[X][Afternoon] Visit the Zoo!
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
Don't want to spend willpower on visiting the Council Building
[X][Willpower] Spend Zero
Don't want to spend willpower on visiting the Council Building
The flare thing hasn't been established like canon and this doesn't really solve Powders issue of not knowing what's going on.
Okay I sympathize with the while "lmao that failure state sounds good to me," stance but gonna be real I have a feeling it's gonna be less "glorious revolution" and more "freshman poli sci student cringe ass word vomit." Jynx is really not a master rhetorician. I'd rather treat it as pure info gathering than try and hope she can spotaneously Fountainhead speechify
Yes, but powder may irrationally blame herself if the stalemate drags on, convincing herself she Jinxed it into happening by going and yelling at the councilors. Better to not risk the Jinx issue worsening even if she manages to feel better about having Pilties she's closed to in the event of a success. We can target issues in other ways.I'd prefer success on the roll, and agree that we're unlikely to convince the council of anything and will probably cringe word vomit on a failure. I do think a failure is mostly fine though. Even if it's cringe word vomit, I don't expect anything to really convince the council, and caring enough about the issue that you can't help talking about it is still a potentially interesting character beat for Powder. Like, right now we've got an issue that's essentially that Powder is worried that she's a traitor to Zaun, if she shouts at the Councilors it might help with convincing herself she's not a traitor, even if it's not great rhetorically.
Still, success is probably better than failure but I don't think failure is bad enough here that it's worth expending resources on.
Yes, but powder may irrationally blame herself if the stalemate drags on, convincing herself she Jinxed it into happening by going and yelling at the councilors. Better to not risk the Jinx issue worsening even if she manages to feel better about having Pilties she's closed to in the event of a success. We can target issues in other ways.
It is a half measure, because no full measure is going to accomplish anything other than powder feeling better about having done something and all of them would involve a level of direct interaction with the situation that in the event of a typical powder outburst, she likely blames herself when the situation remains unresolved for another day and decides she jinxed it.The fireworks idea seems better to me than the other fun options, but it still seems like a half-measure.
It is a half measure, because no full measure is going to accomplish anything other than powder feeling better about having done something and all of them would involve a level of direct interaction with the situation that in the event of a typical powder outburst, she likely blames herself when the situation remains unresolved for another day and decides she jinxed it.
I'm taking it as a reference to some of Jinx's old lore from before Arcane, (and her music video,) where one of her early crimes before escalating into outright terrorism was releasing a bunch of dangerous animals from the zoo to cause chaos in Piltover. Obviously Powder isn't ready for that yet lmao, but it feels like setup for such a beat later on. And normally I'd be down for that kind of seeding, but...Don't get what the point of going to the zoo is, but I've never really liked zoos myself. Like okay there's an animal there, and?
Yeah, this is pretty much where my head's at right now on this vote. I'd prefer a success, but a failure wouldn't be catastrophic and might help offset some guilt about hunkering down with the Kirammans during this mess.I'd prefer success on the roll, and agree that we're unlikely to convince the council of anything and will probably cringe word vomit on a failure. I do think a failure is mostly fine though. Even if it's cringe word vomit, I don't expect anything to really convince the council, and caring enough about the issue that you can't help talking about it is still a potentially interesting character beat for Powder. Like, right now we've got an issue that's essentially that Powder is worried that she's a traitor to Zaun, if she shouts at the Councilors it might help with convincing herself she's not a traitor, even if it's not great rhetorically.
Still, success is probably better than failure but I don't think failure is bad enough here that it's worth expending resources on. Especially since I could see some hard rolls coming up, either in rejoining Vi and trying to make up for our fight, or something like that.
I'm taking it as a reference to some of Jinx's old lore from before Arcane, (and her music video,) where one of her early crimes before escalating into outright terrorism was releasing a bunch of dangerous animals from the zoo to cause chaos in Piltover. Obviously Powder isn't ready for that yet lmao, but it feels like setup for such a beat later on. And normally I'd be down for that kind of seeding, but...
I'm not arguing for inaction I'm arguing for measured action. I'm arguing to to do something that won't resolve powders need for information but will at least make her feel like she is at least doing something, even if it's just trying to let her siblings know she is alright."If I do something I'll just jinx it" was exactly the thought process we (by which I mean Powder in-update, not us as questers) had when the jinx issue got worse, so inaction being a safe course of action to avoid issues worsening doesn't seem true.
