Game, Set, [MAFIA]

Do people like pointless polls with their mafia?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • No.

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • I didn't answer this.

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • Wynaut?

    Votes: 13 44.8%

  • Total voters
No one's hammering until tomorrow. We have a day left, and, atm, I need it. I've delayed giving my own arguments because it's going to be very easy for everyone to jump on confirmed town and sheep me, and I'm worried any real push to either direction will lock it. I'll get something out longer in a bit.
I won't be likely to have consistent internet until I get home tomorrow, probably around 6 or 7 EDT (That's 10 or 11 UTC). 4 or 5 house before EoD. So I will commit to not voting until then.
Day 6 Ends?
Everything seems to fall to a halt as doubts fill the air and silence takes over, then a singular voice cries out for a reprieve from the daily murder.

Everything seems to shift slightly, as people start to relax before finding themselves back where they were minutes before this outburst. The Day had ended, and the Day had begun again.

Day 6 Stuttered. Day 6 will end in twenty-four hours.

If you wish to end the Day without lynching anyone then vote [x] No Lynch. [x] Null is merely a retraction of vote.
Would everybody be willing to put their full list of visits down in a post? It probably won't amount to anything, but I am trying to put together a timeline of night actions.

Mine are a failed visit to Interstellar Hobo Night 1. (Roleblocked)
Visiting Young Pyromancer Night 2 (Town)
Visiting swarmingu Night 3 (Town)
Visited nobody Night 4
Visited Young Pyromancer Night 5 (Town)
I'm back, eating supper, and ready to descend into a paranoid fugue for fun!
Okay, it's about time to start cranking the screws. Let's start with @Scia, because @Scia doesn't have 200 posts to go through. I'll be making the same post for Pyro and Meso shortly.

Why should we vote Scia today?

1. Despite lasting until the final day, Scia's been relatively quiet. This makes a good deal of sense for a watcher, since they're a relatively vulnerable role that can contribute a lot. However, Scia claimed N3, and has, since then, been the most obvious target for scum, which makes keeping a low profile relatively meaningless.
2. Despite that, Scia's lived until now. That's scum-indicative, particularly as scum's been able to roleblock me+kill. It's possible that scum hasn't had the chance to do that since Scia was outed, or had a higher priority use of powers, but, overall, this is a bit suspect.
3. Additionally, Scia's become more quiet since being fairly confirmed as town. This is the time to be leading the charge, but Scia went from offering fairly intricate analysis to kinda hiding a lot and relying on powers while not really making any new claims. This is what scum Scia would do, had scum gone for the very bold sacrifice play.
4. OTOH, Scia has offered theories since then, making plays and articulating the same kind of logic that Scia used earlier.

All in all, I think Scia's actions are broadly consistent with excellent scum play or strong town play. The reveal on Zaealix was perfectly timed for either, but would be an incredibly risky play for scum.
@Scia could you tell me who you've visited and what results you got if it isn't too much trouble?
Okay, why should we kill @Young Pyromancer?

Well, broadly, YP has contributed very much to the thread, but has rarely led the charge. YP has been active, but it's mostly been hard to form a solid opinion of their contributions to town, particularly early on. This is, at a high level, scum indicative.

More specifically.

1. This reads a bit odd. Being read as mildly suspicious isn't actually a bad thing for town, but is for scum. D1 reads are intrinsically going to be weak and weakly justified, and getting very nervous at being read as moderately suspicious is something more specific to scum. I'd put this under possible scumslips.

2. RNG: It's comparably unlikely to have a game with 3 real fools, both in terms of just probability, and in terms of game balance. I don't think @Nictis has specified that the roles were randomly drawn, and randomizing the number of fools would add tremendous swing into the relative power of town and scum. I find it more likely that the roles aren't randomly drawn, or not entirely. In that vein, bulletproof, bodyguard and fool would each allow for very specific lies from scum. Bulletproof justifies a vet or prominent town voice who lives longer than they should, bodyguard justifies random not-kill visits, particularly on confirmed towny types and fool justifies random visits or being called out on murder. Similarly, it doesn't make sense for a lawyer power to exist in a game with no use for that power, so it's more plausible the cop exists than not.

3. Additionally, Swarmingu claimed to be a fool. It's more likely that scum failed to coordinate their fake claims than that scum actually claimed a role they didn't have at all, e.g., it's an easier mistake to claim fool more times than you can (if you're worried about having been seen) than to claim fool when it's not actually a claim at all, particularly with bodyguard right there.

3. This sequence remains awful. Note that the tally was posted 6 minutes before swapping to Tykan, and then followed by a complaint that I "ninja'd" despite the vote I made giving very clear reasons not to have votes on Tykan at a time when the logic for voting on Tykan explicitly presumed my trustworthiness. It's a terrible play, that could have plausibly ended it for town.

