From Stone to the Stars

Craftworks: Tiny Surplus (Tiny Deficit)
Diplomacy: Small Surplus
Luxuries: Tiny Surplus (Equilibirum)
Magic: Moderate Surplus (Tiny Surplus)
Material: Tiny Surplus (Small Deficit)
Martial: Moderate Surplus (Small Surplus)
Mysticism: Small Surplus
Staples: Small Surplus (Tiny Surplus)
Farmers: At Capacity
Fishermen: Significant Capacity Remaining
Herdsmen: Extreme Capacity Remaining
Huntsmen: At Capacity

Well...for the first time I am finally happy about this section of our stats.

All of the deficits we had the previous turn, in terms of our craftsworks, which was at equilibrium, materials, which had a moderate deficit, and luxuries, which also had a moderate deficit, have been replaced by a tiny surplus. While that has helped our economic situation tremendously, that does not mean that we can afford to slack off and let this issue lie. Even though we have no deficits right now, things can always go back to being bad.

Kinda curious how we gained more magic so much that it improved our small surplus of it to a moderate one, but I am guessing it has more to do with integrating the Northlanders.

The one thing we should note here is that we are at capacity in two of our staples categories. We haven't degraded our lost any of surplus in that, however, it still concerns me as we can't improve it easily anymore in terms of farming or hunting, meaning we likely need more trails, or to resort to either herding or fishing to make up for it.

Stability: Happy
Legitimacy: Inspired!
Prestige: 38

Centralization: 2
Hierarchy: 3
Religious Authority: 5.0
Specialization: 4

Trade GoodStatusCompetitorsLuxuriesCommon Pottery LeadingIsland MakersDyesLittlePeace Builders, South LakeFursSubstantialEveryoneGemsDominant (Arrow Lake, Pearl Divers,
Island Makers)
Arrow Lake, Pearl Divers, Island MakersIvoryLeading (Northlands)NorthlandsMedicineLittlePeace BuildersStrategicObsidianDominantNoneSaltNonePearl DiversSlavesNo ExportPeace Builders, Mountain ClansStoneCompetingArrow Lake, EveryoneCulturalPilgrimageDominantPeace Builders

Settlement Extended Projects
Crystal Lake: Brick Walls (Significant), Fire Relay, Hill Top, Temple (Ember-Eyes)
Fingers: Brick Walls (Significant), Fire Relay, Temple (Frost-Scarred), Trade Hub
Hill Guard: Brick Walls (Significant) Hill Top, Sugar Shack, Temple (Fangs)
Cave of Stars (Unofficial): Fire Relay, Temple (Cave of Stars)

  • The People! (Prestige: 38, Army: Hardened Neolithic Warriors and Holy Orders, Economy: Agriculture Supplemented with Hunting, Art: Sacred Construction and Advanced High Quality Tools, Magic: Fire, Stone, and Spirit)
  • Tribe of the West (Prestige: 29, Army: Numerous Professional Neolithic Warriors, Economy: Unprecedented Boom in Agriculture, Art: Innumerable Tools, Magic: All Things Alive)
  • Island Makers (Prestige: 20, Army: Elite Neolithic Warriors, Economy: Intense Early Agriculture, Art: Advanced Quality Tools, Magic: Earth and Water)
  • Peace Builders (Prestige: 19, Army: Fanatical Neolithic Warriors, Economy: Broad Agriculture and Aquaculture, Art: Ephemeral Crafts and Imported Advanced High Quality Tools, Magic: Of Song and Story)
  • Roundstone (Prestige: 18, Army: Professional Slingers, Economy: Extensive Aquaculture, Art: Cloth and Paint, Magic: Shouts)
  • Bond Breakers (Prestige: 17, Army: Organizing Militia, Economy: Early Agricultre, Art: Durable Weapons, Magic: Little)
  • Cracktooth (Prestige: 17, Army: Bloodthirsty Militia, Economy: Agrculture and Herding, Art: Tools of Terror, Magic: Bone and Beat)
  • Lakeland (Prestige: 16, Canoe Archers, Economy: Hunter-Gatherer, Art: Rugged Tools, Magic: Little)
  • Pearl Divers (Prestige: 14, Army: Informal Militia, Economy: Early Fishing and Aquaculture, Art: Beautified Dependable Tools, Magic: Sea and Salt)
  • Cateye (Prestige: 14, Army: Hit and Run, Economy: Hunter-Gatherer with Trade, Art: Glittering Gifts and Functional Tools, Magic: Corruption)
  • Arrow Lake (Prestige: 10, Army: Informal, Devastated Militia, Economy: Near Starvation, Art: Sacred Iconography, Magic: Stone and Slaves)
  • Mountain Clans (Prestige: 5, Army: Organizing Militia, Economy: Severe Starvation Living On The Dole, Art: Little, Magic: Little)
  • Northlands (Prestige: 4, Army: Reduced Cavalry, Economy: Recovering, Art: Bone Tools, Magic: Bonds and Beasts)
  • River Tribe (Prestige: ?, Army: ?, Economy: ?, Art: ?, Magic ?)


It doesn't look like any of these sections changed, am I right in assuming that these parts weren't updated? As Arrow Lake and the Northlands, at least as they were, should be defunct right?

Also, what does the trait for the Horned Ones as a Holy Order do for us?

For a time, it had looked like South Reach might end up forcing the People back into war, purely because they didn't seem to get the message that the People were finished, but a quick counter raid bloodied their noses and made them think better of it.

Wow, were they that stupid? Did they simply not know we had captured Arrow Lake? Or was this more an attack of opportunity?

Either way it seems we've bloodied them and set up a new status quo. Hopefully they learn their lesson.

The series of follow up vengeance strikes from the Mountain Clans confirmed that further war with the People was impossible.

How are the Mountain Clans doing right now anyway? Enough to get off the dole?

It had been a surprise to hear; Luule thought there would be a lot more resentment due to all the brothers, fathers, and cousins who had been slain. There was some, but not nearly as much as she had feared there would be.

This is odd. Are they simply just relieved to be alive and having full meals again? Or is this something deeper?

It made Luule role her eyes. She preferred a bit more gab and a lot less puffed up greatness in her leaders.

So, this is weird to consider, but are the Shamans at this point the leaders, or is Luule not speaking literally here, as she is seen as the de facto leader of the People right?

With the destruction of their polity, there had been something akin to a rejection of Arrow Lake culture.

I wonder what we rolled to get that? Though, I am not surprised by this considering we slaughtered most of the people who were likely to be most intimate with their culture and were the ones upholding it. Plus losing this badly likely caused a shock for them.

They had been a people obsessed with symbols, awards, and status signalling.

Was that a Value of theirs that cropped up? It seems like Arrow Lake's Values likely changed while we were occupied and when you first told them to us.

One of the highest virtues that an individual could aspire to (aside from war) was artistic carvings. Slaves had been liberated due to the beauty of their carvings and become major influence peddlers in their own right.

Arrow Lake seems different in some respects to the other slave states we've met, as they had a system of freeing their slaves it seems. It makes sense though that art would be one of their means and reasons for doing so, though that didn't help them in the end.

The Frost-Scared were the opposite of that. They disdained art and the creature comforts; they felt that it made them weak. "A man has no fur, no fangs, and no claws. We were born into this world with nothing, and like that we shall remain." As their leaders said. Instead of a collection of material goods, the People should aspire to greatness by carving it into their body with toil and blood. For most, that meant taking pride in the scars received over the course of many challenges and a hard life. Some had taken it further, literally carving symbols into their flesh in order to represent their deeds.

There was some artistic sense there, Luule thought, but it was nearly alien to the sensibilities of Arrow Lake. Nearly alien, perhaps that was the key. The appreciation for aesthetics were still there, in both groups, even if of a different type.

That's rather interesting. Has this...explosion of culture and integration done something for us in regards to gaining it as a stat? As it seems like we're progressing heavily towards it.

It was... it was like they were a clay vessel, waiting to be filled. Something about how the survivors of Arrow Lake approached their own culture; the symbols, the dances, the music, and celebrations, all of it seemed exaggerated and half-remembered, like children emulating their parents. They had always been a garish tribe, even by the People's standards, obsessed with their colours and their performances. Seeing everything up close, and being invited to participate, it made Luule feel like she was staring into cool, smooth waters only to see her own reflection staring back at her. She huffed; that didn't make sense. It was like Arrow Lake's survivors were actors, rather than participants.

This seems to me like an observation telling us something deeper about Arrow Lake, or what was Arrow Lake, and how it probably had deep seated problems. Could it possibly be that Arrow Lake had a hierarchy issue, where only people of status were able to truly understand the culture and such, while those who were not were kept at a distance from it? That's the only explanation I can think of, as it would make sense considering we likely killed most of those with status, and those that remained likely only vaguely remembered it, or had forgotten it during the starvation.

Whether they were Frost-Scarred or Ember-Eyed, the shaman that moved into Arrow Lake were greeted far more warmly than the warriors, hunters, and farmers that followed. They weren't fully rejected, in Luule's estimation, but whatever spark had caused the Holy Ones to be accepted, didn't seem to translate fully. Still, that was a wound that would simply take time to heal. Arrow Lake needed the infusion of new blood. One man may serve as well as two in a pinch when it came to finding husbands, but that left their children with precious few options to marry outside their family in the next generation.

Is this issue concerning blood, breeding, and marriages something we will have to worry about later? Do we need to connect a Fire Relay here in order to facilitate better travel so that the People can intermarry more and prevent inbreeding and a population bottleneck from occurring?

After Arrow Lake was finally resettled, their fields, farms, and forests renewed, wealth seemed to pour into the People in amounts unending. Arrow Lake had always maintained a very tight hold on the trade of lapis lazuli, offering only a limited selection of the priceless blue stones; most of what they produced was used internally. So much of the stone had been mined that even their Indebted were allowed to carry jewelry made from it! The wealth... Luule's mind twisted trying to contextualize that piece of information. Most of the People only ever saw lapis lazuli as offerings to the graves of deceased loved ones. Pareem occasionally wear it ground into a dye to indicate their willingness to kill and die for the People and some shaman used it to heighten their connections with the spirits, but outside of a few wealthy individuals, lapis lazuli was used rarely at most.

There was some bitterness among those of Arrow Lake when their lapis lazuli was redirected to the People's other settlements, but that abated once sugar, crystal, pearl, salt, and obsidian flowed back in. The former traders who had once dealt in only small amounts of goods quickly leveraged their existing connections. They worked with Pareem from their home settlements and cut deals with the few surviving patrons of Arrow Lake. Trade networks turned into friendship, favours, and eventually marriage as many of the traders undeniably attained the quality of Pareem.

In short, we're fucking rich.

@Redium Considering how you've mentioned before how we were fabulously wealthy before when compared to other Neolithic Tribes, how does this wealth of resources and luxuries make us look right now?

Does having access and control over so many trade goods provide us an economic benefit of sorts, like in trade?

To a great extent, Luule expected that, what she hadn't was the role the former Northlanders played in making the integration possible. Not a single member of the tribe had settled in Arrow Lake, many of them felt it far to warm and stifling since their caribou could not stand the summers. Instead, they had settled around the Cave of Stars. It was a peculiar choice, but it was one that Jeree had strongly endorsed. His people had abandoned their old ways in the north, settling at the People's spiritual heart would make that separation complete.

