Gangs of Musutafu (A My Hero Academia Villain Gang Quest)

[X] Plan: They used to be High School Delinquents... Look at them now.

You had me at bikes. Also avoiding the heroes at the start is a good idea, to me a least. Get steady footing first.
Couldn't resist being cheesy.

[X] Plan: For the Evulz
-[X] Gang Name: Crushing Bort (You cannot choose a canon Villain organization) (Do feel free to also suggest a gang logo, if you want)

-[X] Main goal (Every gang has an objective. Those that follow you agree with it or at least don't hate it. Gangs with similar goals are more likely to be Allies. There are special questlines unique to each goal)
--[X] Alone Against the World: Your enemy is the world itself. You don't care about money and fame, only about destroying this world you see as corrupted. (Notoriety and Infamy grow at a doubled rate, start with an ally in a bordering Block)

-[X] Backstory: (Your goals are set, but what about your past?)
--[X] A Bright Future Snuffed Out: You all had bright futures ahead. Heroism, fame, good families, or maybe just a happy life. Alas, life plays its tricks. Debt, youth mistakes or just bad luck caught up with you all, and forced you to the bottom. (Your Gang has generally negative opinions of Heroes and the government, making it less likely for them to betray you to them)

-[X] Notoriety and Infamy
--[X] Infamy: -30

-[X] Furalide: A residential Ward similar to Nuru, Puriate and Aturavisu, considered more dangerous due to many Villain gangs residing here and many Heroes patrolling the area, resulting in common battles in the street. (Villains Presence: High. Hero Presence: Medium)

-[X] Ranked and Ready: You start as an F-Rank Villain instead of being Rankless. (Ranks mainly increase your Notoriety/Infamy gain per round. F-Rank multiplies by 1.5. They can also give advantage on Oratory against lower-ranked Villains. Heroes are more likely to know more Information about ranked Villains.)
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Not married to the Gang name. If anyone else can come up with a better one, or if one is simply more popular, I have no problems changing it.

I'm not going to put Incorporated in the name of the gang. May I suggest something like Faustian Diamonds or something along the lines high-class diamond themed name.

[X] Plan: Rags to Riches

But yes I like this plan
[X] Plan: To heal them all
-[X] Stray Cats
-[X] All It Takes Is One Bad Day: You are the misfits, the ones society pushed aside. What you are seeking is not money or fame, but a place to belong. (Easier recruitment)
-[X] Follow the Money: Your family became rich thanks to the illegal actions of a great ancestor, and while it might have lost a lot of its past glory, you still had enough to put together a gang and try to build your own legacy. (Start with +1 Income).
- [X] Infamy: - 30
- [X] Aturavisu: Two districts that host the majority of Musutafu's population. Relatively well populated by both Heroes and Villains (Villains Presence: Medium. Hero Presence: Medium).
- [X] Quantity over Quality: You have a lot of people (Increase the number of starting gang members from 15 to 20. Since you can take one Gang Action every 10 members, this allows you to start with an extra action. It will lower your starting Income by -5, however.)

I like the idea of lonely rich girl who one day ran into some beaten hooligan, healed him and mysteriously left. Then another. And another. To express their gratitude they declared her their leader and agreed to follow her master plan. All what was left is to think of one.

Like this we can gather people in high population area and eventually move onto more lucrative neighborhood districts. Heal and money should help with larger number of people
Musutafu: The City, The Wards and the Seven Thrones
This is an introduction to the setting of Musutafu and the Seven Thrones. This rundown is all the information you have on them with Quirks and Villains 1(For now)

The city of Musutafu is located in the Shizuoka Prefecture. With 395.607 inhabitants as of 2168 (current year), the city is the third largest in the Prefecture. Musutafu was founded after the Dark Age of Quirks, growing from the old towns of Nuru and Aturavisu (which are now two Wards within the city. Since Musutafu is a modern city, largely built from the ground up after the Dark Age of Quirks, it lacks historical locations predating that era, bar a few monuments and buildings in Nuru and Aturavisu.

