Gangs of Musutafu (A My Hero Academia Villain Gang Quest)

[X] Plan: Rags to Riches

Not married to the Gang name. If anyone else can come up with a better one, or if one is simply more popular, I have no problems changing it.

Personally, I'd be fine with our group not even having a gang name at the start or at least until we can hash out who all our other members are. Diamondbacks sounds pretty cool for a name though.

Remember that our power can repair objects in addition to healing people, so the group could do things like gather up broken or discarded items like electronics, clothes, furniture, vehicles, etc from the street, thrift stores, or garage sales and use Fixit to make them good as new for resale. There would be things it can't fix like burn damage, but we could probably get some members with skills repairing things conventionally. Could even use it for fixing automobiles (either as a legit auto repair shop or dealing with stolen vehicles) or perhaps buildings or streets that get damaged in villain fights.

Or hell, we got our hands on an old busted up car, used Fixit to turn it to pristine condition, and use that for getaway car. Or we keep outfitting it with more armor, weapons, etc until it's some kind of pimped out vehicle. One we can drive and quickly repair to full functionality if it gets damaged.

Or find objects or people so long as we have a sample to 'restore' back to the main body. So pick up someone's hair or a button from their clothes and use it to track their location. Or tear a piece of tape off a roll, stick it to a (light) object, and then 'heal' the strip back to the main roll carrying the object with it. Or go into a store, tear off a piece of an item or stick tape to it, and have the item fly out into our hand later.
Of Quirks and Villains 1: Results
Well, it's been a few hours and 'Rags to Riches' remains dominant by almost three times the votes of its first contender, so we will apply the Plan. I will add the information on the 'Diamondbacks' (@Birthday please confirm the name).

Before we start the Quest proper, here is the report on the Gangs that border Takoba 1, your starting Block (All the Blocks are indicated as Ward + Block Number). All information gathered thanks to your Secondary "Of Quirks and Villains 1".

Takoba 2

Gang Name: The Takoba Sharks (Notoriety: -20 (Relatively Unknown)/Infamy: 10 (Noticeable), Income (estimate): + 30)
Boss: Samehiko Kiba (Sharkyonara), Rankless, Quirk: Tiger Shark (Heteromorphic)

Sharkyonara swimming away after a heist in Furalide, December 2167
Other notable members: None
One of the few gangs that survived the recent police raids in Takoba, the Takoba Sharks is a relatively small group now. Counting 12 Members after the raids, the Sharks mostly deal in smuggling and robberies. The Takoba Sharks are primarily Heteromorphic, with most members having fish-related mutations.
The Sharks' boss is Samehiko Kiba, known to the police with the Villain Name of Sharkyonara (apparently not self-chosen). Sharkyonara's Quirk, Tiger Shark, grants him swimming speed comparable to that of a shark, along with vicious fangs. However, the Quirk doesn't allow him to breath underwater. Bringing this up is a sure way to make him angry.
The Gang has 1 Base, located in Takoba 2.

Nuru 11

Gang Name: The Ring Leaders (Notoriety: 10 (Noticeable)/Infamy: 0 (Neutral), Income (estimate): +30)
Boss: Ken Kintsugi (Muscle Man), F-Rank, Quirk: Charging Muscles (Emitter)

Muscle Man walking with several members of the Ring Leaders, April 2167
Other notable members: None

The Ring Leaders is a gang stationed in Nuru. Its main source of income are the underground fights that they arrange, no hold barred matches were desperate people fight each other for the delight of the paying public. The 21 Members of the gang are all ex-fighters that have won enough matches to join as full members.
The Ring Leaders' Boss is Ken Kintsugi, who goes by the Villain name of Muscle Man. Often wearing a large and impractical head piece, Muscle Man received his F-Rank after fighting his way out of one of his shows during a police raid. His Quirk, Charging Muscles, allows him to accumulate strength in his muscles to release a single, powerful blow. If he accumulates too much, however, he will damage his muscles.
The Gang has 2 bases, both located in Nuru 11