It had taken convincing and enticement since many of the Northerners feared the Cave. In truth, seeing the looks on many of the northerners faces, Luule felt that their relationship with the Cave of Stars went far beyond fear. "It pulls at our souls," they would say. "The Cave is hungry and Devours in the dark of night." It was superstition, Jeree had always laughed good-naturedly. Old folk remembering scary campfire stories from before the Bloody Chief.

I wonder what the effects these beliefs will have when it comes to the Star Shaman, hopefully it's not an issue. It does make sense though, as even the People fear the Cave of the Stars in good measure.

While the Northerners were settled, calling them that was a misleading statement. A large portion of their population did settle down; mixing and inter-marrying with the shaman and those few settlers who had set up near by to support them. A large percentage of the Northerners stayed mobile, walking their herds of caribou up and down the banks of the Great River. The land was unsettled except for a few stations near the Fire Relay and perfectly suited for caribou.

So we've essentially got mobile herds and caravans made up of caribou acting as a sort of internal merchant caravan or sorts? What will expanding the Fire Relay do to this I wonder.

It was largely spontaneous, but a day of celebration was held whenever the herd returned to one of the People's settlements. Not only did the herds bring enough easily slain meat meat that everyone could eat their fill, but they came replete with crafts, luxuries, and other goods. A caribou was a strong beast and it could carry a lot on their winding journey through the wilderness. Using the herders as intermediate traders would never be a quick way to transport trade goods, but it was easy. A little bit of planning was necessary on Luule's part to optimize the routes, but it became slowly obvious that it worked better over time. The herders were already on the move, why not ask them to carry a bit extra on their journey?

Are there any actions we can take with this, as this seems like something unique to us and that we can use to our benefit?

The former inhabitants of Arrow Lake unveiled their own contests; beautiful carvings, new songs, painting, and stone throwing. Instead of the People's martial pursuits, the former inhabitants focused much more on art and culture. Provided you were of the right sort, Luule acknowledged. The former Indebted had been barred from participating.

It figures that they would specialize in art, however, I am surprised that there is still some antipathy and ingrained prejudice against the former Indebted. Wouldn't we have tried to stomp that out? Or was the focus on integration more important than ensuring the former Indepted were treated fairly?

It was when the Northlanders brought out their games that Luule started to worry. They prized skill with the javelin above all and focused greatly on its accuracy. They also excelled a hide and hunt, a training exercise where hunters would try to track each other down in turn. For crafts, they focused on weaving small talismans from loose tufts of caribou hair or carving beauty into ivory tusks.

Why exactly is Luule worried here? Is it because of the practices themselves, and what they represent? Or is it because of what it would lead to?

As right now, only the latter makes sense, as these games seem like excellent ways to hone our People. I wonder if we could possibly make a megaproject out of all of these competitions, you know, like a kind of Olympics or something, internally at first.

The biggest competition among the Northlanders, was caribou riding. Each caribou had to be trained systematically by its raider; it wasn't possible to interchange them. If a rider's caribou died, it meant they would have to undergo training from the beginning. As such, the Northlanders valued skill in breaking and riding new caribou. The Northlanders' caribou weren't a timid sort like deer or mindlessly aggressive like moose. Instead, their instinct was to freeze and refuse to move. Then, they would begin to buck, trying to throw off their rider. Whoever could stay on their mount longest won.

As these caribou aren't technically domesticated yet, will some of these traits about them change once we do get that tech? Such as making the caribou more docile or larger to carry larger people?

At least it seems like we've gained rodeo though.

When the People tried this competition, several caribou were injured. The People were simply too heavy; they tended to be two full handspans taller than their Northlander cousins.

Damn, that's our tall physical description in action isn't it?

Or has our constant abundance allowed us to get this tall over time?

Since they didn't want to be outdone, several of the People's young men brought an orker.

Of course they did...madlads. One day we will tame the Orker...just not now it seems.

Also @Redium quick question, any reason why we didn't get a 20.2 sub-turn and just went to 21.0? Also, what can we do about the Religious Authority Overcap, or will that be in the next sub-turn?

So, I've been rereading the quest again, and I was wondering. Does this still apply?

I also had a few other questions I wanted to ask @Redium

So, when it comes to infrastructure such as a Fire Relay Connection, or roads in general, are those types of infrastructure something we can lock in, or are they something we will have to perennially build? I know that things like trails, smaller arterial roads, will likely always need to be built mechanic wise, but once we get more advanced, would we not automatically make sure any settlement we found have a road connection to the rest of our civ?

The next question I had related to the caps we currently have and how our new settlements affected them. How exactly are our caps affected by founding new settlements? Is there an algorithm or is it context related? For example, would our choice in founding just the Cave of the Stars not have raised our hunting cap or not so that it's not hard capped?

Finally, the last question I had was related to the explore action, and something someone else asked. As the explore action has a requirement to specify the direction of our exploration, how specific can we be as we are a rather spread out civilization? For example could we say just explore in the general vicinity of a specific settlement, or a certain cardinal direction from said settlement or does it have to be more vague?



One more question I had while re-reading:

Does this still apply? As I don't see a port or boat related technology in the research/technology tab.

Another Edit: @Redium So when is the next decision point coming regarding the Mountain Clans? It's been awhile since we've been supplying them.

@Redium For when you next read this, can I get some answers regarding these questions?

And also this one:

It depends on how long it takes you to lock in Raise Warriors (Holy Orders). The longer it takes, the more hereditary the Holy Orders will become. The sooner you do it, the more they stay egalitarian.

So, while I was rereading the entire quest again, I came upon this quote. Considering how at the moment, assuming the quest is still alive, we are dealing with a Religious Authority Overcap, I was wondering if this quote still applied as right now we can't lock in actions anymore. So how would we fix this issue now?

A group of young men became... overambitious during a small, local festival. As a result, Jeree single-handedly stalled an orker for several minutes while unarmed. How is this event remembered?

[ ] [Orker] It wasn't. It was suppressed as best Luule was able so future generations would not be inspired. (+ Stab)

This seems to me like the easy option. It grants us fast and easy stability, however, it takes the easy way out in that it doesn't address the issue directly.

[ ] [Orker] It was commemorated as a lesson learned from a careless mistake. (-- Stab, + Legitimacy)

While stability hits usually aren't desired, this could potentially be useful. @Redium Aside from don't try to ride Orkers as a lesson, what else would this teach us anyways? As this seems similar to the fourth option in some ways.

[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)

Celebrating it certainly seems like an odd choice. As this was caused by the overambition of some of the young men I think it is likely that if we celebrate this act we will likely reinforce our elitism values once again, while potentially also enshrining this festival and activity as a common one. This is interesting to me as we could possibly use it as a means of tying our people closer together through entertainment and games, maybe even get closer down the line of Orker Domestication.

[ ] [Orker] It was a route cause of a deeper problem, one that needed significant thought. (???)

This option will likely appeal to some, as it is a mystery box, however right now I am unsure if what we need is what appears to be a blow back against our elitism value, as this is likely the root cause. Maybe this will reform it, maybe it will change it something else entirely. Until more is known, I am somewhat wary of this choice, as while it is tempting, there are too many unknowns, and I happen to like our current set of values.

Pick: 3 Actions, 3 Empowerment, 1 Admin, 1 Art, and 1 Martial Action.

Annual Festival [Art] - The People deserve to party! Build morale by opening up the stockpiles and having a night of feasts, dancing, music and fun. Cost: Luxuries, Staples. Produces: Legitimacy.

Our Legitimacy right now is high enough right now that I don't believe we need this.

Artisans [Art] [Elitism] - A very rare occupation, artisans are the group of individuals which make things beautiful. Their work can most often be found within the People's temples or adorning the bodies of the rich and powerful. To be an artisan means to be a craftsmen that's a cut above even the rest. Costs: Materials, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries.

Not something we desperately need, as taking Arrow Lake has greatly elevated our amount of luxuries we have access to.

Building Breweries [Art] [Admin] [Vendetta] - An ingenious way to make use of food that would otherwise go to waste, the People regularly make pots full of mashed grains and water that go subtly off. The resulting drink is quite bitter, but also extremely fun! Costs: Staples, Materials. Produces: Luxuries.

Similar to the above, plus I don't want to waste staples on these right now considering we only have a small surplus and have some areas at capacity.

Clay Pits [Admin] [Art] - Dirt is not always dirt, as the People have realized. Sometimes, it is stone waiting to be formed. By finding the right source, it's possible to create numerous, useful constructs out of earth. Cost: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Materials. Significant need.

We should probably take this option as it isn't currently capped any more, plus while we have a tiny surplus, we likely still have to deal with the underlying issues regarding our use of clay and access to it on the peripheries for building materials. We don't want clay to become replaced by wood, as clay is vastly more efficient.

Craftsmen [Art] - For the most part, the People make their own tools. Mostly they are crude implements of bone, stone and wood, but in recent days there has been the creation of a new group. These individuals create only the finest of crafts, producing tools that last far longer than most would expect. Costs: Staples, Materials. Produces: Craftworks.

Depending on the actions we take this turn, we might need to take this again in order to make sure we aren't swinging back into a deficit again.

Create Warrior Clan [Might Makes Right] [Vendetta] [Elitism] [Martial] [Admin] - The People have warriors well trained in the art of killing. By diverting more young people into these professions, preparations for war can be established. In a way, it is like knapping obsidian into a knife. An action that takes deliberation and planning, forethought, to be useful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks, Luxuries. Produces: Martial.

We have a moderate martial surplus and no real enemies in sight unless we suddenly decide to make war this turn. This is expensive and not something we truly require at this point as we're not exactly hurting for martial might.

Encourage Arborists [Admin] - While the forests provide the least of the People's food, they have provided that which is most useful. Sugar is wonderous in taste and highly sought after as a trade goods. Evergreen tea soothes aching bodies and quiets headaches. There is much to be found in the unknown, perhaps rare, but of significant value. Costs: Craftworks, Staples. Produces: Materials.

Potentially something we should pursue, as we are right on the cusp of unlocking Arboriculture as a tech. Though, as a caveat it might not be worth it right now as we still have the brick vs wood debate going on I am guessing.

Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin] - The People have come to realize the bounty of the world is often not enough. They need to tame it and carefully manage the foods that are so important in sating their appetites. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Staples. (Soft Cap Reached)

Can't take, right now we seem to be at capacity, though it only says a soft cap rather than the hard cap of hunting...curious.

Expand Fishing Fleets [Familialism] [Admin] - Most of the People live close to a river and are able to gather one of numerous sources of food. Often much easier to obtain than food from hunting and much less risky, these sources of food are much more vulnerable to shifts of the seasons and that of the weather. Costs: Craftworks. Produces: Staples.

I think we should probably try to get this into our actions one way or the other, as it's always good to make sure we're staying ahead of food issues, as Staples are the most important stat is some respects.

Explore (Specify Direction?) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy] - There is much to be found in the world. Countless things, often placed by the hand of the spirits themselves. It is up to the People to find them. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Can reveal new resources.

Considering we have a free martial action, this might be a tempting choice for us.

Though, as of right now, without any more specific examples of how we can choose the direction, such as if we can specify exploring externally or potentially north of Hill Guard or something, we won't really know what to choose.

Found Settlement (includes: Brick Wall, Shrine, Sugar Shack) [Mastery of Nature] [Familialism] [Elitism] [Admin] - While the People build homes where they will, often where food or resources can easily be found, these places are settled without organization or care. By founding a formal settlement, it becomes possible for central authority to exert itself before the People become too fracas. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Staples, Luxuries, Martial. Produces: More Resource Slots. Current Settlement time based on available resources: 3 turns.

