Gendo Quest

Grabbing a Bite
[X] Ask Shinji where he wants to go
"Where would you like to go for breakfast?"

"Hm" he adopts a facial expression of intense concentration that on a child is more amusing than anything else, while kicking his feet back and forth while in his seat.

"Ramen!" He suddenly exclaims and you can't help but chuckle and respond Ramen for breakfast it is then!"

Later once the two of you have come upon a stand and have ordered you sit in what quickly becomes a awkward silence as you await your orders.

" have you been?"

"Ok, Sensei doesn't talk much outside of lessons but it's fine, I mostly get to do what I want..."

He suddenly looks over to you "So you said your works really important?"


"What is it?"

What do you tell him?
[ ] Write in!
[x] It's research, advanced sort of biochemistry. Almost like cooking ramen, we cook a hundred a hundred bowls and figure out what is the best, considering the circumstance. Of course our product are not food, but something that will help people too.
[x] It's research, advanced sort of biochemistry. Almost like cooking ramen, we cook a hundred a hundred bowls and figure out what is the best, considering the circumstance. Of course our product are not food, but something that will help people too.
[x] It's research, advanced sort of biochemistry. Almost like cooking ramen, we cook a hundred a hundred bowls and figure out what is the best, considering the circumstance. Of course our product are not food, but something that will help people too.
Answering questions and heading back
[x] It's research, advanced sort of biochemistry. Almost like cooking ramen, we cook a hundred a hundred bowls and figure out what is the best, considering the circumstance. Of course our product are not food, but something that will help people too.
At the restaurant

"It's...not something I expect a boy your sge to be able to fully grasp. To put it as simply as possible It's scientific research, advanced biochemistry of a sort to be specific."

You look at Shinji and he appears a little lost.

"Think of it sort of like cooking a bowl of Ramen, we cook a hundred, hundred bowls of Ramen and try to figure out which one has the best taste and the best way to make that one. Of course we're not making literal food. But what we're doing will help people."

Suddenly your's and Shinji's orders came and the two if you sat in silence for a bit as the boy stared down at his food before he said without looking away "Mom used to talk about her work helping people....are you gonna go away forever too?"

You put a reassuring hand on his shoulder

"Not for a looong time if I can help it son. Now C'mon, we should eat our food before it gets cold."

He nods and the two of you proceed to dig in.

After the two of you had eaten your fill you return to the house.


What to do at the house? Choose two and specify order.

[ ]Talk (write in subject)
[ ]Play a game
[ ]Watch tv
[ ]Help Shinji study
[ ]Write in!
Day off over, back to conspiring
[X]Help Shinji Study
[X] Watch tv

You sit down with Shinji and help him through some simple homework. It's rather trivial to you all things considered since it's a 4-5 year olds homework.

Still you sit and patiently guide Shinji to figure out the right answers on his own.

All things considered it doesn't take that long and Shinji seems proud of himself.

You eventually sit down together in front of the television when you see something I'm the channel list and smirk to yourself as you turn to it.

"M-mmobile suite G-Gundam?"

"That's right Shinji, it's a interesting show and I thought you might like it." You say smirking.

By the time the episode ends Shinji is completely hooked.
But all good things must come to and end and after a quick hug with Shinji and a promise to visit again you get in your car and begin to drive home.

On your way you suddenly receive a phone call from Fuyutsuki

"What is it?"

"The old men want you to meet with them tomorrow."

"What for?"

"They Didn't say but I'd suggest you be careful....
The next day

You are standing before the iconic faceless monoliths of SEELE.

"What is the current status of the senerio?"

What to tell them?
[ ]Write in!
[X] Half truth
-[x] Too early to tell either way. The facilities are on scheduled but personnel are at best salary workers with no strong conviction, and at worst parasites that doesn't leak the right information.
-[x] Lack of funding and immediate tangible goals does not help matters.
-[x] What are other branches doing? Any useful techniques that ought to be shared?
The meeting
[X] Half truth
-[x] Too early to tell either way. The facilities are on scheduled but personnel are at best salary workers with no strong conviction, and at worst parasites that doesn't leak the right information.
-[x] Lack of funding and immediate tangible goals does not help matters.
-[x] What are other branches doing? Any useful techniques that ought to be shared?

