Voting is open for the next 3 hours, 59 minutes
As the only action without a single vote, I'm pretty sure that's indicative of a general disinterest in the action rather than people specifically avoiding it because of a negative perception of Mylo, so it's really a moot point. I personally might have chosen it ahead of mouser bombs and study if their wasn't a Vander and Sevika option and the Caitlyn and Vi bugging wasn't available.

Edit: I would also be up for a rich people food place crawl before we relocate to Zaun.
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[X][Downtime]: Ask Vander and Sevika About the Revolution
Learn more about Vander and her Parents' Past
Issues: Daughter of Zaun (-2), Trauma (-2), Abandonment (-2)
Failure Consequences: No Stability or Willpower Regain
[X][Willpower] Use Zero

I'm not afraid of losing stab or will as much as everyone else tbh. I don't see it as a bad thing as a whole, being a bit crazy is part of the charm.
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I'm not afraid of losing stab or will as much as everyone else tbh. I don't see it as a bad thing as a whole, being a bit crazy is part of the charm.

Most of the failure results aren't "do some fun and wacky arson" it's stuff like "inarticulately express yourself, dissolve into a blubbery mess" or "be sad about how you'll never be good at anything."
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Most of the failure results aren't "do some fun and wacky arson" it's stuff like "inarticulately express yourself, dissolve into a blubbery mess" or "be sad about how you'll never be good at anything."
I totally understand that, I accept there will be embarrassing moments etc. I just think seeing Powder freak out or have an episode is not end of the world.
Bratty sister bonding is still bonding,

Exactly. Siblings bonding through teasing and giving each other a hard time is classic. We even see some of that with Jinx and Vi later on in season 2 (Jinx slapping her and Vi's shocked reaction is definitely one of my favorite little moments in the show).

I mean come on - nobody is going to ask Caitlyn Kiramman or anyone she choose to associate with to leave a park.

Especially considering they're in Kiramman Park. It's still a public park so she could theoretically be asked to leave, but when her family's given enough money to get the park named after themselves she'd have to be a pretty public nuisance for anyone to consider that. Kids being kids wouldn't be enough.

I totally understand that, I accept there will be embarrassing moments etc. I just think seeing Powder freak out or have an episode is not end of the world.

Failures aren't the end of the world. In the other quest I made using a version of this system, there were times players decided that Catra having a breakdown/lashing out was worth it for the changes it would make to character dynamics.
I totally understand that, I accept there will be embarrassing moments etc. I just think seeing Powder freak out or have an episode is not end of the world.

I agree, but that's an argument for not spending willpower on unimportant roles. It's not a good argument for not having Willpower.

We're heading into episode 3. We're gonna feel really silly if we're at zero willpower, staring down like a -8 or -9 modifier on a roll to use an improvised explosive or beg for mercy or whatever with Vi or Jayce or even Mylo and Claggor's life on the line, and we passed up on a free willpower because we wanted the most basic comedy break.

Also - just on the social front - plenty of people are not extroverts and need time to recharge. Powder is pretty clearly one of those people, like to the extent that this is reflected mechanically. She just did some pretty clever social fu, I feel like she deserves a break.
As the only action without a single vote

There are a whole two of us, two of us! :V

I do not expect such to win but it actually is my top rated option personally, I think more social links and especially social links in Zaun is for the best and it is the option with the most social links and all of Zaunite individuals. I get why people are looking elsewhere (though I do wonder if the Mouser Bombs option is getting extra credit from people not noticing that other option can gain those stats, just not with certainty.

I'd list my person ranking as the following:
  1. Hang Out
  2. Vander / Sevika Revolution
  3. Study
  4. Bombs
  5. Caityln / Vi
Certainly all of them have their benefits and I don't hate any option.
There are a whole two of us, two of us! :V

I do not expect such to win but it actually is my top rated option personally, I think more social links and especially social links in Zaun is for the best and it is the option with the most social links and all of Zaunite individuals. I get why people are looking elsewhere (though I do wonder if the Mouser Bombs option is getting extra credit from people not noticing that other option can gain those stats, just not with certainty.