It's interesting to see that we now have the option to normally found a settlement again, likely indicating our stats have increased enough so that we can afford to. Though I do wonder what happened to the location choice here, though I'm assuming a new map will be made to show us where as we have expanded.

Right now though, we don't need to expand again as we just did so.

Help Holy Orders [Art] [Martial] [Admin] [Might Makes Right] [Mastery of Nature] - The People have numerous traditions of secretive cults. Groups that practice true magic, something that is rare but unbelievably potent. Provided it is harvest reliably; many have killed themselves in this mad pursuit. Costs: Staples, Craftworks, Luxuries. Produces: Martial, Magic. (Soft Cap Reached)

We already have a RA overcap, the fact that this is soft capped makes it even more obvious that we shouldn't take this right now.

How do we alleviate this soft cap though? I don't think trails will help will it?

Make Miners (Crystal) [Art] [Mastery of Nature] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Make Miners (Lapis Lazuli) [Art] [Mastery of Nature] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Make Miners (Obsidian) [Art] Mastery of Nature] [Might Makes Right] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples. Produces: Craftworks. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Can't and shouldn't take these anyways, as they are hard capped.

Manage Hunting [Elitism] [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] - Improve upon the hunting techniques of the People. Work to increase the amount of meat that is available to consume and empower the People. A risky activity and one that requires a great investment of skill and energy, this provides the largest gains of food. Cost: Nothing. Produces: Staples, Martial. [Hard Cap Reached]

I am surprised that us taking Arrow Lake didn't expand our cap like was believed it would. I guess that means we can't take hunting this turn.

Raid (Mountain Clans, South Reach, Pearl Divers, Island Makers, Peace Builders, Enemies of the Peace Builders) [Might Makes Right] [Vendetta] [Martial] - The hunting of beasts turns now into the hunting of men. Strike down those who oppose the People so that we may be kept safe. Cost: Risks Temporary Damage to Martial score. Produces: Dead Enemies.

Raiding the Enemies of the Peace Builders is a tempting option in my opinion, mostly because of the fact that we currently have a martial hero with us right now, so there would be no better opportunity to gain loot right now if we wanted to. Plus, considering how we don't really even border any of them, they are unlikely to be able to strike back at us so soon or directly.

As a reminder, it was mentioned a couple turns back that we might want to check up on the Lakelanders, so this might be one way of doing so to make sure they don't suddenly turn on us and attack the Cave of the Stars or something as that does seem close to their lakes.

Anywho, this is simply an interesting option to consider right now.

Study (Travel, Fire, Stone, Life, Beasts, Magic) [Art] - The world works in mysterious ways. It is not incomprehensible, however, merely opaque. The People just need time in order to unravel the hidden world. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Boosted [Tagged] research.

Considering that we do have a Mysticism Hero in Jeree who gives us bonuses to our research rate, studying beasts or travel here would likely be beneficial to us.

Sugar Shack [Admin] - The trees are love, the trees are life. Their sweet nectar is something that can be easily boiled down into a substance that can only be called the blessing of the spirits. We. Need. MORE! Costs: Materials, Staples. Produces: Luxuries.

Don't need right now.

Trade Caravan [Diplomacy] [Martial] - It is clear that the People do not hold all that is significant within the world. There are other tribes that hold interesting, useful or beautiful objects. By offering up some as gifts, things that the People do not have will be provided in return. Costs: Luxuries, Staples. Produces: Diplomacy, Magic.

This might be something we should do, as right now, we haven't really heard much news from the rest of our neighbors, and I don't think ignorance is bliss in this case. The fact that we have a free martial action makes this all the more tempting.

Trade Post [Diplomacy] [Admin] - Sometimes other people have things of interest and they come willing to the People's lands in order to offer them up! By being welcoming and accommodating, it would be easily possible to convince them to hand over an even greater fraction of their stuff. Costs: Diplomacy. Produces: Luxuries.

Similar to the above, but with an admin bonus.

Prepare for Ordeal [Ordeal] [Admin] - The spirits test the People, always. These tests are ones that require careful preparation and forethought. The People will be prepared. A crisis well managed is a sign of spiritual favour, one that's botched causes the People to further suffer. Cost: Nothing. Produces: Bonus to all stability checks this turn.

We have enough stability and no overarching obvious problems that I don't think we need this.

The Dam [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (6 Actions) - Inspired by the feats of ingenuity demonstrated by a large, but common, rat, the People have decided to emulate their creations on a more massive scale. By blockaded a river, it would be possible to accumulate an enormous amount of water, something that could easily be put to use. Costs: Craftworks, Materials. Produces: Staples.

We should definitely get this eventually, both to make our farms more productive, and to get to canals, but right now we are somewhat soft-capped and don't need this.

The World in Miniature [Mastery of Nature] [Diplomacy] [Admin] (7 actions) - The world is a grand place, seemingly endless in scope. The People's exploration and search for wonders has pushed them to find a way to more effectively communicate discoveries with each other. Trail markers are a start, but they are not easily portable. More can be done. Costs: Magic? Produces: Efficiency.

A map...this is awfully tempting due to how little it costs for a megaproject, but right now I am not sure if we really need this at the moment.

Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Arrow Lake, Hill Guard, Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art] - The Ember-Eyes have discovered a secret of wood and fire. By carefully burning it, they can render it blackened and fragile. Somehow, this makes fire burn far hotter. How is it the elements dance when burning wood is not the same as wood cooked by fire? Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Greatly Elevated Materials Efficiency.

We should probably get these locked in, considering how easy they are to do so, as while our materials deficit is gone, the underlying problem likely still remains.

Extend Fire Relay (Hill Guard, Arrow Lake) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] - The Fire Relay has served as the backbone of the People's communication and movement between The Fingers and Crystal Lake for longer than memory. With the recent founding of Hill Guard, the vaunted relay no longer stitches the People from one end to the other. This oversight must be corrected. Costs: Craftworks, Staples. Produces: General Efficiency.

As another one of the Mastery of Nature actions, this is a something I think we should consider for both Hill Guard and Arrow Lake, so as to tie them closer together. Then again, as we don't have a dearth of resources right now, I am not sure how much the general efficiency will help us in terms of the cap.

@Redium How much would a Fire Relay help with Arrow Lake?

Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art] (2 Actions) - A ritual place where the spirits and those they touch can work. Special facilities for magic, resources, teachings and the spirits themselves are included. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Luxuries, Magic. Produces: Mysticism.

@Redium I thought you said we could raise a second Temple at the Cave of the Stars in order to give the Horned Riders their own Temple, has that changed?

The Hill (The Fingers, Cave of Stars, Arrow Lake) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (2 Actions) - A hill made by man. A simple construct, but one that greatly raises the defensive value of a settlement. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Martial. Produces: Defense.

I think we might need to choose this option this turn in order to finish dealing with the dissatisfied faction within the Fingers. We have the materials and craftsworks to do so right now, and it would alleviate a problem we are having.

New Trails [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (4/15 Actions) - Inspired by the Fire Relay, these small trails are cut into the innumerable forests that surround the People. Serving as akin to veins in the body, they promote the free movement of goods and people. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Efficiency, increases Soft Resource Cap.

I think more trails are a given at this point, if only to increase our efficiency and raise our soft caps so that we can take more cost effective options.

Empower Actions

Select three individuals to take (1) action on the People's behalf. The same individual may be selected multiple times. Tag votes as [Empower], if someone is being empowered multiple times, use a multiple (x2, x3, etc.).

Ember-Eye Shaman
Fang Pack-Leader
Frontier Leader
Frost-Scarred Warrior
Headman of Crystal Lake
Headman of Fingers
Headman of Hill Guard
Horned Rider
Star Shaman
War Chief

It's interesting to see the Lawspeaker as a new individual here we can empower? What do they prefer to focus on, and are they lawyers I assume?

Anyways here is my prospective plan:

[ ] Plan Grow Taller
-[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
-[ ] [Action] Create Craftsmen
-[ ] [Action] Expand Fishing Fleets
-[ ] [Action] New Trails
-[ ] [Admin] The Hill (The Fingers)
-[ ] [Art] Clay Pits
-[ ] [Martial] Explore
-[ ] [Empowerment] Horned Rider
-[ ] [Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
-[ ] [Empowerment] Trader

So here is the reasoning for my plan.

When it came to the action choice regarding the Orker, as an Annual Festival already gives us legitimacy, and this seems to be a free option, I like the idea of having these series of competitions and games, stages for the celebration of excellence, be encouraged. While I don't think we should overcap our elitism value, as we all know the dangers of that, I don't think we should also try to rectify it too hard. Celebrating it, getting some legitimacy, and potentially some increase towards Orker Domestication may help us move in interesting directions.

In terms of my actions, the reasoning behind them are simple. Craftsmen were chosen in order to alleviate the likely drain on our craftworks from the other choices. Fishing Fleets will help us alleviate the hit to our staples as it is not capped. Clay Pits will help us deal with the hits to our materials, deal with the brick vs wood divide, and is also not capped.

I chose new trails as a lot of our actions right now are currently capped, showing we likely have a lot more to go in regards to getting it higher.

I chose to use our martial choice to explore as it has been noted before that we haven't really explored as much as we used to since we settled and stopped being semi-nomads. For all we know there might be more resources within our midst that we don't know about.

The Hill was chosen so as to appease the Fingers faction and get that over with, as well as getting the Mastery of Nature action out of the way.

In terms of empowerment, I think picking the Horned Rider will get us a study action on either beasts or travel, both of which will benefit us, as none of the other options really suit them, as they can't exactly build a Temple at Arrow Lake.

Headman of the Fingers was chosen so as to complete said Hill, though I am open to waiting on it.

Trader was chosen so that we could get a trading action taken so we can learn something about the rest of the region, as I would rather we not get surprised by something our neighbors have done.

Within the first year, most of Arrow Lake's infrastructure had been rebuilt and was operating, if at reduced capacity. So many of their people had been slain. Walking through Arrow Lake, it was an easy assumption to make that its inhabitants were only able to give birth to women; men were profoundly rare. Arrow Lake had suffered greatly under the People's fury. Little was destroyed; farms that had been fallow were easily replanted, untended forests could once again been groomed in a pleasing way, and abandoned mines could be exploited for their wealth.
Well, we didn't actually directly damage most of the structures or tools. Just the people maintaining them. So its mostly intact.

Most of the men within Arrow Lake had been wiped out; perhaps one of eight over the age of adulthood still lived, a nearly fatal blow to an entire generation, but it was one that could heal, especially with immigration to replace lost fathers. It was almost convenient; the People had long had a history of encouraging their menfolk to marry far from their families.

In fact, there had been an enormous rush of marriages; nearly every immigrant that moved to Arrow Lake would find themselves a wife or three within a few moons. It had been a surprise to hear; Luule thought there would be a lot more resentment due to all the brothers, fathers, and cousins who had been slain. There was some, but not nearly as much as she had feared there would be.
This is good in a callous sense. Wiping out their existing male population makes cultural conversion greatly easier.
But it sounds like one of their previous cultural values say "Success speaks for itself" or the like.

