Gangs of Musutafu (A My Hero Academia Villain Gang Quest)

The ones listed in the Character sheets.
Alright, no particular reason not to:
  • Hirai's Quirk is Drake. This Heteromorphic Quirk gives him the appearance of a humanoid reptile with green-brown scales, pointy spikes on his head and back, two crests above his eyes, and light green eyes. His Quirk gives him superhuman strength, peak human speed and the ability to breathe small bursts of fire. His fangs are also poisonous, though the poison isn't strong enough to kill an adult human.
  • Takagi's Quirk is Blind Light. It's an Emitter Quirk that allows her to emit a blinding light from her eyes, comparable to a flashbang. It's very useful to escape, but she can't see while activating it since, understandably, light can't enter her eyes in that state.
  • Soneda's Quirk is Branches. It's a Transformation Quirk that allows him to turn into a bush. Leaves and branches grow over his entire body, his whole body becomes bark and wood, his feet sprout roots, and so on. He can still hear, see and feel through touch in this form, but cannot move. He can stay transformed for up to thirty minutes before he needs to turn back. If he is damaged, the damage translates back to his original body, so he has to be careful.
  • Araki's Quirk is Elderly. It's a Heteromorphic Quirk that gives her the appearance of an octogenarian woman even if she is actually only 22. The change is purely aesthetical, meaning that she is actually a healthy 22-year-old woman in every aspect. It doesn't do much by itself, but it's good to go around unnoticed.
  • Mitani is Quirkless.
  • Sakuma's Quirk is Fruit Control. With this Emitter Quirk, she can manipulate fruits in a certain radius. She can make them move them and also make them spoil, though she can't make spoiled fruits go back to normal. It's similar to canon Quirk 'Leafipulation', though it only affects fruit rather than leaves.
  • Uemura's Quirk is Bouquet. It's a Heteromorphic Quirk that replaces her hair with flowers. The flowers wilt and bloom again periodically, changing color each time at random. The smell of freshly bloomed flowers makes people calmer.
  • Muramoto's Quirk is Scare. It's an Emitter Quirk that makes people that look at her see something they found scary happening to her body, like one of her eyes falling out and then regrowing to do so again, spiders or other critters crawling over her face, and so on. She can prevent it by wearing a facemask and sunglasses, but she adamantly refuses to do so if it's not absolutely necessary.
  • Seta's Quirk is Bivalves. This Hetheromorphic Quirk covers her head with a shell similar in appearance to a Tridacna gigas. Her head is inside this shell like a pearl inside an oyster (or so she says, the inside of the shell is so dark the only visible facial trait are her iridescent eyes). The shell is strong enough that it can block bullets, and is virtually impossible to force open from the outside once it closes, but she can't breathe in new air if she does that. She can however hold it closed for a few minutes, thanks to the air that remains inside the shell when it closes. She also can't see and has a hard time hearing when she is in this state, so she usually avoids it. She gives some killer headbutts though.
Most of those are very limited, fully aesthetic, or have big drawbacks, given they are the Quirks of people that either could never train their Quirk safely or just rolled 'Lego for a head' or 'Pulling eyes out of the socket safely' tier. Maybe training can make that change...
Okay so we have a couple of folks who are great hiding in plain sign, one more so than the other and we also have a few who have some pretty good offensive/defensive capabilities, not too bad!
Round 2: Results
Plan: Finishing First Moves and Teamwork

Gang Actions:

Drug Dealing:
(A roll, base success chance: 70%, 2 rounds) Round 1 Roll: 59. Round 2 Roll: 63+1 = 64. Success! Completed!

"So, how is the selling going?" Konomomi asked, leaning on the wall.

"Well enough, boss." Saiki replied, passing a hand through his short brown hair, "A tough costumer here and there, but they get a glimpse of Kusumoto and rethink their life choices." He pointed behind his back with his thumb, to the other Diamondback leaning against the corner.