Nuru 9 and Nuru 10

Gang Name: The Circuit (Notoriety: 30 (Well Known)/Infamy: 30 (Well Known), Income (estimate): +50)
Boss: Kairoto Saki (Tesla), E-Rank, Quirk: Electric Charge (Emitter)

Picture of Tesla captured by a lucky journalist, June 2167

Other notable members: None
The Circuit is a gang of bank robbers and hackers primarily. Well known as one of the more dangerous gangs in Nuru, the Circuit has been around for a few years, making it a decently resilient gang. It counts 39 members, divided equally between the two Districts.
Their Boss is Kairoto Saki, also known as Tesla. A rare case of a Villain with an electricity Quirk, given they are usually well-paid as regular citizens, Tesla's Quirk is a powerful one, allowing him to use it to both shock his foe and jam electric signals, disrupting communication in its area of effect.
The gang has 3 bases, two located in Nuru 9 and one in Nuru 10

Nuru 1

Gang Name: The Salon Sisters (Notoriety: 10 (Noticeable)/Infamy: 0 (Neutral), Income (estimate): +20)
Boss: Emiko Gorugo (Needle Hair) F-Rank, Quirk: Hair Control (Transformation)

Other notable members: Noriko Gorugo (Martial Hair) F-Rank, Quirk: Hair Control (Transformation)

Pictures captured during a fight between several gangs in Nuru, October 2167
The Salon Sisters are a relatively small gang that deals in a vast variety of interests from heists to drug dealing to protection. The 26 members of the gang are all women.
The Boss of The Salon Sisters is Emiko Gorugo, the older of the two founding sisters. Going by the name of Needle Hair, her version of Hair Control allows her to move her dread like snakes, easily capturing or strangling opponents as needed. The younger sisters, Noriko Gorugo, called Martial Hair, can instead use Hair Control to harden her pigtails in a pair of dangerous drills, hardening them enough they can pierce wood and even stone.
The Gang has 2 Bases, located in Nuru 1.

Nort Port Area 5

Gang Name: Octo-Lover's Brigade (Notoriety: - 30 (Total Unknown)/Infamy: 0 (Neutral), Income (estimate): +5)
Boss: Takako Omugai (Octo-Lover), Rankless, Quirk: Nautilus (Heteromorphic)

Omugai (left, face covered) and other members of the Octo-Lover's Brigade during a riot in Industria, December 2167
Other notable members: None
The Octo-Lover's Brigade is an upstart gang that has started to become well-known to the authorities. A group of rioters that protest the mistreatment of the seas by the human race as a whole, the Octo-Lover's Brigade acts primarily overtly, organizing riots through Musutafu to do as much damage as possible. They do very little to make money, and are more dedicated to 'the cause' than any form of business.
The 18 Members answer to Takako Omugai, their founder. Called Octo-Lover and giving the name to the brigade, this young woman's Quirk is Nautilus. Her Quirk gives her a shell covering her head, tough enough it can stop a bullet, and retractable tentacles inside her mouth that can extend to ten meters. Moreover, she has gills that allow her to breathe underwater.
The Gang has 1 Base located in North Port Area 5


What did you expect to start with, the League of Villains in the next Block over? I'd say overall you did decently well with your starting neighbors.
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I see we have some interesting competition with The Salon Sisters and The Circuit being the most immediate threats near us. Mostly concerned with the Circuit given their leader and their apparent strength among the small gangs, might need to be carful with that one.

I am somewhat intrested in The Takoba Sharks, Smuggling is a decent enough game to get into and if we do well enough, maybe we can merge Gangs and get ourselves a Smuggling operation.
Prologue: This is a Story of Villains
Villains. People that use their Quirk publicly to commit crimes. A simple definition, yet one with a varied spectrum of interpretations. There are Villains that dedicate themselves to hurting people, and there are Villains that mostly act for survival. Is the latter justified? Some would say so, some would not.