"Too early to say, the facilities are well underway but the personnel are with few exceptions Salary workers at best who lack strong convictions that can be put towards the senerio or at worst parasites who will leak any information but the correct to leak."

"Not Suprising, the wills of men are weak. Still a minor setback at best."

"Our lack of funding isn't helping things either."

"We will do what we can, however remember our generosity only extends so far and the majority of the burden for funding your organization shall remain on your shoulders."

"What are the other branches doing? Any useful techniques that could be shared?"

"Irrelevant, you can look into what other branches of NERV or GHIREN on your time and the other branches of tge instrumentality project are none of your concern."

You bowed your head Sligh "Very well, anything else?"

"No, this is all we shall call upon you again at a later date."

And with that the room went dark and you made your exit.
Later somewhere in NERV's depths

You, Fuyutsuki and a carefully selected couple of other scientists stand before the ramshackle beginnings of the artificial ensoulment project.

"This is only a model of the basic structure we've considered so far, we'll need longer to actually build it and more so to ensure it works." One of them tells you.

"Very well then, get to work on the proper construction as soon as possible." You nod to them before exiting the room with Fuyutsuki behind you.

"Dr Soryu's as good as dead isn't she?"

"Unless they make a rather miraculous breakthrough the chances do seem slim."

He shakes his head ruefully "Will we need to make many more sacrifices like this for your senerio?"

"Not if I can help it...."

"I hope your tellingthe truth."

"Anything else coming up that I should be aware of?"

He let's put a sigh "There's a event to be held by the JSSDF to show off some new military hardware of there's to fish for grants and donations. It would be prudent of us to attend both because of what you've warned of future actions of there's and to talk up NERV for it's own financial needs."

You nod and begin coming up with a plan of action.
Attend the event alone
[ ] Yes
[ ] Bring Fuyutsuki
[ ] Write in guest

Plan for at the event (can pick multiple)
[ ] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[ ] Brown nose for funding
[ ] Make like canon and sabotage it to make NERV look good
[ ] Write in!
Last edited:
[x] Yes
[X] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[X] Brown nose foe funding

Have to start undercutting somebody, why not the local military. :V
Our somewhat functional science base could R&D few breadwinning invention, maybe.
[X] Bring Fuyutsuki

[X] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[X] Brown nose foe funding

It will be good to endear ourselves to the JSDF and Japanese government early, both to act as a counter to SEELE's influence and to acquire more resources. We may even see artificial anti-AT field methods this time around which should make dealing with the angels a bit cheaper than leveling a quarter of Tokyo-3 and multiple Geofront armor layers because we had to wait to hook up Japan's power grid to a deadly laser.
[X] Write in guest
-[X] Bring a military or engineering expert to actually tell you what you're looking at
[X] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[X] Brown nose for funding
[X] Write in guest
-[X] Bring a military or engineering expert to actually tell you what you're looking at
[X] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[X] Brown nose for funding
Meet n great
[X] Write in guest
-[X] Bring a military or engineering expert to actually tell you what you're looking at
[X] Focus on observation and learning the JSSDF's current capabilities
[X] Brown nose for funding
With Fuyutsuki

Any military or engineering experts I could bring along to tell me what I'm actually looking at?"

"Well Dr Fubuki will be arriving a few days before the event. I'd had her called over to see if she could assist with the artificial ensoulment project abd she had a opening in her schedule. With her intelligence I think she would be a good choice."

You nod in agreement and decide to take his advice.
A few days later

You don't meet her until your both outside the car sent for you too the event.

She's a woman who appears somewhere in her 20s to early 30s with brown hair tied in a ponytail, wearing a black dress suit with a white collar and oval glasses.

