid this problem by touching another Godcard, if he has a second on-hand, until our spam dies down. but that still deprives him of access to his primary powerset.).
Oh, also, he is well known, but there might be the question of pronunciation. until recently (Read: when I wrote the name from memory several times for posting here), I thought of it was 'Mephistolese', completely omitting the phe- and adding an e. Don't know Why I thought of it that way, but it probably drives the number down a good bit.

Unrelated, a note on the off chance we end up with "Remain Hidden", I don't think unwillingness to part with a Godcard played that much into the reasoning there, so he doesn't have to avoid it. Mostly, I think it came down to not trusting Mephistopheles, a man naming himself after a devil, who, it turned out, had several men ready to shoot Zane (presumably, if he ran or refused), to hold up his end of the deal.
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Source: Chapter 4
The rumor said that if any affiliate of the Demons truly wanted, from the depth of their heart, to make a deal with him, and they said his name, then he'd appear and grant their wish at some ill-defined but crippling cost.

Source: Chapter 12
"I appear where my name is called. Although I can refuse a summoning, it's neither easy nor pleasant," the man said, moving over and sitting down right next to Zane. Poised like this next to each other, neither of them had much space on the stairs; barely space to nudge the other with an elbow, maybe, let alone to break into a fight. Zane reached for his left pocket, absently fingering the zipper, considering whether to swap Cards for the Boreads. Defense over illusion. He wasn't sure.


After that, both of them sat in uncomfortable - or so Zane thought - silence for a couple of seconds.

"I'm the boss of the Gravesend Demons," Mephistopheles began, out of the blue. "I organize them, lead them, direct them, where possible. I distribute the salaries to the underbosses and they distribute the salaries to the soldiers, workers, associates. A beautiful hierarchy where people use each other. I also grant wishes, where possible - always at a cost, because such is the nature of my power. Is there anything you'd like to wish for?"

For Uncle Shen to stop moping so much.

"No," Zane stated adamantly.

Mephistopheles nodded. "Smart."

The operative term here is "if any affiliate of the demons". This means that in theory, people we're attacking in Strike First can call on Mephistopheles for an emergency deal, and we do not know the limits of this ability. Tangentially, Mephistopheles is interested in the Borough of Queens as territory but claims not to know why.

Remain Hidden Impressions: Buys time till the Full moon for better or worse. May allow accumulation of Phobia charge. I don't know.

Strike First Impressions: Very Phobos friendly. The question is how to do it subtlely. Can we cause NYPD Attracting incidents with Phobia at Mephistopheles's infrastructure, play them against each other? What about the Mcnessas? We also get to do damage before the Full Moon and Mephistopheles(Along with us) getting a power boost.

Alert the Police Impressions: On the spectrum from Reality(Very Unpleasant in many ways) to Blue Bloods(Highly Idealized) how is the NYPD in this story? From a metagame standpoint it's established that at least one Member of the NYPD has a Godcard. Zane however does not know this. We want sanctuary for ourself, Shen, Spike, maybe Brick, allies and want to avoid being drawn into some kind of legal quagmire. We need data and resources that they cannot get without our cooperation. Meaning burying our godcards is good prepwork for any negotiation. We cannot discount the possibility of encountering a Mephistopheles mole in the NYPD. If we somehow manage to approach and maintain a position of strength in the negotiation we may build Phobos compatibility. This may help us buy time to the full moon but with the NYPD's help we might not need it. We may wish to consider a false identity under Phobia for the purposes of this negotiation to avoid any anti-ganger bias on the part of the police. Or perhaps making a messenger with Phobia. The Police wants the Mcnessas and Mephistopheles dealt with. There is also something in the Bourough of Queens that attracts their interest. If it's a macguffin and we find that macguffin we've got a lot of leverage.

Leave Town Impressions: It's practically inevitable narratively speaking that Spike or Brick or Shen is going to get held hostage by Mephistopheles's people. Consider Parting with a godcard to improve their odds of survival. Odds are we lose Phobos compatibility, we might gain for Boreads on the Freedom Axis if it has any connection to Buddhist principles and/or Adorjani thematics from Exalted("Freedom Lets Go") but we'd lose on the Brotherhood/Heroism axis. It buys time for the Full Moon powerup at least.
As I said before, we can probably gain Boread compatibility at the same time as Phobos by attacking places like drug manufacturing centers, but as for increasing Phobos, we can easily increase people's fear by spreading rumors about some members being killed by us. Spike or Brick can spread those rumors, and they'll spread like campfire stories, and we don't get the negative attention that comes with actually killing people, not that Zane would do that in the first place.

If we go Strike First it's the Batman MO.