The greatest (most respected, or most infamous) Villain to have ever lived was All for One. He stole, killed, destroyed, kidnapped... he committed every sort of crime, personally or through proxies, and in his prime he controlled the entire Japanese underworld. It is said there couldn't be a pickpocketer in a small town without All for One ordering them to act. He was the Villain.
All for One fell in the Battle of Tartarus against All Might, the Number One Hero, the Symbol of Peace, in 2157. When All for One tried, for reasons unknown, to free his right-hand man, Kyudai Garaki, 'the Doctor', from the depths of Tartarus, he did so by using all his strength against it. All Might intervened, but by the time he arrived, the Villains inside had been freed.
What followed was a legendary battle that All Might won, but at a terrible cost. Even as All for One died, he used his Quirk to let the escapees free, dispersing them all over Japan. Among them were such monsters as Kashiko Kashi, Kyudai Garaki, Kunieda or Dictator.
The following age was a difficult one. As All Might recovered, the Last Defiance, as some came to call it, caused Heroes all over Japan to struggle with recapturing the escapees. Most were never found.
All for One was a Villain through and through, and with his final act he caused such a shake in Japan that both the criminal underground and the world above were changed forever. The Symbol of Peace was tarnished, the Symbol of Evil was dead. What was left was anarchy.

Let us move to one of the many cities hit by the Last Defiance. Musutafu ten years ago was a city in its prime, and many thought it wouldn't suffer too much from the Last Defiance. Sure, a few Villains appeared here, but U.A. and Endeavor made the city safe, and the prosperous economy meant most people didn't get involved with criminality. Even as Villain activity had raised, no one doubted it would also fall.
It didn't. Instead, when the economy of the city began to falter, the problem only became worse. And thus the Seven Thrones came to be, and the system of Blocks and Gangs that to this day torments the city.

Let us zoom to a single event from ten years ago. One of the Tartarus escapees lands in the middle of Musutafu and goes on a rampage. Thousands killed, and then they vanish without a trace. A sad story, a painful wound for the city that, however, quickly scars over and fades into distant memories. The Massacre of Takoba-Nuru might be well remembered by most, but only a few survivors were there.
One such survivors is a nine-year-old girl. She goes by the name of Sakashi Konomomi. She was from a poor family, she had no living relatives, her house was destroyed, and she is alone, scared, and lost in the back streets of Musutafu.
After a few days of wandering alone, no one coming to save her, she stumbles into a wounded man. Using her Quirk, she fixes him. It's the right thing to do, even if technically it's illegal.
The man thanks her, offers her food, and tells her they could help each other survive. He has a small group of people he works with, and she has a good Quirk that could help them. She agrees. Soon after, that girl is using her Quirk to steal. Grab a banknote, take away a piece, give it to a cashier to pay for food, and then 'fix it' after you leave, getting the money back. That's theft. She is a Villain.

All for One, the greatest Villain of all times, created another Villain, changing forever her life even after his death. Or maybe it was the escapee he freed, the monster that so callously killed her family and was probably ready to kill her too, if they had noticed the trembling child. Or maybe it was the neglect of those around her, that never checked if the supposedly dead child was actually dead? Or maybe it was a wounded man in an alleyway that just wanted to help another street rat? Or maybe it was destiny? Would Sakashi Konomomi's life have been different, if the Villain attacked a block away?
Those questions can't be answered. What we know is that Sakashi Konomomi eventually became the center of a small group of misfits that lived in the streets of Musutafu. All we know is that, by the age of nineteen, these people looked at her as their leader.

All we know is that Sakashi Konomomi is a Villain. And as her newly formed gang, the Diamondbacks, takes its chance to leap into the world of organized crime, to take back everything they feel they deserve and were never allowed to obtain, we can only say one thing.

This is a story of Villains.
This is Sakashi Kononomi's story, and you will decide where it takes her.