I'd list my person ranking as the following:
  1. Hang Out
  2. Vander / Sevika Revolution
  3. Study
  4. Bombs
  5. Caityln / Vi
Certainly all of them have their benefits and I don't hate any otion.
with the votes how they are and I'm feeling like powder could use some recharge time in her ability to deal with large groups exspecialy since she was asked to ask vander about locations for the lab before incase jayce strikes out and we just pulled off a masterful negotiation to remain involved in hextech

i ones of suggest
  1. Study (learn some stuff) become more valuble as hextech partner and might grant further insight into future possible projects she could do to improve zaun, and possibly if Powder is up for it ekko could study with her on their shared interest of beaing gearhheads
  2. Vander / Sevika talk (learn bout past and jinx and violets parents)seems like this is going to be a limited time option for vander's point of veiw on things)(i could see this possibly being very rewarding)
  3. Bombs (seems like a easy out/cannon option, but the +1 wiil and stability are a tempting bait i'll admit
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[X][Downtime]: Use her new resources to finish the Mouser Bombs

[X][Downtime]: Ask Vander and Sevika About the Revolution

I prefer the second but would rather let Powder/Jinx get some tinkering in if I can't.
A Fate Worse Then Death
Interlude: A Fate Worse Than Death

A bucket of cold water is all it takes to wake the pig up after I'd rung his bell hard enough to stop him from causing any more trouble. There's something rich about the fact that he's an Enforcer, but I wound up having to kick his ass to make sure he followed the law. Well, the closest thing Zaun has to real laws. Even in Piltover what he'd been doing was illegal as fuck, they just never actually care when it's their bluebellies breaking the law by breaking Zaunite skulls.

"GRAH! What the fuck?!" The pig tried to get out of his chair but eventually figured out that he was tied down. It was too bad I couldn't see the dumb look on his face because of the bag over his head, but that was just common sense. If he got out of this thing alive nobody wanted all the trouble that could come from him seeing our faces.

Whether that would happen ... well that's what we were here to figure out. I put one of my steel-toed boots onto the chair and loomed over the little piggie. "It's funny. The way I heard it, your big boss queen pig was very clear about things after the last time you shitgibbons showed your ugly faces down here. No pigs allowed in Babette's. And yet, there you were causing a problem for everyone else. I knew you lot were dumb, but I figured even idiot attack dogs at least knew how to follow orders. You know what we do to dogs who can't follow orders?"

"I bet you eat them when you can't find a nice juicy rat," the brave little piggie spat back. "Isn't that right, undercity trash? Think you can tell us where we can and can't go? We're Enforcers! We're the law! That means we can go wherever the fuck we wanna go, and do whatever the fuck we wanna do! You think last time was bad? Me and my buddies are gonna head down to Babette's and have us a real good time to pay you back for this."

"You really don't know the difference between bravery and stupidity, do you?" I slugged him in the stomach, hard enough to make him retch. Which had to be extra unpleasant when he had that hood on. Though making the pig stew in his own puke sounded like a good time to me.

"Make sure he doesn't drown in it." Silco's calm voice cut through the silence of the empty warehouse we'd dragged our fat little piggie to. "I don't want him dying yet."

I scoffed but nodded to one of my crew to lift the hood just enough to make sure his airway was clear. I got where he was coming from: killing a pig might be a public service, but doing it on accident was just sloppy. Once that was done I got back to the interrogation. "Or maybe it's not bravery at all. Maybe the scared little piggie just thinks that if it keeps acting like a big strong scary Enforcer, we'll all forget that he's tied up naked in a chair and outnumbered twelve to one." I looked down, then smirked over at my crew. "Or that we won't notice he's actually a pretty tiny little piggie who's so fat he probably hasn't seen his dick in years."

"You bitch!" The little piggie tried to squirm his way out of the ropes we'd used to tie him up, but I knew my knots. Maybe he could've wormed his way outta the ropes with enough time, but I wasn't planning on giving him much of that. "You're dead! All your friends are dead! Your family's dead! Then I'm gonna find whatever shithole they stuffed your body into and piss on it!"

"Big talk from a scared little piggie." It was easy to spit out threats when you were backed into a corner with nothing left. I'd seen people like this pig all the time. Bullies who were so used to getting their way that they didn't know how to do anything but bluster and threaten, even when they had a losing hand. He was so used to being a big bad untouchable Enforcer that his little piggy brain couldn't accept just how little of a shit we gave about his fancy badge and Piltie-given title. Or maybe he was just so scared he couldn't do anything but try to deny just how utterly fucked he was.