Kusumoto was probably the scarier of the Diamondbacks. With large, bug-like mandibles, a pair of black horns emerging from his red hair, and his height passing the two meters, he was definitely the most physically intimidating, and that was before his Quirk came into play. He had tow sets of arms, and while the smaller one was normal, the one above after the elbow ended in a long pair of blades, hence the name Blade Arms. He just nodded at the comment. He rarely said more than a few words on his own.

"Excellent." She nodded, "Anything to add?"

"Just that a lot of people keep asking for Trigger, and we don't have any. We might make some extra money if we look into it. It sounds like to buy it right now you have to go in different Wards entirely."

Konomomi nodded, "I'll ask Takagi if we can get our hands on some." She turned around and waved, "Keep up the good work, guys."

"Of course, boss." Both said.

She grinned. Might not have been much for now, but they could finally start making money. That more than anything would prove Takoba 1 was their turf.

Results: Income raised to +2, Infamy raised to -28


Tracking the Watchdogs: (IG roll, base success chance: 80%, 2 turns) Round 1 Roll: 50. Round 2 Roll: 79+7 = 86. Success! Completed! (Average roll: 68)

"Alright, lay it down for me. Who are we dealing with?" Konomomi asked.

Araki laid down on the table three pictures. They were clearly cut off from newspapers, but they were enough to give the Diamondback's Boss an idea, while Konomomi read through the notes she had prepared.

"Well, the good news is that there are no Hero Agencies in our Block. The bad news is that we do have two Hero Agencies in bordering Blocks. Takoba 2 is where Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie is based." She started, tapping the first picture. A muscular man with seal features was smiling at the camera. "He is, of course, a Rescue Hero, primarily works in the sea, so we don't have to worry too much unless we cause some disaster."

Konomomi sighed in relief. That much at least was good news. "What about the other one?"

"In Nuru 10, there is the Agency Buster Hero: Airjet."

"Ugh, Combat Hero." She grimaced, "Guess hoping they were all Rescue or Idol Heroes was hoping too much. Anyone else?"

"We spotted some guy we don't know. HeroFanNetwork only says he might some Underground Hero. I figured I'd ask Mitani and Fukuda since they are Hero nerds, but from the description alone they could make some guesses, not pin down a single person. Either way, he only passed by maybe six times in a month, so he probably wasn't on the usual patrol route. Finally, Light Weapons Hero: Orgue has been seen more regularly, once every three days or so. Her Agency is in southern Gondera, so he probably just changes course once in a while to check the Block." Araki finished reading her notes and looked at Konomomi, expectingly.

"That's four." She sighed in relief, "A low amount, all things considered. I guess Takoba is considered less dangerous for a reason. Are you sure you haven't seen anyone else?"

"In this month those four have been the only ones that have consistently entered the Block, yes. Some other Heroes showed up sometimes, but we kept our eyes open and they never returned again, so we have to assume it was a fluke." She shrugged, "Either way Takoba is a low priority Ward, I don't think we can expect much more."

Konomomi hummed. "Good job Araki, for now we can call it. Keep your eyes open if you spot anyone unusual."

"Of course." Araki said with a smile, leaving the office. Konomomi checked the notes again, looking at the pictures.

"One Rescue Hero, Two Combat Heroes and one Underground Hero." She nodded, "About as good as can be, I suppose."

You have identified all the Heroes that are regularly in your District!
With an average roll of 68, you have identified 3 out of 4 Heroes enough to know their Quirks!
New Gang/Personal Actions unlocked!
Check the next write-up for more details on those Heroes!


Base Actions:

One Person's Trash: (Success chance: 70% (added 10% from Fixit)) Round 1 Roll: 51. Round 2 Roll (Advantage applied thanks to Fixit): 17/97. Success! Completed! (Average roll: 74)

Konomomi had to admit, the base had another look now. New beds, including enough bunks they could also sleep all together now, a new desk for her office, and a renovated kitchen could definitely make something look more welcoming. It was still far from the ideal base, but it was definitely better than the hole the Backdrafts called a base.