Hopefully, it's a good story about Villains. But what awaits Sakashi Konomomi and her Gang... well, only time will tell.
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I will add the information on the 'Diamondbacks' (@Birthday please confirm the name).
I'm cool with the Diamondbacks, though The Full House also definitely fits with our homeless background and how our gang started up.

I'm more so curious about why our character is associated with diamonds in universe. Out of universe, it's because Crazy Diamond. Maybe her quirk causes the things she heals to sparkle like gemstones when they're being healed or something. Any ideas @Rossum?
I'm cool with the Diamondbacks, though The Full House also definitely fits with our homeless background and how our gang started up.

I'm more so curious about why our character is associated with diamonds in universe. Out of universe, it's because Crazy Diamond. Maybe her quirk causes the things she heals to sparkle like gemstones when they're being healed or something. Any ideas @Rossum?

Could be a homage to her familiy, maybe they owned a Jewelry Store, or our Girl really likes the shiny rocks. Could be that the main sign of our Gang is a Playing Card Diamond, which does make me wonder if we could try and set up some less then legitimate Gambling things for some crimes.
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I'm more so curious about why our character is associated with diamonds in universe. Out of universe, it's because Crazy Diamond. Maybe her quirk causes the things she heals to sparkle like gemstones when they're being healed or something. Any ideas @Rossum?


1. She likes that money. Our whole thing is liking money and wanting to make more. Perhaps she has a fondness for gambling or collecting jewelry? Or just associates playing cards with being classy and making money?
2. Like a diamond she looks nice and shiny but is really hard. Also, "diamonds are forever" and her power lets her restore people and things to pristine condition.
3. In DnD, the Resurrection spells use diamonds as material components. It would be a bit of a nerdy reference, but her liking diamonds could be a reference to that even if she doesn't actually need diamonds for her power.
4. A jewelry store, pawn shop, or gambling place with a diamonds or card theme.
5. The diamond symbol is a repeatable rhombus. If she has something like a roll of tape and makes some diagonal cuts into it, she would be able to make essentially a bunch of diamond-shaped stickers she can stick to things and later use her power to 'heal' the two stickers or objects together for weird shenanigans. Probably not something to base her whole costume off of, but could be a cheap, reliable, and thematic way to use a gimmicky power.
Wait can we aim the Fixit quirk on ourselves? That would be epic if it is...

Imagine a long dragged out brawl where all members were on it's last legs.

Then Sakashi began using her quirk on herself.

You slowly saw her wounds close and bruises disappear.

Her clothes returned to what it was before the fight.

She's still tired.

But you are as well and her health was back to square one.
Remember that our power can repair objects in addition to healing people, so the group could do things like gather up broken or discarded items like electronics, clothes, furniture, vehicles, etc from the street, thrift stores, or garage sales and use Fixit to make them good as new for resale.
We're based around the beach that Deku eventually cleaned up, so yeah, that particular application of our power will be very useful.

Wait can we aim the Fixit quirk on ourselves? That would be epic if it is...

Imagine a long dragged out brawl where all members were on it's last legs.

Then Sakashi began using her quirk on herself.

You slowly saw her wounds close and bruises disappear.

Her clothes returned to what it was before the fight.

She's still tired.

But you are as well and her health was back to square one.

Allowed, will start with limitations on the severity of damage it can fix. For example, a torn up paper is fine but a burnt one will be too far gone for your current level. Using it on people will drain your stamina (disadvantage on the following Brawling Roll during fights, if you use it too much (4-5 times) the disadvantage lasts for the whole fight). Starting amount of uses on people before you lose consciousness: 5
Bonuses: Information Gathering (+5), Brawling (+2), Accounting (+1)

So from what I see we can use it to repair objects with little issue, but using it on people drains our stamina. Assuming there's no limitation on using it on ourself, we can use it to repair damage but we would still drain stamina and incur disadvantage on our brawling rolls during fights. Using in on people has a limit before we lose consciousness.