What Luule hadn't expected, was how popular the Frost-Scarred had become among the remnants of Arrow Lake. With the destruction of their polity, there had been something akin to a rejection of Arrow Lake culture. They had been a people obsessed with symbols, awards, and status signalling. One of the highest virtues that an individual could aspire to (aside from war) was artistic carvings. Slaves had been liberated due to the beauty of their carvings and become major influence peddlers in their own right.

The Frost-Scared were the opposite of that. They disdained art and the creature comforts; they felt that it made them weak. "A man has no fur, no fangs, and no claws. We were born into this world with nothing, and like that we shall remain." As their leaders said. Instead of a collection of material goods, the People should aspire to greatness by carving it into their body with toil and blood. For most, that meant taking pride in the scars received over the course of many challenges and a hard life. Some had taken it further, literally carving symbols into their flesh in order to represent their deeds.

There was some artistic sense there, Luule thought, but it was nearly alien to the sensibilities of Arrow Lake. Nearly alien, perhaps that was the key. The appreciation for aesthetics were still there, in both groups, even if of a different type.

It was... it was like they were a clay vessel, waiting to be filled. Something about how the survivors of Arrow Lake approached their own culture; the symbols, the dances, the music, and celebrations, all of it seemed exaggerated and half-remembered, like children emulating their parents. They had always been a garish tribe, even by the People's standards, obsessed with their colours and their performances. Seeing everything up close, and being invited to participate, it made Luule feel like she was staring into cool, smooth waters only to see her own reflection staring back at her. She huffed; that didn't make sense. It was like Arrow Lake's survivors were actors, rather than participants.
Sounds like a foundational value's weakness was critically afflicted.

After Arrow Lake was finally resettled, their fields, farms, and forests renewed, wealth seemed to pour into the People in amounts unending. Arrow Lake had always maintained a very tight hold on the trade of lapis lazuli, offering only a limited selection of the priceless blue stones; most of what they produced was used internally. So much of the stone had been mined that even their Indebted were allowed to carry jewelry made from it! The wealth... Luule's mind twisted trying to contextualize that piece of information. Most of the People only ever saw lapis lazuli as offerings to the graves of deceased loved ones. Pareem occasionally wear it ground into a dye to indicate their willingness to kill and die for the People and some shaman used it to heighten their connections with the spirits, but outside of a few wealthy individuals, lapis lazuli was used rarely at most.
Huh, were they trying to control the value or did they just not want most outside goods?

It had taken convincing and enticement since many of the Northerners feared the Cave. In truth, seeing the looks on many of the northerners faces, Luule felt that their relationship with the Cave of Stars went far beyond fear. "It pulls at our souls," they would say. "The Cave is hungry and Devours in the dark of night." It was superstition, Jeree had always laughed good-naturedly. Old folk remembering scary campfire stories from before the Bloody Chief.
Mmm, if its too close to the temple the gas would probably be worst when sleeping. Probably not a deadly amount outside of the temple itself, but when you're lying down the oxygen concentration is going to be significantly depressed, which would produce breathing difficulties, which basically is going to feel like...your soul is trying to escape because you'd reflexiviely wake up gasping.

How do we fix that?
Build a Hill and put the homes on top.

While the Northerners were settled, calling them that was a misleading statement. A large portion of their population did settle down; mixing and inter-marrying with the shaman and those few settlers who had set up near by to support them. A large percentage of the Northerners stayed mobile, walking their herds of caribou up and down the banks of the Great River. The land was unsettled except for a few stations near the Fire Relay and perfectly suited for caribou.
Sounds like we got a whole bunch of Trade Caravans out of the Northerners terrified of sleeping near the Temple lol.

When the People tried this competition, several caribou were injured. The People were simply too heavy; they tended to be two full handspans taller than their Northlander cousins.

Since they didn't want to be outdone, several of the People's young men brought an orker.

Luule didn't realize the sheer foolishness — an orker was at least five times the size of a caribou — until she heard shouts of competition turn into screams of pain. By the time she arrived, all that remained of the riding pen was smashed kindling. The injured were everywhere, dashed against the ground and nearby buildings. Jeree stood in the middle of the chaos, a faint hiss leaking from his lips as he stared down the enraged orker. Behind him, a whimpering boy lay.
Young idiots are going to be idiots.

[ ] [Orker] It wasn't. It was suppressed as best Luule was able so future generations would not be inspired. (+ Stab)

Forget about it for a Stability bonus. Somebody will try it again in the future.

[ ] [Orker] It was commemorated as a lesson learned from a careless mistake. (-- Stab, + Legitimacy)

Make sure we record the idea of riding an Orker as a foolish thing. Set back Orker cavalry, but encourage more oversight(which is both good and bad, since a lot of oversight goes to quashing new and dangerous sounding ideas).

[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)

Play up the bravery of Jeree. This would encourage more rodeo attempts in the future by young idiots trying to show brave.

[ ] [Orker] It was a route cause of a deeper problem, one that needed significant thought. (???)

This is not the Orker cavalry route. Its the "young men are reckless, how do we fix this?" route.

Okay, so on the action vote...we currently have an Admin and Mystic Hero, so we want to do as much building as we can at present. Likewise, due to the new settlements, we want to further redline Religious Authority to trigger the crisis while we have heroes to deal with it.

Its odd that the new lands didn't raise the Hunting hard cap, but I suppose we took over the Hunting slots already founded by them.

We also have a surplus of Stability to burn, which is nice

So my proposed vote:

[] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[] Plan Admin Overboost
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]
-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]
-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]
-[][Empowerment] Headman of Hill Guard
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

Reasoning breakdown:
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]

These are all basically to keep the resource flow going. We need more craftworks, more materials and more food(always). No major crisis, but Art and Admin heroes make these much better than usual.

-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]

This is how we crawl out of the Material hole. Cave of Stars chosen as I want to use the kilns to ease the Hill here next turn.

-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]

Plenty of Stability. So lets fill the Temple hole and make it automatic.
It'd redline Religious Authority, but better with heroes around than without.

-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]

Not sure about exploration targets, but if we find resources along the unclaimed parts of the route, we can control it from the Cave of Stars. Its probably underexplored, given how all sensible travelers would follow the river.

-[][Empowerment] Headman of Hill Guard
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

Star Shaman and Horned Rider to give them both some support so the orders don't wind up displacing each other so quickly. I expect them to take respective Study actions.
Hill Guard was mentioned to potentially be suitable to house the Horned Riders down the line?
Mmm, if its too close to the temple the gas would probably be worst when sleeping. Probably not a deadly amount outside of the temple itself, but when you're lying down the oxygen concentration is going to be significantly depressed, which would produce breathing difficulties, which basically is going to feel like...your soul is trying to escape because you'd reflexiviely wake up gasping.
are there any issue breathing this stuff in the long term, like generation from now ?
Well, we didn't actually directly damage most of the structures or tools. Just the people maintaining them. So its mostly intact.

This is good in a callous sense. Wiping out their existing male population makes cultural conversion greatly easier.
But it sounds like one of their previous cultural values say "Success speaks for itself" or the like.

Sounds like a foundational value's weakness was critically afflicted.

Huh, were they trying to control the value or did they just not want most outside goods?

Mmm, if its too close to the temple the gas would probably be worst when sleeping. Probably not a deadly amount outside of the temple itself, but when you're lying down the oxygen concentration is going to be significantly depressed, which would produce breathing difficulties, which basically is going to feel like...your soul is trying to escape because you'd reflexiviely wake up gasping.

How do we fix that?
Build a Hill and put the homes on top.

Sounds like we got a whole bunch of Trade Caravans out of the Northerners terrified of sleeping near the Temple lol.

Young idiots are going to be idiots.

[ ] [Orker] It wasn't. It was suppressed as best Luule was able so future generations would not be inspired. (+ Stab)

Forget about it for a Stability bonus. Somebody will try it again in the future.

[ ] [Orker] It was commemorated as a lesson learned from a careless mistake. (-- Stab, + Legitimacy)

Make sure we record the idea of riding an Orker as a foolish thing. Set back Orker cavalry, but encourage more oversight(which is both good and bad, since a lot of oversight goes to quashing new and dangerous sounding ideas).

[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)

Play up the bravery of Jeree. This would encourage more rodeo attempts in the future by young idiots trying to show brave.

[ ] [Orker] It was a route cause of a deeper problem, one that needed significant thought. (???)

This is not the Orker cavalry route. Its the "young men are reckless, how do we fix this?" route.

Okay, so on the action vote...we currently have an Admin and Mystic Hero, so we want to do as much building as we can at present. Likewise, due to the new settlements, we want to further redline Religious Authority to trigger the crisis while we have heroes to deal with it.

Its odd that the new lands didn't raise the Hunting hard cap, but I suppose we took over the Hunting slots already founded by them.

We also have a surplus of Stability to burn, which is nice

So my proposed vote:

[] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[] Plan Admin Overboost
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]
-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]
-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]
-[][Empowerment] Headman of Hill Guard
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

Reasoning breakdown:
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]

These are all basically to keep the resource flow going. We need more craftworks, more materials and more food(always). No major crisis, but Art and Admin heroes make these much better than usual.

-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]

This is how we crawl out of the Material hole. Cave of Stars chosen as I want to use the kilns to ease the Hill here next turn.

-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]

Plenty of Stability. So lets fill the Temple hole and make it automatic.
It'd redline Religious Authority, but better with heroes around than without.

-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]

Not sure about exploration targets, but if we find resources along the unclaimed parts of the route, we can control it from the Cave of Stars. Its probably underexplored, given how all sensible travelers would follow the river.

-[][Empowerment] Headman of Hill Guard
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

Star Shaman and Horned Rider to give them both some support so the orders don't wind up displacing each other so quickly. I expect them to take respective Study actions.
Hill Guard was mentioned to potentially be suitable to house the Horned Riders down the line?
Why did you pick farming over fishing When farming is soft capped?
Last edited:
[] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[] Plan Admin Overboost
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]
-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]
-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]
-[][Empowerment] Headman of Hill Guard
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider
We still need to give the Fingers a Hill, so maybe we should work on that instead?
Kinda curious how we gained more magic so much that it improved our small surplus of it to a moderate one, but I am guessing it has more to do with integrating the Northlanders.
Arrow Lake I believe. Its mentioned that the Ember Eyes and Frost Scarred exploded in popularity there, which led to establishing branch chapters.
Wow, were they that stupid? Did they simply not know we had captured Arrow Lake? Or was this more an attack of opportunity?

Either way it seems we've bloodied them and set up a new status quo. Hopefully they learn their lesson.
Communication gap. Considering how devastatingly we rolled the settlement, its entirely possible nobody escaped to warn them, or that their raiding party missed the refugees.
This is odd. Are they simply just relieved to be alive and having full meals again? Or is this something deeper?
Remember based on the Arrow Lake PoV we had, they seemed to have a social value variant of Might Makes Right, which is their means for justifying seizing and controlling their slaves.

By the same right that they claim slaves, we beat them, ergo they must obey us because they're now our slaves until they prove themselves worthy again.
So we've essentially got mobile herds and caravans made up of caribou acting as a sort of internal merchant caravan or sorts? What will expanding the Fire Relay do to this I wonder.
Sounds like we got a bunch of free caravan actions.
We asked this last turn. A Trade Caravan is basically a nomadic micronation. They need Trade Posts to get full mileage out of them, not Fire Relays.
It figures that they would specialize in art, however, I am surprised that there is still some antipathy and ingrained prejudice against the former Indebted. Wouldn't we have tried to stomp that out? Or was the focus on integration more important than ensuring the former Indepted were treated fairly?
If we had taken action there its more likely to backfire, because we'd be elevating the Indebted and then punishing all those who used to own them. That sort of thing tends to be bloody.