Musutafu, today, is however a city with deep problems. While all of Japan has seen Villain activity raise in the past few years, following All Might's reduced time on work due to unspecified health issues, the once 'safest city in Japan' today suffers from some great disparities. The main cause of this is the damage caused to the tourism sector by the sudden shift in the currents around Musutafu's sea, which has caused the once spotless Takoba to become a magnet for trash from the ocean, and the relocation of several companies from Industria, the Industrial district, to other cities. Both those events in so close proximity have caused a lot of people to end up jobless, homeless, and desperate enough to fall in with local Villains. While U.A. can help mitigate the issue, it's undeniable that today some areas of Musutafu are dangerous at night, particularly in the South Port and Industria. Today, seven larger gangs split Musutafu among themselves, with smaller gangs living under them.

GONDARU AND NORTH PORT AREA (Ward Boss: Shie Hassaikai (Musutafu Branch) (Boss:???))

Gondaru, once a residential Ward, became overtime primarily tourism-focused, with hotels and summer houses replacing apartment complexes. However, with the decline of tourism in Takoba, Gondaru is absolutely suffering a blow to its economy, and several hotels that used to be considered healthy businesses are already in the red or closed. In addition to this, its distance from UA makes it less safe than the other Wards. During summer, Hero activity increases, to make sure the area is safe for incoming tourists.
The North Port Area is the center of nightlife in Musutafu, especially during Summer. Yachts and sailboats would dock in this port, and they would visit a thriving mix of restaurants, nightclubs, and other entertainment establishments. The Ward is still a tourist attraction, but not nearly as much as active as it was before.
The Shie Hassaikai set up a branch in Musutafu about two years ago in Gondaru, displacing the previous gang that held the Ward. They keep for themselves, rarely dealing with the other Wards, and mostly distribute drugs, run protection rackets, and make money off the smaller gangs in the area, like the other Thrones. No one has seriously challenged them yet, though recently, a new gang has established itself in Block 2, one that seems to have connections with the infamous Creatures Rejection Clan...

NURU AND TAKOBA (Ward Boss: Wild Villains, (Boss: Curator (Isana Ushimitsu), A-Rank, Quirk: Whale (Transformation))

Nuru Ward is a middle-class residential district and is usually considered the center of Musutafu. Stores, shops, restaurants, and of course a sea of apartment complexes are the majority of buildings, along with attractions like museums and even a renowned aquarium.
Takoba Ward is a relatively small, seaside area that used to be the main tourist attraction of the city: 'beautiful water, clean sand and shining sun' was a great selling point for the city's tourism. However, in 2164 an underwater earthquake caused a shift in the currents that reach Musutafu's coast, leading to an influx of trash carried by them directly on the coast. While cleaning efforts were attempted at first, they were deemed too expensive to keep up by the city government, reducing Takoba to a shadow of its former self. Unless someone willingly cleans off the entire beach, allowing the city to spend less on the upkeep, it seems unlikely any serious effort will be put into it. Takoba was at the center of a big Villain round-up the previous year, and now only a handful of gangs split the coast.
The Wild Villains are one of the oldest gangs in Musutafu. Founded by Isana Ushimitsu, a man also known as the Villain Curator with a transformation Quirk that allows him to morph into a humanoid whale, the Wild Villains have managed to keep just under the radar enough that the Heroes don't consider them a major danger, while growing their power for their own goals. It's well known that the majority of the Wild Villains have animalistic Quirks, either Transformation or Heteromorphic-type, or have at least animalistic features such as horns. They have other branches in different Japanese cities, so Curator is often absent, leaving his lieutenants in charge instead.

TOSUTE WARD AND THE 'HOSPITAL WARD' (Ward Boss: Volcano Thieves (Boss: Volcano (Maguma Iwata), B-Rank, Quirk: Eruption (Emitter) (for Tosute), None (for the Hospital))

Tosute is the richest district in Musutafu. Villas, mansions, high class restaurants, banks, art galleries... everything is more expensive in Tosute, some people say. Of course, the safety of the area is considered a priority. Almost every block in Tosute has its own Hero Agency, an at least a few Hero patrol here. More importantly, Endeavor's house is located in this Ward. The Number Two might work mostly in Tokyo, but it's better to not bet on whether he is at home or not. As one can expect, only gangs that are large, well-established or like taking big risks usually work in Tosute.
The 'Hospital Ward' is technically also part of Tosute. However, an agreement among the Seven Thrones makes this area a free region: no gang can establish itself here, and in exchange every gang has free passage through it. This agreement was reached to make sure hospital care (both on and off the record) could be ensured, and so far it has held. Of course, the Thrones that border the Hospital Ward also happily make money off dealing drugs in the area.
The Volcano Thieves are a large gang, known to be powerful and dangerous. Primarily robbers specialized in bank heists (but that will happily hit any place worth their time), the Volcano Thieves are known for the dangerous temper of their leader Maguma Iwata. Many upstarts have found out quickly that the Volcano Thieves don't take well at challenges to their authority.