The best trophy, however, was the one Muramoto was holding now. She stared at the laptop, a relatively new model still in the box. "You mean someone threw away a perfectly new laptop?"

"Still in the box Boss." Muramoto replied, "Mitani says it must have fallen in the ocean at some point. Perhaps someone bought it and was careless. For most people, it would be trash, but maybe you…"

She nodded, opening the box and sliding out the computer and the charging cable. The fact the box hadn't deteriorated to the point of breaking apart was half a miracle by itself, but looking at them she had to hope she now could do the other half of the miracle. With a thought, she activated Fixit.

The plastic, metal and glass composing the two objects started to move. The laptop had already been dried, so she didn't have to worry about that weakness of her Quirk. Instead, she watched as it returned to pristine condition. The two girls glanced at each other, then Muramoto attached the charging cable and Konomomi started the laptop.

It turned on and began to work. The girls gave each other a high five.

With an average roll of 74, you have advanced your Base! The gang's happiness has grown!
You have obtained a Laptop! Locked Behind a Password perk unlocked: Information Gathering rolls against you now have a -1 modifier!
You have obtained a Good Desk! Information Gathering rolls against you now have a -1 modifier!
You have found valuables for 5 Budget!
Some Gangs might have noticed the Diamondbacks look for stuff in the trash, Notoriety lowered to -45!


Personal Actions:

See Base Actions/One Person's Trash


Special Actions:

Pack Tactics: (Success chance: ???) Roll: 98.

"So?" Konomomi asked.

"Everything alright Boss. It seems whoever they were, they noticed how many of us there are and decided to retreat for now." Chiba said. The red-haired woman glanced at the group of five people that were smoking outside the base, chatting with each other, "At least that's my best guess."

"Well, that's reassuring." Konomomi replied.

"Well, the alternative is that they had what they wanted…" Chiba continued, before noticing the look Konomomi gave her, "But I'm sure I'm just worried for nothing." She quickly added.

"Well, that's reassuring…" Konomomi repeated, now with a more sarcastic tone. That was about as far as she could go, for now. Having those people, whoever they were, step back, was already good. At least it would give them more time to prepare.

People have taken notice of the size of your gang. Notoriety raised by to -40!


Well that Help action was pretty useful :lol:
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Confirmed Heroes (Results)
Heroes report (Write-up)

Heroes sighted around Takoba 1 multiple times in the past month:

Sea Rescue Hero: Selkie (Tsuyoshi Ikaru)

Name: Tsuyoshi Ikaru
Hero Name: Selkie (Sea Rescue Hero)
Age: 38
Type: Rescue Hero
Hero Agency: Oki Mariner
Hero Rank: 291
Sidekicks: Sirius (Hearing Hero), 4 total
Quirk: Spotted Seal (Heteromorphic)

A Rescue Hero specialized in operations at sea. Despite his main priority being rescuing rather than combat, he is a tough opponent that can go toe to toe with skilled fighters. His ship and Agency, the Oki Mariner, is manned by his four sidekicks. He is usually at port in Musutafu whenever he isn't at sea.

Burst Hero: Airjet (Masahiro Kanno)

Name: Masahiro Kanno
Hero Name: Airjet
Age: 22
Type: Combat Hero
Hero Agency: The Skyline
Hero Rank: 167
Sidekicks: 2
Quirk: Air Blast (Emitter)

A younger Hero that is slowly growing in reputation, Airjet is well known for patrolling the skies of southern Musutafu. His Quirk Air Blast allows him to creat powerful bursts of air from his body, and thanks to his suit he can redirect them to either fly thanks to his jetpack and boots or to blast his opponents from his arms.

Unknown Hero (Underground Hero)
An unknown Hero that has been spotted several times in Takoba 1 over the course of a month. Supposed to be an Underground Hero given the lack of information.