Remember they still have their social values. At least until we put up a temple to wololo them into line.
Damn, that's our tall physical description in action isn't it?

Or has our constant abundance allowed us to get this tall over time?
Settled tribes tend to be taller due to more consistent nutrition than nomadics. This changes when we switch to a more grain heavy diet(as getting vast amounts of calories and little protein can hurt) later on.
While stability hits usually aren't desired, this could potentially be useful. @Redium Aside from don't try to ride Orkers as a lesson, what else would this teach us anyways? As this seems similar to the fourth option in some ways.
The problem there is that a bunch of young idiots managed to get their bright new idea into action without anyone calling them out. The lesson is to weaken independent initiative so they don't do dumb things without checking with their elders.

The drawback is cutting independent initative.
Celebrating it certainly seems like an odd choice. As this was caused by the overambition of some of the young men I think it is likely that if we celebrate this act we will likely reinforce our elitism values once again, while potentially also enshrining this festival and activity as a common one. This is interesting to me as we could possibly use it as a means of tying our people closer together through entertainment and games, maybe even get closer down the line of Orker Domestication.
You're looking at the wrong part. We celebrate the hero fighting(in myth its going to become wrestling I'm sure) the orker unarmed to save people from it.
This option will likely appeal to some, as it is a mystery box, however right now I am unsure if what we need is what appears to be a blow back against our elitism value, as this is likely the root cause. Maybe this will reform it, maybe it will change it something else entirely. Until more is known, I am somewhat wary of this choice, as while it is tempting, there are too many unknowns, and I happen to like our current set of values.
The blow should be targeting Ordeals actually. Thats what brought on the young men bringing out the orker, they seek out a trial to prove their worth.
Raiding the Enemies of the Peace Builders is a tempting option in my opinion, mostly because of the fact that we currently have a martial hero with us right now, so there would be no better opportunity to gain loot right now if we wanted to. Plus, considering how we don't really even border any of them, they are unlikely to be able to strike back at us so soon or directly.

As a reminder, it was mentioned a couple turns back that we might want to check up on the Lakelanders, so this might be one way of doing so to make sure they don't suddenly turn on us and attack the Cave of the Stars or something as that does seem close to their lakes.

Anywho, this is simply an interesting option to consider right now.
Probably not a good idea since its mentioned that our people are getting weary of endless war. Let it cool for a generation or two.
I think we might need to choose this option this turn in order to finish dealing with the dissatisfied faction within the Fingers. We have the materials and craftsworks to do so right now, and it would alleviate a problem we are having.

Thats a good idea. Revising:
[] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[] Plan Admin Overboost v2
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]
-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]
-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]
-[][Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

Shifted the Headman slot from Hill Guard to Fingers, who should start building the Hill if he can, and defer his anger if he can't.
But right now, we really need to glue up the economic and social holes we have.
Arrow Lake temple rushdown means cutting the Temple lock in timer significantly and ensuring the Too Much RA condition hits while our heroes still live.
are there any issue breathing this stuff in the long term, like generation from now ?
No more so than living at high altitudes.
Why did you pick farming over fishing When farming is soft capped?
We're shorter on Craftworks than Staples. Being less efficient is not a problem, but using up lots of craftworks on boats when we're also using the same craftsmen on temples can be a problem.
We still need to give the Fingers a Hill, so maybe we should work on that instead?
Our Legitimacy is Inspired and our Stability is Happy. We should be fine delaying it a turn, the Arrow Lake temple would help with the cultural difference issues there and also lock in Temples to all settlements sooner.

Remember again, Hills consume a shitload of bricks and labor(mechanically, they hit Materials and Staples very hard, compared to Temples which hit Craftworks and Luxuries harder). Expect to redline our Materials if we don't setup more Kilns first.

The Fingers Headman will start a Hill if we wind up with enough materials and manpower(since its his top priority), since I Empowered him, which allows us to finish the Hill next turn.
Fire-Eaters, Scalded-Scions, Heaven's Light, Luule had rapidly forgotten all the praises heaped upon them.

"Heaven's" Light? Did we suddenly gain a new belief in having an after life?

Craftworks: Tiny Surplus (Tiny Deficit)
Diplomacy: Small Surplus
Luxuries: Tiny Surplus (Equilibirum)
Magic: Moderate Surplus (Tiny Surplus)
Material: Tiny Surplus (Small Deficit)
Martial: Moderate Surplus (Small Surplus)
Mysticism: Small Surplus
Staples: Small Surplus (Tiny Surplus)
Farmers: At Capacity
Fishermen: Significant Capacity Remaining
Herdsmen: Extreme Capacity Remaining
Huntsmen: At Capacity

This is how we crawl out of the Material hole. Cave of Stars chosen as I want to use the kilns to ease the Hill here next turn.

Materials hole? Based on the stats from the first page we currently are out of the hole, though depending on which plan wins, we might just be diving back into it.

Plenty of Stability. So lets fill the Temple hole and make it automatic.
It'd redline Religious Authority, but better with heroes around than without.

Is that how Religious Authority works as a stat? As I am somewhat confused as to what it actually does and how it works. I don't disagree with filling our Temple hole right now, I'm just not sure how much I want to tank our economy.

Not sure about exploration targets, but if we find resources along the unclaimed parts of the route, we can control it from the Cave of Stars. Its probably underexplored, given how all sensible travelers would follow the river.

Fair, though once we get copper smelting online we should probably explore north of Hill Guard as we know in real life that there is a huge deposit of metals north of there.

Arrow Lake I believe. Its mentioned that the Ember Eyes and Frost Scarred exploded in popularity there, which led to establishing branch chapters.

That seems somewhat counter-intuitive as the Arrow Lake Settlement Option had us losing magic in order to found it.

Communication gap. Considering how devastatingly we rolled the settlement, its entirely possible nobody escaped to warn them, or that their raiding party missed the refugees.

I hope that is actually the case rather than them simply choosing to continue the war anyway in a misplaced belief that they can win.

Remember based on the Arrow Lake PoV we had, they seemed to have a social value variant of Might Makes Right, which is their means for justifying seizing and controlling their slaves.

By the same right that they claim slaves, we beat them, ergo they must obey us because they're now our slaves until they prove themselves worthy again.

It doesn't seem like we are treating them as slaves though, considering how we are trying to integrate them right now, especially with a good majority of their women being taken as wives.

Sounds like we got a bunch of free caravan actions.
We asked this last turn. A Trade Caravan is basically a nomadic micronation. They need Trade Posts to get full mileage out of them, not Fire Relays.

The Northlands and their herds seem somewhat different from a trade caravan as this seems to be entirely internal, plus there is the fact that while herding is listed as a source of staples, so far it hasn't gotten an action, which leads me to believe herding is a separate action that @Redium simply didn't have the time to include yet.

If we had taken action there its more likely to backfire, because we'd be elevating the Indebted and then punishing all those who used to own them. That sort of thing tends to be bloody.

Remember they still have their social values. At least until we put up a temple to wololo them into line.

True, fair enough. Kinda wonder who will occupy the Temple at Arrow Lake if anyone will at all.

Settled tribes tend to be taller due to more consistent nutrition than nomadics. This changes when we switch to a more grain heavy diet(as getting vast amounts of calories and little protein can hurt) later on.

Will we need to do anything regarding this in the future? As I don't think we will have many horned riders if our people are too big to ride the caribou.

The problem there is that a bunch of young idiots managed to get their bright new idea into action without anyone calling them out. The lesson is to weaken independent initiative so they don't do dumb things without checking with their elders.

The drawback is cutting independent initative.

I prefer our independent initiative, though I wonder how this would affect our centralization...

You're looking at the wrong part. We celebrate the hero fighting(in myth its going to become wrestling I'm sure) the orker unarmed to save people from it.

Fair enough, though I hope the other portions are celebrated as well, as celebratory contests seem like a good way to progress some of our values.

The blow should be targeting Ordeals actually. Thats what brought on the young men bringing out the orker, they seek out a trial to prove their worth.

Fair, though I still think it could be both, as I read it as some of the People wanting to one up the Northerners.

Probably not a good idea since its mentioned that our people are getting weary of endless war. Let it cool for a generation or two.

Fair enough, just presenting it as an option as we do have the martial hero to make the gains work out, and potentially gain more debtors to help build or infrastructure for us.

[] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[] Plan Admin Overboost v2
-[][Action] Clay Pits [Admin] [Art]
-[][Action] Craftsmen [Art]
-[][Action] Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin]
-[][Admin] Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art]
-[][Art] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Double Down] Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art]
-[][Martial] Explore (Route between Crystal Lake and Fingers) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy]
-[][Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
-[][Empowerment] Star Shaman
-[][Empowerment] Horned Rider

I am somewhat surprised you haven't decided to make any trails considering how hard you were pushing of them earlier, and considering how much of our stuff is capped.
Materials hole? Based on the stats from the first page we currently are out of the hole, though depending on which plan wins, we might just be diving back into it.
We know Hills eat a shitload, and we need to build three in the near future.
Is that how Religious Authority works as a stat? As I am somewhat confused as to what it actually does and how it works. I don't disagree with filling our Temple hole right now, I'm just not sure how much I want to tank our economy.
Based on PoC, it has benefits in terms of social stability and being able to push 'good' practices via religion, but when it exceeds your tolerance it starts spawning events where you have to rein in the priests at various costs.

Heroes help a lot with managing that.
That seems somewhat counter-intuitive as the Arrow Lake Settlement Option had us losing magic in order to found it.
See the narrative. We got it refunded I think. They want in on shooting fireballs.

Shooting fireballs very persuasive
It doesn't seem like we are treating them as slaves though, considering how we are trying to integrate them right now, especially with a good majority of their women being taken as wives.
Its how they think. I mean, they take slaves for concubines too, and culture differences makes it hard to tell the difference.
True, fair enough. Kinda wonder who will occupy the Temple at Arrow Lake if anyone will at all.
Ember Eyes I bet.
Will we need to do anything regarding this in the future? As I don't think we will have many horned riders if our people are too big to ride the caribou.
Breed bigger mounts.
Fair enough, though I hope the other portions are celebrated as well, as celebratory contests seem like a good way to progress some of our values.
Well, its slow, slow work.
I am somewhat surprised you haven't decided to make any trails considering how hard you were pushing of them earlier, and considering how much of our stuff is capped.
Kilns took priority since we need a lot of Hills soon, and Temples are THIS close to lock in. I want to lock temples in before we get another chance to aggravate the problem and self defense into conquest.

Mostly its just a timing thing. If it goes as planned, next turn would be Fingers Hill+ road spam
We know Hills eat a shitload, and we need to build three in the near future.

True, I am just apprehensive about getting back into the hole again in terms of materials and maybe craftsworks when it took essentially conquering a rich settlement to get us out of those deficits. Right now I am simply waiting for the other shoe to drop, as so far we seem somewhat isolated from the outside world, which is why I wanted to empower the trader so that we could learn about what is currently happening right now.

Such as how the Tribe of the West seem to be exploding in prestige yet their enemies have yet to take any hits that would mean they gained it in war.

Based on PoC, it has benefits in terms of social stability and being able to push 'good' practices via religion, but when it exceeds your tolerance it starts spawning events where you have to rein in the priests at various costs.

