- Location
- Asia
Do we know our population numbers ?
Considering all this, would it still be wise to colonize the place? It seems really toxic. If so, I think we should all switch to:Flying blue stars, given the general lack of animal life in the area, points to will-o-wisps or crystal caves(they can't be fireflies, because as already mentioned, theres no animal life anywhere near there, below even the levels of winter).
A crystal cave may produce odd reflections in the presence of fire, but the color makes this unlikely
In the case of will-o-wisps, they're invisible methane clouds combusting, becoming visible as blue flames in the darkness of the cave. The will-o-wisp explanation is reinforced by the lack of animal life: the gas is poisonous and heavier than air, which kills off small animals via suffocation, rendering the area depleted of life as larger creatures avoid it, and grazers would have to literally stick their face in it to eat.
As for the twisted trees, there are a few:
-Regular repeated loadings. This happens in some places from heavy snowfall weighing the plants down seasonally, so they just grow up deformed from damage as a sapling.
-Systematic damage. You see such trees when theres a bad but not lethal infestation of mites, fungi, poisons, etc, stunting their growth.
-Genetic mutation. Such trees are usually less competitive(too easy for grazers to get at the leaves), but if say, something in the area was suppressing herbivore life, then such a mutation wouldn't be deselected strongly and can spread without concern.
From what I can tell, it's basically the same phenomenon as at Delphi.
ehYa know its been so long since we've NOT had a hero that we've not actually seen our full action list in awhile.
With the nerfed hero system, we'll get it back soon enough.eh
i like it, having them do all the hardwork for us while we do the important decision
That might be avoided if the weather turns good when the heroes finally go away.Aeva is a hero, if not a Diplo one that just takes over turns.
What I'm curious about regarding heroes is something else. Actions get grandfathered in after a mere three generations of repetition. How much does our whole system of government and culture rely on having a near genius taking care of every day big picture management and who knows what else. I mean mechanically it means less actions and more failures among the actions we do have. But such a thing would definitely be felt by our in game people. Elders speaking of the good old days and general unrest being exacerbated due to how good everything used to be can well be a problem.
Naw, the thing is, the methane is only about ankle to knee high(based on the description of the twisted trees, the height varies, but it can't reach too high or too concentrated or you wouldn't have any trees owing to this permanent wildfire) unless you're physically in a cave or other depression. Outside the forest (where we're putting the settlement) theres nothing to see aside from some spoopy lights at night. Any settlement we place would be at the nearby river bend, which is too much in the open for the fumes to remain, especially if we build a hill and put a wall around the top.Considering all this, would it still be wise to colonize the place? It seems really toxic. If so, I think we should all switch to:
[ ] [Cave] It's cursed land, wounded in a great battle between spirits.
For the cave vote, and at best, leave some sort of shrine there instead.
The last time we saw the full list of actions was 10.0, then Kaspar generated in 11.0. Without Kaspar the divide with the old warriors would probably have gone unseen until "AHHHH, everything is on fire... *reality burns*". We are so lucky Kaspar got generated, I think we would have made terrible decisions in his place. Kaspar anticipated trouble, worked decades to put them out, and can now do something fun like tame orkers.Ya know its been so long since we've NOT had a hero that we've not actually seen our full action list in awhile.
Well the Twisted Trees might be deformed dead trees, The weather's harshness meant that the trees adapted to the summers are dead due to how long its lasted with this coldness. The cave i am not sure, but it might have something worth investigating. But i don't really like any of the non-its nothing choices.
Brokering a peace...it'd put us in an influential position certainly if the weather turns after this(from what I understand of the weather system its going to swing back soon, which is good for us to take credit that the spirits like this)
what DC did we need to get tamed orkers, and can we tame mammoths?
@Redium are we still semi-nomadic? With the harsh winter and expanding aquaculture surely were staying near our settlements more and more?
@Redium If we were to trade with the island makers or anyone else with the peace option, could we focus strongly on buying their food? I suspect the Island makers would be fine with it since they have a nice food source that wasn't affected by the weather (fish).
Damn, another Holy Order, and this one is dedicated to fighting in the winter time. Considering how often we end up fighting in winter, which is a lot more than we should, these guys seem like a serious boon. What exactly are their magics though?
You kinda have to feel for Kaspar here, he's literally ancient here. I do wonder what will happen to him after death though? Will we get anything special to commemorate Kaspar's long reign?
Wow, if we're being hit hard by this, I wonder how everyone else is dealing with it. I doubt the Island Makers are faring as well considering the fact that at these temperatures the water around their island has likely frozen, preventing them from getting access to any of the food below.
It looks like the war effort is nearing its end, considering South Lake's position. Also, when you say chaotic first meeting, I assume that was with the Tribe of the West? @Redium
Wow, it seems like we caught on quick to having professional warriors. Quick question though, how do our warriors compare to the warriors of other tribes, considering our values, and what are our warriors equipped with? @Redium
@Redium I distinctly recall you having mentioned the Cave of Falling Stars before. Some point early within this story. I don't know if it was in a story post or just in some info comment though. Or if I'm just going crazy. Do you recall which it was?