Light Weapon Hero: Orgue (Takehime Tashiro)

Name: Takehime Tashiro
Hero Name: Orgue
Age: 20
Type: Combat Hero
Hero Agency: Masayle
Hero Rank: 912
Sidekicks: 0
Quirk: Orgue (Emitter)

A young Heroine graduated from U.A. two years ago that opened an Agency in Gondaru. She is mostly unknown to the larger public. Her Quirk, Orgue, allows her to create light constructs such as swords or tridents.
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Two combat Heroes with some decent powers, a Rescue Hero with some decent methods to defend himself and does go against folks in canon. And a Underground Hero of unknown nature.

We have some work to do.
ohhhh sweet. We got lucky on the roll and got a current model laptop. That is a BIG thing for the conditions our gang is in. Along with just sprucing up the base a bit and making it more liveable. You always got to keep in mind morale and how having basics things like your own bed, and roof over your head can mean so much. Also the moving beyond survival in mentality and appearance.

So on one hand we've shown we're not a ten or lower member gang that could be viewed as easy pickings, on the other they now have an idea of our numbers and we are a tougher target. Whether whoever was watching us thinks we might have even more members or part of a bigger group, we still are in a good position.

hmmm, damn, two combat heros and one Recuse hero who's tough as well. along with 6 sidekicks and an underground hero. Damn we need to operate out of sight, especially with Airjet
Round 3: Voting
Round 3: February 2168 (1 of 2) (Winter)

"Trigger?" Takagi asked.

"Yeah, any ideas? The guys say people keep asking for it, but…"

"Well, I know what it is, it's a Quirk-enhancing drug. Very addictive, but also very powerful. Can turn your Quirk from a dud into Top Hero material in a flash… until it last. The recoil is pretty bad, but junkies of the stuff don't really care."

"I've tried it." Hirai added. Konomomi looked at him, surprised, "What? It's not that bad, if you only take it once in a while. Makes you feel like you can fight All Might one on one, and your Quirk suddenly grows. Just don't overdose and it's fine."

"… Right." Konomomi looked at Takagi. "So, think we can find some?"

"I don't know… It's expensive stuff to buy, and more importantly, I believe there are only three gangs in Musutafu that make it, and they are all in other Wards."

"Is that a problem?" Araki asked.

"I don't know. Maybe or maybe not, depends on what the Seven Thrones agreed on. For all we know, buying from another Ward without the Wild Villains' permission is some sort of violation." Takagi passed a hand through her hair, thinking, "I made sure the stuff we sourced was all from sellers based in Nuru, but if it's Trigger we want I have to go look outside. Or buy secondhand, but that would inflate the price even more."

"Let's put a pin on that then, for now at least." Konomomi replied, "We don't have the money for that kind of investment anyway. Let's focus on what we can do reliably."

Everyone in the room nodded as the girl started to lay down her plan.

Your current Income is +2. Your current Budget is 19. Your Notoriety is -40. Your Infamy is -25. You are Rankless.

Gang Actions (With 20 members, you can select 2 actions) (Your Bonus to the roll is applied halved, rounded down to a minimum of 1. Applied modifiers: Brawling +1/Accounting +1/Information Gathering: +7):