I turned to Silco. "So far he's not making much of a case for not stringing him up from the nearest lamppost. I doubt even the other pigs are gonna like a piece of shit like this asshole."

The side of Silco's mouth tilted up in something that would look like a smile if not for the scars on that side of his face. "Probably not, but it's a mistake to think that the Enforcers are motivated by their fondness for one another. Everyone knows the first rule of being in a gang is that you stick together and protect your own. It doesn't matter if they're the lowest, most annoying, most useless member of your crew, an attack on one is an attack on all."

I hated it, but he was probably right. For all their talk of law and order, the Enforcers were just a gang with Piltover's money and power backing them up. They wouldn't tolerate an attack on one of their own. "So what's the plan, then?"

"Do you know how revolutions are won?" Silco lit up one of his cigars. "People always focus too much on the brute physicality and numbers of war. Those do have their place, but reducing the conflict to how many soldiers a fully mobilized Zaun and Piltover can put into the field is such a blunt way of seeing things. Even in a conflict between nations, there's far more to who wins than which side has the larger army. If it were that simple the Noxians would hold the entire continent."

He chuckled and waved his cigar through the air. "Revolutions spring from the fusion of ideas and desperation. People need a cause to fight for, one they believe in enough to risk death, and they need to be so desperate for change that they're willing to risk death to achieve it. However, there's another critical component to what makes revolutions succeed that we overlooked last time: Piltover has ideas too."

"Who gives a fuck what the Pilties think?" I growled, smacking the tied-up piggy on the back of the head to emphasize my point.

"I do." Silco lightly puffed his cigar. "Because we don't just win by mobilizing Zaun, we do it by destroying Piltover's motivation. Do you know how I survived in the Lanes when I wasn't the biggest, the strongest, or the smartest? It was because all the bigger and stronger people knew it wasn't worth fighting me. They'd win, but they'd come away from it hurt and with nothing to show for their pain and injuries but the dubious honor of defeating a weaker opponent. It's the same with Piltover: ideas can destroy their will to fight long before we've exhausted their resources."

He put his attention on the tied-up Enforcer. "Tell me, how do you think Piltover will react if we kill one of their Enforcers? A member of their gang, as it were? No matter how much he might deserve to die."

I grimaced as I followed his reasoning. "They wouldn't give a fuck what he did to deserve it, because we would've killed one of their crew."

"Exactly." Silco jabbed the lit end of his cigar at the piggy. "They'll have grand speeches and parades in honor of a noble officer who died in the line of duty, and quietly sweep all his crimes under the rug. Then they'll fall upon Zaun for vengeance, united in anger. Far too many Zaunites will be scared into compliance. They'll say we went too far, that killing an Enforcer was unjustified. We lose the war of ideas."

"Then what're we supposed to do?" I growled back at him. "If I wanted to just let the pig walk I would've taken him to Vander, not you."

Silco let out a cold chuckle. "What would you do if a member of your gang was made to look like a fool? Humiliated in front of all of Zaun, shown to be unworthy of membership in your crew. Would you stand up for them, and demand vengeance on those who exposed their weaknesses to the world?"

I thought it over for a second, scoffed, and shook my head. "As long as it's not a situation like three heavies beating down a teen lookout or something, where it's a total mismatch, no. There's nothing people hate more than someone who's weak and an asshole." I grinned as the pieces started falling into place. "If I stuck with them, I would look like an asshole too. If I cut them loose … sucks to be them."

"Exactly." Silco sent another of his ghastly smiles my way. "I suspect we will see the first. Many men will forgive those who punch them in the face sooner than they'll forgive those who make them lose face. Fortunately, I have a few very creative people who've had some inspired ideas on how to bid our officer adieu." He waved towards the corner of the old warehouse. "Let's not let our guest overhear that part. I would hate to spoil the surprise."

I walked away with him. By the time he was done telling what was in store for Officer Piggy, I was tempted to giggle like a schoolgirl. "To hell with killing him, if someone took me down that bad I'd consider eating my own gun."

"I do enjoy the occasional dramatic flair," Silco agreed with a chuckle. "It makes people remember what really matters."

"One last suggestion, though." I grinned at him. "Make sure he's wearing his badge on his chest like a good little piggy."

