Ghoul Quest (Tokyo Ghoul)

[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X]See if anyone in the area knows about her and Alex
--[X] Check a homeless shelter.
[X] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)
[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)
[X]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)
[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X]Give a description of the girl to Mom's friend Richard
[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x] Attempt to socialize (You're rather lacking in the Friends department, perhaps the time is now to change that.)
[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X] Give a description of the girl to Mom's friend Richard

@Teen Spirit, do hobos even exist anymore, what with all of the people out to eat them? Or are they all ghouls?
[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X]See if anyone in the area knows about her and Alex
--[X] Check a homeless shelter.
[X] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X]See if anyone in the area knows about her and Alex
--[X] Check a homeless shelter.
[X] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[X] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[X]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)

Once again, some minor corrections. I haven't done it in a while due to being busy, I still am, but I have a little time now.

You tell her everything, the theft, The theft, the family, and the ghoul's death.
You said "the theft" twice.

After some intinal worry she seemed to take everything in stride, calmly nodding along to everything you said.
Did you mean to say "initial" here?

"But what did you with the body?"
It should be "But what did you do with the body?"

You always here cannibalism
Shouldn't be "here", but "hear" instead.
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[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[X] Track down Jess (The human thief is a bit of a loose end, loose ends are dangerous)
-[X]See if anyone in the area knows about her and Alex
--[X] Check a homeless shelter.
[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)
Part VI: The Daring Traveler.
[x] Learn to fight (You can't safety practice with your Kagune, but you can at least start learn how to fight conventionally)
[x]Ghoul Research (You know shockingly little about your own kind. The Internet is fully of rumors, lies and half-truths. Perhaps the Library might provide some more insight.)

Problem with learning how to fight as a ghoul is you're actually too strong to learn publicly. By your estimation you're about four to seven times stronger than the average person. You could stab a person through the gut with your bare hand if you wanted. And your nails can be sharp as knives most of the time, as mom learned painfully when you were about eight years old. Self-defense classes would more than likely lead to you being exposed. The best solution would be training with another Ghoul but that was out of the question. Leaving you with only one real option. The Internet. Decent self defense and fighting lessons were thankfully not to hard to find online, and the basic principals worked just as well for a ghoul as they did for a human. It took some effort, more money then you would have liked and a frustratingly long time rearranging everything, but you were able to set up a sort of practice area in your room.

A few hours everyday practicing fighting moves on a practice dummy was in no way a replacement for actual training but it was better than nothing. You at least knew how to throw a punch now. And with a bit more pratice you might actually be able to put up a decent fight

Trait Gained: Self Taught Fighter:+2 to Combat Rolls


The problem with learning about Ghouls on the internet was it was simply impossible to believe anything you read, even on the respectable sites. A lot of countries kept a tight lid on ghoul knowledge these days outside of general "How to spot a ghoul" info. The news always seemed to have another headline about Ghouls, "Twenty Dead in Berlin, Ghouls suspected." "CCG launches another raid in Tokyo." "Chicago Police exterminate dozens of Ghouls in nightime raid." but if you wanted to find out more info on the ghouls themselves beyond "They're bad and eat people.", official sources were basically silent. Of course plenty of supposed info about your kind existed on various websites and forums, but if you believed everything the internet told you, everyone from the President to the entire Chicago Bears football team was a ghoul. The number of people you'd seen insist ghouls burst into flames in sunlight surprised and disturbed you.

You could always talk to another Ghoul, but that posed the very real danger they would try to eat and or kill you if you even attempted to speak with them.

Which is why you were here now, searching row after row of books, hoping the Carnegie Library had something worthwhile on the ghouls. Thankfully it was quiet today

There were a few older books on various famous cases. The Red Ruin of Houston, the Dread Garden incident in Tucson back in the eighties, some stuff on the CCG in Japan. There were one or two on the biology of ghouls, and how they basically ignored several laws of physics and biology. But there was nothing on Ghouls as a group, how their society worked, if they had something resembling a society at all. Why some wore masks while others didn't. There was nothing that would explain what Jess and Alex were doing. Or anything that would make it safer for you to actually contact another Ghoul.

You sighed in frustration, you had learned a bit, but not nearly as much as you would like. Prehaps some of the history books might have something, Ghoul origins or something to that effect. Prehaps-

You turned a corner, only to nearly run head first into Sam, the daughter from the attack on Thursday. She was a tall thing. She looked about your age, with a messy mop of red hair.

You freeze, nearly dropping your books. The girl, along with her now terrified looking brother, were standing there, each holding a decent sized stack of books in their arms. What were they doing here?

She looks she up and down for a second. Then to your shock, she smiles.

"Well hello there." She said warmly "Fancy meeting you here."

She put some of her books down and extended her hand. "Sam Maxson. This is my brother Jacob."

You took her hand awkwardly, she clamped on it and began shaking it vigorously

"Hello, I um, didn't expect to you see you again." You said cautiously. The last thing you wanted was someone shouting Ghoul in a crowded library.

