Ghoul Quest (Tokyo Ghoul)

"Oh my gawrsh I'm so sorry mister. I'll change it right away. I really shouldn't copy what Phantom does. To many people use this account you know?
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[X]Plan Shadow Knight

[X] Locket, the picture inside is torn and burnt.

[X]Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Ghoul Crimes are High, Anti-Ghoul Police Measures are Low)

[X] Robotics and AI { yes that is a actual college degree}

[X]Sanguine: Confident, and Optimistic. Prone to flights of whimsy.

[X]World Conquest, or at the very least your own nation

[X] Charm (You have a way with words. +5 to Persuade rolls)
[X] Intelligent (You've always been one of the brightest kids in Class. +5 to intelligence rolls)

[X] Rage issues (Regardless of your normal demeanor, you have anger problems. Normally you keep it under control, but sometimes it slips away from you. You've never hurt anyone because of it, but you've come close)
Shoot, I'm not fond of any of the plans so far.

THEREFORE new plan + write-in for ambition because i don't care for them

[X] Plan Quiet Living
-[X] very expensive golden ring.
-[X]Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Ghoul Crimes are High, Anti-Ghoul Police Measures are Low)
-[X]Doctor (You're following in your mother's footsteps)
-[X]Phlegmatic: Practical and careful. Generally Very Serious
-[X] AMBITION: Repayment (Your mother took great pains to keep you safe and happy, and that's something you took to heart. Though you're a ghoul, somehow she's willing to take on that burden and so you've learned to accept that this is your life. It's difficult, but as a ghoul, you're going to keep out of notice, take pains to live a life worth living, and leave a positive impact on the world as to properly use up the life you've been given.)
-[X] Small Appetite (Most Ghouls need to eat a large meal at least once a month, you can go twice that.)
-[X] Intelligent (You've always been one of the brightest kids in Class. +5 to intelligence rolls)
-[X]Friend on the Force (A family friend works on the police force. It wouldn't be too hard to find out about the latest tactics and equipment they're using against ghouls.)
-[X] Loner (Outside of your mother, there's no one close to you in your life. No friends. Incompatible with Circle of Friends
-[X] Enemy of your Mother (Unknown to you, your mother has pissed off a local ghoul. This may prove problematic in the future)

I like the friend on the force option because it gives opportunities for tears. Same with enemy of your mother. But mostly, I wanted to be a ghoul that acknowledged their ghoul side and wasn't all I HATE BEING A GHOUL HOW DO I STOP, but also wasn't a crazy murderer.

So cool and careful, trying to have a quiet life, with plenty of opportunity for sadness and drama. You might want to be left alone to do your thing, but life's got other plans.....
Shoot, I'm not fond of any of the plans so far.

THEREFORE new plan + write-in for ambition because i don't care for them

[X] Plan Quiet Living
-[X] very expensive golden ring.
-[X]Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Ghoul Crimes are High, Anti-Ghoul Police Measures are Low)
-[X]Doctor (You're following in your mother's footsteps)
-[X]Phlegmatic: Practical and careful. Generally Very Serious
-[X] AMBITION: Repayment (Your mother took great pains to keep you safe and happy, and that's something you took to heart. Though you're a ghoul, somehow she's willing to take on that burden and so you've learned to accept that this is your life. It's difficult, but as a ghoul, you're going to keep out of notice, take pains to live a life worth living, and leave a positive impact on the world as to properly use up the life you've been given.)
-[X] Small Appetite (Most Ghouls need to eat a large meal at least once a month, you can go twice that.)
-[X] Intelligent (You've always been one of the brightest kids in Class. +5 to intelligence rolls)
-[X]Friend on the Force (A family friend works on the police force. It wouldn't be too hard to find out about the latest tactics and equipment they're using against ghouls.)
-[X] Loner (Outside of your mother, there's no one close to you in your life. No friends. Incompatible with Circle of Friends
-[X] Enemy of your Mother (Unknown to you, your mother has pissed off a local ghoul. This may prove problematic in the future)

I like the friend on the force option because it gives opportunities for tears. Same with enemy of your mother. But mostly, I wanted to be a ghoul that acknowledged their ghoul side and wasn't all I HATE BEING A GHOUL HOW DO I STOP, but also wasn't a crazy murderer.

So cool and careful, trying to have a quiet life, with plenty of opportunity for sadness and drama. You might want to be left alone to do your thing, but life's got other plans.....
Not going to comment on rest of plan but I rather like the Write in ambition. Mind if I add to the character creator?
I like that ambition, though it doesn't really mesh that well with the rest of my character concept.

Seriously though, some of us are going to have to compromise, because we've got 9 voters and 8 plans.

Let's try to hash out what we want from the character, and then build a plan we can agree on based on this agreement, maybe?
I like that ambition, though it doesn't really mesh that well with the rest of my character concept.

Seriously though, some of us are going to have to compromise, because we've got 9 voters and 8 plans.