[] Recruitment:
More people on your side means more work getting done. (Notoriety/Infamy roll, base success chance: 70%, takes 1 Round, results depend on the roll).
[] Drug Dealing (2): With the basics covered, you might be able to expand your business. However, such an expansion comes with more risks. (Accounting roll, cost: 30 Budget, base success chance: 50%, takes 4 Rounds, raises Infamy by 10 and Income by 15 when completed).
[] Establish Order: You just set up shop in this Block, and your hold on it is still weak. You can send your Gang to patrol the area and make sure people know who is boss now. (Brawling roll, base success chance: 80%, takes 2 Rounds, raises Notoriety by 7 when completed).
[] Protection Fee: People will pay you to not cause trouble in the Block, naturally. However, some citizens might object to that (Oratory Roll, cost: 10 Budget, success chance: 70%, takes 2 Rounds, raises Infamy by 5 and Income by 15 when completed).
[] Keeping An Eye On The Neighbors: The nearby Blocks are controlled by other gangs, each with their own ideas. You could send some of your members to keep an eye on them. (Lasts 1 Round, advantage on Information Gathering rolls to spot any suspicious movement from the nearby Blocks, adds 5 Notoriety).
[] Distracted Heroes: Sending your Gang to cause trouble in bordering Blocks would make the Heroes less likely to keep their eyes on Takoba 1. However, bordering gangs might not like this… (Brawling Roll, Lasts 2 Rounds, 50% chance of success, 10% bonus on Heists/Criminal Activities, Raises Infamy by 5, Lowers Notoriety by -5, additional gains/losses depending on roll)
[][] Choose District and Block (example: Takoba 2 or Nuru 10)
[] Thievery Time:
Stealing in your Block might not be a good idea long term, but it could help your Budget if it's strained. (Accounting roll, Base success chance: 75%, takes 1 Round, results: Adds Budget depending on the roll, adds Infamy depending on the roll).
[] The Other Base: Takoba 1 was, before the raid, Takoba 1 and Takoba 2, with a gang called the Sea Hawks controlling another part of the Block. While they were disbanded, finding their past base might be useful (Accounting roll, cost: 20 Budget, base success chance: 50%, takes 5 Rounds, results: find the Sea Hawks base and take everything valuable, if there is something left. Reduced cost to build a second base in Takoba 2).
[] Hidden Treasure: One of the papers you found and repaired in the old office mentioned the Backdrafts' Boss had planned to hide a stash of money somewhere in their turf for emergencies, and it lists a number of hiding spots. Maybe he never did it, but sending some of your guys to look might be worth a shot… (Accounting roll, base success chance: 45%, takes 2 Rounds, results: ???).

Base Actions (Choose 1 action per Round):
[] Nothing:
It's all good for now.
[] The Gates: Buying better locks could help keeping the base safe (Cost: 10 Budget, applies -1 malus on Information Gathering rolls against your gang).
[] The Kitchen (2): Buy better quality furniture for the Kitchen (Cost: 30 Budget, raises Gang's happiness)
[] The Podium: Speaking from above would make your words resonate better, even just using a simple wooden podium (Cost: 10 Buget, +1 Bonus to Oratory within the base on your allies).
[] The Office (3): A safe would be a valuable investment. (Cost: 60 Budget, adds protection to Budget and against Information Gathering)
[] The Bedroom (3): The old storeroom is far from ideal to sleep in. Spending some money to isolate it better from both sounds and temperature changes might be a good idea. (Cost: 60 Budget, makes the Gang happier)
[] Lost Treasures: The beaches of Takoba might still hide valuable stuff. (Success chance: 60% (added 10% from Fixit), Takes 2 Rounds, Budget increase depending on roll)
[] Build a new base: A secondary base could be useful for the future (Cost: 200 Budget, adds another Base)
[][] Choose Block

Personal Actions (Choose 1 action for the Round):
[] Work With the Gang:
Help your gang personally with one of the tasks at hand for 1 turn. Apply your full bonus to the roll.
[][] Select Gang Action you are going to help with
[] Train:
Train one of your skills to make it grow stronger. (Roll with the appropriate Bonus, base success chance: 70% (varies by subtracting the bonus you already have from the base chance), takes 1 turn, results: increase a Bonus by a certain amount)
[][] Select Bonus to train (Your current Bonuses (without secondaries): O: 0/B: 2/A: 1/IG: 15)
[] Meet the Neighbors:
Try to set up a meeting with the gang that controls one of the bordering Blocks. (Notoriety/Infamy roll, base success chance: 40%, takes 1 turn, results: Set up a meeting with another gang leader).
[][] Choose Ward and Block (example: Takoba 2 or Nuru 10)
[] Watching the News:
Your new laptop and a stolen internet connection mean you have a way to learn a lot more about Heroes and their Quirks if you need to. (Information Gathering Roll, base success chance: 75%, takes 2 turns, results depending on roll).
[] Hears in the Underground: It might be a good idea to try and learn more about what's going on in the Musutafu underground. (Information Gathering Roll, base success chance: 70% (5% bonus from Of Quirks and Villains 1), learn more about the Villains across Musutafu.
[] The Right-Hand Man: Having an assistant would be useful. (Name one of your gang members as your second-in-command. Adds bonuses to Gang Action rolls if he is assigned to them. Keep in mind they will gain Notoriety/Infamy from the Gang's actions too and might Rank up as Villains independently).
[] Train your Quirk: Training makes all the difference. Maybe training your Quirk will be useful. (Base success chance: ???, takes 1 turn, results: ???)