U.A. AND FURALIDE (Ward Boss: None (U.A.), The Nekomata (Boss: ???) for Furalide)

The U.A. Ward is definitely the safest area in Musutafu. Surrounding the U.A. High School complex, the Ward is filled to the brim with Heroes, either the teachers of the prestigious institution commuting here every day, the Second and Third-Years with Provisional License spending their free time there, or the graduates that decided to set up their Agency in the Ward, out of nostalgia or maybe out of a sincere loyalty to Principal Nedzu. Either way, it's generally agreed that the ten blocks in the Ward will always be gang free, so long as U.A. stands.
Furalide Ward is a residential Ward similar to Nuru and Aturavisu. However, unlike those, the Villain activity in this area is high. While there are multiple causes for this (a generally more impoverished community than the other residential Wards, the fact Heroes and Villains regularly end up clashing in the area causing widespread damage, and the area being very densily populated, leading to a lot of hiding spots for Villain Gangs to escape to) the fact remains that Furalide is definitely the least safe of the Residential Wards.
The Nekomata are an upstart gang that appeared out of nowhere in 2167, spent six months fighting in Furalide, and by the end of the year was recognized as one of the Seven Thrones. Their leader is still largely unknown both in the underground and to the Heroes, with the only known facts about her to the general public being that she is a young woman.

(South Port Area Ward Boss: The Krakens (Boss: ???))
(Aturavisu Ward Boss: The Hive (Boss: ???))
(Industria Ward Boss: The Crematory (Boss: ???))

The South Port Area is the commercial port of Musutafu, where the products from Industria and the raw materials for the Ward come and go every day. With Industria's companies relocating, however, large chunks of the South Port have been abandoned to themselves, and are today a dedalus of abandoned or rarely used warehouses. Of course, in such a place, criminals find the ideal location for smuggling operations, drug manufacturing and stolen goods storage.
Aturavisu is a safe residential district, somewhat surprising given the Wards that surround it. This seems to be mostly due to several Hero Agencies having set up there, using it as a staging point for the patrols through South Port and Industria, and also partially because several U.A. teachers reside here, rather than in the U.A. Ward where they just spend most of the day. Aturavisu is also where the local football stadium is located.
Industria is the Industrial heart of Musutafu. The once thriving maze of offices and factories might not have been beautiful, but it was definitely a welcome source of employment for the city. However, three big name industries and several smaller ones have relocated in recent years from Industria, for reasons that seem to mostly be down to wanting to move their production centers near larger cities like Tokyo or Shizuoka, though a few people have brought up how something seems off about this line of reasoning. Whatever the case, today Industria is a Villain's dream, with less Heroes patrolling the area leaving them free to engage in all kind of activities, to an extent.
Of course, those three districts, particularly Industria and South Port, are the most prone to change among the Seven Thrones: in the past ten years, seven gangs have claimed Industria, five South Port, and four Aturavisu. The Hive and the Crematory have both emerged in the past two years, led by upstart unknowns rather than famous Villains. However, South Port has been held for the past four years by the Kraken's Den, a smuggling ring that seems decided to hold onto the area and is ruthless about stomping the competition.

