Gangs of Musutafu (A My Hero Academia Villain Gang Quest)

Approved. Consuming fuels gives disadvantage to Information Gathering rolls (pretty hard to not spot the burning train-men that is breathing out black smoke). The weight of your iron body might cause problems in certain situations. Since you are very recognizable and the Quirk is rather powerful, your Notoriety/Infamy grows at a doubled rate.
Bonuses: Brawling (5+7), Oratory (+1)
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[X] Plan: As the Prescript Wills
-[X] Name: Chimon Dai (Chomon means gate of wisdom, Dai means shining individual)
-[X] Male
-[X] 25 years old
-[X] None: You will forge your own path forward, unknown to all those around you. (Special Events might give opportunities to unlock unique specialties).
-[X] Speaking from the Heart: Your words can push your allies through tough times. (+5 to Oratory rolls on allies)
-[X] Friends Come Knocking: You are aware of the people around you, and keep a particular eye on them (+5 to Information Gathering rolls against bordering gangs)
-[X] Emitter
--[X] Today's Little Tip: Everyday when you wake you receive a message in your head, this message can be reasonable like washing your clothes or bizarre like leaving grocery in an alleyway whatever it is, it is bound to end in your favor.

[X] Plan: Hear ye, my voice of anarchy
-[X] Name: Haruka Bushida (Haruka means gate of far-off, Bushida means warrior way)
-[X] Female
-[X] 27 years old
-[X] Oratory: You have a way with words. Your enemies are more likely to listen to you, your allies already do. (+10 to Oratory rolls)
-[X] Speaking from the Heart: Your words can push your allies through tough times. (+5 to Oratory rolls on allies)
-[X] On Death's Door: You have had your share of scuffles in your time on the streets, and trust yourself in a fight that really matters. (+5 to Brawling rolls in death battles)
-[X] Emitter
--[X] Voice of Anarchy: Under extreme emotions your quirk allows you to transmit your emotion to people that can hear you making them more susceptible to getting carried away by your words. It can also empower you and people on your side.

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Please keep it at one plan per person like everyone else. I will give both Quirk bonuses, feel free to choose one.

Approved as is.
Bonuses: Accounting (+6), Information Gathering (+2)

Approved, boosts Brawling by +2 within range (9m) and by +1 within double the range (Can't boost self). Gives advantage in Oratory rolls on allies. If the user can't speak or be heard, the Quirk doesn't work.
Bonuses: Oratory (+7), Accounting (+1)
[X] Plan Let's Talk
-[X] Your Name: Umayo Kamitsumiya
-[X] Your Gender: Female
-[X] Your Age: 18
-[X] Your main specialty (each can evolve with time):
--[X] Oratory: You have a way with words. Your enemies are more likely to listen to you, your allies already do. (+10 to Oratory rolls)

-[X] Your secondary specialty (choose two, each can evolve, stacks with main specialty where it applies, additional can be unlocked):

Of Quirks and Heroes 1: You are well aware of the Heroes that work in your city, and have general knowledge of famous Heroes' Quirks. (Gives access to detailed knowledge on the Heroes patrolling your block and the bordering blocks. Gives access to knowledge on the Quirks of notable Heroes (top 50) in the city and beyond).
--[X] Of Quirks and Villains 1: You are well aware of the Villains that live in your city, and have general knowledge of the Quirks of notorious and infamous Villains. (Gives access to detailed knowledge on the Villains in your territory and the bordering territories. Gives access to knowledge on the Quirks of notable villains in the city and beyond).

-[X] Emitter: (The category where anything goes. Breathing fire, telekinesis, converting fat into objects, strength enhancement, floating, accelerating objects… Emitter is the most varied category).
--[X] Quirk name and effect: Dialogue - Whenever someone is aware you are talking to them, they are compelled to respond similarly. They are unable to take any other action beyond those meant for communication and instinctual actions, such as breathing, so long as the user continues the conversation. Effect lasts for as long as the user continues to maintain a coherent exchange of communication. Does not work through recordings or electronics. If for whatever reason the target is unable to respond, they are unable to act and are stuck obsessing about their next response to the user until they are able to communicate their response. Effect can be initiated on multiple targets, but can only be maintained on as many targets as the user is able to meaningfully communicate with. While active, the user is similarly bound to only be able to communicate.