So, it looks like we can use it to heal ourselves but it wouldn't come without a cost. Still, worth having in a fight. I suppose this could result in us being willing to take more risks, kind of like how Deku can use his full strength but at first damaged his limbs in every fight... except for us we can take hits but as long as we survive the fight we can heal ourselves back during down time.

Also, the might work well paired with nonliving defenses like armor or a vehicle. If we wear armor and it gets damaged we can heal it back without the stamina cost, presumably the same goes for a vehicle we could drive a truck into somebody and even if they have a badass quirk that wrecks our car we can patch it up. If we're feeling generous we might even patch up enemies we hit with our car (atleast to stabilize them).

Depending on how exactly the stamina cost works, we might be able to get around it using something like energy drinks or food? Probably not something we'd want to rely on during a fight (like downing a dozen wheels of cheese in a fight to heal everyone willy nilly) but something like eating full meals or energy drinks to fuel our healing powers during out-of-combat healing sessions.
Fixit Limitations at Game Start

we can use it to repair objects with little issue

Since there is this discussion, here is the full rundown of what Fixit cannot repair/other limitations at Quest start, so you can decide appropriately how to use it:

- Can't cure illnesses (They are caused by external organisms. An exception is granted to infected wounds, the infection going away with the wound)
- Any pulverized, incinerated, disintegrated, melted or otherwise damaged beyond-recovery object
- Fixit can't fix an object starting by a part that can be fully separated by it without compromising its integrity (e.g. can't repair a car starting from the key, can't repair furniture starting by a removed drawer, can't repair a gun starting from a bullet)
- Dust, stains and other effects that aren't direct damage (e.g. you can't use it to clean a dusty shelf, you can't use it to remove ink from a document)
- Any damage caused by Quirks that make something irreparable (Though this is mostly covered by limitation 2)
- Objects Konomomi cannot identify. That doesn't mean you have to know precisely what they were (a torn piece of paper will go back to normal even if you don't know how big it is), but for example, if you have a broken piece of wood that could have been the leg of a chair, a walking stick, a cane, or just a leftover from some wooden work, it doesn't get fixed because Fixit can't tell what it's fixing.
- You can't fix objects back to their raw materials.
- Larger objects take longer to repair.
- The stamina drain on people cannot be covered by food/drinks, only by rest.

Most of those can be overcome in some way as you train your Quirk.
Round 1 (Voting)
Round 1: January 2168 (Winter)

"Alright, and it's done." Konomomi passed her sleeve over her brow as she looked at the room, finally cleaned and ready to be habitable once again.

"I'm not sure the boss is supposed to be helping to clean the base." One of the Diamondbacks commented. "But we did a good job, I guess."

"You think?" Konomomi asked, "We all need to contribute, I'd like to see the Backtides keep this place this clean." She looked at the room. The 'place' was an abandoned building in the back streets of Takoba Ward, out of sight and out of mind for most people. It had a large warehouse that had probably been used to store boats at one point, a small kitchen made up of a stove, a sink, and a table with three chairs, a barebone room that could have been called an office if one felt very generous, since it had a worm-eaten desk and two old chairs, and a room that was probably originally a secondary storehouse, but was used by the Backtides to sleep, given the dozen camp beds the Diamondbacks had found in it. Which were now their beds, she thought with a satisfied smile.

All in all, it was a building like many one could find in Takoba, hardly a palace, but for Konomomi and the Diamondbacks it might as well have been. After all, most of them had spent years sleeping under bridges, inside cardboard boxes, or in other makeshift shelters.

Konomomi smiled and turned toward the others, who went silent. She knew she was the one that had suggested forming the Diamondbacks as an official gang, but at times like this she really wished she had pushed to make Hirai the leader, since speeches weren't really her main skill. Still, she supposed she should have at least tried. "Alright guys, I think we did well today!" She said, "We won, and we should be proud! We are now more than just a bunch of homeless people. We are a gang. We are the Diamondbacks!"