Heroes help a lot with managing that.

I thought it was our Temples which we built that redlined our RA cap in the first place? How does building more help again?

See the narrative. We got it refunded I think. They want in on shooting fireballs.

Shooting fireballs very persuasive

True, I am just curious to see if that was the cause or the side effect, or if we simply got a good roll with integrating them.

Its how they think. I mean, they take slaves for concubines too, and culture differences makes it hard to tell the difference.

Fair enough, this is different from the other times we've conquered and integrated other tribes though, as I think the previous times they at least had a balanced amount of men women and children.

That sounds like a problem waiting to happen, as if we're favoring one Holy Order over another by giving one of them a second Temple site.

I am kind of hoping for another distinct Holy Order to pop up at Arrow Lake, or hell, maybe if we do build the Temple at Arrow Lake fast enough this turn we can swap the Horned Riders and the Fangs in terms of locations for their Temples.

Breed bigger mounts.

Easier said than done, although we are close to probably attempting that as we seem to be nearing Caribou Domestication. I think everyone wants to take a study action for that at least in some form.

Kilns took priority since we need a lot of Hills soon, and Temples are THIS close to lock in. I want to lock temples in before we get another chance to aggravate the problem and self defense into conquest.

Mostly its just a timing thing. If it goes as planned, next turn would be Fingers Hill+ road spam

Fair enough, I agree with the general plan in regards to this, though if herding is an action that comes up, I would rather we do that than hit at our farming soft cap.
I'd much rather vote for a plan that had Study Travel or Study Magic. We're really close to Gods and Deities as well as needing Orkers.

e: Also, Gods and Deities may well be our solution to RA issues.
Last edited:
[ ] Plan The hill
-[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
-[ ] [Action] Create Craftsmen
-[ ] [Double Down] Create Craftsmen
We keep needing Craftsmen to build the hill for the faction quest, lest double down so we do not have to do this again next turn.
-[ ] [Action] Expand Fishing Fleets
-[ ] [Art] Clay Pits
Get the needed food and materials for the hill
-[ ] [Admin] The Hill (The Fingers)
-[ ] [Empowerment] Headman of Fingers
Build the hill
-[ ] [Martial] Explore
I agree that the hero Martial should be explore.
-[ ] [Action] Study [travel]
Boosts the following research:
Caribou Domestication (559/600) [Beast] [Travel]
Mammoth Taming (310/400) [Beast] [Travel]
Orker Domestication (240/800) [Beast] [Travel]
Wheel (2/100) [Travel]
the wheel is only 100 points and a nice boost in how much we can transport but has not advanced recently.
Caribou Domestication is only 41 points to go
-[ ] [Empowerment] Frontier Leader
With a lot of capped actions this will most likely result in new trails.
-[ ] [Empowerment] Trader
Trade to get some news about the the other tribes and magic.
True, I am just apprehensive about getting back into the hole again in terms of materials and maybe craftsworks when it took essentially conquering a rich settlement to get us out of those deficits. Right now I am simply waiting for the other shoe to drop, as so far we seem somewhat isolated from the outside world, which is why I wanted to empower the trader so that we could learn about what is currently happening right now.

Such as how the Tribe of the West seem to be exploding in prestige yet their enemies have yet to take any hits that would mean they gained it in war.
Well, my personal read on it is that everyone is currently in a lull where they're lickign their wounds, because the past 3 turns were bloody as hell, the Mountain Clans and South Lake exploded, the Tribe of the West exploded, the Peace Builders and Northlands nearly collapsed and then suddenly made a recovery...

That would simply put, be the cause of the peace. Everyone needs a few generations to repair damaged infrastructure and populations.

Which is why my priority is getting our internals rushed through while we have a moment of peace. Traders are USEFUL, but our current thing is, we have an Admin/Art Hero, and a Mystic/Martial Hero. This is the best time to build lots of Mystic/Admin/Art infrastructures because they can get it done and add innovations while they're at it.

Before things catch fire again and we're spending 1/3 of our actions at war, 1/3 repairing war losses and 1/3 trying to not explode.
I thought it was our Temples which we built that redlined our RA cap in the first place? How does building more help again?
We actually had a discussion with @Redium before this turn during the last vote.
More means our RA exceeds the cap more significantly, which means we get the RA crisis events(which almost certainly contains RA lowering options) sooner.

This is normally not a good thing, except when we have Mystic and Admin heroes, which means when the event fires we can fall back on "unable to botch in their specialty" to get the less painful options to resolve it.

I mean, to shoot randomly at possible outcomes, a Mystic/Admin combo could potentially produce a Temple-CityHall innovation as a means of ensuring that the priests and the noble class are working together properly
That sounds like a problem waiting to happen, as if we're favoring one Holy Order over another by giving one of them a second Temple site.

I am kind of hoping for another distinct Holy Order to pop up at Arrow Lake, or hell, maybe if we do build the Temple at Arrow Lake fast enough this turn we can swap the Horned Riders and the Fangs in terms of locations for their Temples.
Well, we have the right heroes for it, if we build the temple while they're still young enough to shape the process.

Now lets get some chickens for dice god sacrifices
Easier said than done, although we are close to probably attempting that as we seem to be nearing Caribou Domestication. I think everyone wants to take a study action for that at least in some form.
Yes, thats why I put an Empowerment on their Holy Order. See the Rider Holy Order's preferred options:
-Study Travel - Free, recent events highlights it, they need it to recruit from more than a tiny group.
-Explore - Already done by Hero.
-Expand Holy Order - Capped.
-Build Temple - Already building temple.
Fair enough, I agree with the general plan in regards to this, though if herding is an action that comes up, I would rather we do that than hit at our farming soft cap.
If it appears I will probably take it instead
I'd much rather vote for a plan that had Study Travel or Study Magic. We're really close to Gods and Deities as well as needing Orkers.

e: Also, Gods and Deities may well be our solution to RA issues.
See the Empowerment:
-Star Shamans -> Their ENTIRE thing is Study Magic
-Horned Riders -> They want to break through Orker/Mastodon Riding so that they can recruit the bigger sized People into their order.
What do the Star Shamans actually do, out of interest? What are their magics?
Star Shamans study pure mysticism last we checked. Should be Culture, Logic and Astrology.
Trade networks turned into friendship, favours, and eventually marriage as many of the traders undeniably attained the quality of Pareem.

Just wanted to make a note of this as it seems the Pareem, and the People as a whole, have a much more flexible social ladder than was imagined. I'm kind of waiting for when things solidify in regards to our social classes and all that.

Well, my personal read on it is that everyone is currently in a lull where they're lickign their wounds, because the past 3 turns were bloody as hell, the Mountain Clans and South Lake exploded, the Tribe of the West exploded, the Peace Builders and Northlands nearly collapsed and then suddenly made a recovery...

That would simply put, be the cause of the peace. Everyone needs a few generations to repair damaged infrastructure and populations.

While all of that may be true, a lot can change in a few turns. The fact that we haven't heard of anything happening outside of ourselves, when just two turns ago we were hearing rumors about a Warlord among the Catseye, the equilibrium among the enemy of the Peace Builders, and a tribe bringing the sun to earth somehow makes me think we will be having a surprise coming our way that we may not be prepared for.

Which is why my priority is getting our internals rushed through while we have a moment of peace. Traders are USEFUL, but our current thing is, we have an Admin/Art Hero, and a Mystic/Martial Hero. This is the best time to build lots of Mystic/Admin/Art infrastructures because they can get it done and add innovations while they're at it.

Before things catch fire again and we're spending 1/3 of our actions at war, 1/3 repairing war losses and 1/3 trying to not explode.

But, I don't disagree with you here. I would rather we lock down all of our big infrastructure, such as the Hills and Temples at least, before something distracts us and forces us to conquer again.

The main thing I am leery about however is if we go too far and get too greedy, where we stretch ourselves too much and then collapse because of it. That's why I am hoping that we can maintain a good balance between building up and keeping our fundamentals stable.

We actually had a discussion with @Redium before this turn during the last vote.
More means our RA exceeds the cap more significantly, which means we get the RA crisis events(which almost certainly contains RA lowering options) sooner.

This is normally not a good thing, except when we have Mystic and Admin heroes, which means when the event fires we can fall back on "unable to botch in their specialty" to get the less painful options to resolve it.

I mean, to shoot randomly at possible outcomes, a Mystic/Admin combo could potentially produce a Temple-CityHall innovation as a means of ensuring that the priests and the noble class are working together properly

Fair enough.

At this point I think we'll probably need to wait and see what @Redium has to say as it seems like there are some options which need clarification, and some voting choices that may needed to be added to give us some clarity.

For example, is the second Temple option at the Cave of the Stars still viable? @Redium As we were hoping to defuse the Horned Riders replacing the Star Shaman issue eventually, and we will probably need to know if that is an option or if we picked the right combination to have us switcheroo the Fangs with the Horned Riders, and the Fangs getting the new Temple at Arrow Lake or something.

Well, we have the right heroes for it, if we build the temple while they're still young enough to shape the process.

Now lets get some chickens for dice god sacrifices

I mean, at this point, considering how the narrative is going, I am hoping that they both survive long enough to shape the People for the better through this transition period, and also have children together so we can see if Hero x Hero = more heroes is still true. I doubt we'll get another trio of heroes, but one can only hope our dice rolls there cause @Redium to get another new set of dice.

Yes, thats why I put an Empowerment on their Holy Order. See the Rider Holy Order's preferred options:
-Study Travel - Free, recent events highlights it, they need it to recruit from more than a tiny group.
-Explore - Already done by Hero.
-Expand Holy Order - Capped.
-Build Temple - Already building temple.

That's what I am hoping for, and is the reason why I thought empowering the Horned Riders was a good idea, unless herding is an option and they are tempted to do that instead.
Settled tribes tend to be taller due to more consistent nutrition than nomadics. This changes when we switch to a more grain heavy diet(as getting vast amounts of calories and little protein can hurt) later on.
I'm not so sure about that. Settled tribes also stew in their own bodily wastes. Foot-mobile plains nomads in particular repeatedly got tall (proto-Indoeuropeans in the Eurasian steppe, Blackfoot Indians in the great plains, Dinka-Nuer in Sudan).

Agreed on the negative impact of grain diet.
One thing we can consider is that we have two new settlements. We can slow walk the Cave for a bit I think. We can definitely slow walk Arrow Lake.
Just wanted to make a note of this as it seems the Pareem, and the People as a whole, have a much more flexible social ladder than was imagined. I'm kind of waiting for when things solidify in regards to our social classes and all that.
Thats the normal cycle of things. Newly instated noble classes are receptive to pulling in the talented and useful, so traders, shamans, clerks and warriors alike, all get drawn in.
Over time the nobility will calcify, as in the absence of external stress, they begin selecting for the nobles most skilled at keeping the power in their family, they calcify...and then they finally marginalize enough useful dudes to overthrow them and repeat the cycle
While all of that may be true, a lot can change in a few turns. The fact that we haven't heard of anything happening outside of ourselves, when just two turns ago we were hearing rumors about a Warlord among the Catseye, the equilibrium among the enemy of the Peace Builders, and a tribe bringing the sun to earth somehow makes me think we will be having a surprise coming our way that we may not be prepared for.
Yes. I am aware. But currently, the best way to prepare for any possible problem is to finish the Temples and Hills.
With Hills as standard on top of brick walls, we can stand off even an Early Bronze Age enough to negotiate something out.