Special Decisions (Choose one):
[] Trigger Happy:
Selling Trigger could mean a lot of money for your gang, so sending someone to look into sellers could be a good idea. However, this might prove expensive or dangerous. (Cost: ???, Success chance: ???, results: Progress on Event)
[] The Debute: If you feel established enough, it might be a good idea to contact the Wild Villains before they do. (Success chance: ???, results: Progress on Event)
[] Keep Your Guard Up: Don't try to rock the boat too much too fast. Instead, better keep up as you have been doing so far. (Success chance: ???, results: Progress on Event)
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Something like that? Not sure about this plan, so for now I'm not voting

[X] Plan: Notorious B.I.G.
-[X] Protection Fee: People will pay you to not cause trouble in the Block, naturally. However, some citizens might object to that (Oratory Roll, cost: 10 Budget, success chance: 70%, takes 2 Rounds, raises Infamy by 5 and Income by 15 when completed)
-[X] Establish Order: You just set up shop in this Block, and your hold on it is still weak. You can send your Gang to patrol the area and make sure people know who is boss now. (Brawling roll, base success chance: 80%, takes 2 Rounds, raises Notoriety by 7 when completed)
-[X] Lost Treasures: The beaches of Takoba might still hide valuable stuff. (Success chance: 60% (added 10% from Fixit), Takes 2 Rounds, Budget increase depending on roll)
-[X] Hears in the Underground: It might be a good idea to try and learn more about what's going on in the Musutafu underground. (Information Gathering Roll, base success chance: 70% (5% bonus from Of Quirks and Villains 1), learn more about the Villains across Musutafu.
-[X] Keep Your Guard Up: Don't try to rock the boat too much too fast. Instead, better keep up as you have been doing so far. (Success chance: ???, results: Progress on Event)

Edit: Okay now i'm voting
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[X] Plan: We Need Money and more Organization
-[X] Protection Fee: People will pay you to not cause trouble in the Block, naturally. However, some citizens might object to that (Oratory Roll, cost: 10 Budget, success chance: 70%, takes 2 Rounds, raises Infamy by 5 and Income by 15 when completed).
-[X] Hidden Treasure: One of the papers you found and repaired in the old office mentioned the Backdrafts' Boss had planned to hide a stash of money somewhere in their turf for emergencies, and it lists a number of hiding spots. Maybe he never did it, but sending some of your guys to look might be worth a shot… (Accounting roll, base success chance: 45%, takes 2 Rounds, results: ???).
-[X] Lost Treasures: The beaches of Takoba might still hide valuable stuff. (Success chance: 60% (added 10% from Fixit), Takes 2 Rounds, Budget increase depending on roll)
-[X] The Right-Hand Man: Having an assistant would be useful. (Name one of your gang members as your second-in-command. Adds bonuses to Gang Action rolls if he is assigned to them. Keep in mind they will gain Notoriety/Infamy from the Gang's actions too and might Rank up as Villains independently).
--[X]Tatsuo Hirai
-[X] Keep Your Guard Up: Don't try to rock the boat too much too fast. Instead, better keep up as you have been doing so far. (Success chance: ???, results: Progress on Event)