-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Eyes: Black
-[X] Hair: Grey, extending to the waist.
-[X] Skin color: Japanese skin tone.
-[X] Variant features: None
-[X] Height and Weight: Taller than the average Japanese woman, about on par with an average American woman. Somewhat on the skinnier side.
-[X] Notable features Tends to keep their mouth covered at all times.
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At Quest Start, you can only hold up to two people under the effect of Dialogue. People with high Oratory bonuses have a 10% chance of escaping the hold of Dialogue each round. Number of Rounds it last before you have to stop for two: 5.
Bonuses: Oratory (+5), Information Gathering (+2), Accounting (+1)
About bonuses, stats and Rank
This quest uses two sets of basic stats to determine results: Personal Bonuses and Gang Stats. In addition to those, Ranks play a part.

Personal Bonuses are Oratory, Brawling, Accounting and Information Gathering. Those bonuses derive from the individual skills you and other notable members of your gang have. Actions done by your gang use half your bonuses rounded down as modifiers, in addition to the bonuses of eventual notable members that have been put to the task. You can use your Personal Action for the round to work with your gang members, at which point you will add your full bonus to the roll.
Personal Bonuses also apply in character interactions and special events. In those cases, of course, they apply the full bonus unless otherwise stated.

Gang Stats are Notoriety, Infamy, Budget and Income, and Members
is the stat that determines how well-known you are in the underworld. You could call it respect, or threat, or 'street cred', but the point remains that high Notoriety means being highly respected among Villains. Other Villains are more likely to take seriously a character with high Notoriety. High Notoriety makes keeping a larger Gang under control more efficient.
Infamy is the stat that determines how well-known you are among the general populace. Infamous Villains are easier to recognize for Heroes and are usually seen as dangerous by other Villains, which can be very good or very bad depending on their attitude. Note that while it's called Infamy, it doesn't just derive from necessarily evil action, but from any action that puts you on the general radar. High Infamy makes keeping a larger Gang under control easier.
If your Notoriety grows too high, some powerful Villains might take exception to your growing influence and intervene, either slowing down your progress or trying to weaken/kill you. If your Infamy grows too high, some important Heroes might intervene in your area of work, slowing down your progress or trying to arrest you. Of course, if you feel like it, you can try to purposefully rise your Notoriety or Infamy.
At game start, your Infamy and Notoriety are set at -40 (Total unknown), but you will be given ten points you can distribute between them if you wish to grow one or both stats sooner.

Budget and Income are fairly straightforward. Income is how much you make per full round, and Budget is how much you have. Actions generally consume budget. Every 10 members your gang has, your income is lowered by -5. Once you pass 30 members, every 5 members it's lowered by an additional -5.
At game start, your Income is 0 and your Budget is 50.

Members are the number of people that are part of your Gang. The number can be raised by recruiting, and can be lowered if people quit or are killed. If your gang disbands (runs out of members), it's game over.
The number of Gang Actions you can do per round are directly tied to the number of Gang Members. Every 10 members, you gain an additional Gang Action (up to 30, at which point the required amount becomes 20 per additional action).
At game start, your Gang has 15 members.

Finally, Ranks are the system authorities in the world of MHA use to quantify how dangerous a Villain or group of Villains is to the general populace. Ranks go S, A, B, C, D, E, F and Rankless. In Gangs of Musutafu, Ranks act as multipliers to your Infamy and Notoriety (For example, F-Rank Villains gain 1.5x Notoriety and Infamy per round (rounded down if needed)). The higher the Rank, the faster those grow, so make sure to keep that in mind before you do anything that makes authorities take you too seriously. If nine members of your Gang are ranked at your same level, the multiplier of the rank above applies instead (e.g. if a gang has 10 F-Rank Villains including the boss, it's treated as if the boss was an E-Class Villain).
At game start, you and your gang are unranked.
Finally got home and decide to throw my hat into the ring for a character.

[X] Ugly as Sin
-[X] Your Name: Kirai Asaba
-[X] Your Gender: Male
-[X] Your Age: 25
-[X] Your main specialty (each can evolve with time):
--[X] None: You will forge your own path forward, an unknown to all those around you. (Special Events might give opportunities to unlock unique specialties).