Let's try to hash out what we want from the character, and then build a plan we can agree on based on this agreement, maybe?

To be fair, I have a character concept that mashes well with the ambition because I wrote it lol

And while I'm a team -player, and I'm amendable to a better compromise, I'll leave the votes open for a bit longer just to see if there are any more non-newplan votes hahaha

If not, then!! shall we talk about what to change and fix!!!
[X] Plan Quiet Living

The only thing i want changed is to have a trained Kagune if you can.
I feel I should explain something. Mainly because my original explanation for the cities got cut because it didn't work right. Tucson is pretty average, you have ghouls and you have police fighting the rather nastier ghouls, neither is exactly winning and the struggle is still on going. Chicago, there's no really organized ghoul related crime because the Chicago Police utterly crushed any major ghoul group of note, what ghouls are left are mostly just trying to survive. Pittsburgh, the police gave up the fight a while ago, they mostly leave ghouls alone, as such a fair number of ghoul gangs and even outright terrorists have arisen in the city, focused mainly on fighting each other for 'control' of various parts of the city.
Hi crime does not a Quiet Life make.

To be fair, that's honestly just the goal. I made the plan with full intention of possibly having things go awry and horrible things happen to our protagonist because that's what Tokyo Ghoul does. Its very possible to be forced away from what we want because of the many other factors.

Pittsburgh, the police gave up the fight a while ago, they mostly leave ghouls alone, as such a fair number of ghoul gangs and even outright terrorists have arisen in the city, focused mainly on fighting each other for 'control' of various parts of the city.

I mainly chose Pittsburgh because I'm a Pennsylvanian haha, and also because its a source of drama. The plan to keep our head down being totally abnormal for ghouls in Pittsburgh is excellent for my intentions.
Okay, so, one thing I'd like to point out about Quiet Living: It puts us in a place with a lot of violent ghouls with few checks on them, and pits us against those ghouls immediately by choosing to have a ghoul with a grudge on our mother.

This gives some interesting story opportunities, but it also means that we've got relatively few defenses against our mothers' enemy getting a group of ghouls together and immediately ruining the peaceful, meaningful life we want to enjoy.

This reads as the set-up for a tragedy, more than anything.

EDIT: And I got ninjad by both the author of the quest and author of the plan while looking for a play I remembered and wanted to reference lol.
[X] Plan Junior Detective
- [X] very expensive golden ring
- [X] Tucson, Arizona. (Ghoul Crimes are Moderate. Anti-Ghoul Police Measures are Moderate.)
- [X] Forensic Science Technician
- [X] Repayment
- [X]Billous: Watchful, aware. Suspicious and prone to bitter moods.
- [X]Friend on the Force (A family friend works on the police force. It wouldn't be too hard to find out about the latest tactics and equipment they're using against ghouls.)
- [X]Trained Kagune (While you've never fought before, mom would never allow. However over the years you've done everything to can to learn how to fight, even trained secretly a bit with your Kagune. +5 combat rolls)
- [X] Intelligent (You've always been one of the brightest kids in Class. +5 to intelligence rolls)
- [X] Loner (Outside of your mother, there's no one close to you in your life. No friends. Incompatible with Circle of Friends
- [X] Enemy of your Mother (Unknown to you, your mother has pissed off a local ghoul. This may prove problematic in the future)

Forensic science is a pretty fun field and sets us up as an investigator.

Basically, this character is the junior detective who dreams of solving crimes for the betterment of humanity, regardless of her own species.
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[X] Plan Save your race

Like the idea of trying to find a cure for ghouls. Normally I hate the whole be a real boy trope where someone not human tries to be human sine they usually could leave a perfectly normal life it they just tried. But in this case it's completely different, being a ghoul just sucks completely since they need to eat people have to fight other ghouls for terriotry and meat and are hunted down due to extremely justified fear while being feared and viewed as a monster by everyone else. So if I were in their shoes I would try to find a cure so I could leave a normal life that doesn't suck and where I don't have to constantly for my life or the people covering for me.
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The cure probably something that involve Rc Cell
considering that it is the only thing that is inside a human body and Ghoul use the stuff for their ability
The cure probably something that involve Rc Cell
considering that it is the only thing that is inside a human body and Ghoul use the stuff for their ability
*cough* cure? we are more likely to cure cancer then the ghoul stick, hell we would probably NEED to in order to get a better understanding of how to cure ghouls, then theres the cure you want, cure them completely, or cure them into being able to have food but still be ghouls?
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cough cure? we are more likely t cure cancer then the ghoul stick, hell we would probably NEED to in order to get a better understanding of how to cure ghouls, then theres the cure you want, cure them completely, or cure them into being able to have food but still be ghouls?

It's an option presented by the QM so it is most likely possible. This also happens to be complete science fiction with superhumans should not be possible and you are saying that finding a cure isn't possible? Seriously why do people say something is impossible anytime when ficion is involved?

@Teen Spirit Just to be sure is finding a cure actually possible?