@Redium I had a slow day at work a couple of days ago and decided to consolidate all of my questions in a list. Most of them are cultural.
- How does our society handle orphans or old childless people in case they aren't part of an extended kinship that takes care of them?
- How are single moms treated? Is there a difference between the ones where the father is unknown and the ones where the father died? What about when the father is "unknown", as in he (or the father's parents) is too high status to be bothered when he claims the child isn't his?
- What is the opinion on adultery or premarital sex? Is it just frowned upon or considered an actual crime? Does the perpetrator's gender play a role? It seemed for instance that no one said anything about our warriors fathering children with strangers, but then I don't know if any of them were married before going to war.
- How are our infertile women handling the "perpetual childhood" situation lately? How are they treated by others?
- You mentioned that a man who becomes a member of the holy orders, a shaman or a warrior is considered an adult without needing to produce more food than they consume. Is the same true for women? I.e do we have official women warriors? Do the three holy orders all currently have/accept female members?
- Speaking of shamans and holy orders, are there any shamans who are not members of any of the holy orders? If yes, what is their role and how are they organized? Is it even a formal position or can anyone who others consider skilled in the ways of the spirits?
- How do the traditions, rituals and magical feats of the Fangs look? Other than how they got founded, where they are based and their role in dog domestication, war and occasional hunting we have heard very little about them. Nothing really when it comes to their spiritual role among our People.
- Do the Ember Eyes have a monopoly on fire experimentation or can pretty much anyone try burning stuff for cool results? What about magics the Ember Eyes discovered, like Lime and such? If they do enforce some kind of monopoly, is it only within the settlement of the Fingers where they are based, or is it official and important enough that it's religiously enforced among all the People, meaning that fire magic products have to be imported form the Fingers to our other towns?
- How does the profession of boat building currently look? In the previous to last update it was mentioned that we are pretty much churning out those larger boats to a point that we are actually starting to worry about trees. Does that mean that there are people whose main profession is boat building, or is it still a side thing that a few of our hunter-gatherers have enough skill in to occasionally do in their down time? Seeing how we still seem to produce a lot, that would mean that it is a pretty wide spread skill if the latter is true.
- Are debts inheritable? What about debts large enough to have led to debt bondage? If yes to any of the first two, do husbands/wives inherit it upon their partner's death? Do offspring? Siblings? Elder parents?
- Do we have personal property or is everything of larger worth (longhouse, boats, large pretty stones, masterwork tools) shared among a clan/longhouse and controlled by its head(s)? If private property of that level is not a thing yet, does that mean that usually whole families or even extended families become Debtors all at once?
- How does Debtorship get handled in case of people who aren't legal adults yet?
- Are there any traditions or social norms that don't warrant being an official trait or value, but are still really unusual, either compared to the tribes around us or compared to neolithic humanity as most imagine it?
- And finally, how much potential is there in your game for civilizations (be it ours or an NPC one) to evolve in ahistorical ways? Example: PoC Ymaryn went pretty nuts when it came to forest and land management, pseudo-communism and free religious debates, among many other things. But some of that stuff doesn't really seem feasible with actual humans and you have kept it more close to realism from what I've seen. Can we go on pretty crazy paths that aren't only weird for the region we're in (currently speculated as not!Canada I think) but for real life humanity in general? Or is it maybe that, while you allow and even expect us to diverge in major ways, our potential to do so in the neolithic era will be pretty limited due to the natural flow of things and the general current lack of cultural insanity or the time to evolve it?
Sorry for this intimidating wall of questions. Feel free to answer them slowly, or a few at a time, or not at all. Definitely don't delay a story update for my sake. Though I hope that once you tackle this you leave a blurb as to why you don't answer the questions you don't answer, be it due to spoiler considerations, lack of time/energy or because you haven't figured out the answers yourself yet.
In any case, see this as a sign of just how much I enjoy your quest and how often it occupies my mind over the course of a day.
T'was I!Who was it that had talked about him crit-ing his survival roll? I had to stop myself from rating that message. I had already rolled for his longevity and he rolled ridiculously high.
Hmmm Then i am not completely sure.Based on their knowledge of forestry, the People are pretty sure that the twisted trees predate the weather turning bad. Some are clearly younger than that, but many are older.
Probably want some buffer state then.Kaspar suspects that the only ones who could possibly rival you are the unknown tribes from the south that the Peace Builders are currently warring against.
Statistically, the weather is likely to improve at this point; chances of that are extremely high. If the weather continues to get worse, it will be really, really bad, though.
God Emperor Kasper ofcourse.ou rolled 9 rolls that were over 90 this turn. If not Satan, then who?
I am sort of sad, I wanted it to be Goddess and be some sort of weird inverse of the Abrahamic religions. Ohwell, God Emperor Kasper is just as good.[X] [Cave] It's a mouth to the spirits' home.
[X] [River] Put off the settlement for a generation. (-1 Legitimacy)
[X] [War] Withdraw your men, bring them home. (Expand Hunting)
God Emperor Kasper indeed, in fact I'm pretty sure the People are going to turn him into a Greater Spirit due to how long he lived...frankly I wouldn't be surprised if they declare him to be The Spirit's Big Man as a start of Monotheism (or one god religion).