-[X] Your secondary specialty (choose two, each can evolve, stacks with main specialty where it applies, additional can be unlocked):

--[X] On Death's Door:
You have had your share of scuffles in your time on the streets, and trust yourself in a fight that really matters. (+5 to Brawling rolls in death battles)
--[X] Of Quirks and Villains 1: You are well aware of the Villains that live in your city, and have general knowledge of the Quirks of notorious and infamous Villains. (Gives access to detailed knowledge on the Villains in your territory and the bordering territories. Gives access to knowledge on the Quirks of notable villains in the city and beyond).

-[X] Emitter: (The category where anything goes. Breathing fire, telekinesis, converting fat into objects, strength enhancement, floating, accelerating objects… Emitter is the most varied category).
--[X] Quirk name and effect: Repulsive -Everything about the user makes anyone near them sick, the closer they are the stronger the effect. Seeing user face from across the street can make a person queasy while staring directly into the user eyes from 1 foot can cause a person to vomit. Hearing the user call them from down the street makes people uncomfortable talking to the user from 1 meter can make people experience extreme vertigo. Direct skin contact with user causes the most extreme reaction ranging for losing control of bowels to coughing up blood. The user can not turn their quirk off but can mitigate the effect by covering their body, wearing a mask and speaking thru a voice modulator.

-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Eyes: Pale blue almost grey
-[X] Hair: almost bald with a few strands of hair over the top
-[X] Skin color: extremely pale seems to have a skin condition.
-[X] Variant features: None
-[X] Height and Weight: 5 foot 8 weighing 100kg
-[X] Notable features Smells extremely sour and is missing multiple teeth
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[X] Plan (Crazy) Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
-[X] Your Name: Sakashi Konomomi
-[X] Your Gender: Female
-[X] Your Age: 19
-[X] Your main specialty (each can evolve with time):
--[X] Information Gathering: You have many ways to learn about things. Your allies know better than to try to double cross you, and your enemy can't hide their secrets from you (+10 to Information Gathering rolls)
-[X] Your secondary specialty (choose two, each can evolve, stacks with main specialty where it applies, additional can be unlocked):
--[X] On Death's Door: You have had your share of scuffles in your time on the streets, and trust yourself in a fight that really matters. (+5 to Brawling rolls in death battles)
--[X] Of Quirks and Villains 1: You are well aware of the Villains that live in your city, and have general knowledge of the Quirks of notorious and infamous Villains. (Gives access to detailed knowledge on the Villains in your territory and the bordering territories. Gives access to knowledge on the Quirks of notable villains in the city and beyond).
-[X] Emitter: (The category where anything goes. Breathing fire, telekinesis, converting fat into objects, strength enhancement, floating, accelerating objects… Emitter is the most varied category).
--[X] Quirk name and effect: Fixit - By touching or tapping an object or person you can selectively heal or repair them by restoring them to a previous state. The healing process can take time or multiple uses depending on the severity or the type of damage along with what is being repaired. Similarly, living things are more difficult to heal at least all the way (but it would at least be really good at setting/fixing broken bones or cuts in skin, etc. Even if they would still need some time to heal from bruises or damage to muscles or organs). This power can also have many information gathering uses like restoring shredded or burned documents, locating objects by holding a piece of it and attempting to 'heal' the piece back to the main object, or even restoring a corpse to it's origional appearance (raising the dead is definatly beyond you, but you can repair the injuries done to corpses). (Basically think Crazy Diamond from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure).

If we are ably to pick this one
This seems interesting. Been a while since I've seen a villain-based quest. Can't wait to see where this goes.

[X] Plan: Gates of Paradise
-[X] Your Name: Takashi Suguru
-[X] Your Gender: Male
-[X] Your Age: 19
-[X] Your main specialty (each can evolve with time):
--[X] Oratory: You have a way with words. Your enemies are more likely to listen to you, your allies already do. (+10 to Oratory rolls)

-[X] Your secondary specialty (choose two, each can evolve, stacks with main specialty where it applies, additional can be unlocked):

Friends Come Knocking: You are aware of the people around you, and keep a particular eye on them (+5 to Information Gathering rolls against bordering gangs)
--[X] Of Quirks and Villains 1: You are well aware of the Villains that live in your city, and have general knowledge of the Quirks of notorious and infamous Villains. (Gives access to detailed knowledge on the Villains in your territory and the bordering territories. Gives access to knowledge on the Quirks of notable villains in the city and beyond).