Except my action doesn't have us do that, it has us focus on them in a way that isn't directly interacting with the situation. The fun is a neat side effect, with the focus on signalling to our family that we are all right, so powder can reassure herself she hasn't forgotten about them.Having fun while Vi is in trouble seems like the kind of thing that could worsen the "Other Side of the Pilt" issue, since those are the options that bring up that issue.
Do we know that failure doesn't lead to anything Catastrophic? None of us were expecting finishing mouser bombs to ultimately culminated in a shouting match with Vi that worsened that particular issue.Yeah, this is pretty much where my head's at right now on this vote. I'd prefer a success, but a failure wouldn't be catastrophic and might help offset some guilt about hunkering down with the Kirammans during this mess.
I want powder to be the kind of person who picks her fights as ones she can effect. To me this is powder distracting herself until she has a better chance of actually learning what's going on, rather than rushing into an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people as an audience, and then potentially blaming herself for unrelated things that follow because she messed up when it was important.I kind of think in a quest we ought to vote for the person we want to be, not the person we don't want to be on the assumption that there's going to be some big uncontrollable event where we have a massive about face.
I think it'd be similar to the failure condition with Heimdinger. Even if she could argue this out its hard to take a Zaunite child with no backing seriously. It'd just succeed in changing powders characterization. Maybe making her feel ignored or dmg our connections with Cait and her parents. Which I figure would increase the malusn on child of Zaun. And invalidate the previous gains in terms of relationships. There are some that may like that outcome and try to backtrack is another thing I'm worried about.
I'd prefer success on the roll, and agree that we're unlikely to convince the council of anything and will probably cringe word vomit on a failure. I do think a failure is mostly fine though. Even if it's cringe word vomit, I don't expect anything to really convince the council, and caring enough about the issue that you can't help talking about it is still a potentially interesting character beat for Powder. Like, right now we've got an issue that's essentially that Powder is worried that she's a traitor to Zaun, if she shouts at the Councilors it might help with convincing herself she's not a traitor, even if it's not great rhetorically.
Still, success is probably better than failure but I don't think failure is bad enough here that it's worth expending resources on. Especially since I could see some hard rolls coming up, either in rejoining Vi and trying to make up for our fight, or something like that.
Not spending willpower is at 19 votes to spending 1 willpower's 6 votes. Meanwhile Zoo and Council are tied at 14 each. At this point, the only way to avoid a high stakes no will Council roll is for Zoo to win instead.
People looked at the consequences and decided This is fine . Let's save that willpower for choices whose consequences sound worse later on.Also I know most people dont wanna waste willpower on Zoo but holy shit is the thread really more willing to spend Willpower to suck up to the Kirammans than for Jynx to find out about her sister?
Little less hostility thank you very much. I tried at a clever in character write in that was acceptable to take and potentially fail but wasn't doing nothing. People favor an all or nothing approach instead -shrug-.Gonna be real, I'd prefer the cringiest political word vomit over continuing the quest trend of Powder deciding she shouldn't give a fuck. "oh the Enforcers might be murdering sis and Vander like they did mom and dad? eh. CUTE ANIMAL TIME." Genuinely no fucking thank you.
You should vote on spending a willpower or not.Hm that's convincing.
[X][Afternoon] Head to the Council Building
On second thought, does this quest allow approval voting? Because I'd like to put in one for firework, but I don't want council to win.
Also it's not powder deciding she shouldn't give a fuck. It's powder deciding a room full of Pilties won't give a fuck about her learning about her family so she should try to pass the time until she can learn from the Kiramman's at the end of the day.
Honestly my worry would be she finds someone actually willing to respond. Someone, who is an adult and likely able to run rhetorical rings around her to the point she legit starts wondering if she's wrong. But yeah probably realistically she "just" embarrasses herself and worsens a trait or two.
If it looked like people were willing to spend will on this I'd be right there voting for council but that seems unlikely. We go to them and fail we won't even be resolving the issue we went there to deal with. Unless we get a hail Mary roll.
[X][Afternoon] Visit the Zoo!