"Even though he'll be naked?" Silco smirked. "Well, they have pins in them for a reason." He chuckled and offered me one of his cigars. "I think I'm going to enjoy working with you, Sevika."
Cool, Silco is being sneaky.

Now he just needs to drop the idea of dousing Vander with Shimmer and we'll be good.
I hated it, but he was probably right. For all their talk of law and order, the Enforcers were just a gang with Piltover's money and power backing them up. They wouldn't tolerate an attack on one of their own. "So what's the plan, then?"
Meh every society has a blue line of sorts for their organization. It's hard to geta conviction past that unless you have some influence or media coverage.

"I do." Silco lightly puffed his cigar. "Because we don't just win by mobilizing Zaun, we do it by destroying Piltover's motivation. Do you know how I survived in the Lanes when I wasn't the biggest, the strongest, or the smartest? It was because all the bigger and stronger people knew it wasn't worth fighting me. They'd win, but they'd come away from it hurt and with nothing to show for their pain and injuries but the dubious honor of defeating a weaker opponent. It's the same with Piltover: ideas can destroy their will to fight long before we've exhausted their resources."
What is Piltovers motivation, the mines? Labor? Jayce was able to close the bridge pretty easily without much dmg to Piltover. It seems more like the zaunites were mad. We also don't see the mines in use except for flashbacks. Why do they even send the Grey down there? They had to have better places to send industrial waste.

Edit: I figured this guy was paid by silco but he's just insubordination. At this point its not even about going to the undercity but ignoring a superiors orders.
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What is Piltovers motivation, the mines? Labor? Jayce was able to close the bridge pretty easily without much dmg to Piltover. It seems more like the zaunites were mad. We also don't see the mines in use except for flashbacks. Why do they even send the Grey down there? They had to have better places to send industrial waste.
I believe Piltover main motivation is simply safety and keeping the status quo. they don't really want anything material from Zaun, but they fear the crime and threat of violence. that is why it was so easy for Jayce to get a deal to give them independence as long as Silco was there to rein in any damage to Piltover.
the other factor is just that they see it as part of Piltover gone astray rather than a fully different place. note how most Zaunties call the Undercity Zaun, but Pilties almost always refer to it as the undercity. imagine if Texas wanted to quit the US. many would resist such notion, regardless of anything they need from Texas.

(also I believe they never sent the grey to Zaun, it was caused by the industrial growth in the underground where toxins had less option to disperse. note that in the ep3 opening we hear about "the rise of industry in the fissures". somewhat similiar phenomena also occurred in real world mines)
Meh every society has a blue line of sorts for their organization. It's hard to geta conviction past that unless you have some influence or media coverage.

What is Piltovers motivation, the mines? Labor? Jayce was able to close the bridge pretty easily without much dmg to Piltover. It seems more like the zaunites were mad. We also don't see the mines in use except for flashbacks. Why do they even send the Grey down there? They had to have better places to send industrial waste.

Edit: I figured this guy was paid by silco but he's just insubordination. At this point its not even about going to the undercity but ignoring a superiors orders.

If by "blue line" you mean "inexcusable corruption that deserves that deserves violent retribution" Then yes.

By the time Jayce closes the bridge, Piltover was in the process of transitioning into a hextech-based economy, meaning that although it still probably got something from Zaun, it was of far less importance and less disruptive than it would have been otherwise.

Honestly though, economics aside, abject and baseless cruelty is part of the point. As is the case IRL, a lot of them just want to make the poor suffer for its own sake.
If by "blue line" you mean "inexcusable corruption that deserves that deserves violent retribution" Then yes.

By the time Jayce closes the bridge, Piltover was in the process of transitioning into a hextech-based economy, meaning that although it still probably got something from Zaun, it was of far less importance and less disruptive than it would have been otherwise.

Honestly though, economics aside, abject and baseless cruelty is part of the point. As is the case IRL, a lot of them just want to make the poor suffer for its own sake.
the answer i think is even though zaun has a good amount of control of the docks as indicated by smuggling operations, piltover has control over the canal which they used to charge zuan hand over fist for use of it, hopefuly with hex tech moving to zaun the hex gates will not be created and used to make zaun's shipping obsolete

if we play our cards right we could make zaun remove a few issues piltover holds over zauns head. for examples the grey, and the contaminated area's of water, ground, and air.
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Voting is open for the next 3 hours, 59 minutes