-[X] Emitter: (The category where anything goes. Breathing fire, telekinesis, converting fat into objects, strength enhancement, floating, accelerating objects… Emitter is the most varied category).
--[X] Quirk name and effect: Paradise - The user passively changes the area/building around them to benefit themselves and their allies, and punish invaders. Effects can include subtle things such as sudden cracks and bumps causing people to lose their balance. Doors can suddenly become locked or unlocked. Items lost can suddenly become found. This effect is normally done subconsciously, but the user can focus in order to create a specific effect. This quirk also strengthens in effect via two methods. If the user remains in place for an extended period of time or if the user contributes to improving the location. (The increase in strength depends on the contribution. Buying a door might give you something, but adding another floor to a building would see a visible increase.) This quirk is reset if the user designates another location as their "Domain" or if the original location is destroyed. All quirk strength gained from the last "Domain" is also lost, forcing the user to build it up again.

-[X] Appearance:
-[X] Eyes: Black
-[X] Hair: Teal
-[X] Skin color: Pale
-[X] Height and Weight: Taller than average. Somewhat skinnier than average.
[X] Plan (Crazy) Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend
[X] Plan Wilted Rose
Changing To This.
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Approved. Adds malus to Oratory and Information Gathering (Disadvantage and -10 if uncovered, -10 if covered).
Bonuses: Brawling (+6), Accounting (+2) (People want you to get done quickly with your business and are more likely to agree to get you to leave).

Approved with edits. Effect at Quest start reduced to: "The user passively changes the area/building around them to benefit themselves and their allies, and punish invaders. Effects can include subtle things such as sudden cracks and bumps causing people to lose their balance. Doors can suddenly become locked or unlocked. This effect is done subconsciously. This quirk is reset if the user designates another location as their "Domain" or if the original location is destroyed. This quirk strengthens in effect if the user remains in place for an extended period of time."
Bonuses: Brawling (+5), Accounting (+3) (You are really good at house maintenance).
Hey @Darken
Just getting some clarification for the malus for Repulsive are the -10 and disadvantages for Kiari or other people interacting with Kiari.

I'm about to go to bed and since I do not know when this vote will end I'm going to try and convince those here to vote for my villain.

While all of the suggested plans are cool and very much in theme with MHA I feel that most of the other suggested plans could just as easily be on a hero as they could on a villain in MHA. They are the type of quirks the general civilian populous of MHA universe praise from an early age and encourage such individual to become hero. My quirk, Repulsive, on the other hand I feel is very much in line with some of the other villains who's quirks have practically led them to the life of villainy. Villains such as like Toga who's quirk drove to drinking blood and having or ostracized from society or Shigaraki who's quirk literally destroyed all that he loved when it first activated.

My quirk Repulsive literally prevents the character from having an physical contact otherwise he start making the person sick. Can you imagine a child who can no longer hug his parents without them throwing up one him or having to wear a suit that prevents any physical contact just so that he can play with other children. I think such as person would have a much higher chance or turning to villainy compared to may of the other suggest plan hear.

I also find characters in MHA with quirks that lead them to villains to be some of the most interesting and would like to try and capture that in this quest with every one.

Well that my spiel hopefully this at least make some people think about voting for my villain.

On one last note my inspiration for this character was Jurgen from the Warhammer 40K novel the assistant to the legendary Ciaphas Cain.
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Hey @Darken
Just getting some clarification for the malus for Repulsive are the -10 and disadvantages for Kiari or other people interacting with Kiari.
You are right, I should have worded that better. It applies to whoever starts the interaction. Kirai is at a disadvantage when he tries to talk to people, due to the repulsion they feel, and has a hard time gathering information because of how noticeable he is. On the other hand, people have trouble sneaking on him due to the natural repulsion being hard to hide and have a hard time being convincing when they talk to him since the disgusts is not easy to hide.
Approval vote only
Alright, there hasn't been another suggestion in a few hours so we will close the Character Creation and move to approval vote only. Below is the link to all the plans that have been suggested. The vote will close in 12 hours or when we get an unbeatable majority. If you voted earlier, I still suggest checking the characters suggested since. I have to say, I'm really happy with the positive reaction to the quests idea, so thank you :)

Plan (Crazy) Diamonds are a Girl's Best

Plan Name: The heart and soul of crime.

Plan: No SV, I'm not the Joker

Unlimited Blades Work nerf

Plan Gang Orca? Try Gang Great White Shark

Plan: As the Prescript Wills

Plan: Gates of Paradise