"Good to see you again Commander Ikari, I'm sorry to hear about your wife and apologize for not being able to make the funeral." She says with a light bow.

"It's alright, let's just get going."

The two of you enter the car and begin to head out.

"So, how has little Shinji been?"

"I've...sent him to live away for a while. With Yui gone and my own work rising I've just not had the time to look after him. Still I make sure to call and visit him as much as I can. How have you been?"

"Well my daughters jusy entered her first year of middle school and for her that's actually the second year since she skipped right over the first!"

"Ah, congratulations"

"Yes and by the way, as a word of advice from a mother who's own work takes her around the world so much? Don't beat yourself up, you don't need to be present twenty four seven to be a good parent, as long as you make the time you can and they know you care it can be enough."

She gave a reassuring smile and you returned it. As far as car small talk goes this could be worse.

"So did Fuyutsuki inform you of the research he called you here to help with?"

"He was a bit vague but I got the basics that it's something to prevent a repeat of what happened to Yui at the contact experiment..."

"Yes, we're hoping to finish it before the completion of unit 02 but we're no optimistic."

She gave a smaller sharper seeming smile "Sounds like a challenge, speaking of which I was just in thr German division! Kyoko is doing well if still insistent on showing me up" She gave a roll of her eyes "Still I'm nothing if not a woman willing to compete myself so this could almost be considered a fun little race! Will she wrap up unit 02 on schedul or will I get this new experiment operational before expectations? Hehe, sounds fun!"

You just barley suppress a cringe at the memory of what you'll have to do if Fubuki loses this 'fun little race'. You quickly snap yourself back to reality and focus back on driving while trying to turn the conversation to more mundane topics.
At the event

You, Fubuki and a group of others are standing in a small building with one wall made entirely from reinforced glass to safely with the demonstration. The room itself is a small but cushy affair if somewhat cramped by the number of people.

Various guests are sipping champagne and making idol small talk as you and Fubuki begin inserting yourselves in and making nice talking up NERV's work

"The MAGI project upon completion will be the most adaptable and powerful computer system on earth and-"

"-and yes the contact experiment accident was tragic but rest assured we are currently putting some of our best minds to solving the issue-"

"-We currently have a number of long term projects that I'm not at leisure to gp into detail on-"

Overall you think you got them to remember you at the very least."

"Suddenly a older man in a formal military uniform walked out and called everyone's attention

"Ladies and gentlemen I am proud to introduce you to the Heavy JSSDF VTOL!"

And on a strip of tarmac out rolls the eponymous aircraft as it proceeds to take off and show off its maneuverability and fire power on a targeting range.

An hour and some light arguing in the Eva's raw power compared to the VTOL later and you and Fubuki are back in the car on your ways home.

(I'm going to be moving into slightly more management longer time-Skips style format for the quest until we move back into major story events)

Budget: 950
[ ] Minimum 100
[ ] Mid 200
[ ] Maximum 400

Eva maintenance:
[ ] Minimum 300
[ ] Regular 400
[ ] Enhance 600

General Maintenance:
[ ] minimum 200
[ ] Proper 400
[ ] Luxury 500

Artificial ensoulment project
[ ] minimum 100: Continue on starter budget.
[ ] modest increase 200: a basic increase.
[ ] proper 400: a sizable improvement in resources.

With Shinji: ( pick two)
[ ] Focus on encouraging him to socialize
[ ] Ensure he focuses on his schooling
[ ] Subtlety steer him towards creative pursuits
[ ] Take him on more outdoor activities
[ ] Write in!
[X] Low Budget
-[X] Security:
—[X] Mid 200
-[X] Eva maintenance:
—[X] Minimum 300
-[X] General Maintenance:
—[X] minimum 200
-[X] Artificial ensoulment project
—[X] modest increase 200: a basic increase.
-[X] Focus on encouraging him to socialize
-[X] Ensure he focuses on his schooling