Keeping in mind that if we want to get to bronze before others do we really really want to make the kilns standard. Smelting lies within Kiln innovations.
I.e. there is nothing we can do to prepare better for external threats right now than finish filling out our core infrastructures. Trade is good, but keep in mind we've spent the past 6 turns in heavily outward facing activities, resulting in suffering internal investments. We've been hitting trade and raid for a big part of our actions and letting Build and Explore languish

Its time to turn inward for a few turns.
I'm not so sure about that. Settled tribes also stew in their own bodily wastes. Foot-mobile plains nomads in particular repeatedly got tall (proto-Indoeuropeans in the Eurasian steppe, Blackfoot Indians in the great plains, Dinka-Nuer in Sudan).

Agreed on the negative impact of grain diet.
Tundra nomads rarely do, and the Northlands remains tundra-ish, while we, on the other hand are settled hunter-fishers, with stable meat and grain supply. We're basically at the sweet spot for big and tall dudes
Shifted the Headman slot from Hill Guard to Fingers, who should start building the Hill if he can, and defer his anger if he can't.
Keep in mind that the Fingers headman is Luule. She doesn't seem too angry right now. On the other hand empowering her personally to do stuff for her town can only lead to good stuff.

What happens to the Indebted of Arrow Lake? Do they become legally Debtors, thus gaining a few rights? Also, what about Arrow Lake war prisoners from before our final victory?
Also, you mentioned that the Northerners favorite festival competition is caribou riding. Does that mean that there are caribou riders that are not members of the Horned Riders? If yes, what are the differences between them? If no, what percentage of the integrated Northern makes are members of the Order?
Thats the normal cycle of things. Newly instated noble classes are receptive to pulling in the talented and useful, so traders, shamans, clerks and warriors alike, all get drawn in.
Over time the nobility will calcify, as in the absence of external stress, they begin selecting for the nobles most skilled at keeping the power in their family, they calcify...and then they finally marginalize enough useful dudes to overthrow them and repeat the cycle

I'm somewhat curious as to how long our own still fluid noble class will last as a distinct class. Especially since I think some of us would prefer to have an eventual change in government from the currently semi-centralized aristocracy to one where we have say a powerful centralized monarch. Hopefully that will be a transition that doesn't need a violent revolt to culminate in change.

Yes. I am aware. But currently, the best way to prepare for any possible problem is to finish the Temples and Hills.
With Hills as standard on top of brick walls, we can stand off even an Early Bronze Age enough to negotiate something out.

Keeping in mind that if we want to get to bronze before others do we really really want to make the kilns standard. Smelting lies within Kiln innovations.
I.e. there is nothing we can do to prepare better for external threats right now than finish filling out our core infrastructures. Trade is good, but keep in mind we've spent the past 6 turns in heavily outward facing activities, resulting in suffering internal investments. We've been hitting trade and raid for a big part of our actions and letting Build and Explore languish

Its time to turn inward for a few turns.

That's fair. I'm fine with turning inwards for a few turns, or more if outside conditions allow it, I'm just mostly concerned that we're going to get hit with another unexpected situation that will compound with some of the issues we're currently facing.

Right now I think there a number of issues we will likely have to grapple with, such as the brick vs wood debate in terms of building materials, the consequences from overcapping RA, which we have yet to see any serious repercussions for yet, potential integration woes for both of our new settlements, and the Fingers vs Crystal Lake rivalry.

Most of those are things I think we've worked on and are currently continuing to try and resolve. What I am mainly concerned about are factors outside of our control, such as a bad weather roll sending us back into another cold spell and causing our economy to teeter and collapse.

But I think I'm just being paranoid at this point.

In any case I support the gist of your plan even if I am somewhat apprehensive about some of the details, though those might be ironed out later once the full vote is open and more options are likely made available.
Remember that we need to swing a Hill for the Fingers, as well as (finally) extend the Fire Relay, and throw Kilns everywhere. After we've got the relay, the Hill and the Kilns? We can build the Dam.
So, I've been rereading the quest again, and I was wondering. Does this still apply?

I also had a few other questions I wanted to ask @Redium

So, when it comes to infrastructure such as a Fire Relay Connection, or roads in general, are those types of infrastructure something we can lock in, or are they something we will have to perennially build? I know that things like trails, smaller arterial roads, will likely always need to be built mechanic wise, but once we get more advanced, would we not automatically make sure any settlement we found have a road connection to the rest of our civ?

The next question I had related to the caps we currently have and how our new settlements affected them. How exactly are our caps affected by founding new settlements? Is there an algorithm or is it context related? For example, would our choice in founding just the Cave of the Stars not have raised our hunting cap or not so that it's not hard capped?

Finally, the last question I had was related to the explore action, and something someone else asked. As the explore action has a requirement to specify the direction of our exploration, how specific can we be as we are a rather spread out civilization? For example could we say just explore in the general vicinity of a specific settlement, or a certain cardinal direction from said settlement or does it have to be more vague?



One more question I had while re-reading:

Does this still apply? As I don't see a port or boat related technology in the research/technology tab.

Another Edit: @Redium So when is the next decision point coming regarding the Mountain Clans? It's been awhile since we've been supplying them.

Any Extended Project can be locked in: roads, kilns, temples, etc. Now, when you get a Paradigm Change in technology, it may require that you replace old iterations of a building type. When you unlock roads (either paved or gravel) you're going to have to rebuild a number of your trails. This wouldn't be a strict 1:1 conversion, however. Technology would influence the number of actions you need to take, how much demand the Extended Project would have (i.e. not every village needs a cobblestone road), the sheer scale of resources available, etc. For example, right now, each Settlement requires 3 trails to be considered fully served. It likely would only require 1.5 roads since only the main thoroughfares would need to be upgraded, but the smaller roads really don't need it.

More settlements always raise your caps by giving you more resources. Essentially, the way it works is that each settlement has an invisible level of certain building types it can support. These limits can be upgraded by technology, and infrastructure primarily. This is difficult, so it's often easier to begin cultivating more settlements.

Your caps did actually go up this turn, it's just that you immediately filled up the newly opened capacity by taking in foreigners.

Which resources each settlement derives are a bit arbitrary, but themed. Northern terrain is simply less effective farmland and has an intrinsically lower Farm cap. Some settlements (i.e. Crystal Lake, Arrow Lake, and Hill Guard) have extensive mineral reserves where other settlements (Cave of Stars, Fingers) do not and as such, cannot build mines at all. Farmland, hunting, herding, and arboriculture roughly increase in a linear fashion as a rule of thumb. For other resources, it's much more unpredictable. Currently, for example, the two Lake settlements produce more minerals than the rest of your civilization, three times over.

For the Explore action, you can be as specific or as vague as you want. Mechanically, it doesn't change your odds of finding a new resource, but it can inform what type of resource you unlock. Exploring around Crystal Lake will likely give you more gemstones, for example. Exploring 'the North' puts you in contact with nomads, mastodons, and other unique, northern animals. You could also explore 'Lakeland territory' to fill out the giant blot in the middle of the map.

Looking at the action list, we've managed to raise our soft cap on clay pits (but not the hard cap on hunting). @Redium, what would we need to be able to expand our herding (since we have that at "Extreme Capacity Remaining")? Also, how important is it to specify a direction for exploration?

You don't really need to expand your cap for Herding. You could take it every action for your next... two or three turns and still not hit the cap. Herding is awesome since expanding it is inherently renewable; you only start developing problems when you over graze the land and you have enough available that would be very difficult.


It doesn't look like any of these sections changed, am I right in assuming that these parts weren't updated? As Arrow Lake and the Northlands, at least as they were, should be defunct right?

Also, what does the trait for the Horned Ones as a Holy Order do for us?

They haven't been updated. The Northlands should drop off and Arrow Lake should lose a ton of prestige and be renamed South Reach.

The Horned Riders are in flux a bit at the moment. They're very strongly restricted in what territory they can operate in. Anything south of the Great River during the summer is too warm and will cause their caribou to die of heat stroke. They'd normally give you Light Cavalry (which is very strong during Skirmishes and Retreats). If you get orkers or Mastodon domesticated, they can translate to super-heavy and massive cavalry, both of which are utterly crushing in stand up battles. Mastodons are better in battle, but they require a ridiculous resource footprint. Even orkers are expensive as hell.

How are the Mountain Clans doing right now anyway? Enough to get off the dole?

Nnnnnoooooo. If anything, the Mountain Clans now depend on you even more; they've officially fractured and split into three new tribes. You're going to get quite a bit of Diplomacy next update.

So, this is weird to consider, but are the Shamans at this point the leaders, or is Luule not speaking literally here, as she is seen as the de facto leader of the People right?

All leaders are not Shaman, but a lot of shaman are leaders. The percentage of leaders who are shaman hasn't changed to much yet, but the percentage of shaman who are leaders has gone up noticeably.

In short, we're fucking rich.

@Redium Considering how you've mentioned before how we were fabulously wealthy before when compared to other Neolithic Tribes, how does this wealth of resources and luxuries make us look right now?

Does having access and control over so many trade goods provide us an economic benefit of sorts, like in trade?

You do, however, spread your wealth a lot more freely than Arrow Lake did. Arrow Lake was hugely wealthy, but you actually dragged them down on average. Your poor people were richer, but their rich people were a lot richer than yours. You've just had a greater variety of wealth than them.

You've really hit diminishing returns for trade, right now. You dominate so much of it that there's not much anyone else can trade with you. Right now, the Island Makers trade you pottery and mica while the Pearl Divers offer preserved fish, pearls, and salt; no one else has anything you want. Everyone around you is simply so poor that they can't afford to buy things from you.

Also @Redium quick question, any reason why we didn't get a 20.2 sub-turn and just went to 21.0? Also, what can we do about the Religious Authority Overcap, or will that be in the next sub-turn?

You rolled so high, you didn't need to worry about an RA problem yet. You're going to get your first problem in 21.1.

Essentially, since the Holy Orders had fresh converts in the Northlands and Arrow Lake, they were too busy spreading their power base through them that they didn't have enough time to make problems.

While stability hits usually aren't desired, this could potentially be useful. @Redium Aside from don't try to ride Orkers as a lesson, what else would this teach us anyways? As this seems similar to the fourth option in some ways.

It would push back against the idea of young men doing impressive, aggressive things. It would hurt Elitism and Ordeal, most likely.

@Redium How much would a Fire Relay help with Arrow Lake?

Not much. You're better off extending it to Hill Guard or simply building Trails.

@Redium I thought you said we could raise a second Temple at the Cave of the Stars in order to give the Horned Riders their own Temple, has that changed?

You need to build a temple for Arrow Lake first.

Huh, were they trying to control the value or did they just not want most outside goods?

More that everyone else (outside you) was too poor to really buy anything from them. Their Aesthetic value also happened to prize Lapis Lazuli more heavily than anything else.

What do the Star Shamans actually do, out of interest? What are their magics?

The Star Shaman keep the gaping Hole in the edge of reality closed. They oversee and maintain the Cave of Stars.

What happens to the Indebted of Arrow Lake? Do they become legally Debtors, thus gaining a few rights? Also, what about Arrow Lake war prisoners from before our final victory?
Also, you mentioned that the Northerners favorite festival competition is caribou riding. Does that mean that there are caribou riders that are not members of the Horned Riders? If yes, what are the differences between them? If no, what percentage of the integrated Northern makes are members of the Order?