PURIATE AND THE GRAVE (Ward Boss: The Crematory (Puriate), None (The Grave))

Every Villain in Musutafu knows the story of Puriate. The Ward used to be just your regular residential district, much like Aturavisu or Nuru in terms of both Villain activity and Gang presence. However, in 2163, gangs started to vanish. Any gang that held northern Puriate, past a certain road, would just... disappear into nothingness, its members nowhere to be found. This power vacuum, of course, caused the remaining gangs to fight over the scraps. Those stupid enough to try and reclaim the northern portion of Puriate vanished too, while the rest kept fighting for the 'safe' areas. Eventually, the continuous fights caught the Heroes attention, and a raid was launched, culling the gangs further. Today, only a handful of gangs survive in Puriate, The Crematory having integrated the Ward in their territory... and no Gang dares to enter The Grave, as it has come to be called.
The Puriate Park is also located here. The Park is another neutral area, that is used for meetings between gang leaders that want to solve issues on neutral ground and with the insurance of nearby U.A. that if things turn violent Heroes will swarm the park quickly keeping things from escalating. Of course, this doesn't prevent the gangs from Puriate and Nuru from selling drugs on the park's edges, but this is, all in all, a small violation the Seven Thrones let slide.
[X] Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
-[X] Gang Name: The Healer's Wolves (You cannot choose a canon Villain organization) (The logo would probably look like a medical symbol hidden behind a wolves head)
-[X] Main goal (Every gang has an objective. Those that follow you agree with it or at least don't hate it. Gangs with similar goals are more likely to be Allies. There are special questlines unique to each goal):
--[X] Your Friendly Neighborhood Gang… For now: Too many gangs, and too small a city. It's time to have only one, and the best way to do that is to hunt them down first… Even if it means making friends with some Heroes. (Start in contact with an Underground Hero. Notoriety and Infamy grow at a halved rate until a certain threshold is reached or you start willingly attacking Heroes).

-[X] Backstory: Write-In
--[X] Monster in Sheep's Clothing: Ever since you were small you felt different from the other kids. Not in the "Oh I'm Special." Kind of way more in the... "I'm weird aren't I?" way. You mostly never cared that much about others getting Sure whenever your toys or pets got damaged or hurt you'd be upset but if your siblings or classmates got hurt you felt nothing. Eventually, it came to a climax when an older student stole one of your toys so you sent them to the hospital to the point they needed to be in a wheelchair. (Dunno what bonuses this would give.)

-[X] Notoriety and Infamy
--[X] No change (Leave both at -40)

-[X] North Port Area: A small Ward that covers the area of Musutafu destined to be a port for boat owners. Yachts and sailboats fill it in the summer, and during the rest of the year it's mostly left by itself. Villains and Hero presence raises during Summer (Villains Presence: Low. Hero Presence: Low). The Ward answers to the same Ward Boss as Gondaru.

-[X] The Marketplace: Let an underground broker install one of his bases in your territory (Increases Income by 2 per round, unlocks special decisions, any action that raises Notoriety has its effect raised by 5)
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[X] Plan: Rags to Riches
I think The Diamondbacks is good for a gang name as well

Perfect timing on the post about the wards btw, was gonna ask what the deal was with The Grave
Monster in Sheep's Clothing
So, my problem with this backstory is that you have not really linked it to the Healer's Wolves. This backstory is supposed to be more about how the group came to be. There can be hints at the personality (although you might notice the basic ones don't really focus on that) but they should primarily focus on the Gang as a whole.
So, my problem with this backstory is that you have not really linked it to the Healer's Wolves. This backstory is supposed to be more about how the group came to be. There can be hints at the personality (although you might notice the basic ones don't really focus on that) but they should primarily focus on the Gang as a whole.
Okey Dokey! I'll try to think of a way to connect it.
[X] Plan: Rags to Riches
- [X] The Diamondbacks
- [X] It's All About Money: Money makes power. You only care about amassing wealth and using it to amass more wealth. (Higher income. Notoriety grows at a doubled rate.)
- [X] Life on the Street: You were all raised on the streets, abandoned to your own devices. Little by little, you all came together, forming the group you are today, and pushed ahead. You trust each other with your life. (Advantage to information gathering within your Gang).
- [X] Infamy: - 30
- [X] Takoba: A beach area that used to be very popular among tourists, but has long since lost its attractivity due to lack of care from the community. (Villains Presence: Low. Hero Presence: Medium). The Ward answers to the same Ward Boss as Nuru.
- [X] Quantity over Quality: You have a lot of people (Increase the number of starting gang members from 15 to 20. Since you can take one Gang Action every 10 members, this allows you to start with an extra action. It will lower your starting Income by -5, however.)
It seems Rags to Riches is fairly solidly in the lead (11 votes, more than double the runner-up). I will let the voting continue but if it's still so far ahead in a few more hours I will probably just move on to the actual Quest start.