EDIT: Ooh, and as for increasing paranoia in the rank and file, we could follow high level officers of the gang to their own homes, and ambush them there as well. Drive in that if you're affiliated with the gang you aren't safe anywhere. Though, I don't know at which point we'll be going too far to the point that they're willing to go after Uncle Shen, and step up their attacks on us. That's basically the path of full dedication to wiping them out, cause if we don't they'll do anything to get at us.
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This means that in theory, people we're attacking in Strike First can call on Mephistopheles for an emergency deal, and we do not know the limits of this ability.
not necessarily. Mephistopheles's very existence is only a rumor. How likely are people to call out the name of a dubiously-existent demon to make a deal mid-combat? would they even have the chance to get through the 'making a deal' part?
Also, that rumor is at least partially inaccurate, since it claims it's connected to desire; yet, Zane was not trying to summon mephistopheles. Though it does make sense- if his power could be abused so easily, the only way he wouldn't be dealing with this problem is if it was secret to every other group.
still, it might take a while for Mephistopheles to realize Spike and Brick are the people we're with and are friends with, and longer still to formally remove them from the gravesend demons and make them no longer affiliated; if we Do act quickly, we could still have a chance to pepper him with summons for an ambush.
not necessarily. Mephistopheles's very existence is only a rumor. How likely are people to call out the name of a dubiously-existent demon to make a deal mid-combat? would they even have the chance to get through the 'making a deal' part?
Also, that rumor is at least partially inaccurate, since it claims it's connected to desire; yet, Zane was not trying to summon mephistopheles. Though it does make sense- if his power could be abused so easily, the only way he wouldn't be dealing with this problem is if it was secret to every other group.
still, it might take a while for Mephistopheles to realize Spike and Brick are the people we're with and are friends with, and longer still to formally remove them from the gravesend demons and make them no longer affiliated; if we Do act quickly, we could still have a chance to pepper him with summons for an ambush.

It may be more concretely known for Gravesend Demons Underbosses. He distributes their salaries.

"I'm the boss of the Gravesend Demons," Mephistopheles began, out of the blue. "I organize them, lead them, direct them, where possible. I distribute the salaries to the underbosses and they distribute the salaries to the soldiers, workers, associates. A beautiful hierarchy where people use each other. I also grant wishes, where possible - always at a cost, because such is the nature of my power. Is there anything you'd like to wish for?"
Opening Strike - Decisions
Alright, since it seems like [X] Strike First has a majority lead, we'll lock the vote right here and roll with it.

Below is a list of possible major targets as outlined by Spike.

The Storehouse - "Somewhere on Harway Avenue," Brooklyn
A major stockpile for weaponry, ammunition, stolen or for-use vehicles, and heavy-duty machinery, including some of the decommissioned machines used to process high-grade narcotics somewhere outside the city which are now only used for spare parts. Recently, the Demons have shown a preference for importing drugs rather than making them. At least ten armed men are protecting this location at any given time. Should be easier to assault at night.

The Safehouse - "Crossing of Avenue K, Flatbush Ave, and 37th street," Brooklyn
A large residential building swarming with gang members. The word is that it's the hiding place of one of the underbosses who's wanted by the police. A lot of operations come through here, it's a major artery. At least thirty men, but more lightly armed than anywhere else.

There's also a chop shop right across the street with a few gang affiliates working there to break down stolen vehicles. Could be worth hitting if you have the time.

The Docks - North of the Brooklyn Navy Yard, "building with red bricks, can't be missed."
A sizable warehouse used for holding and transporting smuggled contraband in and out of the city. Probably the largest and simultaneously hardest target that Spike knows about. It accounts for about 10-20% of the illegal weaponry, drugs, and other "luxury supplies" in the city of New York. If you hit this, it'll send down shakes into the criminal supply chain for months to come; it'll also cripple the Demons. The cops know about this place, but a few well-placed bribes keep them from doing anything - if gunshots are reported, expect them to arrive very late. The actual number of people who are posted here is unknown but definitely well-armed, well-trained, and very numerous - expect at least forty.

When asked how he's aware of these locations despite having such a low rank, Spike only shrugs and says, "You hear rumors, doing this for so long."

Spike's Card Powers
Boreads - Low compatibility (<25%). A power that sprouts translucent air-wings from Spike's back. Don't allow flight, but enhanced leaping and gliding are possible; wings can be interposed between attacks to form a shield, with similar strength to Defense of the Northwind. Wings can also be used to bat people or objects aside if close.
Phobos - V. high compatibility (90%+). Exactly as per Arms of Terror (see Chapter 6,) except starts on Lv 2.

Brick's Card Powers
Boreads - Medium compatibility (<40%). Increases "linear running speed," and agility to a greatly superhuman degree, test on treadmill indicates he surpasses peak-human capability significantly; slightly improved coordination. Motion no longer drains stamina.
Phobos - Incompatible.