Sam laughed slightly "Neither did we. Normally I only run into strangers again when I visit my Aunt in Fairmont. What are the odds?"

"Yeah, what are the odds?" Jacob whispered quietly.

"Maybe we should sit down for a moment." Sam gestured to one of the nearby desks.

Running was tempting but would be suspicious. For the moment you indulged the bizarre woman.

You take a seat. Jacob sitting as far away as possible while still remaining within ear shot.

"I must admit, it's quite fortunate I ran into you again." Sam said eagerly.

"...Why?" You asked bluntly.

She scans the room cautiously. "How good are you at keeping secrets?"

"My very existence is illegal." You whisper "I would say I'm quite good at it."

Sam giggles "Right, right. Sorry dumb question. Okay I'll level with you. The attack, as terrifying as it was, got me far closer to my dream then ever before."

"Being mugged and nearly eaten brought you closer to your dream?" What kind of woman was this Sam? Running was starting to look tempting.

"Well you see, I'm an Anthropology major." Sam explained "And frankly it seems like people have covered every culture, sub-culture and ethnic group there is. Heck I've seen dozens of books on Gamer culture in America. But there's one sub-culture no one has ever studied in detail, one we know frighteningly little about despite the fact they've lived among us for hundreds of years."

"Ghouls." You answered

"Exactly." Sam nodded "I intend to be a pioneer in my field. The first person to study ghouls up close and survive. Which puts us in an interesting situation."

"Us?" You did not like where this going.

"I would like an Interview. With you. Not here of course, where ever you feel comfortable. Your house, my house, a coffee shop. You like Coffee right?"

Sam's Offer
-[]Offer to Hang out. (Write in Location)
-[]Admit you know little about other ghouls but offer to help her learn more
-[] Be Vague
-[] Make up Something.
-[]Coffee Shop
-[] Her House
-[] Your House
-[] Write in Location
[]Write in

we were raise by a human you dumb bimbo, we know jackshit about Ghoul other than what the government shove down our throw and what we learn from being one
-[X] Explain that you are a unique case among Ghouls and most certainly should not a taken as a representative for Ghouls as a whole.
--[X] Offer to hang out.
---[X] Anywhere that isn't obviously a hotbed for Ghouls or police stakeouts. I mean, you could start trying to make friends with this one, right?
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I suppose it's easy to forget where your own food comes from, if you never have to look it in the eye.
Alice believes her food comes from people who die at a hospital (presumeably from illnesses), which is more likely than her mom killing people, and there's a significant difference between killing people in order to eat them and eating people who are already dead, so if you're saying Alice is a hypocrite, that doesn't really work.
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Alice's believes her food comes from people who die at a hospital (presumeably from illnesses), which is more likely than her mom killing people, and there's a significant difference between killing people in order to eat them and eating people who are already dead, so if you're saying Alice is a hypocrite, that doesn't really work.
My angle was meant to be more 'There, but for the grace of God, go I', but sure.

Teenagers aren't known for making great decisions at the best of times, much less when they're superpowered obligate cannibals who are also homeless social pariahs. Please note that the largest group of 'Peaceful' ghouls shown in the manga is made up mostly of formerly violent ghouls, who were persuaded by force to become more peaceful- It didn't spring up from nowhere.

We aren't going to stumble across a convenient Anteiku expy. If we want to have a support group of peaceful, family friendly ghouls (lol), we'll have to make one ourselves.
My angle was meant to be more 'There, but for the grace of God, go I', but sure.
Teenagers aren't known for making great decisions at the best of times, much less when they're superpowered obligate cannibals who are also homeless social pariahs. Please note that the largest group of 'Peaceful' ghouls shown in the manga is made up mostly of formerly violent ghouls, who were persuaded by force to become more peaceful- It didn't spring up from nowhere.
We aren't going to stumble across a convenient Anteiku expy. If we want to have a support group of peaceful, family friendly ghouls (lol), we'll have to make one ourselves.
While there is a severe lack of peaceful ghouls in the Manga, I think that has more to do with the culture of mutual hate encouraged by V and generation of conflict than with necessity. A quick google search reveals that the US could support over 200,000 ghouls using the bodies of already dead humans at the rate of 1 a month. Japan could support almost 100,000.

-[X] Explain that you are a unique case among Ghouls and most certainly should not a taken as a representative for Ghouls as a whole.
--[X] Offer to hang out.
---[X] Anywhere that isn't obviously a hotbed for Ghouls or police stakeouts. I mean, you could start trying to make friends with this one, right?
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While there is a severe lack of peaceful ghouls in the Manga, I think that has more to do with the culture of mutual hate encouraged by V and generation of conflict than with necessity. A quick google search reveals that the US could support over 200,000 ghouls using the bodies of already dead humans at the rate of 1 a month. Japan could support almost 100,000.
This would matter a lot more if people were inclined to let random ghouls eat dear old grandma after she passes, instead of burying her properly and cursing the soul of the damned monster that dug up and et her body.