The Indebted of Arrow Lake were mostly freed over time as they paid their Debts. They were still treated as slaves, but they elevated themselves out of it. Being a Debtor is easier to get out of than being Indebted.

Arrow Lake's war prisoners became Debtors for the most part. They were forced to work alongside the Indebted that they had once abused.

If an individual can ride a caribou, the are automatically accepted into the Horned Riders. Most of them are trained internally, within the order, but if an outsider figures things out, they're simply inducted into the order. Note: It's not possible to say no, not that anyone has ever wanted to.

Even among the Northlands, not every one of them was capable of riding caribou. You've basically transplanted the entire Order into your tribe. Things are still in flux and will need another turn to full settle down.

Vote Open!

A group of young men became... overambitious during a small, local festival. As a result, Jeree single-handedly stalled an orker for several minutes while unarmed. How is this event remembered?

[ ] [Orker] It wasn't. It was suppressed as best Luule was able so future generations would not be inspired. (+ Stab)
[ ] [Orker] It was commemorated as a lesson learned from a careless mistake. (-- Stab, + Legitimacy)
[ ] [Orker] It was to be commemorated in festival. (Annual Festival)
[ ] [Orker] It was a route cause of a deeper problem, one that needed significant thought. (???)

Pick: 3 Actions, 3 Empowerment, 1 Admin, 1 Art, and 1 Martial Action.
Annual Festival [Art] - The People deserve to party! Build morale by opening up the stockpiles and having a night of feasts, dancing, music and fun. Cost: Luxuries, Staples. Produces: Legitimacy.

Artisans [Art] [Elitism] - A very rare occupation, artisans are the group of individuals which make things beautiful. Their work can most often be found within the People's temples or adorning the bodies of the rich and powerful. To be an artisan means to be a craftsmen that's a cut above even the rest. Costs: Materials, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries.

Building Breweries [Art] [Admin] [Vendetta] - An ingenious way to make use of food that would otherwise go to waste, the People regularly make pots full of mashed grains and water that go subtly off. The resulting drink is quite bitter, but also extremely fun! Costs: Staples, Materials. Produces: Luxuries.

Clay Pits [Admin] [Art] - Dirt is not always dirt, as the People have realized. Sometimes, it is stone waiting to be formed. By finding the right source, it's possible to create numerous, useful constructs out of earth. Cost: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Materials. Significant need.

Craftsmen [Art] - For the most part, the People make their own tools. Mostly they are crude implements of bone, stone and wood, but in recent days there has been the creation of a new group. These individuals create only the finest of crafts, producing tools that last far longer than most would expect. Costs: Staples, Materials. Produces: Craftworks.

Create Warrior Clan [Might Makes Right] [Vendetta] [Elitism] [Martial] [Admin] - The People have warriors well trained in the art of killing. By diverting more young people into these professions, preparations for war can be established. In a way, it is like knapping obsidian into a knife. An action that takes deliberation and planning, forethought, to be useful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks, Luxuries. Produces: Martial.

Encourage Arborists [Admin] - While the forests provide the least of the People's food, they have provided that which is most useful. Sugar is wonderous in taste and highly sought after as a trade goods. Evergreen tea soothes aching bodies and quiets headaches. There is much to be found in the unknown, perhaps rare, but of significant value. Costs: Craftworks, Staples. Produces: Materials.

Expand Farming [Familialism] [Admin] - The People have come to realize the bounty of the world is often not enough. They need to tame it and carefully manage the foods that are so important in sating their appetites. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Staples. (Soft Cap Reached)

Expand Fishing Fleets [Familialism] [Admin] - Most of the People live close to a river and are able to gather one of numerous sources of food. Often much easier to obtain than food from hunting and much less risky, these sources of food are much more vulnerable to shifts of the seasons and that of the weather. Costs: Craftworks. Produces: Staples.

Explore (Specify Direction?) [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] [Diplomacy] - There is much to be found in the world. Countless things, often placed by the hand of the spirits themselves. It is up to the People to find them. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Can reveal new resources.

Found Settlement (includes: Brick Wall, Shrine, Sugar Shack) [Mastery of Nature] [Familialism] [Elitism] [Admin] - While the People build homes where they will, often where food or resources can easily be found, these places are settled without organization or care. By founding a formal settlement, it becomes possible for central authority to exert itself before the People become too fracas. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Staples, Luxuries, Martial. Produces: More Resource Slots. Current Settlement time based on available resources: 3 turns.

Hearty Herders [Admin] [Mastery of Nature] [Familialism] - From the North, the People have learned the art of herding beasts. It's like an extremely controlled version of the Hunt. The People protect the animals in their care, they watch over them, and in turn the animals provide the People with meat, milk, and fur, so that they are taken care of in turn. Costs: None. Produces: Staples, Luxuries.

Help Holy Orders [Art] [Martial] [Admin] [Might Makes Right] [Mastery of Nature] - The People have numerous traditions of secretive cults. Groups that practice true magic, something that is rare but unbelievably potent. Provided it is harvest reliably; many have killed themselves in this mad pursuit. Costs: Staples, Craftworks, Luxuries. Produces: Martial, Magic. (Soft Cap Reached)

Make Miners (Crystal) [Art] [Mastery of Nature] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Make Miners (Lapis Lazuli) [Art] [Mastery of Nature] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Luxuries. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Make Miners (Obsidian) [Art] Mastery of Nature] [Might Makes Right] - Stone has always been a resource used widely by the People. Not all stone, however, is created equal. Some is better than its cousins, whether because it is harder, sharper, or simply more beautiful. Costs: Staples. Produces: Craftworks. [Hard Cap Reached - Need Exploration]

Manage Hunting [Elitism] [Mastery of Nature] [Martial] - Improve upon the hunting techniques of the People. Work to increase the amount of meat that is available to consume and empower the People. A risky activity and one that requires a great investment of skill and energy, this provides the largest gains of food. Cost: Nothing. Produces: Staples, Martial. [Hard Cap Reached]

Push Unity [Elitism] [Familialism] [Diplomacy] - Long have the People valued their tradition of stories, lore from the very spirits themselves. It was within this great body of wisdom that they learned the importance of foresight and the need to always consider their children. Seven generations should be kept in mind with every action. Remind the People of their stories and how they can be used to teach and guide in the day-to-day. Cost: Nothing. Produces; Legitimacy. 0/???

Raid (Mountain Clans, South Reach, Pearl Divers, Island Makers, Peace Builders, Enemies of the Peace Builders) [Might Makes Right] [Vendetta] [Martial] - The hunting of beasts turns now into the hunting of men. Strike down those who oppose the People so that we may be kept safe. Cost: Risks Temporary Damage to Martial score. Produces: Dead Enemies.

Study (Travel, Fire, Stone, Life, Beasts, Magic) [Art] - The world works in mysterious ways. It is not incomprehensible, however, merely opaque. The People just need time in order to unravel the hidden world. Costs: Nothing. Produces: Boosted [Tagged] research.

Sugar Shack [Admin] - The trees are love, the trees are life. Their sweet nectar is something that can be easily boiled down into a substance that can only be called the blessing of the spirits. We. Need. MORE! Costs: Materials, Staples. Produces: Luxuries.

Trade Caravan [Diplomacy] [Martial] - It is clear that the People do not hold all that is significant within the world. There are other tribes that hold interesting, useful or beautiful objects. By offering up some as gifts, things that the People do not have will be provided in return. Costs: Luxuries, Staples. Produces: Diplomacy, Magic.

Trade Post [Diplomacy] [Admin] - Sometimes other people have things of interest and they come willing to the People's lands in order to offer them up! By being welcoming and accommodating, it would be easily possible to convince them to hand over an even greater fraction of their stuff. Costs: Diplomacy. Produces: Luxuries.

Prepare for Ordeal [Ordeal] [Admin] - The spirits test the People, always. These tests are ones that require careful preparation and forethought. The People will be prepared. A crisis well managed is a sign of spiritual favour, one that's botched causes the People to further suffer. Cost: Nothing. Produces: Bonus to all stability checks this turn.

Empower Actions

Select three individuals to take (1) action on the People's behalf. The same individual may be selected multiple times. Tag votes as [Empower], if someone is being empowered multiple times, use a multiple (x2, x3, etc.).

Ember-Eye Shaman
Fang Pack-Leader
Frontier Leader
Frost-Scarred Warrior
Headman of Crystal Lake
Headman of Fingers
Headman of Hill Guard
Horned Rider
Star Shaman
War Chief


Artificial River [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (6 Actions) - Prerequisites not met.

The Dam [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (6 Actions) - Inspired by the feats of ingenuity demonstrated by a large, but common, rat, the People have decided to emulate their creations on a more massive scale. By blockaded a river, it would be possible to accumulate an enormous amount of water, something that could easily be put to use. Costs: Craftworks, Materials. Produces: Staples.

The World, A Shield [Mastery of Nature] [Might Makes Right] [Martial] [Admin] (12 Actions) - Prerequisites not met.

The World in Miniature [Mastery of Nature] [Diplomacy] [Admin] (7 actions) - The world is a grand place, seemingly endless in scope. The People's exploration and search for wonders has pushed them to find a way to more effectively communicate discoveries with each other. Trail markers are a start, but they are not easily portable. More can be done. Costs: Magic? Produces: Efficiency.

A Temple, Grand [Mastery of Nature] [Elitism] [Art] (8 Actions) - Prerequisites not met.

The Sisters Three [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (6 Actions) - Prerequisites not met.

A Field of Gold [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (6 Actions) - Prerequisites not met.

Extended Projects:

Archaic Charcoal Kilns (Arrow Lake, Hill Guard, Cave of Stars) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] [Art] - The Ember-Eyes have discovered a secret of wood and fire. By carefully burning it, they can render it blackened and fragile. Somehow, this makes fire burn far hotter. How is it the elements dance when burning wood is not the same as wood cooked by fire? Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Greatly Elevated Materials Efficiency.

Extend Fire Relay (Hill Guard, Arrow Lake) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] - The Fire Relay has served as the backbone of the People's communication and movement between The Fingers and Crystal Lake for longer than memory. With the recent founding of Hill Guard, the vaunted relay no longer stitches the People from one end to the other. This oversight must be corrected. Costs: Craftworks, Staples. Produces: General Efficiency.

Raise Temple (Arrow Lake) [Admin] [Art] (2 Actions) - A ritual place where the spirits and those they touch can work. Special facilities for magic, resources, teachings and the spirits themselves are included. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Luxuries, Magic. Produces: Mysticism.

The Hill (The Fingers, Cave of Stars, Arrow Lake) [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (2 Actions) - A hill made by man. A simple construct, but one that greatly raises the defensive value of a settlement. Costs: Materials, Craftworks, Martial. Produces: Defense.

New Trails [Mastery of Nature] [Admin] (4/15 Actions) - Inspired by the Fire Relay, these small trails are cut into the innumerable forests that surround the People. Serving as akin to veins in the body, they promote the free movement of goods and people. Costs: Staples, Craftworks. Produces: Efficiency, increases Soft Resource Cap.

Note: Failing to take a [Mastery of Nature] action will cost Stability! Can Double Down at cost of 15 Stability on an action by adding a sub tag to that specific action.
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Theoretically, once we fill out the temples in the rest of our cities, could we have a Temple at the Cave of Stars settlement for every holy order?