And so, which target did Zane (and his friends?) strike at?

[ ] The Storehouse
[ ] The Safehouse
[ ] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

And what exactly are your tactics for this encounter?

[ ] Wolf Stands Alone - Spike and Brick will act in a supporting capacity, staying a good distance away from the fighting in an escape vehicle. They'll constantly be looking at their phones, so Zane can message or call them if something happens. They'll also have a first-aid kit and weapons of their own prepared in case anything happens.
[ ] Night Duet - One of the team members who isn't Zane will stay behind in order to be the getaway driver/support man, and the other team member will come alongside Zane in order to fight. If so, which team member?
[ ] Neighborhood Vigilante Team - All three team members will be active combatants, swapping cards as necessary to leverage the full breadth of their abilities. It could become slightly hectic and dangerous, and escape might be harder, but you'll also have the greatest versatility and raw power out of any option here.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Plan Shock and Awe
-[X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]
-[X] Activate Brawler
-[X] Night Duet
--[X] Spike can have Phobos and fight with us.
---[X] Zane should use his enhanced mobility to check out the area before Spike goes in loud.
---[X] Spike should mostly use his defensive armament, Shield and Armor, to defend himself, draw attention, and cause widespread fear while Zane uses his enhanced speed and skills to surgically take out braver opponents.

Can we buy the clone power immediately? It's good that we have the Defense of the Northwind, that really is going to help, even against guns.

This plan is incredibly dangerous, but it has the most impact. It will help Spike grow his compatibility further, and working with Spike will boost our Boreads compatability as well.
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[X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

[X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team

Let's either go big or go home. Whichever one of these we hit, we can be absolutely sure that the other two are going to be more alert and better defended if at all possible, so we should make full use of the window of opportunity where Mephistopheles isn't expecting a superhuman to be gunning for his major operation centers.

The Docks will also not only give us extra Ambrosia that we can really use, but is the only one where the police are noted as arriving very late. That's good because one of the last things we wanted is to get in a tussle with the cops, both for obvious reasons and the fact we know they also have Godcard users at their behest.

Given we'd be attacking the hardest point and the extremely slow police response making escape not as huge a deal, we're going to want maximize our combat power, and this is as good as any chance too start gaining experience doing this sort of thing with them since it's epxlicitly noted too make us at our strongest. Both Arms of Terror, the wings, and Bricks super speed are going to come in extremely handy for assault like this, and even for exfiltration later on. As for Zane, well, he has

[X] Activate Brawler

[X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team
[X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

[X] Activate Brawler

we know that Zane can beat card users without one, so letting our friends use the ones we have should help even the odds.
Ah, I forgot a couple of things - I'd appreciate if you voted by plan for the sake of orderliness. And you have 7.2 Ambrosia.
Ah, I forgot a couple of things - I'd appreciate if you voted by plan for the sake of orderliness. And you have 7.2 Ambrosia.


[X] Plan FBI Open Up
- [X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team
- [X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

- [X] Activate Brawler

Discord Birdsie:

BirdsieToday at 2:25 PM

Mephistopheles: [sitting on a toilet, reading the newspaper]
Zane and Co. :

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Can we buy Brother Mine, or do we have to wait for the full moon?
All Godcard-related Improvements can only be acquired on a full moon, at least for now - if you'd like any high-power Improvements, I suggest farming Compatibility and Ambrosia and then not spending on anything needlessly! Sadly, Olympus doesn't want the Cardbearers to become as crazy as the Mangler was...
[X] Plan FBI Open Up
- [X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team
- [X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

- [X] Activate Brawler

We're gonna beat it, take their shit, and then beat it up some more!

My issue with Neighborhood Vigilante Team, especially at the Docks, is that it leaves one of our friends going into battle with heavily armed people with zero defense. We only have two cards, two defensive powers. Bad idea. I'd much prefer one of us stay safe in the car, it'll make us less likely to die, anyway.

Both Brick and Spike's Boread powers kind of suck. They're good for mobility, bad for firefights. That means Zane should keep Defense of the Northwind. Spike can get Level 2 of Arms of Terror, which is pretty much exactly what we need when assaulting a hardened base with many defenders.

Plans without any plans of how to attack are less likely to succeed. [] Plan Shock and Awe has Spike frightening the lot of them while turtling up while Zane goes on the offensive, trusting in DotN and Brawler. Little offense, but good odds of survival.
[X] Plan FBI Open Up
- [X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team
- [X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

- [X] Activate Brawler
My issue with Neighborhood Vigilante Team, especially at the Docks, is that it leaves one of our friends going into battle with heavily armed people with zero defense. We only have two cards, two defensive powers. Bad idea. I'd much prefer one of us stay safe in the car, it'll make us less likely to die, anyway.