4. This rationale isn't great. YP asserts their own inexperience as the reason they voted Tykan, but there'd been significant discussion that Day about staying away from the hammer, including specifically , and distrusting your own experience while bringing the vote very close to hammer is the opposite of what to do when you aren't sure. YP asserts they checked to make sure they wouldn't hammer, but it's also very obvious that Zaea would vote Tykan for self-preservation, and Swarmingu (who was scum) had had significant questions about the hammer in thread, so it's very plausible scum would have played to this.

5. Additionally, the explanation of not being sure to trust Scia doesn't account for this very early push on Tykan D4, when pushing, particularly with no added reasoning, is terrible for town.

6. This post is suspect as well. Here YP starts to assert that, because scum's been noted to have played well early, it's likely vets. However, Swarmingu is scum, and this also reads as indirectly deflecting off YP.

7. And despite suspicion on Tykan and Meso early in the day, YP votes Swarmingu on fairly thin grounds. This reads like bussing. here YP endorses a read clearing Swarm, yet remains a bit unwilling to pull off completely. That's probably NAI. YP then jumps off Swarmingu as soon as the vote's close. Again, not bad for town, but still raises an eyebrow. however this is pretty exonerating. At a time when it would be easy to just not check the thread, YP chooses to drop the hammer. Again, still plausible bussing, but definitely builds towncred. Additionally, a lot of this is playing carefully around the hammer, which hurt YP D3.

So, broadly, I'd be voting Meso right now if not for YP's play at EoD3, as well as scum-Meso meaning that the lawyer ability makes little sense. YP has one incredibly suspicious play that almost lost it for town, followed by a lot of reasons to think they're town (knowing the fool drawback is big, though it's possible scum would, or the roelcop power tells this.) YP has claimed to have never played past D1, which makes the mid-game play being iffy fairly excusable.
Oh, on YP being innocent: Ondine tends to gravitate toward playing around mechanics, but seemed to hit Tykan on the fake-claim, not Young Pyro, particularly after what looked like testing YP (asking what YP's drawback was, then dropping it when YP stated that the visiting from a list was a drawback). Tykan being scum means that YP must have known Tykan's drawback, which is a specific additional power that the GM despite saying all scum powers are standard, stated scum don't have. Tykan also cleared YP before death.

The GM emphasized that no one knows your drawbacks multiple times, which makes it unlikely scum would.

Ergo, I believe that YP is town.
So, why should we vote Meso?

D1 makes sense to me broadly. It's weak, but it's D1, though I don't like LDJ ultimately dying D1 on their first game back.
I don't like D2: We now know that both other scum were on this train, and it's quite weak on Meso's part to argue this and leave the vote.
D3 is fine, but also easy bussing.
Being on Tykan D4 with Swarmingu right there isn't a great look.

We've discussed Meso's D2 actions a good deal, and I've posted why I didn't like them. That still holds.

here Meso claims to be thinking of Tykan as suspect. yet a page earlier, Meso claimed to have an intention to vote for Swarmingu.

Behavior from other scum:
Zaealix mentioned Mesonoxian a few times in odd ways: here and here. These look to be arguing against Meso, but actually push people away from reading Meso as scum. It's a bit suspect.

Meso has claimed to be a cop who can't identify a scum randomly every night. This is very odd doubled up with the lawyer power, as it makes the cop essentially worthless. Meanwhile, other abilities we've had haven't hit the central functioning of that ability, so much as constrained its use or made misapplying it a disadvantage. The cop with a failure rate tends to imply a godfather or the like, which might be the lawyer, but the lawyer power was described as standard. In short, this feels like the kind of drawback you make up. By contrast, neither other fool pushed Young Pyromancer on the stated drawback.

I investigated swarmingu last night and got a "town" result. The thing is, I think my ability is 50% false negatives at this point. If I'd gotten a scum result, that would be certain, but "town" effectively just means "inconclusive." So that's a bust.

This is also weird, in that Meso discounts the lawyer power entirely. here Meso claimed to swear off visiting, and yet later visited.

OTOH, Meso had the flavor text for the roleblock, which is somewhat exonerating. Though, we know Nictis varied whether drawbacks repeated, so scum might honestly have just gotten this in their message (and likely should have), though Zaea was the one who roleblocked me.

Anyway, right now, I feel that Scia's too clean, so Meso has to be the vote, but my gut says Scia's been extremely quiet since outing Zaealix and I really don't like that.

OTOH, if Scia is scum, this is a great game from a new player and Scia deserves to win for that, so

[x] Vote Mesonoxian