Oratory: 11 [Well that's a good start…]

The people cheered politely, though she knew they were still thinking about Tanaka and Kusaka. There had been twenty-two Diamondbacks, when they had attacked the ten or so remnants of the Backtides. The recent police raids in the area had culled their number, so they thought they had a chance, but the remaining Backtides were still bloodied Villains against mostly people that had only fought for survival before. They had won, killing most and dispersing for good the rest, but it still had cost them two of theirs.

Plus, some of them were still hurt. While she had fixed the worst wounds, Fixit could only be used so many times a day.

She shook her head. "Let's take some rest for the day. Mitani, Araki, you two take the first watch outside, since you aren't hurt. Everyone else can just relax. Except for… Hirai and Takagi. Can you come with me?" She gestured to the office, and the two nodded while the others dispersed inside the warehouse.

Those two were part of the original Diamondbacks, along with her. Two of the first eight people that had decided to bet their lives following a healer that had a knack for finding out stuff she shouldn't have known, letting her take the seat of command. Most of them were young, but not Hirai, almost forty, who had the appearance of a humanoid lizard with green scales and had been sort of a bodyguard for her since Konomomi had found herself on the streets. Meanwhile, Takagi was a young woman with black hair and yellow eyes, with pupils shaped like a star, around her same age. She said she was twenty, but given she had been born on the streets, they could hardly be sure. The one thing Konomomi knew for sure was that she knew how to survive. "So, what's up boss?" The girl asked first.

"I wanted opinions." She replied honestly, "I have my ideas, but I wanted to hear yours." She said. There was a lot to do, and she wanted to make sure she wasn't missing anything. Hirai and Takagi had lived on the streets for longer, so they could have insight she was missing.

"What were you thinking?" Hirai asked. Konomomi rolled her eyes. Hirai was a great guy, but sometimes he was a bit too cautious. Then again, you didn't survive as a lone Heteromorph on the streets for that long if you weren't cautious.

Might as well start by showing her hand then. "We have a lot of things to do in those early months. We need to take over whatever business the Backdrafts have left behind, we need to find out what our neighbors are doing, and we need to make sure no one else gets the same idea we had and comes knocking. But the real question is what we do with the Wild Villains."

"We just ignore them, right?" Takagi asked, "I mean, they won't care if we don't greet them immediately, and we aren't really established, so we shouldn't poke the bear and risk them deciding they don't like us. For all they know, we will be gone next month, they might just not take us seriously. The Salon Sisters, The Ring Leaders and The Takoba Sharks probably all care a lot more than Curator and his men do." She frowned, "Those are the people we border, right?"

"There are Octo-Lover's guys, but I doubt they care if we don't prod their territory. And the Circuit, but they probably won't do anything. Tesla doesn't really look at Takoba for expansion." Konomomi replied. The Circuit was the strongest gang they bordered directly, controlling Block 9 and 10 up in Nuru. If Tesla decided to come down on them, she didn't like their chances, but he had left the Backdrafts and the Sea Hawks alone for years, so she hoped they could get a respite too.

"I see your point, Takagi." Hirai said, "But I disagree. We should make sure they know we are the holders of the Block as soon as possible. If the Wild Villains agree to it, we can at least make other people think twice about taking over." And, Konomomi added mentally, we also remove entirely the chance that they come down to remove us.

"So in the end you two just have the two ideas I had…" Konomomi sighed, and Hirai smiled.

"We all joined you because we can tell you are the most suited, boss." He said, "I'm afraid the decision is up to you alone."

Konomomi nodded. She was the Boss, so she had to make the final call. Trying to drop it on others would be a mistake. "Very well. At least we cleared out our ideas. Alright, here is what we are gonna do…"

Your current Income is -5. Your current Budget is 50. Your Notoriety is -40. Your Infamy is -30. You are Rankless.