Plans without any plans of how to attack are less likely to succeed. [] Plan Shock and Awe has Spike frightening the lot of them while turtling up while Zane goes on the offensive, trusting in DotN and Brawler. Little offense, but good odds of survival.
nah, we have 2 cards and 2 friends, and Zane clearly doesn't need them, see how we got our godcards in the first place. Brick being faster than any human should be good defense. All we really need our friends to do is distract some of them so that we can take them out with Brawler.
[X] Plan Shock and Awe

Safest approach, boosts compatibility with the Boreads Duality, and helps develop Spike firther with his extraordinary compatibility with Phobos. We can worry about Brick later when we get new cards.
[X] Plan FBI Open Up
- [X] Neighborhood Vigilante Team
- [X] The Docks [+5 Ambrosia]

- [X] Activate Brawler

nah, we have 2 cards and 2 friends, and Zane clearly doesn't need them, see how we got our godcards in the first place. Brick being faster than any human should be good defense. All we really need our friends to do is distract some of them so that we can take them out with Brawler.
It's one thing to go against arrogant wielders at a close distance, and another with a whole group of heavily armed people. Zane isn't Batman yet, he can't take down a whole group of machinegun wielding thugs without any powers and expect not to get hurt. This plan is way safer.
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Both Brick and Spike's Boread powers kind of suck. They're good for mobility, bad for firefights.

Uh, this is absolutely untrue. Mobility, especially in environments such as this, are literally some of the best things you can possibly have in a firefight. The ability to reposition extremely quickly between piece of cover, to get better and safer angles for getting shots off, ect.

Every military in the world would pay a fortune to be able to given even just their special forces units something remotely similar to Bricks Borean power, much less Spike's flying ability that also acts as a shield.

Also, their's like 40 dudes at the docks. I'd rather not leave one of our friends alone without any access to cards because they could easily get the idea to fan out to cut off any escape route we might have and find him.
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[X] Plan FBI Open Up

Let's punch Mephistopheles in the throat while he's steel reeling. I bet he won't expect that, as his own strategy would be to either lay low or pick off smaller fries first. You know, playing it smart.
But who needs to play smart when we got magic powers, allies with magic powers, and roll boosters?
so we should make full use of the window of opportunity where Mephistopheles isn't expecting a superhuman to be gunning for his major operation centers.
You sure he won't expect it? I'm dubious on that. I mean, we clearly consider it reasonable. He knows we have 2 Godcards and the skill to match a godcard holder without one. He might be reading our personality as couragous and headstrong per Li, if his symbolism banter wasn't just gibberish. And immediately afterwards, we kicked him in the face- in his metal mask- with no warning mid-negotiations, ran away, beat one of his hired goons to a pulp, trounced the rest, and escaped.
I don't think I'd be surprised to see we kept going after that.
edit: heck, it was unanimous. he'd have to have a complete nonsense read on Zane's implied personality to not consider this.

Personally, I'm for prudence. Also, for staying ready for the next full moon. Mephistopheles might only get marginally more powerful at the full moon (he's been around for a while), but Our power level will practically double, more if we spend Ambrosia. the Docks won't get us to an Epic Improvement threshold, and the clone is already incredible even if it couldn't copy Northwind, which it can- it'll allow effectively risk-free constant attacks by a superhumanly-powerful combatant at next to no cost.
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You sure he won't expect it? I'm dubious on that. I mean, we clearly consider it reasonable. He knows we have 2 Godcards and the skill to match a godcard holder without one. He might be reading our personality as couragous and headstrong per Li, if his symbolism banter wasn't just gibberish. And immediately afterwards, we kicked him in the face with no warning mid-negotiations, ran away, beat one of his hired goons to a pulp, trounced the rest, and escaped.
I don't think I'd be surprised to see we kept going after that.

Of course i'm not sure, but clearly he's doesn't have as good as a read on our personality as he thinks given his first attempt to deal with us ended up with giving us a overture that ended with a kick to the face. He clearly doesn't have as good a read on our personality as he thought he did

We largely only attacked his people insofar as it aided our ability to get away, and prior to our encounter we mostly used getting the godcards as a opportunity to start our life over to follow our flower shop related dreams. If I was him, I would absolutely expect Zane to try to lie low rather then waging a three man war against one of the major players in NYC organized crime.

Could he still expect it? Sure, but if he does he's already organized his defenses and it's unlikely waiting will give us much a opportunity for the docks to be less guarded before the full moon, and this will put down the highest number of goons to send a message. And if not, then we managed to sucker punch him. Opportunities don't have to be sure things to be worthwhile to try taking, even if I think this is his most likely reaction.

Either way, I'm quite happy with trying them dock assault.