Gang Actions (With 20 members, you can select 2 actions) (Your Bonus to the roll is applied halved, rounded down to a minimum of 1. Applied modifiers: Brawling +1/Accounting +1/Information Gathering: +7):

[] Recruitment: More people on your side means more work getting done. (Notoriety/Infamy roll, base success chance: 70%, takes 1 turn, results depend on the roll).
[] Drug Dealing: Your predecessors dealt with distributing drugs in the Block. You should be able to take over the business. (Accounting roll, cost: 20 Budget, base success chance: 70%, takes 2 turns, raises Infamy by 2 and Income by 7 when completed).
[] Establish Order: You just set up shop in this Block, and your hold on it is still weak. You can send your Gang to patrol the area and make sure people know who is boss now. (Brawling roll, base success chance: 75%, takes 2 turns, raises Notoriety by 5 when completed).
[] Protection Fee: People will pay you to not cause trouble in the Block, naturally. However, some citizens might object to that (Oratory Roll, cost: 10 Budget, success chance: 70%, takes 2 turns, raises Infamy by 5 and Income by 10 when completed).
[] Keeping An Eye On The Neighbors: The nearby Blocks are controlled by other gangs, each with their own ideas. You could send some of your members to keep an eye on them. (Lasts 1 round, advantage on Information Gathering rolls to spot any suspicious movement from the nearby Blocks, adds 5 Notoriety).
[] Tracking the Watchdogs: Your Block is certainly patrolled by at least a Hero, if not more. You could send the Diamondbacks to discreetly inspect the area, finding out more about patrols and Hero Agencies. (Information Gathering roll, cost: 10 Budget, base success chance: 80%, takes 2 turns, the amount of information gathered depends on the roll).
[] Thievery Time: Stealing in your Block might not be a good idea long term, but it could help your Budget if it's strained. (Accounting roll, Base success chance: 75%, takes 1 turn, results: Adds Budget depending on the roll, adds Infamy depending on the roll).
[] The Other Base: Takoba 1 was, before the raid, Takoba 1 and Takoba 2, with a gang called the Sea Hawks controlling another part of the district. While they were fully arrested, finding their past base might be useful (Accounting roll, cost: 20 Budget, base success chance: 60%, takes 5 turns, results: find the Sea Hawks base and take everything valuable, if there is something left. Reduced cost to build a second base in Takoba 1).
[] Hidden Treasure: One of the papers you found and repaired in the old office mentioned the Backdrafts' Boss had planned to hide a stash of money somewhere in their turf for emergencies, and it lists a number of hiding spots. Maybe he never did it, but sending some of your guys to look might be worth a shot… (Accounting roll, base success chance: 50%, takes 2 turns, results: ???).

Base Actions (Choose one action per turn):
[] Nothing:
It's all good for now.
[] The Gates: Buying better locks could help keeping the base safe (Cost: 10 Budget, applies -1 malus on Information Gathering rolls against your gang).
[] The Kitchen: Maybe we should have a fridge (Cost: 10 Budget, makes the Gang happier).
[] The podium: Speaking from above would make your words resonate better, even just using a simple wooden podium (Cost: 10 Buget, +1 Bonus to Oratory within the base on your allies).
[] The office: A better desk would look better. (Cost: 10 Budget, unlocks further expansion)
[] The beds: Buying more beds would probably be a good idea (Cost: 10 Budget, makes the Gang happier)
[] One Person's Trash: The beaches of Takoba are a dump, but maybe there is something useful for the base. (Success chance: 70% (added 10% from Fixit), Takes 2 turns, effect depending on roll)
[] Build a new base: A secondary base could be useful for the future (Cost: 200 Budget, adds another Base)
[][] Choose Block

Personal Actions (Choose one action for the turn):
[] Work With the Gang:
Help your gang personally with one of the tasks at hand for 1 turn. Apply your full bonus to the roll.
[][] Select Gang Action you are going to help with
[] Train:
Train one of your skills to make it grow stronger. (Roll with the appropriate Bonus, base success chance: 70% (varies by subtracting the bonus you already have from the base chance), takes 1 turn, results: increase a Bonus by a certain amount)
[][] Select Bonus to train (Your current Bonuses (without secondaries): O: 0/B: 2/A: 1/IG: 15)
[] Meet the Neighbors:
Try to set up a meeting with the gang that controls one of the bordering Blocks. (Notoriety/Infamy roll, base success chance: 40%, takes 1 turn, results: Set up a meeting with another gang leader).
[][] Choose District and Block (example: Takoba 2 or Nuru 10)
[] The Right-Hand Man:
Having an assistant would be useful. (Name one of your gang members as your second-in-command. Adds bonuses to Gang Action rolls if he is assigned to them. Keep in mind they will gain Notoriety/Infamy from the Gang's actions too and might Rank up as Villain independently).
[] Train your Quirk: Training makes all the difference. Maybe training your Quirk will be useful. (Base success chance: ???, takes 1 turn, results: ???)

Special Decisions (Choose one):
[] The New Exhibit:
Try to contact the Wild Villains to introduce yourself to them. Hopefully, they will accept you as one of their official affiliates. (Base success chance: ???, results: fires Event)
[] Don't Prod the Sleeping Beast: Establishing yourself will take a lot of time. It's probably better to wait for that before trying to be acknowledged by the Ward Boss. (Base success chance: ???, results: fires Event)


Present plans.
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As far as I can see, we need money. Drug Dealing would be the safest for now, starting a protection racket so soon would not be a good idea methinks and considering that we have a Hero keeping watch, we better figure out who it is and what their quirk is.

Next, We might be able to find something worthwhile at the beach, lots of stuff gets dumped there and with our Quirk, we can restore it good as new! As for training our quirk, considering what the gang just went through, our MC would feel pretty determined to make sure that doesn't happen again.

Finally, we 're still new, can't make our debut in this sorry state, let's beef up our ranks, set up a stable support structure and gain a bit of fame before we do.

[X] Plan: Setting up shop.

Gang Actions
-[X] Drug Dealing: Your predecessors dealt with distributing drugs in the Block. You should be able to take over the business. (Accounting roll, cost: 20 Budget, base success chance: 70%, takes 2 turns, raises Infamy by 2 and Income by 7 when completed).

-[X] Tracking the Watchdogs:
Your Block is certainly patrolled by at least a Hero, if not more. You could send the Diamondbacks to discreetly inspect the area, finding out more about patrols and Hero Agencies. (Information Gathering roll, cost: 10 Budget, base success chance: 80%, takes 2 turns, the amount of information gathered depends on the roll).

Base Actions
-[X] One Person's Trash:
The beaches of Takoba are a dump, but maybe there is something useful for the base. (Success chance: 70% (added 10% from Fixit), Takes 2 turns, effect depending on roll)

Personal Actions
-[X] Train your Quirk:
Training makes all the difference. Maybe training your Quirk will be useful. (Base success chance: ???, takes 1 turn, results: ???)

Special Decisions
-[X] Don't Prod the Sleeping Beast: Establishing yourself will take a lot of time. It's probably better to wait for that before trying to be acknowledged by the Ward Boss
Tracking the Watchdogs
Thievery Time
One Person's Trash
Train your Quirk
Don't Prod the Sleeping Beast
idk how to vote so have this. Also neat story stuff going on there! Rlly enjoying it ;>
Tracking the Watchdogs
Thievery Time
One Person's Trash
Train your Quirk
Don't Prod the Sleeping Beast
idk how to vote so have this. Also neat story stuff going on there! Rlly enjoying it ;>

usually for this type of quest you have to make a plan. Namely, [x] Plan: Plan name and underneath that you put down your choices but you have to add a -[X] before the name of the vote, you can also vote for other people's plans by just typing:
[X] Plan: Plan Name
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[X] Plan: Steal 'em
-[X]Tracking the Watchdogs
-[X]Thievery Time
-[X] One Person's Trash
Train your Quirk
-[X]Don't Prod the Sleeping Beast

Idk if this will work